Kyrgyz dictionary. Russian-Kyrgyz free online translator

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Since 1989, it belongs to the Kypchak group of the Turkic languages. About 4 million people consider Kyrgyz as their native language, for another 200 thousand this language is the second. The Kyrgyz were one of the most ancient Turkic tribes, but their language is still poorly understood. Until 1917, this language was called Kara-Kyrgyz, and Kyrgyz was mistakenly called "Cossack" (Kazakh). The language is phonetically close to the Altai and Teleut dialects

History of the Kyrgyz language

The first mention of the Kirghiz is noted in the Chinese chronicles of the 1st – 3rd centuries. BC, although not all historians agree that the people described there are the Kirghiz.

Steppes from Of the Far East before the Volga in ancient times, inhabited by Turkic and Mongolian tribes. The Kirghiz were one of these peoples, along with the Uighurs, Türküts, Kanglu, Kypchaks and Turkmens. The Türks who settled to the west were in contact with the Eastern European tribes of the Pechenegs, Bulgars, Khazars, Polovtsians, etc. Despite the vast areas of settlement of the Türks and the lack of contacts between many tribes, the languages ​​of the Turkic group are in many ways similar - Kyrgyz, Turks and Azerbaijanis can communicate without an interpreter ... All Turkic languages ​​are divided into groups: Bulgar (Chuvash), Oguz (, Turkmen, Crimean Tatar, etc.), Kapchak (, Kyrgyz, etc.), Karluk (, Uygur, etc.), Siberian (Tuvan, Yakut, Altai, etc.) etc.). The Kyrgyz language, belonging to the Kapchak group, is close to the Turkic languages ​​of other groups - Khakass and Altai.

The first written monuments in the Kyrgyz language date back to the XIV-XV centuries. Records of folklore texts have been preserved, which allows us to conclude that the Kyrgyz language existed earlier. The formation of the Kyrgyz people is usually attributed to the 17th – 18th centuries. - the time of the appearance of the epic "Manas".

After joining the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century, the Kyrgyz were under the powerful influence of the Russian language. In the same period, the emergence of different genres of Kyrgyz writing is noted. The modern Kyrgyz literary language is actively being formed, clearing itself of the excessive penetration of the Russian language.

Until 1926, the Kyrgyz writing existed on the basis of the Arabic alphabet, until 1940, Latin graphics were used, later the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced, supplemented with several letters. The Kyrgyz living in continue the tradition of Arabic writing. Currently, the Kyrgyz language is taught in schools and pedagogical educational institutions Kyrgyzstan, literature and press are published on national language, radio and TV programs are broadcast.

  • In times Soviet Union the Kyrgyz language remained in the sphere of interests of folklorists and ethnographers. Urban residents used surzhik, far from the norms of the literary language, and the educated population preferred to communicate in Russian. In recent decades, the formation of a literary urban spoken language has been observed.
  • The Kyrgyz language has a developed professional vocabulary related to cattle breeding and horse breeding. For example, there are over ten words for determining the age of a horse.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since the texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using the technology

Kyrgyz language

The language of the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, although a gradual transition to the Latin alphabet is currently taking place. Pronunciation: θ = “y” (like “u” in “fur”), Y = “yu”, H with a squiggle below = “n” like “ng” in English. "Sing", F = "j". In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases
Hello - salam aleikum

Hello - salam

Goodbye -Jakshy kalyngyzdar

Thank you - rahmat

Not really
ooba / jock

How are you? (how are you?)
Zhakshysyzby? - ZHAKSHYSYZBY / Kandai?

good, good (th, th) - JAKSHY

bad, bad (th, th) - zhaman

allowed / not allowed - swamps / bolboit

beautiful (th, th) - kooz, suluu

delicious (th, th) - daamduu

correct, true - Yras / tuura

big / small - chong / kichine

very / very - θТθ / en

I do not understand - men tushumboy jatamyn - TYSHYMBθDUM

Where, Where ...? - ... kayda?

there - anda / tiyakta

then, then - anan / kiyin

don't go, wait - ketpe / dokto

When? / When will he come, will he come? - Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight - sol / he / alga / ace

close / far - zhakyn / alys

Why why? - Emnege? Emne yuchun?

How many? (How much?) - Kancha? Kanchadan?

money / expensive - akcha / kymbat

sell - satuu

me / we - me / biz

you / you (sing.) / you (pl.) - sen / siz / sealer

father / mother - ata / ene, apa

brother - yeah (how to address an unknown man), bike, ake (southern dialect)

family - yui-bulu - Yy-BYLθ

chief / leader - bashky / bashchy

friend / friends - dos / dostor

human - adam / kishi

guy - zhigit
girl / girl - Kyz

teacher - mugalim

owner - kojoyun

woman / women - ayal / ayaldar

man - erkek

child / children - bala / baldar

doctor - doctor

wounded - zharadar

hospital - Oruukan

hotel -meimankanA, konok yuy

toilet - daaratkanA

stop - Ayaldama

airport / bus station - airport / bus ticket

gas station - maybeket

railway station - temir jol station

car / road / direction - car / zhol / zholdomo

police - police

border - check, check ara

hungry - ah

food - tamak

bread - nan

water / boiled water- suu / kainatylgan suu

milk - syut - СYТ

meat / fish - et / balyk

rice - kyuruch

salt / sugar - ace / kant, sheker

pilaf - pilaf / ash

vegetables - jashylchalar

fruit - jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep - coy

horse - zhylky

goat - echki

cow - uy (saan uy - cash cow)

home / home - yu - Yy / yugu - YyGθ

bed - toshok - ТθШθК

yurt - boz yu - boz yy

mountain / mountains / to mountains - too / toolor / toonu kozdoy

glacier - mongyu - MθNGY

rock - asuka

cliff - jar

gorge - kapchigay

snow / ice - car / muses

swamp - saz

river / lake - UzUN - θЗθН, gifts / stake

desert - chol - chθL

forest - tokoy

spring, spring - bulak

rain - dzhaan / jamgyr

cold / cold - muzdak / suuk

hot, hot - ysyk

wind - jel

rope - jeep

snake / poisonous - zhylan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist - akyn / jazuuchu / suruchu - СYРθТЧY

travel / traveler - sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd - mergenchi / koichu

hike - dzhurush - ZhYRYSH

weather - aba yrayy

distance - aralik

holiday - mayram

guest / guests - Konok / Meimandar

time is ubakyt

Monday - ducheombu - dyshθmby

Tuesday - seishembi

Wednesday - sharshembI

Thursday - beyshembi

friday - juma

saturday - ishembi

sunday - jackshembI

3 - uch - YCH

4 - cake - TθPT

10/15 - he / he is besh

22 - zhiyirma eki

34 - otuz cake

50 - elution - ELYY

68 - altymysh segiz

100 - juz - ZhYZ

1000/6000 - min / alty min

Greetings - SalamdashUU
Hello - SalamAtchylyk
Good morning - Kutmanduu tannyz menen!
Good afternoon - kutmanduu kununuz menen!
Good evening - Kutmanduu kechingiz menen!
Good Night - Beipil Tun
Hello - Salam
How are you? - Ishter Kandai? (to a friend, peer, etc.) Kandaisyz? (to the oldest person in status or age)
Good - Zhakshy / Durus
Bad - Zhaman
So so - Ancha moes
What is your name? - Atyniz kim of swamps?
What is your name? - Atyn kim swamps?
My name is ... - Menin atym ...
Thank you - Rakhmat
Not worth it - Arzybayt / echteke emes

The Kyrgyz language belongs to the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, but at present there is a gradual transition to the Latin alphabet. Pronunciation: ? = “Y” (like “u” in “fur”), Y = “u”, H with a squiggle at the bottom = “n” like “ng” in English. "Sing", F = "j". In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases


salyam aleikum


Dzhakshi kalyngyjar

uba / yok, jock

How are you? (how are you?)

Jakshisyuzby? - ZHAKSHYSY ZB Y

good, good (th, th)

jakshi - jakshi

bad, bad

can / can not


kooz, suluu


right, really

big small

kokh / kichine

very / very

utu -? T? / en

I do not understand

men tushumbou jatamyn - T YSHYMB?

Where, Where ...?

then then

don't go, wait

When? / When will he come, will he come?

Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight

sol / he / alga / ace

close / far

zhakyn / alys

Why why?

Emne yuchun?

How many? (How much?)

money / expensive

akcha / kumbat


you / you (singular) / you (pl.)

sep / siz / sealer

father mother

aha (how to address an unknown man)

yui-bulu - Y y-B Y L?

chief / supervisor

bashki / bashchi

friend / friends

dos / dostor

woman's woman

ayal / ayaldor


bala / baldar





meimankanA, konok yu


airport / bus station

airport / bus ticket



railway station

Temir Jol Railway Station

car / road / direction

car / zhol / zholdomo


water / boiled water

suu / kainatilgan suu

suites - C Y T

meat fish

et / balyk

salt / sugar

ace / edging


jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep

uy (saan uy - cash cow)

home / home

yu - y y / yygu - y yr?

tushuk - T? W? K

boz yu - boz y y

mountain / mountains / mountains

too / toolor / toonu kuzduy

mungyu - M? NG Y


snow / ice

river / lake

uzUn -? Z? N, gifts / stake

source, spring

dzhaan / jamgyr

cold / cold

muzdak / suuk

hot, hot

snake / venomous

jilan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist

akyn / jazuuchu / suruchu - С Y Р? ТЧ Y

travel / traveler

sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd

mergenchi / koichu

dzhurush - Ж YРYШ

aba yrayi



guest / guests

horse / meimandar


dyushombyu - DY W? MB Y






turt - T? RT

he / he is mad

zhiyrma eki

otuz turt

eluyu - EL YY

Altamysh Segiz

juz - F Y Z

min / alty min

Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary- a simple but multifunctional interface will allow you to translate the words you are looking for conveniently, and, importantly, very quickly! An offline version of the dictionary is offered to your attention. The vocabulary base of the Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary application contains more than 50,000 words and expressions in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, which is highly likely to help in translating both everyday and professional-technical vocabulary.

Features of the Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary

  • Now there is no need to manually switch languages ​​from one to another. The user has the ability to enter a word for translation into Russian, Kyrgyz or english languages into the same text box. The program will automatically detect the language of the word and display its translation.
  • It is possible to add new words, which may be needed if there is no word in the dictionary base, but the need for its subsequent use.
  • It is possible to add desired or interesting words to bookmarks. Access to them is possible from the menu item of the same name.
  • Indexing of fields and sequential output of found words in the Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary application helps to search a dictionary base of this size.