Cellular level Option 1. Test - cellular levels

Topic: Control - generalizing lesson on the topic "Cell level of the organization of wildlife".
Tasks: generalization, control and knowledge accounting on the topic covered. In order to conduct knowledge control on the topic, the teacher must first fully pass the topic with the trainees, for which we have here, which will help you master the material. And after the topic is passed, you can make a repetition with the material that is presented here. Yes, this is a test work in the form of tests, but still testing is suitable for the actualization of knowledge so that students can all remember, and something to renderate on the lesson on the topic cellular level Living organization!
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During the classes.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Themed knowledge of knowledge.
1) Terminological dictation. Identify the terms "AutoTrophy", "Hemotrofa", "Heterotrophs", "Metabolism", "Broadcast", "Assimilation", "Dissimilation", "Broadcast", "Transcription", "Photosynthesis"
2) Test task.
Test on "Plastic and Energy Exchange in a Cage"
1. The process of copying information gene to and RNA is called:
a) transcription;
b) denaturation;
c) broadcast;
d) doubling DNA.
2. Specify a function characteristic of T-RNA:

b) DNA reduction;

d) fermentation.
3. C6H12O6 + 2ADF + 2N3RO4 * 2C3N6O3 + 2N2O + 2AF
The specified example is the process:
a) breathing;
b) the dark phase of photosynthesis;
c) glycolysis;
d) chemosynthesis.
4. 6CO2 + 6N2O + Energy * C6H12O6 + 6O2. If you turn this reaction back, then the process will turn out:
a) breathing;
b) photosynthesis;
c) glycolysis;
d) chemosynthesis.
5. Using the genetic code table, determine the protein site synthesized according to information and RNA: UUG-TSU-HCC-UAG

c) Lei - Alla - Ser - Phenyl;
d) there is no correct answer.
6. Sequence of nucleotides and-RNA complementar nucleotide sequence in:

c) one molecule T-RNA;
d) in all T-RNA molecules.
7. What is the name of the organic synthesis process due to the energy of light
a) photosynthesis
b) fermentation
c) Glycolizis
d) protein synthesis
8. Determine the gene, according to which the protein section is synthesized: Alanine - Alanine - Valin - Tyrosine:
a) TsAG-CAAP-Ata;
9. The process of translation of information and-RNA on the structure of a protein molecule is called:
a) transcription;
b) denaturation;
c) broadcast;
d) doubling DNA.
10. Specify the function characteristic of both RNA:
a) copy DNA information on the molecule and RNA;
b) DNA reduction;
c) transport amino acids and broadcast;
d) fermentation.
11. 2C3N6O3 + 2N2O + 2AF * C6H12O6 + 2ADF + 2N3RO4
The specified process occurs when:
a) breathing;
b) the dark phase of photosynthesis;
c) glycolysis;
d) the light phase of photosynthesis.
12. C6H12O6 + 6O2. * 6CO2 + 6N2O + Energy. If you turn this reaction back, then the process will turn out:
a) breathing;
b) photosynthesis
c) glycolysis;
d) chemosynthesis.
13. Using the table of genetic code, determine the protein site synthesized according to information and RNA: UUG-TSU-HCC-UAG
a) shaft phenyl - the end of the synthesis;
b) lei - ala - the end of the synthesis;
c) Lei - Alla - Ser - Phenyl;
d) There is no correct answer here.
14. Sequence of nucleotides and RNA complementar of the nucleotide sequence in:
a) two chains of DNA molecules;
b) one chain of the DNA molecule;
c) one molecule T-RNA;
d) in all T-RNA molecules.
15. Determine the gene, according to the information of which the Protein section is synthesized: Alanine - Alanine - Valin - Tyrosine:
a) TsAG-CAAP-Ata;
16. What processes in the cell are assimilated?
A) Glycolizis
B) protein synthesis
C) fermentation
D) splitting fat
17. In which part of the cell leaks glycoliz?
A) in cytoplasm
B) in ribosomes
C) in mitochondria
D) in the kernel
18. At what stage of dissimulation, the polymers split to the monomers?
A) oxygen stage
B) Glycolizis
C) on the preparatory
D) at all stages
19. How many ATP molecules is formed in a cell with full oxidation of one glucose molecule to carbon dioxide and water?
A) 2.
B) 38.
AT 4
D) 36.
20. When when at photosynthesis, oxygen is released?
BUT) synthesis ATF.
B) glucose synthesis
C) photoliz of water
D) Synthesis Nadf

Read the text, write numbers in the sequence that reflects the protein biosynthesis process in the cell.
1. The formation of peptide bonds between amino acids.
2. Synthesis and RNA on DNA.
3. Connection T-RNA with amino acids.
4. Moving and RNA from the kernel to the ribosome
5. Interaction T-RNA with and RNA.
6. Moving ribosomes on and-RNA.
7. Disconnecting the polypeptide chain from ribosomes.
3) find out the cells of the cell (on the screen using the multimedia of the projector are shown slides with the image of organlel cells, students must write the number of organelles and its name)
1-core, 2-mitochondria, 3-lisosoma, 4-ribosome, 5- complex of the Golges, 6-EPS, 7-membrane, 8 - chloroplastic.
III. Homework: repeat mitosis.

B-9 Test "Cellular Level" Option number 1

A1. Cell theory formulated:

1) T. Svann and M. Shleden 2) Mendel and T. Svann 3) N. Vavilov and Mendel

A2. The main component of the kernel are

1) Ribosomes 2) chromosome 3) mitochondria 4) chloroplasts

A3. What cellides contain chlorophyll molecules

1) Ribosomes 2) plasts 3) mitochondria 4) Golgi complex

A4. Organoisms consisting of a special type of ribonucleic acids located on the granular endoplasmic network and involved in the biosynthesis of protein, it is -

1) lysosomes 2) mitochondria 3) ribosome 4) chloroplasts

A5. Protein synthesis occurs in

1) Golgi 2) Ribosomes 3) smooth endoplasmic network 4) Lysosomes

A6. Yazryshko is a place of education

1) DNA 2) chromosome 3) lysosom 4) ribosome

A7. Somatic cells, unlike genually, contain:

1) Haploid set chromosome 2) RNA 3) diploid set chromosome 4) DNA

A8. Procarniot multiplies:

1) division 2) by killing 3) sexual way 4)

A9. Organisms synthesizing organic substances Due to the energy of the Sun, they are called:

A10. Organisms living in other living organisms are called:

A11. The process of decomposition of water in plants cells under the influence of sunlight is called

1) oxidation reaction 2) Recovery reaction 3) photosynthesis 4) photo gallery

A12. The light phase of photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight for the synthesis of molecules

1) Lipid 2) proteins 3) nucleic acids 4) ATP

A13. Information on the sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule is rewritten in the kernel with a DNA molecule on molecules

1) ATP 2) p-RNA 3) T-RNA 4) and-RNA

A14. The process of synthesis and-RNA and its delivery to the ribosome is called:

A15. Nucleotide and complementary nucleotide

1) A 2) T 3) g 4) C.

A16. The period of preparation of the cell to divide is called:

1) anAphase 2) interfac 3) elephant 4) metaphase

A17. The formation of the equatorial plane occurs in

A18. What function is performed in the lysosome cell?

A19. The DNA portion in which information about the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of the protein is called:

A20. The combination of reactions of decay of substances cells accompanied by the release of energy is

In tasks B1-B3

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that belong to the kernel

1) Contains DNA 2) regulates all protein synthesis processes, metabolism and energy

3) contains all prokaryotov 4) contains all eukaryotov

5) Organic substances from inorganic are synthesized in the kernel

AT 2. The plastic exchange is different from the energy:

1) Energy is inhibited in ATP 4) molecules) occurs organic matter

2) Energy stored in ATP, spent 5) ProductsCo. 2 I. H. 2 O.

3) organic substances are synthesized 6) proteins are formed

In the Q4- B6 task, set the match. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

AT 4. Install the correspondence between the features of metabolism and groups of organisms

Feature of metabolism

Group of organisms

A) selection of oxygen into the atmosphere

1) Avtotrophy

B) the use of finished organic substances

2) heterotrophs

C) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic

D) the use of energy stored in food, for the synthesis of ATP

E) use of sunlight for organic substance synthesis

AT 5. Install the correspondence between the characteristics and processes of protein synthesis

Process characteristic

Stage of protein synthesis

A) Synthesis and RNA

1) Transcription

2) broadcast

D) delivery and RNA to ribosome


Phase mitosis

1) Anphasis

2) Interfhaza


4) Bulfasa

5) Metafaza

C1. The fragment of the DNA molecule, on which the molecule and RNA is synthesized, has the following nucleotide sequence: A-T-A-M-C-T-Mr. A-C-Mr.-A-Ts-T. Set the nucleotide sequence of the site and RNA, which is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B-9 Test "Cellular Level" Option number 2

When performing A1-A20 tasks from the proposed answer options, select the one you consider correctly. 1 score for each true task.

A1. The system of flat tanks with spindlers from them, ending bubbles

1) kernel 2) mitochondria 3) cellular center 4) Golgi complex

A2. Chloroplast can be found in the presence in it

1) Crysta 2) cavities and tanks 3) Grand 4) nucleoli

A3. All cell applications are located in

1) cytoplasm 2) Golgi complex 3) kernel 4) endoplasmic network

A4. Crysts are in

1) vacuoles 2) plaststs 3) chromosomes 4) mitochondria

A5. Chloroplasts in the plant cell perform functions

1) storage hereditary information 2) transport of organic substances

3) oxidation of organic substances 4) formation of organic substances

A6. The capture of the cell of the droplets of the liquid with the solutes is called:

1) phagocytosis 2) pinocytosis 3) digestion

A7. The motion organoids belongs:

1) chloroplasts 2) cilia 3) ribosome 4) endoplasmic network

A8. Splitting lipids to glycerol and fatty acids occurs in

1) Preparatory Stage of Energy Exchange 2) Glycolysis Process

3) oxygen stages Energy Exchange 4) During Plastic Exchange

A9. Organisms synthesizing organic substances at the expense of e chemical district, called:

1) heterotrophs 2) chemotrofas 3) phototrophropes 4) autotrophic

A10. The light phase of photosynthesis occurs on the membranes:

1) Mitochondria 2) lysosom 3) EPS 4) chloroplasts

A11. What gas accumulates in the atmosphere due to the vital activity of plants

A12. The role of transport RNA in eukaryot cell is

1) transmission of information on the structure of proteins 2) transport amino acids to ribosomam

3) Transport IRNK from kernel in cytoplasm 4) doubling information

A13. Ribosomes participating in the synthesis of the same protein encoded in and RNA is

1) Ribosomes 2) Polisomas 3) Galoni 4) T-RNA

A14. What triplet in the molecule of information RNA corresponds to the code triplet of the AAT in the DNA molecule

1) UU 2) TTA 3) GHz 4) CCA

A15. Chromosome spiralization occurs in

1) Anafase 2) Bulfase 3) Proofase 4) metaphase

A16. Separation of cells, chromosome spinning and the formation of a nuclear shell occurs in

1) Anafase 2) Bulfase 3) Proofase 4) metaphase


A18. What function performs the cell center in the cell

A19. When photosenthesis, oxygen is formed as a result

A20. A set of reactions for biological synthesis of substances in a cell is

1) DISSIMITION 2) Assimilation 3) Glycoliz 4) metabolism

In tasks B1-B3Choose three correct answers from six offered. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers. 2 points for true task

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those that belong to the plasts

1) participate in protein synthesis 4) contain DNA

2) participate in photosynthesis 5) consist of 2 membranes

3) Perform transport function 6) are energy stations cells

AT 2. In the light phase of photosynthesis occurs

1) Synthesis of ATF Molecules from ADP 4) Glikoliz water

2) carbon dioxide absorption 5) spending ATP molecules

3) Glucose formation 6) oxygen formation

IN 3. Avtotropy in contrast to heterotrophs

IN 3. From the proposed characteristics, select those related to mitochondria

1) Contains DNA 4) regulates all protein synthesis processes, metabolism and energy

2) participate in the synthesis of protein 5) synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - Crysta

In the Q4-B6 tasks, set compliance. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

2 points for the correct task.

AT 4. Install the correspondence between characteristics and organoids

Specific traits

Groups of organisms

A) participate in protein synthesis

1) Ribosomes

B) cell power stations

2) Mitochondria

C) covered with two membranes

D) are on rough EPS

E) the inner membrane has protrusions - Crysta

E) form in nucleists

AT 5. Set the correspondence between the nucleotide sequence in DNA and and RNA

DNA nucleotide sequence

The sequence of nucleotides and-RNA

A) T-M-C

1) U-c-g

B) A-M-C

2) a-c-y

C) T-c-g

3) a-c-g

D) a-c-g

4) U -G-C

E) T-Mr

5) A-M-C

AT 6. Install the correspondence between the processes occurring in the mitosis phases with mitosis phases


Phase mitosis

A) formation of chromosomes with 2 chromatids, doubling DNA and organoids

1) Anphasis

B) increasing the kernel, the destruction of the nuclear shell, the formation of the separation of the division

2) Interfhaza

C) the formation of the equatorial plane, attaching the threads of the vertene to centrilas


D) the discrepancy of chromosomes to the poles of the cell along the spinner of the division

4) Bulfasa

E) disappearance of spray separation, division of cytoplasm and the formation of new cell membranes

5) Metafaza

C1. The fragment of the DNA molecule, on which the molecule is synthesized and-RNA has the following sequence of nucleotides: T-C-M-A-A-T-A-Mr. C-T-Mr. A-Tt. Set the nucleotide sequence of the site and RNA, which is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B-9 Test "Cellular Level" Option number 3

A1. . One of the provisions of the cell theory is the following:

1) New cells are formed only from bacterial cells.

2) New cells are formed only as a result of the division of the source cells.

3) new cells are formed from the old cell

4) New cells are formed with a simple division in half.

A2. The ribosome includes

1) DNA 2) and RNA 3) r-RNA 4) T-RNA

A3. Lizosomes in the cage are formed in

1) endoplasmic network 2) mitochondria 3) cell center 4) Golgi complex

A4. Unlike chloroplasts of mitochondria

1) have a double membrane 2) have their own DNA 3) have grains 4) have cristes

A5. What function performs the cell center in the cell

1) takes part in cell division 2) is the keeper of hereditary information

3) responsible for protein biosynthesis 4) is the center of matrix ribosomal RNA synthesis

A6. What function is performed in the lysosome cell?

1) break biopolymers to monomers 2) oxidize glucose to carbon dioxide and water

3) Synthesis of organic substances 4) carry out the synthesis of glucose polysaccharides

A7. Prokaryotes are organisms in which there is no

1) cytoplasm 2) kernel 3) membrane 4) DNA

A8. Organisms that do not need oxygen for vital activity are called:

1) Anaeroba 2) eukaryotes 3) aerobes 4) prokaryotes

A9. Complete oxygen splitting of substances (the 3rd stage of energy metabolism) occurs in:

A10. A set of reactions for biological synthesis of substances in a cell is

1) DISSIMITION 2) Assimilation 3) Glycoliz 4) metabolism

A11. Organisms, organic substances from external environment, called:

A12. Photoliz of water occurs in a cage in

1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) chloroplasts 4) endoplasmic network

A13. When photosenthesis, oxygen is formed as a result

1) PHOTOLIZ of water 2) decomposition of carbon dioxide 3) glucose decomposition 4) ATP synthesis

A14. The primary structure of the protein molecule, given by the sequence of Nucleotides of the IRNK, is formed in the process

1) broadcast 2) transcription 3) reduction 4) denaturation

A15. The DNA portion in which information about the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of the protein is called:

1) gene 2) triplet 3) nucleotide 4) chromosome

A16. The division process somatic cells With the preservation of the diploid set of chromosomes - this

1) transcription 2) broadcast 3) reproduction 4) mitosis

A17. What triplet on DNA corresponds to the codon of the UGTs on and-RNA?

1) THC 2) AGTS 3) TCG 4) ACG

A18. The destruction of the nuclear shell and the formation of the separation of the division occurs in

1) Anafase 2) Bulfase 3) Proofase 4) Promethaze

A19. Doubling all organoids occurs in

In Q1-B2 tasksChoose three correct answers from six offered. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers. 2 points for true task

1) Contains DNA 4) regulates all protein synthesis processes, metabolism and energy

2) participate in the synthesis of protein 5) synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - Crysta

1) organic matter synthesize 4) use the energy of the sun

2) absorb organic substances from outside 5) contain chloroplasts

3) feed on dead organisms 6) exist on living organisms

2 points for the correct task.

IN 3. Set the correspondence between the characteristics of the plastic and the view of the plastic

Specific traits

Groups of organisms

A) participate in photosynthesis

1) leukoplasts

B) a lot in the cells of flowers and fruits

2) Chloroplasts

3) chromoplasts

D) colorful

D) painted in green

AT 4. Install the correspondence between the characteristics and processes of protein synthesis

Process characteristic

Stage of protein synthesis

A) Synthesis and RNA

1) Transcription

B) amino acid delivery T-RNA to Ribosome

2) broadcast

C) reading information Ribosome with and RNA

D) delivery and RNA to ribosome

E) translation of the sequence of nucleotides and-RNA into the sequence of amino acids

C1. The DNA molecule fragment on which the molecule is synthesized and-RNA has the following sequence of nucleotides: C-C-M-A-T-T-A-T-TC-A-C-G-C. Set the nucleotide sequence of the site and RNA, which is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

B-9 Test "Cellular Level" Option number 4

When performing A1-A19 tasks from the proposed answer options, select the one you consider correctly. 1 score for each true task.

A1. The structure and functions of the plasma membrane are due to those in its molecules:

1) glycogen and starch 2) DNA and ATP 3) proteins and lipids 4) fiber and glucose

A2. Cellic organoid containing DNA molecule

1) Ribosome 2) Chloroplast 3) Cellular Center 4) Golgie Complex

A3. Golgi complex in the cell can be recognized by the presence in it

1) cavities and tanks with bubbles at the ends 2) of the branched tubuine system

3) Cryst on the inner membrane 4) of two membranes surrounding the plural

A4. On ribosomes, cells are:

1) Photosynthesis 2) Synthesis proteins 3) Synthesis ATP 4) DNA replication

A5. The main function of mitochondria

1) Synthesis DNA 2) protein biosynthesis 3) combustion of organic substances 4) carbohydrate synthesis

A6. What kind of organoid provides transport substances in the cell?

1) Chloroplasts 2) Mitochondria 3) Ribosome 4) endoplasmic network

A7. Colorless plaststs are:

1) chloroplasts 2) leukoplasts 3) chromoplasts

A8. The first stage (preparatory) of the energy exchange occurs in:

1) mitochondria 2) lysosomes 3) cytoplasm 4) chloroplasts

A9. The combination of reactions of decay of substances cells accompanied by the release of energy is

1) DISSIMITION 2) Assimilation 3) Glycoliz 4) metabolism

A10. Organisms feed on dead residues are called:

A11. In the process of photosynthesis occurs

1) Synthesis of carbohydrates and oxygen release 2) evaporation of water and oxygen absorption

3) gas exchange and assimilation of fat 4) hydrogenation of carbon dioxide and protein assimilation

A12. The combination of the synthesis reactions of organic substances from inorganic using light energy is called

1) chemosynthesis 2) photosynthesis 3) fermentation 4) glycolysis

A13. The principle of complementarity underlies education hydrogen ties between

1) amino acids and protein molecules 2) nucleotides in the DNA molecule

3) glycerin and fatty acid in fat molecule 4) glucose in fiber molecule

A14. Translation of the nucleotide sequence of the molecule and-RNA into the sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule is called:

1) Transcription 2) Biosynthesis 3) Broadcast 4) Reduction

A15. Which triplet on DNA corresponds to the codon of UGTs on the IRNA

1) THC 2) AGTS 3) TCG 4) ACG.

A16. Reducing DNA occurs in

1) Anafase 2) Bulfase 3) Interfase 4) metaphase

A17. The discrepancy of chromosomes to the poles of the cell occurs in

1) Anafase 2) Bulfase 3) Proofase 4) metaphase

A18. As a result of the dark phase of photosynthesis formed:

1) oxygen 2) water 3) organic substances 4) ATP

A19. What gas accumulates in the atmosphere due to the vital activity of plants

1) carbon dioxide 2) nitrogen oxide 3) oxygen 4) hydrogen

In Q1-B2 tasksChoose three correct answers from six offered. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers. 2 points for true task

IN 1. From the proposed characteristics, select those related to mitochondria

1) Contains DNA 4) regulates all protein synthesis processes, metabolism and energy

2) participate in the synthesis of protein 5) synthesize organic substances from inorganic

3) covered with two membranes 6) The inner membrane has protrusions - Crysta

AT 2. Avtotropy in contrast to heterotrophs

1) organic matter synthesize 4) use the energy of the sun

2) absorb organic substances from outside 5) contain chloroplasts

3) feed on dead organisms 6) exist on living organisms

In Q3-B4 tasks, set compliance. Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

2 points for the correct task.

IN 3. Install the correspondence between the structure, the function of organoids and their type

Building and function


1) Mitochondria

2) Chloroplasts

C) follow in the formation of oxygen

D) cell power stations

D) painted in green

E) follow in photosynthesis

AT 4. Install the correspondence between the processes occurring in the mitosis phases with mitosis phases


Phase mitosis

A) formation of chromosomes with 2 chromatids, doubling DNA and organoids

1) Anphasis

B) increasing the kernel, the destruction of the nuclear shell, the formation of the separation of the division

2) Interfhaza

C) the formation of the equatorial plane, attaching the threads of the vertene to centrilas


D) the discrepancy of chromosomes to the poles of the cell along the spinner of the division

4) Bulfasa

E) disappearance of spray separation, division of cytoplasm and the formation of new cell membranes

5) Metafaza

C1. The fragment of the DNA molecule, on which the molecule and RNA is synthesized, has the following sequence of nucleotides: A-A-M-C-T-Mr. C-C-A-Mr. T-T-Mr. Set the nucleotide sequence of the site and RNA, which is synthesized on this DNA fragment.

Choose one right answer out of four.

A 1. After the appearance of an electronic microscope, scientists opened in a cage:

Kernel 3) vacuol Ribosomes 4) chloroplasts

A 2. In the table below between the positions of the first and second column

there is a relationship.

Object process

ribosome protein synthesis in organism cells

cell membrane ...

In this table, enter:

1) Synthesis of fats

2) transport substances

3) Synthesis ATP

4) cell division

And 3. The hereditary apparatus of the cell is located in

2) Ribosome

3) Vacuole

4) Machine Golgi

And 4. The cell of the plant from the animal cell you differ by:

The presence of the cell membrane, the absence of the kernel by the presence of chloroplasts by the presence of mitochondria

A 5. Cellular structures formed by DNA and protein are called:

Mitochondria chromosomes with chloroplasts by the Mitochondria

And 6. The protein in the cage is synthesized:

On ribosomes in the kernel in lysosomes on smooth eps

A 7. Digestion of food particles and removing dead cells occurs in the body using:

Machinery of the Holly Endoplasmic Lizosome Ribosome

And 8. What function is performed by the cell center

Participates in division of cells involved in the synthesis of proteins participates in the transportation of organic substances involved in splitting substances

A 9. The inner membrane mitochondria forms:

Grains 2) Chromatin 3) Crysta 4) Stroms

And 10. Organoid, which can independently multiply:

EPS 2) Mitochondria 3) core 4) Ribosome

In 1. Install the match

In 2. Insert the missed terms from the proposed list into the text.

Cellular organoids are performed various functionsproviding the vital activity of the cell. For example, in chloroplasts of plant cells, _______________, and on ribosomes, ____________ is synthesized. In mitochondria, it is produced and accumulated ____________, and the kernel stores __________.

Transportation Substances 4-hereditary information Photosynthesis 5- ATF Starch 6-protein

In 3. Select three correct answers from six.

Select processes, as a result of which energy is in the cell:

Biosynthesis proteins doubling DNA photosynthesis oxidation of nutrients oxless breathing cell division

Mrou "Olkhovat Central Secondary School"

Test According to biology for students of grade 9 on the topic: "Cell»

Amounted to: Biryukova A.E


1. How the organoid cells can be compared with blood system vertebrates?

1) cell membrane

2) endoplasmic network

3) Vakolol.

4) Ribosoma

2. The terms "Cell" and "Mitochondria" there are a certain relationship. The same link exists between the term "plant" and one of the 4 terms below. Determine this term.

1) Vakolol

3) photosynthesis

4) mineral nutrition

3. In the organs of the digestion of a person, the protein is split up to

1) glycerin and fatty acids

2) amino acids

3) glucose

4) carbon dioxide and water

4. What science is studying chemical composition, the structure and processes of vital cells of the cell?

1) Histology

2) Embryology

3) Ecology

4) Cytology

5. AIDS causative agent is

2) bacteria

3) Unicellular mushroom

4) simplest

6. What function in the cell performs the ATP molecule?

1) Protective

2) transport

3) Energy

4) reference

7. Chromatids are

1) portions of double chromosome

2) sections of chromosomes containing genes

3) Ring DNA Molecules

4) Whole chromosomal cell set

8. What are the organoid participating in the assembly of protein molecules?

1) Mitochondria

2) Lizosoma

3) Golgi Complex

4) Ribosoma

9. K. non-cell form Life belongs:

1) malaria plasmodium

2) the causative agent of abdominal

3) flu virus

4) mushroom dispute

10. After the appearance of an electronic microscope, scientists opened in a cage:

2) Ribosomes

3) Vakolol.

4) Chloroplasts

11. Any live cell is capable of:

1) metabolism

3) Movement

4) Signs

12. The cell membrane consists mainly of:

1) proteins and lipids

2) Lipid

3) proteins and carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

13. For the first time described the plant cell:

1) A. Levenguk

2) K. Timiryazev

14. In mitochondria occurs:

1) Synthesis of carbohydrates

2) ATP accumulation

3) Lizosoma Education

4) photosynthesis

15. Proteins in a cage are synthesized in:

1) in cytoplasm

2) in lysosomes

3) on ribosomes

4) in the Golgi complex

16. Transport RNA is:

3) Enzyme

4) nucleic acid

7. According to cell theory in eukaryotic cells, there is necessarily:

    cell wall

  1. platids

18. Chloroplasts in contrast to mitochondria are in cells:

2) Animals

3) Algae

4) all bacteria

19. The Golgjie complex in the cell can be recognized by the presence in it:

1) cavities and tanks with bubbles at the ends

2) branched tubuine system

3) 2 membranes, criste on the inner membrane

4) 2 membranes forming multiple Gran

20. Mitochondria can be found by her:

2) Chlorophyll

3) chromosomes

21. Citoplasma in the cell does not fulfill the function:

1) transport substances

2) internal environment

3) communication between the core and organoids

4) Photosynthesis

22. Proteins produced in the body when bacteria or viruses penetrate into it, perform a function:

1) Regulatory

2) signaling

3) Protective

4) enzymatic

23. DNA is the level of organization of wildlife:

1) Cellular

2) Molecular

3) Organism

4) population

24. Squirrels capable of accelerating chemical reactionsPerform a function in the cell:

1) Hormonal

2) signaling

3) enzymatic

4) information

Explanatory note.

The main tasks of modernization russian education Until 2010, it is an increase in its availability, quality and efficiency, it assumes primarily a significant update of the content of everything general Education, bring it in line with the requirements of the time and tasks of the development of society. To this end since 2006-2009 school year In the Russian Federation began an experiment on the implementation of an independent system for assessing the quality of education in the framework of the GIA on biology of graduates of graduates of general educational institutions new form.

Biology as science.

2. Delivers of living organisms.

3. Subject, manifold and evolution of wildlife.


5. The presentation of the organizes I. ambient.

The second block "signs of living organisms" is presented with assignments that inspect the material on the structure, features and variety of cells, so it is advisable to conduct control work on the topic "Cellular level" when preparing for the exam

Purpose: Check the level of knowledge of students grade 9 on the topic: Cellular level »

List of textbooks, materials and documents used in the development of test work:

1) Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov K.A., Book V.V. "Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology. " Tutorial for grade 9 general education educational institutions. Drop Moscow-2009.

2) GIA in a new form. Grade 9. GIA 2010. G.I. Lerner "Biology" Training tasks. Moscow "Eksmo" - 2009.

3) Federal Institute Pedagogical measurements. EGE-2009. Biology. Real tasks. AST Astrel. Moscow

4) The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements of GIA 2010 in a new form, biology. Grade 9. AST Astrel. Moscow

Checked section federal state Standard: "Cell". The test includes 24 tasks (part a), with the choice of one faithful response from 4 proposed. Criteria for evaluation:

For the right execution of 1 tasks -1 score.

For all the work, 24 points.

8 points - Rating "2"

9-12 points- "3"

13- 20 points- "4" Denis_Maydanov _-_ 48_CHASOV

20- 24 points - "5"

Table of correct answers

Quest Number

1 option
On the membranes granular EPS are located: 1) mitochondria; 2) ribosomes;
3) chloroplasts; 4) lysosomes.
The mushroom cell wall contains: 1) chitin; 2) cellulose; c) Murein; 4) Glycogen.
Plant cells differ from animal cells: 1) multi-core; 2) the presence of flagellations; 3) the absence of a cell wall; 4) the presence of a cell wall.
What is the name of internal structures Mitochondria? 1) marriage; 2) Crysta;
3) thylacoids; 4) Strom.
Synthesis of protein occurs in: 1) Golgi apparatus; 2) ribosomes; 3) Smooth EPS;
4) lysosomes.
What organides in the cells of the muscle tissue will be more in flying birds compared to the low-flying? 1) EPS; 2) lysosomes; 3) plastids; 4) Mitochondria.
In lysosomes occurs: 1) protein synthesis; 2) cleavage of organic substances; 3) photosynthesis; 4) glucose synthesis.
Provides the transfer of hereditary information from the maternal cell to a subsidiary: 1) EPS; 2) the Golgie complex; 3) chromosome; 4) Ribosome.
In the plant cell, the transformation of solar energy occurs in: 1) the kernel; 2) shell; 3) vacuole; 4) chloroplasts.
What is the name of the semi-liquid medium of the cell in which the kernel is located? 1) vacuole; 2) cytoplasm; 3) lysosome; 4) cellular juice.
In which organodes occurs cellular breathing? 1) central cells of the cellular center; 2) bubbles of the Golgi complex; 3) on the internal membranes of mitochondria; 4) vacuoles with cellular juice.
What is the name of the two-combed organoid of cytoplasm, characteristic only for vegetable cells? 1) Golgi complex; 2) lysosome; 3) Mitochondria; 4) Chloroplast
In which organides of the cells polymers split to the monomers? 1) in ribosomes; 2) in chloroplasts; 3) in mitochondria; 4) in lysosomes.
To distinguish mitochondria from other organoid cells by the presence of them: 1) one outer membrane; 2) green pigment; 3) folds on internal membranes; 4) exterior cilia.
What structures are removed from the cell simultaneously with the removal of the kernel? 1) mitochondria; 2) chloroplasts; 3) chromosomes; 4) Ribosomes
The composition of biological membranes does not include: 1) proteins; 2) lipids; 3) carbohydrates; 4) nucleic acids
What is the name of the two-grated organoid cytoplasm cells containing its own DNA molecules? 1) EPS; 2) lysosome; 3) vacuole; 4) Mitochondria.
Digestion of food particles and removing dead cells occurs in the body using: 1) of the Golgi apparatus; 2) lysosomes; 3) an endoplasmic network; 4) Ribosoma.
What function is performed in the ribosome cell? 1) the carbohydrates synthesize; 2) carry out proteins synthesis; 3) split proteins to amino acids; 4) participate in the accumulation of inorganic substances.

Eukaryotic cell membrane organoids do not include: a) lysosomes;
b) vacuole; c) cell center; d) ribosomes; e) flagella; e) plasts.
Indicate scientists who contributed to the development of cell theory. a) R. Virchov;
b) V. Vernadsky; c) T. Svann; d) Mendel; e) M. Shleden; e) T. Morgan.
Set compliance:
Between the characteristic and organoid cell.
Characteristics of organoid cells
A) The inner membrane forms cristes.
B) the main function is the synthesis of ATP.
B) consists of two subunits.
D) the main function - protein synthesis.
E) two-faceted organoid.
E) non-smiled organoid. 1) ribosomes;
2) Mitochondria.
Between the function of the cell organide and its name.
Function organide name
A) digestion of substances that entered the cell by endocytosis.
B) the destruction of unnecessary cells of the structures.
C) accumulation of lipid and carbohydrates transported on the EPS.
D) the formation of lysosomes.
E) secretion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, packed in bubbles.
(E) Self-destruction of a cell that occurs as a result of the release of the cells of the Lizosomes of the cell with its death or rebirth. 1) Golgi complex;
2) lysosomes.
Between the sign and organoid of the plant cell, for which this feature is characteristic.
Sign of organid
A) represents the cavity-tank
B) has a double membrane
C) filled (-A) cellular juice
D) contains photosynthetic pigments
E) separated from the cytoplasm of one membrane
E) synthesize starch from carbon dioxide and water 1) vacuol
2) Chloroplast
Insert the missed terms

1. Organoid, which is several membrane discs, stack, is called (1 ...). In the cell, it performs a variety of functions, the main of which is the formation of other single-grated organoids - (2 ...). They contain protein nature substances - digestive (3 ...). Nemembrained organoids are (4 ...), in which protein biosynthesis occurs, as well as the cellular center and microtubules, which play the main role in education (5 ...) - the inner frame of the cell.
(Cytoskeleton, Golgi, Lizosoma, Ribosomes, Enzymes.)
2. Mutual organides of most eukaryotic cells are mitochondria. They are often called (1 ...) stations. They have a double membrane: the outer smooth and inner, forming increased (2 ...), on which are located (3 ...), carrying out the synthesis of molecules (4 ...).
(enzyme; ATP; polysaccharide; energy; tank; DNA; plastically; Crysta.)
Option 2
1. Select one correct answer:
The cytoplasm in the cell does not fulfill the function: 1) transport of substances; 2) internal environment; 3) communication between the core and organoisides; 4) transfer of hereditary information.
To organisms that do not have cellular structurebelong: 1) Knobyanka;
2) mushrooms; 3) prokaryotes; 4) viruses.
What kind of organic is the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic in the plant cell? 1) ribosome; 2) vacuole; 3) chloroplast; 4) Mitochondria.
Genes are in: 1) chromosomes; 2) Golgi apparatus; 3) lysosomes; 4) Ribosomes.
The nuclear membrane continues in the membranes: 1) mitochondria; 2) chloroplasts; 3) an endoplasmic network; 4) lysosomes.
To distinguish chloroplasts from other organoid cells by the presence of: 1) of one outer membrane; 2) greenery pigment; 3) Ribosoma; 4) exterior cilia.
In the cells of multicellular animals, digestion of food particles and removal of dead cells is carried out with: 1) of the Golgi apparatus; 2) mitochondria; 3) contracting vacuoles; 4) lysosomes.
Organide, which has many folds on the inner membrane, is: 1) mitochondria; 2) the Golgie complex; 3) endoplasmic network; 4) Ribosome.
In addition to the cell kernel, it can be stored and transmitting hereditary information: 1) mitochondria and chloroplasts; 2) Machinery and vacuole; 3) ribosomes and centrioles; 4) lysosomes and EPS.
In which organic matter is accumulated about the supply of organic substances? 1) lysosome; 2) vacuole; 3) kernel; 4) EPS.
In which organide of plants cells take photosynthesis? 1) Ribosome; 2) chloroplast; 3) mitochondria; 4) vacuole.
In which organides of human cells is formed carbon dioxide, allocated during the respiratory process? 1) kernel; 2) mitochondria; 3) ribosomes; 4) lysosomes.
In ribosomes, processes occur: 1) DNA replication; 2) synthesis of IRNA; 3) protein synthesis; 4) TRNA synthesis.
The endoplasmic network in the cell: 1) carries out the transport of organic substances; 2) degradates the cell from the environment or other cells; 3) participates in the formation of energy; 4) Keeps hereditary information on the signs and properties of the cell.
Functions, which cellular structure are similar to the functions of the bodies of the body in animals? 1) kernel; 2) lysosome; 3) EPS; 4) Cell membrane.
What process takes place in cell mitochondria? 1) oxidation of organic substances; 2) the formation of complex organic substances; 3) accumulation of some metabolic products; 4) destruction of alien substances
Luke Skin Cell and Man Skin Cell Contain: 1) Lands; 2) cellulose cell walls; 3) vacuole with cellular juice; 4) Mitochondria
Chloroplasts are often called a "living factory", because they: 1) have a green color, which will recognize insect pollinators; 2) synthesize organic substances from inorganic; 3) consists of plant and animal cells; 4) capable of forming carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen
Organide on which ribosomes are: 1) chloroplast; 2) cell membrane; 3) Golgi devices; 4) endoplasmic network
2. Select a few correct answers:
The Golgi apparatus is found in cells: a) animals; b) bacteria; c) mushrooms;
d) plants; e) viruses; e) blue-green algae.
Single-dimmable organides in the cell are: a) chloroplasts; b) ribosomes; c) Golgi devices; d) an endoplasmic network; e) mitochondria; e) lysosomes.
3. Install compliance:

A) are located on the granular EPS.
B) protein synthesis.
C) photosynthesis.
D) consist of two subunits.
E) consist of a grain with tylacoids.
E) form the polis. 1) ribosomes;
2) chloroplasts.
Between the presence of these organoids and the type of cells.
Organo types of cells
A) mitochondria.
B) Cell wall.
C) core.
D) Golgi apparatus.
E) nucleoid.
E) flagella. 1) animal liver cell;
2) bacterial cell.
Between the characteristics of the structure and features and organoids of the cell.
Features of organoid organoids
A) oxidation of organic substances.
B) single-dimmable organoid.
C) two-faceted organoid.
D) Synthesis ATP.
E) carries out the destruction of foods, organoids, cells.
E) Little bubble 0.5 μm, containing a large set of enzymes. 1) mitochondria;
2) lysosomes.
Insert the missed terms
(Fill in the pass in the text using the words allocated in italics)
1. In the plant cell there are semi-autonomous organoids: (1 ...) and plastids. They have two (2 ...): external - smooth, and inner - folded. The plasts are three types: (3 ...), in which photosynthesis occurs (4 ...), which have pigments of red and yellow, (5 ...), in which the supply of nutrients accumulates.
(Mitochondria, leukoplasts, chloroplasts, membranes, chromoplasts).
2. Cellular organides perform various functions that provide the vital activity of the cell. Thus, in chloroplasts of plant cells (1 ...), and on ribosomes synthesized (2 ...). The energy function is carried out (3 ...), and the function of storing and transmitting hereditary information performs (4 ...).
(breathing; photosynthesis; Machinery, core; mitochondria; protein; starch; vacuol)
1 option
1. Select one correct answer:

2 1 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 2
2. Select a few correct answers:
1. in; R; D.
2. A; IN; D.
3. Install compliance:
2 2 1 1 2 1
2 2 1 1 1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2

1. Golgi apparatus
2. Lizosomes
3. Enzymes
4. Ribosomes
5. cytoskeleton2)
1. Energy
2. Crysta
3. Enzymes
4. ATF
Option 2
1. Select one correct answer:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 4 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 4 2 4
2. Select a few correct answers:
1. A; IN; G.
2. in; R; E.
3. Install compliance:
1 1 2 1 2 1
1 2 1 1 2 2
1 2 1 1 2 2
4. Insert the missed terms
1. Mitochondria
2. Membranes
3. Chloroplasts
4. Chromoplasts
5. Leukoplasts
1. Photosynthesis
2. Belok.
3. Mitochondria
4. Nucleus