How to teach big texts and memorize them. Do I need to teach by heart literary works

Not only schoolchildren and students face the problem of the need to memorize a large amount of texts, and people of various professions: lawyers, doctors, actors, etc. However, most people have accustomed to memorize texts using an ordinary cavity and endless repeating text material that flies out of the head the next day. We will tell you how to quickly learn the text, but in this case meaningfully and for a long time.

How actors remember text

If you need to know how to quickly learn the text by heart, it is worth using the experience of actors who have to practically learn the scripts to films and theatrical performances. Each of them has their own ways to memorize information that help them cope with this task, therefore psychologists have received generalized research results on this issue and found out that it helps the actors to learn the text quickly and efficiently.

Division into fragments

The first thing to do anyone who wants to quickly learn the text is to read the material once the whole, and then divide it into parts. At the same time, it is important that they have completed thought and were convenient for memorization. The most effective will be the division of each paragraph to suggestions.

Grouping text

After you shake text on the part and learned the first sentence, start grouping the material. Learn the first and second sentences. Having coped with this, memorize the first, second and third. Continue to combine the sentences until you learn the first block - it may be an entry or the first appearance on the scene, etc. Then do such a union again, folding together even larger fragments, for example, the first and second paragraph.

Continue grouping with the consolidation of parts until the entire text is learned.

Quality checking

Each stage of storage of material must be accompanied by a text check without peeping. This allows you to highlight those fragments, working with which it causes difficulties to further focus more on them. In addition, this stage will help you consolidate the studied in memory.

Immersion in context

If you have the opportunity to learn the text in that setting, where there will be a performance, it is necessary to use it. For example, you can associate parts of the text you have pronounced with the movements performed on the stage by you or your partners, interaction with the requisite and scenery, which will make it easier for the task to quickly learn the text.

Automatic memory

Although the main goal is the conscious storage of the material, you can use another mechanism of our memory, allowing you to automatically reproduce the learned text. Thus, for example, some people memorize prayers or texts that have to repeat the duty of the service, for example, the speech of the stewardess. Although this execution is not always felt and emotional, it allows you to remember the material even in stressful situations.

The case is time

A very important role in memorizing is played by time spent not only for learning, but also on vacation. Many people cannot effectively focus on the material more than forty minutes, so do not wait for fatigue and do not force themselves to quickly learn the text for one sitting. Make a break, walk or change the type of activity for a while.

Do not forget about regular full-fledged 7-8-hour sleep. Although memorization and reproduction of information occurs during wakefulness, its processing continues even in a dream. But the lack of sleep leads to stress, as well as to the deterioration of memory and working capacity.

Four-stage method, or wheeled method

There is another way to learn how to learn a big text by heart quickly and efficiently. Take advantage of one of the most effective methods of memorizing texts called a height consisting of four stages: the main idea, attentive reading, reviewing and finishing. It allows you to quickly learn the text - in just 4 repetitions. From unsystematic memorization and repeat, the fuel is distinguished by a meaningful, analytical approach to the text. So:

  • First of all, you need to read the text and allocate in it the main idea. Do not try to immediately remember it from beginning to end, emphasize your attention only on what reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe material. You can write these thoughts in the form of theses. When reading is finished, set aside text aside and try to spend verbally reproduced.

  • Further, you should read the text for the second time, already more carefully, taking into account all the details of the narrative. Remember the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text and try to link it in the mind with the details you have allocated now. How do they help reveal the main idea that they add to the story? Now try to repeat the text with the main idea, and the details.
  • Text overview is to create an approximate plan to read. Read the material from the end and ask yourself questions regarding the items of your plan. They will help you remember what information is contained in each part of the text.

  • Advanced means the end of work on the text, bringing the memorization process to the end. Remembering text, go from the total to a specific one: start with the main thoughts, subsequently complementing them with detail. Do not rush to repeat the text out loud, if possible, ask someone to check you. In no case peep up. If you forgot something, then try to analyze this segment, understand why you missed him.

After a few hours, repeat the learned once again. If necessary, fill out the gaps that appeared, again using this four-step circuit.

How to learn the text as quickly and efficiently as possible

If you need to learn the text as quickly as possible and not necessarily literally, then this method will help you.

  1. Spread the material to meaningful phrases or suggestions. Determine the main meaning of each fragment.
  2. Now describe each fragment of a small phrase, if it turns out, then in one word with which each specific block is associated with you. The main thing is to create a memorable image.
  3. The last stage is to remember the sequence of images that will allow you to step by step to remember the contents of the text.

Example of a diligent memorization method

Consider how this method works on the example of this passage:

The paradox remains that people in our time receive an excellent education, but they cannot boast of great mind, have quite broad knowledge, but they can not always appreciate the situation. We have a lot of experts, but there are more problems, the medicine is one of the best, but also the health can not boast the majority.

Now we divide this passage to fragments - phrases and select your bright image to each one:

The paradox remains that people in our time receive an excellent formation, but they cannot boast a big mind ( Patient mental hospital holds a red diploma). We have a lot of experts, but even more pressing problems ( Man in a business suit holds a screwdriver). Medicine is one of the best, but also the whole health can not boast ( Doctor in a bathrobe lies with plaster).

As a result, it is not necessary to memorize the entire text immediately, and only the following images are remembered, connected with it:

  • Mentally ill with a red diploma.
  • Business man with a screwdriver.
  • Doctor in gypsum.

To remember the sequence of images, combine them, inventing your story in which the first image will interact with the second, the second one with the third, etc. Our example was small and informational, so you will need more images for a large text volume. For all this you will leave less time than to teach the text itself, and most importantly, thanks to bright images, it will remain in memory for a long time.

And if you are interested in how to develop memory and teach poems by heart, then with one interesting method you can get acquainted in the following video:

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Almost everyone knows the famous sculptures of attractions like a statue of freedom in New York or "Little Mermaid" in Copenhagen. However, there are other, not too well-known, but very unusual sculptures that decorate the cities around the world - one of the most dynamic we have collected in this article.

Urgently need to remember the text? How easy to learn it? Similar questions arise in people's heads before control work, exam and other important events. Our brain has limitless opportunities, only he should help in their development. On the this moment In the world there is a sufficient number of techniques aimed at developing thinking and memory. It is worth noting that absolutely all mental processes It can be improved throughout life. Considering self-development, a person will be able to achieve a lot. Such successful people We are accustomed to see on the TV screen, read about them in magazines and popular sites on the Internet.

The process that allows us to memorize and forget the information is called memory. She has its own volume, i.e. A person can remember only the maximum amount of information. But developing memory, over time, its storage can be significantly increased.

In order to understand what kind of information, a person can remember, use special techniques to determine the resource not only short-term, but also long-term memorization. Quickly learn a large text by heart. Really, fulfilling recommendations, proven by many people.

Types of memory:

  • tactile;
  • flavor;
  • shaped;
  • visiting
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Starting from childhood, a person develops a certain type of memory. For example, if he loved to read the books on his own, then in the future he will easily remember information from paper and other carriers, that is, which can be read on their own. Thus, the visual memory will be well developed. Consider another option for the development of memory. If in childhood the child's parents read books, then he has a good hearing memory.

How to learn the text quickly and easily? In order for a person to quickly remember the flow of information from any source, he should regularly develop his memory, and absolutely all its types. In such a question, classes on various methods will help, offering regularly performing special exercises.

First of all to remember the text, you need to read it and understand that the author wanted to convey to the reader. Understanding what is said in every paragraph, remember it will be much easier than just a set of words. The right way to memorize is also visualization read, that is, the creation in his head of a small cinema using images of this text. Correctly performing all the conditions of methods, you can quickly remember the work.

It has long been proven that any person is easier to solve the task in parts, this applies to the memorization of the text. To easier to save information in memory, it should be divided into parts.

When studying text, it is worth organizing a relaxed atmosphere around yourself. It is advisable to turn off the radio, TV and retire, because if someone will talk on the phone, it is unlikely to be able to remember theorem or poem.

In some cases, one of the words should be learned from the work, it is something like a crib, and they have been proven for a long time, useful for study. Records allow you to allocate the main information from the written, the visual memory works when writing. Also, reading a book, remember the font of the text, pictures on the pages.

If suddenly it seems that they are tired, and the brain does not perceive the information, distracting, drink coffee, relax, and then begin to study with new forces, pre-remembered the already learned text. It is much easier to join the prose of the house than in another setting, it takes less time.

In the world there are many techniques and exercises to train memory, almost all of them are effective. Consider the most popular of them, having a lot of positive feedback.

  1. During any mathematical calculation, it is worth postponing the calculator to the side. Considering in the mind or on paper and making it regularly, a person is at times increasing the amount of memory.
  2. Start your day from an account from 100 to 1. It is necessary to find exactly in that order and every day try to increase the speed.
  3. Enough effective exercise Call "cities per minute". It is easy to perform it: in just one minute you need to call 60 cities, one city per second. From the first time it will not work, but performing such a task every day, in a week you can notice positive results.
  4. You can try to study new words. This technique will allow a person not only to train memory, but also study foreign language. Exercises should be performed regularly, since from once the picture will not change, as in the muscle training. On the day it is recommended to learn fifteen words and, with each subsequent week, this barrier is increased.
  5. The simplest and well-known exercise is the usual memorization of the poem. It is important in this technique is its constancy, that is, learning new verses needs to be systematically.

Fast Study Receptions Poems

Do you know how to quickly teach texts by heart? Using some techniques and recommendations, do it will be much easier and faster.

After that, be sure to visualize the poem, it is a bit more complicated to do than in the case of prose, but the result will be effective. For example, if in verses it is said about the prisoner sitting behind bars (A. S. Pushkin), then you can even draw this picture on paper.

When memorizing the poem, pay attention to the rhymes. You can also try to read the work in the roles, create a dialogue, for example, with a close relative or friend.

We learned verse, but are afraid to make a mistake when told? Write out on paper the first words of each line, it will greatly facilitate the task.

Fast reading improves memory

How to quickly learn the text by heart, knows very few people. First of all you need to master the technique quick readingThat it is she will help in a short time to allocate from a large text or from the whole book the most important information.

Reading may be different:

  • leisurely - they are referring to reading artistic works (novels, detectives, etc.);
  • concentrated - required to study very important information;
  • fast reading - it is easy to highlight the main one of the text of the large volume;
  • big - remembered the essence of information without details.

Using the method of quick reading, the person will be able to easily allocate the basic information in the text and do not waste his time on excess water in it.

To master the quick reading technique, it is recommended to initially read the table of contents of the book, it will help to fold the overall impression of it. Then read the introduction, chapters, pay attention to the selected information in the text that the author focuses.

Train the speed of reading words per minute, take a new page from the book for exercise every time.

I remember read information

Some people have not very good memory, and always wonder how to quickly teach texts by heart. To do this, you do not need to do anything difficult, just follow the recommendations that will help reduce the study time at times.

The surest way in easy memorizing something consists of remembering. This is the name of the memory function that helps a person remember the information studied in the past.

Reading the text is reused, a few hours after the first time, will allow it more to strengthen it in memory.

Having understood in the information set out in the work, a person may be pretty short term Remember completely all text. Also remember the work in parts, it is easier than to learn everything at once. Read thoughtfully, deal with words, understand what you read about. Verified fact: read before bed remembered better.

What helps memory to be in good condition?

In the human body, everything is interconnected, it concerns memory. So that it was in order, you need not only to train mental processes, but also follow the condition of your brain.

  • as an adult and the child is worth the daily. Experts argue that people sleeping less than seven hours per day are subject to forgetfulness and inattention. So be sure to follow the day of the day;
  • our brain, like the whole organism, needs energy to work, we take it from food. Therefore, watch your diet, eliminate semi-finished products and other harmful food from it. Eat more cas, vegetables and fruits;
  • do not forget about exercise and walks in the fresh air, it will help more than saturate blood oxygen, which is well affected on the whole body and memory.

Mysterious memory opportunities

Our memory, as already mentioned earlier, has unlimited volumes. Remember the necessary and not necessary information different ways. Daily training your memory, you can discover a lot of new and unknown.

January 23, 2014

Good afternoon dear friends! When I was preparing for this post, it turned out that the areas in which you need to quickly memorize much more than I expected, so I broke an article into two parts. Who knows, the third may appear.

The topic is actually very interesting. I got carried away by experiments with memory in high schools, when I have already actively worked on the Internet, and I did not have a lot of time to study the items. I encounter on the Internet on the (literally) hundreds of books, I already sissed every slag like "how to develop superflamming per day" or "a quick way to learn school course in one week." Leaving pieces of 8-10, I began to stild them, writing out particularly valuable thoughts and practical exercises for memorization by heart.

For me, practice is very important, because in theory you can really do anything, but it is quite problematic to implement it in practice. Therefore, I try any tips and recommendations to check on your own skins. It turns out quite interesting, and the new skills are recruited quite a few.

I try to judge as objectively as possible, but this does not mean that I will announce the ultimate truth. I recommend only what helped me and you, I hope, will also help.

Fundamental principles

There are basic principles that will help your brain much more effectively memorize information. It doesn't matter if you want to know how to quickly learn poemor just interested in memorization methods.

  1. Maximum concentration;
  2. The physical state;
  3. Brightness of images;
  4. Motivation;
  5. Understanding;

Already simply from the names you can find out to 90% of all the essence of each principle, however, let's consider each item in more detail.

When memorizing, do not be distracted.

It seems to me that anyone can confirm that it is stronger than concentrated on the task, the faster you can get the result. There is even a lot of techniques that allow you to improve this process, but we will talk about it in the following articles, if you do not want to skip - subscribe (form at the bottom of the article).

Our brain is designed in such a way that the less tasks we carry out, the more effective the result will be. No wonder our head is often compared with the computer. By limiting the number of tasks performed by a unit or two, you can get a truly incredible result. It will be best to find a quiet room, where no one will distract you, turn off all the stimuli and start studying.

Quickly concentrate also help respiratory techniques and personal installations. Make 10 deep breaths, during which you repeat something like "I can learn everything, quickly and not intense." As soon as the last exhalation was made - immediately start remembering the necessary material.

Concentration will help you in many spheres of life. I have already spoken about this in the article "". This is a very valuable skill that needs to be constantly training.

Pretty rest.

If you feel ailment, headache or scary want to sleep, then quickly learn the material you can hardly succeed. First, you will be constantly distracted by your sores, and this is already contrary to the first principle. Secondly, the ailments affect the efficiency of the body as a whole. So, if you want to productively engage in mental activities, you will have to get rid of these problems.

In most cases, the usual dream will help. It will allow your body to relax, the brain to come into myself and you can start learning with the full stock of the forces. As far as I remember, this advice gave one of the authors of books to the question of students on how to quickly learn English (German, Italian, French) or some language there. Hosts Sleep will allow you to increase efficiency by 2-3 times. As a result, over a smaller period of time, you can do much more.

Invent bright images.

We remember what seems unusual to us and, as a rule, we miss the fact that you used to see every day. Can you remember which colors today were traffic lights on the route you move daily? Unlikely. But if you were on the way to work / study saw a tiger playing with a huge ball, then surely would remember this for life. So why not take this feature of our brain for your benefit?

Suppose you wondered how to quickly learn the verse "Borodino". As we know, this poem literally consists of bright images and actions. This greatly simplifies our task. Just while reading, try to imagine the paintings as brightly, which describes Lermontov. Only this exercise will increase the memory efficiency at times, and imagine what will happen if you use all the principles?

You must understand why you teach this material.

The main problem of schoolchildren and students is that they do not understand why they learn. That is why many are capable of reading one line 10 times and not remember anything. If a person is fully confident in the need for the material being studied, he will be able to master it, simply running through his eyes. For example, if you were offered to quickly learn chords or an instruction for a million dollars, you would certainly be able to do it almost instantly.

The secret is that the motivation really exists. And always. The poem can be learned simply to develop memory or communicate to art. Japanese can be studied to watch anime in the original or calmly leaving this eastern country. And the definitions should be considered for better assimilation of the subject or successful exam. It is only important to find motivation and really believe it. Make it is not difficult.

You must understand the information you learn.

Material that, probably, was aliens, you will learn very long. And forget him, most likely, after a few hours. There is a real relationship between understanding and speed of memorization. Therefore, before to join the definition, try to perfectly peel into the essence of what you read about. Then, perhaps you do not have to look for information about how to quickly learnsome information.

I will, perhaps, from the most common use of rapid memorization - poem. Personally, I love poems very much (I remember, even the 3rd place in the Olympics area occupied), but I always had problems with their memorization. School - it was the first place where I began to be interested in as you can quickly learn verse. I remember that it was the poem of Pushkin "Heaven with the Heaven of the sky of the sky ...".

In general, in any area, in addition to the fundamental principles, there are "chips", the use of which allows to achieve weight results in memorization by heart. Poems in literature is no exception. I recommend using the technique that I used myself.

  1. For several times, read the poem, polnect in its meaning, feel it the essence. It is very important, you remember about the fifth principle? From the point of view of aesthetics, it is also very important, since you gain something more than the top five in literature, you can enjoy truly great words, and it costs much.
  2. After that, rewrite the piece on the paper sheet. Be sure to do it with a handle. You can show a fantasy and somehow embellish the strings. Not in the sense to change words, but in the sense to draw some drawing in the topic or portray the exquisite capital letter. Imagine that you yourself write this poem.
  3. Try to move the motive. You noticed at least once that the songs are remembered very simple. Sometimes enough to listen 1-2 times to remember 90% of the song. It's all about melodiousness. As a rule, the poems also have its own melody, but it is not so much expressed. Come up with your motive and start humming the poem. This will remember it even stronger.
  4. Start learning quickly. That is, read the storm once and try to retell it. Even if you do not remember some word - do not spy at least a minute. Cut your brains to work. This will allow you to develop powerful neural connections, and you will remember these words to a much greater period.
  5. Do not try to repeat all the time, it is better to learn each quatrain separately, and then try to repeat all the poem completely. Yes, it is more difficult, but the result is achieved faster and saved longer.
  6. To understand how to quickly learn literature, work with the author's biography. Yes, it will take you more time (irony), but you will be better to deal with the subject and you can show truly quality knowledge.
  7. Repeat verse regularly. It is better to teach a bit, but every day, than everything immediately and in one evening. You can spend a little more time on the first day and try to remember the most as much as possible, and then repeat the poem 2-3 times a day. In the aggregate it will take less time, and you will be much easier.

It is even easier with the fables, since the images are used simple and understandable there, and they are remembered easier, so it will not be particularly difficult.

Knowledge of a foreign language carries huge prospects, so his study is now typing just colossal volumes. The opportunity to receive education is now almost everyone, but some teach a language for years, and some have perfectly own after a few months. What's the secret?

Two main ingredients of the recipe for success - practice and systemicity. If everything is clear from the first points (the more often and regularly do, the better you own a foreign language), then you will have to deal with the second. The fuller information and the more diverse it is, the better the material is absorbed. In the case of a foreign language, this is an excellent chance to quickly master the desired material.

Reading, writing, hearing, conversation - four spheres in which you have to develop. If you combine them all together, the effect will be simply unimaginable. Of course, if you do not know the language at all, then you will first need to learn the alphabet, the main words and wrong verbs, and only then move to systematic classes, although you can start talking immediately.

  1. Read at least one page of the text in a foreign language every day. Try not to spy in the dictionary. Such a council gives everyone who wants to know how to learn English fast and easy. I advise you to read books by Ilya Frank. It is advisable to do it out loud. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. Put yourself a bar in minimal amount words. No matter, chinese, french or german You are going to teach. Suppose it will be 5 words per day. In a year you will know 1780 words, and this is already enough to speak normally with native speakers. The most important thing here is regularity, do not pause even on the most downloaded days. Especially, learn five words is a matter of ten minutes. The Linguoleo service can be an excellent help.
  3. Download audioormals and start doing them. You will not only be able to remember sustainable designs, but also you will understand how it is correct to pronounce or another word. This is important if a foreign language is needed for communication.
  4. Be sure to buy a book on grammar, learn the rules and make exercises. Of course, if you do not plan to seriously master the language, it is hardly necessary for you, but grammar will allow you to better understand the structure and become truly educated. In addition, you yourself will easier express our thoughts.

By the way, to quickly learn english words Do not try to join them. Better to imagine how this word looks like (for example, Apple - Apple) and out loud english name. So you remember the word much faster, and you can use it without swaying in your memory. And to understand how to quickly learn english verbs - Find the song on the Internet. They are not so little, and they memorize them faster.

Of course, the tips above were given in general terms so that you can understand the basic principles and methods of quick memorization. In I more specifically illuminate the main spheres of fast memorization, which will surely come up with you. Do not forget to subscribe to updates. Until!

Literature lessons are familiar to everyone at school, and with the need to learn verse everyone came across. Of course, when the memorization of verse in time, there will be no problems. However, there are situations when you need to memorize a poem in a short time, for example, how to learn verse for 5 minutes? It seems that it is not possible, but in this article we will show the techniques that refute this myth. How to quickly learn verse, read in the following sections.

Proper learn poems

If necessary, memorize a poem in a short time, you will use the following instructions:

  1. Despite the volume of the poetic form, it should be read out loud - this is a prerequisite. At the same time, it is necessary to place the most convenient accents in meaning while reading the text. Read the poem is necessary at a slow pace, clearly and loudly and, of course, with an expression. This will help the brain to concentrate correctly and tune in to the necessary way. We recommend reading at least three times.
  2. For the reason that the brain remembers mostly only images, you need to create a picture in my head. This method allows not only a small but large poem. Such visual associations are the basis for previously separated semantic accents. In view of this, it is necessary to do all this at the same time. Clearly visualize the situation about what is happening in the story of the poem. It is recommended to build logic chains that will help state information. Forming images, you can postpone the learned plot in my head for a long time. Thanks to the method, you can very quickly teach poems, as well as for a long time to memorize them.
  3. After drawing up the plot, the poem should be renovated again. The second repetition should occur at a slow pace, and it is not necessary to read with an expression or to delve into the text. At this stage, you need to focus on the syntax rules, i.e. Form of words, their time and declination. In this case, it turns on not only, but also the auditory.
  4. Connect motor memory. Of course, it will take more than 15 minutes, but for 50-60 minutes it is possible to cope. Mandatory condition - rewrite every stanza works on paper, simultaneously pronouncing it.
  5. If there is a spare hour in time, you can begin to break the columns of the poem as it is convenient for you, i.e. Not as a book. Create groups of stanza in meaning and content. In addition, you can complement the poem with small drawings and notes that will indicate a certain fragment. This will make it quite easy to learn a poem by heart.
  6. Well, finally, there is a cramming, but it is necessary to do it only from that sheet that you wrote for yourself. After all, there are tips in the form of drawings, and written by your hand text, as well as images created in the head. Repeat the lines should be about yourself and out loud, by heart, but do not spy in the text. If the verse is volumetric, then scroll it into blocks.
  7. At the end we will give advice: if at remembering the poem, some line or the word causes difficulty, rewrite it separately, like a cheat sheet. Only one phrase!

Presentation: "How to learn poems"

This instruction is effective method, allowing to teach a poem not only in Russian, but also in other languages. Thanks to such a technique, you can learn the information page in one hour and remember it for a long time. And if it comes to a small verse, then in 15 minutes you can easily learn it.

Other methods

If there is a time for more than 60 minutes, you will be useful to the following tips, how to quickly learn verse.

  • Recorder, this is a record of my own voice recording the work. Catching up everyday affairs, turn on the entry and listen, constantly scrolling in your head. Then repeat the lines synchronously with the record. So, dealing with household matters, you can first remember quick verse.
  • Attract all the senses to this process, because it is so much easier and faster you can cope with the task. For example, take a small ball in your hand, and at the same time with the progress of the text, throw it out of your hand. Such an exercise will make it very effectively to teach poems by heart not only to children, but also adults.

What time is the most effective and correct to teach poems? Psychologists recommend doing this shortly before sleep. In fact, these are the only techniques to learn quickly and easily poems. If you have other techniques, you can actively use them, and also shares with others.

How best to learn a poem with a child?

For children, remember independently some text is quite difficult. The following recommendations will help both children and adults learning large and small literary works fast.

An important rule is that the kids remember only the information that can understand, so before making a child to teach verse by heart, should explain to him the plot or even tell the whole story.

Thus, the picture in the head of the child is vividly drawn, and he can very easily remember the poem. To do this, it is recommended to read several times with verse loud and discuss it with a child.

Presentation: "We teach poems by heart"

Then, ask the baby to read it several times independently. Advise read more slowly, then faster so that the child can understand how it is more convenient to reclaim the verse. Perhaps it will take no one hour, but it is worth it. From the side of the parent will be relevant to help the child with gestures, facial expressions and, if possible, depict the plot. Next, you need to drive verse, but the child will do it with a way in the head, so the memorization will occur more effectively.

Praise and admire the child for every street. This is a motivation for further study.

There is a question about, and when is it better to teach? Of course, better before bedtime. However, not to all children is easily given, so pay attention to the time when he is full of energy and offer to learn the work.

Learn by heart a long verse

Above, we listed very effective ways to quickly memorize poems, i.e. in five minutes. Although at first the memorization time can reach 10-15 minutes. However, these techniques are suitable for small classic forms. But in the literature there are also complex works that remember for 10-15 minutes quite difficult. How to teach poems of this volume? Do not be upset, because Below we give several techniques that allow you very easily to learn a long verse per hour.

  1. Examine the material several times. Mentally sort text on images, plot and paintings. If necessary, find out the designation of strangers.
  2. Write down in the notebook verse, saying out loud.
  3. Learn a poem from written in a notebook. Reading, remember the first sentence. If it does not work within 10 minutes, then read until the fragment is remembered.
  4. Smoothly add to the first fragment follow-up, repeating already learned.
  5. Having learned 2-3 quarters, take a break for 10-15 minutes.
  6. After the verse managed to learn, you should return to it during the day. Join the verse fully or complex fragments several times.
  7. Before you go to bed, repeat the text.
  8. Outwar reproduce the learned material without reading it. Then out loud to the verse twice. Repeating, make sure that you did not allow mistakes.

Systematic practicing, you can reduce the memorization of poem from one hour to 15 minutes.

It is worth noting that basically poems have quatrasion, if this is not a poem in prose. Therefore, it is better to memorize, first 1-2 row, and then increase the volume. That is, by heart remember the first two lines, then the next game. The third step is the connection of two fragments. So you will manage to learn all the text. Someone manages it in 15 minutes, and who needs an hour.

As for unfamiliar or complex words, which can not be learned by heart, follow so. On the blank sheet of paper, write these words and use it like a crib. Note that after several times, the need for a sheet disappears. And in the future you will be surprised when you see these words, you will remember all the text.

Learn poem by heart - typical school assignment on literature. However, not everyone is easy to remember and beautifully read the work of Pushkin, Yesenin or Shakespeare. Our technique may seem at first glance complex, requiring many knowledge, but if you follow it and improve with each step, then over time you can quickly and efficiently memorize a variety of poems.


Metric poem

    It is important to remember that any poems, rhymed or not, go back to the oral tradition and suggest perception of rumor. Poetry was entertainment and way to tell the story long before television. In those days, when many were illiterate, poetry gained certain characteristics, including rhyme and poetry meter, which helped memorize the poem to those who could not read it from the sheet.

    • Before you begin to teach a poem by heart, read it out loud several times. Try to rewrite it or reprint.
    • Do not prioritize the words mechanically; Try to read with an expression, as if telling the audience the story. Lower the voice where a calm story is required, and allocate emotional moments by intonation. Help yourself gestures to emphasize the most important thing. Call for help theatrical skill.
    • It is very important to read the poem out loud, and not just to itself. If you hear it, you can better catch rhyme and rhythm, and this will help you remember.
  1. Find the words that you are incomprehensible. The language of poetry is very rich, and poets often use strangers to you. If you need to learn an old poem, you will certainly meet outdated words or grammatical turnover, as well as unfamiliar names or names. For example, take the poem A. S. Pushkin "Prophet".

    Understand and feel the story tagted in the poem. When you figure it out with all sophisticated words, expressions and images, you need to understand its topic and plot. If you are not clear what we are talking about in a poem, it will be hard for you to learn it, as it is very difficult to remember the words that you do not see any connection, no sense. Before learning the text by heart, you must be able to tell the memory of what it is. At this stage, do not try to reproduce the poem literally - only brief content.

    Find a connection between Stanza. Not in all verses is told in a similar way: at first it happened, then another. However, in all we are talking ABOUT something, and in the best examples - which is usually learning in school - there is a development from the beginning to the end even in the absence of history. If there is no plot as such in the poem, try to understand its meaning and the connection between stanza or parts. For example, take "in Christmas all a bit of a magic ..." Joseph Brodsky.

    • The poem begins with the words "the Christmas is all a bit of the magic." The topic and time of action are thus marked in the very first line.
    • Most of this work is not subject to strict chronology; The events of biblical times and modern poet of realities are intertwined, rather, associatively than in accordance with formal logic.
    • So, the Magi in the poem - the most ordinary people, buying food and gifts for holidays. The poet draws a picture of chaos and pilottenies in the store, and in the next line suddenly suggests that the chaos is not visible in Bethlehem. But people carry the gifts, sit down with them in transport, diverge on homes and courtyards, even knowing that there is no one in the cave (it is necessary to understand the realities - we are talking about the atheistic Soviet Union).
    • The thought of emptiness causes a sudden feeling of light. The miracle is all inevitable - and this is the "main mechanism of Christmas". People feel it and celebrate, not even believing, but experiencing the need to believe, and amused by the shepherds, we slept in the night of fire.
    • Form winter Night And the busy expectation continues in the following stanza: the snow shall suffer, they smoke the pipes, people do not understand who is coming, and they are afraid not to know it.
    • In the final stanzhah, an unclear figure in the scarf arises on the threshold (we can assume here the Association with the Virgin) - and the person feels the Holy Spirit in itself. Then he looks into the sky and sees the star that appears.
    • This poem can be difficult to remember in order, since the stanzas are not interconnected by chronologically. However, try to build an associative row, which unites them, and it will be easier for you to learn: in Christmas, everyone becomes wrapped around → Shopping, the dress in the store, and the chaos is not visible to the viflem → but "Magi" return with gifts, even knowing that in the cave While there is no one → The thought of emptiness causes the thought of a miracle → a miracle - this is the essence of Christmas, and people celebrate him, even without knowing this → Winter, the snow is growing, growing anxious expectation → a person comes to the feeling of God in himself and sees a star.
  2. Understand what a meter is written a poem. The meter is the rhythm of the poetic string, its structure characterized by the number of syllables and stress. The most commonly believed is the yamb. This is a double size - the first syllable is unstressed (weak), the second shock (strong). Rhythm sounds like that, for example, "my uncle of the most honest rules."

    Remember the structure of the poem. The metric poem has a certain size, the length of the stanza and the combination of rhymed rows. Now you already know the size, so you need to deal with the rhythmic pattern and the number of rows in each stanza. There are solid poetic forms subject to certain rules - for example, sonnets, sextines or Rondo. Look, whether the poem belongs that you learn to one of these forms, or its structure is invented by the poet himself.

    Read the poem loud several times. Now you read it much more consciously than at first, as you understand the topic of poem, its meaning, rhythm, melody and structure.

    • Read the poem slowly and with the expression. Use all new knowledge to improve the quality of reading. The more understanding and emotions you invest in the declamination better poem Posted in your memory.
    • When the lines of poem begin to pop up in memory, read more and more look at the text.
    • Do not be afraid, however, pry in the book if you need. Rely on the text as much as you need.
    • Continue to read the poem out loud and again, and you will see that more and more rows are remembered by themselves.
    • Gradually, you will move away from reading on the book to read by heart.
    • When you were able to read all the poem, repeat it at least five to six times to secure in memory and read without a stick.

    Pooh, written by free very

    1. Be prepared that the free verse is remembered more difficult than metric. Free verse, or Verlibr, became popular at the beginning of the twentieth century, when some avant-garde playing poets (for example, Ezra Pound) announced that rhyme, poetry meter and division into stanzas, dominated in poetry throughout its history, were invented artificially and not condition to reflect truth and reality. As a result, in the recent century poetry, there is often a rhythm, a given rhythm or length of stanza, and such poems are much more difficult to remember. It should be done, however, it should be noted that the Verlibr spread in the West much broader than in Russia, so you can hardly have to teach it by heart if you do not explore in-depth foreign literature.

      • Even if you have always successfully taught poems by heart, do not expect that the free verse will give you as easily.
      • Be prepared to make more effort.
      • If you have a choice, what a poem to learn to the lesson, and there is little time, then select the traditional form, and not vertliers.
    2. Read the poem out loud several times. First you need, as in the case of metric poems, feel rhythm. Although free verses and there are no formal properties, thanks to which they would be easier to memorize, but, as T. S. Eliot noted, "the vertic author is free in everything, if not counting the need to create good poems."