Lucky architects of modernity Zach Hadid. Zha Hadid Crazy Architecture Photo

March 31, 2016 in Miami died Zach Hadid. She was 65 years old, and many say that for the architect it is a very early death. Hadid began to embody his projects in life late, but immediately received the status of one of the main architects of modernity. Its projects are knocked out of the history of architecture: they cling to the history of modernist and modern art and at the same time pretend to have no history of art and did not exist. The Village tells, from which Creativity CHAY HADID and why her case will live.

Study at Rem Kolhas

Cach Hadid was born in Baghdad in a rich family, he went abroad as a border, studied at American University in Beirut, and then went to study the architecture in London, where he met the Rem Kolhas. Having worked at his OMA Bureau in Rotterdam from 1977 to 1980, she returned to London, where he began independent practice. The OMA interdisciplinary approach clearly influenced Hadid, which introduced in his practice the concept of fine art and natural sciences. Constant theoreticalation, which was engaged in the Bureau of Krax, was also important for Hadid, for which the recognition of her ideas in the first years of work was replaced by the embodiment of projects.

Work in the table

If you look at the list of projects CHAHI HADID, the first thing that rushes into the eyes is almost a complete lack of projects implemented in the 1980s. At the same time, projects remaining in the form of visualizations and drawings, a lot - for different cities and different scales. Its projects won international contests, but remained on paper, because they were too brave - and technologically, and contextually. The first Hadid project has begun to build only in 1986 in Berlin. In this, she was helped by German feminists who tried to increase the presence of women in the modern architecture of Germany. The construction of an IBA residential building was completed in Berlin in 1993.

Architectural graphics

Fame in architectural circles came to Hadid long before the implementation of the first project. In the early 1980s, she won a competition for the project of building Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. In many ways, this happened thanks to the graphic work of Hadid, whose drawings simultaneously conveyed the concept of its architectural project, and could work as quite independent works of fine art. The picturesque visualization of its projects can be viewed on the website of the Bureau Zaha Hadid Architects.

Architect as an artist

In general, the entire Hadid approach to architecture and design can be called artistic. Hadid rejected modernist functionalism, and postmodern irony. Her projects seemed to appear from a parallel world with their own history of art. Own fantasy was most important for it, but because of this it was criticized. Thus, the project of the MAXXI Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome was considered completely unsuitable for exposure to painting and objects, so in many respects he became a monument to himself, and his architecture would remember better than his collection. Her design objects - from furniture to VAZ and shoes - look like reduced copies of its buildings, and is no longer so important, they are convenient to use them.

Russian Avangard

Hadid often said that a strong influence on her work was both artists, and as an architect - provided Russian avant-garde, especially in the face of Casimir Malevich. Many of her picturesque works resemble his suprematic compositions, and in the names there is a word "tectonics", important for constructivists. If you place one of its first projects, the Vitra fire station, next to, let's say, the Rusakov club Konstantin Melnikova, the connection of Hadid with the ideas of avant-garde becomes obvious - although not without irony.

Parametrism and composite plastics

From the manual approach, the Khoi Hadid bureau has subsequently transferred to parametric, that is, computational, in which large amounts of data are processed, on the basis of which the structure of the building is being formed so difficult that it can hardly be perceived by the human brain. It is thanks to this approach, Zach, Hadid became known as the author of the projects of bizarre forms - like the center of Heydar Aliyev in Baku. But their embodiment would not be possible without using composite plastics whose properties allow you to build buildings of non-standard forms.


Zha Hadid, in fact, the only star female architect, the first woman - the laureate of the Pritzker Prize. It would seem that she could serve as a role-playing model for many women who want to make a career in the world of architecture, but her life seemed to be built on a sort of male model. Although at the first stage, her career helped her feminists, Hadid itself for the movement for the emancipation of women did not do much. Even if you look at the list of employees of her bureau, male names are much larger there than women's. Especially in the highest echelons.

Scandals in Asia

The last years of his life, Hadid was noted by scandals associated with the construction of sports facilities in Asia. During the construction of her stadium in Qatar, workers were killed - and the media, naturally, paid attention to the first place on the famous architect. Hadid asked journalists to carefully check the facts: the building design itself was not dangerous for the workers, and the wines lay on the authorities of Qatar and a developer who did not provide proper safety of safety on the facility. In addition, the draft stadium in Qatar was criticized for extravagant form: he reminded many of the vagina. Although Hadid denied any similarity, it seems rather advantage: so in the project of the stadium Ironically, the Islamic ban on the image of human faces. Another scandal was waiting for Katha Hadid in Tokyo: Local architects were horrified by her grandiose project of the Olympic Stadium for several billion dollars. Someone compared him with a turtle that wants to tighten Japan on the seabed.

Patrick Schumacher

Patrick Schumacher - Bureau partner Zaha Hadid Architects, who since 1988, together with Hadid, worked on key studio projects. Senior Designer Bureau, he participated in the development of the projects of the Vitra fire station and the Maxxi Museum. 28 years of collaboration could not pass in vain: Schumacher shares the principles of CHAHI HADID and works as the shadow ruler of its bureau. So with the death of Cahni, her case will not die: her ghost will remain with us.

PHOTOS: Cover - KEVORK DJANSEZIAN / AP / TASS, 1, 4 - Christian Richters / Zaha Hadid Architects, 2, 3, 6 - Zaha Hadid Architects, 5 - Helene Binet / Zaha Hadid Architects, 7 - Ivan Anisimov

Today they reported that from the heart attack in Miai at the age of 65, the British architect Zach Hadid died.

Zha Hadid (Zaha Hadid) - Outstanding archlicker Iraqi origin, lived and worked in the UK. She is known as the first woman architect who received the Pritzherovsky Prize (analogous to the Nobel Prize in the ARICTECTURE region). Zha Hadid worked in deconstructivism style, and the buildings built to her are always well recognizable. Let's remember again her amazing works that are a strange mixture of imagination, art and architecture.


Hadid studied architecture in the Architectural Association since 1972 and received a diploma in 1977. Then she became a partner of Office for Metropolitan Architecture, and later headed his own studio, which was engaged in 1987. Since then, Hadid has become an invited professor in architectural institutions around the world, a lot of workshops conducted a lot of master classes in design schools and architecture. In addition, Zha Hadid was an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Literature and the Researcher of the American Institute of Architecture, is a professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Zha Hadidthe boundaries of architectural design in a series of studies have experienced, and participated in architectural competitions. Among the projects of Cahni, which received prizes, includes: Peak in Hong Kong (1983), Kurfürstendamm in Berlin (1986), Center for Art and Mass Media in Dusseldorf (1992/93), Cardiff Bay Opera building in Wales (1994), Thames Water / Royal Academy Habitable Bridge Competition (1996), Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati (1998), University of Northern Bridge Holloway Road in London (1998), Center for Contemporary Art in Rome (1999) and Station for Ski Jumps in Innsbruck, Austria ( 1999).

In addition to the architecture of Zach, the Hadid is engaged in the creation of furniture, their works such as Cristal Chair and Chandelier Vortexx lamp are widely known. Interestingly, Zha Hadid has happened more than once in Russia, including in the Hermitage Theater in St. Petersburg in 2004, where the ceremony of a presentation of the Pritzherovsky Prize was held, the laureate of which became Zha.

Performing Arts Center - Project of the Architecture of the Future in Abu Dhabi

London architect Studio Cadida offered to the authorities of Abu Dhabi and the general public, his new art project Performing Arts Center, which is offered to build on the island of Saadyat.

The object will be built in the general project of Zayed National Mueum. The futuristic architecture of the National Museum Complex by one of its appearance can attract a lot of tourists to the UAE. The concept was built on the enthusiasm of the main sheikh UAE, Zaid Ben Sultan Al Najiana, a falcon hunt. The same strong and rapid lines cover the entire building, turning the building into a certain allegorical object. The main filling of this giant project will be 5 Theaters: Opera House, Music Hall, Concert Hall, Dramatic Scene and Theater for different types of creativity.

National Stadium of Japan - Stadium project in Japan from Zaha Hadid Architects

However, it should be noted that, despite the magnificent portfolio of Zahi Ahdid, for the new contract, its company had to compete with other design and architectural bureau from around the world, including serious competitors from the "country of the rising sun".

A new national stadium will make a kind of symbol of Japanese leadership in Asia: the construction will be located on the site of the old stadium, which was also built for the Olympic Games (which were held in Tokyo in 1964 and had to show the world that Japan had restored her power after World War II ).

The old stadium plan to disassemble in 2015, at the same time the construction of a new sports complex will begin. Japan won the right to hold the World Rugby Championship in 2019 - it is for this term that the Japanese and are going to build a national stadium.

The design of the future facilities is made in traditional for many other projects of Hadid Futuristic style CHAY and externally reminds, for example, aqua center in London, open to the Summer Olympiad 2012.

Hadid CHAY projects are excellent in that each detail is thought out: Even if it is a "ordinary" residential building, the design of apartments in it will definitely be in the focus of attention of Zaha Hadid Architects.

COMPLEX GALAXY SOHO in Beijing on the project Zachi Hadid

Construction work on a plot of 47,000 square meters lasted about thirty months, that is, from 2009 to 2012. This is the first object, erected by the Hadid Caucia project in the capital of China and, perhaps, its most noticeable work in Asia.

"Without angles" - it would be possible to call the concept designed by Zaha Hadid Architects (critical customized colleagues on the workshop are often called Hadid objects tougher - "wraths"), but the candor Caucia Patrick Schumacher came up with a more elegant term - "panoramic architecture".

Complex with an area of \u200b\u200b330,000 square meters. m consists of five volumetric elements, but all attention is fixed immediately on four of them. These are dome-shaped structures with a height of up to 67 m, smoothly interconnected at different levels of floor platforms and covered transitions. Rounded inter-storey overlap creates a sense of constant motion, transformation, transition from one state to another. Four domes are formed in the center of the composition atrium with balconies and galleries and several closed inner courtyards, which can be called tribute to traditional Chinese architecture. The courtyard in the culture of the Middle Kingdom plays a crucial role as the space connecting the interior and the environment.

Official website of the architectural office:

In the capital of Serbia, it is planned to build a multifunctional complex on the site of the Beko factory. Housing, shops and cafes, congress center and hotel 5 * will enter it. All enclosures and elements of the program are connected together as "flowable", manifest volumes, combined with a similar solution of the landscape.

The specificity of the project is in its location in the very center of the city, next to the Kalemnel Park, near the walls of the Belgrade Fortress. Like a recent project with Fujimoto, Hadid's work can disrupt the integrity of this historic landscape.

In addition, commentators say, investors often offer to implement projects of foreign "stars" in Belgrade, but it rarely comes to construction: the reason and in the complex Serbian bureaucratic system, and in the tricks of the developers themselves: they receive permission to build for one project, and Implement another cheap. Although such a method is practiced in the West, for example, in New York.

In Baghdad, Hadeid is going to build an ambitious structure. This is the new headquarters of the Central Bank Iraq.

It will be a 37-storey building on the shore of a tiger with facades, lined with glass and light metal. The side facing the river will be completely glad to "provide" employees with panoramic views of the river.

Central Bank Iraq Zaha Hadid Architects / Zaha_Hadid

Hydar Aliyev Cultural Center.

"This country, located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, has experienced a dizzying number of occupations and liberations. So just take a deep breath and miss this story to be at the very end, or, if you become more optimistic, at the very beginning of the new history of modern Azerbaijan, "notes the leading TV channel" Discovery ", an expert on the global architecture of Danny Forster, which He took off one of the stories about the cultural center of Heydar Aliyev on the project Caakhi Hadid.

This large-scale construction of a total area of \u200b\u200b11,1292 square meters will be a dominant of a new area in Baku, where, in addition to him, residential, administrative, trade, office and cultural buildings will also be created.

In the very cultural center named after Heydar Aliyev, there will be a museum, a library, conference hall, as well as a hall for solemn and cultural events. The building will have a maximum of transparent, glass walls, both outdoor and internal, which will reduce to a minimum need for artificial light. And the lightest place (north of the building, where sunlight is maximum possible) in this complex will be given under the library.

Taichung Metropolitan.-opera, Taiwan. (Metropolitan Opera House. Taichung, Taiwan)


For achievements in the field of Architecture of Zach, Hadid in 2004 became the first woman-architect who received the Pritzker Prize. And in June of this year, Khaha Hadid received the title of Ladies-Commandor Order of the British Empire, which corresponds to the knightly rank and allows the use of the "lady" before the name. Both awards architect received when she was already 50. Her path to glory was long and difficult.

COURTS OF LAW (Civil Courts of Justice), Madrid, Spain (Civil Court Building Complex Campus Justice, Madrid, Spain)

Zha Hadid was born in 1950 in Iraq. The girl grew in a Muslim country. However, she was lucky - her father was one of the founders of the National Democratic Party of Iraq, a large industrialist pro-Western orientation. Zach Hadid never wore a barge and, unlike the rest of the country's population, had the opportunity to freely ride peace. At 11 years old, the girl had already knew exactly what he wanted to become an architect, and at 22 I went to study in the Architectural Association in London. In 1980 Zha Hadid found its own architectural firm Zaha Hadid Architects.

She offered the buildings of the inhabited bridge over the Thame, an inverted skyscraper for the English city of Leter and Club on the top of the mountain in Hong Kong. Designed the opera building in Cardiff, Centers of Contemporary Art in Ohio and Rome. These and other projects bring her victory in prestigious architectural contests, and then popular among professionals, but remain on paper. In many ways, because of the unpretentiousness of customers, take its non-standard and original design.

Fire part "Viter"

The first implemented project Hadid was the fire portion of Vitra (1994). A splash of interest in her work began after in 1997 the building of the Guggenheim Museum was built in Bilbao on the project Frank Geri. And after participating in the construction of the Center for Contemporary Art of Rosentyl in Cincinnati USA, which opened in 1998, the ideas of Caakhi Hadid become truly popular.

Center for Contemporary Art Rosentyl

Today, Hadid is building a lot, builds around the world, not embarrassed by the courage of the value of its own projects. In addition to working with large forms, Zha Hadid creates installations, theatrical scenery, exhibition and scenic spaces, interiors, shoes, paintings and pictures. Its works are in many museum collections - such as Moma, the German Museum of Architecture in Frankfurt am Main (DAM) and others. She also reads lectures and suits master classes around the world, collecting complete audiences every time. Zha Hadid has repeatedly also in Russia.

Opera House Guangzhou

In the modern world there are a lot of architects, but only some of them are truly outstanding. One of the best specialists in this area consider Hadid's crown. The biography of this woman is shot by dizzying stages in life. Large-scale projects, majestic features, the ability to present themselves and their work is all that characterizes Hadid's crown.

Who is Hadid's Zach?

The biography of the Grand Architect is largely related to Baghdad. Here in 1950 she was born in a secured family belonging to the class of bourgeoisie. Her father was called Muhammad Al Hajj Hussein, and Mother - Vajikha Al Sabundzhi. The first formation of the Zach received in American University, located in Beirut, in the class of mathematics. Then, she then paid learning in the London Association of Architects. After receiving this formation, she began working in the architectural bureau, the owner of which was her teacher and Mentor Rem Kolhas. Got all the best qualities and skills at the wonderful Dutch architect, the Zach decided to create his own Zaha Hadid Architects firm.

While as a teenager, she was famous for an endless fantasy. Already at that time, the small architect Zach Hadid performed various work to order or by goodwill. Among its proposals there were such projects such as a residential bridge over the Temia or an inverted skyscraper in the lester. Architecture CHAHI HADID has always differed a certain originality. An example of this is the project of the club, the location of which should serve a high mountain. Then the projects of CHAHI HADID received various architectural premiums, but did not find ways to implement. The most important reason was the unpretentiousness of customers to take a non-standard, new, innovative project. But all the projects of Zahi Hadid were original.

Over time, the True Architect has also considered in Zakh. After recognition, interesting projects began to come to her. The first was the building of Caakhi Hadid for the furniture company "Viter". She developed a fireman in the form of a bombarder. Next, she began to give more and more projects, and as a result of the building from the architect now there are dozens of cities.

The personal life of Caakhi Hadid, despite not all her successes and attractive appearance, and could not settle down. It was fully implemented as an architect, but it could not be implemented as a woman.


On March 31, 2016, the greatest architect of modernity Zach Hadid was left of the life. The cause of the death of a wonderful and talented woman is very vital and common. 65-year-old Cat killed a heart attack. It happened to her in Miami. She flew here only to treat their bronchitis. So, in one moment it was not a brilliant, distinctive and very vitality of man. Unfortunately, Hadid Children did not have, so after her death reminder, only work and business were left for this woman.

Creative way

The work of CHAHI HADID Interested in the public and customers, after the world met with a magnificent creation - the Guggenheim Museum, who was erected in Bilbao. Sticky demand Architecture CHAHI HADID received after she participated in the construction of the Center for Contemporary Art Rosentyl. Its architectural ideas have always been contrary to generally accepted canons. In all the works of Zach, Hadid tried to go beyond the scope and give the space a new powerful impulse. So, in its projects, you can track a distorted perspective that promotes the identification of sharp corners and curvatures.

Woman's architect Hadid worked perfectly with large forms. But besides her architectic talent, it also lived in it and the extraordinary ability to create installations, theatrical scenery, interiors, paintings and even shoes. Performing small works, Zach honed new forms. Architecture CHAHI HADID decorates many cities, and its small works are kept in such museums as MOMA, architecture and others. In addition to creating new forms and objects of Zha, it was even pleasure to share their knowledge. She often conducted master classes and lectured in various countries of the world.

Among the work of CHAHI HADID - a number of furniture collections. One of the most memorable interior items created by Zhaha is the lamp "Chandler Vortex" and the Crystal Chair. Unique creative projects led to the ear on the first exhibition of design in Miami, where she was honored with the title "Designer of the Year".

Fingerprints in Russia

Russia has visited the Zha more than once. In this regard, to meet the architecture of CHAHI HADID has become quite simple. In 2004, she was invited to the Hermitage Theater, where they handed the Picker Prize. In the same year, Khaha, Hadid read the most interesting lecture in the central architect's house. A year later, she returned to Russia with a master class, which was held on the basis of the exhibition ARH-Moscow. The same year brought the project in Moscow. The company "Capital Group" proposed an extraordinary architect to design the residential complex "Picturesque Tower". So the first building of Caakhi Hadid appeared in Moscow. Address of this building: Moscow, ul. Picturesque. Seven years later, in 2012, Zha Hadid took over the construction of the Futuristic mansion of Vladislav Doronin on Rublevo-Uspensky Highway.

In 2015, a new business center "Peresvet Plaza" was erected in Moscow, whose architect whose architect was performed by Khadid. Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, House 5 - address of the new building of the Great Architect in Russia. The structure is made in avant-garde style, and at first glance it seems that this is some kind of space object descended from heaven to the ground.

Legendary buildings CHAHI HADID

Each building built on the Zaki Hadid project becomes a legend. You can take it any work, and every one can be with confidence to name the best. Amazing projects Zakhi Hadid:

  1. The Tower in Beijing is an object that affects not only its scale, but also innovation. The erection creators turned to such technologies that allowed to reduce the amount of energy consumed and minimize the emission of pollutants.
  2. The Center for Contemporary Art Rosental in America - this project brought Hadid Pritzker Prize.
  3. Spronplel in Innsbruck.
  4. BMW's head building in Leipzig is the result of rethinking the functions of a traditional office.
  5. National Museum of Art of the twenty-first century in Rome.
  6. London Water Sports Center - the building was created to the 2012 Olympic Games.
  7. Cent Heider Aliyev on the territory of Baku - erected in honor of the third president of Azerbaijan.
  8. Futuristic mansion on Rublevka in Moscow - Country House Vladislav Doronin, visually resembling a spacecraft.
  9. Iraq Central Bank is a very important building for Caucia, as it was built on her homeland. Unfortunately, by the time the construction of the Grand Architect was not alive.
  10. Hong Kong Polytechnic University - when looking at him immediately remembers the legendary "Titanic".

These are just a few wonderful works of CHAHI HADID. No less inspiring and grandiose projects are the buildings of the Museum of Transport in Glasgow, the Mountain Museum in Italy, a shopping and entertainment center in Beijing, etc. Several superpat works of ZAHI HOTES are further described in more detail.

Galaxy Soho (Beijing)

The grand building is located on a land plot of 47 thousand square meters. The construction of this architecture facility has been launched within 30 months in the period from 2009 to 2012. This complex is the first building built in China on the project Caakhi Hadid. Experts and connoisseurs believe that SOHO is the best Creation of Hadid in all Asia. According to the agency CHAHI HADID, this building was performed without sharp corners. As for the name, it was originally called "without angles." Patrick Schumacher, a colleague Cauna, decided that this is too rude name for the concept and offered to rename it into the "panoramic architecture".

The complex area is 330 thousand square meters. It consists of five volumetric objects. Each of them has a rounded shape and reaches a height of up to 67 meters. Each of the elements is connected to each other with multi-level floor platforms and covered tunnels. Due to the rounding of inter-storey floors, the visual complex has become similar to a dynamically moving object. The building has the height of office ceilings reaches three and a half meters. In the trading platforms, the ceilings are at a height of more than five meters. In total, the complex of 18 floors, three of which are underground. Near the building there is parking for 1250 cars.

Cultural Center Heydar Aliyev

This building amazes its scale. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory occupied by the area exceeds 111 thousand square meters. In the walls of the Cultural Center there are such important premises as a museum, conference hall, library. There is also a special zone for various kinds of events. Absolutely transparent glass walls have a predominant stake in the building. In such format, not only external walls are made, but also internal. This allows you to minimize electricity consumption and use the maximum of natural light. Like almost all the projects of CHAHI HADID, the architecture of the Hydar Aliyev cultural center consists of rounded lines. In this building, the wave-like desire for the sky and the smooth approach to Earth is harmoniously combined. This selected is not accidental. By the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, first of all the center must personify infinity and duration. The color of the building is white, which is a symbol of a bright future.

CMA CGM Tower (Marseille, France)

Forces of Arabic origin in 2011, the construction of an impressive skyscraper was completed. He has 37 full-fledged floors. The overall height of the building is 147 meters. The location of its location is the business district in a kilometer from the central part of Marseille. Here this skyscraper is the highest building. The purpose of this building is the head office of the local CMA CGM company. Headquarters has a very advantageous location relative to the coastline, it has only one hundred meters from it to the building. The right to establish a draft architectural agency Zachi Hadid received by victory in a special competition organized in 2004. The start of construction was launched in the same year. Seven years later, he was already commissioned. By its capacity building, the building can safely accommodate 2700 people. According to the project, the skyscraper built parking for 700 cars and 200 motorcycles. Visitors can also visit the restaurant here, designed for 800 persons, or in the gym. In its area, the building occupies about 94 thousand square meters. By its significance, the skyscraper is included in the top 10 skyscrapers of 2011.

One Thousand Museum Tower (Miami, USA)

Skyscraper height at sixty-floors was erected by the project of Caakhi Hadid in the heart of Miami, on the Biscay boulevard. The house includes 83 luxury apartments. The area of \u200b\u200beach apartment is different, as well as their cost. The minimum price of one room is $ 5 million. The maximum reaches fifteen million. According to Hadid, this building should have affected the city horizon line. Within the framework of the project, the architect suggested at the base of the building to make the podium from which the tower will be built. According to its form, the tower will be different from nearby its non-standard design. It seems to be braided with the outer side by a concrete frame. So the outer part of the building becomes a similar tree, braided branches. Balconies and loggias apartments seem to be buried in the overall plane of the facade. The purpose of the podium is to create a multipurpose public zone. Here are shops, cinema, fitness center. Surround the bottom block of the building metal panels with perforation. It is they who give the podium futuristic stylist.

Museum of the XXI century (Rome)

The National Art Museum on the plan of Caakhi Hadid became an extensive accumulation of different cultures. As the basis of this construction, it was customary to take a complex on which Montello barracks were located. For Rome is very symbolic, the fact that a new cultural object was built on top of an old building. Internally, the space of this museum of the 21st century is 21 thousand square meters. Visually, he is similar to the threads of volcanic lava forever. Such an effect is created by turning into each other with volumetric constructions from concrete. Glass surfaces play a major role in this cultural facility. Almost the entire first floor, as well as the roof consist of transparent glass. Thus, all cultural values \u200b\u200bstored in the museum can be contemplated under daylight. Inside the building is an atrium collected from two tiers. It connects all the rooms of the museum among themselves. Transitions and asthenic openings inside the building are similar to black ribbons that deteriorates the snow-white concrete walls of the building. The architectural decoration of the museum in 2010 was awarded the Stirling Prize in the UK. So, in one movement of the hand of Zach, Hadid turned the uncomplicated barracks in the surprisingly extraordinary heritage of the country.

Capital Hill Residence (Moscow)

Vladislav Doronin never missed the creation of his comfort. It also concerns his housing. So, in 2015, Cach Hadid developed a draft of his futuristic mansion, which was built by Oligarch on Rublevo-Assumption Highway. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe trendy and super-standard building is two and a half thousand square meters. The basis of the concept of CHAHI HADID has become an ecosil. When designing home Doronina, she tried to harmoniously mix modern technologies with natural features. When wearing this mansion, the feeling immediately arises that the spacecraft flew from another planet and settled in Barvikha. Rooms inside the building are distributed in four levels. Below is a living room, gym, sauna, sauna, hammam and massage. Next are the reception room for guests, a kitchen with a dining room and a pool. The floor above is the library, children's, living room and a huge hall. The final floor includes owners and a luxurious terrace.

It is worth noting that the design of private houses is not included in the main specialization of the CHAHI HADID. According to experts, for this work, she received a six-zero fee. As a result, the Business Union of Caucia Hadid and Vladislav Doronina demonstrated the world's luxurious project and a world-class private house. The only thing that remains incomprehensible to many people, who will live there. It is believed that this house, like many others, Moscow billionaire will be presented as a gift to his beloved Naomi Campbell.

Zha Hadid was the first woman who received the Pritzker Prize for achievements in the field of architecture (Pritzker Architecture Prize), which is considered an analogue of the Nobel Prize in the world of architecture (by the way, the second woman who received this award was Cadzo Sedzima (together with Rue Nisidzava), about her also in the community).

In Moscow, you can see one of the buildings of Caakhi Hadid, this is a Dominion Tower business center. It is located at ul. Ballopodshipnskaya, d. 5, near the metro Dubrovka. The customer of this building was the company "Dominion-M". Construction began in 2008, however, due to the crisis, it was frozen for four years and as a result ended only in 2015. I picked the Dominion Tower of this spring (early spring, in my opinion, the best time to photograph architecture: First, foliage does not cover the building, secondly, the sky is no longer gloomy as in winter. Under the cut my photos and a small post about Hadid.

Zha Hadid was one of the architectural style stars deconstructivism. The characteristic peculiarities of this style include multi-layered, fragmentation, smooth bends. The best samples of this style look as if they became the result of someone's attempts to paint the pen.

Deconstructivism received its name for the exhibition "Architectural Deconstructivism", held in 1988 in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. Zha Hadid was one of the most important participants of this exhibition, although at that time she had not yet implemented projects.

Deconstructivism is a word-purse: deconstruction + constructivism.

Deonstruction concept developed French philosopher Jacques Derrida. According to the "modern philosophical dictionary" A. Gritsanova, deconstruction is not only a style of philosophical creativity, but also "Technique of intellectual work with binary structures of any type (formal-logical, dialectic, mythological), involving the following steps: a) the analysis of the opposition; b ) The equalization of both its members; c) reviewing the opposition at the maximum remote level of distance, which makes it possible to judge its inability or possibility "().

For the participants of the New York Exhibition with such binary oppositions in architecture (which should be revealed, consider and equalize both opposed concepts) were opposed to structure and decor, abstraction and figurativeness, functions and forms. The deconstruction method was used to create new forms and a new type of architectural space. The second key to the discovery of new forms and space was the creative rethinking of the ideas of Soviet constructivism.

Thanks to the works of Soviet art historians and art historians (in 1988, the book of Larisa Alekseevna Zhadova about Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin, the Soviet artist and the constructivism of constructivism) was opened for Western architects) for Western architects) for Western architects, the little-known works of Soviet constructivists were opened, and The philosophical principles and ideas of Soviet constructivists used their own forms - in particular, the slogan that the material of architecture is space, not a stone.

Soviet constructivism was interesting to architects-deconstructivists as an example of how to radically change the internal structure of the building. Many deconstructivism architecture seems to be "uncomfortable", but often it was the intention of architects (in particular, Peter Aisenman spoke of one of his projects, which wants to build "non-complex"). Deconstructivists subjected to reassessment by the idea of \u200b\u200ba house as shelter, instead offering constantly changing, plastic inner space, which does not give the viewer to relax, and the eye is to climb. The constant change of the geometry of the inner space causes the viewer to be consciously refer to the architecture of the building, entering into the dialogue.

Zha Hadid was inspired by Soviet constructivists when looking for new forms, resistance to critics, reflections on the further development of architecture. In the early 80s. She wrote: "Triumpph technology in the twentieth century, our" acceleration "and constant lifestyle changes created totally new conditions. These changes, with all their diversity, instill a kind of optimism in us, which should bring everything new in line with architecture. Revision is required Architecture, its development in the direction of ingenuity, imagery, interpretationality in order to increase the value of our activity. We do not fulfill their debt if we continue to create something similar to confectionery products. Our role is amusing. We, architects, must put the task to re-explore the phenomenon of modernism. As before, so and now, if something is ahead, it turns out in the atmosphere of total hostility. But it is hostility that makes us more persistent. And with confident that we have only one way - to go to the direction proposed by early modernists. Their efforts were tilted , their projects were not implemented. Our task is not to be Sit, and in advance to move on. This is the only true task not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of the program and strategy. Its fulfillment will open a new, unknown territory for the project invasion and submission. And this is just the beginning. " (Quotation on the book I.A. Dobritsyna "from postmodernism - to nonlinear architecture: architecture in the context of modern philosophy and science").

What else Rodnil's Katha Hadid and Soviet constructivists: many projects of constructivists have not been implemented due to the technical requirements impossible at that time. Caucia Hadid, as already mentioned, at the time of participation in the exhibition "Architectural Deconstructivism" did not have implemented projects in general. However, time does not stand still, construction and computer capabilities grow. In the early 90s, the first building of Caakhi Hadid appeared: the fire station of the manufacturer of designer furniture "Viter", also known for his interest in the architecture and attracting famous architects to build buildings in the factory in the city of Wail-on-Raine, Germany.

In the early 2000 technology and digital technology are improved even more, software is improved. Zach Hadid and its architectural bureau Zaha Hadid Architects When designing buildings, the methods of digital modeling and design technology, borrowed from the automotive and aviation industry, which help change the project parameters in real time. In Russian articles, this is called computing design, well, Patrick Schumacher, partner CHAY HADID in Zaha Hadid Architects, allocates design using the latest computing technologies in a separate architectural style and gives it a name parametrism.

In 2008, Schumacher writes his article "Paramettimism as a style - parametric manifesto," where the concept of "parametrism" introduces the concept of "parametrism" and the first large style has proclaimed the parameterism from the times of modernism.

The achievements of computational design / parametric design made possible smooth forms and crazy volumes of internal spaces that were impossible twenty-thirty years ago. But, of course, the construction of such buildings is difficult and expensive (here and the initial Dominion Tower project turned out to be too expensive for customers and demanded further refinement and adaptation under the Moscow conditions). Zha Hadeid was repeatedly criticized for the fact that the form for her was more important than the budget, ease of execution and further maintenance of buildings, as well as for the implementation of projects in authoritarian countries (allegedly she did not care about the fate of workers employed on its projects). In 2014, Khaha Hadid filed to one particularly robin critic (Martin Filler), but later the parties concluded a settlement agreement: Zha Hadid recalled the lawsuit and adopted a formal apology, Martin Filler admitted that the facts were fabricated, and the quotes of Hadid were fabricated They were spilled out of context, which distorted their meaning. Nevertheless, many pay attention to the fact that many architects work in the Middle East, but for some reason only one Hadid has been criticized for cooperation with authoritarian regimes and disregard for the fate of the workers.

An architect woman who is the name of Zach Hadid, consider one of the most original, unusual and most successful modern architects of the world. It can be said that Zach Hadid is modern Gaudi. This author is called a real genius, and its buildings and buildings of the most unusual forms are located in many countries of the world and still continue to build on the crazy plans of the talented creator.

ZAH HADID (Zaha Hadid) - Arabic architectBorn in 1950 in Baghdad. Currently lives in Britain and is considered both Arabic and British architect. Has the title of Ladies-Commandor Order of the British Empire. The style of her works refers to deconstructivism. Deconstructivism - This is a bright opposition to the depotable and carefully planned constructivism. We can say that deconstructivism is surrealism in architecture. Often these are very complex forms of objects with broken and incorrect lines. Also, this style is characterized by the invasion of the city massif the most aggressive way, that is, among ordinary residential buildings, a glass of glass is minted or a low and curve house appears, which looks like a lump of crumpled paper and so on, and it is in such unexpected places. What seems - this is not a plan of builders, and the construction fell here inadvertently and completely accidentally. Zha Hadid is a real talent. She became one of the brightest figures in the style that was described above. Its houses and buildings are so highly assessed that in 2004 she received a Pritzker Prize, which is equal to its value of the Nobel Prize or the Pulitzer Prize. Hadid was awarded in St. Petersburg, in the Hermitage Building.

As already mentioned, its buildings and structures are located in different countries of the world, including in Russia: a futuristic mansion on the rublevo-Assumption highway in Moscow, the Dominion Tower business center in Moscow in the Dubrovka area and others. In addition, its small works are in such museums, like, the German Museum of Dam and others. Zha Hadid is engaged in installations, creates theatrical scenery, experimental furniture, design shoes, writes pictures, engaged in interior design.

Zha Hadid

40-storey hotel in Macau, China

Opus Office Tower in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Residential building in Manhattan, United States

Golden metro station in Er-Riyadh

International Culture and Art Center Changsha in China

Multipurpose complex Beko Masterplan in Belgrade

Museum of Transport Riverside in Glasgow

Signature Towers Skyscrapers in Dubai, UAE

Olympic Stadium in Tokyo 2020, Japan

Barromema Pavilions in Chicago, USA