I frankly confess that in the dark. Org

Abstract lesson

Thing Literary reading

Teacher: Emptyova G. V.

Theme lesson: S. Mikhalkov "Will Power"

Type of lesson: Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge

Purpose: formation of students' ideas about the power of will



    • continue the acquaintance of students with the work of S. Mikhalkov;

      formation of the skill of fluid conscious reading;

      the formation of the ability to work with the textual text,

2. Developing:

    development of associative thinking: the ability to establish causal relationships, allocate the main thing;

    development of observation;

    development of creative abilities;

    memory development;

    development of the emotional sphere.


    upbringing positive qualities of a person;

    upbringing of hardworking;

    upbringing benevolence;

    education of interest in reading and creativity S. Mikhalkov;

Planned results:

Subject: learn to determine the meaning of the work, talking about the heroes, expressing his own attitude, to give the characteristic of the hero and its actions, will expand its reader's horizons;

MetaPered: learn to determine the goal learning activities With the help of a teacher, the basics of semantic reading, allocate essential information, form your own opinion and position. Participate in dialogue;

Personal: learn to appreciate and take basic values: good, labor, patience, will power; express your emotions;

Used technologies: System-actuatorial, personal-oriented technology, partial search (work with information), information and communicative technology (presentation), problem-search (solution permission), technology RKM (prediction wood, syncewing), health-saving (fizminutka)

Equipment : Portrait, Exhibition of books S. Mikhalkov, disc with the song "A good man", presentation.

I. . Organizing time. Psychological attitude.

It is terribly interesting, all that is unknown.

And the fact that it is unknown, we want to know.

But to get us knowledge

We show the effort.

Then you will be able to understand much with you.

II. . Check homework

Expressive reading of the poem S. Mikhalkov "My Secret"

How can S. Mikhalkov manage to return to childhood?

III . Formulation of the problem. Definition of the topic and lesson purposes.

Reading the poem "Funnyhes"

Guys, help me figure out.

I have a problem, I reflected it in the poem. Listen to him and answer me my question.

I am the same as everyone

And in me always everywhere

Argue noisy, funny

Loor men:

The alley quarrel with Dobrushka,

Caprizulka with a laughter,

Destrolling with help

Somewhere there is a fear.

Then dust, then Lenyuk

Let's take me under the hand

And then, I know clearly:

Comes running

Everything will turn upside down,

Will tell the truth and suit.

Help me decide

Who to be friends and not to be friends?

(children answer the question)

Which of these men, in your opinion, the most positive?

What do you think we will talk about with you? (about a human)

Since we will talk about a person, let's call the quality of a person bad and good. (Two columns)

Now work in groups.

Choose qualities that should be in humans.

1 group : courage, cowardice;

2 groups : laziness, hard work;

3 Group : Will power, cowardice

What quality do not you understand?

Let's try to usereception "Prediction Tree"

What is the power of will in your understanding? What concepts are similar to the concept of "willpower"

Listened to students' opinions, the teacher writes on the board. (patience, effort, courage, aspiration, perseverance).

Open textbooks, read the topic of the lesson. (S. Mikhalkov "Will Power")

What are the goals in front of me?


    Skillfully respond to the questions assigned;

And today we learn how to educate the power of will.

Word about S. Mikhalkov. (portrait)

He lived in the world, one person who tirelessly worked on himself. This is Sergey Mikhalkov. He dedicated to you, children, all his creativity and dreamed to and you do also.

We are waiting for his frank confession.

IV . "Opening a new knowledge"

1. Sl. Work: Frankly

What does frank recognition mean?


2. Reading with stops of the poem S. Mikhalkov "Power of Will" by the teacher

I frankly confess

What in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.

I want to jump

And quickly turn on,

When it is dark

And curtained window.

I am afraid of this feeling

But the power of will is struggling with him -

I'm talking: "Laying!

Hold your eyes closed! "

What do you think will be able to overcome your fear? Why?

And I'm lying, lying, lying,

Eyes closed

And I finally fall asleep.

Well, isn't I well done!

How otherwise it was possible to do not be afraid?

And it would be possible to start

With the light not off

And so that it was not dark,

Do not overtake the window

And until the morning while sleeping ...

But you can also become a coward!

And how do you struggle to not be afraid of darkness?


Workout (for eye, respiratory, speech, physical)

Close your eyes - and around the darkness ...

Here is the sky, here are the stars, the moon ... Beauty!

Inhale and driving breathing

Ice the trees whispering,

And exhale slowly very ...

Everyone slept, all good night ...

But morning! Open your eyes rather

Tell me joyful: "Morning!" (Children: "Morning!")

And how do you not want to get up in the morning,

A little bit, even a little more lie down.

Tell me reluctantly: "Morning ..." (children: "Morning ..")

But you have to go and do not need to rob,

Today we need to have a lot!

V.. Primary consolidation.

1. The total of difficult words (slide)

From-to-vein-but (whisper, in the syllables) frankly (chorus, in a whole word)

Oh-ve-she-but (whisper, in syllables) is curtained (chorus, in a whole word)

2. Reading students poems on a chain.

Task before reading: What is the bad quality to overcome the hero? (cowardice)

(after reading, children answer the question)

VII . Enabling knowledge into the system.

1. Work on the expressiveness of speech

Reading offer: I'm afraid of feelings.

How does the meaning change?

Exercise "Jump"


led, Eyes

And I'm lying closed

i hold ...

Where in this sentence can be paused?

2. Expressive reading teacher

Task before reading:

How does intonation change towards the end of the poem?

3 selective (expressive) reading.

Find an excerpt where the hero:

Begins to experience fear;

Struggles with fear;

Overwear fear.


If you do not agree with the statement - to get up if we agree to-go.

Many cases. Where to start me

I still do not solve

And so I'm better

On the sofa to lie! (get up)

If the meeting on the road

I am a homeless puppy,

I do not hurt, but rather

I will feed and warm. (sit)

If delicious candy.

I will give someone somewhere

Immediately I solve

And I will not share with anyone. (get up)

So that the body was healthy,

Laziness will overtake and for business!

I will do sports:

Run, jump, pour! (sit)

4. Work on cards in pairs.

Choose a true statement:

If a person has the power of will, he will not be able to overcome bad qualities.

If a person has the power of will, he will be able to overcome bad qualities.

Reading out loud approval.

Showing the predictions on the tree that the willole of the will prevents that laziness, cowardice can stand next to a person.

Is your idea changed about the concept of "Will Power"?

Reading the definition of "Will Power" on the "Prediction Tree"

5. Compilation of synkievine

Who! Human

What? Brave, hardworking

What is he doing? Not afraid, worries, works

The basic idea. Population of power of will

Output. Strong character

VII . Reflection.

Flower-shaded yellow and red. In the center, children write their name. On 3 petals of approval:

Mikhalkov's poem taught me a lot.

I understood what the power of will is.

I will fight my shortcomings.

If we agree with the statement, take the yellow flower, if not - red.

Attach your flowers to the board.

Guys, what can you say about this picture?

(Appears above the clearing sun)

There is a country one in the world

All children live in her together.

Very kind, funny

Loor men.

Along the solar path

Let your legs walk

Straight to the light ... and in the end

To the main life road!

(Song sound "Good")

I frankly confess
What in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.
When it is dark
And curtained the window,
I want to jump
And quickly turn on the light.

I am afraid of this feeling
But the power of will is struggling with him -
I'm talking: "Laying!
Hold your eyes closed! "

And I'm lying, lying, lying,
Eyes closed
And I finally fall asleep.
Well, isn't I well done!

And it would be possible to start
With the light not off
And so that it was not dark,
Do not overtake the window.
And until the morning while sleeping ...

But you can also become a coward!

Analysis of the poem "Power of Will" Mikhalkov

For the first time, Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov published in the magazine "Murzilka".

The poem is written no later than 1982. The poet at that time was 69 years old, he was a Material of Soviet children's literature, a laureate of many state awards and an honorary citizen of four cities, a deputy, the author of the collections of poems, Bassen, scenarios for cinema and cartoons, the creator of the popular Satirian film "Fitil". The poet is happily married, and by this time has already become a grandfather many times. In the genre attitude - the name of cultivation, the rhymes are adjacent, 5 stanz (the latter is alone). The poem opens by the confession of the chief hero. It turns out that he is afraid to sleep in the dark. He does not explain the cause of this fear, but a little need insight to guess - whom he is afraid. Of course, folk character like beech or lably. The most, from whom they suffer, for example, naughty children. Those who could be blown up with a bright light, but the hero does not go to fantastic creatures. The boy quite picturesque describes his feelings from the night spent in his own children's room (as you know, not everyone was). Darkness becomes tangible and as if he envelops the helpless hero under the blanket from all sides. And then there is still a mom in habit of stabbing the window, destroying the slightest source of light. The boy courageously struggles with the panic desire to strive to rush to the switch. He is engaged in the second and third stunion, he is self-sustained: lying, you closed with closed. Gradually, fear and monsters retreat, the consciousness is confused and the hero falls asleep. "Isn't I well done!": It's about so it turns around in the morning, waking up. In the following stanza, there is a description of the light paths, which the boy does not look for: Do not turn off the light, do not overtake, sleep at least night light. In the final, he is indignantly driven away by littleness: you can also become a coward. The poet as an expert of child psychology concerns in verses actual problem And offers her worthy decision. He encourages children to sympathize with the hero and learn to admit at least to himself in his fears and difficulties. A number of lexical repetitions (lying) and denials, anaphor (eyes), epiphara (afraid), an inner monologue, multi-eyed, transfer, several exclamations, ellipsis.

A systematic hardening of character - the leitmotif of the didactic work of S. Mikhalkov "The Power of Will."

Technology card lesson in grade 2. UMK "School of Russia"

S.V. Mikhalkov "Will Power"

Mount of Elena Germanovna,
teacher elementary school GBOU School №94
Vyborg district of St. Petersburg


Literary reading


Grade 2.


"School of Russia"

Theme lesson

S.V. Mikhalkov "Will Power"

Type of lesson

Solving private tasks

Pedagogical goal

Create conditions for familiarization with the poem of S. Mikhalkov and the formation of the concept of "Will Power"; Create conditions for the development of speech, contribute to the development of attention to the word, associative thinking, creative tasks.

Type of lesson

Decision of the learning task

Planned results


will get the opportunity to learn: identify the features of the humorous work; talk about heroes, reflecting your own attitude towards them; Expressively read humorous episodes from the work.

Personal results

Develop independence and personal responsibility for their actions based on the ideas about the moral norms.

Universal learning actions (meth standby)

Regulatory: understand the actors specified by the teacher educational material; Formulate and hold one task.

Cognitive: use the simplest types of text analysis, master the skills of the semantic reading of the text in accordance with the goals and objectives.

Communicative: they express their opinions and position, the monologic statement is building, use available speech tools to transfer their impression.

The main content of the topic, concepts, terms

Will strength, frank confession, cowardice, courage, frank recognition

Scenario lesson

Stages lesson

Educational and educational components, tasks and exercises

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

Forms of organization of interaction in the lesson

Formed skills (universal training actions)

Intermediate control








I.. Motivation to training activities ( organizing time)

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the material being studied

Welcomes students, checks the readiness of the class and equipment; Emotionally configures on learning activities.

Surround on secrets.

They are difficult to open.

And the answer is not just given.

And riddles to decide

Today we will have to you today.

Listen to the teachers take part in the dialogue with the teacher. Demonstrate readiness for the lesson.

Frontal, individual

Communicative: plan a training cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Personal: have a desire to learn; Show interest in learning subject, understand its importance.

Oral answers, teacher observation.

II.Actualization of knowledge

1. Check your homework.

2.Rech warm-up

From Mikhalkov "My Secret"

Read expressive.

I am the same as everyone

And in me always everywhere

Argue noisy, funny

Loor men:

The alley quarrel with Dobrushka,

Caprizulka with a laughter,

Destrolling with help

Somewhere there is a fear.

Then dust, then Lenyuk

Let's take me under the hand

And then, I know clearly:
Comes running

Everything will turn upside down,

Will tell the truth and suit.

Help me decide

Who to be friends and not to be friends?

Which of these men, in your opinion, the most positive?

Poem expressively read

Frontal, individual

Cognitive: exercise semantic reading, structuring knowledge, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, extracting the necessary information from texts, conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement.

Regulatory: aware of the control rule and successfully use it in solving the learning task; Conditional and personal reflection are able to exercise; Take and save tasks, search for their solutions

Oral responses, teacher observation, tasks

III. Theme setting, lesson goals

What do you think we will talk about with you?

Sergey Mikhalkov devoted to you, children, all their work and dreamed, so that you do the same. We are waiting for frank recognition.

What does "frank recognition" mean?

Answer questions.


Communicative: can work in the team, respect the opinion of other participants educational process

Forecasting theme of the lesson

IV. Work on the lesson

Reading the poem S.V. Mikhalkov "Power of Will" by a teacher (use of the CDK lesson)

What do you think will be able to overcome your fear?


How otherwise you can do, so as not to be afraid of?

And how would you do on the site of the Hero of the poem?

Answer questions.

Reading hard-acting words

From-to-vein-but (whisper, in the syllables) frankly (chorus, in a whole word)

Oh-ve-she-but (whisper, in syllables) is curtained (chorus, in a whole word)


Personal: express their attitude to the heroes,


If you do not agree with the statement - to get up if we agree to-go.

Many cases. Where to start me

I still do not solve

And so I'm better

On the sofa to lie!

If the meeting on the road

I am a homeless puppy,

I do not hurt, but rather

I will feed and warm.

If delicious candy.

I will give someone somewhere

Immediately I solve

And I will not share with anyone.

So that the body was healthy,

Laziness will overtake and for business!

I will do sports:

Run, jump, pour!


stand up

sit down

stand up

sit down


Regulatory: accept and maintain the task

Performing movements

V.Refreshing knowledge and ways of action

1. Working with illustration.

2. Reading students poems on a chain. Task before reading:

3. Care (expressive) Reading

4.Group work.

What did the artist portray?

What is the expression of the face of the hero? Why?

What bad quality Be careful in hero? (cowardice)

(after reading, children answer the question)

Work on the expressiveness of speech (standing)

Reading offer I am afraid of feeling.

How does the meaning change?

Exercise "Jump"


Led, Eyes

And I'm lying closed

I hold ...

Where in this sentence can be paused?

Find an excerpt where the hero:

Begins to experience fear;

Struggles with fear;

Overwear fear.

Choose qualities that should be in humans.

Courage and cowardice;

Laziness and hard work;

The power of the will and cowardice) filling the cluster (positive qualities - closer to the person, negative - on)

Choose a true statement:

If a person has the power of will, he will not be able to overcome bad qualities.

If a person has the power of will, he will be able to overcome bad qualities.

Reading out loud approval. Showing the cluster that the power of will prevents that laziness, cowardice can get up next to the person.

Answer questions. Perform a task.

Frontal, individual

Cognitive:semantic reading; structuring knowledge; nomination hypotheses and their rationale; constructing a logical chain of reasoning; evidence.

Regulatory:exercise volitional self-regulation in the situation of difficulties.

Communicative:formulate and argue your opinion

Oral answers

VI.Reflection. The outcome of the lesson.

Generalization of information received in the lesson. Final conversation. Estimation.

Continue the offer:

Mikhalkova poem taught me ... ..

Will strength is ......

Human flaws are ......

Compilation of synkievine



What is he doing?

The basic idea.


Whether your idea has changed about the concept of "Will Power"

Reading Definition "willpower"

Answer questions


Brave, hardworking

Not afraid, worries, works. Population of power of will

Strong character

Willpower - Damn character of a person in Depending on the level of which a person can control his psyche, actions.

Frontal, individual

Cognitive:oriented in the knowledge system

Regulatory:evaluate their own activity in the lesson.

Personal:show interest in the subject seek to acquire new knowledge.

Oral answers


Frontal. Verbal. Explanation of the teacher.

Explains the content and ways to perform homework. Checks the appropriate entries

Listen to the explanation of the teacher. Make appropriate records. Specify clarifying questions.

Frontal, individual

Regulatory:take and maintain training tasks, search for their solutions


Reading with stops of the poem S. Mikhalkov "Power of Will" by a teacher

I frankly confess

What in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.

I want to jump

And quickly turn on,

When it is dark

And curtained window.

I am afraid of this feeling

But the power of will is struggling with him -

I'm talking: "Laying!

Hold your eyes closed! "

What do you think will be able to overcome your fear? Why?

And I'm lying, lying, lying,

Eyes closed

And I finally fall asleep.

Well, isn't I well done!

How otherwise it was possible to do not be afraid?

And it would be possible to start

With the light not off

And so that it was not dark,

Do not overtake the window

And until the morning while sleeping ...

But you can also become a coward!

And how do you struggle to not be afraid of darkness?

Workout (for eye, breathing, speech, physical)

Close your eyes - and around the darkness ...

Here is the sky, here are the stars, the moon ... Beauty!

Inhale and driving breathing

Ice the trees whispering,

And exhale slowly very ...

Everyone slept, all good night ...

But morning! Open your eyes rather

Tell me joyful: "Morning!" (Children: "Morning!")

And how do you not want to get up in the morning,

A little bit, even a little more lie down.

Tell me reluctantly: "Morning ..." (children: "Morning ..")

But you have to go and do not need to rob,

Today we need to have a lot!

Rise positive qualities of a person: courage, generosity, hard work, power of will, interest in the works of S. Mikhalkov;

Develop critical thinking, running skills, expressive reading, speech activity;

Learning to establish causal relationships, allocate the main thing in the text.

Org. moment. Psychological attitude.

I will learn.

Find out a lot of books.

(Children repeat each line for the teacher)

Checking homework

Reading the poem "Funnyhes"

Guys, help me figure out. I have a problem, I reflected it in the poem.

I am the same as everyone

And in me always everywhere

Argue noisy, funny

Loor men:

The alley quarrel with Dobrushka,

Caprizulka with a laughter,

Destrolling with help

Somewhere there is a fear.

Then dust, then Lenyuk

Let's take me under the hand

And then, I know clearly:

Comes running

Everything will turn upside down,

Will tell the truth and suit.

Help me decide

Who to be friends and not to be friends?

(children answer the question)

Which of these men, in your opinion, the most positive? Picture how you imagine it? .. (facial and gestures)

What do you think we will talk about with you? (about a human)

Group work.

Choose qualities that should be in humans. (1 group: courage, cowardice; 2 Group: Laziness, hard work; 3 Group: Will strength, cowardice) Filling a cluster (positive qualities - closer to person, negative - further)

Creating an associative series to the concept of "willpower"

What is Will? Will power in your understanding?

Listened to students' opinions, the teacher writes on the board. (patience, effort, courage, aspiration, stubbornness)

Today we learn how to educate the power of will.

Word about S. Mikhalkov. (portrait)

He lived in the world, one person who tirelessly worked on himself. This is Sergey Mikhalkov. He dedicated to you, children, all his creativity and dreamed to and you do also.

We are waiting for his frank confession

Sl. Work: Frankly

What does frank recognition mean?

Reading with stops Poems S. Mikhalkov "Power of Will" by a teacher

I frankly confess

What in the dark I'm afraid to sleep.

I want to jump

And quickly turn on,

When it is dark

And curtained window.

I am afraid of this feeling

But the power of will is struggling with him -

I'm talking: "Laying!

Hold your eyes closed! "

What do you think will be able to overcome your fear? Why?

And I finally fall asleep.

Well, isn't I well done!

How otherwise it was possible to do not be afraid?

And it would be possible to start

With the light not off

And so that it was not dark,

Do not overtake the window

And until the morning while sleeping ...

But you can also become a coward!

I will give someone somewhere

Immediately I solve

And I will not share with anyone. (get up)

So that the body was healthy,

Laziness will overtake and for business!

I will do sports:

Run, jump, pour! (sit)

Work on cards in pairs.

Choose a true statement:

If a person has the power of will, he will not be able to overcome bad qualities.

If a person has the power of will, he will be able to overcome bad qualities.

Reading out loud approval. Showing the cluster that the power of will prevents that laziness, cowardice can get up next to the person.

Whether your idea has changed about the concept of "Will Power"

Reading the definition of "Will force"

Compilation of synkievine

Who! Human

What? Brave, hardworking

What is he doing? Not afraid, worries, works

The basic idea. Population of power of will

Output. Strong character


By choice: learn by heart;

Fill out a table.

My qualities

Evidence (actions)


Flower-shaded. In the center, children write their name. On 3 petals of approval:

Mikhalkov's poem taught me a lot.

I understood what the power of will is.

I will fight my shortcomings.

If we agree with the statement, colorfully color, if not - red.

Attach your flowers to the board.

Guys, what can you say about this picture?

Appears above the clearing sunshine

All children live in her together.

Very kind, funny

Loor men.

Along the solar path

Let your legs walk

Straight to the light ... and in the end

To the main life road!

Lesson literary reading In grade 2 on the topic: "S. Mikhalkov "My puppy"

Purpose: The formation of the ability to work with information

Raise love for animals, interest in reading, the ability to listen and hear others;

Develop critical thinking creative skills, ability to formulate questions;

Teach discussion rules, different types of reading.

Org. moment. Psychological setting

We are glad to hear the call,

Think, argue, reflect!

Checking homework

Staging the theme and goals.