List of bad habits. The diagnosis "mess", or how to get rid of the clutter in the house

The best way to maintain order in the house - to stop thoughtless consumption. The fewer things in your apartment, the easier it is to organize them and determine what you need and what you can give or throw away.
In the meantime, while you are redefining your views on consumption, adopt seven good habits for dealing with clutter.

kris krüg /

Paper mail tends to accumulate - on the desktop or on the bedside table in the hallway. You drop the letter without opening it, and soon a whole mountain of waste paper piles up.

Make it a rule to immediately open paper letters and assign them a place - in the trash can or in a folder on your desktop. And also checks and warranty cards - put them in one place and revise them periodically to throw out what has become useless over time.

Jennifer Miller /

Do this especially if you hate doing the dishes. It is easier to wash one or two plates than washing a whole mountain of dishes with dried food. You spend two minutes, and the kitchen remains clean and pleasing to the eye.

Make your bed every morning

Clutter breeds confusion. And the bedroom clearly demonstrates this principle. Your bed is the heart of the bedroom, and when it's left unmade, clutter starts to build up around you.

So the first thing to do when cleaning your bedroom is to make the bed. And the first thing to do to keep the house in order is to clean up right in the morning (or find a person who will do it for you).

Take things off the kitchen table

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The kitchen table is one of the places that attracts clutter. Make sure that the kitchen table remains clean: a hand will not rise on a perfectly clean table to put things that should not be there. And dinner will become much more pleasant.

Return things to their place

Each thing has its own purpose and its place. Make it a rule to return things to their places at the end of the day. We were told this more than once in childhood, but many have not learned to be in order.

It takes very little time, but every morning you start in a clean apartment and stop looking for the things you need.

Do everything immediately that can be done in a couple of minutes

Often times, confusion starts with procrastination, when you put off small things for later.

Remember a simple rule: if a task can be done in two minutes, do it now.

Take out the trash, put dirty things in the washing machine, put the TV remote back in place, wipe the dusty monitor. Each time you complete a small task, you take another step towards ordering the house.

surprise truck /

Clutter often occurs where too many items are stored in a confined space: too many clothes in the closet, too much bedding in the drawer, bathroom accessories, books, gadgets, and other things on the shelf.

When a corner of your house is overflowing with things, free up space - take them apart and throw away what you don't need. And don't delay, it will take two to 15 minutes and one of the sources of the clutter will be eliminated.

Each of these habits will help you keep your home tidy. And, of course, the fewer things you keep at home, the easier it is to follow these rules.

If you want a clean house, don't buy too much. It always works.

How do you keep order in your home?

Oddly enough, but the key to cleanliness and order in the house are the habits of the owner laid down in childhood or at a more conscious age. It's good if most of them came from our parents. But often, some simply need to be consciously cultivated and educated in themselves. Believe me, it's never too late to start doing this.

Here are some habits that you can take on board and try to instill them in yourself, or maybe they will push you to more interesting thoughts and ideas? Read it, and then take a piece of paper and reflect on this topic. Perhaps you will even make some discoveries for yourself, or, on the contrary, find them trivial, how to brush your teeth in the morning. It doesn't matter if your home is perfect or you are just at the beginning of the path to cleanliness and order, in any case, you should think about at least some of them.

1. Put things in their places

This may seem like a simple rule, but trust me, if you follow it, you will never again worry about this or that room turning into a disaster. If you don’t have time, at least agree with yourself that you will put all your belongings in their places before you go to bed. If you want to clean the room earlier, put things back in place immediately after use.

Try an experiment and spend about an hour cleaning one of the rooms once a week, preparing it for the next week. If this tires you and you don't want to re-clean your room, then you may start not to litter in the first place!

2. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Very often, procrastination is the mother of confusion. You tend to put off small things until later, at a more convenient moment. There are more and more of them, and clutter takes over your home.

Take advantage of the Japanese rule: if it can be done in two minutes, do it right away. Wash the cup after coffee, take out the trash, load things into the washing machine, hide the charger from the mobile phone and return the hand cream to its rightful place. These things take a little time, but they bring you closer to order in the house.

3. Daily cleaning of the bathroom

Make it a rule for yourself: during the morning procedures in the bathroom, devote a couple of minutes to light cleaning:

I took a shower - rinse the walls with water to remove soapy smudges, and wipe them with a special roller for shower cabins. It takes 5 seconds and keeps the bathroom fresh - a very healthy habit that would be great to instill in all family members.

I brushed my teeth - tidy up the sink so that soapy smudges and toothpaste marks do not freeze on it. The easiest way is to keep the tile cleaner and sponge right in the bathroom so you can quickly apply it, rinse it off and leave the bathroom tidy. The whole procedure takes 30 seconds at most.

4. Make your bed every morning

Perhaps you will say: what is the point if you have to straighten it in the evening? But perhaps this is what will set you up and make you more focused for the whole day and set the rhythm of productivity. If you're in a rush, simply pull the duvet over the pillows and flatten it to give the bed a neat look. Your day will begin with an imaginary list, from which you cross out your first daily routine as soon as you get up. Believe me, such a small thing will create a sense of order in the bedroom and can perfectly set up a working mood and keep this mood for the rest of the day.

5. Always clean kitchen

Resist the temptation to tumble onto the couch right after dinner. Instead, complete your kitchen work — empty and polish the sink and stove, and remove the counter and countertops. By rinsing plates and cups immediately after a meal, you free up more time to spend on yourself. The larger the pile of dishes, the more difficult it is to start eliminating it.

Evening cleaning is a guarantee that the next day you will not have to peel off hardened food residues from pots. For motivation, imagine the same feeling when you walk into the "rays of the sun" in the morning, and not into a landfill.

6. After changing clothes, put things in the closet or take them to the wash

Sometimes it is not very convenient to hang a thing in the closet every day, especially when the closet is packed tightly enough. Purchase a clothes rack or dummy bedside hanger. These devices will not only help to keep things in order, but with their original design they will decorate your room. It is not difficult to fold things yourself, but how to teach a child to do this? The child's clothes should be stored in places where he himself could get them and put them in place. It should be easy and convenient for him to do it. Buy a special plastic box that can be used to store stained clothes without mixing them with clean ones.

7. Save space

Typically, the most cluttered place in every bedroom is the closet. To keep your closet neat and tidy, the first step is to get rid of the clothes you don't wear. Secondly, you need to separate your clothes according to their seasonal affiliation and put away any items that will not be useful to you in the next few months.

Once you've done this, consider saving space in your closet to help you avoid clutter in the future. As a rule, the farthest space of the top shelves of the cabinets is often empty, because getting things out of there is not very convenient. However, now there are very useful helpers in housekeeping - special drawers (organizers) with compartments for storing socks and underwear. Putting all the "small things" there, firstly, you will save space, and secondly, you will save the time that you had to spend looking for these things.

Also set aside a separate storage area for ties, belts, and scarves. If your closet does not have empty drawers or shelves, glue Velcro hooks on the back of the door on which you can hang hangers with all these accessories. To save space on the shelves of the cabinet, knitted items can be rolled up rather than laid out. This way, you will also be able to avoid creases in the fabric.

How to get rid of a bad habit? A bad habit is an enemy that lives in your soul and you constantly obey him. Habits are what people do without thinking, which is why there are so many of them, especially harmful ones. They are stronger than you, and you need to do everything possible to eradicate them and instill good habits.
Usually, when they talk about bad habits, they immediately mean smoking, alcohol and drug use. Yes, these are bad habits that negatively affect a person's health and quality of life, and if they are present, then he must get rid of them.

At first glance, there is a mess in the house, constant delays, etc. - look harmless. Have you ever thought about the fact that it is they that prevent you from feeling truly happy, in addition, they also interfere with the people who are next to you.

Accustomed to being late all the time

You do not have 5 - 15 minutes to come to work on time, to meet you, you are constantly late somewhere, and after that you apologize, give explanations, and it has become a habit. Do you realize how much nerves and energy you are losing in order to extricate yourself from this situation?

In order to become punctual, you need to plan ahead and give yourself a little time. Move all hands of the clock 15 minutes forward, so you can leave the house earlier. If you need to come to work at 09:00, then write in your plan that work will start at 08:45.

Give yourself a punishment if you are late again and a reward if you come on time. If you manage to give up the bad habit of being constantly late, then you will feel like an incredibly calm, self-confident person.

Postpone business “for Monday.

“I'll do it tomorrow,” “I'll start on Monday,” “I'll do it later,” all are familiar phrases! You promise something to someone, but you still don't have time to convince yourself that the time has come a long time ago to fulfill the promise or to do what you constantly postpone. Putting aside for last moment, find yourself in a state of chronic stress.

You only need to devote forty minutes a day to completing the task you are postponing. You can do a lot in 40 minutes, so you just need to start and complete the task certain time every day until you complete it. At the same time, some things are not so scary and impracticable.

To overcome this bad habit, it is necessary to distribute the performance of work into several stages, for example, a lot of all sorts of things have gathered in the closet, chaos has appeared, and in order to clean everything at once you need to spend a lot of time and energy on it.

On the first day, collect and throw away all the broken, leaky, all unnecessary boxes, that is, what you no longer need. On the second day, throw away or give someone old clothes, shoes, and other unnecessary items. On the third day, give the items you need. Working in the closet forty minutes a day can quickly and easily put things in order.

When you postpone your tasks, you create a lot of stress in yourself - you simply cannot feel like a free person until all these tasks are completed. They do not allow you to sleep peacefully, keep you in constant tension, do not allow your psyche to relax even for a moment.

As soon as you have something to do, then immediately enter it in your diary, if this is a difficult task for you, then distribute it for 40 minutes every day. Give yourself some kind of reward for completing a difficult task, so you can defeat this harmful skill, save yourself from chronic stress and find peace of mind.

We got used to control everything.

You feel like an irreplaceable person, you always do everything yourself, you don't like it when someone helps you or does it for you. You think that no one can do better than you. In addition, they are ready to fulfill other people's duties, if only everything was done efficiently, strive for perfection in the little things.

Realize that many things can be done without your guidance or participation. If someone cannot do better than you, then most likely they simply do not have the necessary experience.

Remember yourself, because you didn’t succeed right away. Try to step aside at least once, leaving your tasks to be done by other people, and you will see that nothing terrible will happen.

If someone has a strong desire to help you and redo your business, then immediately give up your seat and do what you enjoy doing or just relax. And then, instead of reproaching if something was not done as it should be, rejoice that you had the opportunity to rest, and that the other person was able to show his talent.

A sense of responsibility creates in your life constant pressure, you are wasting your time and energy. The most important thing for you is to control your physical and emotional state, and not to solve problems on your own that are not directly related to you. Being a responsible person is not easy, so take care of yourself and arrange your affairs in such a way that other people will take part in them.

When you do everything without help or instead of others, then you have no time for yourself. Find yourself a hobby, engage in creativity, self-development and then you can get full satisfaction from your favorite business and from life in general.

You are a disorganized person.

You often have to be nervous and angry that you cannot find your things, you always forget dates, you have a complete mess at your workplace and at home. In this case, you are a disorganized person.

To remake yourself and become an organized person, you need to make a plan for each day, week, month, year, several years ahead, and also write everything down. Don't count on your memory, buy yourself a diary and mark in it important dates and tasks.

Make a list of things and products to buy and a list of people you should call. In your daily planner, plan everything you do.

In a conspicuous place, hang a list of important things to do, mark all the birthdays of loved ones and acquaintances in the calendar, or make yourself reminders in the form of various objects and pictures.

Put things in order at home and at your workplace: put all documents in folders, put all books and things in their places, ruthlessly get rid of unnecessary things and which you have not used for a long time. Try to leave everything in a certain place, then you will not have to constantly look for something.

When you are looking for something, you create additional stress for yourself, drain your nervous system, and worsen your overall health. Plan your business, find your place for everything, try to become an organized person and you will get rid of chaos not only at work and at home, but in your whole life. Then you can achieve your goals faster.

Instead of outdoor activities, love to lie on the couch.

Coming home from work, the first thing to do is to rush to sit comfortably on your favorite soft sofa or armchair and watch TV for hours. At this moment, you immediately forget that you were planning to visit a fitness club or go in for sports. As a result, instead of dedicating the evening to health and beauty, once again, spend your time in front of the TV.

Make a list of things to do after work. Be sure to include sports in this list. Make a promise to yourself that you will actively relax, move more, and do gymnastics every night. To make it easier for you to fulfill your promise, find like-minded people for yourself. It is easier to fight bad habits with like-minded people.

Some believe that after a hard day at work, you need to lie down on the couch to regain your strength. You can lie down, but not vanish for hours, but define yourself a few minutes in order to really regain your strength, but after that you need to find time for physical exercises that will help you gain new strength. By doing gymnastics, you can get rid of excess weight, drive away the tension that has gathered in your body.

In addition, lying around the whole evening on a comfortable soft sofa, you stop moving, imperceptibly get fat, you get lazy, your life becomes monotonous. Walking, walking and exercising in the fresh air will help you stay healthy. You will have an interesting, active life.

If you decide to start leading a healthy lifestyle, then gradually get rid of all habits that prevent you from living in peace and harm your health. By submitting to a bad habit, you show your weakness and lose faith in yourself. Observe your behavior, make two lists, in one write all your good habits, and in the second all your bad ones. Try to cultivate healthy habits and eliminate bad habits.

Each of us has bad habits. Someone has more, someone less, someone is harmless, and someone has such that lead to the development of severe consequences that slowly kill the body. It is difficult for a person to explain why he bites his nails or jerks his head. All questions have one answer: "I want it so much." What drives this "want?" For a long time, scientists have been studying this issue and have come to the conclusion that our habits help us hide intentions, motives, distract ourselves from the problem and relax.

They are fixed in our memory and for years "walk" with us through life. At the same time, we often do not even notice that we are performing the same actions, which have already become the norm for us. Here is a list of bad habits:


The cigarette market is thriving more and more every day. This is perhaps one of the most profitable businesses that draws people into its ranks with tremendous speed. This habit indicates deep-seated problems, lack of desire for development, insecurity and lack of self-love.


The use of obscene language clearly indicates disrespect of others, lack of confidence in their own abilities. It is a habit when a person uses such words too often.


For some reason, it is believed that the habit of lying on the couch and doing nothing is peculiar exclusively to men. In fact, the fair sex also suffers from it. Such negligence and inability to properly allocate time lowers the standard of living. In most cases, this is observed in people whose efforts and aspirations were previously underestimated. It is also observed in those who are not confident in their own abilities.

Eat in front of the TV

This harmless habit indicates that the person lacks warmth and affection, that he is tired of the routine. Try to escape from problems, relax, spend a vacation at the sea or in the mountains.


Coffee is certainly a delicious drink, but it can exacerbate many diseases, including hypertension. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use it for people who suffer from heart and retinal diseases. The harm from the drink increases several times when combined with tobacco smoke and alcohol.

Biting nails

It occurs against a background of severe fear or overstrain. This habit is observed in infantile, immature individuals.

Lack of sleep

There is a category of people who sleep very little. In most cases, they are workaholics. This habit must be fought, as it contributes to the occurrence of irritability and absent-mindedness. Plus, the body wears out faster, causing the skin to age.

Excess sweets

Excessive consumption of sweets indicates that a person in childhood received little love and attention from parents. Such hobby can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is a 21st century habit to get rid of which is very difficult. People who lack vivid impressions and emotions suffer from it.


The habit of leaving behind a mess is most often observed in creative people... They need to learn not to succumb to weaknesses and to organize their working hours correctly.

If you notice any habits in yourself, do not let them take over your consciousness. Be willing and erase them from your life.

Bad habits of a person are a series of actions that are repeated many times, reaching the level of automatism. These actions are distinguished by their harmfulness from the point of view of social well-being, people around them, or the state of a person trapped in this habit.

The most striking characteristics of bad habits are inexpediency, harmfulness and automatism of actions that a person performs as a result of weak will.

The influence of bad habits on human health is quite detrimental. Of course, not all of them. There are good habits (brushing your teeth, washing your face every morning, saying hello to everyone, exercising, etc.).

The "harm" of bad habits lies in the fact that in the end they will certainly subdue all the activities of the "sick person". After all, harmful habits are characterized by addiction, which is difficult to get rid of.




Toxic substances;

Laziness and passivity;

The habit of gnawing a pen, nails, licking fingers;

The habit of eating in front of the TV;

Constant delays;

Love for sweets;

Shifting all important matters to the last moment or "tomorrow";

The habit of leaving behind a mess;

Improper nutrition;

Non-compliance with the daily regimen.

As you can see, the list is impressive. Do you think that much of the list cannot be called bad habits? Then imagine the situation: you went with a girl to a restaurant, had a delicious dinner with oysters, and then the companion began to lick her fingers. Pleasantly? And if she does it anytime, anywhere - after ice cream in the park, after scrambled eggs for breakfast, after popcorn in the cinema?

But the most terrible consequences, of course, are the habits of using alcohol, nicotine, drugs, because they can develop into addiction. So what can these "pests" lead to?

The harm of smoking to human health consists of the following actions:

Calcium is “drawn out” from the body, teeth deteriorate and turn yellow, the structure of nails and hair is destroyed, the skin of the face turns gray;

Vessels lose their elasticity and become weak and fragile, oxygen supply to the brain and all cells deteriorates, symptoms of hypertension appear;

The functioning of the digestive system deteriorates, an ulcer is formed;

The risk of heart disease, broncho-pulmonary tract, cancer, etc. increases.

Alcohol can lead to the following problems:

The body's resistance to various diseases is weakening;

The liver function worsens and it gradually collapses;

Blood sugar rises;

The work of the digestive and nervous system;

Mortality is increasing as a result of fusel oil poisoning, suicide, and accidents;

Memory is gradually lost, a person degrades.

Addiction is the worst enemy modern society... Its impact can be long described, but let's highlight the most serious threats:

Life is significantly shortened;

Mortality is increasing as a result of drug poisoning, suicide, accidents;

Somatic and neuralgic complications appear;

The personality is grossly degraded;

The body ages quickly;

Criminal behavior is manifested;

The risk of contracting incurable diseases such as HIV increases.

As mentioned above, bad habits are difficult to treat and correct. Therefore, so that they do not appear, it is necessary to think about preventive measures.

Of course, it is more difficult to convince an adult, teach and change his behavior, but the mind of a teenager responds well to the correct presentation of information about the entire danger of drug use, alcohol, smoking and other habits.

Effective means are showing films, video materials, visual aids (for example, the lungs of a smoker, the liver of an alcoholic or ulcers on the body of a drug addict), thematic conversations with the participation of doctors, psychologists, lawyers and other specialists.