Soldier's Tolerance Index. Express - questionnaire "index of tolerance" (g.

Tolerance. From the history of the concept to modern socio-cultural meanings. Tutorial Bakulina Svetlana Dmitrievna

Express questionnaire "Index of Tolerance" (G. U. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Khukhlaev, L. A. Shaigerova)

Processing of results. For quantitative analysis, the total result is calculated, without dividing into subscales. Each answer to a direct statement is assigned a point from 1 to 6 (“absolutely disagree” - 1 point, “strongly agree” - 6 points). Reverse points are assigned to responses to opposite statements (“absolutely disagree” - 6 points, “strongly agree” –1 point). Then the received points are summed up.

Direct statement numbers: 1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Reverse numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the identified level of tolerance is carried out according to the following steps.

22-60 - low level of tolerance. Such results indicate a high intolerance of a person and the presence of pronounced intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61–99 – average level... Such results are shown by respondents who are characterized by a combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they may show intolerance.

100–132 – high level tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced traits of a tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching upper bound(more than 115 points), may indicate the erosion of a person's "boundaries of tolerance" associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, tendencies to connivance, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider that respondents in this range may exhibit high degree social desirability (especially if they have an understanding of the views of the researcher and the goals of the research).

For a qualitative analysis of aspects of tolerance, subscale division can be used:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a personality trait: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

The subscale "ethnic tolerance" reveals a person's attitude towards representatives of others ethnic groups and attitudes in the field of intercultural interaction. The subscale "social tolerance" allows us to study tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study the attitudes of the individual in relation to certain social processes. The subscale "tolerance as a personality trait" includes items that diagnose personality traits, attitudes and beliefs that largely determine a person's attitude to the world around him.

Soldatova G. U., Kravtsova O. A., Khulaev O. E. et al. Psychodiagnostics of tolerance // Psychologists about migrants and migration in Russia: inf. - analyte bulletin. - M., 2002. - No. 4. - S. 59–65.

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(G.U.Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova)

For diagnostics general level Tolerance, a group of psychologists from the center "Gratis" developed an express questionnaire "Index of Tolerance". It was based on domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatova, Kravtsova, Khukhlaev, Shaigerova, 2002). The stimulus material of the questionnaire was made up of statements reflecting both a general attitude towards the world around and other people, and social attitudes in various spheres of interaction, where tolerance and intolerance of a person are manifested. The methodology includes statements that reveal attitudes towards certain social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, beggars), communicative attitudes (respect for the opinions of opponents, willingness to constructively resolve conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance and intolerance (attitude towards people of a different race and ethnic group, towards one's own ethnic group, assessment of cultural distance). Three subscales of the questionnaire are aimed at diagnosing such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, and tolerance as a personality trait.

Method form


Strongly disagree


Rather disagree

Rather agree


I completely agree

Any opinion can be presented in the media

Mixed marriages tend to have more problems than marriages between people of the same nationality.

If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him

Caucasians will be better treated if they change their behavior

Only one point of view can be correct in a dispute.

Beggars and tramps are to blame for their own problems

It is unpleasant to communicate with unkempt people.

Even if I have my own opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view.

All mentally ill people must be isolated from society

I am ready to accept as a member of my family a person of any nationality

Refugees need no more help than everyone else, since local problems have no less

If someone is rude to me, I respond in kind

I want people of different nationalities among my friends

To restore order in the country, you need a "strong hand"

Visitors should have the same rights as local residents

A person who thinks differently from me annoys me.

Some nations and peoples are hard to treat well

Clutter annoys me very much

Any religious movement has the right to exist

I can introduce a black man as my close friend

I would like to become a more tolerant person towards others

Processing of results

For quantitative analysis, the total result is calculated, without dividing into subscales.

Each answer to a direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("strongly disagree" - 1 point, "strongly agree" - 6 points). Reverse points are assigned to replies to the opposite statements ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "strongly agree" - 1 point). Then the received points are summed up.

Direct statement numbers: 1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Reverse numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the identified level of tolerance is carried out according to the following steps:

22-60 - low level of tolerance. Such results indicate a high intolerance of a person and the presence of pronounced intolerant attitudes in relation to the surrounding world and people.

61-99 is an intermediate level. Such results are shown by respondents who are characterized by a combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they may show intolerance.

100-132 - high level of tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced traits of a tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching the upper limit (more than 115 points) may indicate a blurring of the “boundaries of tolerance” in a person, associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, tendencies towards connivance, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider that respondents who fall within this range may demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of ​​the researcher's views and the goals of the research).

For quality analysis of aspects of tolerance can be divided into subscales:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a personality trait: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

The subscale "ethnic tolerance" reveals a person's attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups and attitudes in the field of intercultural interaction. The subscale "social tolerance" allows us to study tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study the attitudes of the individual in relation to certain social processes. The subscale "tolerance as a personality trait" includes items that diagnose personality traits, attitudes and beliefs that largely determine a person's attitude to the world around him.

In 2001 - 2002 in order to validate and standardize the questionnaire, a study was conducted in 16 cities of the Russian Federation (a total of 434 people were interviewed). The aim of the study was to diagnose changes in the level of tolerance after the implementation of a targeted psychological impact - tolerance training. This task was solved within the framework of the joint project of the Russian Red Cross and the Scientific and Practical Center "Gratis" "Tolerance as a way of mutual adaptation of forced migrants and the local population." The survey was carried out by psychologists of the regional reception rooms of the RKK. The express questionnaire was filled in by the high school students participating in the trainings twice: before the start of the classes and after their completion.

In 2002, students of various faculties of the Dagestan State University and the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, as well as practical psychologists in Moscow, dealing with the problems of tolerance and intercultural interaction. A fifth of the interviewed students from DSU passed the tolerance training, and its participants filled out a questionnaire before and after the training. The results of these studies are partially presented in Table 1.

Table 1.Average values ​​of the index of tolerance in different groups

L.V. Skorova

Express questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

The questionnaire was developed by psychologists G.U. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Khukh-laev and L. A. Shaigerova with the aim of diagnosing the general level of tolerance (L. G. Pochebut. Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology: Textbook - S.P .: - Peter, 2012). The stimuli material of the questionnaire included statements reflecting not only the general attitude towards the world around and other people, but also social attitudes in various spheres of interaction, where tolerance or intolerance of a person is manifested. The text of the questionnaire was made up of statements that reveal a person's attitude towards various social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, beggars), communicative attitudes (respect for the opinions of opponents, willingness to constructively resolve conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention was paid to ethnic tolerance and intolerance (attitude towards people of a different race and ethnic group, towards one's own ethnic group, assessment of cultural distance). The questionnaire consists of three subscales: ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, and tolerance as a personality trait.

Express questionnaire form "Tolerance Index"

P / p No. Statement Strongly disagree Disagree Rather disagree Rather agree Agree I completely agree
Any opinion can be presented in the media
Mixed marriages tend to have more problems than marriages between people of the same nationality.
If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him
Caucasians will be better treated if they change their behavior
In a dispute, only one point of view can be correct.
Beggars and tramps are to blame for their own problems
It's okay to think that your people are better than everyone else.
It is unpleasant to communicate with unkempt people.
Even if I have my own opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view.
All mentally ill people must be isolated from society
I am ready to accept as a member of my family a person of any nationality
Refugees need no more help than everyone else, since local problems have no less
If someone is rude to me, I respond in kind
I want people of different nationalities among my friends
To restore order in the country, you need a "strong hand"
Visitors should have the same rights as local residents
A person who thinks differently from me annoys me.
Some nations and peoples are hard to treat well
Clutter annoys me very much
Any religious movement has the right to exist
I can imagine a black man as my close friend
I would like to become a more tolerant person towards others

Processing of results: For quantitative analysis, the total result is calculated, without dividing into subscales. Each answer to a direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("absolutely disagree" -1 point, "strongly agree" - 6 points). Reverse points are assigned to responses to opposite statements (“absolutely disagree” - 6 points, “completely agree” - 1 point). Then the received points are summed up.

Key # 1

Direct statement numbers Reverse Assertion Numbers
1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19

Individual or group assessments of the revealed level of tolerance are carried out according to the following steps:

Low level of tolerance: 22 - 60 points. Such results indicate a high intolerance of a person and the presence of pronounced intolerant attitudes in relation to the surrounding world and people.

Average level: 61 - 99 points. Such results are shown by respondents who are characterized by a combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they may show intolerance.

High level: 100 - 132 points. Representatives of this group have pronounced traits of a tolerant personality. However, the authors note that the results approaching the upper limit (more than 115 points) indicate a blurring of the “boundaries of tolerance” in a person, which may be associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, tendencies towards connivance, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider that respondents who fall into this range may demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of ​​the research objectives).

Qualitative analysis of tolerance is based on subscale division. The subscale names and statement numbers are presented in the key.

Key # 2

Methodology "Types of aggressiveness"

The technique was developed by L.G. Study on the basis of the Bass-Darki methodology (LG Study. Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology: Study guide. - SP: - Peter, 2012). Aggressiveness is seen as a manifestation of maladjustment and intolerance.

Aggressive behavior - this is specific form human actions, characterized by a demonstration of superiority in force or the use of force in relation to another person or a group of persons to whom the subject seeks to inflict damage.

To understand the origin of specific manifestations of aggressive behavior, it is necessary to establish whether the aggressive act is inadequate. defensive reaction subject, a consequence of his affective state, or it has a purposeful meaning. It is advisable to consider aggressive behavior as the opposite of adaptive behavior.

Responsive behavior - it is the interaction of a person with other people (social environment), characterized by the coordination of interests, requirements and expectations of its participants.

Socio-psychological analysis of adaptive behavior involves the study of the conditions for joint activities of people, the commonality of their goals and value orientations, the adoption of a tolerant attitude towards people.

Questionnaire form

Instruction. The proposed questionnaire identifies your usual behavior in stressful situations and features of adaptation in the social environment. You need to unambiguously answer 40 questions: either "yes" or "no". On the answer sheet, underline your answer in the appropriate column.

2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything that I think about him.

3. If I need to resort to physical force to defend my rights, I will do it without hesitation.

4. When I meet someone I don't like, I can discreetly pinch or push him.

5. When I get involved in an argument with another person, I can bang my fist on the table to get attention or to prove that I am right.

6. I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.

7. Remembering the past, sometimes I feel resentment for myself.

8. Although I do not show it, sometimes envy eats me up.

9. If I do not approve of the behavior of my acquaintances, then I directly tell them about it.

10. In great anger, I use strong language (foul language).

11. If someone raises a hand to me, I will try to hit him first.

12. I get so pissed off that I throw things away.

13. I often need to rearrange the furniture in the apartment or completely change it.

14. In dealing with people, I often feel like a "powder keg", in constant readiness to explode.

15. Sometimes I have a desire to play an evil trick on another person.

16. When I’m angry, I’m usually darker.

17. In a conversation with a person, I try to listen to him carefully, without interrupting.

18. When I was young, my fists often itched and I was always ready to use them.

19. If I know that a person deliberately pushed me, then it can come to hand-to-hand combat.

20. The creative clutter on my desk allows me to work effectively.

21. I remember being so angry that I grabbed everything that came to hand and broke.

22. Sometimes people annoy me with just their presence.

23. I often wonder what hidden reasons make the other person do something good for me.

24. If I get hurt, then I lose the desire to talk to anyone.

25. Sometimes I deliberately say bad things about a person I don't like.

26. When I am furious, I say the most vicious curse.

27. As a child, I avoided fights.

28. I know for what reason and when you can hit someone.

29. When I am pissed off, I can slam the door.

30. It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.

31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with other people.

32. Very often, by my words and actions, I bring harm to myself.

33. When people yell at me, I respond in kind.

34. If someone hits me first, I will hit him back.

35. It annoys me when things and objects are out of place.

36. If I fail to fix a broken and torn thing, then I break it in anger and tear it completely.

37. Other people always seem to me to be more successful.

38. When I think about a person who is very unpleasant to me, I can get excited with the desire to harm him.

39. Sometimes it seems to me that fate has played a cruel joke on me.

40. If someone treats me the wrong way, I get very upset about it.

Processing of results. First, in accordance with the key, the points are calculated for each of the scales. In total, the questionnaire contains five diagnostic scales of aggressiveness.

1. Verbal aggression (VA): a person verbally, in words, expresses his aggressive attitude towards another, uses verbal abuse.

2. Physical aggression (PA): a person tends to physically express his aggression towards another and may use brute physical force.

3. Object aggression (PA): a person breaks down his aggression on surrounding objects.

4. Emotional aggression (EA): when communicating with another, a person develops emotional alienation, a feeling of suspicion, hostility, hostility and ill will towards him.

5. Self-aggression (SA): a person is not in peace, harmony with himself, he lacks or weakened mechanisms of protection "I", he is defenseless in relation to an aggressive environment.


1. 17. 3. 19. 5. 21. 6. 23. 7.
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
2. 25. 4. 27. 12. 29. 14. 30. 8.
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9. 26. 11. 28. 13. 35. 15. 37. 16.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10. 33. 18. 34. 20. 36. 22. 38. 24.
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

A total of more than five points means that a person has a high degree of aggression for this type of behavior and a low degree of adaptive behavior. If the total is 3 or 4 points, we can talk about the average degree of aggression and adaptation. The sum of points from 0 to 2 indicates a low severity of aggressive behavior and a high degree of adaptation, adaptability for this type of behavior.

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To diagnose the general level of tolerance, a group of psychologists from the "Gratis" center developed an express questionnaire "Index of Tolerance". It was based on domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatova, Kravtsova, Khukhlaev, Shaigerova, 2002). The stimulus material of the questionnaire was made up of statements reflecting both a general attitude towards the world around and other people, and social attitudes in various spheres of interaction, where tolerance and intolerance of a person are manifested. The methodology includes statements that reveal attitudes towards certain social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, beggars), communicative attitudes (respect for the opinions of opponents, willingness to constructively resolve conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance and intolerance (attitude towards people of a different race and ethnic group, towards one's own ethnic group, assessment of cultural distance). Three subscales of the questionnaire are aimed at diagnosing such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, and tolerance as a personality trait.


Strongly disagree


Rather disagree

Rather agree


I completely agree

Any opinion can be presented in the media

Mixed marriages tend to have more problems than marriages between people of the same nationality.

If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him

Caucasians will be better treated if they change their behavior

In a dispute, only one point of view can be correct.

Beggars and tramps are to blame for their own problems

It is unpleasant to communicate with unkempt people.

Even if I have my own opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view.

All mentally ill people must be isolated from society

I am ready to accept as a member of my family a person of any nationality

Refugees need no more help than everyone else, since local problems have no less

If someone is rude to me, I respond in kind

I want people of different nationalities among my friends

To restore order in the country, you need a "strong hand"

Visitors should have the same rights as local residents

A person who thinks differently from me annoys me.

Some nations and peoples are hard to treat well

Clutter annoys me very much

Any religious movement has the right to exist

I can imagine a black man as my close friend

I would like to become a more tolerant person towards others

Processing of results

For quantitative analysis, the total result is calculated, without dividing into subscales.

Each answer to a direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("strongly disagree" - 1 point, "strongly agree" - 6 points). Reverse points are assigned to replies to the opposite statements ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "strongly agree" - 1 point). Then the received points are summed up.

Direct statement numbers: 1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Reverse numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the identified level of tolerance is carried out according to the following steps:

22-60 - low level of tolerance. Such results indicate a high intolerance of a person and the presence of pronounced intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61-99 is an intermediate level. Such results are shown by respondents who are characterized by a combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they may show intolerance.

100-132 - high level of tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced traits of a tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching the upper limit (more than 115 points) may indicate a blurring of the “boundaries of tolerance” in a person, associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, tendencies towards connivance, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider that respondents who fall within this range may demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of ​​the researcher's views and the goals of the research).

For a qualitative analysis of aspects of tolerance, subscale division can be used:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a personality trait: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

The subscale "ethnic tolerance" reveals a person's attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups and attitudes in the field of intercultural interaction. The subscale "social tolerance" allows us to study tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study the attitudes of the individual in relation to certain social processes. The subscale "tolerance as a personality trait" includes items that diagnose personality traits, attitudes and beliefs that largely determine a person's attitude to the world around him.

In 2001 - 2002 in order to validate and standardize the questionnaire, a study was conducted in 16 cities Russian Federation(434 people were interviewed in total). The aim of the study was to diagnose changes in the level of tolerance after the implementation of a targeted psychological impact - tolerance training. This task was solved within the framework of the joint project of the Russian Red Cross and the Scientific and Practical Center "Gratis" "Tolerance as a way of mutual adaptation of forced migrants and the local population." The survey was carried out by psychologists of the regional reception rooms of the RKK. The express questionnaire was filled in by the high school students participating in the trainings twice: before the start of the classes and after their completion.

In 2002, students from various faculties of the Dagestan State University and the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University were also interviewed. M.V. Lomonosov, as well as practical psychologists Moscow, dealing with the problems of tolerance and intercultural interaction. A fifth of the interviewed students from DSU passed the tolerance training, and its participants filled out a questionnaire before and after the training. The results of these studies are partially presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Average values ​​of the tolerance index in different groups

DSU students

DSU students (after training)

Psychology students. Faculty of Moscow State University

Practical psychologists in Moscow


Number of respondents



Appointment. The methodology is aimed at studying the implementation of personal value orientations in real life conditions.

Instruction. This questionnaire is aimed at researching your personality and your relationships. Answer as quickly as possible without thinking about each question for a long time. Remember that there are no good or bad answers, only your own opinion. You need to answer "yes" or "no". In the form of answers, this is, respectively, "+" or "-.", Which must be put next to the question number.


Do you want to lie on the couch and do nothing?

Do you want to make money yourself and enjoy it?

Do you often have the thought that you want to go to the theater or to an exhibition?

Do you often help your loved ones with housework?

Do you think that love is the defining feeling in life?

Do you want to become a boss (head of a company)?

Do you want to be respected by your friends for your personality traits?

Would you like to take part in any public events (rallies, strikes) in favor of your closest population?

Do you think that without communication with friends your life will be dull and bleak?

Do you think that it would be healthy, and everything else will follow?

Do you often want to relax (listen to light music, for example)?

Will you choose your profession mainly because it can bring you great material wealth?

Do you think it is important in life to be able to play on musical instruments, draw, etc.?

If someone you know is sick, would you choose a time to visit him?

Is your marriage (will be) made for love?

Did you want to become an organizer at school?

If you have committed an unseemly act towards friends, colleagues, will you be worried about this?

Do you think that through public actions (rallies, meetings) something can be changed in public life?

Can you easily do without frequent communication with your friends?

Do you think you need to improve your health in any way (swim, run, play tennis, etc.)?

The main thing for you is your mood in this moment, and what will happen next is not so important?

Do you think that the main thing is to buy a house (apartment), a car and other material goods?

Do you like to walk in the forest, park?

Do you think it is necessary to help financially those who ask for alms?

Is love a feeling that is born and dies?

Would you like to become a scientist or researcher?

Power - is it honorable and significant, or is it more of a hassle and all sorts of troubles?

Would you like to have more friends?

Has it ever occurred to you to reorganize any public organization(club, advice center, institute)?

How much of your free time would you like to devote to communication?

Do you often think about your health?

Do you think it is very important to be able to please yourself?

If you started all over again, would you choose an even higher-paying job?

Would you like to take up photography?

Do you think that it is imperative to help a fallen person?

Is the feeling of love for you the fundamental principle of life or not?

How often do you ask yourself the question: "Why exactly this way?"

Would you like to “do” politics?

Are social phenomena a subject of discussion for you at home, at school or at work?

If you spend three days on a desert island, will you die of loneliness?

Do you ski to improve your health?

Do you often dream for a long time, lying with your eyes closed?

The main thing in life is making money and starting your own business?

Do you often buy paintings and other art products or would you like to buy them?

If someone close to you is sick for a long time, will you humbly and meekly perform his duties for him?

Do you love small children?

Would you like to create your own "theory" (relativity, table, etc.)?

Do you want to be like any famous person(actor, politician, businessman)?

Is it important for you to be respected by your colleagues for your professional knowledge?

Would you like to do something in politics yourself at the present time?

Are you a determined person?

Do you go to the sauna, pool, bath, do you do aerobics to maintain good physical condition?

Is a good rest extremely important?

Is it very important in life to accumulate material resources and pass them on to children?

Have you ever wanted to paint a picture or compose music yourself?

When Small child crying - is it a "cry for help"?

Is it more important for you to love yourself than to be loved?

“In everything I want to get to the very bottom” - is this about you?

Would you like your children to become famous people?

Would you like your colleagues to turn to you for personal help, as a person?

In public life, let everything remain as it is?

Is communication just a waste of time?

Health is not the most important thing in life?

Question numbers

Processing and interpretation of results

The severity of each of the polystructural value orientations personality was determined using the key presented in the answer sheet. Accordingly, the number of positive answers in all eleven columns is counted, and the result is recorded in the "?" Column. Based on the results of processing individual data, a graphical profile is built that reflects the severity of each value. For this, the quantitative expression of values ​​is recorded vertically (according to a 6-point system), and horizontally - the types of values.

Let's list these values ​​in a generalized form:

1. Pleasant pastime, rest.

2. High material well-being.

3. Search and enjoy the beautiful.

4. Help and mercy to other people.

5. Love.

6. Cognition of new things in the world, nature, man.

7. High social status and management of people.

8. Recognition and respect of people and influence on others.

9. Social activity to achieve positive changes in society.

10. Communication.

11. Health.

Diagnostics of the interactive orientation of the personality

(N.E.Shchurkov modified by N.P. Fetiskin)

Instruction. You will be offered a questionnaire with ready-made answers, indicated by the letters "a", "b" and "c". You should choose not the answer that is considered desirable or correct, but the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you.

Answer as quickly as possible, as the first reaction is important, not the result of long deliberation. On the answer sheet, first write down the question number, and next to it - your answer in letter form.


1. There is a man in the way. You have to go through. What you are doing?

a) I will go around without disturbing.

c) Move aside and go through.

c) It depends on what the mood will be.

2. You notice among the guests a nondescript girl sitting alone on the sidelines. What you are doing?

a) Nothing, what is my business?

c) I don't know how the circumstances will turn out.

c) I will come and speak by all means.

3. You are late for school (for work). You see that someone felt bad. What you are doing?

a) I am in a hurry to school (to work).

c) If you ask for help, I will not refuse.

c) I call 03 and stop passers-by.

4. Your friends are moving to a new apartment. They are old. What you are doing?

a) I will offer my help.

c) I do not interfere with someone else's life.

c) If asked, I will, of course, help.

5. Strawberries are being sold not far from the house. You buy the remaining kilogram. Behind you hear a voice regretting that there were not enough strawberries for the granddaughter. How do you react to your voice?

a) I'm sorry, of course.

c) I turn around and suggest giving up ..

c) I don't know, I'll see what this grandmother looks like.

6. Learn that one of your acquaintances has been unjustly punished. What you are doing?

a) I am very angry, I scold the offender with strong words,

c) Nothing, life is generally unfair,

c) I stand up for the offended.

7. You are on duty. Find money when you sweep the floor. What you are doing?

a) They are mine, since I found them,

c) Tomorrow I will ask who lost,

c) Maybe I'll take it myself.

8. Take the exam. What are you counting on?

a) For cribs, of course, or for luck.

c) The examiner's fatigue - maybe he will miss,

c) On yourself, your knowledge.

9. You have to choose a profession. How will you do it?

a) I will find something near the house.

c) I will look for a high-paying job,

c) I will choose creative work.

10. You are offered three types of travel. What do you choose?

a) Unknown beauty of our country,

c) Exotic countries,

c) Rich countries.

11. The group decided to clean the premises. You see that all the tools have been taken apart. What you are doing?

a) I'll chat a little, then we'll see.

c) I'm leaving home, of course.

c) I will join someone.

12. The magician offers to arrange your life secured, without the need to work. What do you answer?

a) I agree with gratitude.

c) First, I will find out how many such cases were.

c) I refuse emphatically.

13. You are asked to do one thing. You don't feel like it. What happens next?

a) I forget about him, I will remember if they say.

c) I do, of course.

c) I am looking for reasons to refuse.

14. We visited an amazing opening day. Will you tell anyone?

a) Yes, certainly - to all friends and acquaintances,

c) I don’t know, I’ll tell you if the case comes up,

c) No, let everyone live as he wants.

15. The group decides who to entrust the work. You like this job. What you are doing?

a) Please instruct me.

c) I am waiting for someone to name my candidacy.

c) I do nothing, let it be as it will.

16. We were going to go to a friend's dacha. They call you asking to postpone plans for the sake of the cause. What are you saying?

a) I am going to the dacha, as agreed.

c) I'm not going, of course.

c) I will ask a friend what he will say.

17. You decided to get a dog. What will suit you?

a) Homeless puppy.

c) An adult dog with a well-known disposition.

c) A puppy of a rare breed with a pedigree.

18. The hands of the clock indicate the end of the session. The teacher asks for five minutes. What is your reaction?

a) I remind you of the right to rest,

c) I agree

c) As everyone, so do I.

19. They speak to you in an offensive tone. How do you react?

a) I answer in the same way.

c) I don’t notice, it doesn’t matter.

c) I break the connection.

20. You play the violin poorly, but your parents ask you to play for guests, praising you. What you are doing?

c) Of course, I don’t play.

c) It's nice to be praised, but I'm evading.

21. Thought to receive guests. What are you worried about?

a) Treats, of course,

c) Communication program,

c) Nothing - they are my friends.

22.The school was quarantined. How do you react?

a) Like everyone else, I walk, I enjoy freedom.

c) I create an independent study program.

c) I live in anticipation of new messages.

a) I give it - life is more expensive,

c) I will try to run away from them.

c) I don’t give gifts.

24. When you praise your friend. What do you feel?

a) I'm uncomfortable, a little envious.

c) I am glad, my dignity does not diminish from this.

c) Doesn't concern me, I don't feel anything.

25 comes New Year... What do you think?

a) About gifts, of course, and about the tree,

c) About New Year's holidays,

c) About a new stage in your life.

26. What is the role of music in your life?

a) Needed for dancing,

c) Is the background of life,

c) Elevates the soul.

27. Leaving home for a long time. How does it feel to be away from home?

a) Dreaming of native places.

c) Better than at home.

c) I don’t know, I didn’t leave for a long time.

28. Does your mood change during news broadcasts?

a) No, if my business is going well,

c) Yes, and constantly,

c) I did not notice.

29. A charitable collection of books is held. Are you participating?

a) I select interesting books and bring them.

c) I have no books I don't need.

c) If I see that everyone is handing over, I will bring it too.

30. Can you name 5 dear places on earth, 5 interesting social and historical
events, 5 names of outstanding people dear to you?

a) Of course I can.

c) No, there are so many interesting things in the world.

c) I don’t know, I didn’t count.

31. Hear the message about the heroic deed of the person. What do you think?

a) This person had his own benefit.

c) Lucky to become famous.

c) I am deeply satisfied, I never cease to be surprised.

Personal orientation (selfish interests)

Focus on interaction and collaboration

Marginal orientation

Appointment. Studying the vector of interactive orientation and personal socialization in modern schoolchildren.

Answers that match the key are worth 1 point, and those that do not match - 0 points. In accordance with this, the total number of points is calculated for each of the three scales. The dominance of a particular personality orientation can be judged by the highest number of points in one of the three scales. The level of formation of each type of orientation can be said based on the following indicators:

24 points and above - high level;

14-23 points - average level;

13 points or less - low level.

Orientation towards personal (egoistic) interests is associated with the predominance of motives for their own well-being. In interaction with other people, the goals of satisfying personal needs and aspirations are pursued. The interests and values ​​of other people, groups are most often ignored or considered exclusively in a practical context, which causes conflicts and difficulties in interpersonal adaptation.

Orientation towards interaction, cooperation with other people is due to the need to maintain constructive relationships with members of a small group, empathy and interest in joint activities. As a rule, a high level of this scale corresponds to optimal socialization and adaptation.

Marginal orientation is expressed in the tendency to obey circumstances and impulsive behavior. This group of people is characterized by manifestations of infantilism, uncontrollability of actions, imitation.



This methodical development allows diagnosing ethnic identity and its transformation in the context of interethnic tension. One of the indicators of the transformation of ethnic identity is the growth of ethnic intolerance (intolerance). Tolerance / intolerance - the main problem of interethnic relations in conditions of growing tension between peoples - was a key psychological variable in the construction of this questionnaire. The degree of the respondent's ethnic tolerance is assessed on the basis of the following criteria: the level of "negativism" in relation to his own and other ethnic groups, the threshold of emotional reaction to a foreign ethnic environment, the severity of aggressive and hostile reactions towards other groups.

Identity types with different quality and severity of ethnic tolerance are identified on the basis of a wide range of the ethnocentrism scale, ranging from "denial" of identity, when negativism and intolerance towards one's own ethnic group is recorded, to national fanaticism - the apotheosis of intolerance and the highest degree of negativism towards to other ethnic groups.

The questionnaire contains six scales that correspond to the following types of ethnic identity.

1. Ethnonihilism is one of the forms of hypoidentity, which is a departure from one's own ethnic group and the search for stable socio-psychological niches not by ethnic criterion.

2. Ethnic indifference - the erosion of ethnic identity, expressed in the uncertainty of ethnicity, irrelevance of ethnicity.

3. Norm (positive ethnic identity) - a combination of a positive attitude towards one's own people with positive attitude to other peoples. In a multiethnic society, positive ethnic identity has the character of a norm and is characteristic of the overwhelming majority. It sets such an optimal balance of tolerance in relation to one's own and other ethnic groups, which allows us to consider it, on the one hand, as a condition for the independence and stable existence of an ethnic group, on the other, as a condition for peaceful intercultural interaction in a multi-ethnic world.

The increase in destructiveness in interethnic relations is due to the transformations of ethnic self-awareness by the type of hyper-identity, which corresponds to three scales in the questionnaire:

4. Ethno-egoism - this type of identity can be expressed in a harmless form at the verbal level as a result of perception through the prism of the construct "my people" "someone else's" account.

5. Ethno-isolationism - conviction in the superiority of one's people, recognition of the need to "purify" the national culture, negative attitude towards interethnic marriage unions, xenophobia.

6. Ethnophanaticism - willingness to take any action in the name of one way or another understood ethnic interests, up to ethnic "cleansing", denying other peoples the right to use resources and social privileges, recognizing the priority of the ethnic rights of the people over human rights, justifying any victims in the struggle for the well-being of their people.

Ethno-egoism, ethno-isolationism and ethnophanaticism are stages of hyperbolization of ethnic identity, which means the emergence of discriminatory forms of interethnic relations. In interethnic interaction, hyper-identity is manifested in different forms ethnic intolerance: from irritation arising as a reaction to the presence of members of other groups, to upholding a policy of restricting their rights and opportunities, aggressive and violent actions against another group, and even genocide (Soldatova, 1998).

As a result of the series expert assessments and pilot studies, 30 judgments were selected - indicators interpreting the end of the phrase: "I am a person who ..." Indicators reflect the attitude towards one's own and other ethnic groups in various situations of interethnic interaction.

Method form

Instruction: Below are the statements of various people on the issues of national relations, national culture. Think how yours coincides with the opinions of these people. Determine your agreement or disagreement with these statements.

I am a person who ...


Rather agree

Something I agree, some no

Rather disagree


prefers the way of life of his people, but with great interest in other peoples

believes that inter-ethnic marriages destroy the people

often feels the superiority of people of other nationalities

believes that the rights of the nation are always superior to human rights

believes that in everyday communication, nationality does not matter

prefers the lifestyle of only his people

usually does not hide his nationality

believes that true friendship can only exist between people of the same nationality

often feels ashamed of people of their own nationality

believes that any means is good to protect the interests of his people

does not give preference to any national culture, including his own

often feels the superiority of their people over others

loves his people, but respects the language and culture of other peoples

considers it strictly necessary to preserve the purity of the nation

it is difficult to get along with people of their nationality

believes that interacting with people of other nationalities is often a source of trouble

indifferent to their nationality

experiences stress when he hears someone else's speech around him

ready to deal with a representative of any people, regardless of national differences

believes that his people have the right to solve their problems at the expense of other peoples

often feels inferior because of their ethnicity

considers his people more gifted and developed in comparison with other peoples

believes that people of other nationalities should be limited in the right to reside in his national territory

gets annoyed at close contact with people of other nationalities

always finds an opportunity to peacefully agree in an interethnic dispute

considers it necessary to "cleanse" the culture of his people from the influence of other cultures

does not respect his people

believes that on his land all rights to use natural and social resources should belong only to his people

never took interethnic issues seriously

believes that his people are no better and no worse than other peoples


Subjects' answers are converted into points in accordance with the scale:

"agree" - 4 points;

"rather agree" - 3 points;

"I agree on some things, not on some" - 2 points;

"rather disagree" - 1 point;

"disagree" - 0 points.

Then the number of points is calculated for each of the types of ethnic identity (the items working for this type are indicated in brackets):

1. Ethnonihilism (points: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27).

2. Ethnic indifference (5, 11, 17, 29, 30).

3. Norm (positive ethnic identity) (1, 7, 13, 19, 25).

4. Ethno-egoism (6, 12, 16, 18, 24).

5. Ethno-isolationism (2, 8, 20, 22, 26).

6. Ethnophanaticism (4, 10, 14, 23, 28).

Depending on the amount of points scored by the subjects on a particular scale (the possible range is from 0 to 20 points), one can judge the severity of the corresponding type of ethnic identity, and comparison of the results on all scales among themselves allows one or more dominant types to be identified.

Express questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

To diagnose the general level of tolerance, a group of psychologists from the "Gratis" center developed an express questionnaire "Index of Tolerance". It was based on domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatova, Kravtsova, Khukhlaev, Shaigerova, 2002). The stimulus material of the questionnaire was made up of statements reflecting both a general attitude towards the world around and other people, and social attitudes in various spheres of interaction, where tolerance and intolerance of a person are manifested. The methodology includes statements that reveal attitudes towards certain social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, beggars), communicative attitudes (respect for the opinions of opponents, willingness to constructively resolve conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance and intolerance (attitude towards people of a different race and ethnic group, towards one's own ethnic group, assessment of cultural distance). Three subscales of the questionnaire are aimed at diagnosing such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, and tolerance. how personality trait.

Method form


Strongly disagree


Rather notagree

Rather agree



Mixed marriages tend to have more problems than marriages between people of the same nationality.

If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him

Caucasians will be better treated if they change their behavior

In a dispute, only one point of view can be correct.

Beggars and tramps are to blame for their own problems

It is unpleasant to communicate with unkempt people.

Even if I have my own opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view.

All mentally ill people must be isolated from society

I AM ready to accept as a member of his family a person of any nationality

Refugees need no more help than everyone else, since local problems have no less

If someone is rude to me, I respond in kind

I want people of different nationalities among my friends

To restore order in the country, you need a "strong hand"

Visitors should have the same rights as local residents

A person who thinks differently from me annoys me.

Some nations and peoples are hard to treat well

Clutter annoys me very much

Any religious movement has the right to exist

I AM I can imagine a black man as my close friend

I would like to become a more tolerant person towards others

Processing of results

For quantitative analysis, the total result is calculated, without dividing into subscales.

Each answer to a direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("strongly disagree" - 1 point, "strongly agree" - 6 points). Reverse points are assigned to replies to the opposite statements ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "strongly agree" - 1 point). Then the received points are summed up.

Direct statement numbers: 1.9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Reverse numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the identified level of tolerance is carried out according to the following steps:

22-60 - low level of tolerance. Such results indicate a high intolerance of a person and the presence of pronounced intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61-99 is an intermediate level. Such results are shown by respondents who are characterized by a combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they may show intolerance.

100-132 - high level of tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced traits of a tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching the upper limit (more than 115 points) may indicate a blurring of the “boundaries of tolerance” in a person, associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, tendencies towards connivance, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider that respondents who fall within this range may demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of ​​the researcher's views and the goals of the research).

For quality analysis of aspects of tolerance can be divided into subscales:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2,4,7,11, 14, 18,21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a personality trait: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

4. The subscale "ethnic tolerance" reveals a person's attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups and attitudes in the field of intercultural interaction. The subscale "social tolerance" allows us to study tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study the attitudes of the individual in relation to certain social processes. The subscale "tolerance as a personality trait" includes items that diagnose personality traits, attitudes and beliefs that largely determine a person's attitude to the world around him.