Tongue twisters for voice and diction. Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults

Beautiful, clear speech is not only comfortable communication, but also a kind of visiting card of an educated person. It helps to create a good impression with the interlocutor, to win him over and convey his thought to him. Unfortunately, the culture of speech and its general level today has noticeably decreased. It is less and less common to meet an adult with ideal diction and well-developed speech skills. What to say about children and adolescents, among whom the number of those who do not pronounce the sounds "r", "s", "sh", etc. has recently grown. Fortunately, methods of correcting bursting, lisping and other speech flaws. Among the most effective and affordable remedial measures are tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction. These are well-known short and long phrases / rhymes, the repetition of which helps to correct speech defects. Ideally, tongue twisters should be combined with articulatory gymnastics and other speech therapy exercises to achieve a quick and sustainable positive effect. But these simple practice texts by themselves, with regular practice, can significantly improve speech skills. Next, you will find a selection of the best tongue twisters for children 3-4, 5-6 and 10-12 years old with pronunciation problems. In addition, you will find more complex tongue twisters for adults, including those undergoing stroke rehabilitation.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in children: exercise options for different ages

The positive effect of tongue twisters on the development of speech and diction is easiest to trace in children of different ages (exercise options below). And we are talking not only about babies with impaired pronunciation, but also about children with a norm of speech development. The fact is that tongue twisters help not only to automate certain sounds that are difficult for a child, but also to train the purity of speech. That is why tongue twisters are often recommended to be used in work with children 3-4 years old who do not have special speech problems. These simple exercises help children of this age to get rid of the extra soft pronunciation that is characteristic of babies. In addition, tongue twisters are able to correct mistakes in the already formed speech of older children. For example, with the help of such texts, you can train breathing and tempo, which has a positive effect on the entire speech of children.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech in children 3 years old

Below are options for simple tongue twisters for the development of speech in children 3 years old. By repeating them regularly with your child, you can significantly improve his pronunciation and expand the baby's vocabulary.

Sounds K, G, X, Y

1. Ko-ko-ko-cat loves milk.

2. Ha-ha-ha the goat has horns.

3. Ha ha ha ha - don't catch us a rooster.

4. Oh-oh-oh-bunny is cold in winter.

5. Geese cackle on the mountain.

6. A fly landed on the hamster's ear.

Sounds Ф, В

1. Af-af-af- we will put a closet in the corner.

2. Wu-woo-woo - an owl was seen in the forest.

3. Fani has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes.

4. Our Filat is never to blame.

Sound C (sm).

1. At Sonya, the sled goes down the hill by itself.

2. Senya met a fox in the forest.

3. Our gas went out.

4. Su-su-su-su - quietly in the autumn in the forest.

5. Senya carries hay in Senya, Senya will sleep in the hay.

1. Zu-zu-zu-bunny we are in the basin.

2. Zina has a goat in a basket.

3. Lisa bought Zina a basket in the store.

4. Zoya and Zina are drinking juice at the store.

5. Zina's bell rings loudly.

6. Little Zina has a bunny sleeping in a basket.

Variants of tongue twisters for speech and diction development in children 5-6 years old

In children 5-6 years old, irregular breathing and a confused pronunciation rate are quite often observed, especially with hasty speech. Using the options for tongue twisters from the selection below to train speech skills and correct sound pronunciation in children of this age category.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.

Karl stole the corals from Clara,

Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

The ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek - there is a cancer in the river.

He put his hand in the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek - Dzap!

Scared teddy bear

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,

Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

The best tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction in children 10-12 years old

At the age of 10-12, speech is almost completely formed. Therefore, in the presence of her defects, good speech therapy work is required, including the use of tongue twisters. But even without any special defects, the repetition of special texts has a positive effect on the automation of speech, its purity and correctness. Here are some tongue twisters that are relevant for children in this age group.

In the bowels of the tundra

Otters in gaiters

Poke in buckets

Cedar kernels! Ripping off the otter

Leggings in the tundra

Wipe the otter cedar kernels

I will wipe the face of the otter with a gaiter

Kernels to buckets

Otter to the tundra!

At the edge of the hut

Old lady talkers live.

Every old woman has a basket

There is a cat in every basket,

Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

The mouse crawled under the cover,

To gnaw crumbs under the lid,

The mouse probably has a cover -

The mouse forgot about the cat!

Carp once a crucian

Gave a coloring book.

And Karas said:

"Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!"

On the coloring of the Karasenok -

Three funny little pigs:

The piglet has repainted the piglets as carp!

Long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in adolescents - ready-made exercises

If speech defects were not corrected in childhood, then you should not despair. Correctly selected long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction work great for adolescents, if you use them in speech therapy exercises. But it is worth noting that at this age a specialist should deal with the selection of texts for diction correction. Only a qualified speech therapist can choose the texts for the exercises of the required length, rhythm and direction based on the data of the adolescent. However, if there are no defects, but there is a desire to improve the purity of pronunciation, then you can get by with universal tongue twisters.

Long tongue twisters for speech and diction development exercises for adolescents

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, no launch and no cable,
Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
No bass, no taste, no weight and no demand,
No interest - no question.

At Kira and Fira
There was a feast in the apartment:
The fakir ate marshmallows and
Fakir drank kefir.
And Fira and Kira
Didn't drink kefir,
Didn't eat marshmallows -
They fed the fakir.

Who wants to talk
He must pronounce
Everything is correct and intelligible,
So that everyone understands.
We will talk
And we will pronounce
So correct and intelligible
So that everyone understands.

Count Toto plays loto
and Countess Toto knows about
that Count Toto plays loto,
if Count Toto knew about
what Countess Toto knows about
that Count Toto plays loto,
then Count Toto would never in his life
would not play bingo.

Complex tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction in adults - exercise options, video

But what about adults - will tongue twisters help them with complex defects in pronunciation, in the development of speech and improvement of diction? Experts are sure that yes. Another thing is that adults cannot do with tongue twisters for speech disorders. They need the help of a speech therapist and systematic exercises, in particular, articulatory gymnastics. But if the goal is to improve diction with a speech norm, then an adult can do without a specialist. In this case, it is worth focusing on a varied and systematic exercise using tongue twisters of different formats.

Variants of difficult tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction for adults

Below is a selection of challenging tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction that adults can use.

If you did not live near a bramble,
but if you lived near a strawberry,
that means strawberry jam is familiar to you
and not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry,
it means that blackberry jam is familiar to you,
and not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a bramble,
and if you lived near strawberries
and if you did not spare your time for the forest,
it means, excellent blackberry jam,
you ate strawberry jam every day.

The beaver wandered into the forest.
The beaver was robbed in the forest.
The harvested beaver wandered to Barvikha to the beaver.
Beaver beaver scolded and shaved,
and the beaver's beavers were encouraged.
The stripped, shaved and emboldened beaver wandered back into the forest.

Those who say tongue twisters are tongue twisters.
Those who study the skill of quick-talk are quick-talkers.
Those who like to read skoroveredov - skoroveredophiles.
Those who hate the quick-talkedophiles are the quick-talkedophilophobes.
Those who eat swallow-swallowedophilophobes are swallow-swallowedophilophobophages.
Those who fight against swallowed phylophobophages are anticorrosive bredophilophobophages.
Those who pretend to be anticornoedophilophobophages are quasi-anticornoedophilophobophages!

Tongue twister pronounced tongue twister, pronounced
Yes, I didn’t say it. He just spoke to everyone,
I didn't want to pronounce the tongue twister anymore.
I went to steal my ears quickly.
They asked the quick-talker: "Is the tongue twister great?"
And he said a tongue-twister: "No" - this is his answer.

Simple tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults with the letter "r"

One of the most common speech problems in both children and adults is burr. It consists in the incorrect pronunciation of the sound "r". In adulthood, it is better to consult a speech therapist with this problem, who will be able to choose the correct correction program. But even at home, subject to regularity and the use of simple tongue twisters with the sound "r" for the development of speech and diction, adults can also achieve positive results.

Variants of simple tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults with the letter "r"

A beaver is kind to beavers.

The baker Peter baked a pie.

Freely and competently communicate, speak in front of the audience, record voice-overs, work in the frame - they help the children with stage speech.

Lesson program:

  1. Diagnostics of speech deficiencies.
  2. Articulatory gymnastics. Vowel table. Identifying problematic consonants. Statement of consonants.
  3. Consolidation of consonants on the material of tongue twisters.
  4. Basic orthoepic norms: stress, vowel reduction.
  5. Breathing, voice, diction training, spelling, tongue twisters.
  6. Basic speech means of expressiveness. Dynamic range of voice.
  7. Basic orthoepic norms: some combinations of consonants.
  8. Selection of an excerpt (fairy tale, poem). Work on the passage.
  9. Speech beats. Types of pauses. Personal and author's attitude in artistic material.

Tongue Twisters

Malanya-chatterbox chattered milk, chatted-blabbed out, but did not blurt out.

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawl.

Shot for quail and black grouse.

Ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

You cannot re-negotiate all tongue twisters, you cannot re-negotiate.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

Karl stole corals from Klara, Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Mow the scythe while the dew is, the dew is gone - and we are home!

Osip is hoarse, Arkhip Osip.

The chicken is motley - motley, the duck is flat from the toe.

There is a pop on the heap, a cap on the priest,

Shock under the butt, pop under the hood.

Courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

Buy a pile of rush.

Axes are sharp for the time being, for the time being axes are sharp.

Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled.

Sanki-skok, Senka - off his feet, Sanka - in the side,

Sonya's forehead, everything is in a snowdrift.

From under Kostroma, from under Kostroma

Four men walked

They talked about shopping about cereals,

Yes, about the subfragments.

Gloomy, gloomy, gloomy ferret, a disease attacked the ferret,

I began to wither and dry: do not breathe, do not gasp

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

The king saved a penny for the crown,

Yes, instead of a crown I bought a cow.

And this king was saving up for a cow, but instead of a cow he bought a crown.

Forty-forty ate cheese. The rhinoceros horn brought to the doorstep.

"Why did he come?"

It is not enough for tongue twisters.

The hare turned up from under the vypodvert.

Four little black little devils drew a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean.

The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in a Kolpakov style.

It is necessary to re-cap the cap, and re-cap it.

It is necessary to perekolokovat bell, and perekolokolovat.

The cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood.

He put on the cuckoo's hood.

How funny he is in the hood!

Senka and Sanka have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Fields went to weed the parsley in the field.

The wasp is barefoot and without a belt.

Vlas is with us, Afanas is with you.

The woodcutters chopped oak cheeses into log cabins.

Quail quail and quail

I hid it from the guys in the copse.

Shouted Arkhip, Arkhip was hoarse.

Arkhip shouldn't scream until he rattles.

The bull is stupid, the bull is stupid,

The bull has a white, dull lip.

We bought Valerika and Varenka - mittens and felt boots.


Consonant training: paired B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T

Bi-ba-ba-bo-boo-be; p-p-p-p-p-po-p-p, etc.

Bb-bpp, b-b-bpp, b-b-bpp, bo-bo-bopp, bo-bo-bopp, b-b-bpp.

Wee-wee-weeff, wee-wee-weff, wa-wa-waff, vo-vo-woof, woo-woo-woof, you-you-wow

Gi-gi-gikk, ge-ge-gekk, ha-ha-gakk, go-go-gokk, gu-gu-gukk, ge-ge-gykk

Di-di-dit, de-de-death, da-da-dat, do-do-dot, do-do-dut, dy-dy-dyt.

Tee-de-dit, te-de-do, te-de-de, tu-du-dyut, tee-de-dit.

These exercises focus on the final syllable.

(stunning voiced consonants at the end of words: lob-lop, pillar-pillar, dinner-vow)

Pronunciation of double consonants: pibi-pibby, pebe-pebbe, puba-pabba, pobo-pobbo, pubu-pubbu, pyby-pybba.

Beepy-beepy, bepe-beppa, bapa-bappa, bopo-boppo, boopu-buppu, bypy-bappa.

Sounds D and T should be practiced with iotated vowels:

Tidi-tiddy, tede-tedde, tad-taddy, tedo-teddy, tudy-tuddy.

Diti-ditty, dytyu-dyttyu, dytyu-dyattyu, dytyo-dyttyu, dytyu-dyuttyu.

Sayings: B-P

They are greeted by the dress, let go by the mind.

Either drink honey, or be a bit.

If you indulge yourself, you will indulge yourself.

Tongue twisters: B-P

I got some beans, a bean.

The bull is lip-lipped, the bull is lip-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

There is a pop on the mop, a cap on the pope, a mop over the pope, a pop under the cap.

Sayings: V-F

Every vegetable has its own time.

Peace to earth, war to war.

If you lie, you will not die, but they will not believe ahead

Tongue Twisters

Pharaoh's favorite was replaced by jade with sapphire.

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons of Feofanych

The sorcerer was in the forest with the wise men.

The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply system.

Sayings G-K

Red river banks

Beauty will get accustomed, but the mind will come in handy.

Who loves whom, he doves

A good book is a sincere friend.

Tongue Twisters

One day, daws pop scaring,

I saw a parrot in the bushes

And that parrot says:

"Scare you jackdaws, pop, scare,

But jackdaws, pop, scaring in the bushes,

Don't you dare scare the parrot. "

Prokop came, the dill was boiling, Prokop left, the dill was boiling, as under Prokop the dill was boiling, so the dill was boiling without Prokop.

Proverbs D-T

To live without business is only to smoke the sky.

I should drink honey with your lips

To lag behind a comrade - to become without a comrade.

Do not teach with idleness, teach with needlework.

Tongue Twisters

Ipat went to buy shovels.

I bought Ipat heels of shovels.

I walked across the pond - I clung to the rod

Ipat fell - five shovels were missing.

The honey cake is on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake.

Our guest took the cane away.

Sonorous consonants - R, L, M, N. (exercises)

Riririrr, rererarr, rarararr, rorororr, ruururrr, ryryryrr. Riririrr, rerererr, ryuryarrr, rörörrr, ryurürrr





The sea does not grieve for fish

Good disposition, but not good temper.

Chop the tree by yourself.

Tongue Twisters

1. Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

2. All tongue twisters cannot be renegotiated, but you cannot renegotiate.


Li-la-la-lo-lu-ly, le-la-le-lu

Lililill, lalalll, lalalall, lolololl, lululull, lululull



and vice versa Lri-lre-lra-lro-lru-lry. Lree-lre-lrya-lree-lru-lree


A nightingale does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better.

The tree has pins.

Small but daring.

Tongue Twisters

Malanya - chatterbox chattered milk, chatted blabbed out but did not blab it out.

Klim threw a bow into Luka

Klara-krala sneaked to Lara

Similar exercises with M and N


I call a lot, but little sense

Know how to say, be able to be silent.

Small small less

Tongue Twisters

Mom did not regret washing, Mommy Mila soaped soap. Mila did not like soap. Mila dropped the soap.

The indentant incident.

Your panomar of our sexton will not be over-favored to become. Our sexton will redefine your sexton.


1.No snow and no trace

2. There are seven Fridays in one week.

3. One head is not poor, but poor, so one

Whistling and hissing sounds: С, З, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ.


Once upon a time there was a gnome

The dwarf slept during the day

The night was cheerful:

He sang, ate, drank ...

Suddenly there is a knock on the door

Who? The guest is a bug!

The guest was nice

Sang, ate, drank

As a friend of a dwarf

The beetle slept during the day.

There was a day ...

Suddenly - rain.

Thunder: "Bom!"

All to the house

Following the dog

Wet nose

Wool down

The tail hangs down

The look is dull -

Tom is stupid!

Up your nose, You are a Dog!

Greetings, my dears! Today we will learn to speak beautifully and correctly. And for this we will resort to the help of tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction.

As you know, no one likes lisping and incomprehensible speech. She very much spoils the impression of a person, especially if it is an adult and not a child. So it's time to take care of yourself and your language. Tongue twisters are the fastest and most inexpensive way to improve the quality of your speech.

They will teach you not only how to pronounce difficult sounds, but also how to feel them. Moreover, to achieve a good speech therapy effect, it is enough to engage in 10-20 minutes a day. First, read the tongue twister slowly, then with each reading try to increase the speed of pronouncing it. Do not hesitate, you will definitely succeed!

Many short phrases are 4-7 words long. But even they can be difficult to pronounce. I propose to complicate the task and learn how to pronounce longer tongue twisters correctly.

Root birch,

By the root - crooked,

In the middle - bitchy,

Along the top, it has a tall, woody appearance.

At the gate - forty,

There is a crow on the fence

A sparrow on the road

Pecks cannabis

Hemp, hemp


Oblique hare

Keeps track of sedge grass.

Looks sideways

Like a mower with a scythe

Mows the grass with a scythe.

At the market Kirill

Gifts bought:

Ksyushka - a kerchief,

Katerina - a pot,

Rattles for parsley.

Parsley shakes with rattles,


Tara-rah, tara-rah,


Tongue twisters with the letters R, L and C for training adult speech

Many adults admit that these sounds are especially difficult to pronounce. Therefore, such tongue twisters will be primarily necessary for everyone who wants to speak beautifully and clearly.

A beaver is kind to beavers.

Kind beavers go to the woods.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard!

Cunning magpie to catch the hassle. And forty-forty is forty wraiths.

Beavers go to bora cheeses, beavers go to bora cheeses.

They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt. Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

White rams beat drums, beat indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.

You, fellow, tell the fellow: let the fellow say to the fellow, let the fellow bind the calf.

A fisherman catches the fish, the whole catch has swam into the river.

The sea wave is strong and free.

Crossbill on a pine tree has fun in the spring.

Sharp sedge grew tall.

The storyteller was telling a fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and Sineglazka.

He himself dumped the sand on the shaft of a tall dump truck.

Tall pines stand by the river, the trunks of the pines are sky-high.

Stepan whistles on a pipe, but waxwings whistle without a pipe.

We read online complex tongue twisters for the development of diction (F and W)

These phrases only at first glance seem short and simple. Now try to pronounce them quickly and without hesitation! I'm sure not everyone will succeed the first time.

At Toshka's window there are a few cat and kittens.

Do not spike, but write, write, do not spike.

Pawns - in chess, checkers - in checkers.

Your spy cannot spy on our spy, but our spy will spy on your spy.

The donkey and the jackal walked along the sleepers.

Pasha plows, Lesha dances, Lesha dances, Pasha plows.

In the hut at the rascal - checkers and cones.

Knife and legs, lies and spoons, rye and horns.

Already snake in a puddle.

A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snag.

It rained twice once.

A fly buzzed, a spider buzzed.

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, whirls.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

Best English tongue twisters for adults

These English phrases are especially useful for those who are learning a foreign language. I have made the most useful selection for you, thanks to which the English speech will be like that of foreigners!

I see a big black cat,

Big black cat, big black cat.

What a big black cat!

What a cat! What a cat!

Peter Piper picked

A peck of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked.

I scream, you scream.

We all scream for ice-cream.

Hickety, pickety, my black cat

Likes to sit in my blue hat.

A big black bug bites a big black bear.

A big black bear hits a big black bug.

Liguria - a very long tongue twister for the development of speech

Liguria is a small area in Italy. But thanks to a long tongue twister, she became even more popular. By the way, this text will not be easy to correctly read even for a professional speaker. When you master it, you can practice pronunciation speed with your friends.

Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock

the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria,

but thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but never fished, and then

the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as by the interviewer

the interviewed Ligurian traffic cop

I report it I did it, I just reported it about the soggy weather

that, so that the incident does not become a contender for judicial precedent,

Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople,

where crested giggles laughed and shouted to the Turk,

which is roughly smoked with a pipe: don't smoke, Turk, pipe,

better buy a bale of rush, better buy a bale of rush,

otherwise the bombardier from Brandenburg will bombard him with bombs for

that a certain black-snout had dug, dug and undermined half of his yard with a snout;

but in fact the Turk was not in business,

Yes, and Klara-k krala at that time sneaked to the chest, while Karl stole corals from Klara, for which

Clara stole the clarinet from Karl,

and then in the courtyard of the tar widow Varvara these two thieves stole firewood;

but a sin - not laughter - cannot be put into a nut: about Klara with Karl in

in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in the fight, - so the thieves were not up to the bombardier, and

not to the tar widow, and not to the tar children;

but the angry widow put firewood into the shed: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - no

all the firewood was contained,

and two woodcutters, two woodcockers - woodcutters for the sentimental Varvara

pushed the wood out into the yard back to the wood yard,

where the heron withered, the heron dried up, the heron died;

the heron's chicken clung tenaciously to the chain;

the good fellow against the sheep, but the sheep against the good fellow,

which Senya carries hay in a sleigh,

then he takes Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled:

sankiskok, Senku - on the side, Sonya - on the forehead, all - in a snowdrift,

and Sashka only knocked bumps with a hat,

then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found sachet on the highway;

Sonya - Sashka's girlfriend walked along the highway and sucked drying,

and besides, Sonya-turntable also has three cheesecakes in her mouth -

exactly in a honey cake, but she has no time for a honey cake -

Sonya and with cheesecakes in the mouth of the sexton will overpone, - overpone:

buzzes like a ground beetle, buzzes, and whirls:

I was at Frol's - she lied to Frol about the Lavra, she will go to the Lavra against Frol Lavra,

that - a sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain,

that a snake has a crunch, and a hedgehog,

and his high-ranking guest took away the cane,

and soon again five guys ate five honey agarics with half a quarter of four lentils without

wormholes, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with curd cheese from curdled milk,

about everything about the stake the bells were ringing,

so much so that even Konstantin is a Salzburg bssperspective from under

armored personnel carrier stated: how not to chime all the bells, not


so all tongue twisters cannot be renegotiated, not renegotiated;

but trying is not torture.

Tongue twisters for training diction with a journalist

A journalist speaking on radio and television is simply obliged to speak clearly and understandably. For this, it is especially important for him, like no one else, to train his speech with the help of tongue twisters. By the way, when you have mastered the suggested ones, I recommend to practice in Liguria.

A team of repairmen repaired the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line.

The beautiful Sarah combed the hussar's hair. Sarah combed the mustachioed hussar.

Borya cooked borscht, but didn’t cook it. Borya salted borscht, but not salted enough. Tolya cooked borscht, but digested it. Tolya salted borscht, but salted it too much.

Corili Kirill: "Don't tease the gorilla!" They reproached the gorilla: "Don't tease Kirill!"

Cipollone looked at Cipollino and sighed: "Woe to the onion!"

The trainer trained the otter. Trained, trained and trained!

In April, the guys painted in watercolors. Watercolors in April melt from a drop.

Varvara plucked grass in a ravine, but she lied that she didn’t pick.

A frustrated tuner was tuning a frustrated piano. I set it up, set it up, but didn’t reconfigure it in any way, because I myself am upset.

In the shallows, we lazily caught burbot. A tench was caught for me.

Funny tongue twisters for a drunken company of adults at the table

And these difficult and funny clean-ups are perfect for testing guests for the degree of intoxication. Try to pronounce them correctly after drinking alcohol.

Dasha, will you give the girl some cheap mascara?

If you get a tire, you go by car.

Kuzya washes her belly in the jacuzzi.

The moderator moderated, moderated, but did not moderate.

I'm driving along a pothole, I won't get out of a pothole.

Contrived to oversleep the opportunity to sleep.

Altyn punches the tyn, and half kills Martyn.

Funny New Year's tongue twisters for the competition

Before the New Year, I especially want to recharge with a positive mood. And festive tongue twisters will help with this. By the way, they can be used for drinking contests. For example, who will read all tongue twisters faster. Or who will read more tongue twisters correctly? There are a lot of variations, so go for it!

The hedgehog lies by the tree, the hedgehog has needles.

Ah, at the spruce, ah, at the tree, ah, at the spruce were wicked wolves.

Sasha knocked a bump with his hat.

The sorcerer sorcerer in the stable with the wise men.

White snow, white chalk
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white -
She wasn't even white.

We bought Valerika and Varenka mittens and felt boots.

Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sled skok, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Well, did you like the tongue twisters? Did you manage to say everything? Write your impressions of these phrases in the comments. I would also be very grateful to you if you share the article with your friends on social networks! Until next time on the blog!

The profession of an actor is unthinkable without impeccably delivered speech and a strong voice. Even if this is not striking (usually the viewer does not pay attention to the peculiarities of the artist's speech, if everything is in order with her), you can be sure that the person who appeared on the stage successfully passed all the circles of hell, called the development of the speech apparatus, the production of the voice and the development of clear diction. The attitude to this is the most careful, because, firstly, an artist with a weak speech greatly drops the reputation of the theater in the eyes of the viewer, and secondly, a speech failure can unsettle both the artist and his partners. Entangled in his own remark, an artist can forget the words, fall into a stupor and cause an emergency situation on the stage. To prevent this from happening, tongue twisters are used in the training of future actors for a theatrical circle for children and adults.

You should start with a tongue twister with a slow, thoughtful pronunciation with strong articulation of each sound. Speed ​​reading is the last stage.

Actor's tongue twisters are the most potent medicine for diction problems, but like any medicine, it must be used with a prescription or it risks being useless. To choose a tongue twister correctly, define a specific task for yourself:

  • Get rid of swallowing sounds:

The cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, but not in the Kolokolov style; it is necessary to perekolapak-perekolakovat the cap, it is necessary to perekolokolat-perekolokolat the bell.

  • Learn to clearly separate the pronunciation of words:

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field;

The bull is dull, dull-lipped, dull-lipped bull, the bull's white lip was dull.

  • Practice sound setting (for example, P):

He rode the Greek across the river, saw the Greek, a cancer in the river, thrust the Greek's hand into the river, the cancer by the Greek's hand.

This list of tasks is indicative. You know better what exactly should be worked out in the first place, the main thing is not to jabber about everything and mindlessly: in order to achieve a result, you need to know exactly what you are trying to achieve.

Theatrical tongue twisters for adults

It is best if the selection of tongue twisters, the choice of the type and intensity of training will be supervised by a professional teacher who teaches the course "acting for adults." This will help you not to make a mistake in your choice, save time and significantly increase the efficiency of your classes. For those wishing to study on their own, theatrical tongue twisters are suitable for the development of acting and stage speech, recommended for classes in theater studios. Here is one of the selections.

  • The cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood.
  • Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.
  • Karl stole corals from Klara, Klara stole a clarinet from Karl. Clara punished Karl severely for stealing the coral.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.
  • On Thursday the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, four little black little imp were drawing a drawing in black ink, extremely clean, extremely clear, through a line.
  • When we were broke, we lazily caught burbot, you exchanged burbot for me for tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love to me and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?
  • Not the one, comrades, comrade comrade, who is with comrades comrade comrade. And he, comrades, comrade comrade, who without comrades comrade comrade.

Tongue twisters for children's theatrical circle

For little artists, funny playful tongue twisters for theatergoers are best suited. Not very long, so that it would not be too difficult for the children, and, if possible, plot-based, so that you can accompany their reading with play. Unlike adults, all tongue twisters are good and useful for children, without exception, since any complex verbal construction will work to strengthen the child's speech apparatus.

To achieve the maximum effect from the exercise, do not neglect the warm-up of the speech apparatus and facial muscles. Spend a few minutes a day with articulatory and facial exercises.

  1. Choosing a tongue twister. Let it be this: "Mow the scythe while the dew is, the dew is gone, and we are home."
  2. We come up with several reasons why we pronounce it (here you can fantasize anything, the meaning is reduced to narrative, interrogative and exclamatory phrases).
  3. In turn, we choose one main word in a tongue twister and emphasize it during pronunciation, and pronounce all the rest evenly and monotonously. We change the word and repeat until each word is in the role of the main one.
  4. We change the tone of the voice in the process of pronouncing the tongue twisters: from the lowest note to the highest and back.

All of the above exercises are practiced in the children's theater studio.

Tongue twisters for children

  • Klavka was looking for a pin, the pin fell under the bench.
  • Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.
  • The quail hid the quail from the guys.
  • Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.
  • The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour over a cup of tea.
  • Already stung by a snake, I can’t get along with a snake, I’m already from horror, I’ll eat the snake for supper.
  • To catch a cunning magpie is a hassle, and forty-forty is forty hassle.