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Ohio (Eng. Ohio) - the state in the northeast of the US average of the United States, the first state included in the confederation after the adoption of the Ordonance about the North-West in 1787. The designation OH, the official nickname "Konsky Chestnut state". The capital of the state and the largest city is Columbus. In the US, the state occupies a ninth place in population density. Nevertheless, Ohio currently has a negative indicator of pure migration of the population, and an increased unemployment rate

Official name: State of Ohio.

Capital State: Columbus

The largest city: Columbus

Other major cities: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Dayton, Youngstown, Parma, Canton, Lorein.

State nicknames: the state of horse chestnut

State motto: With God's help everything is possible

Ohio Postal Code: Oh.

State Education: 1803 (17th in order)

Area: 116 thousand sq. Km. (34th place in the country.)

Population: more than 11.5 million people (7th place in the country).

On the territory of Ohio there is a snake kurgan - an ancient monument of Indian earth architecture. In antiquity on the territory of Ohio, the cultures of Adena, Hoopwell and Fort Einsten, whose ethnicity is unclear were sequentially represented. Over time, the territory of Ohio settled representatives of Algonkin peoples (mainly), as well as this and Iroquois.

The development of the territory of Ohio Europeans began with French immigrants in the XVIII century, which founded a number of settlements for the procurement of Pushnins from the local Indian population. After the war of Great Britain with France in 1755-1763. The territory of Ohio moved under the control of the British, and later, according to the results of the Versailles peace treaty, 1783, began to belong to the colonists who won the war for independence.

Ohio State Population

From just over 45 thousand inhabitants in 1800, the population of Ohio grew at a speed of over 10% over a decade before the 1970 census, when a few more than 10,650 thousand Oghasev were registered. The growth was then slowed over the next three decades, and about 11,350 thousand residents lived in the state of Ohio in 2000. As of July 1, 2008, the states of the population were estimated at 11,485,910 at the US Census Bureau. The population growth in Ohio is lagging behind all other states.

Ohio State Geography

The geographical location of Ohio was very convenient for economic growth and expansion. Through the staff passes considerable traffic. Most of the state is located on flat terrain.

About Ohio in Wikipedia very little. Well, if so, allow myself a small liberty. For a variety, we read the history of this state. Usually I lowered this piece, because all the stories of different states are very similar to each other: Indians, war, staff formation. First, what a staff.

Ohio - state in the east of the US Midwest. The state originally believed to the North-Western territories was adopted by the US 17th on March 1, 1803. The official nickname state is - the state of horse chestnut. The capital of the state and the largest city is Columbus. In the US, the state takes the tenth place in population density.

The name "Ohio" occurred from the Iroquis word "Ohi-yo", which means "big river".

On the territory of Ohio there is a snake kurgan - an ancient monument of Indian earth architecture. In antiquity on the territory of Ohio, the cultures of Adena, Hoopwell and Fort Einsten, whose ethnicity is unclear were sequentially represented. Over time, the territory of Ohio settled representatives of Algonkin peoples (mainly), as well as this and Iroquois.

The development of the territory of Ohio Europeans began with French immigrants in the XVIII century, which founded a number of settlements for the procurement of Pushnins from the local Indian population. After the war of Great Britain with France in 1755-1763. The territory of Ohio moved under the control of the British, and later, according to the results of the Versailles peace treaty, 1783, began to belong to the colonists who won the war for independence.

Well, what I told you. The story of all US states is approximately the same. Just some states used to be part of the state, some later, apparently reflected.

From just over 45 thousand inhabitants in 1800, the population of Ohio grew up with a speed of over 10% over a decade. At the time of the 1970 census, a little more than 10,650,000 Oghats were registered. The growth was then slowed over the next three decades, and about 11,350,000 residents lived in the state of Ohio in 2000. As of July 1, 2011, the state's population was estimated at 11,544,951 (according to the US Census Bureau). The increase in population in Ohio lags behind all other states.

The geographical location of Ohio was very convenient for economic growth and expansion. Most of the state is located on flat terrain.

Two lines met. Let me show you at least a picture. And better video. Now, I will go.

There in English, but quite understandable, look at the pictures. Now we will look for Russians in Ohio. And as a result of the search, I came across a fairly interesting information about the state. This is from the forum.

  • The largest university (2006) in America - Ohio State University.
  • Very affordable prices for housing and real estate (chose from 50 megacities) (renting 1 bedroom in a good area for 400)
  • It is necessary to live in the north of the city - suburbs of Dublin, Westerville, NEW ALBANY
  • Rusually not many (thousands 20)
  • Relatively white city
  • Industry in Columbus is consciously not developing, because the city of financial companies (ch. Office Nationwide, a great representative office of Chase), as well as state governments. Although North West stands the Honda plant.
  • They want to make the third largest research area in America (after Silicon Valley and Boston).
  • The city was given 8 international among large cities.
  • North Columbus is one of the fastest inhabitant territories of America.
  • However, with a big problem with ecology due to the huge number of cars and the lack of normal public transport. www.sustainlane.us gives the last 50 to the place among the American cities in ecology.
  • In short, I tried to tell more less objectively. It is clear that there is no call here.

This is only an opinion, and 2007. From the magazine "



The name of the state of Ohio comes from the Ohio River, which does not just take place through the state, but also forms it southern, southeast and part of the eastern border. The state is named after the river is not accidental. The Ohio River is an influx of an important transport artery of the United States - the Mississippi River. Due to this, Ohio directly contributes to the economic prosperity of the state. However, her character is capricious, manifested in the floods, the largest of which was in 1883.


Ohio State Square is 116096 sq.m. It is curious that the width and length of the state territory is the same - 355 km. Almost 9% of the territory of Ohio is water. In East, Ohio borders with Pennsylvania and West Virginia, in the south - with Kentucky, in the West - with Indiana. One part of the northern border of Ohio divides with Michigan, the other runs on Lake Erie, through which the state has access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Ohio State Western regions are located on the central plain. In places here you can see the ridges of low hills that go to NO in the Array area adjacent to Lake. A long time ago there were lakes, which, retreating, exposed a flat bottom. The two groups of the Ohio rivers include short, which fall into Lake Erie and the long, which serve as the tributaries of Ohio. Just relate to the Miami Rivers, Skyoto and Maskingam.

Along with three these rivers, which cross Ohio from north to south, the state of the state can be attributed to the bolt and fonds that have not yet been drained. Mostly they are located in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean. As for the relief of the state, its territory gradually passes from the plain locality in the foothills of Appalach. The maximum height, which in Ohio is raised upwards - 472 meters above sea level.


A continental climate prevails on the territory of Ohio. Only the southern regions of the state are in the zone of subtropical climate. At the same time, there are many flora and fauna on the territory of the state, which is inclined to grow in the warm climate. Summer is roast here, and winter is cool. During the year, a moderate amount of precipitation falls in Ohio. It is unlikely that you can say that a tornado is often observed here. They happen, but much less often than in the so-called American "Alley Tornado".

One of the frequent manifestations of the capricious nature of nature in Ohio are earthquakes. So, only in the period from 2002 to 2007, more than 30 earthquakes occurred in the state. And since 1776, 200 earthquakes were recorded here, the value of 2 points on the Richter scale. The last earthquake occurred in 2008. Its value was 3.1 score on the Richter scale. For seismic activity in Ohio, the whole network of services located, including in colleges and universities of the state.


Before the appearance on the territory of Ohio Europeans, the Indians of Maamis tribes, Wandots, Delaware, Schonaisov, Ottawas, Mingos and Church lived here. The first Europeans who pulled down Ohio, were French. In the late 1669 - early 1670s, they opened the Ohio River. British appeared on the French in the state of the state, who were bought from the Local Merchants Pushnin. For more than 50 years, the French and the British quietly engaged in trade until the question arose: who can rule the entire territory of the state?

In 1754-1763, the conflict for the right to possess the land of Ohio, as a result of which the territory of the state passes towards the British crown. However, the British appeared another problem - the indigenous population. The Indians who led the Leader of Pontiac did not want to leave their lands and were constantly fighting with the British. But, without having received the support of the French, they were forced to refuse further resistance.

The fight against the Indians caused a consonant damage to British colonializers. But the expeditionary buildings of Her Majesty persistently obsessed over the local population. As a result, by the end of the second half of the XVIII century, the organized armed confrontation of the Indians ceased, and the war began for independence with America. After her end in 1783, the territory of Ohio moved to the United States. And in 1803, Ohio was officially recognized as 17 US state.


The population of Ohio is 11542645 people. The geographical center of the state population is located in the Morrow district. 6.5% of the state inhabitants are children under 5, almost 39% are young people and middle-aged people, 13.4% - a population over 65 years old, 51.3% of Ohio residents. It is worth noting that by the number of residents, Ohio is located on the 7th place in the United States. As for the density of the population, it makes up here about 100 people per 1 sq. Km. According to this indicator, one of 50 states is in the 9th place.

By origin, the population of Ohio is: Germans - by 28.9%, Irish - by 14.8%, the British - by 10.1%, the Poles - by 8.4%, the Italians - by 6.4%. Ohio residents: 82.8% - white, 11.8% - black, 2.3% - mixed races, belonging mainly to the Hispanic community, 1.5% - Asians and residents of the Pacific Islands, 1.3% - Mixed races of various origin, 0.2% - American Indians and indigenous people of Alaska, 0.1% are other races. Most of the population (76%) are Christians.


In the state of Ohio 6 major cities. These include: Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Acron, Dayton. Their population exceeds 100,000 inhabitants. Columbus - the capital of the state whose population is more than 700,000 people. The same city is the largest in Ohio. It is curious that territories subordinate to other cities are not only in Ohio. For example, Cincinnati agglomeration captures the territories of Kentucky and Indiana.

As it is easy to guess, the capital and the largest city of Ohio - Columbus - named so in honor of the navigator and the discoverer of Christopher Columbus. However, places with such a name in the United States themselves - even debt. Columbus is the name of cities, at a minimum, in another 3 states of the United States. The city in Ohio is distinguished by a significant number of historical monuments developed by the sphere of production, wide administrative functions and many cities of twigs, including Dresden (Germany) and Genoa (Italy), Seville (Spain).


50% of Ohio State Lands is given to agriculture. In the southwest there are livestock and poultry farms, and on the fields next to pastures, fodder crops are mostly grown. There are also tobacco plantations, but since this plant can deplete the soil, it is often alternate with other cultures. In the central regions, Ohio is grown by soy, corn, as well as, as in the south-west state, are engaged in animal husbandry and poultry farming.

Ohio has oil and gas. They are mined in the east of the state. Together with coal and construction stone, these minerals bring the greatest income. In addition, in the United States, Ohio is a leader in limestone mining, stone salt, clay, sand, coal and gravel. Ohio is considered one of the most developed industrial states. Cars, aircraft, industrial equipment are made here, and metals are made. Industrial state centers - Cleveland, Cincinnati and a number of others.


In the state of Ohio many monuments dedicated to the history of the state. In the capital and largest city of Columbus, museums, exhibition and concert hall are located, and various festivals are held annually. The state of the state is also evidenced by the fact that there are 13 state universities and 46 private ones. There are also many libraries in the staff. Along with the spiritual inhabitants, Ohio is distinguished by high physical culture. Professional football, baseball, hockey and basketball teams are based here.


Ohio has two different climatic conditions, but DFA dominates.

classifications FC Ohio

classification score Keppen Geiger Examples
Hot Wet Continental Climate 752 DFA , , , ,
Warm wet continental climate 282 DFB. Mentor, Cuyahoga Falls,


In the city of Columbus, the climate is moderately warm. Columbus has a significant amount of precipitation during the year. This is true even for a dry month. Ceppon-Geiger climate classification is CFA. In Columbus, the average annual temperature is 11.0 ° C. The average annual rate of precipitation is 948 mm.



The city of Cleveland has a moderately cold climate. It is a large amount of precipitation in Cleveland, even in the most arid month. Cepen-Geiger climate classification is DFA. The temperature is on average 9.9 ° C. drops around 932 mm of precipitation per year.


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The climate in Tolido is cold and temperate. Tolido city with a significant amount of precipitation. Even in a arid month there is a lot of rain. The climate here is classified as a DFA CPPPEN-Geiger system. The average annual temperature is 9.9 ° C in Tolido. The average amount of precipitation per year is 839 mm.


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In the city of Cincinnati, the climate is moderately warm. Cincinnati city with a significant amount of precipitation. Even in a arid month there is a lot of rain. This climate is considered to be CFA according to the Cappen-Heiger climate classification. The temperature here is an average of 12.0 ° C. 1052 mm - the average annual rate of precipitation.


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Moderately cold climate in the city of Akron Akron city with a significant amount of precipitation. Even in a arid month there is a lot of rain. This climate is considered to be DFA according to the Cappen-Geiger climate classification. The temperature here is an average of 9.7 ° C. About 949 mm of precipitation falls per year.


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Akron Climate: DFA Average temperature 9.7 ° C Precipitation: 949 mm

Alger Climate: DFA The average temperature of 9.8 ° C Sedips: 908 mm

Abandoned "hellish city" in Ohio

Officially, this abandoned settlement is called Boston Mills (Boston Mills), and informally for numerous terrible things that they are doing here, he is called "hellish city" - Helletown.

Helletown Looks in the outback of the Summit County, Ohio. Now there are still preserved several houses, and in good condition and railway tracks, but all this rocked herbs and trees.

Boston Mills was founded by French migrants in the 17th century, and the city himself arose in 1806. It was a long time that was quite prosperous, but in the 1960s the US government decided to establish in this place the Cuyahoga Valley National Park National Park.

The land of the city began to take care actively, and the residents left here one by one. The most secure tried to swear with the authorities, but did not achieve anything and were forced to throw their big private houses. By 1974, no one left.

The remains of large houses are mainly and make up the main part of the current Helletown, because small was burned or they collapsed themselves. And the project with the National Park was not as a result implemented. Boston Mills over the next decades quickly borrowed and nature took her back.

It is difficult to say where the stories about the paranormal phenomena in the abandoned residues of Boston Mils and who gave him the name Helletown. It probably began after the various religious communities, mostly Satanists, began to make a trip here and leave their cracked graffiti at homes.

Then there were stories about those found there and Syam bodies of dismembered animals. They said that animals sacrificed during frightening rituals. And then there were also the same dissected remains of people.

Then there were conversations that in the building of the old church at night the red fire burns in the windows. Then many roads leading to the city were blocked and blocked for car entry. There are now prohibiting signs.

Another ripened legend is connected with a rusting school bus previously standing near the entrance to the city. They say that these are the remains of the bus, which somehow brought here children on a tour of the neighboring city and these children someone killed or all one after another or some of them. Whether the maniac, whether the most sectarians. After that, the roads were blocked.

One of the users of the site "Weird Ohio" told another version of this legend:

"There is one abandoned and overgrown with trees a house and a school bus was standing next to him for many years. The story about how he got there, every time he makes me shudder.

The bus was a group of high school students who drove to the local ski resort. But when they drove past the road to Boston Mills, an elderly woman came to the bus and began to wave his hands to stop the bus.

When the driver slowed down, she became with tears to bear that in her house there was a wounded child and he needed help. The bus driver decided to help her and turned onto the road to Boston Mills.

When the bus drove up to the old house, Satanists jumped out of the house and killed all people on the bus. It happened more than 30 years ago and the bus was standing there, not far from entering the city and signs with the name "Helletown".

I personally saw this bus many times before the authorities eventually removed it. And the bus looked very terribly. It is not surprising that innocent bodies are found in the forests next to this place. This place is really evil, I saw my own eyes. "

It is often said that children's cries are heard near the bus and houses, and there you can see the ghosts of dead children. Someone told that he saw a ghost of a man with a cigarette in her hand, and it was allegedly one of the killers.

Another series of sinister legends is associated with an abandoned slaughterhouse, which now does not exist. They said that in this place the local maniac seized his victims before throwing away their remains in the forest.

There are still stories about the fact that in the 1980s in the vicinity of Helletown turned over a truck with poisonous waste, which caused a mutation of local animals and plants.

The most popular of mutated animals is a certain "Peninsula Python" (Peninsula Python) - the huge sizes of the snake, which can even attack a person. All this is from the same area of \u200b\u200burban legends as a story with the maniac. Officially confirmed facts of spill toxic waste.

Another bike tells about lonely among the trees a small house, in the windows of which you can see the light. Allegedly in the house lives a witch and more ghosts.

Another terrible place is the old cemetery of the inhabitants of Boston Mills. Sometimes there are not clear silhouettes on the overgrown graves.

The Helletown regularly visits various "ghost hunters" and just fans to rinse their nerves. Some of them as if the city does not let go and the person disappears without a trace.