Quotes about personal life. About personal life statuses

Personal development- a pleasant and exciting journey ... in most cases. Sometimes you may find out something about yourself that you don't like. These are usually the points that require the most attention. If you find yourself denying or ignoring any part of yourself that you KNOW, needs to be changed, but you resist it, you may find it helpful to read some quotes on personal development to keep you motivated.

After all, investing in yourself is always profitable!

Offer: pick one quote every day and meditate on it. Put yourself in the position of the author and see things from their point of view, especially if you don't understand the quote or disagree with it. What can you grasp from the submission of this quote?

  • "When you want something, the entire universe joins forces to help you achieve it."- Paulo Coelho, Alchemist
  • "When you stop blaming others for your happiness, you will be happier."- Nina Gilbo
  • "The word‘ listen ’” (‘listen’) consists of the same letters as the word ‘silent’ (‘quiet’) ”- Alfred Brendel
  • "Pure intentions are more important than ideal actions"- Ilyas Kassam
  • “Even in the most peaceful environment, an evil heart finds conflict. Even in the most conflictual stop, a grateful heart finds peace "- Before Zantamata
  • “Everything we hear is opinions, not facts. All that we see is a glance, not the truth "- Marcus Aurelius
  • “Life is for living, and curiosity is for satisfying it. Under no circumstances should you turn your back on life. "- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "When there is no wind, row"- latin proverb
  • “You are who you are because you want to be. If you really wanted to be different, you would be changing right now. "- Fred Smith

You yourself are your most valuable asset!

  • "Consciousness creates good or evil, unhappiness or happiness, wealth or poverty"- Edmund Spencer
  • “How stupid it is to throw your whole life into the trash; but throw it away in parts - please, as much as you like "- John Hove

  • "People are attracted not by what they want, but by what they are"- James Allen
  • “You get what you subconsciously want. And you avoid what you subconsciously do not want "- Bo Sanchez
  • “It's not things that change; we are changing "–Henry David Thoreau
  • "Meditation is the magnifying glass of the soul"- Owen Feltam
  • "That which is called comes."- Kai Lognfellow
  • "All things are possible to him that believes" [Mark 9:23]
  • "The most useless of days is a day without laughter"- E. E. Cummings
  • "What We Love Tells Us Who We Are"- Thomas Aquinas
  • "Postponement - the art of keeping up with yesterday"- Don Marquis
  • "When you sow love, you bloom"- Ma Jaya Sati Bagavati
  • “Optimism is a belief that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. "- Helen Keller
  • “Finding inner peace does not mean turning life into continuous happiness. It means being able to immerse yourself in a happy state of consciousness in the chaos of modern life. "- Jill Bolte Taylor
  • “If you are stressed by an external object, the pain is not caused by the object itself, but by your judgment of it; and you can always debunk a judgment "- Marcus Aurelius
  • "Loving what you do and feeling that it means something - what could be more pleasant?"- Katherine Graham
  • "Learn to lose wisely, for one of the greatest arts on earth is the art of losing."- Charles Kettering
  • “People often turn their approach to life upside down; they try to make as much property or money as possible so that they can do more of what they want and, as a result, be happier. But everything works just the opposite. First of all, you have to be who you really are, and then do what it takes to have what you want. "- Margaret Young
  • “I have never been poor - only bankrupt. Poverty is a way of thinking. Bankruptcy - Temporary Circumstances - Mike Todd
  • “Have you ever noticed that where the problem is, there you are? This is your problem - both in terms of perception and in terms of responsibility. Get rid of your beliefs that see the situation as a problem, and the problem will disappear! " - Dr. Hugh Len

Can you do this! Set goals high!

  • “Don't look where you fell. Look where you slipped. "- author unknown
  • "The secret of my success is that I strive to bite off a larger piece and chew it faster."- Paul Hogan
  • "When we give ourselves the right to fail, we also give ourselves the right to succeed."- Elois Rystad
  • "If you're still thinking about it, then it's worth the risk."- Paulo Coelho
  • "The bolder the action, the more brilliant, magical and stronger the result will be."- Robert Ringer
  • "An idea that is not supported by action will never become more than the brain cell it occupies."- Arnold Glasgow
  • “You go either to what you love or from what you are afraid of. The first develops, the second limits "- Tom Crum
  • "Courage is the ability to go beyond the known"- Raymond Lindqvist
  • "Discontent is the driving force of progress"- Thomas Edison
  • “You become as small as the desire that drives you, and as big as your main desire” - James Allen
  • "You can't cross the sea just by looking at the water"- Rabindranath Tagore

Use these personal development quotes and the personal development tools available to you in the Silva Method as allies on your path to personal growth. Take inspiration from other people's wise words. And if some of them do not find a response in your soul, put yourself in the place of the author and try to look at things with his eyes. You never know which of the quotes is capable of kindling a flame in you!

Success, like most things, starts with your relationship to it. And if you are fighting for it, then a new selection of motivating quotes about success and achievements that I have collected will help you with this. . Motivating quotes from great people - quotes tested by time and formed as a result of the activities of great people. Quotes from great people are quotes from millionaires, billionaires, great scientists and wonderful people who changed history.

1. Problems should not push you in the back, but dreams should lead forward. Douglas Everett

2. You will not grow unless you try to accomplish something beyond what you already know perfectly. Ralph Emerson

3. Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and it will be given to you according to your faith. William James

4. You will never be able to solve the problem that has arisen if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

5. And if you are not sure of yourself, nothing good will ever work out. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, who will believe?

6. We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits, your life will change. Robert Kiyosaki

7. You will fail. You will have injuries. You will be wrong. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, everyday problems - all this more than once or twice will become an obstacle to training. However, the needle on your internal compass should always point in the same direction — toward your goal. Stuart McRobert

8. The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things. Henry Ward Beecher

9. If you stop every time you are insulted or spit at you, then you will never get to the place where you need to go. Tibor Fischer

10. Faced with difficulties, you cannot give up, run. You must evaluate the situation, look for solutions and believe that everything is being done for the best. Patience is the key to victory. Nick Vuychich

11. There should be no limits for us. Richard Bach

12. The difference between someone who has achieved something and someone who has not achieved anything is determined by who started earlier. Charles Schwab

13. Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down. George Clooney

14. Be able to remain yourself and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. Paracelsus

15. First, don't do anything for no reason or purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that would not be beneficial to society. Marcus Aurelius

16. Knowledge is not enough, you have to apply it. Desires are not enough, you have to do. Bruce Lee

17. If you don't like what you get, change what you give. Carlos Castaneda

18. All victories begin with a victory over oneself. Leonid Leonov

19. You should not compare yourself to others, and if nature created you as a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. Hermann Hesse

20. The emerging desires must be realized without delay. And then all the pleasure is lost. Wanted - did, what to pull, life is short. Here and now! Mikhail Weller

21. Wishing and waiting - this will not go far. Get up and start following your dream. Jared Leto

22. You can neither win nor lose as long as you do not participate in the races. David Bowie

23. Whatever you come up with, there will always be someone who has already done it before you. So the main thing is to do it better. Adriano Celentano

24. Sleep. Dream. Wake up Take action. Come up with. Fight. Win. Sleep. Dream. Jared Leto

25. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! The action will describe and define you. Thomas Jefferson

26. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals. Benjamin Franklin

27. I want it. So it will be. Henry Ford

28. Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can go anywhere. Albert Einstein

29. The main thing is to give all your strength to the chosen cause and rumor will go from you. For perfection is rare. André Maurois

30. Dream as if you live forever. Live as if you were dying today. James Dean

Train your brain with pleasure

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31. If you want to be successful, ask yourself 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? Jimmy Dean

32. Our destiny is shaped precisely by those small imperceptible decisions that we make 100 times a day. Anthony Robbins

33. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but wiser. Henry Ford

34. Even if you are very talented and make a lot of effort, some results just take time: you will not have a baby in a month, even if you force nine women to become pregnant. Warren Buffett

Read also:

35. Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done." Pythagoras

36. Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live the way others cannot. author unknown

37. I used to say, "I hope everything changes." Then I realized that there was only one way for everything to change - to change yourself. Jim Rohn

38. Hard work is a bunch of easy things that you didn't do when you should have done. John Maxwell

39. You learn the fastest in three cases - up to 7 years old, at trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. Stephen Covey

40. A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds love in what he does. Peaceful warrior

41. The warrior acts, but the fool protests. Peaceful warrior

42. He who does nothing is not mistaken! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - be afraid to repeat mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt

43. The ship is safer in the port, but it was not built for this. Grace Hopper

44. There is only one way to do great work - to love it! Steve Jobs

45. Better to light one candle than curse the darkness. Chinese proverb

46. ​​Do what you can with what you have and where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

47. There can be nothing great without an idea! There can be nothing beautiful without greatness. Gustave Flaubert

48. Each dream is given to you together with the forces necessary for its realization. Richard Bach

49. Life is a big canvas and you have to throw all the paint you can on it. Danny Kay

50. The path of a thousand li begins with one single small step. Lao Tzu

51. A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, and imagination is infinite. Albert Einstein

52. Investment in knowledge yields the highest dividends. Benjamin Franklin

53. Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, managing to do between these two events what you really like. Bob Dylan

54. Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do. Brian Tracy

55. Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires. Washington Irving

56. If you give up your dream, what is left? Jim carrey

57. Either you are in control of the day or the day is in control of you. Jim Rohn

58. Happiness is not always about doing what you want, but about always wanting what you do. Lev Tolstoy

59. When you innovate, be prepared to be called crazy. Larry Ellison

60. Great souls have will, while weak souls have only desires. Chinese proverb

61. Strive to become market leaders. Own and control critical technology in everything you do. Steve Jobs

62. There is a hidden force in your subconscious that can turn the world upside down. William James

63. Do business with people you like and who share your goals. Warren Buffett

64. We are what we do all the time. Therefore, perfection is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

65. We are the masters of our destiny. We are the captains of our souls. Winston Churchill

66. Motivation alone is not enough. If you take an idiot and motivate him, you get a motivated idiot. Jim Rohn

67. You will never be too old for that. To set a new goal or dream about something new. Clive Staples Lewis

68. The most important things in the world were accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left. Dale Cornegie

69. If you want to be successful, you have to look like you have it. Thomas More

70. Anyone who cannot dispose of 2/3 days personally for himself should be called a slave. Friedrich Nietzsche

71. Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to the shoemakers. Albert Einstein

72. Our achievements always match our ambitions. Andrey Kurpatov

73. In twenty years, you will regret what you did not do, rather than what you did. Therefore, put your doubts aside. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch a fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open up. Mark Twain

74. If you do not learn to control yourself, others will control you. Hasai Aliyev

75. Smile because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons to smile. Marilyn Monroe

76. Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by. Richard Branson

77. I had no working days or days off. I just did and will enjoy it. Thomas Edison

78. A person cannot do the right thing in one area of ​​his life, when he does wrong in others. Life is an indivisible whole. Mahatma Gandhi

79. Instead of lamenting that a rose has thorns, I rejoice that a rose grows among the thorns. Joseph Joubert

80. You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid to lose sight of the shore. Christopher Columbus

81. Strive to be not just a successful person, but valuable. Albert Einstein

82. It is said that motivation does not last long. Well, so is the freshness after the bath. Therefore, it is worth taking care of them daily. Zig Ziglar

83. Believe that you can, and half the way has already been passed. Theodore Roosevelt

85. Life is measured not by the number of our breaths, but by the number of moments from which the breath is intercepted. Maya Angelou

86. Feel the wind in your sail. Move ... If there is no wind, grab the oars. Latin proverb

87. If you value what you have in life, you will always receive even more. If you only think about what you do not have, you will never have enough. Oprah Winfrey

88. Either write a book worth reading or do something worth writing a book. Benjamin Franklin

89. I have conceded over 9000 shots in my career and lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to make the final winning shot and missed. I have been defeated again and again and again. And that's why I have been successful. Michael Jordan

90. A meaningless life is not worth living. Socrates

91. 80% of success is appearing in the right place at the right time. Woody Allen

92. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.

93. Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi

94. The two most important days in your life: the day when you were born, and the day when you understood why. Mark Twain

95. The best revenge is a huge success. Frank Sinatra

96. Start copying what you like. Copy. Copy. Copy. And you will find yourself. Yoji Yamamoto

97. The real hobby of our generation is nagging and dumb talk about nothing. Bad relationships, academic problems, boss is an asshole. This is all complete bullshit. If you don't succeed, then there is only one asshole - you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change just by tearing your ass off the couch. George Carlin

98. Don't be different if you can be yourself. Paracelsus

99. Tomorrow - the first blank sheet of the book of 365 pages. Write a good book. Brad paisley

100. That which will not be written will never be fulfilled. Tom Clancy

It would be better if you followed your appearance as you did my personal life ...

Life is not about waiting for the downpour to subside. She is to learn to dance in the rain.

It is not difficult to meet the man of your dreams, it is difficult to hide him from your husband!

They say that when you stop waiting for a person, he comes back.

Faster than weekends and holidays, only money runs out!

The season "who took a picture of the coolest with lilacs" has begun

Before judging someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain. Bump into every rock he tripped over. And only after that, say that you know how to live correctly.

If your life is not sugar, not someone else's salt ...

How old am I? It's time to enjoy life with those with whom you want, and not serve your duty with those with whom you are obliged.

Appreciate people who give you the right to choose, and do not force you to do what they need!

everyone in life has such a person, after whom you change. and it didn't matter at all whether it was boundless happiness or crazy pain. you just understand that you will not be the same as before.

People like me are not lying on the road !!! And if they are lying around ... well, I didn’t make it home, well, it doesn’t happen to anyone.

Being at work doesn't mean working. Being in the same apartment doesn't mean being a family. To be present on earth and to be alive does not yet mean to live.

Kiss your mom, she is not eternal ... About personal life statuses

I will give my loyalty to my husband, love to my son, beauty to my daughter, and respect to my parents.

Love in a marriage lasts as long as the husband and wife continue to take an interest in each other's thoughts.

You wonder how quickly the day goes by. And then you realize that it was not a day, but life.

In family life, to shut up in time is a great talent!)))

If someone calls you when they are drunk, appreciate it. You are very dear to this person ...

Stop filling your life with just anyone, and it will be filled with whoever you need ...

Sometimes it becomes so cool, because of what became so, what was so important.

Life is good - this is when you leave the house for dinner on Friday evening and just in case you take your passport.

The hardest thing to let go is not a person, but a dream that he gave, but did not fulfill ...

More fear of loneliness, maybe only the fear of spending your whole life with the wrong person.

The idea was not found by me, but this is a valuable parting word: in order to live in harmony with your wife, you argue with her in her absence. ;)

Seeing how life leaves a person who is dear to you and not being able to help is the worst punishment. All problems simply pale in comparison. Take care of yourself and your loved ones…

I was late for work because in the morning I climbed over my husband and was a little late ...

My soul is my home! I keep someone in the hallway. I invite a few into the living room. Only one gets into my bedroom ... But there are those whom I will not even let on the doorstep!

If a person says a lot and promises, you should know that these are only words and he will not do anything.

Don't forget to throw the trash out ... out of the bucket ... out of your head ... out of life!

Girls! Do not cut your husbands, you still have to live with these sawdust)

About personal life statuses

Our books are so different: about business, creativity, psychology, sports, travel and much more. And underneath every cover there are wise thoughts that can change your life for the better. Here are some inspiring quotes:

Freedom of choice

In life, you always have a choice. Whatever it is about: choosing wardrobes, who you spend your time with, what gifts you give, what you believe in, and what thoughts you focus on. Chaos is your choice. Anger is your choice. Resentment is also a choice. As well as the breadth of the soul, flexibility, compassion, tenderness, resilience ...

(From the book "Live with Feeling")

True happiness takes effort: you have to identify what really matters to you and then focus on those values.

(From the book "What will you choose?")

Your life is a collection of every special piece of time that you can use as you like.

(From book« From urgent to important » )

You have to look for your own path in life, and not follow in someone's footsteps. No need to imitate someone, even if they are your own people.

(From the book "My Travels. The Next 10 Years")

By giving up the right to choose, we are giving others not just power, but explicit permission to make choices for us.

(From the book "Essentialism")

About purposefulness

If you are not determined to overcome all obstacles, then you will be pushed to the sidelines and bypassed by people who have more determination and will to win.

(From the book "How the Best Manage")

If you try, you have two options - work or fail. If you don't try, one.

(From the book "How to Conquer Fear")

Any time that you waste in vain distracts you from moving towards the desired result.

(From the book "Managers Are Not Born")

Dreams come true when desires turn into goals.

(From the book "What to Dream About")

About relationships

We want intimacy to protect ourselves from loneliness. But free space and distance are necessary to preserve feelings. Instead of striving for ever more intimacy, each partner should develop as a person.

(From the book "Reproduction in captivity")

Don't show your love in a way that pleases you. Express it in a way that pleases your lover.

(From the book "Reflections on Personal Development")

You can be either happy or right. If you want to stay in touch and win every argument, then you're in trouble.

(From the book Better Perfection)

About travel

The point of travel is not to move from one point of space to another and stay there for a while. The real traveler discovers the world and discovers himself in the world.

(From the book "Suitcase Mood")

The desire to explore, to learn the unknown is inherent in human nature. To give up research altogether is the only path to failure.

(From the book "Lost in the Ice")

A day in the mountains is like a magnificent symphony.

(From the book "My Travels")

About creativity

Creativity is like freedom: once you have tried it, you cannot live without it. It is a transformative, healing process. Dictators suppress creativity because it promotes independent thinking, spontaneity, self-respect and awakens the strength of the spirit in a person.

(From the book "Creative Connection")

When you declare yourself as an artist, you suddenly find yourself what a way, lying in front of you,abounds in both exciting discoveries,and terrible monsters.

(From the book "Create all day")

Talent is perhaps one of the greatest fetishes. Talent is negligible compared to hard work, preparedness and perseverance.

(From the book "Write professionally")

For some reason, no one cries about the world champions when they go to the gym for the first time. And an artist sometimes hesitates for twenty years to try to dazzle something, because he will never be like Michelangelo!

(From book )

About work

If you believe in the dignity of the human race, base your work on that belief.

(From the book "Work rules!")

Work and play have a common quality - creativity. In both cases, we are building our world, creating new relationships, neural connections, objects. Even demolishing buildings is a creative act because it clears space for a new building.

(From the book "The Game")

Success is not determined by the growth of profits and the expansion of the company, but by how comfortable you work.

(From the book "Great, Not Great")

People who are happy to immerse themselves in their business are the best role models.

(From the book "Dreaming is not harmful")

Your job should enable you to live the life you want. Don't push yourself to do things that don't make you happy just to be able to pay your bills.

(From the book "How to work where you want, how much you want and get a stable income")

About leadership

One of the skills that distinguishes a leader from a follower is the ability to see what could have been, but which is not yet.

(From the book "Break the Rules")

Leadership is not a popularity contest. Leaders trying to become popular often overlook the really important things and waste energy. Remember, the only thing that matters is the result!

(From the book "Managers Are Not Born")

Humility is the cornerstone of leadership, which is based on the "I want to help you achieve your goals!" Attitude, the opposite of "I am in charge and you depend on me." Of course, not all leaders see service as part of their responsibilities, but good leaders do.

(From the book "Do not retreat and do not give up")

If you want to stay sane for a long time, then provide yourself with at least 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day.

(From The Brain: A Brief Guide)

Success in sports depends on the ability to endure suffering. Iron discipline, focus on preparation and at the same time variability, the need to change something in the process, constantly surprise your body with new loads give an excellent result.

(From book )

Do you have any favorite book quotes? Share in the comments!