A biography block is a brief interesting facts. Alexander Blok: poetry, creativity, biography, interesting facts from life

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was born on November 28, 1880. The great Russian writer, poet, playwright and translator, he was a prominent representative of Russian symbolism. Interesting facts about Blok will allow you to better learn about his character and habits.

Facts from Blok's life

  • Alexander began to compose his first poems when he was only 5 years old. But the first serious attempt at writing can be called a small collection, created by him at the age of eleven. The young Blok dedicated all his poems to his mother.
  • When the poet was seventeen years old, he fell in love with a woman much older than himself. The twenty-year age difference was not a hindrance to a romantic relationship that ended only 4 years later.
  • Blok married L. Mendeleeva, whom he had known since childhood. Considering his wife the ideal of beauty and moral purity, the first years of marriage, the poet loved her with platonic love.
  • The well-known Russian philosopher V. Solovyov had a huge influence on Blok's work.
  • The poet enthusiastically accepted the revolution. Despite this, he was once arrested for a day and a half on suspicion of conspiracy against the power of the Soviets. The writer was released only after A. Lunacharsky stood up for him.
  • For a long time there were rumors about the romantic relationship between Blok and A. Akhmatova. After the death of Alexander Alexandrovich, they were dispelled. All points over the “i” were put by Akhmatova herself in her memoirs.
  • The relationship between Blok and L. Mendeleeva can be called specific. Worshiping his wife, the poet did not disdain acquaintances with "cheesy women."

    Tired of his betrayals, Lyubov Dmitrievna yielded to the courtship of A. Bely. Upon learning of this, Blok did not condemn his wife. He was convinced that she was only "responding to his crimes."

  • The marriage of A. Blok and L. Mendeleeva was childless. It lasted eighteen years.
  • Getting acquainted with interesting facts from the life of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, you should know that his years could be significantly reduced. One day, the poet's friend, the artist Sapunov, invited him to rest in a fishing village. Block, regretfully, refused. One night, Sapunov and his friends decided to go boating. She rolled over and the artist, unable to swim, drowned. The same fate awaited Blok, since he also did not hold well on the water.
  • Alexander Alexandrovich was a noble sweet tooth and did not miss the opportunity to “indulge” in ice cream. The poet's favorite drink was beer.
  • The poem "The Twelve" gained immense popularity among the working class and the military. But many of the poet's friends, who disagreed with the revolution, turned their backs on him. After reading the poem, Z. Gippius called Blok a traitor.
  • Today, gloomy facts from Blok's biography have also become known. The poet's father suffered from a mental disorder. It was passed on to his son. In the last days of Alexander Alexandrovich's life, his mind was clouded. In delirium, the poet tried to get rid of the poem "The Twelve".

    According to V. Mayakovsky, she killed him.

  • The last performance of Blok, presenting his poems, took place two months before his death. The atmosphere at the Bolshoi Theater was so gloomy and oppressive that one of the spectators aloud compared the poet's creative evening with a wake.
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Alexander Blok was born on November 16, 1880. He lived a short life - he died when he was only 41 - but a rich life, forever securing the glory of a genius and one of the brightest poets of the Silver Age. His works: dramatic, poems, cycles of poems - are still entangled in the disputes of critics, symbols, signs, hints, penetrating his works, make them relevant today. We remember the most interesting milestones of his life.

A few months before his death, the poet, as usual, read his poems at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Before his speech, Chukovsky took the floor, saying a lot of good things about Blok, after Blok himself read his poems about Russia. As his contemporaries later recalled, the atmosphere was too solemn and sad, and one of the spectators exhaled an almost prophetic phrase: “This is some kind of commemoration!”. This was his last performance on the stage of this theater.

In February 1919, Blok was arrested for a day and a half. He was suspected of conspiring against the Soviet regime. But then Anatoly Lunacharsky put in a good word for him, and the poet was released.

Blok was married to the daughter of the famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. They had known each other since childhood, the scientist was on friendly terms with the poet's grandfather. Feelings for Lyubov Mendeleeva were so sublime that Alexander Blok was afraid for a long time to spoil them, to discredit them with carnal relations. It was her image that formed the basis of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady."

Alexander Blok was credited with an affair with Anna Akhmatova. However, after the death of the poet, Akhmatova returned to this topic more than once in her memoirs, dispelling all the rumors about the "monstrous passion for Blok."

Before his death, Alexander Blok was delirious for several days. Almost in an unconscious state, he only remembered one thing: if there were any copies of his poem "The Twelve" accidentally left. The poet wanted to completely destroy it.

Perhaps the most famous poem by Blok "Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ..." on Leiden Street in the Netherlands is imprinted in the form of a monument - written on the wall of one of the houses as part of the worldwide project "Wall poems".

Asteroid 2540, which was discovered in 1971, was given the name of Alexander Blok.

If you believe the questionnaire that Blok filled out in one of the sanatoriums where he had to rest, he had a passion for beer and ice cream.

Alexander Blok wrote his first poems at the age of five.

Many of Blok's works could never have been born, and the years of the poet's own life would be noticeably reduced, if not for the occasion. The poet was friendly with the artist Sapunov, and in early April 1912 the artist called him and his friends to rest in a fishing village. Blok could not keep them company. Luckily. One night, friends went boating. But the boat capsized. Sapunov drowned because he couldn't swim. Block, by the way, could not swim either. Therefore, his fate could be the same if he were there.

Very short biography (in a nutshell)

Born November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg. Father - Alexander Lvovich Blok (1852-1909), professor. Mother - Alexandra Andreevna, (1860-1923) - daughter of the rector Beketov. In 1898 he graduated from the Vvedensky gymnasium. In 1903, Blok married Lyubov Mendeleeva, daughter of the chemist Mendeleev. In 1906 he graduated from the Slavic-Russian department of St. Petersburg University. He died on August 7, 1921 at the age of 40. He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg. Main works: the poem "The Twelve", the poems "The Stranger", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy", "On the Railroad", "On the Kulikovo Field", "Scythians" and others.

Brief biography (detailed)

Alexander Blok is one of the greatest Russian poets, playwright and literary critic. He was also one of the brightest representatives of the era of Symbolism in literature. Alexander Blok was born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a lawyer and professor at Warsaw University and the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University. Parents were not together for long, since soon Blok's mother remarried. The future poet was brought up in the family of his grandfather, rector Andrei Beketov, who was famous at that time.

The poet began to compose poetry quite early, at the age of 5, and more serious creations were published in 1900. In 1903, his work was already being printed. Then, he married Lyubov Mendeleeva, daughter of the outstanding Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev.

In 1906, Blok graduated from the Slavic-Russian faculty at St. Petersburg University. In 1916, the writer was drafted into the army as a timekeeper. Upon his return, he joins the Theatrical and Literary Commission.

The poet, religious thinker and philosopher of the 19th century, Vladimir Solovyov, had a great influence on the writer's work. Blok liked to experiment with poetic rhythm and tried to invent new forms. The first collection of the poet was called "Poems about a Beautiful Lady", written under the influence of first love and the beginning of family life with Lyubov Mendeleeva. Subsequent collections of poetry were more religious in theme. Blok's later poems are full of hope and despair about the future of Russia.

In order to understand and comprehend the October Revolution of 1917, the writer wrote the poem "The Twelve". In 1919 he was arrested on suspicion of an anti-Soviet conspiracy. However, shortly after the interrogations, he was released. In 1921, the poet fell ill and applied for an exit visa for medical treatment abroad. The visa was refused and on August 7 of the same year, he died in his apartment in St. Petersburg from inflammation of the heart valves. He was only forty years old. Before his death, he deliberately destroyed some of his records.

Alexander Blok was buried in Petrograd at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery next to his relatives, but in 1944 the remains were transferred to the Literary Bridges at the Volkovsky Cemetery.

Video short biography (for those who prefer to listen)

Alexander Blok is a great writer, whose work we could get acquainted with since our school years. But at school, not everyone talked about this incredible person. This person was able to become a great poet of the Silver Age, and all thanks to the perseverance, hard work and efforts of Alexander Blok.

2. Blok died at the age of 41.

3. In the winter of 1919, Blok was arrested for 1.5 days.

4. The wife of Alexander Blok was the daughter of the chemist Mendeleev.

5. Alexander Blok was credited with a love affair with the writer Anna Akhmatova.

6. At the age of 9, Blok was able to enter the Vedeno gymnasium.

7. Before he died, Blok was delirious.

8. An asteroid that was found in 1971 was named after Blok.

9. Alexander Blok was very fond of ice cream and beer.

10. Pope Alexander Blok was associated with jurisprudence.

11. Block was able to write his first verse at the age of 5.

12. Alexander Blok was born in St. Petersburg.

13. From an early age, the little poet began to get involved in poetry.

14. Alexander Blok became interested in theater from an early age.

15. Almost a year after the wedding, Alexander Blok did not want to touch his wife.

16. Alexander Blok is a vulnerable and impressionable person.

17. Alexander Blok had to cheat on his wife with actresses, opera singers, because he was not squeamish about prostitutes.

18. Blok lived with his wife for 18 years.

19. Blok and his wife had no children.

20. The wife of Alexander Blok and his mother could not get along with each other.

21. When there was a revolution, Alexander Blok did not emigrate.

22. Alexander Blok is a recognized poet of the Silver Age.

23. At the age of 11, Blok dedicated a cycle of his creations to his mother.

24. Young Blok fell ill with romanticism and fell in love at the age of 17.

25. In 1916, the poet was called to serve the Motherland.

26. Alexander Blok served in the engineering and construction troops.

27. For the first time, Alexander Blok fell in love while traveling with his mother in Germany.

28. Alexander Blok also received an education at St. Petersburg University.

29. First, Blok studied at the Faculty of Law, and then at the Faculty of History and Philology.

30. The rector of the university where Blok studied was his grandfather, A.N. Becket.

31. At the age of 16, Alexander Blok had to take up acting because he wanted to conquer the audience.

32. In 1909, Alexander Blok rested with his wife in Italy and Germany.

33. Block's creative path contained several directions.

34. Alexander Blok was interested in children's literature, and therefore he wrote many poems specifically for children.

35. Blok had a heart disease.

36. At the age of 9, Alexander Blok published a magazine called Ship.

37. The Beketov family from childhood tried to protect Blok from everything bad.

38. Blok was a well-mannered and neat boy.

39. Blok's mother, Alexandra Andreevna, was the daughter of the rector of the university.

40. At the age of 9, Blok's mother left his dad.

41. The mother of Alexander Blok preferred the guards officer Kublitz-Piottukh instead of his father.

42. Alexander Blok accepted the revolution with particular enthusiasm.

43. The poet's childhood years were spent in the Grenada barracks, which are located near St. Petersburg.

44. In 1912, Blok wrote a drama called "The Rose and the Cross".

45. The poet died of inflammation of the heart valve.

46. ​​Blok served in Belarus during the 1st World War.

47. In 1918, Blok appeared a rather mysterious work "The Twelve".

48. The last touch of Alexander Blok was the cycle of poems "Scythians".

49. Blok was suspected of an anti-Soviet conspiracy.

50. In 1920, Alexander Blok's stepfather died.

51. Before his death, Blok tried to destroy his own manuscripts.

52. In the early 1920s, Alexander Blok suffered from insufficient funds and hunger.

53. The poet rests at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

54. Shortly before his death, Alexander Blok developed asthma and mental illness.

55. Alexander Blok was an adherent of symbolism.

56. At the beginning of the spring of the 1920s, Alexander Blok applied for a visa.

57. Blok's dramas and poems are known all over the world.

58. Alexander Blok was crazy about Russia.

59. In addition to his wife, Alexander Blok was associated with 2 more women: opera singer Andreeva-Delmas and actress Natalya Volokhova.

60. Alexander Blok died in his own apartment.

61. In 1889, a stepfather appeared in Blok's life.

62. Despite the fact that Blok's parents were divorced, he bears his father's surname.

63. Blok traveled to France in 1913.

64. In 1911 Blok traveled around France.

65. Alexander Blok valued Zhukovsky, Polonsky and Pushkin above all else.

66. Blok developed such a concept as symbolism.

67. The first woman of the Blok was Ksenia Mikhailovna.

68. Blok's wife was not faithful to her own husband because she cheated on him.

69. Alexander Blok tried to challenge his wife's lover to a duel.

70. Blok's wife gave birth to a child from another man. A few days after birth, the baby died.

71. The works of this poet until now cause an ambiguous reaction and disputes among writers.

72. The last book published by Blok was Ramses.

73. Alexander Blok had to perform at the Bolshoi Drama Theater.

74. In 1920, Alexander began to develop signs of depression.

75. Anatoly Lunacharsky rescued Alexander Blok from prison.

76. In the spring of 1912, Alexander Blok was invited to go fishing, but he did not go there, which saved his own life. Blok's comrades, who were then on the boat, capsized.

77. Having visited Italy in 1909, Alexander wrote unique poems that became a pass to the Academy of Writers Society.

78. In the house of the Beketovs, where Blok spent his childhood, they loved poetry.

79. Blok had an affair with Ksenia Sadovskaya for 4 years.

80. Blok and Ksenia met at a resort.

81. The revolutionary events were perceived by Blok with particular enthusiasm.

82. Lyubov Mendeleev Blok met his future wife during his university years.

83. In the course of the revolutionary years, Blok departed from symbolism.

84. Blok's poetic creations are characterized by mysticism.

85. The works of Alexander Blok were distinguished by their organic nature, deep unity and intense dynamics of the development of events.

86. Blok's name is perceived by people as a symbol of modernity.

87. The work of Alexander Blok is included in the curriculum of each school in literature.

88. Blok and his wife lived separately from each other for a long time.

89. During the fatal illness of Alexander Blok, the spouses were reunited.

90.1906-1907 for Blok was a period of reassessment of values.

91. When Alexander Blok lived in post-revolutionary St. Petersburg, he learned about the death of his first love, Ksenia Sadovskaya.

92. Ksenia Sadovskaya, who was Blok's woman, is twice his age.

93. Friends of Alexander Blok thought that it was from hopelessness and grief that the poet took the path of death.

94. The first book of Alexander Blok - "Poems about a beautiful lady."

95. Blok's service in the army prompted him to write a book called The Last Days of Imperial Power.

96. Before his death, the poet deliberately refused to drink and eat.

97. The poet was cremated.

98. Alexander Blok was fascinated by socialism.

99. Blok had no luck with women.

100. Blok's father died in 1909.

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In Russia, 2015 was announced Year of Literature. The event in the world of literature is unprecedented, since it opens up great opportunities for learning about this richest world of beauty, for educating feelings.

The Year of Literature is a time of discoveries, including in literary criticism. After all, what can I say, even the most experienced researchers admit that very, very little is known about the life and work of the greatest artists of the word, who left behind immortal literary masterpieces. Alexander Blok, whose biography is filled with interesting facts, can be attributed to a cohort of little-studied personalities of Russian literature.

Blok's biography: interesting facts from Blok's life

Blok's biography: interesting facts

The poet, who became one of the recognized geniuses of the Silver Age, did not live the longest life. He died at the age of 41, but since the heyday of his work fell on a very important historical turning point that happened in the fate of Russia, the poet left behind poetic works, which to this day cause mixed reactions and scientific disputes among literary critics. Interesting facts in Blok's biography are a tangled ball of human relationships.

Alexander Blok was born on November 16, 1880. Having reached the age of five, he unconsciously began to compose poetry. Of course, it was difficult to call them serious, most likely, the test of the pen of a very small Sasha was imitative. Nevertheless, from year to year the passion for literature became stronger, and already at the age of 11, young Blok dedicated a small cycle of poems to his mother.

At the age of 17, when every young man falls ill with romanticism, he meets and falls in love with a woman much older than himself. It happened in Germany, when Alexander was on vacation with his mother. By the way, according to one of the questionnaires, which, according to the rules of the institution, the guests filled out, Alexander Blok was very fond of beer and simply adored ice cream. But back to an interesting fact in his biography - first love.