Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratyev. Vyacheslav kondratyev - sashka Who wrote the work sashka

Year: 1979 Genre: story

First a summary, then a brief chapter by chapter

The story "Sashka" is the story of a famous Russian writer who describes a young guy who went to the front at a very young age. And the central point is that, having met face to face with the enemy, he was not afraid, but on the contrary showed courage and willpower.

Sasha, a young boy, who for the first time in two months that he fought, faced too close with the enemy, a German soldier, but in spite of everything he was not frightened and did not even feel a sense of fear, the only thing that the guy felt at these minutes was anger towards the enemy, and a kind of hunting passion that suddenly seized him sharply, thereby slightly embarrassing.

The fellow soldiers were proud of the young war, not understanding how he managed to capture the German in the very first battle, and at the same time not get stuck. The commander-in-chief spoke with the detainee in his language and ordered Sasha to lead him to the camp.

The German walked, glancing warily at Sasha. As it turned out later, he could not tell the main thing anything worthwhile, only during his chatter the German army managed to retreat, taking a prisoner with it.

Sasha was not advised to go to the battalion commander, since the other day he had a great grief, but he nevertheless made up his mind and went to the battalion commander. He told him to get the German in and get out himself. Out of valiant interest, Sashka decided to find out what exactly the battalion commander and the German were talking about, though he only heard the battalion commander, the German was not heard at all.

After the conversation, the battalion commander called Sasha to him and ordered to shoot the German, from these words the protagonist's eyes darkened, since the war was a war, and he could not kill a person, and he was sure that the prisoners would live in the camp.

Sashka decided not to obey and lead the prisoner further to the main headquarters, realizing that it was far away and he could be recognized as a deserter, he still set off. Half the way, the battalion commander caught up with him, the fear that Sashka experienced when he saw the eyes of his boss was great, but he was able to squeeze out of himself, you can kill, but I’m still right. With these words, he earned real respect in the eyes of the commanders-in-chief.

Summary of Sashka Kondratyev chapter by chapter

Chapter 1

In the evening, Sashka took up the night post. For two months he had already been in the war, and he had not yet been able to see a living enemy close up. His partner was a useless one, no longer young and weakened from hunger.

The Germans shot themselves, and Sashka began to think about how to get to the dead Fritz. He wanted to take off his boots and give them to the company commander, since he got into the wormwood and soaked his boots.

Dawn had not yet come, at last Sashka made up his mind and began to make his way to the killed Fritz. Without much disgust, he pulled off the boots from the dead German, and then the shelling began. Sashka was about to light a cigarette, but saw from behind the hillock, the Germans began to rise. Sashka rushed into the grove, where he ran into his company commander and warned that the Germans were coming.

The company took up defensive positions. The shelling subsided, and a pleasant voice was heard, which began to urge them to lay down their weapons. The company commander realized that this was an intelligence provocation. He gave the command forward.

For the first time Sashka faced the Germans so close, but he did not feel fear.

Suddenly he noticed a flashing figure of a German. Sashka rushed after him, overtook him and fell on his back. The German tried to throw him off, but Sashka felt that the German was weaker than him. He looked at the German, he was about his age, about twenty years or a little more. The company commander came to the rescue, they waited until the fire ceased and all three of them, in dashes, reached the grove. There it turned out that the Germans, leaving, took Sashka's partner with them.

Sashka took the captured German to the headquarters. On the way, he decided to take a break. They sat down and lit a cigarette. Sashka regretted that he did not know the German language, otherwise he would have asked the German a lot.

The chief was not at the headquarters, and Sasha and the prisoner were sent to the battalion commander. He was in a bad mood, he was worried about the death of his murdered girlfriend. He ordered Sasha to kill the German. Sashka could not decide on this, because on the way he promised the German that he would save his life.

He was playing for time, waiting for the boss to appear and cancel the order. And suddenly he saw the tall figure of the battalion commander, he was approaching him with a German. Sasha felt uneasy. The battalion commander drew up to him, looked at him and glanced at the German. Sashka looked into the eyes of the battalion commander firmly and confidently, although at that moment his heart was beating wildly. The battalion commander finished his cigarette, turned around, about to leave. Sashka stood in bewilderment and then the battalion commander stopped for a second and said that he was canceling his order. He told Sashka to lead the German to the brigade headquarters.

Chapter 2

Sashka was drawing water from a stream, and then pain burned through his hand, he was wounded. Sashka saw the blood and was afraid that it would all leave him and he would die. Then he pulled himself together and made a bandage for himself. He fought everything, now he needs to go to the rear. He got to his company, handed over the machine gun, said goodbye to the company commander and comrades.

The road to the rear was under fire, so Sashka had thoughts that he might not get there. On the way, he met a wounded soldier in the chest, he promised him that he would bring orderlies.

Finally he reached the reception center for the wounded, where he entered the dressing room and saw Zina. The girl seemed to be delighted with his appearance, but nevertheless her behavior seemed somehow strange to Sasha, as if she pitied him. Then, when there was a festive evening and dancing, Sashka saw Zina with the lieutenant and realized that they had love.

Chapter 3

Sashka left the medical unit with several more wounded. Sashka's companions were Private Zhora and Lieutenant Volodya.

The road was long and hard. When they went to the edge, they began to admire the beauty of nature and greedily inhale fresh air. Zhora turned after a snowdrop and was blown up by a mine.

Sashka was worried, even though Zhora was an occasional companion, but nevertheless became a family member during the journey.

On the way, they stopped in villages for the night. They were reluctant to accept them, and there was nothing to feed them. Only in one village, which escaped the occupation, was well received, fed and even poured moonshine. Sashka spent the night with Pasha's girlfriend. Her husband Maxim, taken to the Finnish one, disappeared. He apparently disappeared in the battles. Sasha saw his photographs, they were very similar, like brothers.

The sutra satellites set out on the road again. Finally they got to the hospital. During dinner, the wounded began to complain of poor feeding. Volodya was not afraid and expressed his opinion in front of the major. During the Major's speech, a saucer flew at him. Sashka already knew how impulsive Volodya was and guessed that he had done it. Sashka took the blame. He reasoned that the lieutenant could be demoted and sent to a tribunal, but he was not in danger, they could only be sent to the front line.

Sasha was lucky, the case was not blown up and closed, and he was asked to leave the hospital. Sashka was delighted, he was going with Volodka to get to Moscow, and there each was on his own way, home. But the doctors did not release the lieutenant. He gave Sasha his address and asked him to pay a visit to his mother. Sasha was not released officially, so he did not count on food items. Getting ready for the trip, he collected potatoes in the field and fried tortillas.

After dinner, Sashka set off. Volodya accompanied him to the station. They were silent all the way. Both understood that war is war, and even if they survived, it is unlikely that fate would grant them a meeting again. They hugged each other goodbye.

At the transfer station, two girls in military uniforms treated Sasha to bread and sausage. Sasha was also sorry to part with his new acquaintances.

Sashka reached Moscow and disembarked from the train. All around people in different civilian clothes, running, in a hurry somewhere. They are not holding automatic weapons, but bags and briefcases. Girls in colorful dresses knock with thin heels. Sasha felt wonderful and strange, as if there was no war. He suddenly realized how important what he was doing at the front was.

He straightened, pulled himself up and walked with a confident step, not embarrassed by his unshaven face and torn, dirty clothes and shoes.

The story teaches the reader to value life, to be brave and courageous people.

Picture or drawing of Kondratyev - Sashka

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Shot from the film "Sashka" (1981)

“Sashka flew into the grove, shouting 'Germans! Germans! "to forestall their own." The company commander ordered to retreat behind the ravine, lie down there and not a step back. By that time, the Germans suddenly fell silent. And the company, which took up the defensive position, also became silent, expecting that a real battle was about to begin. Instead, a young and triumphant voice began to fool them: “Comrades! Sowing begins in the areas liberated by German troops. Freedom and work await you. Throw down your weapons, let's smoke cigarettes ... "

In a few minutes the company commander figured out their game: it was reconnaissance. And then he gave the order "forward!"

Sashka, although for the first time in the two months that he fought, faced so close with a German, for some reason he did not feel fear, but only anger and some kind of hunting rage.

And such luck: in the first battle, like a fool, he took the "tongue". The German was young and snub-nosed. The company commander pampered with him in German and ordered Sashka to take him to the headquarters. It turns out that Fritz did not say anything important to the company commander. And most importantly, the Germans outwitted us: while our soldiers were listening to the German chatter, the Germans left, taking a prisoner from us.

There were no commanders at the battalion headquarters - everyone was summoned to the brigade headquarters. But Sasha was not advised to go to the battalion commander, saying: “Yesterday they killed our Katya. When they were burying, it was scary to look at the battalion commander - everything turned black ... "

Sashka decided to go to the battalion commander. That Sashka with the orderly ordered to leave. Only the battalion commanders' voice was heard from the dugout, but the German seemed to be gone. Silent, infection! And then the battalion commander summoned him to his office and ordered: the German - for the expense. Sashka's eyes darkened. After all, he showed the leaflet, where it is written that the prisoners are provided with life and return to their homeland after the war! And yet - I had no idea how he would kill someone.

Sashka's objections infuriated the battalion commander even more. Talking to Sasha, he put his hand on the TT handle unambiguously. The order ordered to be carried out, to report on the fulfillment. And orderly Tolik had to follow the execution. But Sashka could not kill an unarmed man. I couldn't, that's all!

In general, we agreed with Tolik that he would give him the watch from the German, but now to leave. And Sashka decided to take the German to the brigade headquarters. It is far away and dangerous - they can even be considered a deserter. But let's go ...

And then, in the field, the battalion commander caught up with Sasha and the Fritz. He stopped and lit a cigarette ... Only the minutes before the attack were just as terrible for Sasha. The captain's gaze met straight - well, shoot, but I'm right anyway ... And he looked sternly, but without malice. He finished smoking and, already leaving, threw in: “Take the German to the brigade headquarters. I cancel my order. "

Sasha and two more wounded from the walkers did not receive food for the road. Only product certificates, which can only be purchased in Babin, twenty miles from here. Towards evening, Sashka and his companion Zhora realized that they couldn't get to Babin today.

The hostess, at whom they knocked, let them stay overnight, but said there was nothing to feed. And while they were walking, they saw that the villages were desolate. There are no cattle, no horses, and there is nothing to say about technology. It will be hard for the collective farmers to be happy.

In the morning, waking up early, they did not linger. And in Babin they learned from the lieutenant, also wounded in the arm, that the food station had been here in winter. And now they have been transferred to who knows where. And they are not devilish for a day! Lieutenant Volodya also went with them.

In the nearest village they rushed to ask for food. Grandfather did not agree to give or sell food, but advised: dig up the potatoes in the field, which remained in the fall, and fry the cakes. The grandfather allocated the pan and salt. And what seemed like an inedible rot, now went down the throat for a sweet soul.

When they passed by the potato fields, they saw how other cripples were swarming there, smoking fires. They are not alone, so they feed like that.

Sashka and Volodya sat down to smoke, and Zhora went ahead. And soon an explosion crashed ahead. Where? Far to the front ... We rushed along the road. Zhora lay about ten paces, already dead: apparently, he turned off the road behind the snowdrop ...

By the middle of the day we made it to the evacuation hospital. They registered them and sent them to the bathhouse. He would have stayed there, but Volodka was eager to go to Moscow - to see his mother. Sashka also decided to hit the road home, not far from Moscow.

On the way, they fed in the village: it was not under the German. But they walked all the same hard: after all, they trampled a hundred miles, and the wounded, and on such a grub.

We had dinner at the next hospital. When the supper was brought, the mother went to the bunks. Two spoons of porridge! For this annoying millet, Volodka quarreled with his superiors in a big way, so much so that a complaint about him got to the special officer. Only Sashka took the blame. What is a soldier? They won't send the front line any further, but it's all the same to return there. Only the special officer advised Sasha to get out as quickly as possible. But the doctors did not let Volodka go.

Sashka went back to the field, to make potato cakes for the road. The wounded were swarming there pretty well: the guys didn’t have enough food. And he waved to Moscow. He stood there on the platform and looked around. Is it real? People in civilian clothes, girls knocking with heels ... as if from another world.

But the more strikingly this calm, almost peaceful Moscow differed from what was on the front line, the clearer he saw his business there ...


Your attention is invited to the story, which is told by the eyewitness of these events Vyacheslav Kondratyev - "Sashka". You will now learn the summary of this story.

Sasha is a kind, humane, moral person with a tremendous sense of responsibility for everyone and everything. He is the main character of the story, which was written by Vyacheslav Kondratyev.

Sashka is a young soldier who found himself on the front line near Rzhev. He is very curious. If he knew German, he would certainly ask the Germans how they are doing with food and ammunition. This topic is of great concern to the hero, because who, if not him, know, hunger and death. The soldiers were given a half-pot for two a day. There was no strength, not only to bury the dead, but even to dig a trench for themselves.

The main character easily accomplishes several feats at once. The first is when, under enemy fire, he crawls to a killed German across a field under fire in order to take off his boots and give them to his company commander, whose shoes are worn out.

The second - when he, without even having been at the front for a couple of months, independently detains the Fritz. The German does not want to say anything, and the battalion commander orders Sasha to kill him. He faces a dilemma. He does not understand how one can violate the words written in the leaflet: "prisoners of war will be allowed to return home after the war." How can he shoot an unarmed person, even though the enemy? An orderly, Tolya, is even sent after Sasha to monitor the execution of the order. But Sashka, instead of killing the prisoner, takes him to the brigade headquarters ...

He is always happy to come to the rescue: although he himself is wounded, he bandages the soldier and, having reached the sanitary platoon, brings the orderlies. He does this without attaching great importance to his feat, as a matter of course.

The life of people in wartime - at the front, in the village, in the hospital - was conveyed in the smallest detail in his story "Sashka" by Kondratyev. The summary of the story can be described in one sentence: "War, blood, dirt, corpses, but among all this there is the most important thing - faith in the triumph of the human soul."

In the final chapter, Sashka comes to Moscow. He looks at people who are not directly involved in the war, girls who go to the front as volunteers, and understands that everything is going on as usual and from this he even more feels his significance there, at the front!

The story, which was written by Vyacheslav Kondratyev, "Sashka", the summary of which you have just read, is one of the best. These years have claimed hundreds of thousands of human lives, broke people's lives and left a bitter mark on the memory of many. I advise you to read this wonderful story in its entirety (by Vyacheslav Kondratyev) - "Sashka". The summary will not be able to replace your work in its entirety.

In December 1941, after submitting the corresponding report, he was sent to the active army.

Later V. Kondratyev said: “The first battle shocked me with its unpreparedness and complete disregard for the lives of soldiers. We went on the offensive without a single artillery shot, only in the middle of the battle two tanks came to our aid. The offensive collapsed, and we left half the battalion on the field.

And then I realized that the war was being fought and, apparently, would be fought with the same cruelty towards its own people, with which collectivization and the struggle against "enemies of the people" were conducted, that Stalin, not sparing people in peacetime, would not be the same more pity them in the war. "

Since February 1942, Vyacheslav Kondratyev has been near Rzhev, where the fighting was especially hard, and our losses were especially numerous. There he was seriously wounded. After a second injury in 1943, he spent six months in a hospital and was demobilized for disability. Junior Lieutenant Vyacheslav Kondratyev has military awards.

After the war, he worked as an artist, graduated from the Polygraphic Institute (faculty of artistic design of printed materials).

The experience at the front made Kondratyev take up his pen many years after the war: “I began to live,” the writer said, “a strange, double life: one in reality, the other in the past, in a war. At night, the guys from my platoon came to me, we twisted the cigarette-rolls, looked at the sky, on which the "crutch" hung, wondered if the planes would come after him for the bombing, and I woke up only when the black dot, which separated from the fuselage, flew directly to me, increasing in size, and I thought with hopelessness: this is my bomb ... Then I began to look for my fellow soldiers from Rzhev - I really needed one of them - but I did not find anyone, and the thought that, maybe I was the only one who survived, and if so, then all the more I must tell about everything. In general, the war grabbed me by the throat and did not let go. And the moment came when I just could not help but start writing. "

He has been writing since the early 1950s, but first published only at the age of 49. The first story - "Sashka"- published in February 1979 in the magazine "Friendship of peoples". In 1980, the Znamya magazine published a story "Victory Day in Chernov", story "Borkin's ways-roads" and "Vacation from injury."

The story of Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Sashka" dedicated to all the living and the dead who fought near Rzhev. This is one of those works in which the daily military reality appears before us. Scenea small inch of our land, timefirst months of the war, heroes- ordinary soldiers.

"Sashka"that's the name of the story, that's the name of the protagonist. V. Kondratyev does not name the hero by his last name, he remains for us until the end of the story just Sasha. This is one of hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers. The culmination of the story is the episode of Sasha's injury. Two months on the front line, then the road to the rear and, as a logical conclusion,arrival of the hero in Moscow. It is here, on the last page of the story, that the main idea of ​​the work is revealed.

A quote from the story "Sashka" by Vyacheslav Kondratyev:

“... He stood on the platform, looked around - really Moscow, the capital of the Motherland! Did he think, wondered there, under those Rzhev villages, in front of that rusty field, through which he ran and crawled, on which he died more than once, did he think, wondered that he would remain alive and that he saw Moscow?

A miracle happened, and I can't believe it, in reality?

And this feeling of a miracle did not leave Sasha as he walked to the tram circle, overtaken by people hurrying to work, ordinary people, just not for Sasha, because they were in civilian clothes - some in jackets, some in jackets, some in raincoats - and in their hands they are not holding weapons, but some with briefcases, others with parcels, and almost everyone has a morning newspaper sticking out of their pockets.

Well, and there is no need to talk about women and girls - they knock on the heels of their shoes, some in a skirt and a blouse, some in a colorful dress, and they seem to Sasha smart, festive, as if from a completely different world, almost forgotten for him, and now some- then miraculously returned.

And all this is strange to him, and wonderful - as if there is no war!

As if not raging, not bleeding, just two hundred versts from here, a burning, smoky front, in a roar and in a burden ...

And he pulled himself up, straightened his chest, walked more confidently, not embarrassed by his unshaven face, his torn, burnt quilted jacket, his earflaps shot through with sticking out clumps of cotton wool, his broken boots and mud-stained windings and even his primitive Katyusha, which he took out now. to knock out a spark and cauterize the cigarette ... ".

Among the works, truthfully telling about the terrible everyday life of the Second World War, is the story of the front-line writer V. Kondratyev "Sashka". There are no beautiful words praising the feat of a soldier who sacrificed his life in a terrible battle. The author does not show the valiant victories of the Soviet troops. The everyday life of a simple warrior, “who found himself in the most difficult time in the most difficult place,” is the main theme of Kondratyev’s work “Sashka”. An analysis of the hero's actions helps to understand what worried and tormented a person who was torn from a peaceful life and thrown into the very throat of war.

From the history of the creation of the story

Kondratyev went to the front in December 1941. As part of the rifle brigade, he took part in the fierce battles for Rzhev that unfolded in the 42nd, was wounded, and awarded a medal. Impressions from those terrible years remained for life, as evidenced by the analysis of the story "Sashka". Kondratyev, who took up the pen at a fairly mature age (the story "Sashka" was published in 1979, and in the 80th its author turned 60), every night he was disturbed by dreams in which he saw his comrades from near Rzhev. He even tried to find his fellow soldiers, but he never found anyone, which gave rise to a terrible thought: "Maybe I survived alone?"

The writer admitted that he had re-read many works about the war, but did not find in them that which did not let go of his soul. And then he decided to talk about "his" war, otherwise some page of it "will remain undisclosed." From that moment, Vyacheslav Kondratyev began his literary career.

"Sashka": a summary of the story

The action takes place in early spring. The main character, Private Sashka, has been fighting for the second month on the front line near Rzhev, but for him everything is already "as usual". The Germans keep hitting and hitting, but their food is bad (because of the muddy roads, even bread is not enough), and with shells, and there is nowhere to dry clothes and shoes. Vyacheslav Kondratyev depicts military life with the smallest details in the story "Sashka". The analysis of these scenes leads to the idea of ​​how difficult it was for a person in such conditions to remain a “Human” and not to overstep the laws of conscience.

  • retrieves felt boots for the company commander (not for himself!), whose pimas are so leaky that they can't even dry out;
  • takes prisoner a German, whom he never raised his hand to shoot;
  • takes on the blame of others and relieves the young lieutenant from the tribunal;
  • meets with nurse Zina and goes out of her way, learning that she has love with another.

This is the plot of the story "Sashka" by Kondratyev. The analysis of these scenes helps to understand how he managed to go through the prepared tests and not lose the hero's dignity.

Capture of a German

This scene is one of the key ones in the work. Sasha takes his tongue "with his bare hands", as he was unarmed. And suddenly at that moment he, having been in the most dangerous and hopeless attacks, saw in the guise of a prisoner not an enemy, but a person deceived by someone. He promised him life, since a leaflet picked up on the way to headquarters said that Russian soldiers did not mock the prisoners. On the way, Sashka constantly felt a sense of shame both for the fact that their defense was useless, and for the fact that the dead comrades were lying unburied. But most of all he felt embarrassed that he suddenly felt unlimited power over this man. Such is he, Sashka Kondratyeva. An analysis of his state of mind shows why he was never able to shoot the prisoner and, as a result, violated the order of the battalion commander. Feeling that he was right, he managed to look him straight in the eye, which is why the commander was forced to reverse his initial decision to shoot the “tongue”. Later, Sashka thought that if he survived, the German captured by him would be the most memorable event of the war for him.

Here it is - one of the main qualities of a Russian soldier: always keep humanism in yourself, remember that you are a man. This is especially emphasized in the story of Kondratyev. Sashka - the analysis of the work is proof of this - was able to oppose good to evil in one of the most difficult periods of his life.

Lieutenant's protection

Another important episode is the incident in the hospital, when Sashka stood up for his new acquaintance (a young lieutenant) in front of a special officer. They knew nothing at all, but Sashka was well aware of what a quarrel started by Vladimir could threaten a lieutenant with a rank. But he, a private, will not get anything: they will not be sent further than the front line anyway. As a result, the lieutenant remained in the hospital, and Sashka was forced to go further to Moscow himself. The desperate and ardent lieutenant in fact turned out to be weaker than the private, superior in strength of spirit and courage - the analysis of the story "Sashka" by Kondratyev leads to this.

Love test

During the war, Sashka met with Zina. Acquaintance with her warmed his soul, since there was no one dearer than her for the hero. Vyacheslav Kondratyev conducts his hero through the traditional love test in literature. Sasha (a brief summary of his relationship with his girlfriend fits into several scenes) behaves with dignity here too: the ability to understand another person and kindness turn out to be stronger.

At first, he looks forward to meeting the girl, and when it took place, he finds out that Zina has a new love. Sasha is experiencing deep disappointments at this moment. This is also a misunderstanding of how you can throw a party when there, on the front line, all the fields are in “ours”. This is also the pain that she chose Sasha over another. But he simply leaves, not reproaching Zina with anything and not demanding any explanation from her.

So what is he, Sashka Kondratyeva?

An analysis of the story and the actions of the protagonist helps to understand the most important thing that the author wanted to convey to the reader: it is possible to go through the terrible ordeals of the war and keep the Man in himself. He emphasizes this with a phrase belonging to Sashka: "We are people, not fascists." And these soldiers were in the majority. Many front-line soldiers saw their comrades in arms in the form of a hero. And this means that the victory was won by just such soldiers, including V. Kondratyev himself, Sashka.

Analysis of the work helps to recreate the image of a Russian soldier: courageous, hardy, who managed to preserve humanism, faith in victory.