Administrative map of Great Britain. Great Britain map in English

Great Britain Or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island state located in the west of Europe. The UK map shows that the country is occupied by the British Islands and borders with continental Europe in the strait of La Mans. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, Celtic and North Sea. With Europe, the country connects 50-kilometer Eurotonnel, 38 km underwater. The United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is a state that is the successor of the Great British Empire. Today, the country's own territory is 243,809 km 2. Detailed political map. Great Britain shows that the country has sovereignty over 17 territories: 14 British overseas territories and 3 coroned lands.

Largest cities Countries - London (Capital), Glasgow, Birmingham, Belfast, Edinburgh and Manchester.

Foggy Albion is one of the main world powers. The country is part of the EU, NATO, UN Security Council, G8, WTO and OSCE. Britain has a developed economy (6th in the world). More than 73% of GDP accounts for the scope of services.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, where kings are more symbols than real rulers. The country is ruled by parliament.

Historical reference

BC. British tribes lived on the British Islands. In 43, Roman conquest of Britain began. After 400 years, the British Islands captured the Anglo-Saxons who formed the Kingdom of England. Picture tribes united into the Scottish Kingdom. In 1066, England and Wales won Normans.

1337-1453 - Central War With France

XVI century - Reformation and creation of the Anglican Church

XVII century - Civil wars and the creation of the British Republic

XVIII century - Colonial Policy

1801 - the creation of the United Kingdom State

XIX-XX century - British Empire, participation in world wars and decolonization policy.

Must Visit.

The UK card is literally "Pedit" attractions. Commitable to visiting the capital of 4 countries that are part of the United Kingdom: London (England), Edinburgh (Scotland), Cardiff (Wales) and Belfast (Northern Ireland).

Recommended for visits to the castles of Great Britain, Stonehenge, Abbey and Cathedrals, Westminster Palace, Edinburgh Castle, Tower, Lake Territory, Scientific Towns of Oxford and Cambridge, Scotland Mountains (Cape Ben-Nevis), Museums and other attractions of the country.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

There is a village of urban-type Gulrypsh in the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.

United Kingdom - small but incredible attractive kingdomWhere tourists from all over the world come to get acquainted with the architectural, cultural and natural attractions of this country, who left their bright mark in world history.

Sometime it was here that Shakespeare was born, the Bitles group emerged, the legendary Baker Street Street appeared and the best universities of the world - Cambridge and Oxford appeared.

United Kingdom on world map and europe

The United Kingdom occupies a very extensive territory of the British archipelago, and the full name of this country sounds like United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Commonwealth includes several regions located close to each other.

Where is?

If you look at the map of Europe, you can find the UK on it north-west of the continent. The country spread out on two large islands with a total length of 244,100 square meters. km. The largest island It is called the Great Britain, and there are:

  1. England;
  2. Wales;
  3. Scotland.


Traveling through the kingdom, many noted that the UK has diverse landscapethat replaces each other along the way. In just an hour of plain can be changed with high hills, and the picturesque follows behind them. At the same time, the relief of all countries that make up the UK is very diverse and unlike.

The southern half of England is located on the plains, but there are hills and elevations in places. In this part of the country there are famous Dartmore hills, towering at an altitude of about 610 meters above sea level. In the eastern part of the island there is a swampy lowland, which was dried for agriculture.

In the northern part of England, revenge is mountainous. There are Pennic Mountains, which stretched 350 kilometers.

"The Range of England", as the inhabitants of the country, separately, separates the north-western part of the Kingdom of Yorkshire.

The highest point of the ridge - the mountain of Skofel-Pike, whose height reaches 2 178 meters.

Scotland It is considered the most high-alone region, since more than half of its terrain is cut by the Grampiana mountains located in the Highlands region. Just a tenth of the country occupies a flat locality, which lives the largest part of the population.

Landscape Wales Similar to the relief of Scotland - it is the same mountainous. In the center of the country are Cambrian Mountains, and in the North-West, the Snowdon array.

Northern Ireland It has flat relief, and in the very center of the country there is a deep lake Loch. The highest point of this region is Dock-Donard (862 meters).


The coast of Great Britain is washed by two seas - Irish in the West, North in the east as well Atlantic Ocean in the South-West. There are many rivers and lakes in the country, among which are the most famous Thames in London. She is the longest river of the country, and its length is 338 km.

In addition to her, in the country, extremely important shipping water channels are considered:

  • North;
  • Yew;
  • Tyne;
  • Tid.

Many lakes are located in Scotland, for example, the famous lake Loche Ness and Loch Lomond.

In prehistoric time, the United Kingdom could boast of luxurious nature. Here were incredibly dense forests, in which oaks, limes, birch and beech prevailed. But by the end of the 20th century, due to the economic activity of man, most forests were destroyed, and the swamps were drained. A larch, fir and spruce, were taken here and it was greatly affected by the change in the flora and the fauna of the country.

Nowadays, the forest in the UK takes only the tenth of the kingdom, and most of the trees survived on mountain slopes, in the valleys of rivers or in the south of the country. But despite this, it seems that, getting into the UK, are in green region. This is happening because the places that were strongly suffered from industrialization are again planted with trees, there is a fence from greenery everywhere, and reserves are formed.

Animal world Great Britain is rich and diverse. It is difficult to name birds and animals that are not here. In the forests there are hares, foxes, wolves and boars, as well as otters, raccoons and mountains.


For the UK, a sustainable name has been fixed "Foggy Albion"which perfectly characterizes the climate of the country - wet and moderate. The weather here is a change: the morning can be clear and warm, and in the evening the sky will be launched with clouds and it will make a protracted rain. Such a climate contributes to the occurrence of fog, which is not at all uncommon.

In general, the UK climate is characterized by warm and wet summer and soft winter.

These features are associated with the Pacific warm flow of Golf Stream, as well as proximity to the sea and high-altitude jet flows of air.


This country is the second large region Great Britain, located on the British island. It occupies the northern part of the island, and its territory accounts for about a third of all sushi.

The country also includes Hebrid, Orkney and Shetland Islands.

Scotland has ground borders with England in the south of Great Britain as well water borders with a number of European countries:

  1. In the West with Ireland;
  2. In the north with and Ireland;
  3. In the east With Norway.

The coast of Scotland is washed North Morce In the east I. Atlantic Ocean In the west of the country.

Scotland differs in harsh climatTherefore, there are not so many people living here - about 5.2 million people speaking on Scottish and English languages.

Total in Scotland 9 regions and 32 areas. The capital of country - Edinburgh, And other major cities - Glasgow, Aberdeen, Inverness and Dundee.

The country is known for the whole world with its traditions, luxurious nature, especially mountains and lakes, also the amazing architecture of local ancient castles, which has no one thousand years.


Wales - the smallest region Great Britain, located on the British Island and its eastern part. In this country, only about 2.9 million people in the territory of 20,776 square meters live. km divided into 22 areas. It also includes the island of Angles, located in the south-west of England.

Wales has land borders with England in the east, and water - through the Bristol Bay on South. Also, water borders through the Strait of St. George are divided into Wales and Ireland. The north of the country is washed Irish Morce.

The capital of Wales - Cardiff is a city inhabited by the ancestors of the Celts, so here you can often hear Welsh language.

To other major cities of the region include Swansea and Newport.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is located apart from England, Scotland and Wales, because this country is located on a separate island - In the North-West of Great Britain. The country is divided into 6 counts and 26 districts. The largest city and, accordingly, Belfast is considered the capital.

The closer to Ireland is located on Ireland - it is in the East, or rather, on the other side of the northern strait.

Also, the country borders in the south and west with Ireland. Water borders of the country are held in the south-east with Irish Morce, and south-west with Atlantic Ocean.

In this country lives about 1.9 million people, among which the island's indigenous people are only 500 thousand people, and the rest are Anglo-Irish and Scotland Irishmen - people belonging to different religions. In the soil of this in Northern Ireland, conflicts were constantly flared up, but in the last ten years they almost subsided.

Detailed map of Great Britain with cities

The United Kingdom is interesting not only by sights, but also many large and small cities, scattered through its territory. The largest cities are marked with status "City"which does not give any privileges except prestige.


London is not only the capital of England, but also the whole of the UK, and this role is performed for two thousand years. From a small settlement, he turned into the largest megapolis (According to the standards of Europe), first visiting the main city of Roman Britain, then England and finally the UK.

It plays an important role in the politics, economy and culture of Great Britain and is the most important financial and political center of Europe.

Here are headquarters of such leading companies as HSBS, Barclay and Reuters, and the London Stock Exchange is constantly functioning.

During a walk around the city at every corner, there are attractions:

  • Tower;
  • Big Ben;
  • Trafalgar Square;
  • Buckingham Palace;
  • Westminster Abbey.

Great interest in the guests of the British capital cause vintage streetsLocated in the Westminster area, and the area storing the history of the country.

Near London there are two main airports of the United Kingdom - Heathrow and GatworthWhere are the aircraft from all over the world.


Belfast is famous capital of Northern Irelandlocated in the county of Antrim. The city is located on the coast of the Irish Sea at the mouth of the Lagan River. Such a convenient location is very successful for the country, because here is the largest seaport and numerous shipbuilding enterprises, on one of which the infamous "Titanic" was built. The city has a well-developed refinery and electrical industry, as well as instrument making.

Belfast, as a city, was formed only by the XIX century, and status of the capital He received in 1921, although its territory was settled in the bronze age. Since the city has received a new status, there are bloody clashes on the basis of religion in it. Here, Catholics and Protestants arranged armed clashes among themselves, to be completed only in 1998.

Today, Belfast is a major city with a population of about 600 thousand peopleAnd its number is growing every year.

Tourists come here forces an extensive number of attractions such as, for example, donegall Square or sculpture "Big Fish"in which there is a capsule with important information about the city.


Birmingham is another major city of Central England, located in county Western Midland. During the war, the city suffered greatly, many residents died and were destroyed at home, but by 1990 he returned the former appearance, a little improved him. Today, 1.2 million people live in it, and in terms of population, it is inferior only to London - the capital of Great Britain.

Birmingham was known for the whole world as a developed center of handicraft and metal forging.

IN war time Several strategically important plants producing military products appeared here. Unfortunately, all of them were destroyed due to the cruel bombing of German aviation.

Today, Birmingham is so much so much that he attracts tourists with unusual contrasts: near the industrial zones are the main attractions of the city, and the former plants turn into the art galleries. Thanks to this, the city incredibly demanded At tourists.


Bristol is one of the most important cities for the United Kingdom as well large port In Central England, which has an extensive nautical history.

In fact, Bristol is located on river AvonAnd not at sea, and through it has access to the Bristol Bay and Atlantic.

Due to this, throughout its history, the locals actively grow their capital through trade with the United States and West India.

Today Bristol is the capital of the county of the same name, as well as a large business, cultural and educational center in the southwestern part of England. Shipbuilding flourishes here, the production of sugar, x / b fabrics and carpets.

Bristol is the fourth most popular city in the UK, where tourists are departed first to learn the country better. In this place is available mass attractionsThe part of which belongs to the XI century - the century of the founding of the city. Especially attractive seems to be a Georgian architecture, which is considered to be very rare for the country.


This city is capital of Wales, as well as one of the main cities in the UK, which is the status of "City". He pressed this status at the beginning of the last century for the fact that the rapid growth of industry began in Wales.

In an instant, Cardiff turned into the main port of the country, from which coal was transported to other British regions. This made it possible to quickly and noticeably increase the population.

Cardiff is located on the shore of the Bristol Gulf Not far from Newport. From the west side, he borders with the Valley of Glamor, and in the north there are two other Wales Valleys - Cairfilli and Ronta-Kinon-Tav.

The city itself was built at the bottom of the dried swamps - on the foundation from rock formations.

Today it lives here 350 thousand people.

Despite the small sizes of Wales and Cardiff (by the standards of Great Britain), there are quite a few attractions in this city:

  1. Stadium "Millennium";
  2. National Assembly Wales;
  3. Cathedral Llandoff.

In the vicinity of Cardiff, too, there are many attractions of Wales related to culture and history countries.


The capital of Scotland is the second most popular city, which prefer to visit tourists, being in the United Kingdom. This happens for several reasons. First of all, Edinburgh is a house for many attractions, as well as a place where the largest and most beautiful festivals countries.

Edinburgh is located on the east coast of Scotland and on the south coast of Fort-Fort Bay.

About 470 thousand people live here, it is much smaller than in another major city of this country - in Glasgow. The first mention of him appeared in 1170, and in the XII century Edinburgh he became the capital of ScotlandWhen King David I translated the Royal Yard from Dunfermlin to Edinburgh Castle.

Today the city is actively growing and developing. Here is available large university by world name (Edinburgh City University). There is also many government agencies in the city.


The first city of Scotland and the third in the UK stretched 32 km from the mouth of the Clyde River. Today it lives here 1.8 million inhabitantsBut their number is growing steadily, due to the fact that Glasgow is considered the largest industrial center of the country, where the great achievements of the industry are constantly occurring.

In the Middle Ages Glasgow was known as religious I. education Centre Scotland.But after the industrial revolution, he turned into the most significant industrial region of the country, yielding in this only London. The main direction of the city development program was shipbuilding.

When the industry began in Glasgow, its population has increased significantly. Local merchants, sprinkled on trade in goods from America, began shut down the city. Beautiful buildings appeared here, impressive warehouses, as well as squares and lawns.

The sole problem of Glasgow became the most terrible slums in Europe - immoral settlements that existed here until the 20th century. The city managed to cope with this problem, in connection with which he received status in 1990 "The cultural capital of Europe". Now here are beautiful attractions surrounded by picturesque nature.


The city that famous famous "Liverpool Four", once was only a small settlement in England in the County of Merserside, formed in the West of the British Island.

Due to its location, at one point it turned from a small and dirty village to a large port, through which more than 40% of the entire global trade flux was survived.

Also, it was also convenient to trade with Ireland, because the island is very close.

In 1715, the first in England opened in Liverpool port dockAnd in 1880 he received the status of the city. Today, about 1.3 million people live here, and even more tourists come here, to get acquainted with the many sights of the city, starting from the old palace of the XIII century and ending with the famous bar, where the famous "Beatles" was performed.


The city with the richest history of industrialization is the third popularity by the tourist area Great Britain and England. Manchester has always been distinguished by fairly developed handicrafts and active trade, but during the industrial revolution, he seized the leading position, turning into the Textile Center of Britain.

Spinning machines, steam engines, proximity to coal mines and the port of Liverpool played a big role in such active development of Manchester.

All this allowed the city very quickly to achieve unprecedented scope, and rich merchants - to invest a lot of money on cultural development cities. Everywhere began to be constructed galleries, public parks.

Manchester spread off the western slope Penninsky Gor. On the banks of the Eruell River, and about 2.3 million people live on its territory. Nowadays, it is considered an important cultural, industrial and financial center of the country.

Newcastle Approan

The largest city located in the north-east of England in county Big Manchester, I have long been known as a large shopping, financial and industrial center of the country.

For the first time, he arose in a small County of Tyne and Wir. For a long time, Newcastle was the capital of an involuntary county Northumberland, and after - the center for coal mining and an important city with a population of 300 thousand people.

The importance of the city in the UK is the presence of its own metro.

Today Newcastle is known as center for Student. There are two famous in the city. prestigious University - Northumbria and Newcastle, as well as State College №1. Only in the college walls are more than 40 thousand students of various specialties.

Newcastle has its own attractions:

  • Theater "Royal";
  • Picture galleries;
  • Millennium Bridge;
  • Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Mary;
  • Anglican Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Also in the city a lot modern shopping centerswhich are more here than in any other english city.


The city in which the world-famous University is located, which takes first in the top 100 best educational institutions in the world, is located in the southern part of England on the bank of the Thames and is the capital of Oxfordshire County. About 160 thousand people live here, among which 10% are students.

The first mentions of the city are dated by the X century, when the King Eduard I convinced them, who founded the fortress here to protect against Viking raids.

In the second half of the XII century, the University of 50 Nobel laureates appeared in Oxford. Few people know, but in addition to Oxford University there are excellent colleges:

  1. Kraist-Church;
  2. College Magdalene.

All of these the most ancient monastery are located in buildings with luxurious old architectureTherefore, in itself are the main attractions of the city.


The city located in the south of England not far from London is the capital county CambridgeshireBut he received the status of "City" recently. Many Cambridge is known as one more place where the famous University is located in the top 5 best. educational institutions World.

About 120 thousand people live here, some of which are students Cambridge and Royal College.

The first mention of Cambridge is dated to the VIII century, and in the Middle Ages the city became one of the centers of the accumulation of forces supporting parliament. In the XV century, Henry VI founded the famous Royal College, considered not only an important educational institution, but also beautiful architectural monument UK.


Nottingham is located in the very center of England on the Trent River and is capital of County Nottingshire With a population of about 300 thousand people. The city has a strongly developed knitwear, mechanical engineering, and food enterprises, as well as coal mining and pharmaceuticals, but the popularity has come to him, thanks to the famous good-natured robber Robin Gouda.

United Kingdom played a significant role on the world map, showing itself as the strongest stateaffecting the rest of the rest of the world as well as creating excellent conditions for tourist trips.


(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


Geographical position. The United Kingdom is a state in the north-west of Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britain, which contains England, Scotland and Wales, and Northern Ireland, which occupies part of the island of Ireland. Island Man and Norman Islands are dominions of the United Kingdom, but are not included in its composition.

Area. The territory of Great Britain is 244,10 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative division. The capital of the Great Britain is London. The largest cities: London (7,335 thousand people), Manchester (2,277 thousand people), Birmingham (935 thousand people), Glasgow (654 thousand people), Sheffield (500 thousand people), Liverpool (450 thousand people), Edinburgh (421 thousand people), Belfast (280 thousand people).

The United Kingdom consists of 4 administrative and political parts (historical provinces): England (39 counties, 6 metropolitan counties and large London), Wales (8 counts), Scotland (9 districts and island territory) and Northern Ireland (26 districts). Special status have the island of Man and the Norman Islands.

Political system

United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Head of State - Queen Elizabeth II (in power from 1952). Head of the Prime Minister. The legislative power belongs to the Parliament, which consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Relief. In England, Penninsky Mountains are located (in the north of the region) with the highest point - Mount Skaifel-Pike (2 178m). South of Penni Mountains and east of Wales, the extensive plain stretches, which occupies most of the Central and South England. In the extreme south there are dartmore hills (about 610 m above sea level).

The territory of Scotland, mostly occupied mountains, can, in turn, divide into three regions: Highlands in the north, Sentral Lowlands in the center and Sazen-Up Lands in the south. The first region takes more than half of Scotland. This is the most mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe British islands, in many places risen with narrow lakes. In the Grampiana mountains of this region there is the highest point of Scotland and the entire United Kingdom - Mount Ben-Nevis (1,343 m). The central region is more or less equible with small hills. And although it takes only the tenth of Scotland, the majority of the country's population is concentrated here. The most southern region is the heather Highlands, much lower than Highlands. \u003e

Wales, as well as Scotland, the mountain region, but the mountains are not so high here. Home Mountain chain - Cambrian Mountains in the center of Wales, Snowdon Massif (up to 1,085 m) is located in the north-west. Most of the territory of Northern Ireland occupies the plain, in the center of which Lake Loche is located. In the north-west, the mountains of Sterin are located, on the northeast coast - Highlands Antrim and Mountain Murna in the south-east of the region, there are the highest point of Northern Ireland Skyl-Donard (852 m).

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Great Britain there are deposits of coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, stone and potash salts, tin, lead, quartz.

Climate. The country's climate varies depending on the region. In England, the climate is soft due to the relative warmth of the seas wash it. The average annual temperature is about + 11 ° C in the south and about + 9 ° C in the northeast. The average temperature of July in London is about + 18 ° C, the average temperature of January is about + 4.5 ° C. The average annual rate of precipitation (the strongest rains go in October) is about 760 mm. Scotland is the coldest region of Great Britain. The middle January temperature is about + 3 ° C, snow falls in the mountains in the north. The average July temperature is about + 15 ° C. The largest rainfall falls in the west of the Highlands region (about 3,810 mm per year), least in some eastern regions (about 635 mm per year). The climate of Wales is soft and wet. The middle January temperature is about + 5 ° C. The middle July is about + 15 ° C. The average annual precipitation rate of approximately 762 mm in the central coastal area and more than 2,540 mm in the Snowdon massif. The climate of Northern Ireland is soft and wet. The average annual temperature is about + 10 ° C (about + 14.5 ° C in July and about + 4.5 ° C in January). The amount of precipitation in the north often exceeds 1,016 mm per year, in the south is about 760 mm per year.

Inland waters. The main rivers of England-Thames, Severn, Tyne, in Mersynnica there is a picturesque lake edge. The main rivers of Scotland - Clyde, Tay, Force, Twid, Di and Speci. Among the numerous lakes are particularly distinguished by Loch-Ness, Loche Tay and Loch Catherine. The main rivers of Wales: Di, Usk, Tayfi. The largest lake. The main rivers of Northern Ireland - Foil, upper ban and bottom ban. Lake Loche (about 390 square meters) - the largest lake of the British Islands.

Soil and vegetation. England's vegetation is pretty poor, forests occupy less than 4% of the territory of the region, most often there are oak, birch, pine. In Scotland, the forests are more common, although the peers are dominated in the region. Mostly in the forests in the south and east, Highlands grow oak and coniferous trees (spruce, pine and larch). In Wales Forests are mainly deciduous: ash, oak. Coniferous trees are common in mountainous areas.

Animal world. In England, deer, fox, rabbit, hare, badger; Among birds - partridge, pigeon, raven. Reptiles, which are only four types on all British islands, rare in England. In the rivers of the region, there are mainly salmon and trout. For Scotland, the most characteristic deer, roe, hare, rabbit, cunning, otter, wild cat. From birds are mainly partridges and wild ducks. In the rivers and lakes of Scotland, there are also many salmon and trout. Cod, herring, pikes are caught in coastal waters. In Wales Fauna, practically the same as in England, with the exception of black ferrets and forest cunits, which in England are not found.

Population and language

The population of the United Kingdom is approximately 58.97 million people, the average population density of about 241 people per square meter. km. Ethnic groups: British - 81.5%, Scots - 9.6%, Irish - 2.4%, Walessets - 1.9%, Olster-TSI-1.8%, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Arabs, Africans. State language-English.


British - 47%, Catholics - 16%, Muslims - 2%, Methodists, Baptists, Jews, Hindus, Sikhi.

Brief historical essay

In 43 N. e. Britain became part of the Roman Empire and was there until 410, when the Romans ousted the Celts, Saksa and other tribes.

In 1066, the small kingdoms of Great Britain were conquered by the Norman commander Wilhelm and are united into a single state.

In 1215, the King John Unbroren signed a guarantee of rights providing for the rule of law "Magna Card" (the document before our time is one of the main parts of the country's constitution).

In 1338, England joined the war with France, which lasted more than a hundred years (up to 1.453). Almost immediately after her end, the war broke out for the English throne (War of the Aloi and White Rose - two competing dynasties of Lancaster and Yorkkov, as a result of which both dynasties were killed), ended in 1485 by the victory of the tudor dynasty "

During the kingdom of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603), England turned into a great marine power and won extensive colonies on several continents.

In 1603, when the Scottish King of Yakov Vi climbed into the English throne as King Yakov I, Scotland and England were actually united in one state. However, the Kingdom of Great Britain was proclaimed after the signing of an association act in 1707, from the same time London became the capital of a single state.

In 1642-1649. The conflict between the royal house of Stuarts and Parliament led to the Bloody Civil War, as a result of which the republic was proclaimed led by Oliver Cromwell. The monarchy was soon restored, but the rights of the king were significantly trimmed and actually full of power was in parliament.

At the end of the XVIII century. Great Britain lost 13 American colonies, but significantly strengthened their positions in Canada and India.

In 1801, Ireland was attached to the kingdom. In 1815, the United Kingdom played a big role in the defeat of the Napoleonic army, which strengthened its position as one of the most important European powers. After that, the country has lived in the world in a century, expanding its colonial possessions that have become particularly increased during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901).

After World War II, the United Kingdom was in a serious economic situation, which partly played in favor of Irish liberation movementAnd in 1921 Ireland proclaimed independence.

After World War II, national problems in Scotland and Northern Ireland aggravated. Even a dramatic character was taken by events in Northern Ireland, where since 1969 the war was actually carried out.

In August 1994, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) announced a unilateral cease-fire, and the peace process, which began in the early 1990s between the governments of Great Britain and Ireland, went a little faster. However, the displeased process of negotiations of the IRA militants in early 1996 resumed terrorist activities. Between England and Ireland, an agreement was reached on the settlement of disagreements by peaceful political means.

Short economic essay

United Kingdom - economically developed industrial country. Oil, natural gas, stone coal. Leading industry and mechanical engineering industry, including electrical and radio-electronic, transport (airraftting construction, auto and shipbuilding), tractor and machine-tooling. Developed oil refining, chemical (production of plastics and synthetic resins, chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers), textile, food industry. Large shoe, sewing and other industries. The main agricultural industry is meat-dairy and dairy animal husbandry. In crop production, grain farming prevails; The cultivation of sugar beets, potatoes. Fishing. Export: machines and equipment, oil and petroleum products, products of the chemical industry. United Kingdom - major capital exporter. Foreign tourism.

Monetary unit - pound sterling.

Short essay of culture

Art and architecture. In the UK, the largest, unusually folded and solid megalithic complexes of Neolithic and Bronze Age (Stonehenge, Avbury), the remains of the Roman buildings of the I-V centuries, the carving of the Celts, Pictites, Anglo-Saxons are preserved. By VII - X centuries. Churches are related (in Earl-Barthon, the X century) originating from folk frameworks, and miniatures with a complex curvilinear pattern. Anglo-Norman temples (in Norwich, Wickster) with narrow, long milk, chorus and a testing and powerful square tower, tower castles (Tower in London, started about 1078), colorful miniatures of Winster school are characteristic of the Romance style of the XI-XII centuries . Developed from the XII century. English Gothic (first in Europe Gothic design - Cathedral in Durham) is represented by the cathedrals in Canterbury, Lincoln, Salisbury, York, Westminster Abbey in London; It is characterized by a combination of simplicity and massiveness of elongated squat volumes with increasing abundance of decor, a complicated pattern of wide facades; decorative grace

gothic paintings, miniature, sculpture, tombstones with stone or engraved on copper sheets. Late Gothic ("Perpendicular Style", from the second half of the XIV century) marked by the wealth of carved finish of bright spacious interiors of churches and secular buildings (Capella-Saint George in Windsor, 1474-1528, Henry VII in Westminster in London, 1503-1519), The appearance of machine, including portrait, painting.

Reformation (started in 1534) gave English culture a purely secular character, and after the English revolution of the XVII century. In construction and household text, the desire for rationality and comfort.

In painting XVI-XVII centuries. The main place was taken by a portrait: the tradition of X. Holbein, who came to the UK, developed English miniaturists N. Khili-Ard, A. Oliver, S. Cooper; The type of spectacular aristocratic portrait of the XVII century, introduced by the foreigners that moved to the UK - L. Van Diek, P. Leli, G. Neller, acquired from their English successors - W. Dobson and J. Riley, greater simplicity, rigor and objectivity.

Classically clear buildings I. Johns (Banquet room in London, 1619-1622) served as a starting point for the development of English classicism of the XVII-XVIII centuries, which was distinguished by restrained, strict solemnity, clear logic of the composition of the city ensembles (Greenwich Hospital, 1616-1728, architect to . Ren, et al., Fitzro-Square, about 1790-1800, Architects R. and J. Adam, -in London), Churches (St. Paul's Cathedral, 1675-1710, and 52 Churches in London, built by K. Renom after Fire 1666).

The United Kingdom was the birthplace of the romantic flow of pseudo and landscape "English" parks (W. Kent, W. Cheymbers).

The flourishing of English art XVIII century. Opened by the works of W. Hogarth. Pleiad brilliant portraitists: A. Ramzi, J. Reynolds, X. Raven skillfully combined the parade impressibility of the composition with naturalness, spirituality of the image. The national schools of the landscape (Gainsboro, R. Wilson, J. Krom; Watercolorists J. R. Kozens, T. Gentin) and genre painting (J. Morland, J. Wright).

In the first half of the XIX century. Along with the romantics-science-schedule-schedule Blee-com and a bold colorful landscape of W. Turner-highlighted by a prisoner of a clear realistic landscape of J. Constable, a thin landscape and a historic painter R. P. Bonington, Watercolor Landscape Masters J. S. Kotman and D. Cox.

London. British Museum (in which there are world famous archaeological finds, collection of drawings, coins, medals, specialized exhibitions are held regularly); Museum of Victoria and Albert (who is one of the most interesting museums of applied art with richest collections of objects from almost all countries of the world, all styles and epochs, national post-class sculpture collections, photos, watercolors); Museum of natural history with magnificent collections of animals, insects, fish, specialized exhibition of dinosaurs; London History Museum with a collection of exhibits from the time of the Roman Empire to the present day; Tate Gallery with magnificent collections of British and European painting of the late XIX-XX centuries; National Gallery with the Assembly of Western European Painting from the XIII century. by the XX century; London Prison - Museum of Horror Middle Ages with torture cameras; Madame Museum Tussao-world famous museum of wax figures; Cathedral of St. Paul (XVII-XVIII century); London Tower - a museum complex, in which, in particular, is kept by the jewelry of the British Crown; Westminster Abbey (XI century) - the location of the coronation of all British monarchs; Westminster Palace (Parliament Building), the most famous part of which is the Clock Tower with Bell Ben Bell; Bakingham Palace-Royal Residence. Trafalgar Square with Nelson Column, erected in honor of the victory during the traffalgar; A large number of parks, among which the Hyde Park with the "Corner of speakers" is especially highlighted; Ridgeths Park with a magnificent zoo, Kew-Gadnz with a greenhouse, aquarium and a house of butterflies, where tropical butterflies fly all year round. Edinburgh. Edinburgh castle; Church of St. Margarita (XI century); Castle Rock Castle, Royal Residence in Scotland Palace Holodod; Church of St. Housing (XV century); Building of the Scottish Parliament (1639); The house of the Protestant reformer XVI century. John Nons; National Gallery of Scotland; National Portrait Gallery of Scotland; Royal Museum; Museum of modern history; Museum of the History of Scotland. Belfast. City hall; Protestant Cathedral of St. Anna; Museum of Olster. Glasgow. Cathedral of St. Mongo (1136 - mid XV century); Museum of Glasgow, one of the best in Britain art galleries; Museum of Handheri-An; botanical Garden; zoo. Cardiff. Cardaf Castle (XI century); Cathedral Llandaf; Church of St. John the Baptist (XV century); Wales National Museum. Stratford-on-Avon (England). House Museum V. Shakespeare; Royal Shakespeare Theater. Inver-carried (Scotland). Castle XII century; Remains of Fort Gup.; Nearby is the famous lake Loche Ness, in which the monster allegedly lives with the affectionate name Nesssey.

The science. D. Priestley (1733-1804) -Himik, opened oxygen; T. Ma (1478-1535) is one of the founders of utopian socialism; W. Hilbert (1544- 1603) is a physicist, a researcher of geomagnetism; F. Bacon (1561-1626) - a philosopher, ancestor of English materialism; W. Garvey (1578-1657) is the founder of modern physiology and embryology, which described the large and small circles of blood circulation; R. Boyle (1627-1691) -Himik and physicist, which began a chemical analysis; J. Lokk (1632-1704) - philosopher, founder of liberalism; I. Newton (1643-1727) - Mathematics, mechanic, astronomer and physicist, creator classical mechanics; E. Galla (1656-1742) - astronomer and geophysicist, computing orbits more than 20 comets; J. Berkeley (1685-1753) - philosopher, subjective idealist; S. Johnson (1709-1784) Hexicographer, created "English-language dictionary" (1755); D. YUM (1711_1776) - Filosopher, historian, economist; V. Herschel (1738-1822) - Studentar of Star Astronomy, who opened uranium; Kort (1740-1800) - History of the rolling mill; E. Cartwright (1743-1823) - a weaving machine inventor; T. Malthus (1766-1834) - economist, founder of Malthusianism; D. Ricardo (1772-1823) and A. Smith (1723-1790) - the largest representatives of the classical political economy; J. Watt (1774-1784) - Holder of the Steam Machine; J. Ste-Fenson (1781-1848) - the inventor of the locomotive; M. Faraday (1791-1867) - physicist, founder of the exercise on the electromagnetic field; J. Unit (1808-1890) - the creator of steam hammer; Ch. Darwin (1809-1882) - naturalist, creator of the theory of evolution; J. Joble (1818-1889) -physics, experimentally substantiated the law of conservation of energy; J. Adam (1819-1892) - astronomer and mathematician, computing orbit and the coordinates of Neptune; Spencer (1820-1903) -Filosopher and sociologist, one of the piloters of positivism; J. Maxwell (1831-1879) - physicist, creator of classical electrodynamics; W. Batson (1861-1926) -Biologist, one of the founders of genetics; Rutherford (1871-1937) -physics, one of the creators of the teachings on the radioactivity and structure of the atom; A. Fleming (1881-1955) -Mikrobiologist, who discovered Penicillin; J. Keynes (1883-1946) - economist, founder of Keynesianship; J. Chadwick (1891-1974) - a physicist who opened a neutron; P. Dirac (1902-1984) - physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics; F. Whittle (r. 1907) is the inventor of the turbojet engine.

Literature. The epic poem "Beowulf" (VII century) reached us in the lists of the X century. At British soils VIII-HVV. There was a religious Lyrics of Anglo-Saksov, theological works, the annals. After the conquest of England by Normans in the XI-XIII centuries. Three-language literature develops: church writings in Latin, knightly poems and poems - in French, English legends - in Anglo-Saxon. Synthesis of culture of the era of mature feudalism and anticipation of early revival is characteristic of "Canterbury Stories" (XIV century) - assembly of poetic ages and Novel J. Choser. In the prologue to this essay, a description of the people of all classes and professions going into a pilgrimage in Canterbury is given. The medieval romance of the knighthood is combined here with the prose-friendly citizens of citizens, in estimates of life phenomena there is a birth of early humanism. A centenary war with France, then the war of scarlet and white roses slowed down the development of literature. Among the few monuments - the presentation in prose the legends about the Knights of the "Round Table" - "Death of Arthur" Thomas Malory (XV century). At the beginning of the XVI century. Speakers Thomas Mor, the author of "Utopia", which contained not only the criticism of the feudal system, but also the picture of the ideal state.

At the beginning of the XVII century. An essay genre appears (F. Bacon) and characteristics (Overbury). The greatest artistic height reached Mature Mature english rebirth. In the XV century The theater appears genres morality and interludes. In the People's Theater, which experiences rapid development in the 2nd half of the XVI century, there is an original national drama: K. Garlo (1564-1593), T. Kid (1558-1594) and others. Their activities have prepared the ground for the creativity of the Great The playwright W. Shakespeare (1564-1616). In his comedies, he reflected the cheerful spirit of the revival and optimism of humanists; Among his works are the plays chronicles from the history of England (Richard III, Heinrich IV, etc.). The vertex of the Creativity of Shakespeare was the tragedy ("Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lire", "Macbeth", "Anthony and Cleopatra", etc.).

J. Milton (1608-1674) during the restoration period created an epic poem on the biblical plot "Lost paradise" (1667).

The leading ideological course of the XVIII century. The enlightenment becomes. The championship in the literature passes from poetry to prose; A bourgeois novel arises, the creator of which was D. Defo (1661-1731), famous for Roman "Robinson Kruzo" (1719). Satira J. Swift (1667-1745) "Traveling Gullover" (1726) brought the author with world famous fame. Fame received S. Richardson's sentimental novels (1689-1761), written in epislatolar form. The satirical line in the socio-household comedy continued to develop and reached the climax in the work of R. B. Sheridan (1751-1816), the author of the Satyric Comedy "School of Crossing" (1777).

The revival of interest in folk poetry led to the popularity of the Scottish poet R. Burns (1759-1796). In the 90s of the XVIII century. The works of Romantics Wordsworth (1770-1850), S. T. Kolridge (1772-1834), R. Soutie (1774-1843), sometimes united by the concept of "Lake School". The second generation of English romantics-J. Bayron (1788-1824), P. B. Shelley (1792-1822), J. Kite (1795-1821). V. Scott (1771-1832) creates a genre of historical novel.

30-60s XIX-period of the heyday of critical realism: in the novels of Ch. Dickens (1812-1870), U. M. Tekkesey (1811-1863), Sh. Bronte (1816-1855), E. Gas-Kell ( 1810-1865). Tekkerei creates a "novel without a hero" "Vanity Fair" (1847- 1848). IN late XIX. in. In the English novel, a sharp contrast between neoromantism R. L. Stevenson (1850-1894) and the harsh realism T. Hard (1840-1928) and S. Batler (1835-1902). Representatives of the English Naturalism of J. Moore (1852-1933) and J. Gissing (1857-1903) were followers of E. Zola.

In the 90s gt. The period of the newest English literature begins. Her threshold stands a brief time of decades and symbolism, represented by O. Wilde (1854-1900). Korphin of English symbolism-Irishman W. B. Yaits (1865-1939).

The last decade of the XIX century. And the years preceded by the First World War were noted by the powerful development of critical realism, for example, the plays of B. Show (1856-1950, "House where hearts are broken," back to Malfusale "and others), fantastic and philosophical novels G. J. . Wells (1866-1946, "First People on the Moon", etc.), the trilogy "Saga about Forsyites" and "Modern Comedy" J. Golzóworsi (1867-1933), works of U. Somerset Moem (1874-1965, "Burdy Passions of human "," The Top of the Razor "," Moon and Gros "," Theater ", etc.), E. M. Forster (1879-1970), Catherine Mansfield (1888-1923) and others. A mansion worth J. Konrad ( 1857-1924), who combined the romance of marine travel and descriptions of exotic countries with a subtle psychologist. Poetry is the most original presented by R. Kipling (1865-1936).

The main place in the literature of the pre-war period remains for the novel, in which the modernist experimentation occurs. Irishman J. Joyce (1882-1941) in the novel "Ulysses" (1922) applied the method of "Consciousness" in the literature, noting the smallest details of the internal life of characters.

- This is, first of all, Queen, Big Ben, Stonehenge and Crow on Tower - That's what this country is associated with most people!

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the full name of the state. The country is located on the islands, has a small size, but strikes with a variety of relief shapes: high hills, mountains alternate with plains and lowlands.

Of the most famous historical facts, this is the fact that this country has become the first industrial power not only in Europe, and in the world in general, and gave rise to the light of the most famous scientists, as, for example, Henry Ford, Isaac Newton and others. There are many architectural monuments on the territory of the country, and the United Kingdom is one of the most desirable countries for tourists in the world! And not just for tourists. Yes, it is worth a visit!

United Kingdom on world map

The following is an interactive map of Great Britain in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, as well as change the map scale icons "+" and "-", which are located in the right side of the map or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where the United Kingdom is on the world map, it is even stronger to reduce the scale of the card.

In addition to the map names, you can look at the UK from the satellite if you click on the Satellite Card switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another map of Great Britain. In order to see the card in full, click on it and it will open in a new window. Also, it can be printed and take with you on the road.

You have been presented the most basic and detailed UK maps that you can always use to find the object you are interested in or for any other purposes. Pleasant travel!

If you are well oriented in geography, then you will not be difficult to easily describe the Great Britain's position on the map on english language. And if not, you can always take advantage of our topic, which will hold you around the country from the south to the north, and from the east to the west.

Studying the map of England in English, the only thing that will have to do is remember the many titles. The sea, mountains, cities, capital and rivers can cause difficulty. But do not worry, you can! In our article you will find the most significant objects.

Look At The Map. You Can See That The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland iS Situated On 1the ISLES 2. They Are Called the British Isles 3 There Are More Than 5000 Small Islands There. Two of Them Are The Biggest: Great Britain and Ireland. WE KNOW THAT THE UK CONSISTS OF 4 COUNTRIES: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland Are Situated on the Largest Island Which Is Called Great Britain. Northern Ireland Is Situated On The Smaller One Which Is Called Ireland and Occupies The Northern Part of IT.

You can see that the uk iS Washed By Water 4 FROM ALL SIDES. IT. iS SEPAAATED FROM 5 Europe By. the English Channel And The Strait Of Dover. IT IS Washed By the Atlantic Ocean. in the west, by the North SEA. In The East. The UK is separated from the ireland by the Irish Sea.. The Geographical Position Flavoured The Development of the Country As A Great Sea Country.

England occupies 6. The Southern Part of Great Britain. Scotland IS in The North of The Island and Wales Is In The West of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Is In The North-East Of Ireland.

The Central and The Most Beautiful Part of the County Is England. The Landscape Is. diverse 7. IN THE COUNTRY YOU CAN SEE mountains 8, But The Other Area IS PLAIN 9.. England Have More fERTILE SOIL 10. Than Others. ALSO THERE ARE MANY LAKES IN THE NORTH-WESTERN district 11. Which is Known As Lake District.

Scotland Can Be Called The Country of Mountains. The Region of the Mountains Which is Known As Highlands. Is the Oldest in the world. Their Grampians. IS The chain 12. Of the Mountains There. Ben Nevis. Is the Highest. pEAK 13. THERE ARE SOME OTHER CHAINS: the Pennine In England and The Cumbian Mountains in Wales.

You Will Find A Lot of Forests Along The County. But None of Them Can Be Called Great. THE BIGGEST ONE IS Sherwood Forest. IT Occupies The Area in the Eastern Part of England. Of Course, You Have Heard The Legends about it. The Most Famous Is About Robin Hood.

There Are Many Rivers In The UK. But The Are Not Long. THE LONGEST ONE IS the Severn. Which Flows in England. The Thames, The Mersey and The Clyde Are The Most Important Rivers. They Play A Great Role in British Trade and Can Travel by Water Along The Whole Country Because Many of the Rivers are Connected 14. By Canals.

London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh Are the Largeast Cities in the UK. Their total Area 15. OF THE UK IS 224,000 SQ KM. And the population 16. IS ABOUT 60 MILLION. Its. advantageous 17 Position Has Made the UK One of the Powerful Country in the world.


  1. to be situated onis located
  2. the ISLES -islands
  3. the British Isles -British Isles
  4. to be Washed by Water -washed water
  5. to Be Separated FROM -separated from
  6. occupy -occupied
  7. diverse -multiform
  8. mountains -the mountains
  9. plain -flat
  10. fERTILE SOIL -fertile soil
  11. district -district
  12. chain -mountain chains
  13. pEAK -peak
  14. to be connected -connected
  15. total Area -general territory
  16. population -population
  17. advantageous -favorable position

Great Britain and Ireland - Islands United Kingdom and Ireland

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland

the English Channel And The Strait Of Dover -La Mans and La De Cala (Duvr Strait)

the Atlantic Ocean, The Irish SEA - Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea

Highlands. - Highlands (Highland)

Ben Nevis. - Ben Nevis

Their GRAMPIANS,the Pennine, The Cumbian Mountains in Wales -Grampiang Mountains, Penninsky Mountains, Cambrian Mountains

The Thames, The Mersey and The Clyde, the Severn.Thames, Mercy (Mercey), Clyde, Severn

London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh -London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh

Well, read? Translated? Comprehended? The England map in English will look not so frightening if you browse and analyze the text again. Try to call only rivers where they are and what. Capital, mountains than separated and where are located. Learning in parts will be easier. Dare!