Skin diseases Louise Hay. Psychosomatics Psoriasis: Causes and factors for the development of the disease

Analyzed psychosomatics of psoriasis can be a good start in recovery. If a person is aware of psychological reasons Psoriasis, it is easier for him to fight the disease.

Psoriasis psychosomatics as a disease factor

An increase in the number of dermatological pathologies, including psoriasis, in lately It occurs in developed countries with a high standard of living of the population. Scientists see in the development of psoriasis psychological factorAfter all, it is in these regions that people are most often susceptible to stress and depression.

PSORIAZ psychosomatics It allows you to clearly trace the dependence of the occurrence of pathology and relapses from the mental state of the person. Reveals the psychosomatics and the causes of psoriasis, among which several can be distinguished:

  • human discontent with its position in the surrounding world;
  • inability to express oneself and your capabilities;
  • underestimation of their abilities;
  • discontent with its own body.

According to scientists, the psychological reasons for psoriasis are much deeper than the usual expression of discontent with some circumstances. People have a persistent feeling of non-acceptance of themselves and impossible to implement themselves.

All this provokes an emerging internal conflict, and contribute to the appearance of a characteristic rash on the whole body. And psychosomatics of the psoriasis of the scalp says that the person has been offended and the same suffers from it. Psoriasis as a psychosomatic disease requires not only the help of a dermatologist, but also a psychologist.

Forum patients with psoriasis is a shot by reports that after psychological assistance, many patients became easier to fight pathology. The patient is important to change the attitude towards yourself, its problems and see ways to solve them. Only if a person is aware of the positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease.

Louise Hay about psychosomatics psoriasis

Psoriasis psychosomatics studied in detail by Louise Hay. In her opinion, the skin problems that are accompanied by the accelerated ripening of the cells of the epidermis, demonstrate the desire of a person to throw out their previous appearance, to upgrade and radically change themselves. Psoriasis psychosomatics as heredity in Louise Hayy speaks of the possibility of obtaining an installation from parents. Psoriasis psychosomatics in children clearly repeats the same negative installation from which parents suffered.

If determined pSORIAZ psychosomaticsLouise Hay gives a clear answer: Psoriasis is a consequence of fear to get aggression from others, the unwillingness of a person to feel like a person and be responsible for their actions. Psoriasis in psychosomatics is a manifestation of an internal conflict - the closures of man and fear to manifest itself in the surrounding world, and, at the same time, in the right hope for possible changes.

Skin rash at psoriasis is a manifestation of an external threat. it defensive reaction on those senders that man feels from external world. First of all, he feels a threat to himself, aggression from others, misunderstanding from friends and loved ones. The impossibility of self-realization demonstrates the inability of a person to be individuality.

If the legs are amazed with psoriasis, then the person did not reach his goal and stopped halfway. Psoriasis psychosomatics on the head speaks about the ambassibility of thoughts, Sumbur and the inability to concentrate. In order to find the strength and start, Louise Hay recommends using a psychological complex. He is aimed at the revival of faith in itself and his strength.

Psoriasis Psychosomatics for Liz Burbo

According to Liz Burbo, psoriasis in humans is a desire to change. Only manifests such a desire to be somewhat distorted. A person does not want to change herself, he wants to change others. Pocoriasis patients do not see their drawbacks, but hypertrophyedly see how others belong to them.

Psychosomatics on Liz Burbo Opens a deep internal conflict of a person suffering from psoriasis. The accusation of everyone around, but not only, leads to the dead-end development of the disease. For example, with a hindrance to loved ones, it appears: the patient is annoyed that it is not understood. Wines shifted on others.

Man can not change the worldBut may change the attitude towards it. For Liz Burbo, the main factor of recovery from psoriasis is to eliminate the internal conflict, and from the lowest level, when irritation from the little things can cause serious depression. Psychology claims that the accumulation of such a negative attitude to everything, as if the pyramid grows inside a person and eats all his positive emotions.

Thus, for patients, it becomes important, first of all, the struggle with himself and the negatives of their inner world. Psoriasis Psychosomatics Helps to analyze when such problems have appeared, with which they were associated, and what is most annoying a person. Only after the self-analysis can be proceeding with the treatment of the disease.

Sinelnikov about psychosomatics psoriasis

Psoriasis psychosomatics in Sinelnikov built on learning qualities human personality. Valery Sinelnikov argues that psoriasis appears from those people who wink hate. Such patients believe that everything is unworthy of them, Merzko and dirty. At the same time, they broadcast to the surrounding world the same negative - revenge, insult, anger. They are justified by the fact that everything is bad outside, but they do not want to recognize that also badly and inside.

According to Sinelnikov, man attracts what he has. Negative, attracted to the negative, splashes out. Not only the person himself suffers from this, but also others may be associated with parental problems. The human body is originally arranged harmonious and configured to positive. A large amount of negative makes him get rid of the nastiness, and drop it from themselves in the form of psoriatic rash.

Psoriasis is a problem that is known to people for many thousands of years. Its studies were still engaged in ancient doctors.

Today, doctors already well know how and why there is a disease, they know how to remove patients with a persistent and long-lasting remission, but a single doctor has not yet learned from ugly dry plaques on the body. Recently, the question of the fight against psoriasis is the active interest of psychologists and psychiatrists. Their research and experience have shown that for successful treatment of the disease, it is necessary to understand the psychological reasons for psoriasis.

Psychosomatic nature of skin diseases

Esoterics have long been told that skin diseases are nothing more than a manifestation of a person's internal conflict with himself, the result of his mental impassion, disharmony of thoughts and emotions. Great thinkers and creators of spiritual practices have always taught to strengthen their Spirit to strengthen the flesh.

Doctors agree with them not always. This is evidenced, for example, the slogan "in Soviet times healthy body - Healthy mind, "saying that the main thing for a person is bodily health. Materialism has long been the main landmark of mankind, but ultimately he did not meet confidence entrusted to him.

Despite the development of medical technologies, people not only never ceased to hurt, but, on the contrary, they began to experience even more different health problems. Today it is almost impossible to meet a quiet person, confident in their views and forces. Just like almost no people in this world who would not complain about some diseases.

Therefore, today many qualified doctors confidently declare: all diseases appear on the basis of some.

There are a number of researchers who, studying psychosomatics of psoriasis, came to similar opinions on the causes of the development of the disease. This issue was especially detailed by the following psychologists:

  1. Liz Burbo, a Canadian psychologist, argues that the cause of psoriasis is the displeasure of a person by himself and the absence of his strength to fight with his vices.
  2. Another author of the work on the connection of the physical health and psyche of man, Loule Vilma, recognizes the psychosomatic nature of psoriasis and is inclined to the idea that the red peeling spots on the skin is a signal sent by the subconscious: "I am not worthy of affection and love."
  3. Valery Sinelnikov among the causes of psoriasis calls an increased sense of guilt and the desire to punish themselves.
  4. Louise Hay. Among the psychological reasons causing psoriasis, it calls 3 main:
  • Fear of being surrounding people.
  • Loss of understanding and feeling yourself as a person.
  • The desire to get away from responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.

There is a whole diagnostic system, which at the location of the localization of the skin disease helps to determine psychological problems man.

Site site is confident: knowledge of this system will help a person suffering from psoriasis, to understand which thoughts and emotions prevent him from living fully and happily, and, realizing this, healed.

Psychological Causes of Psoriasis: Diagnosis on Localization Spots

As a rule, the flabbing flaws appear on the most vulnerable areas of the skin:, bends of knees, the scalp, soles of the legs, palms. Even the description of psoriasis in medical textbooks emphasized that it was in these places a disease is localized, and the appearance of plaques in other parts of the body was considered to be exception than the rule.

However, as studies have shown, different people The disease is manifested in different ways. And where exactly the peeling appears, depends exclusively from the ailment.

  1. Localization of psoriaz spots in the hands is evidence that the person is annoying. On the elbows, palms and forearms, psoriasis appears in those who want people to submit exclusively his desires.
  2. The psychological cause of psoriasis on the legs is that a person is upset due to the inconsistency of its efforts embedded in some projects and the result obtained.
  3. The peeling and red skin of the head is worried about those who "eats" the experience of the insufficient altitude of their authority among the people around him. Such experiences usually appear in people with overpriced or.
  4. The reason for psoriasis on the back, experts consider the inner irritation of a person because of the need to "pull on their shoulders" other people's problems.

To get rid of psoriasis, a person must first rebuild his mind. Valery Sinelnikov in his book "Love your illness" draws attention to the fact that it is not only possible to treat skin diseases to ointments, but also harmful. External use tools are only masked by a notch, which is much deeper, in the subconscious.

Fighting psoriasis on the psychological level

Given the psychosomatics of the skin diseases, experts recommend people suffering from such a not gloomy, to put their inner world in order, revise their principles, change the tactics of behavior. To begin with the search for internal consent with you:

  1. Take yourself and give yourself the right to be loved. So, for example, one young man during the periods of recurrence of the disease began to keep away the people, tried to hide the part of the body, stopped communicating with others, became sullen and dislike. All this forced him to feel his loneliness. And he decided to overpay himself, not to pay attention to the defects of the face, hands, neck. Even in the period of exacerbation of the disease, he went outside, met with friends, smiling to people. It helped him get rid of negative emotions, after which the disease went to decline.
  2. Believe that disease is healing. Many people, having heard the diagnosis of Psoriasis, decide that their life is over. They set up their subconscious on the fact that it is impossible to recover, as a result, the disease does not really leave them.
  3. Fill your life with constructive emotions and positive thoughts. Many psychologists claim that the proven cause of skin disease is pessimism and despondency. In cheerful people, any diseases take place not so acute as lovers to cry on fate.
  4. Let me make mistakes, stop blaming yourself for anything, forgive yourself a mistake and let's make a chance to make something good.
  5. Love your life in all its manifestations, be open with people, learn to forgive them and believe them.

The greatest wise men always taught people to strive for harmony and inner beauty, because it is she who makes a person truly attractive. For some unknown and not understandable laws inner calm, the trust of the highest forces and the ability to benefit from everything that happens, makes a person really strong, beautiful and healthy.

Only healing the soul, we can cure the body. Examples of this in the history of mankind can be found not one thousand. Therefore, everyone who suffers from psoriasis, our site recommends to follow these examples to get rid of the disease once and for all, regardless of which psychological cause it was caused.

Louise Hay is a famous writer who turned his books with his books and proved on a personal example that everyone could change his life. For patients with a diagnosis of Psoriasis, Louise Hay offers loyal phrases that affect the bodily and mental human health, harmonize their connections with the outside world, help in personal life, studies and work.

Its health table opens a new page in the life of everyone, full of love, positive emotions, happiness and health. The essence of its theory is simple: we change the thoughts, we clean the consciousness from Zapgraded stereotypes and get rid of many diseases. Let's try on the example of psoriasis, understand how such treatment methods work.

Psoriasis psychosomatics on Louise Hay

At the heart of the scaly deprived, according to the author, 3 whales lie:

  1. Fear that you will be offended. In childhood, of course, it was not. But bitter experience, a soft character, inability to stand up for itself, respond to rudeness, formed phobias, including this.
  2. Problems with self-relief personality. The person annoys everything: character, appearance, low society. It seems to him that he is worse than everyone, because it is not worthy of happiness.
  3. Unprincipled, reluctance is responsible for what has been said, deed, conceived.

An important point is the localization of lesion foci:

  • plaques on the scalp appear if the environment underestimates the person;
  • in arms because of irritation to close people, not wishing to listen to the opinion of a potential patient.

Causes of Psoriasis on Louise Hay

Modern psychology agrees with the famous writer.

Unpleasant disease occurs if there are:

  • An unfinished attitude to uncleanness, arrogance, resulting in a protective layer in the form of burritable skin, as an opportunity to burn out from communicating with unequal people.
  • The lack of love and attention in childhood has formed the role of the victim, which sets the subconscious on the manifestation of the disease.
  • Fear of pain, trouble.
  • The feeling of guilt becomes the cause of immunity failure, disharmony. Psoriatic plaques are perceived as a punishment for misdeed.
  • Physical, moral exhaustion as a result of workolism is a psychological phenomenon when a person gives work all his time, forgetting to rest, as well as a life itself, and not the matter of life.
  • The accumulation of negative emotions instead of their splashing. As a result, burnout comes, the person becomes fenced off, closed.

All signs of psychosomatics Psoriasis on Louise Hay there is a manifestation of heredity.


Excessive guardianship from parents with permanent handwash, nail cleaning. The child is inspired that only such a model of behavior is correct. In adult lifeWhen familiar stereotypes do not work, neurosis begin, makes psoriasis.

The consequence of hyperopheki becomes the inability to take, as well as to respond to their decisions, to defeat complex situations, develop stress resistance. Internal conflict between desires and reality is born. Man, on the one hand, comes closer with people, on the other, pushes them.

Psychological injuries are forced by dependence on other emotionally stronger personalities. Egocentric natures expect a lot from the environment, he is accused of their troubles and problems.

They all take close to the heart, give an excessive importance to the opinions of others, are not satisfied with their work, marital Regulationsstatus. The stronger the discontent, the deeper the dermis dermis. Neuralgic disorders provoke dermatitis, including the scaly deprived.

Psychological portrait of the patient

In the nature of such a person:

  • closed;
  • uninitate;
  • constantly digging in his negative past, living him again and again;
  • concentrating on its disadvantages;
  • not self-respecting;
  • low self-esteem.

Some doctors consider:

  1. That skin diseases allow dirt, hidden muta inside the subconscious go out. These are negative emotions: impatience, dishes, irritation, fear, anxiety, hatred, anger. They polluted the soul so much that the body does not remain anything else how to give it all out to clean the inner world and the subconscious.
  2. Another reason may be defenseless in front of the world, rejection of someone or something.

Treatment of psoriasis

  • Love yourself as you areBecause the world is also non-ideal, then why demand from yourself impossible. After all, this way is nowhere. It is impossible to do it yourself, it is worth seeking help to professionals.
  • Open your "sink" for your surroundings. Among them are many good, ready to make friends. It is necessary to hire your pride, to "remove the crown" and ask for help, forgive over the past resentment, set up your heart to a positive and in this venerer to build relations with the environment, and not punish them with ignore for the slightest misdeed.

Recognize your value and right to be worthy of all the benefits of this world. For this there is a lot psychological exercises and technician increasing self-esteem to breathe full of breasts, not one time.

The book "Heal yourself" and psoriasis on Louise Hay

The book helps harmonize the thoughts that fuss in the head, to understand that the pursuit of the external beauty, the absence inner harmonyNegative installations lead to diseases. At the same time, the purity of the soul, openness, peace - the key to healthy skin.

Dirty thoughts deficulate the brain, as a result, he gives the wrong commands that violate the functions of the body, including the skin. Ancient Vedas generally claimed that it was wrong thinking man Even the smell is unpleasant.

A victory over scaly deprived is possible when complex therapy is used, including psychotherapeutic methods and medicines.

The latter eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and psychological techniques Help maintain yourself in a certain positive tone throughout life. The psychotherapist helps the patient recall that preceded the debut of the disease or exacerbation. So a clear picture is evaporated, helping to avoid factors provoking rash.

Psychological assistance in psoriasis

Sometimes for treatment you have to stay in a special department. There is nothing shameful in this. The psychologist does not treat mental deviations, he is only an assistant in getting rid of the sense of guilt and offense. His help is to use the following installations:

  • I allow myself to spill your anger.
  • I am satisfied with my actions.
  • I'm open to new.
  • I am overwhelmed with positive emotions.
  • My soul is full of harmony, joy, calm.
  • I just forgive everything.
  • I am free and live further.
  • I allow myself to be myself.
  • I love life.

Scandals, jealousy, experiences, resentment launch destructive processes in the body. Another thing, the right posture, faith in success and a smile, which can be squeezed out of myself, even if there is no desire, because even the fascinating, it will prevent a bad confusion, negative thoughts.

Start follows from clarifying and eliminating negative factors. If, for example, at work, a person suffers a constant humiliation, you can throw such an occupation and find another.

Psoriasis often begins in adolescence. So that the children had a clean healthy skin, you can not care about them, surround the total concern.

It is necessary to teach them to constructively express an emotion of anger, give it to splashing it, not to accumulate the insults, to observe the personal space of the child, not to limit his needs in the game, active movement, self-expression.

Otherwise, a matured child can hate parents who have not taught the chief - to love, and his hyperex was deprived of his rod, which would help to stand up against the vicissitudes of fate.

If we consider Psoriasis on psychosomatics, this will help the patient to realize the psychological causes of the disease and improve their condition faster. As is known, this disease is detected from any people, despite high level Life and place of residence.

Despite the high level of modern medicine, a person cannot prevent pathology because of the abundance of stress and depression. Thanks to psychosomatics, it can be found out that it has served to develop skin disorders.

Many doctors adhere to the opinions that dermatosis is not a physiological impairment, but sincere and psychological. Therefore, in addition to the reception of drugs and the use of outdoor skin, it is important to find out what worries a person.

What about this article?

Psychosomatics as a factor of illness

Psychosomatics refers to a separate sector of medicine that studies the impact of the patient's mental state on his health. According to representatives of this theory, any disease develops as a result of a serious psychological failure in the work of the body. That is, negative thoughts and other mental factors are able to cause physiological disorders.

If it is not possible to find out the cause of the disease during the survey, while the pathology becomes the result of anger, anxiety, depression, feelings of guilt, the doctor is trying to identify psychosomatic factors. Including Psoriasis Psychosomatics associates with the presence of certain mental experiences.

Many doctors note that skin diseases are closely associated with the nervous psychic condition of the patient. As a clinical study showed, conducted in the 60s of the last century, the nerve endings of the skin and internal organs under stress are filled with acetylcholine mediator. It is this substance directly related to neurogenic phenomena.

Patients were also investigated with a diagnosis of autoimmune dermatitis. Such people showed a tendency to violations of the work of the peripheral and central nervous system.

After passing therapy, the psychologist the condition of the skin was significantly improved.

Psychological reasons for psoriasis

According to many doctors, the emergence of the disease may be due to stressful state. Any pathological change in the skin reports a person about the presence of any internal disorder.

As practical experiments proved, even after transplanting donor healthy skin under the influence of stress and psychological experiences, it changes the worse. If you normalize the emotional background of the patient, the condition of the cover is improved even without additional intervention.

For this reason, psoriasis, including a drop-shaped, many consider karmic disease, the origin of which is caused by psychosomatic reasons. And if you do not get rid of spiritual problemsTraditional medicines may be useless.

Several main factors that lead to psoriasis are distinguished:

  1. With excessive parent care, too close psychological and bodily contact, the child is overwhelmed not only positive, but also negative emotions. It provokes the appearance of rashes on the body with itching and peeling.
  2. Also, the reason may be the retaining of the father or mother, which leads to fear and alarm. As a result, the face, legs, the scalp is covered with a rash of unknown origin.

In severe, such children have to deal with the problem of installing personal connections. They wish for rapprochement, but subconsciously repel the surrounding people.

Shooting responsibility on others, a person with mental trauma becomes dependent on stronger emotional people.

When the expected to receive fails, the problem develops into the skin dermatitis, deprive, to exam, alopecia or psoriasis.

Who is subject to the appearance of the disease

As psychologists noted, the disease is usually evolving in those who are dissatisfied with their own lives, work surrounding people and their body. According to psychosomatics, psoriatic disease begins to develop when there is a vital dissatisfaction.

If skin covers swell and scales are formed on the body, this suggests that the body is protected from external factors. Such patients do not take themselves, at the same time they are overwhelmed and susceptible. The dissatisfaction is so strong how deeply the skin is amazed.

Sometimes the cause becomes a feeling of guilt, then the skin swells, covered with a rash, blushes, zudit, itchies, it becomes small scales. Location the disease also depends on emotional reasons. If the dissatisfaction is dissatisfied with their abilities, psoriasis amazes his head. If pathology applies to hands and nail plates, this reports irritation due to the behavior of loved ones.

Thus, first of all, the development of pathology is subject to the following patients:

  • People who do not know how to take responsibility for their own actions. Constantly shifting responsibilities on others, they are exposed to the porter of individuality and their immunity. This explains the psychological origin of dermatosis. Such patients differ in passivity, with which they associate the inability to occupy the desired posts.
  • Also in the risk group are people constantly afraid of the offense. A person strive to protect against the surrounding effects, which is why a kind of polycar of numerous scales is formed on the body.
  • People with a constant sense of guilt and low self-esteem consider their condition to punish, so skin pathology cannot retreat from the body.
  • If a person is unnecessary to reach career, is constantly not satisfied with the results of his labor, it causes psychological disorders and, as a result, leads to the formation of hated plaques in their hands.
  • Diseases are subject to excessively squeamy patients who seek cleanliness. They are susceptible to hate and disgust to all who do not meet his requirements.
  • The child may be susceptible to the disease, if he lacks attention. This leads to inventing non-existent diseases that are expressed in the form of psoriatic plaques.

Sometimes skin pathologies are developing with excessive care. Parents try to protect the child and frighten it with all sorts of diseases.

When a person matures, he subconsciously protects his body, hides from the surrounding factors, which provokes the appearance of plaques.

Opinion of psychologists

There are many opinions that psoriasis has metaphysical origins. So they consider the doctors and scientists who take into account psychosomatics, and prefer to heal the disease by unconventional methods.

According to Louise Hay, when a person is trying to get rid of his former appearance, to update life and change himself, he has problems with the skin. If pathology is developing due to poor heredity, this indicates the incorrect approach of the parents to raising the child, which give a negative installation.

Also, the disease is detected in people who are afraid to face the aggression of others, do not want to feel like a person, be responsible for the perfect actions.

  1. Psoriasis is activated with an internal conflict when the patient is closed and afraid to express himself, but at the same time secretly awaits possible changes.
  2. The appearance of the skin rash is accompanied by the feeling of aggression and the external threat from others, the misunderstandings of loved ones. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body.
  3. The feet are covered with psoriatic plaques, if a person cannot reach a certain goal and stops halfway.
  4. The head and face are amazed with troubled and mesh thoughts, if a person cannot concentrate.

Louise Hay therapy is to revive their strength and faith in itself. Additionally, you can heal the disease with hypnosis.

Causes of Psoriasis on Liz Burbo

Dr. Liz Burbo believes that psoriasis appears in people who seek to improve their lives by changing others. The patient with skin pathology does not see its drawbacks and considers the culprits of what is happening around.

Such an approach to the problem leads to a dead end. Because of the constant resentment on other hands are covered with psoriasis, a person becomes irritable in misunderstanding, he in turn shifts the blame on others, and it turns out a circulation.

It is important to understand why this happens to get rid of the disease. It is necessary to know that recovery is possible only by eliminating the internal conflict. Otherwise, negative mood accumulates in the body and eats from the inside.

Sinelniks about psychosomatic reasons

The psychologist of Sinelnikov argues that the diseases are primarily subject to people in whom hatred has accumulated. They consider everything that happens around the unworthy, frown, dirty. Meanwhile, such patients are distinguished by the response manifestation of revenge, resentment, anger.

Thus, negative information is attracted to negative sessions, all this starts splashing out, the development of the disease occurs. Sometimes the negative can be transmitted to close people, in this case psoriasis, due to parental problems, goes to children.

The human body is designed in such a way that immediately gets rid of all dirt, and it is manifested in the form of psoriatic rash.

It is possible to recover from the disease after awareness, adoption and correcting your drawbacks. When the body is filled with positive, it ceases to suffer, and the disease leaves the body.

How to get rid of the disease

Psoriasis is recommended to be treated with complex, by using traditional medicines and methods of psychotherapy. The doctor studies symptoms, finds out the psychological reasons for the development of the disease. This allows you to identify the hidden problem, which the patient himself did not notice.

The doctor does everything so that the patient gains an emotional balance, filled positive promises, which may not be enough. It is important to learn how to increase positive waves, get rid of anger, irritation and other negative thoughts with special secure methods.

A person must eliminate the uncertainty that exacerbates susceptibility and leads to the attack of pathology. Skin diseases are cured by lifting self-esteem. Extremely can help esoteric sessions, but you need to contact only the proven organizations that have positive feedback.

Modern person is characteristic of the material perception of the world. But whether all the phenomena or events that happen to us in everyday life, Justify the exact sciences? The question is rhetorical, however, a lot of famous philosophers worked on a response to him, whose teachings in our time are more interested in. The denial of the metaphysical nature of things is a huge mistake of a person of our time, and it is possible to prove this by an example known to many of us disease - psoriasis.

What is a parable?

This disease doctors is identified as the type of dermatosis of multifactorial etiology. At first, one or more red spots do not cause discomfort appear on the skin. After a couple of days, the zone of the defeat increases, and it appears a small itchy rash covered with scales. Papulous species rashes are delivered both physical and aesthetic discomfort. Well, and if the localization of the illness on the face or other commonly non-rigid zones, then the person is also waiting for depression, as a consequence of the pathology.

The active process of spreading the disease can continue long enough, but even when new rash will not appear, without appropriate treatment, the appearance of the skin will be recoverable.

How do modern scientists treat scaly deprivation?

For more than two centuries, scientists have not come to one general opinion that it causes the development of a scaly deprived. Although during these years the "best minds" of medicine put forward a mass of hypotheses on this issue, but unfortunately none of them found 100% confirmation. According to the results of the research and observations of practitioners of professors, the most likely is considered to be a "culprit" of psoriatic dermatosis genetics. However, during the years of the existence of the ailment, many cases were recorded when the scales were manifested in people who were not heirs of recessive genes carrying information about pathology.

The second "working" version of the disease of the disease of the doctor is called violation of metabolic processes, but also this theory was confirmed only indirectly. This list can be continued for a long time, but consider any of the objected hypotheses official reason, right away.

Psoriatic rashes from the point of view of metaphysics

According to the basic principles of metaphysics, the epidermis is not only a physical shell of the human body, but also a face separating the mental body from the outside world. One person - can easily trust and open his soul, the other - closed in his inner world, accumulate negative, anger and resentment. It is this denial of what is happening around and suppressing its own emotions leads to such a skin reaction as a scaly deprived. This is a physical manifestation of an internal protest against the environment reached its apogee, and not the desire or fear of being in this uncomfortable environment.

The reasons for such perception can be each other, some closes after a large experience of stress and after time they suffer from psoriatic rashes, others - carried their fear and insults after dozens of deep early childhood.

In metaphysics, there is even a theory that the scaly deprived is a kind of subconscious signal from the long-lasting or even last Lifecalling for a change in worldview and reassessment of life priorities.

In other words, this type of skin dermatitis is manifested exactly when a person wants to exorcate the unpleasant setting to him to abstract from any worldly problems or cannot understand the signals of his subconscious.

Metaphysical substantiation of the disease depending on its localization

According to the metaphysical substantiation of reality, not one of the events in our life does not pass without any reason. Here and the development of psoriasis is the direction of philosophy considers how the reminder of the lives of the lives and the deed crimes. So, the appearance of rashes on the knees may indicate that in the past life, a man was begging and often asked for alms. And if psoriatic dermatitis is also manifested in the palms, it is possible that because of the hunger and the lack of means of existence, the place had theft.

The manifestations of the scaly deprived on the elbows can say that for the sake of his own nazhi, in one of the lives already lived, patient patted the surrounding and went to his goal any legitimate and criminal methods. The appearance of herpetic rash on the face is explained in metaphysics with a huge desire of a person to give up his life and become another person - change his face.

The scaly deprived, based on this philosophical direction, is hereditary and at the same time karmic ailment, which obliges in the current life to redeem the atrocities of the ancestors and its own mistakes committed in the past life cycle.

The scaly deprived according to the principles of this teaching, as well as any other disease is not considered physical pathology, but only the projection of the internal conflict on outdoor shell Body, so it is not necessary to talk about medication treatment.

To return their physical appeal, a person should figure out to the end with those offeades that oppress him and do not allow to discover its consciousness. Perhaps even remember and try to re-survive that emotional splash, which injured and broke the protective shell of the mental body. Only the awareness of his problem and the forgiveness of the offense, according to the theory of metaphysics, will be able to destroy the artificially created vacuum and relieve from psoriasis.

However, to get rid of psychological pressure, as from the scaly deprived, is quite difficult. After all, it is important to find their primary sources to eliminate the cause of the ailment, and months, years and even decades can take it. Moreover, if the injury of the nervous system occurred in childhood, to restore the events of the distant past will be very difficult. Yes, and who will give a guarantee that the event, which from the depths of memory for grains restores consciousness - and is the foundation of the alienation barrier.

General views on the problem of psoriatic dermatosis

Among the versions that were nominated by scientists during the years of study of the scaly deprived, there is one that, according to its principles, is slightly similar to metaphysics hypothesis relative to the origin of the disease is a neurogenic theory. It is based on the thesis that the main causes of psoriatic dermatosis lies in psychosomatics. As its confirmation published many scientific Laborswhich describes the real clinical cases when the patient managed to achieve a long-term remission only with the help of psychotherapy sessions.

And today reviews, people suffering from this type of dermatosis, testify to the first appearance of rashes after experienced physical and psychological injury. In addition, almost all patients argue that the offensive of remissions was observed only after the restoration of the emotional balance, and the slightest stress was caused by recurrence.

Not all modern doctors are ready to take into account the neurogenic etiology of the scaly deprived in the treatment of patients. However, as practice shows, the inclusion of sedative preparations and complex psychological assistance in the therapy contributes to improving the dynamics of the course of the disease and accelerates the offensive of the desired remission. In addition, the number of recurrences among patients under the course of occupations with a psychologist is reduced to virtually zero.