Show drawing city in the desert. Underground Cities in the Desert

Ghadames, known as the "Pearl of the Desert", is located in an oasis in the south-west of Libya (historical region of tripolitania). This is one of the oldest cities on the border of the Sahara and an outstanding example of a traditional settlement. The city's population is about 10,000 people, predominantly Berber who live in traditional houses from clay, bricks and palm trees, closely grouped as beesh cells. Its residential architecture is characterized by the separation of vertical functions: the first floor is used to store stocks, the next floor is for the life of the family and, finally, there is an open terrace, intended for women. The terraces are connected by transitions that allow women to move freely, staying hidden from male eyes.

(Total 13 photos)

1. The shape of the circle, the old city of Gadames is a close cluster of houses. The fortified external walls of houses at the edges of the city form a fortress wall. This city fence is here and is disturbed by numerous doors and bastions.

2. Ghadames - an ancient city. The first mention of it is dated by the Romanesque period, when the settlement was known as Cidamus - a fortress city, built in the first century BC.

3. None of the surviving buildings belongs to the early Berber period or the period of ancient Romans. Nevertheless, the remarkable style of residential architecture is distinguished by Ghadames from other North African cities and settlements, stretched along the northern border of Sugar from Libya to Mauritania.

4. Today, Ghadames is a small oasis located next to the palm grove.

5. The historic part of Ghadames is recognized by UNESCO World Heritage Monument in 1986.

6. Building structures over street passages create something similar to the network indoor galleries or corridors instead of ordinary streets. These galleries are "reserved" exclusively for men.

7. While men walk on the ground, women walk "on the roofs", or rather, along the terraces connected by transitions. The terraces - the female kingdom, giving them, according to the local residents, greater freedom. So they can be friends with their neighbors and move around the city.

8. In all homes there are at least two main floors. On the first floor, which is often drowning into the ground, you can get through the only door behind which there is a narrow passage leading to the room where the supplies are stored. Rear is usually a staircase leading to a much more spacious second floor.

9. The residential floor, as a rule, includes attic and bedrooms, and sometimes a living room. Occasionally overnight is another floor with similar planning.

Objectives Node Purpose is the image of the desired result (intention, desire, aspiration, dreams, social order, etc.), which focuses the activities of the teacher to choose funds and create conditions necessary and sufficient to achieve them. When setting the goal and tasks of directly educational activities, it is necessary to remember: the goal is always alone. Tasks must wear a triune character, i.e. Must include an educational, developing, educational orientation. At the same time, the tasks themselves can be more than three. 1. The formulation of educational tasks should be responsible to the stages of development of mental processes, speech skills and skills, age-related software objectives, modern requirements of GEF on the implementation of the tasks of educational regions. They are definitely starting with the verb. The choice of the desired verb depends on which nature of the Node is planned: according to a new knowledge, training or final; from the type of nodes: complex, integrated, traditional; etc. Educational tasks are directed to the involvement of each child into an active creative process, the organization of the individual and group form of children's activities, to identify the skills and abilities of children to work independently on the topic of Nod. Approximate wording of educational problems NOD according to a new knowledge from the standpoint of modern principles of organizing speech development in the light of the FGOS: 1. Expand the knowledge of .. 2. Enrich the presentation of children about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world, 3. Create, clarify, summarize, systematize, improve etc. (any software knowledge, skills, skills), 4. "To actualize the knowledge of children about ..." - "Create conditions for receiving children knowledge about ..." - "Motivate children to an independent study .. -" Give the opportunity to children with an adult to learn Oh ... "-" Formulate the need for children to properly use the most speaking pronouns in your own speech "-" Stimulate children to ... "Approximate wording of educational tasks Node of training and outcome: 1." To actualize the knowledge of children about ... "-" Secure in independent activities ... - "Give the opportunity to apply the knowledge of the knowledge about ..." 2. "Expand the knowledge of children ... through the organization of independent experimental activities" - "To promote the learning .. ....... Mastering ... .. Approximate wording of developing problems NOD: Developing tasks are aimed at the development of higher mental functions, (thinking, memory, imagination, attention), general, small, articulation motility, promotional speech components (voice, rhythm, pace, intonation), speech Breathing, on the development of interest in the subject of the conversation, on the development of creative abilities, search activity, on the development of the desire for novelty. The formulation of developing tasks should respond to software tasks and be sure to start with the verb. Depending on how much the child is formed by the function, over which the teacher wants to work, or its components, it is necessary to make a choice of verb: - \u200b\u200bif the function is not formed, the task will begin with words, "Start Development Work ..." and etc. - If the function is not formed enough, you need to fix any skill, the choice of verb will be the next "continue to develop ...",: "continue to form ...", "improve ...", etc. - "Develop the ability to logically express .." - "develop auditory attention when determining words with sound ... .. -" Promote the development of smooth speech ... - "Continue to develop the ability ... .. -" Continue to develop

In the novel, Frank Herbert "Dune" describes life on the planet, on which there are no open sources of water, and residents are forced to condense water from the atmosphere, creating whole underground lakes. It is this principle that the basis for the project of creating cities in the desert developed at the University of Toronto.

Roman "Dune" was released back in 1965. Then no one could think that in the world, indeed, there may be water problems. But now scientists predict that in the future it will be the main and most expensive resources of the Earth. And it is for water that will be the future of the future. Therefore, projects designed to solve this problem appear.
Toronto University Architects have developed their project specifically for the South-West of the United States of America, for the Valley of the Colorado River. Recently, the use of water from the river to such a scale that drought began in these areas, inconceivable few more decades ago. Therefore, many cities of Colorado Valley create their own warehouses for future climatic catastrophes. Everything goes to the fact that the fantasy of the creator of the "Dune" will be embodied in reality.

It is for such a case that this project has been developed. According to the project, in the future, even the desert will be able to become quite inhabited and self-sufficient in terms of water and food. To do this, it must be exhausted with something similar to the bee honeycombs. In these cells and will be the city of the future with all their infrastructure. There will be residential neighborhoods, gardens, parks.

From above of each of the hundred (except for garden), special membranes needed to condensate water from the atmosphere should be. Where it is possible, it will be necessary to drill well to the aquifers of the earth's crust.
Of course, such cities will not be very large. Still for the city you need space. But these individual domestic cities can be connected to the underground channels, creating real millions of city agglomerations.

Although this project is designed specifically for the American southwest, but it can be implemented in any deserted point of the globe. That will come time ...