What does it mean by the rules. Living by the rules

Once in childhood, our parents taught us that if we live by the rules, then everything will be fine with us. Girls were especially susceptible to such a statement. It was they who became excellent pupils, prone to diligence and perfectionism, following laws and rules. On the one hand, this is good. Because it means stability and predictability of life. On the other hand, living by the rules makes us slaves to laws invented by someone and stops us in development.

Just do not think that I urge you to break the law and turn into a marginalized person who does not recognize social norms and trends. Unfortunately, complete anarchism does not lead to anything good. And we, one way or another, have to obey the norms of the majority. Otherwise, a complete chaos would ensue on the planet, and we would hardly have survived at all. But any rules and laws, norms and restrictions should be approached creatively so that they do not make us a doll, unable to move on our own outside the orders invented by someone.

Of course, an ordinary ordinary citizen can hardly change the criminal code, but he can influence the laws of the community at his grassroots level. For example, creating your own rules of life, laws of benevolence and good mood. A friend of mine has come up with some mandatory rules for herself, maybe they will seem interesting to you.

1. Every day she starts with something good. With a smile, a kiss, an open window, (walking the dog), exercise with cheerful music, a cup of coffee with cream and chocolate, a funny text message, pouring cold water over it, singing a song, composing a poem ... Every day is something different. Moreover, this is a good thing that will set her up for a new day and give her a good mood, she sometimes comes up with in the evening before going to bed. She is especially inspired by good deeds that happen spontaneously. But sometimes she does them quite planned. For example, she turned her entrance into a greenhouse, on each window sill between the floors of her five-story building there are now pots of flowers (in winter she drags them to her so that they do not freeze, and in spring and summer they delight all tenants and, of course, most of all my friend). Good deeds can be very different. From walking with a neighbor's dog to repairing the staircase (everything depends on imagination and possibilities).

2. The second rule is never to get angry or irritated, never say bad words or think about bad things. This does not mean at all that we must close our eyes to problems and not resolve conflict situations. Just don't do it with negative connotations. Generally get rid of the habit and speak badly. Sometimes it is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing here is desire and volitional effort.

3. Do not get into situations of betrayal of oneself. In other words, do not step over yourself, your conscience, your inner understanding, your heart. When we go against our conscience in fulfilling the rules imposed on us (for example, the laws of corporate culture, ethics and aesthetics), we are breaking more important laws. The laws of the Universe, which are written in us at some other level (subconsciousness, genetic memory). We are not able to change them yet. And if we overstep, then we are severely punished for it.

What if we do not like social rules and laws, if their implementation leads to breaking ourselves, betraying our own?

I suggest that laws and rules that are contrary to your conscience should not be followed at all or formally carried out, while remaining true to yourself. Of course, this is not always possible and easy. This can sometimes get us into trouble. But only on the external plane. The most terrible and ruthless judge sits inside. You cannot persuade him or bribe him, you cannot deceive him or ignore him. He can destroy the most rosy self-deception and nullify the best intentions. Therefore, it is better not to joke with him.

In general, life with all its current constantly convinces us that the rules we have invented are complete nonsense. As soon as it seems to us that we have foreseen everything in life, we came up with instructions for use for everything, planned and calculated everything, how the sky immediately makes its own adjustments and puts us in a galosh so that we do not greatly idealize all these rules we have invented. It seems to hint to us who is the boss in the house of our existence.

Therefore, it is more dear to argue with life. You just need to listen and hear it, understand the hints and read the signals, because with their help the Universe tells us about the universal rules of life, which you follow them or not, exist a priori (regardless of your desire). Here they are just recommended to follow. What for? In order to learn to be happy in this world, which only at first glance seems disharmonious.

Why does he seem so? Because pride made a person consider himself smarter than nature, God, the universal mind. Because man has invented his own rules for the world. They are so far from the real essence of things that we ourselves are sometimes amazed at how deeply the material essence of things in the technogenic world we have created has sucked us in. To get out of the matrix of things and rules is the task of a new generation, which will become the beginning of the sixth human civilization, which has returned to life not according to the laws of the material world, but according to the laws of the Universe - the highest mind.

"What is the rationale behind all this intergalactic reasoning?" - you ask. The search for a rational grain, in my opinion, is a search for new matrices and rules.

It seems to me that you just need to more often look at the sky, at water and fire, listen to the song of the wind and your heart - the only source of accurate information about the world that remains in modern man. They know the main rules ...

There are people who live by general rules, and there are people who live by their own rules. Let's figure it out a bit.

How do ordinary people live? Do they follow the rules? Yes, they do. But whose rules are these? These are other people's rules. People simply obey some kind of routine, some way of life. "Just like others".

This is neither good nor bad. It just is. And what does their life look like? Monotonous. Home-work-home. Such people are not interested in anything. Nothing pleases them. Most often they complain about their life. They complain about the government, about circumstances, about others, about neighbors, about a boss, about a husband / wife, about everyone. The only entertainment is TV shows or football with beer. Here, to whom that.

And such people are not to blame that they live like this and not otherwise. It's just that no one taught them, didn't tell them what can and should be done differently. They are brainwashed by the news on TV. They fall under the influence of the general gray mass, where everything new and unusual is perceived with hostility. Where a step to the left, a step to the right, are regarded as an attempt to escape. Where any group of like-minded people is called a sect.

And it is not necessary to understand what is really going on there. The main thing is to quickly stigmatize, blacken, hang labels and be proud of yourself, for about five minutes, for not falling under the influence of "sectarians". And again TV, accusations, complaints ...

How do the rich and famous live?

You might be surprised, but they live by their own rules. They have clearly written laws of their lives, which they adhere to. Each has its own laws, rules and principles. But the essence is basically the same. This is a focus on the goal, this is dedication to values, this is the willingness to accept new things, and belief in oneself, belief in others. Respect for people. Anyone.

Recently I happened to be in the company of smart, wealthy and quite famous people. I could observe their behavior, their manners. Listen to what they say, see what they do. And even communicate with them. And it turned out that these are ordinary people. They are not arrogant, not prim. They greet everyone. They all smile. They are always ready to help. But not everyone.

They do charity work, helping those who cannot cope on their own. But if you come to ask for a loan, you will be refused. But if you ask for advice in the matter that you are going to start, then they will tell you where you can run into pitfalls and how to get around them.

And what do you choose? Write your own rules and live by them? Or merge with the gray mass and complain and blame?

Personally, I chose the first option. I wrote down my rules for life. I wrote down my rules of the day. And now I live by them. And my life began to improve.

I have no time to complain. And there is no one. I'm fine. And every day it gets better!

Do you have your own rules? Write in the comments!

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Slide captions:

The purpose of the lesson To find out what the rules of conduct are for Find out what rules of communication between people are known to students Learn to use the rules of conduct on the Internet

New concepts and terms Rule Social norms Habit Custom Ritual Rite Ceremony Etiquette Manners

Work on options. Option 1. Rules prevent people from living, so people often break them. Option 2. Rules are necessary, if there were no rules, people simply would not know what to do.

Variety of rules A rule is a law, or a decree, or legalization, a basis for action in these cases, under certain circumstances. V. I. Dal

Rules - the rules governing human behavior

Social norms By focus: (prescriptive, prohibitive) Establish what behavior is desirable or necessary, what behavior is unacceptable. road signs. By the degree of compulsion: (norms - rules, norms - expectations) Establish what behavior is obligatory for a given group of people. They establish what behavior is permissible, although undesirable, when meeting with a senior in rank, the military salutes. being late for a meeting. By form: (formal, informal) Clearly recorded in writing. Law or regulation is provided by custom and habit. etiquette.

Vocabulary: Social norms - prescriptions, requirements, wishes and expectations of appropriate behavior.

Working with the table, page 59 textbook Social norms By orientation: prescriptive forbidding By the degree of obligatoriness: norms-rules norms-expectations By form: formal informal

Vocabulary: Habit is an established way of behaving in certain situations.

Russian proverb: "Sow a habit, reap a character."

Vocabulary: Custom is a traditionally established order of behavior.

Vocabulary: Ritual is an elaborated order of doing something.

Vocabulary: Rite is a set of traditional actions that accompany important moments in a person's life.

Vocabulary: Ceremonies are a solemn official act, during which a certain order is established - a ceremony.

Vocabulary: Etiquette is a system of rules of conduct adopted in certain circles of society, an established order of behavior anywhere

Vocabulary: Manners - external forms of human behavior that receive a positive or negative assessment of others

Sanctions measures of influence applied to violators of established norms, rules method of approval, encouragement, support

Learning to communicate on the Internet

R / T number 6 p.22 The textbook contains a fragment of the "Setiket" - a collection of rules for Internet users. One of the users, having familiarized himself with the Setiket norms, exclaimed: “I have not seen a single new rule here! All these are the norms of our daily life. " Is the user correct? Justify your opinion.

There was a man in the world "Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev - the most polite man in the country and the most cultured" British Ambassador Whitworth

Travel to the past "Manual for raising grandchildren" Ekaterina II

Conclude: Why are there rules?

Conclusions Rules (or social norms) serve as standards, models of behavior. Rules regulate relations between people, help to perform actions approved by society and avoid what society does not recognize and condemn. Rules help maintain order and allow you to anticipate how others will react to your actions. The rules of conduct in society can be both gentle wishes and tough prohibitions, for the violation of which one has to answer to the state.

Give your opinion on the dispute between two seventh graders.

    Peter... Rules prevent people from living, so people often break them.

    Larissa... Rules are needed. If there were no rules, people would simply not know what to do.

Variety of rules

As you know, Winnie the Pooh believed that it was better to go to visit in the morning, and cross the street to any traffic signal, but always in a crowd. Not everyone thinks Winnie the Pooh's rules are perfect. Can there be rules for all occasions? Can the rules be the same for everyone? To answer these questions, let's try to understand the world of rules.

It seems that the rules have always existed. According to the rules of caring for a child, you were fed on time and walked with you. While playing with your peers, you negotiated the rules of the game and took offense at those who broke these rules. When the time came, you went to school. There are many more rules here. They surround you from all sides. The rules in the textbooks teach you how to write, read, and count. The rules of behavior for students prescribe not to be late, not litter, not make noise during the lesson, etc. But there are also fire safety rules, traffic rules, rules of conduct in public transport, etc.

In the very word “rules” one can hear “right”, “right”. In the dictionary of V. I. Dal it is written like this: "A rule is a law, or a decree, or legalization, a basis for action in these cases, under certain circumstances." A wise connoisseur of the Russian language noticed that the rule is most often associated with an established procedure for actions under certain circumstances. Therefore, rules are created so that people can successfully act in certain cases. Rules are also called norms.

    Rules, or norms, govern the actions of people. Behavior that complies with the rules is recognized by society as lawful and considered to be the norm.

There are many rules or social norms in society. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Social norms

There is another way to group the rules in force in society: according to the severity of the measures that are applied to violators, according to how many people they are designed for.

"The habit is given to us from above ..."

Many social norms were formed a very long time ago, it seems that they have always existed. Some of these norms are dictated by convenience or common sense. With the onset of spring, you change your winter clothes to lighter ones. When you meet a friend, you say hello. At the same time, you may not even think about why you are doing this. By repeating certain actions, a habit arises. Most of the habits are acquired by people spontaneously, under the influence of situations in which compliance with the norm gives the desired result. No wonder they say that habit is second nature. They also say that a habit is a stereotype of behavior.

Not all habits are good. There are bad and even dangerous habits. They cannot be attributed to rules in any way. No one will argue that it is harmful to read while lying down, chatting while eating. Dangerous habits include smoking, alcohol and drug use. Because of these addictions, people develop serious illnesses. Many people who use drugs and alcohol die young. And how many people die just because they are not used to following traffic rules!

There are habits that have long been at work in large groups of people. These collective habits are called customs. Most often these include rules or patterns of action that are approved by society. Customs are inherited from ancestors, passed down from generation to generation. Customs played a special role in ancient times, when their observance was considered as an indispensable condition for maintaining order and a habitual way of life.

Customs are closely intertwined with special actions performed by special persons in a strict sequence - rituals. Here, too, there are rules. They establish who, in what order, with the help of what words, gestures or objects performs actions. Let us recall, for example, how in the Middle Ages there was an important ritual of knighthood (girding with a sword, etc.).

Modern rituals are also solemn and important. For example, admission to a higher educational institution is accompanied by a ritual of initiation into students. Freshmen take a special oath and receive gifts. In their honor, solemn speeches are delivered, the anthem of students is played.

The set of actions established by customs or rituals is usually called rituals. Often the rites are performed during ceremonies. For example, the famous tea ceremony in Japan includes the special outfits of the participants, the use of special items, a special order of tea preparation, leisurely conversation, contemplation of the beauty and harmony of the world.

Etiquette and good manners

You, of course, had to deal with situations when they say about a person: "He does not know how to behave, he has bad manners, he does not know the rules of etiquette."

Etiquette is a system of rules of conduct adopted in certain social circles that make up a single whole. These rules have evolved over the centuries, many of them have gone down in history forever, and some have remained. Sometimes new rules of etiquette appear before our eyes.

Look at the pictures. The artist joked and mixed up all the rules of etiquette. Explain how to follow the rules.

External forms of human behavior that receive a positive or negative assessment of others are called manners. Of course, not everyone whose manners correspond to the rules of etiquette is automatically considered a well-mannered or delicate person. To become such, you need to cultivate an inner culture, respect for people.

So, let's summarize. When you are with other people, you are confronted with many rules that have long become social norms. Rules regulate relations between people, help to perform actions approved by society and avoid what society does not recognize and condemn.

Rules (or social norms) serve as a standard, a model of behavior. They help maintain order in society.

These rules allow you to anticipate how other people will react to your actions. When a person follows these rules, he can be sure that his actions will not cause inconvenience to others, will not run into their rejection or condemnation. It is worth following the rules in all cases: when there are a lot of people around, and when there is no one nearby. In this case, adherence to social norms becomes a habit, becomes an integral character trait.

The rules of conduct in society can be both relatively mild wishes and strict prohibitions, for the violation of which one has to answer to the state. These rules will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Check ourselves

  • What are the rules of conduct? Name as many types of such rules as possible.
  • What are habits? Give examples of good and bad habits.
  • What do you know about customs and rituals? Why do many of them, having arisen in distant times, still exist today?
  • Why are there rules of etiquette in society?

In the classroom and at home

  • Among the many rules that you must follow, there are the most important. What rules do you refer to as the very best? Explain why.
  • What standards are discussed in the following text? "The re-successor asked him:" With what intention do you wish to enter the knightly society? " The newly consecrated answered him in accordance with the words previously spoken by the bishop. He immediately took an oath of allegiance to him as his overlord. Then, by order of the latter, he began to dress him in knightly armor. The knights were engaged in this business, they were helped by ladies and young girls. First they attached his left spur, then the right one, put on chain mail, and after all they girded him with a sword ... "
  • For violation of the established rules, sanctions are usually applied. The dictionary defines sanctions as measures of influence, punishments applied to violators of established norms and rules. There may also be positive sanctions, such as applause to an actor or musician for their performance. But most often, when talking about sanctions, they mean the first meaning of this word.
    What sanctions are meant in the next children's countdown? “Three-four-five, I'm going to look. It’s time, not time, I’m going from the yard. Ready or not, here I come. Those who stand behind me have three horses to drive. "
  • In the book “Honest Mirror of Youth, or Testimony to Everyday Circumstance, Collected from Various Authors,” compiled at the direction of Peter I, it was said: “No one dares to hang his head and look down the street or look askance at people, but straight, and not bent over to step, and keep your head straight, but to look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with good-looking constancy, so that they would not say: he is looking at people cunningly ”.
    Translate this rule into modern language, explain its meaning.
  • What rules of etiquette do you think appeared in the XX - early XXI century? Explain the reasons for their appearance and their significance in people's lives.

Learning to communicate on the Internet

(from the basic rules of conduct on the Internet)

Remember that when you use a computer connection, there is no face of the interlocutor in front of you, there is only a monitor screen.

There are no emotions, no facial expressions, no gestures - just words, text just typed on the keyboard. In such a situation, it is important not to forget that the interlocutor is not a high-speed computer, but a very real person with his own views.

In online (network) communication, it is very easy to misinterpret your opponent's words.

Before you write anything, decide whether it is realistic to say the same text to a person in person.

Be short and write strictly to the point. Nobody will read a long message.

Remember that illiterate letters with a lot of mistakes are usually annoying. If you are unsure of your spelling, use a spell checker to help you.

Do not expect that all your questions will be answered immediately.

Don't send email to strangers.

Be aware of the existence of other users when visiting popular file servers. Put yourself in their place.

While someone randomly scrolls through the lists of files, others see the message "Server too busy" - the system is overloaded.

If you know and are able more than others, this is not a reason to teach and make comments. If you cannot do without comments, do them politely, correctly.

Most importantly, do not forget to put yourself in the shoes of other web users.

Technological map of a social studies lesson in grade 7

Lesson 2

Topic: What it means to live by the rules (lesson 1)

Lesson objectives:

  • to bring students to an understanding of the role of rules, social norms in human life;
  • continue the formation of skills to analyze additional literature for the lesson, draw conclusions, work on the text of the textbook, present cross-cutting issues of the lesson topic;
  • to instill in students respect for the norms of behavior established in society, to foster the desire to realize their capabilities and abilities, the desire to acquire knowledge.

Basic concepts:social norms and rules of public life; social mores, traditions and customs; rules of etiquette and good manners.

The main questions of the lesson:

  1. Variety of rules
  2. A habit is given to us from above: a habit, a custom, a ritual, a ceremony, a ceremony

Lesson type: Study and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Type of student activity in the lesson:individual work

Planned result (requirements for the level of training of students):

Be able to:

  • explain the meaning of concepts: social norms, rules of public life, public mores, traditions, customs, rules of etiquette, good manners
  • characterize by examples social norms and their role in public life.

Information and methodological support:

  • presentation,
  • task cards

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  2. Updating the basic knowledge of students on the introductory topic (lesson 1)
  3. Learning new material

Teacher story with conversation elements

As we already said, the fourteenth birthday becomes a kind of milestone in your growing up. You have new rights, and along with them responsibilities. You should be more and more responsible for the observance of the rules of the life of society.

Let's turn to the dispute that took place between Peter and Larisa (textbook - p. 8). What do we need to know to resolve this dispute?

Topic: What does it mean to live by the rules - Slide 1

All human life consists of rules. We constantly limit ourselves in one sense or another. Some rules are mandatory, some are not. Today we have to figure out

Why do they exist, what role do they play. And we will also find out what rules are and how they appeared - Slide 1

So we are talking today about

Social or social norms (norm (lat.) - rule) -

2. Variety of rules

Social norms are easiest to look at by example. Students in the class greet each other: the boys shake hands, the girls nod their heads in greeting, but when the teacher enters the class, everyone stands up and greets. Such a rule does not exist, it is not written down anywhere, like many rules that can be observed everywhere in human society. However, people observe these norms of behavior. People come up with more and more complex principles of behavior, although they limit human freedom.

  1. Types of rules

You cannot shout in a public place, you cannot behave indecently at the table: all these are rules invented by a person, and he has determined for himself what is decent and what is not. It is customary at the table to follow the rules of etiquette, for example, not to eat from a common salad bowl. And people adhere to these rules.

There are many rules or social norms. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Table page 9 - working with text - Slide 2

All prohibitions are divided into two main groups: mandatory prohibitions or rules - laws. They are clearly formulated, written down in a special legal language, and adherence to them is guaranteed by the state. The second half is the so-called optional rules. Their implementation, however, largely ensures a normal human life. And for most people, these rules are natural, because most of these norms of behavior were formed many centuries ago. The rules that came to us from our distant ancestors are called customs.

Let's look at these groups again - Slides - 3 - 4 - 5

3.A habit is given to us from above: a habit, a custom, a ritual, a ceremony, a ceremony

We will get acquainted with the rules that are binding (laws, legal norms) and their features in the next lessons, and now we will talk about other social norms that appeared much earlier than the norms of law.

Working with text - p. 9 - 11 - item "The habit is given to us from above"

Slide 6 - task - answers

Connect the concepts and their definitions correctly

Slide - 7

*** ??? examples ( habit, custom, ritual, rite, ceremony)

4. Summing up

What did you learn in class today? Should we observe the social norms that we talked about, why? What is their significance?

  1. We will continue exploring social norms in a week.


1. Remember a few customs of the Russian people, write them down.

2. Find from the Internet resources several traditions of other nations that interest you, what surprised you the most.

  1. *** Additional Information
  2. Habits, rituals

Customs, traditions - the memory of generations, developed on habits. Habits are inherent in every person. They are good and bad, harmful and positive. Bad habits include: smoking, improper sitting at the table, leading to curvature of the spine; to positive - playing sports, reading.

England is sensitive to tradition. Sometimes they even seem absurd, such as the location of the doorknob. For most peoples, it is customary that it should be on the right side, and in England - in the middle, which is inconvenient. This tradition dates back to the old days when every decent Englishman had a doorman to open the door. And although there are practically no doormen, the handle is located in the middle of the door, because it shows the spirit of England. The British have strange taxis, they are tall. This tradition dates back to the days when people wore top hats in which they could get into a car without taking off their headgear. Nobody wears cylinders now either, but taxis are still old-fashioned. The nation preserves itself through its traditions and history. A person arriving in England understands that this country has a different culture.

  1. Customs

Laws did not always exist. The written period of human life spans only 2.5-4 thousand years. It developed unevenly: it began earlier among some peoples, and later among others. And even when writing appeared, people did not immediately begin to write down rules of conduct and laws. The principles of human behavior in society began to emerge in order to resolve disputes between people. Later they became customs. Gradually, a system of views and principles of a person's attitude to society and, conversely, society to a person was formed. For some peoples, customs have survived to this day as a kind of regulatory system, for example, among the peoples of the North Caucasus. Such rules exist for all peoples of the earth, but the degree of their influence on society is different. The concept of custom is intertwined with the people's need for self-preservation, self-identification.

  1. Peoples habits

The habits of an individual nation (a large group of people) cover a wide range of a person's daily life. For example, in our country it is common to use a fork, spoon and knife when eating, and the inhabitants of Southeast Asia use chopsticks for this. For a European, this seems inconvenient to say the least. And this is a vivid example of how customs shackle so many areas of human life.

This applies not only to eating food, but also to certain rules of behavior in transport. It is natural for Europeans to give way to a woman as the fairer sex. In Japan, both a man and a woman are considered equally strong, and therefore it is not accepted to give up a seat there, and is devoid of any sense.

There are hundreds of variations in the formation of traditions among different peoples, nevertheless, it is this diversity that allowed a person to separate from an animal.

  1. Multicultural and traditional cultures

It may seem to a modern person that traditions are gradually disappearing. Man has now created a multiculture, which arises from the universal connection, mixing, interweaving of different peoples. This is due to the expansion of means of communication: mobile phones, the Internet, travel to another country have become almost commonplace, even countries are merging, for example, the European Union. Therefore, it seems that the traditions of individual peoples are gradually disappearing, but this is not entirely true.

A set of customs that are accompanied by some specific actions are called rituals.

  1. Russian Federation and its traditions

Many states are inclined to preserve their traditions and customs. The same applies to the Russian Federation. This country is the heir to a very large historical culture. It has existed for many centuries, had many names, but the task of the state is to preserve the customs and traditions of all peoples living in the country. It is difficult, but a modern person cannot, following the changes in the social and technological spheres, forget everything that was acquired by many generations before him.

  1. Components of social norms

Modern man has a unifier - the great Russian language, a system of holidays. Studying and preserving history is a nationwide priority because people who do not remember their roots have no future. Traditions, customs are all very important components of the Russian people. Starting from the usual handshake and ending with important state ceremonies, this is all that forms the Russian civilization and its culture. Therefore, the preservation and augmentation of all this heritage is the task of any Russian person.

WORK ON VAYANTS 4 1 OPTION Rules prevent people from living, so people often violate them. OPTION 2 Rules are necessary, if there were no rules, people would not know what to do.

VARIETY OF RULES 5 Rule - law, or regulation, or legalization, the basis for action in these cases, under certain circumstances. V. I. Dal

GLOSSARY 6 Rules are norms that govern human behavior.

SOCIAL NORMS FOR A DIRECTION Norms - Norms - Expectations Establish what behavior is desirable or necessary, what behavior is unacceptable. BY THE DEGREE OF OBLIGATION norms - rules norms - expectations Establish what behavior is obligatory for a given group of people. Determine what behavior is acceptable, although not desirable. FORM formal informal Clearly recorded in writing. Provided by custom and habit. 7

GLOSSARY 8 Social norms are the prescriptions, requirements, wishes and expectations of appropriate behavior.

Working with the table, page 59 textbook Social norms by orientation prescriptive norms-rules-rules-norms-expectations in the form of formal informal 9

GLOSSARY Habit is an established way of behaving in certain situations. 10

Russian proverb "SEED A HABIT - GET A CHARACTER" 11

GLOSSARY Custom is a traditionally established order of behavior. 12

GLOSSARY Ceremonies - a solemn official act, during which a certain order is established - a ceremonial. thirteen

DICTIONARY Manners are external forms of human behavior that receive a positive or negative assessment from others. 14

SANCTIONS 15 measures of influence applied to violators of established norms, rules method of approval, encouragement, support


A MAN LIVED IN THE WORLD ... 17 "Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev is the most polite man in the country and the most cultured" British Ambassador Whitworth

LET'S CONCLUSION: Why are there rules? eighteen

CONCLUSIONS Rules (or social norms) serve as standards, models of behavior. Rules regulate relations between people, help to perform actions approved by society and avoid what society does not recognize and condemn. Rules help maintain order and allow you to anticipate how others will react to your actions. The rules of conduct in society can be both gentle wishes and harsh prohibitions, for the violation of which one has to answer to the state 19