Population of Belgorod. Population of Belgorod

Population censuses are the only source of information on the ethnic composition of the population. Information on nationality during the 2010 All-Russian Population Census was collected in full accordance with Article 26 of the Constitution. Russian Federation- according to the self-determination of the respondents.

The results of the 2010 IPN showed the changes that took place in the ethnic composition of the region's population over the last intercensal period, which are due to the action of three factors. The first factor is related to differences in natural reproduction. The second factor is the processes in external migration. The third factor is associated with the processes of changing ethnic identity under the influence of mixed marriages and other factors.
When considering the national composition of the population, it should also be borne in mind that the population of certain nationalities could be influenced by the fact that the population had the right not to answer the question of nationality.

The 2010 All-Russian Population Census has once again confirmed that our region is multinational.

According to the 2010 IPN, representatives of 161 nationalities and ethnic groups live in the region, while in 2002 there were 124 of them.
There are 26 most numerous nationalities in the region, the population of which exceeded 300 people, in 2002 there were also 26 such nationalities.

In the period 2002-2010. this group included the Yezidis and Gagauz, the Bashkirs and Udmurts dropped out of this group due to a decrease in their numbers.

The Russian population is still the largest in the region (1404.7 thousand people) and accounts for 94.4% of the total persons who indicated their nationality (in 2002 - 93.3%).

For a long time, Ukrainians have occupied the second place in terms of population in the region, despite the fact that their number has decreased. Over the last intercensal period, the number of Ukrainians decreased by 15.9 thousand people (27.5%). Their share of the total number of persons who indicated their nationality was 2.8% (in 2002 - 3.8%).

Armenians, who replaced Belarusians in third place in 2002, have retained their positions, despite the fact that their number has decreased over the last intercensal period by 0.2 thousand people. The share of the total number of persons who indicated their nationality remained at the 2002 level and amounted to 0.5%.

In the intercensal period 2002-2010. the number of Turks continued to grow and amounted to 4.6 thousand people, as a result of which they moved from the sixth place among the most numerous nationalities to the fourth.

Azerbaijanis retained their fifth place in 2002. Their number during the last intercensal period increased to 4.6 thousand people, the share in the total number of persons who indicated their nationality remained at the 2002 level and amounted to 0.3%.

The Belarusians, who for a long time occupied the third place in the region, moved to the fourth place in 2002, and according to the results of the 2010 VPN - to the sixth. Their number decreased from 4.9 thousand people to 3.3 thousand people, the share in the total number of persons who indicated their nationality - from 0.4% in 1989 to 0.2% in 2010.

The seventh place, as in 2002, was retained by the Tatars.
2002-2010 their number decreased by 0.2 thousand people, the share in the total number of persons who indicated their nationality was 0.2%.

Among the most numerous nationalities in 2002-2010, the number of Bulgarians (by 10.9%), Germans (by 12%), Greeks (by 14.2%), Ossetians (by 14.3%), Georgians (by 20 , 1%), Poles (24.4%), Chuvash (25.3%), Jews (32.7%) and Mordovians (32.8%).
The number of Kazakhs (by 9.6%), Roma (by 12.2%), Tajiks (by 22.9%), Koreans (by 26.7%), Yezidis (by 56.7%), Gagauz (by 74.5%) and Uzbeks (by 82.1%).

Head of Belgorodstat

The latest news of the Belgorod region on the topic:
Ethnic composition of the population of the Belgorod region

Ethnic composition of the population of the Belgorod region- Belgorod

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Belgorod is a modern Russian city. Located in the southeastern part of Europe. It is the administrative and economic center of the Belgorod region. It is located at a distance of 700 km from the capital. It is washed on the right. Located in the immediate vicinity of the border with Ukraine (about 40 km).

The formation of the people of Belgorod

The first settlement arose on the site of the so-called Northern Settlement, located between the rivers and Vezelitsa. Mountain Slavs lived on this territory at the time of the Romny culture. However, in the 10th century, their villages were plundered and burned by the Pechenegs.

The city was founded in 1593. This is evidenced by numerous works of Russian and foreign historians. At that time, the population of the city of Belgorod consisted of northerners and partly of Poles and Greeks. Nevertheless, in many Soviet textbooks, the foundation of the modern settlement dates back to September 1596. Then, on the 11th, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich signed a decree on the establishment of a frontier fortress at the outskirts of the city.

Since 1658, the city has become the center of the administrative region. Even its own regiment was formed here. At the same time, there was an expansion of the region's possessions at the expense of the Ukrainian territory. Consequently, what was the population of Belgorod in this case? Historians give different answers to this question as well. Many believe that after the expansion of the territory, the Ukrainian peoples left their lands. There are also those who are sure that since the end of the 17th century, Poltava residents made up almost half of the city's population. Perhaps that is why in 1708 Belgorod became part of the Kiev province.

New story

In 1917, Soviet power was established on the territory of the city. The following spring, it was captured by the German invaders. At the end of the war, it passed a little north of Belgorod. As a result, the city was again given to the Ukrainian state. At the end of 1918, the entire region became part of the RSFSR thanks to the effective hostilities of the Red Army.

10 years later, the city became the center of the district of the same name. At that time, the population of Belgorod was about 900 thousand people. For a long time, the city was transferred from one province to another, but it was never renamed. In 1935, it became an independent administrative unit, but was obliged to obey the Kursk Executive Committee.

During World War II, fierce battles against the fascist invaders took place in the vicinity of the city. The district was occupied by the Germans twice. And only in August 1943 did the united finally repulse the enemy forces. By that time, Belgorod was almost completely destroyed. Only a few small buildings survived.

In the late 1950s, the regional authorities decided to destroy the main historical value region - the Belgorod Kremlin. Today, chalk development is underway in its place.

The modern city is a developed scientific, economic and Cultural Center Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation.

Geographic features

Belgorod is located on the Central Russian Upland. The right border of the city is represented by the Seversky Donets River. The name of the settlement comes from its geographic location- White Mountain. We can say that the city was built on its slope along the floodplain of the Vezelka River. To the south, there are ancient guard mounds. On the map, the city is represented by a slightly elongated rectangle, the corners of which are directed to the cardinal points.

Belgorod is located in the black earth zone. A significant part of the outskirts is forest-steppe lands. The relief is a plain with insignificant erosional heights up to 200 meters. Thanks to this, the city is being built up every year faster and higher.

The climate is temperate here. Coolness in winter, dry hot weather in summer. Due to the flat terrain, strong winds are rare. Relative humidity - 76%.

Administrative division

The city is divided into 2 large districts. Such boundaries were formed back in the early 1990s. The eastern district is represented by the Sverdlovsk region. It contains more than 200 streets and avenues, about 400 enterprises and various institutions. The population of Belgorod in this region is about 180 thousand people.

The Western District is almost 2 times larger than the Eastern. It is represented by the Oktyabrsky District. Much more economically developed. This directly affects such a demographic indicator as the number. The population of Belgorod here exceeds 220 thousand people.

Each of the districts has its own thermal and power plants, authorities and budget. It is worth noting that in the near future, it is possible to separate the third region - the South. The fact is that the city grows territorially every year, and with it the population.

To date, 27 administrative councils of local deputies have been created in Belgorod. All these authorities are subordinate to the city executive committee.

Belgorod agglomeration

This territorial union contains 5 districts. The largest of them are Korochanskiy and Belgorodskiy. The agglomeration also includes Borisov, Yakovlevsky and Shebekinsky districts. In addition, the regional territory also includes such settlements as Razumnoe, Streletskoe, Severny, Dubovoe, Tavrova, Maisky, etc. The total population of the included outskirts is about 600 thousand people.

For the rapid expansion of the agglomeration, the authorities of Belgorod have allocated special zones for individual construction. The aim of the program is to develop the region and settle with new families. Public transport lines were launched to such areas, the roadway was restored. Every year the agglomeration grows by 8-10 thousand inhabitants. Along with this, the city of Belgorod itself is expanding.

Population: number

The climate in the region is favorable, as is the economic background, so new settlers regularly come to the city. At the beginning of 2014, Belgorod was one of the 50 most populous cities in Russia.

The number of local residents grew and grows every year. At the end of the 19th century, the population of Belgorod was 22.9 thousand people. Most of them were from the lower classes, and only a third were from the clan of the bourgeoisie and merchants.

In 2010, a record birth rate was recorded - 3903 children. And this is at the lowest mortality rate in the country. In addition, the demographic number is also increasing due to the influx of immigrants from Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries.

In 2014, fertility rates surprised again - more than 5,200 children. The mortality rate also decreased by 0.7%. So how much was the population of Belgorod in 2014? Its number was 379.5 thousand people. At the same time, the birth rate index exceeded 11.4 points. The average age is 40 years.

The number of residents of Belgorod today

As of January 2015, only in the regional center, the demographic coefficient increased by 1.2%. Again, it is worth noting the effect of fertility rates on population numbers. The population of Belgorod by the beginning of 2015 amounted to more than 384.4 thousand people.

Over the past four years, a significant natural demographic increase has been recorded. According to statistics, 47% of newborns became the second or subsequent children. The remaining percentage belongs to young families with one child. The mortality rate is slowly decreasing every year.

By the summer of 2015, according to preliminary estimates, the population was about 386.5 thousand people. Today, the city has a program to motivate young families to have second and subsequent children.

The number of residents of Belgorod: numbers

For the entire known history of the city, demographic indicators fell only 7 times. The sharpest jump was noted in 2002, when the population of Belgorod was 337 thousand people. Then the fall rate exceeded 1.5%. The number of inhabitants has decreased in comparison with 2001 by almost 5 thousand people. The reason for this was a significant outflow of the able-bodied part of the population in and Ukraine.

Interestingly, the first records of the region's demographics were made as early as 1626. Then the population of Belgorod was only 5 thousand people. The smallest population in the entire history of the city was in 1801 - 3462 inhabitants.

Population of the Belgorod region

The demographic density is about 57 people / sq. Km. In 2015, the population is 1.55 million. Two thirds of the total number are residents of cities, the rest are from adjacent villages and villages.

It is worth noting the general dynamics of population growth over the past 90 years. In 1926 the population of the region was 896 thousand people. Over the next 30 years, this figure increased by almost 25%. By 1970, the population exceeded 1.3 million. With regard to migration indicators, they are also growing every year. Today in the Belgorod region, in addition to Russians, there are 2.8% of Ukrainians, 0.5% of Armenians, the rest of the nationalities: Turks, Azerbaijanis, Moldovans, Belarusians, Tatars, Bulgarians, etc.

It is interesting that in the region there is a significant preponderance of the female part of the population over the male.

All-Russian population census 2010 in the Belgorod region

The census took place from 14 to 25 October 2010. The enumerators collected information and filled out the questionnaires. On March 28, the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" published the preliminary results.

According to the All-Russian Population Census as of
On October 14, 2010, the resident population of the Belgorod Region was 1532.5 thousand people. Besides, the census took into account 1.6 thousand people who were temporarily (less than 1 year) in the region and permanently residing abroad (in 2002 - 2 thousand people).

According to the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the region ranks fifth in terms of population in the Central Federal District after Moscow (11503.5 thousand people), Moscow (7095.1 thousand people), Voronezh (2335.4 thousand people) and Tula (1553.9 thousand people) regions andis one of the three subjects of the Central Federal District, along with Moscow and the Moscow Region, whose population has grown over the intercensal period.

Urban and rural population

Table 1

Resident population, people

2010 year ... as a percentage of 2002 (total population)

In the total resident population, percent

whole population


2010 year

2002 year

urban population

rural population

urban population

rural population

urban population

rural population

Belgorod region

































Stary Oskol












The number of urban population according to the data of the IPN-2010 was 1012.9 thousand people, rural - 519.6 thousand people. During the intercensal period, the number in urban areas increased by 27.3 thousand people (by 2.8%), in rural areas it decreased by 6.4 thousand people (by 1.2%). So the population in the cities of regional significance was the city of Belgorod.

C In 2010, the ratio of urban and rural residents was 66.1% and 33.9%, respectively (in 2002 - 65.2% and 34.8%).The share of the urban population in the total population of the region for the last intercensal period increased by 0.9 percentage points, while the rural population decreased accordingly.

According to the 2010 census, the number of women exceeded the number of men by 122.1 thousand people. In 2002, this excess was 124.6 thousand people.

The share of men in the total population of the region is 46%, women - 54% (in 2002 - 45.9% and 54.1%, respectively). There were 1173 women per 1000 men in 2010, in 2002 - 1180 (Fig. 1).

Over the last intercensal period, the sex ratio has improved due to a decrease in the mortality rate of men of working age and an increase in the share of the male population in the migration increase in recent years.

The results of the census showed the prevalence of the female population of the region over the male population from the age of 18 (at the level of 2002).

In the Russian Federation, the prevalence of the number of women over men is observed from the age of 30 (in 2002, from the age of 33).

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Historical Chronicle

Interesting geography

Belgorod region

History, population, culture of the Belgorod region.

The roots of the Belgorod region are deeply rooted in hoary antiquity. Against the background of an endlessly changing stream of people coming to life and leaving into oblivion, the greatest events took place that determine the historical development of each nation. Many tribes and peoples lived on the Belgorod land. Located on the unmarked border of the forest and the steppe, for many years it was the border edge of the Kievan Rus, then the Chernigov principality, then the Ryazan, then the Moscow state. Here they took a blow from those who came from the steppe with the war to Russia. From here our ancestors also went on a hike. Leaving for the steppe, with a deep sigh and gratitude, they uttered words filled with great love for the Motherland: "Oh, Russian land, you are already beyond the hill! .." In the 17th century, the famous Belgorod defensive line was laid on this land, which served the state a great service. In this region, the rebels of Stepan Razin, Kondrat Bulavin, Yemelyan Pugachev rose to fight the oppressors. The songs of Alexei Koltsov and Ivan Nikitin were born here. The writer Ivan Bunin, the actor Schepkin, the artist Kramskoy, the explorer Shelekhov - there are many of them who glorified their large and small homeland.

  1. The Neolithic Trypillian culture of the Dnieper region - an integral part of the European Neolithic - is the mother of all tribes of the eastern peoples. At the end of the Bronze Age, these tribes settled in different places of a vast territory and separated into historically famous groups of tribes: Nevrov in the west, Sarmatians-Roxalans in the east, Cimmerians in the south. Which group of tribes from the above, settled on the territory of our region? Sarmatians - Roxolans.

  2. In 179 BC, King Roksolan, who rightfully belongs to the Great Right, having collected a huge cavalry, well armed and protected from arrows with chain mail, crossed the Seversky Donets, as a contractual line and defeated the Scythians, captured some of them, and drove the remnants across the Dniester to the Dobrudja (Romania). What was the name of the king Roksolan and what were the chain mail of the Roksolan warriors made of at that time? Gatal. From bowls of horse traps.

  3. Western scholars Delisle Bayer, Donail argue that Belgorod on the Seversky Donets is a former Khazar city, which means "white city" in Turkic. What is its Turkic name? Sarkel.

  4. Back in the pre-Kiev time, as evidenced by the names of rivers, villages of places, literary monuments, there was a road that connected northern Russia, the Baltic States and Scandinavia with Byzantium - the road "from the Varangians to the Greeks." The mentioned road in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" is called differently. How? Troyan's road.

  5. "And Prince Vladimir, a warrior of Honor Ten centuries ago, He ordered to build a new Bela Grad in the same place" - the Belgorod poet Vasily Ageev writes in his poem "The City by the White Mountain" about the founding of the city of Belgorod by Prince Vladimir. Name the exact dacha of the founding of Belgorod Prince Vladimir. 993year

  6. “Axes clattered At the hot Bel-mountain, And ascended over the Donets, Like a proud swan. Turning to face the steppe, Fortress City - White City "Name the author of the poem" White City ". Igor Chernukhin.

  7. Belgorodchina - from olden times the Russian land. More than a thousand years ago, one of the East Slavic tribes settled along the banks of the Vorskla, Psla and Seversky Donets and Seim rivers in the southern forest-steppe rich in black soil. Name this tribe. Northerners.

  8. The creation of the "Ukrainian service" began with the formation in the 16th century of "guard detachments" that guarded only certain areas, and ended with the construction of a system of defensive structures called the "notch line". Russia went to the steppe as a city, "began to enclose", to put in order the lands of the "Wild Field", to introduce the Russian style on these lands. The cry of Moscow: "to smash the city", "to fight the enemy" by the city - gave its result: the birth of the borders of Muscovite Rus. This is how the population "began and went" today is known as "...". Belgorodians.

  9. Gradually, the settlement of the Belgorod region by free people, walking, trade and handicraft people proceeded. In 1675, a decree was issued to the Belgorod governor, Prince Fyodor Volkonsky, from Moscow, which said: “... and which leaving Cherkasy, according to his sovereign’s decree, are arranged for eternal life in Belgorod, he Prince Fyodor and those Cherkassians keep great care so that leaving Cherkassians do not from which people there were no sales and taxes and no losses and horses and any beast from the Cherkasy did not take away and did not steal and to those Cherkassians to keep him affectionate and good greetings ”What people were awarded such an honor in the Belgorod region and why? Ukrainians. Good warriors to guard the notch line.

  10. Three roads that crossed the Wild Field from the south played a special role in the formation of the "Belgorod notch line". On these roads the Crimeans penetrated into Russia. The line "lay" along these roads, "becoming" a line, eight hundred kilometers long, blocking the way for the Tatars. One of them started from Perekop and stretched between the Don and the Dnieper to the "Tulskaya Zaseka". It connected the lands of Tavria, Yekaterinslav (Krasnodar), Kharkov, Belgorod, Kursk, Tula lands. This road made it possible to approach Moscow at the closest distance - 160 km. The second road began on the Oriel River of the Yekaterinoslav province went along the Izyum rivers in the Kharkov region, Belgorod region (between the Oskol-Korocha rivers)
The third road started at Milk Waters and went to the Livny Orlovsky, passing through the Kharkov region, Belgorod region, Voronezh lands, Kurshina. Its main part stretched between Oskol and Don. In addition to the main roads, the Tatars moved along the Bakaev Way, which stretched along the Kursk and Oryol lands, as well as along the Old Posolsky, New Posolsky, Romadansky and Sagaidachny paths.

In Eastern languages, the road was called Muravskaya Sakma (hoof footprint), and in the language of the Slavs, Muravskiy shlyakh. served "all the time", i.e. as long as the people remember themselves. Iziumskaya. Kalmiusskaya

  1. Beginning in 1635, over 15 years of construction of a defensive structure called the Belgorod "notch line", 23 fortress cities were built. The line was a complex of wooden and earthen fortifications, which were equipped with artillery, high walls, surrounded by ramparts. The line or "line" was divided into sections: "The big line is between the upper reaches of the Don and Volga. It began at the Kamenitsky Well on the Vorskla River and continued until the confluence of the Tikhaya Sosna River into the Don; "Oskolskaya" - on the left bank of the Don; What are the starting and ending points of the "Belgorod" defensive structure? Akhtyrka - Sumy region. on Vorskla - Tambov.

  2. Frequent invasions from the south (Tatars, Nogais) and from the southwest (Lithuanians, Poles, Cossacks) demanded more decisive measures to defend these lines. Since 1638, under Tsar Mikhail Romanov, the accelerated construction of the Belgorod defensive line begins - a continuous line of fortifications from Vorskla to the Seversky Donets and further to Voronezh. This is how a powerful defensive line appears in the vastness of the Black Earth Region. In the 17th century, three defensive lines were built: Tula, Oka and Belgorod. The Belgorod line, the southernmost of the three parts, served as a military-administrative line until the 18th century and passed through the present lands of Sumy, Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk Tambov regions, starting from the Vorskla River. Akhtyrka and ended at the Cholkova river - a tributary of the Tsna with a fortress - Kozlov. In total, there were 25 main fortresses on it, of which 11 fell on the territory of the present Belgorod region. Select fortified cities that were not included in the Belgorod region: Assid, Hotmyzhsk, Yablonov, Stary Oskol, Korocha, Karpov, Bolkhovets, Valuyki, Belgorod, Voronezh, Tsarev-Alekseev, Oboyan, Ostrogozhsk, Korotoyak, Olshansk, Verkhnesosensk, Volny, Nezhegolsk, Kursk.

  3. How would you name the villages behind the rampart of the Belgorod line? Overwhelmed, Zavalnoye.

  4. In the 17th century, the Ukrainians built artificial barriers in the Belgorod land on the path of the advancement of nomads, which were called small ditches. What village got its name from these buildings? Rovenki.

  5. The bulk of the settlers on the territory of the Belgorod Territory were service people, for example, gunners and zatinschiks, Cossacks and collars. And what is the purpose of each of them? Collar - watchmen at the gates of the fortress; zatinschiki- servicemen. Small-caliber artillery service; gunners - serf artillery.

  6. It is known that the great dignitaries of Peter the Great were endowed with lands, servants, serfs. One of them, whose name you must name, belonged to the lands of our region. The Count himself was a participant Northern War... Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev.

  7. The role of the Belgorod line in the protection of the southern borders of Rus is great. The Circassians - residents of Ukraine, Muscovites - carried the security service especially well. They founded settlements, which were later named according to the main occupations of the inhabitants. Name such settlements. Pushkarnoe, Soldatskoe, Dragunka, Dragunskoe, Ezdochnoye, Cossack, Cossack Lopan.

  8. Fair. Colorful scenes. Excitement and pursuit of profit. A motley crowd. Mikhail Semyonovich Schepkin knew all this very well. How many fairs have seen since childhood in different parts of the Belgorod region. He told one of the stories of the fair to the writer, whose story was used as the basis for the drama "BUSINESS". Who is the author of this drama? Sukhovo-Kabylin.

  9. Name the cities and towns that received their names from the Oskol River. Use the atlas of the Belgorod region. Stary Oskol, Novy Oskol. Oskolets, Zaoskolye village.

  10. This village got its name from the steppe plant - feather grass ... Kovylino, Kovylnaya.

  11. The village was founded in the 17th century. The name comes from the erosional hills with chalk outcrops along the slopes of the valleys in the form of cumulus mountains. Firemen.

  12. In the year of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia in 1654, a village appears in the Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region. Nezhegol.

  13. This village was the possession of the Yusupovs until the abolition of serfdom. Rakitnoe.

  14. Even before the Russians settled here, this tract was a winter camp for the Tatars. Its name has been transferred to the name of a village in Shebekinsky district. Wintering.

  15. Before the revolution, the village had the name Troitskoe. In the first half of the 19th century, it became the property of A.N. Karamzin, the son of a famous historian. Name modern name sat down. Yvnya.

  16. The name of this village is known for its second part: “Goscha - which means forest”. Which village name consists of the Russian name in its first part, leading to the forest? Expensive.

  17. According to legend, in the vicinity of this city there were once vast oak groves, in which there were many crows. There is even such an expression "bird paradise". Which city does this name correspond to? Grayvoron.

  18. Are there so many cities built in Russia in the 16-17 centuries to start talking about them seriously? In the 16th century, 70 new cities were built and almost the same number were reconstructed. Rus was rightly called Gardarika. The construction of this city is evidenced by the fact that: five thousand archers who arrived from Moscow and the governor Buturlin build this city in two weeks !!!. What city of the fortress are we talking about? Yablonov.

  19. Often settlements get their names from the names of the rivers on the banks of which they are located. Find such settlements on the map.

  20. To whom does Borisovka owe its name? Count - field marshal participant Battle of Poltava Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev.
31. Problem. Using the atlas. write in the names of the villages of the Belgorod region ending in "evka"


32. Problem. Enter the names of cities and towns in the Belgorod Region horizontally using the letters in the boxes:









Borisovka, Ezdocky, Lutsenkovo, Grafovka, Odintsovka, Reasonable, Okhrimovka, Davydovkin

33. Try to list the names of the villages corresponding to the names of plants growing in our region.

Elm, Beet, Russian Berezovka, Rakitnoe, Repyakhovka, Antonovka, Berezovka, Yu Kustovoe, Smorodino, Olshanka, birches, Elnikovo, Podolkhi, Yablonovo, Ivitsa, Redkodub, Ogurtsovo, Loznoe, Dubravka, Brostenets, Olkhovatka, Rep'yosna Kalinovo, Kalinovka, Zasosna, Khmelevets, Khmelevoe, Konoplyanovka, Lukachevka, Kamyshevatovo, Garbuzovo, Belenikhino, Grushevka, Khvorostyanka.

34. In the names of the villages of the Belgorod region, you can find such names that correspond to the names of animals that lived in abundance in these parts. List them.

Bobrava, Bobrovy Dvory., Cossack Fox, Grayvoron, Solovyanoe, Orlovka, Teterevino, Bykovka, Yastrebovo, Zhuravlevka, Zhuravatka, Hare, Sokolovka, Volkovo, Okun Okunevka, Swans, Golubino, Sldonovka, Duck, Sorokino, Kukuevka, Nightingale, Zhabskoe, Orlik, badger, Korovino.

35. Numerous documents speak about the greed of this hetman; he did not miss the opportunity. To increase your possessions In 1703, when Hetman Mazepa was at the zenith of his glory and enjoyed the confidence of Peter the Great, by a special decree of the tsar, vast lands of the Belgorod region were assigned to him, the center of which was the village, which you must name.


36. The Raevskys, as a noble family of nobles, had their family estates not only in Khvorostyanka, but also in other villages of the Belgorod region. Name them.

Morkvino, Ulybyshevo, Dmitrievka, Raevka.

37. Vladimir Fedorovich Raevsky, having visited his homeland, wrote: "Here are the same springs, frolicking waters,

Near whom I am in the hours of foggy weather

I looked at the rainbow sunrise. ”Name the poet's native village.

Twiggy woman. Chernyansky district.

Olonki, Irkutsk region.

39. This village grew up here, near the sugar factory built in 1856 in Shebekinsky district. And in 1882 the famous Russian doctor became its owner. Who is this doctor? What is this village? Examine the map carefully.

Botkin. Botkino.

40. The coat of arms is made so that in one village its inhabitants “are ancient warriors”. On the coat of arms of which city of the Belgorod region its inhabitants are “ancient warriors”?

Stary Oskol.

41. Which city-Fortress due to frequent torrential rains and floods in 1705 received permission to move “upward”, for which it received the name “city above”.


42. In 1788, in a village not far from Belgorod, a boy was born into a family of serfs, the future actor - Mikhail Semenovich Schepkin. Name his native village.

43. Horizontally write the names of the villages ending in "oe"





Streletsk OE





44. Name the city-garden, according to Michurin's definition, called the second Crimea.

45. The first mention of this village dates back to 1617. However, the village is known not by the date of its birth, but by its craft. A shoemaker's workshop known throughout Russia was founded here, which took orders for the tsarist army. She produced 1000 pairs of chrome boots per day. And what a quality! Upper class!! There is a possibility that these boots were worn the last king from the Romanov dynasty - Nicholas II. Name this village.

Olshanka, Chernyansky district.

46. ​​In the names of which settlements in the Belgorod region only the letter "O" is included?

Poroz, Popov, Lomovo, Kotovo, Gorodok. Khokhlovo, Volkovo, Volotovo.

47. Without looking, or maybe even looking at the map of the Belgorod region, try to name the cities and villages located on the Seversky Donets.

Belgorod, Podolkhi, Rzhavets, Krivtsovo, Khokhlovo, Ivanovka, Novotavolzhanka ..

48. Oskol is the longest river crossing our region from north to south. What areas does the river cross?

Starooskolsky, Chernyansky, Novooskolsky, Volokonovsky, Valuisky.

49. What areas does the Seversky Donets cross?

Prokhorovsky, Belgorodsky, Shebekinsky.

50. The Belgorod Region includes 21 districts. Please list them alphabetically.

51. This railway station on the Moscow-Donetsk line was founded in 1656. It got its name from rough pine forests.


52. The youngest city in the Belgorod region.


53. The name of which village in the Belgorod region is associated with the name of the Chancellor of the Petrine times, Count Gavrila Ivanovich Golovkin.


54. One of the streets of Belgorod along which Catherine II walked with her retinue was later named Catherine. What was it called before?


55. This cathedral was installed in Belgorod in honor of the stay of Peter I in 1703.


Everyone knows from childhood that Arkady Petrovich Gaidar is the author of the story "Timur and his team." But not everyone knows that the description of all the events took place in one of the cities of the Belgorod region, where his son Timur lived. What city are we talking about?

56. Name the city of the Belgorod Territory, which became a "field post with No." for front-line letters during the Great Patriotic War and even earlier: since the time of the capture of Azov by Peter I /

Mail was sent from Azov to Moscow once a week. Correspondence was delivered in 10-12 days under the name “post chase” and it passed through one of the small fortress towns of Valuyki.

57. In the 17th century, the first Russian explorer Vasily Danilovich Poyarkov was a voivode in this very city of the Belgorod Territory.


58. One of the cities of the Belgorod Territory remembers the ancestors-founders Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov as its governors. Knight Gavrilo in the 13th century, having arrived from Prussia to Russia, entered the squad of Alexander Nevsky, was the great-grandfather of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov and lived until the end of his days in this city. Which one?


59. Sloboda arose at the end of the 17th century. It got its name from the owner, Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky. It was here that at one time Daniil Semenovich Bokarev discovered a method of producing oil from sunflower seeds. In the book "Development of Capitalism in Russia" V.I. Lenin wrote about the village as a center in Russia for the production of butter. This village received the status of a city in 1954.


60. In the 8-10th centuries. there was a settlement with an ancient Slavic settlement. Later, in the middle of the 17th century, on the same territory of the Shebekinsky district, the "sovereign village" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was founded, that is, his personal possession. What is the name of this village today.

A large settlement.

61. There are facts and events in the history of Belgorod that can hardly be overestimated. Such events include the opening of a railway here, the construction of which began in 1868. The difficult working conditions of the builders claimed many lives. The Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov writes about this construction in his poem "Railroad":

“Straight paths, narrow embankments

Posts, rails, bridges.

And on the sides, all the bones are Russian

How many of them are Vanya, do you know? " Name the railway junctions of this road, which passed through Belgorod.
Belgorod, Kursk, Kharkov, Azov.
59. The Bible or as it is called "The Book of Books" was translated into Russian in 1860 and only four Gospels, only 16 years later the Bible was fully translated. The translation was carried out by a group of professors of the theological academies of Russia. One of them was our fellow countryman, a native of the village of Dvulachnaya, Valuisky district, a professor of theological sciences. Name it.
Pokrovsky Nikandr Ivanovich.
62. He walked almost the whole world on foot, although he lost his sight since childhood. He lived in Japan, China, India, England, France, Germany, Finland. He knew many languages ​​of the peoples of the world, was the promoter of the world language Esperanto. His works were published in Japan and China. He was recognized as a literary nugget, was a friend of the Chinese classic LU Xin, headed the school for the blind in different cities of our country. He was buried in the village of Obukhovka in 1952. Who is this fellow countryman?
Vasily Yakovlevich Yaroshenko.
63. For courage and courage shown in battles against the Napoleonic army, Raevsky was awarded the Order of St. Anne of the 4th degree, the gold sword "For Courage", the silver medal "In memory of 1812" Name the famous battle in which Raevsky took part.
Battle of Borodino.
64. “I would ask,” writes Raevsky, “what Napoleon felt when, after the Battle of Borodino, 40 thousand corpses and wounded, groaning and exhausted people thickly covered the field on which he was riding. Why is a person, a citizen, punished with death for the murder of his baby, and murder is called by the masses ... .. What is it called?
65. Raevsky spent 6 years in prison without trial and investigation, legal proceedings, without a lawyer and a jury. Who owned such a medieval invention of the court?
The British.
66. “When I leave the cherished world,

When I am no longer with you

I will not leave you, I will come to you again

And in intelligible familiar words

I will strictly call you to report. ”To whom does the poet Raevsky address so severely?
To their children, there are 8 of them.
67. Yes! These were those distant revolutionary times. The crew of the legendary Varyag included a sailor from Veydelevka. The villagers honor and remember their famous countryman. For special services to Russia, he was awarded the St. George Cross No. 97659, a silver watch. He received all these awards on the deck of the legendary ship "Varyag" in the city of Odessa. What is the name of the seaman-fireman from Veydelevka?
Belokobylsky Ivan.
68. Peter the Great from a young age disliked archers. After the second Azov campaign, the tsar decided to get rid of them altogether and was the first in the world to introduce recruiting into the Russian army. During the reorganization of the army, the five regiments of the “old order” appeared to be superfluous. From them and the settlers of the Belgorod line at the age of 15-35 years, a new type of army was formed - settled. What were they called officially?
69. The Russian Empire began to feel an acute shortage of banknotes in 1914. Silver and copper coins disappeared, followed by gold and silver rubles, and the purchasing power of the Russian ruble decreased. Lack of money came to one of the districts of the Belgorod province. To get out of the difficult situation, the county treasury decided to put into circulation, in exchange for banknotes, which are in large quantities in the bank, bonds under the name "Loan of Freedom" of the former Kerensky government with the print "It is circulating on a par with banknotes of 50 ruble denominations. Those who refused to accept bonds as banknotes at face value are subject to court. ”This money was not in circulation for long. In May 1918, the Germans and the Haidamaks captured the district. Therefore, probably not a single collector in our country has this county's money in his collection. Find out in which district of the Belgorod province that kind of money used to go.
70. Did you know that in 1708, during the Northern War of the Russian Empire with Sweden, an elective soldier regiment of H. Regiman was formed. , which was later renamed the soldier's Belgorod regiment. The soldiers of which two famous Russian regiments formed the Belgorod regiment?
Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky.
71. Where do you think the famous Belgorod coat of arms came from?
Amsterdam. The running lion is a symbol of Sweden, and gallic symbol- Rooster. was replaced by an eagle.
72. In Borisovka such a craft as embroidery and weaving was developed. Borisov's woven tablecloths were all-Russian fame. What were they called in the world?
73. In the Borisovka settlement, this craft was a kind of capitalist manufacture at home. About 500 people worked. Most of the craftsmen did without hired workers, but they kept apprentices working 14-15 hours a day. What kind of craft are we talking about?
74.The owners of Borisovka-Counts Sheremetyevs created the theater of serfs, famous throughout Russia. Musically gifted performers were recruited mainly from serfs. Name the famous outstanding musical figure of Russia in the 18th century and the serf composer of this theater.
S.A. Degtyarev, G.A. Lomakin.
75. "... May 17, Moscow," Notes of the actor Shchepkin. I was born in the village of Krasnoe, Oboyansky district ... ”It was with this first recording of the famous Russian poet and friend of the actor Shchepkin that Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin's writing career began, a famous Russian actor and writer, a man who had an amazing talent for interestingly telling about his life and the life of peasants. Who is this friend-poet who made a parting note for the actor-writer?
A.S. Pushkin.
76. Name the first role of M.S. Shchepkina and the first piece played on stage.
Comedy "Bouncer - Sumarokova as Rosemary's servant."

77. It is known that 1613 is the year of the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, the first of which was Alexei Mikhailovich. It was in this year that one single temple structure was built in the village of Maslova Pristan of the Belgorod province. Which?

St. Michael's Church.
78. On the territory of the Belgorod region in the 18th century, huge feudal estates were created for the Trubetskoy, Yusupov, Kurakin, Sheremetyev, Saltykov princes. Which of them belonged to the lands of Olshanka, Chernyanka?
Prince Trubetskoy.
79. How many cities in our region begin with the same letter as its name?

80. Name the oldest and youngest city in our region.

81. The era of new life, which began after the victory of the Great October Revolution, was reflected in the toponymy of the Belgorod region. Rapid construction in the country led to the creation of new settlements. As a rule, they were given such names that in one way or another corresponded to new trends. Name them using an atlas.
Proletarsky, Sovetskoe, Oktyabrskaya Gotnya, Komsomolsky, Krasnoe, Krasnogvardeyskoe, Krasny Oktyabr, Krasnaya Yaruga ..
82. The population of the Belgorod region as of January 1, 2000 amounted to 1 million 497.5 thousand people - this is 1% of the population of Russia and 19% of the Central Black Earth region. Knowing the area of ​​the district, determine the population density.
56 people per 1 sq. km.
83. Determine what data correspond to the urban and rural population in our region: 65.7%; 34.3%.
84. There are 2030 historical and cultural monuments in the Belgorod region. 1260 of them are taken under state protection. Among them, 35 are of republican significance. 11 settlements where the most valuable monuments are located are included in the list of historical cities of the Russian Federation. ... Name the settlements of the Belgorod region that are historical.
Belgorod, Novy Oskol, Alekseevka, Valuyki, Korocha, Borisovka, Ivnya, Krasnogvardeyskoe, Chernyanka, Withers, Rovenki.
85. There are a number of monuments of ancient Russian architecture in the Belgorod region. Among them - an underground monastery in the village of Kholki (12th century) Name two more 17th century monuments of our region.
"Belgorodskaya line", "Palatovsky Val"
86. The origins of the creation of the Belgorod province were laid in the initial period of the Northern War. The starting point in this matter was the tsar's decree of December 18, 1708, according to which Russia was divided into 8 provinces: Moscow, Ingerman, Kiev, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Azov, Siberian. Which of them did our region belong to?
Most of them are Kiev. Oskol and Valuyki-Azov.
85. The name of the first and last governor of the Belgorod province is encrypted here:

rtkbyyuyuyktsokrkchevitsu pseoichwomssutttrvnoni

Yu.Yu Trubetskoy Petr Semenovich Svistunov

87. What status was the city of Belgorod deprived of in 1785 after the liquidation of the Crimean Khanate?
88. It is known that the Kursk province was formed in 1779. Which count was commissioned to do this?
General - Field Marshal Count P.A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky.
89. Name the field equal to Kulikov and Borodin.
90. The city is the herald.

91. A.V. Suvorova, a participant in the heroic passage through the Alps, the storming of the fortresses of Ochakov and Izmail, the battle of Austerlitz, was born in 1770 in Belgorod. Who is this hero of a distant time?

Drenyakin M.T.
92. During the Great Patriotic War, the incredible deeds of Soviet soldiers were performed. We all remember the feat of Alexander Matrosov, who covered the fascist bunker with his body. Which of the Belgorodians repeated his feat?
Tkachenko- s. Red Yaruga; Kravtsov - Rovenki.

93. Quiz "Memorable places of the Belgorod region"

1. The village, the homeland of M.S. Shchepkina. Red.

2. An impregnable, defensive, earthen structure of the 11-13th centuries. Withers

3. A city with a monument to the hero, General Apanasenko. Belgorod.

4. The village is the birthplace of the Decembrist Raevsky. Twiggy woman.

5. A city with an icon-painting craft. Borisovka.

6. City - Crimea. Shorter.

7. The city is a fortress by the river Vezelitsa. Bolkhovets.

8. The city is Biryuch, he is Zeal, he is today ... Krasnogvardeyskoe.

9. The village is the homeland of Vasily Yakovlevich Yaroshenko. Obukhovka.

10. The city-fortress in the Borisov district. Hotmyzhsk.

11. The city is a fortress at the intersection of the Izium and Kalmeus paths. Yablonov.

12. The village. Place of residence of A.P. Chekhov. Olkhovatka.

13. The family estate of the Raevsky family. Morkvino.

14. The village where they put bread in hoards. The threshing floor.

15. The village, a place with monuments to the heroes who repeated the feat of the 18 Panfilovites. Nabokino.

16. The fortified city was the beginning of the defensive line of Rus. Akhtyrka.

17. The village where in 1943 Hitler's troops got into the "cauldron". Tomarovka.
93. Do you know your hometown Belgorod. I invite you on a trip around the city.

Choose the correct answer from these definitions.

1. Ancient Slavic God of goodness and justice.

2. A soldier of the Belgorod regiment in the work of A. Gaidar "School"

5. The female commander of the first flight squadron, a native of the village of Rakitnoe.

8. Biryuchinsky poet, friend of Dostoevsky.

10. The first founder of Belgorod.

11. Volkenstein's slave is a count serf.

13. Count. Creator of a theater for serfs.

14. Slavic tribe on the Seversky Donets.

15. A well-known magazine in Russia, in which the actor M.S. Shchepkin published his "Notes of an Actor"

16. Fireman of the legendary "Varyag" from Veydelevka.

17. A new type of "lodged army" from the Belgorod regiments.

19. Professor of the Theological Academy, translator of the Bible from the Dulachnaya settlement.

20. Famous actor and director, a native of the village of Urazovo, author of the film "Shield and Sword"

21. The pagan God of the Slavs.

24. Philologist, folklorist, whose ancestors received lands along the Halani River.

25. Merchant-patron, founder of a public bank in Belgorod.

26. Entrepreneur from the ancient noble family, founder of the first distillery in Russia.

27. The titled gymnast of the city of Belgorod. Two-time world champion.

28 Iranian river in the Belgorod territory.

29. The railway station, which became famous during the Kursk battle.

30. The psychological attitude of the nobles to their serfs.

31. Observing the enemy outside the fortified zone.

32. Variety of Belgorod apples.

33. One of the works of A. Gaidar.

34. the river in translation from the Turkic "girl's braid"

35. One of the participants in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites.

37. One of the cereal plants.

94. Household quiz of the Belgorod region.

  1. A culture full of random characters and hackneyed Keach stereotypes.

  2. Means and methods of artistic embodiment. Style.

  3. Household culture, traditional for the ethnos. Folklore.

  4. Part of human activity carried out only with the hands. Craft.

  5. The part of the house that is compared to the hands of a person, intended for hospitality. Porch.

  6. Part of the house, which must necessarily withstand three positions of the Sun: sunrise, zenith, sunset, when building a house. Gable.

  7. Combed and processed fiber of flax, hemp. Tow.

  8. A machine for hand-making threads from a tow. Spinning wheel.

  9. Loom in the ancient way. Krosna.

  10. Double rim for embroidery on the border. Embroidery hoop.

  11. Wooden block for ironing linen. Rubel.

  12. Wooden handle for cheski tows. Crest.

  13. Canvas with horizontal convex patterns on both sides. Abuse.

  14. A towel is a woman's headdress. Ubrus.

  15. Homespun blanket. Row.

  16. Headdress of a woman "Rooster" Kokoshnik.

  17. The headdress of the woman by the "Duck" Kik.

  18. Headdress from the word "to entwine the hair" Povynik.

  19. Sleeveless women's traditional dress in Russia. Sundress.

  20. Ancient women's and men's wooden shoes. Lapti.

  21. Antique men's shirt with a closure on the side. Kosovorotka.

  22. Long woolen belt in red color in the wardrobe of men in Russia. Sash.

  23. A piece of dense fabric that winds around the legs when wearing bast shoes. Onuchi.

  24. A type of ceramic made of white, fired clay, covered with glaze. Faience.

  25. The head of the clan, which was compared with the hearth of the house. Fire-dweller.

  26. Embellishment, pattern. Ornament.

  27. The sign of the human race. Totem.

  28. Colored range of ornament. Coloring.

95. Crossword

If you guess the definitions correctly, you will read the keyword:

1.Shed for livestock.

2. Month, beginning of land plowing in Russia.

3. Building for grain and miscellaneous property.

4. A place for storing sheaves.

5. Part of the grain storage barn.

6.Geometric symbol of the Russian field.

7. Making hay.

8.A tool for plowing the field.

9.Building for drying sheaves ..

10. Men's day of work in Russia.

























































96. The names of villages appeared on the map of the Belgorod region, which reflected the names of ancient crafts. Find them.

Bondari farm, Degtyarnoe village, Koshary farm, Pasechny village ..
97. In our region, pottery was widely practiced, thanks to the presence of clay in our area. The historical development of the clay craft has led to the widespread use of pottery and the specialization of individual regions and villages. This was reflected in the assortment of clay products exported to fairs: such as krynki, jugs, abundantly covered with green glaze, jugs and even tiled tiles - KAKHLI. But the Borisov district had an interesting name for the clay products. What was the name of the clay products of Borisovka?












98. In the second half of the 18th century, the production of cotton products began in Russia. Among them was the production of scarves necessary for a woman's headdress. The most popular were amuarine and Karabanov calico. In the Belgorod region, chintz shawls, the background of which was red, green and black, were especially popular. What were the names of such popular scarves in our area? Baranovskiy.

99. Hemp was the leading raw material for the manufacture of fabrics in our region. It is customary to understand two names for hemp: male plants - deserted, female - mother. What do you think of which fibers were used to obtain ropes, ropes, and from which yarn.
From poskony- yarn
100. Did you know that in the village of Rakitnoye there was a carpet factory. At the discretion of which prince were all the carpets sent to Moscow for personal use?
101. Visibly, it was a home for our ancestor, like the universe in miniature. Ego was the House-Cosmos and it lined up with the laws of the Universe. The roof of the house was like the dome of the firmament, the living part of the house was the middle tier, the lower part of the underworld. What three-part picture of the world is observed here?
Heaven, Earth Hell.

102. The Slavs used the symbol of the ideal stability of the world order when building a house. What four main directions of movement did they use in their construction?

North South West East.

Four elements of the world, four seasons, four stages of development of human life, four Gospels, four names of Satan. What a tetrahedral geometric figure is the symbol of the field among the ancient Slavs?


The significance of the sacred numbers "3" and "4" is reflected in the Russian proverb: "Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built", "Without four corners, a hut does not become" psyche?

Present, past, future; mother, father, child; bodily, mental, spiritual; mind, will, feelings.
105. Local history quiz.

Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous for their selfless bravery, heroism and ardent love for their homeland. A lot of songs, exciting legends, epics and legends are composed about the Russian miracle heroes, who did not spare their lives who defended their Motherland. But there was no greater feat in the history of the Russian people than the one that people performed during the Great patriotic war... For heroism in battles against the Nazi invaders, over 170 Belgorod residents were awarded high rank Hero Soviet Union... Heroes - Belgorodians fought for Moscow, at the walls of Leningrad, on the Volga and the Dnieper, defended Sevastopol and Odessa. Brest, the Arctic and the Caucasus, carried deliverance from the brown plague to the peoples of Europe and Asia, stormed Berlin

1. The Battle of Kursk lasted: a) 150 days; b) 50; c) 900.

2. Participant of the Battle of Kursk. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut:

A) G.L. Coastal; b) A.S. Nikolaev; c) G.S. Titov.

3. The plan for the offensive of Hitler's troops in the Kursk region was called:

A) Operation Typhoon; b) "Citadel"; C) "Edelweiss"

4. Hero of the Soviet Union at the Kursk Bulge, our fellow countryman from Chernyanka:

A) Zhuchenko P.D .; b) Petrenko N.A. c) Marinchenko N.D.

5. The defeat of the Nazi troops in the Battle of Kursk had a meaning:

A) the myth of the invincibility of the German army has been dispelled;

B) the end of the radical fracture in the Second World War;

C) the beginning of a radical fracture in the Second World War.

6. Pilot of the 88th Guards Fighter Regiment, Senior Lieutenant in the sky over the village. Zorinskie Dvory performed an unparalleled heroic deed on July 6, 1943 - he became the only pilot who shot down 9 enemy aircraft in this battle:

A) A. Gorovets; b) A. Pokryshkin; c) A. Alekhin.

7. Indicate where the major tank battle World War II, in which 1200 tanks participated from both sides:

A) Near Kursk; b) Near Prokhorovka; c) Under the Eagle.

8. In how many days was built the 95-kilometer strategically important railway line Stary Oskol-Rzhava:

A) 42; b) 52; c) 32.

A) Steppe; b) Central; c) Voronezh.

10. The liberation of which city ended the Battle of Kursk:

a) Eagle; b) Belgorod; C) Kharkov.

11. Which poet owns the lines about the Battle of Kursk:

"Native warriors a hundredfold

Will glorify our names

And grateful Russia

And grateful Moscow "

A) I. Chernukhin; b) A. Tvardovsky; c) V. Molchanov.

12. Which village is called Belgorod Khatyn:

A) c. Arkhangelskoe, Belgorod region;

B) c. Goose Pogorelovsky, Prokhorovsky district;

C) S. Pogorelovka of the Korochansk region.

13. Who is this famous tanker who committed a tank ram in the Battle of the Kursk Bulge, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for this feat?

A) Yu.M. Sokolov; b) G.S. Fedorenko; c) V.S. Shalandin.

14. Name the poet who wrote the words to the song "How Can You Forget":

“How can you forget

Our 45th

Remember the Battle of Kursk

Then she blazed.

And the Soviet soldier,

Gone into immortality

Was stronger than fire

And more reliable than metal "

A) I. Chernukhin; b) A. Tvardovsky; c) V. Kiryanov.

15. Name the architect of the Arch of Fire memorial

A) A. Bozhko; b) V. Kazak; c) A. Grebenyuk.

16. Enemy tank. Exported from the battlefield of the Battle of Kursk, and installed in Moscow at an exhibition of captured weapons:

A) Tiger-824; b) "Panther"; c) "Ferdenand".

16. Volunteer squadron of French pilots that took part in the air battles of the Battle of Kursk:

A) "Normandy" b) "Normandy Niemen"; c) "French National Committee"

17. Commander-in-Chief of the Central Front of the Battle of Kursk:

A) N.F. Vatutin; B) K.K. Rokossovsky; TO YOU. Vasilevsky.

18. Which of the writers of the Belgorod region, as a 12-year-old teenager, fled to the front, participated in the battles, including on the Kursk Bulge and for the liberation of Belgorod:

A) And Krupa; b) P. Roshchupkin; c) L. Kozubov;

19. Name our fellow countryman, the great Russian democrat actor, the founder of realism in Russian stage art:

A) A.E. Martynov; b) I.V. Samarin; c) M.S. Shchepkin.

20. Which of the Soviet military leaders proposed a plan of deliberate defense in the Battle of Kursk:

A) G.K. Zhukov and A.A. Vasilevsky; b) N.F. Vatutin and N.S. Khrushchev; c) G.K. Zhukov and M.M. Petrov.

21. What was the codename of the counterstrike Soviet troops on the Oryol direction:

A) "Hurricane"; b) "Bagration"; C) "Kutuzov".

22. When the offensive operation "Commander Rumyantsev" began:

23. Which German groups took part in the Battle of Kursk:

A) Hagen Center B) Kempf Center; c) Center "Yug-Got".

24. When the elections of the governor took place in the Belgorod region:

106. Determine the meanings of these everyday words and make a household crossword puzzle

  1. Arshin

  2. Vershok

  3. Canopy

  4. Koltuk

  5. Carol

  6. Best man

  7. Skrynya

  8. Beetroot

  9. Threshing floor

  10. Azam

  11. Axamit

  12. Rite

  13. Baptism

  14. Tradition

  15. Belbog

  16. Gorenka

  17. Chiriki

  18. Aslon

  19. Mortar

  20. Rubel

  21. Lapti

  22. Tulle

  23. Balalaika

  24. Ports

  25. Betrothal

  26. Murmolka

  27. Ubrus

  28. Sundress

  29. Ankle boots

  30. Batiste

  31. Velvet

  32. Calico

  33. Flannel

  34. Maleyka

Ethnic history of the Belgorod region

Each ethnos (people) has its own destiny, however, there are certain patterns that are manifested in the sphere of ethnic processes, i.e. changes in ethnic groups over time.
At the earliest stages of ethnic history, as the population grew, natural resources were depleted and people began to develop new lands, the tribal territory was redistributed, accompanied by the fragmentation of the first human collectives.
The development of territories, adaptation to their natural and climatic resources led to the formation of special external signs in people, which made it possible to unite peoples into races. As the studies of archaeologists have proved, in the Late Paleolithic, the inhabitants of the Russian Plain, where our region is located, were dominated by Caucasoid features: a clear profiling of the face, strong development of the tertiary hairline, wavy blond hair, light skin pigmentation and blue color of the iris of the eyes.
The main occupation of local residents, who lived in close-knit tribal groups, was round-up hunting. In addition, they were engaged in gathering, and at the end of the Paleolithic they mastered fishing.
Climate change, which took place about 7,700 years ago, became a disaster for the human collectives of the Stone Age: they could not quickly adapt to the changed conditions of retreat and melting of the glacier, which affected the population size, but did not interrupt the processes of anthropogenesis and raceogenesis. The next inhabitants of the region were small groups of hunters, who appeared in the middle Don and in the Oskol basin not earlier than 7-6 millennia BC.
The emergence of the foundations of cattle breeding, and then agriculture, significantly expanded the economic and cultural experience of the population, which gradually moved from an appropriating economy to a producing one, which created opportunities for the complication of social relations. In economic experience, it is marked by the appearance of new tools of labor (for example, a stone ax) and means of transportation (rafts, boats), the first ceramic dishes. People began to pay more attention to everyday life - the construction of dwellings and buildings.
The mastery of bronze, and then iron, raised the knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of the population of these territories to a higher level. In European history, this was the heyday of ancient civilizations, created by the Mediterranean peoples - the Greeks, and then the Romans, who brought numerous peoples into the orbit of their influence, whose development followed their course. However, the barbarians who invaded from the east and northeast, who passed a little earlier through the southern Russian steppes, managed to destroy the ancient world.
Thus, the population of our steppe and forest-steppe zones became involved in ethnoprocesses on a European scale, and the region turned into an integral part of the ethnic world of Europe.

At the beginning of the first millennium BC, the Scythians were one of the most numerous peoples of southeastern Europe. The gradual increase in the number, economic and military power of another people, who found themselves in the orbit of the influence of the Scythians, Sarmatians, who retained many features of matriarchy, led to their clash in the III century BC. The consequence of the defeat of Scythia, which existed for almost five centuries, was the migration of the remnants of the nomadic Scythian tribes to the steppe regions of the Northern Black Sea region.
At the beginning of the 1st millennium, the first wave of the great migration of peoples swept through the steppes and forest-steppes of the Dnieper and Don, forcing the Sarmatian tribes to leave their possessions.
At the beginning of the 5th century, with the strengthening of the Hunnic union of tribes, contacts between the peoples of Western and Eastern Europe were practically interrupted (the presence of the Huns on the territory of our region is evidenced by individual finds of Hunnic things and weapons on the territory of the Grayvoron region). There was a short pause in the process of active interethnic European exchange.
By this time, a map of the settlement of peoples on the territory of the central and southern part of Europe was formed: the Geto-Thracians and Sarmatians settled in the interfluve of the Dniester, Prut and Danube, the late Scythians and Sarmatians subdued and mastered the northwestern Black Sea region, and the Slavs occupied the forest-steppe and northern steppe zone Ukraine and present-day European Russia, including the land of the Belgorod region.
The origin of the East Slavic peoples has long aroused the interest of scientists. In the 19th century, it was established that the Slavs, both in language and in origin, are firmly connected with Europe. The first mentions of the Slavs in written sources without specifying the places of their formation caused heated discussions. Today, it can be argued with sufficient confidence that by the middle of the 1st millennium the Slavic-speaking tribes were settled in vast areas in the basins of the Laba (Elbe), Vistula and Dnieper rivers. At the same time, the movement of individual groups of Slavs began to the south, through the Carpathians, and to the northeast and east into the Upper Dnieper and Upper Volga regions. At the same time, Slavic-speaking settlers entered into complex relationships with the local population, which led to the linguistic assimilation of the local population and the spread of Slavic languages.

The 6th century saw the transition from the Hunnic stage to the Bulgarian-Khazar stage. For the development of the ethnic history of the region, this meant the emergence of a new people with an established culture, which entailed the expansion of contacts and carried the threat of conflicts.
The Bulgarians pushed the Alans and settled with them in the southeastern part modern territory the edges. In the VIII-X centuries, these lands were part of the Khazar Kaganate, which for a long time was paid tribute by the northerners living in the neighborhood.
At the end of the 1st millennium, in the steppe and forest-steppe zone of the Dnieper-Don interfluve, two large ethnopolitical associations were formed - the Eastern Slavs and the Khazar Kaganate.
Strengthening of the Khazar Kaganate contributed to the development of international trade relations. The Slavic and Alano-Bulgarian population traded with the Arab world and with Byzantine Empire... One of the most intensive trade routes ran along the Oskol River. Ceramics made in the Crimea and the Lower Don region, where Greek economic and cultural traditions were preserved, spread throughout the Belgorod region.
Thus, the territory of the Belgorod region, not only in the distant, but also in the recent historical past, was an area of ​​active ethnic contacts.

In the VIII-X centuries, a border went through our region, separating the lands of the northerners from the territories that were part of Khazar Khaganate and inhabited by a non-Slavic population. A long and fairly peaceful neighborhood, as recent studies have shown, led to ethnic mixing, in everyday life, features characteristic of different nations, and this is reflected in the traditional culture of the region.
The next stages of the ethnic history of the region took place within the framework of Kievan Rus. Creation of a single state, adoption of Christianity, spread of writing and recognition Old Russian language as an official one, as well as the creation of a system of laws on the basis of traditional law led to a smoothing of the peculiarities of the culture of peoples and the formation of similar economic and cultural features in them.
Thus, we see that in the course of ethnic history, various peoples, expanding their ideas, accumulating and improving their knowledge, skills and abilities, moved from simple forms of association and organization to more complex ones.

The formation of the Old Russian nationality was interrupted by the invasion of the nomads of the Mongol-Tagar. This was not just one country attacking another. Two ethnic streams entered the conflict. If the Slavs were Caucasians, then the conquerors belonged to a different racial type - they were Mongoloids; if the peoples of Russia spoke the Slavic language of the Indo-European language family, then the Mongol-Tatars spoke the languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan family; they also had differences in their way of life: the former dominated a sedentary lifestyle and developed agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts and trade, the latter were nomadic pastoralists and lived off raids and robberies.
The conquests slowed down, but did not stop, the onward course of the ethnic history of Eastern Europe. The further development of the East Slavic peoples is now concentrated within the three northeastern regions, located in the forests, where the centers of economic, commercial, political and cultural life have moved. The renaissance processes were led by the Moscow princes, who managed to unite most of the Russian lands in the 15th century, strengthen their influence and achieve complete independence of Russia from the Golden Horde.
The new state provided favorable conditions for the development of the material and spiritual culture of the united lands. The importance of writing, a single language, based on the Moscow dialect, which absorbed the South Russian and North Russian features, has sharply increased.
From the 16th century, the expansion of the lands of Russia began in the Volga region, in the southeast and east. The advance was accompanied by the centralization of management and Slavization (i.e., introduction to the culture of the Slavs of other peoples) of the indigenous population. The forest-steppe and steppe regions in the south returned to the composition of the Russian lands.
From the XIV century, the process of education on the basis of East Slavic three closely related peoples, but differing in language, began - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Gradually, under the influence of various reasons, economic, household, cultural and other peculiarities began to accumulate, self-awareness continued to grow, allowing each ethnic group to realize the intrinsic value and the need for independent national development.

In the second half of the 17th century, a new region began to form on the southern outskirts - Slobodskaya Ukraine (Slobozhanshchina). It was based on the lands of the Wild Field, which Russia actively developed in the 15th-18th centuries. These lands were part of the Russian state, but enjoyed internal autonomy based on Ukrainian customs and traditions. The mass resettlement of Ukrainians from the Commonwealth took place in the 16th-17th centuries, intensifying during the periods of expansion of their struggle for their rights.
It was not possible to prevent the Ukrainian infiltration. The result was a kind of compromise: the Cherkasy Cossacks were allowed to settle in the territory that was considered Russian, subject to the acceptance of Moscow citizenship and their service on the southern borders. Eventually Russian state gained an ally in the fight against the Mongol-Tatar and Polish-Lithuanian danger, was able to push back competitors and consolidate the Dnieper-Don forest-steppe, preventing the spread of the influence and culture of the Poles, Lithuanians and Mongol-Tatars.
From the end of the 16th century, when the flow of immigrants increased and many of the arrivals took citizenship of the Russian state, the government began to issue "letters", which stipulated the rights and obligations of new subjects (they were mainly enrolled in military service for a salary and land allotment).

To protect the local population from Tatar raids and robberies, as well as to assert their power in the acquired territories, the construction of a defense line began in 1635 with the center in the city of Belgorod. Fortified cities under construction were connected by earthen and wooden fortifications (ramparts, notches, etc.).
In the second half of the 17th century. Ukrainians gradually mastered first the area between the Seversky Donets and Oskol, and later - the area between Oskol and Don.
Thus, the remnants of the indigenous pre-Mongolian population of these regions, "odnodvortsy" from small service nobles sent to protect the southern borders of the Russian lands, as well as peasants who moved voluntarily or at the will of the landowners from the middle regions of the Russian state, and Ukrainian Cossacks-Cherkas made up the bulk of the population of our region in the modern era. Until the 21st century, they retained some of the features brought with them from the former places, which found development in the traditional culture of the region.
Thus, by the end of the 16th-beginning of the 17th centuries, the mass migration of peoples had basically ended, and the ethnic map of the Belgorod region was formed.