What does it mean to feel passion for a person. How do you know if it's love or hobby? Hobby selection by age

HOBBY, hobbies, cf. 1.units only. Action according to ch. carry away in 1 value enthrall (book). 2.units only. Animation, elated state of delight, ardor. Tell with enthusiasm. 3. by whom what. An animated, hot feeling that ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

See love ... Synonym dictionary

HOBBY, me, cf. 1. Animation, inspiration. Work with passion. 2. by whom (by what). Great interest in who what n. W. sports. Whose world n. hobbies. 3. Heart attraction to someone, falling in love. It was u., Not love. Explanatory dictionary… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

enthusiasm- carryover - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general Synonyms entrainment EN entrainment ... Technical translator's guide

enthusiasm- gambling infinite infatuation great infatuation deep infatuation mass infatuation unusual infatuation general infatuation general infatuation strong infatuation passionate infatuation excessive infatuation ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

enthusiasm- I'm with. 1) Excitement, enthusiasm, caused by deep interest. Draw with passion. Our ladies ran with enthusiasm in a whirlwind of waltz with their new acquaintances (Kuprin). Synonyms: soul / clear ascent, enthusiasm / zm 2) (than) Big, increased ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Enthusiasm- a feeling of love, increased interest in relation to any person or business. The presence of passion allows you to carry out the work with enthusiasm, on an emotional upsurge, selflessly, faithfully. Passion allows a person to live life to the fullest ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Enthusiasm- 1) animation, enthusiasm. He interrupted me again, seeing that in my enthusiasm I would not finish soon (A. Prevost, Manon Lescaut). “What a happiness it is to be a zemstvo doctor, to help sufferers, to serve the people. What happiness! " - Catherine repeated ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

enthusiasm- HOBBY1, I, Wed Same as inspiration. The daughter enthusiastically painted a portrait of her mother. HOBBY2, me, cf. Feeling of great interest in someone, something l., An increased desire for something l., A strong desire to do something l.; Syn .: interest, passion, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

enthusiasm- vilkimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dragging; entrainment; pulling vok. Mitbewegung, f; Mitführung, f; Ziehen, n rus. tightening, n; hobby, n; blowing away, n pranc. entraînement, m ... Fizikos terminų žodynas


  • The Duke's Passion, Cartland Barbara. Michael, son of Lord Moore, falls in love with the first beauty of London, Lady Felicata, daughter of the Earl of Wargrave. They spend wonderful days together, and it seems that the young lovers have a happy heart ...
  • Passion and liberation, Alexander Mikhailovich Limitovsky. This book sets out a subjective theory of power. It is called subjective because it views power relations not as something divorced from the everyday life of ordinary people ...

When meeting new people, you can often hear such questions: “What is your hobby?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What are your hobbies?”.

When applying for a job, at an interview, the question about your hobby is also required. After all, this information allows you to draw conclusions about what interests you, as well as some of the nuances associated with the applicant.

However, sad as it is, today many young people fall into a stupor after a question like this:

- Hobby? Yes, I, this, I like to sit at the computer ... And so ... I don't even know ...

This short article pursues simple, but such important goals: to awaken dormant forces in the reader's brain, to move on and give a new impetus to.

Your hobby

If you can easily answer the question about what is your hobby, then you don't need to read further.

First you need to understand: what is a hobby?

Hobby (from the English hobby - hobby, favorite business) is a kind of human activity, a kind of occupation that is done at leisure and for enjoyment.

A hobby is what a person loves and is happy to do in his free time. A hobby is a good way to deal with stress, anger and other negative manifestations. In addition, hobbies often help develop horizons.

If a person does not have any hobbies, then he has a serious reason to think about whether he is developing correctly at all. And the point here is not at all about not blushing in front of friends.

It's just that our brain is so arranged that if you don't use it for a long time, it gradually atrophies, and a completely strong physically person at the age of 50+ begins to inexorably degrade, ending life with full-fledged senile dementia.

The picture, of course, is sad. But we are deliberately showing extremes so that the reader can understand the seriousness of the situation of those who do not have any hobbies.

By the way, if you try to sort out in your mind any 100 outstanding people (origin and field of activity is not important), then you will not find a single one who does not have some kind of hobby. Of course, this is not an accident.


The division of hobbies into male and female is a rather arbitrary thing. After all, there are often cases when men are quite seriously fond of cooking and, in general, are very fond of cooking at their leisure; and women with passion drive cars or go mountaineering.

Therefore, we will not distribute hobbies by gender, but simply give a list of popular hobbies that are relevant today.

Hobbies and hobbies

Despite the fact that we do not consider it appropriate to divide hobbies into male and female, there is still a certain classification here. These are active and passive (or home) hobbies.

Active hobbies

  • Tourism
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Dancing
  • Any kind of sports - tennis, cycling, martial arts and fencing, volleyball and basketball, etc.
  • Bird watching - amateur ornithology, observing and studying birds with the naked eye, or with the help of binoculars.
  • Paintball is a team game with markers (air cannon) shooting balls of paint (gelatinous shell with food paint), breaking when hitting an obstacle and coloring it.
  • Airsoft (from the English strike - strike, ball - ball) is a non-commercial, team, military-sports game.
  • Geocaching (English geocaching from Greek γεο- Earth + English cache - hiding place) is a tourist game using satellite navigation systems, which consists in finding hiding places hidden by other participants in the game.
  • Historical reconstruction is the process of recreating the material or spiritual culture of a certain historical era and region (for example, creating a sample of the armor of an ancient warrior) or reproducing a historical event (for example).
  • Role-playing games - simulation of events taking place in a certain world at a certain time.

Home hobbies

  • Collecting puzzles
  • Floriculture
  • Gardening
  • Amateur photography
  • Amateur painting
  • Cooking
  • Amateur theater play
  • Singing, karaoke
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Board games (dominoes, backgammon, mahjong, chess, etc.)
  • Intellectual games (crosswords, chess, puzzles, etc.)
  • Needlework. Here the list can be quite large, so we list only the most popular hobbies from this section:
    • Origami (the ancient art of folding paper figures)
    • Sewing
    • Embroidery
    • Knitting
    • Scrapbooking (design of photo albums)
    • Burning out
    • Art carving
    • Modeling (shaping plastic material using hands and auxiliary tools)
    • Weaving (a method of making more rigid structures and materials from less durable materials: threads, plant stems, fibers, etc.)
    • Painting (art painting of any items)
    • Felting (a special technique of needlework, in the process of which a pattern is created from wool for felting on fabric or felt, voluminous toys, etc.).
  • Collecting is an activity based on the collection of a collection, that is, the systematic collection and study of any objects.
  • Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing.
  • Modeling is a kind of hobby, making scaled-down models and models of various equipment and architectural structures.

If we missed one of the popular types of hobbies - write about it in the comments. But one detail should be noted here.

While preparing this article, we noticed that many sites classify as a hobby “lying on the couch”, “watching television”, etc.

So these types of "activities" have nothing to do with a hobby. After all, we have established that a hobby is a type of activity that involves certain actions, and not inaction.

What is your hobby? And do you think this issue is important for modern society?

If you like - subscribe to our site. The editors wish the reader all the best!

HOBBY, hobbies, cf. 1.units only. Action according to ch. carry away in 1 value enthrall (book). 2.units only. Animation, elated state of delight, ardor. Tell with enthusiasm. 3. by whom what. An animated, hot feeling that ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

See love ... Synonym dictionary

enthusiasm- carryover - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general Synonyms entrainment EN entrainment ... Technical translator's guide

enthusiasm- gambling infinite infatuation great infatuation deep infatuation mass infatuation unusual infatuation general infatuation general infatuation strong infatuation passionate infatuation excessive infatuation ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Noun., P., Upotr. cf. often Morphology: (no) what? hobbies, why? hobby, (see) what? hobby, what? hobby, about what? about hobby; pl. hobbies, (no) what? hobbies, what? hobbies, (see) what? hobbies, what? hobbies, about what? ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

enthusiasm- I'm with. 1) Excitement, enthusiasm, caused by deep interest. Draw with passion. Our ladies ran with enthusiasm in a whirlwind of waltz with their new acquaintances (Kuprin). Synonyms: soul / clear ascent, enthusiasm / zm 2) (than) Big, increased ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Enthusiasm- a feeling of love, increased interest in relation to any person or business. The presence of passion allows you to carry out the work with enthusiasm, on an emotional upsurge, selflessly, faithfully. Passion allows a person to live life to the fullest ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Enthusiasm- 1) animation, enthusiasm. He interrupted me again, seeing that in my enthusiasm I would not finish soon (A. Prevost, Manon Lescaut). “What a happiness it is to be a zemstvo doctor, to help sufferers, to serve the people. What happiness! " - Catherine repeated ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

enthusiasm- HOBBY1, I, Wed Same as inspiration. The daughter enthusiastically painted a portrait of her mother. HOBBY2, me, cf. Feeling of great interest in someone, something l., An increased desire for something l., A strong desire to do something l.; Syn .: interest, passion, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

enthusiasm- vilkimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dragging; entrainment; pulling vok. Mitbewegung, f; Mitführung, f; Ziehen, n rus. tightening, n; hobby, n; blowing away, n pranc. entraînement, m ... Fizikos terminų žodynas


  • The Duke's Passion, Cartland Barbara. Michael, son of Lord Moore, falls in love with the first beauty of London, Lady Felicata, daughter of the Earl of Wargrave. They spend wonderful days together, and it seems that the young lovers have a happy heart ...
  • Passion and liberation, Alexander Mikhailovich Limitovsky. This book sets out a subjective theory of power. It is called subjective because it views power relations not as something divorced from the everyday life of ordinary people ...

People are fond of different things, sometimes completely different. Scandals are played out when tastes do not coincide, as if brothers are forgetting an old truth. We are not here to argue about tastes, but to make out in detail the noun "hobby". This is what interests us today.


There are useful addictions. For example, a person cannot fall asleep without reading the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Orwell, or Updike. Theoretically, in place of Russian and English-speaking authors, there can be any cultural artifacts and symbols.

There are other "hobbies" - these are various stimulants from which addictions grow. Does the reader want to call them "bad habits"? And rightly so, but let's see what the dictionary thinks:

  1. Animation, inspiration.
  2. Great interest in something or someone.
  3. Heart attraction to someone, love.

As you can see, the dictionary does not share the gloominess of our moods and gives quite decent meanings when interpreting the meaning of the word "hobby". But a wise book may not know the contents with which words are filled when they become the property of oral speech and colloquial vocabulary.

The deceit of domination

But we know that when people see that a person is abusing alcohol or cigarettes, they are instructively told: "Look, don't get carried away!" In other words, don't let it go into mania, into overwhelming passion. Passion is an illusion of control: first, a person subjugates passions and interests, and when they overflow the banks, then they are already his masters.

If the reader thinks that all this thinking is off-topic, then he is mistaken. It's just that a priori people believe that you can only show interest in something positive, with a plus sign, but public and personal history knows examples when a person did not want something that would be useful to him. Let's just say that the above applies to the second meaning of the word.

Vocation. Falling in love and love

A person works with enthusiasm when he likes a job, when he thoroughly understands it, or really wants to learn all the subtleties. Another option is also possible: the employee is delighted with his colleagues. It is only natural that a person works better where he is understood and his values ​​are shared.

We have only one meaning left, which directly relates to the sphere of romantic relationships. Infatuation is falling in love in other words. And it has always been unfairly disadvantaged. People appreciated only the more mature feeling, love, while the younger, mischievous and volatile sensation of soaring - falling in love - remained in the pen. But is it fair? For love, you also need to mature morally, because love implies responsibility, while falling in love is good in adolescence, it is fleeting, but this is its charm.


How dangerous it is to be fascinated by romantic themes, they all the time strive to divert away from our main theme - the meaning and significance of hobby, of course, linguistic first of all. However, it remains for us to highlight only the part where it is said about its synonyms. Let's move on to them:

  • love;
  • interest;
  • passion;
  • weakness;
  • addiction;
  • inspiration;
  • obsession;
  • self-forgetfulness.

The dictionary of synonyms approached the subject of our conversation today less chastely than its colleague, the explanatory dictionary. For there are nouns on the list like "addiction" and "weakness." Why so and not otherwise, we have already explained.

Not always a person is able to see the difference between passion and true love, due to the "drunken state of mind and soul"

In his article in Family Life magazine, Paul Popeno describes what most people think of romantic love: “Love is an incomprehensible obsession that comes from nowhere and immediately takes over you completely like measles. You recognize it intuitively. If this is a real feeling, you will not have to guess for long. You will see her, no doubt. Love is so important that you have to give up everything for her. A man is forgivable to leave his wife for love, a woman is forgiven for leaving a house and children, a king is a throne. She comes out of the blue, and there is nothing you can do. It is beyond human control. " But this is NOT true love! True love is not like that.

Infatuation really arises unexpectedly, and we cannot resist it. But true love is loyal and selfless love. On this she keeps. And knowing the difference between infatuation and love will save you from making a huge mistake.

How do you understand the difference? During the gold rush, many prospectors thought they were "hitting a mine." But later, to their great disappointment, they found out that their find was not real gold, but the worthless mineral pyrite. Pyrite is very similar in appearance to gold, but has no value. It is also called "the gold of fools".

In his book Sex, Love, or Infatuation — How to Define It? Dr. Ray Short provides some key tips to help a person explore their feelings and determine if they are the real gold of true love or “fool's gold” - a simple hobby.

We'll look at 12 of these keys. All keys should be taken into account, but not selectively each of them.

Key # 1. What attracts you the most.

Enthusiasm A: When you are passionate, you are more likely to be more interested in the physical characteristics of the other person. A beautiful face and a good figure are, of course, very attractive qualities, but appearances can be deceiving. It is like the wrapping paper in which the present is wrapped. It cannot be used to judge what exactly is inside. Moreover, physical beauty is not eternal. Dr. Short says, “Out of a dozen school meetings I attended as a young man, only one comes to mind.“ Young people! The orator said solemnly. - Before marrying a girl because of her pretty face and attractive forms, think about how she will look at 30 years old "And that stopped me"?

Real love: If your love is genuine, you will be interested in the personality of your chosen one as a whole. Surely, physical attraction will be present in your feelings, but only along with many other qualities that are attractive to you.

Key # 2. How many different qualities are you attracted to in this person?

Enthusiasm: Usually the number of such qualities is small, but they can have a very strong effect on you. A guy can go crazy with his girlfriend's smile or sexy gait.

Real love: When you really love, then you like all or most of the qualities in another person. Each of us has many characteristics, judgments and attitudes. How many features do you see in the other, and how many of them do you find attractive? This is important because once the initial excitement after marriage has passed, you will need a lot of shared interests to keep the marriage going and make it successful.

Key # 3. How did it start?

Enthusiasm: Infatuation arises quickly. There is no real love at first sight, but infatuation can flare up at first sight. As one love song says, "the eyes of the lovers met in the crowd, lightning flashed, and they immediately realized that they were made for each other." In reality, they could only understand that they made a good first impression on each other.

Real love: True love always comes slowly. Otherwise it can not be. You have to get to know a person before you can truly love them, and that takes time, a long time, to truly get to know someone. Long-term courtship is much better than short-term courtship. A year is better than six months, two years are better than one, three years are better than two, and four is better than three. Three years? Four? Yes, the statistics on this subject are absolutely clear. But most young couples do not want to wait even a year. They are in a hurry to get married and from their own experience they are convinced of the validity of the old saying: "In a hurry, you will make people laugh." If you, on your own head, marry too quickly, then you will later have enough time to regret it.

Key # 4. How persistent is your interest?

Enthusiasm: When you are passionate, your interest flares up and fades away. One of the reasons for this is that the craze arises too quickly, and therefore its roots are not deep. And in general, your relationship is superficial.

Real love: When you truly love, your feelings will be rather warm and tender than they will fluctuate from ardent passion to cold indifference, they will be more constant. True love grows slowly, but its roots are deep.

Key # 5. How does feeling affect you?

Enthusiasm: Passion has a disorganizing effect on your personality. Makes you less responsible and effective. Romantic feelings completely take over you, and you walk, immersed in dreams. The girl who says, "I know he has flaws, but nothing matters but our love," is infatuated with ... TEMPORARY! When she gets married, she will eventually find that there is still a lot that matters.

Real love: If your love is genuine, your best qualities are manifested and you strive to become even better. The guy who really loves says about his girlfriend: "I love her not only because she is so beautiful, but also because she inspires me to show my best qualities."

Key # 6. How do you feel about others?

Enthusiasm: When you are carried away, for you the whole "universe" revolves around one person. The rest of the relationship seems completely unimportant to you. You are even ready to reject family and friends. Your feeling becomes the most important thing in your life. Only it has meaning for you from now on. You think that for the sake of this delightful "love" that has entered your life, you are forgivable to commit any deeds. As we said earlier, most hobbies are short-lived, but the mistakes you make under the influence of this feeling often have lifelong consequences.

Real love: When you truly love, your loved one is the most important person in the world for you, but relationships with family and friends do not lose their meaning.

Key # 7. How do others view your relationship?

Enthusiasm: What others think of your "beloved" is a very important test. When you are infatuated, it is likely that your parents and many of your friends will disapprove of this relationship. One of the dangerous things about infatuation is that you tend to idealize the other person. You see no flaws because you are "blinded by love." Your friends are trying to point out some danger signs, but you ignore them. Your parents lovingly warn you, trying to prevent you from making a big mistake, but you are not listening. Young people sometimes say: "So what? We are getting married to each other, and not to relatives and friends." You, too, can adhere to this position, but it is unforgivable foolishness to ignore the advice of people who love you. Over the years, both you and your loved one have developed a certain circle of friends. We all strive to be like those whom we choose as friends, they become like us. Therefore, your friends are, in a sense, your "mirror". If you are passionate about someone, friends often do not share these feelings. If they see dangerous signals, you should pay attention to it and listen to their opinion.

Real love: When you truly love, your parents and most friends are more likely to approve of your choice. For God to bless your marriage, the consent and approval of your parents is very important.

Key # 8. How does breakup affect?

Enthusiasm: One of the best tests for the senses is the test of distance. If you are simply carried away, then time and distance will kill your feeling. This explains the breakup of those couples whose main interest was physical attraction. Over time, another living person who is nearby will replace the loved one who remains only in the photograph.

Real love: When you really love, the absence of a loved one only sharpens your feeling. True love will surely stand the test of distance and time. It is based not only on the physical attractiveness of a person, it accepts him as a whole, as a person. Time together helps you grow together. Therefore, when you are separated, you seem to lose your part. Another person, even a very attractive person, cannot fill the void in your heart. From a distance, of course, you can experience anxiety and sadness. You will be disturbed by the thought: "What if he (or she) meets someone else?" And this can happen. But if your loved one is able to find happiness with someone else, then it is better to find out about this before, and not after marriage. Therefore, if separation is ahead of you, accept it and do not worry. If your feeling is only infatuation, and it will not stand such a test, it is better to find it out before it is too late.

Key # 9. How do disagreements affect feelings?

Enthusiasm: When you are passionate, you often quarrel. You can put up with it, but over time, fights become more frequent and serious. You become like two porcupines in the cold. When they are apart, they shake from the cold, but as soon as they hug each other, they prick each other with their needles. "Anton and Alina met for more than two years. During this time they quarreled and reconciled at least once a month. Disagreements arose because of any trifle or imaginary insult. Both played terrible jealousy. And then Maria, Alina's best friend, tried to open up to them Once Alina shared with her the details of the last quarrel and threatened: “Let him just try to get me back! I won't even talk to him! "" I think that you will, Alina, "Maria gently addressed her," but I hope that you will firmly tell him: "Farewell, Anton, it's over." And then she explained her position to a surprised friend: "You both awaken the worst in each other. You quarrel because you have nothing else to talk about. Strife, tears and romantic" reconciliation "only relieve you of boredom.

Real love: When you truly love, you may have disagreements, but true love survives them, and fights become less frequent and less serious.Every couple must learn to resolve conflicts. It is far better to discuss disagreements openly and honestly than to allow them to smolder at heart.

Key number 10. How do you view your relationship?

Enthusiasm: When you are carried away, you tend to think of yourself and your loved one as two people, and accordingly use pronouns in your thoughts and speech: "I", "me", "mine", "he", "him" , or "she", "her". You think of you as two separate individuals.

Real love: When you really love, you usually use the words: "we", "our", "us". You think of you as one. This key may not seem so important while you are dating, but it does matter a lot in marriage. When a marriage is based on infatuation, the husband and wife may find more pleasure in pursuing different interests than in joint activities. A husband may aspire and want to "go out with friends" more than spending time at home with his family. Or the wife will become more interested in her connections in society than in household duties.
In families where true love exists, it is a pleasure for the husband and wife to do things together. The frequent answer here is "I don't want to go if you can't go too."

Key number 11. Are you selfish or unselfish?

Enthusiasm: When you are infatuated, your interest in another person is mostly selfish. A guy can date a beautiful and noticeable girl, only because it flatters his pride, raises his prestige. She may be moody and spoiled, but since she is the "queen" of the school, he becomes the "king" by her side. Likewise, a girl can keep a guy "on a leash" not because she is really interested in him, but because his loyalty raises her value in the eyes of others.

Real love: When you really love, you like a person for what he is, and not because he can help you assert yourself.

Key number 12. What is the basis of your feelings?

Enthusiasm: Is it your goal to find someone who will fully devote his life to making you happy? Do you care about yourself first? If yes, then you are only carried away. Your overall attitude is selfish - you care most about what you can get out of this relationship.

Real love: Love is selfless and devoted. You strive to do your best to bring joy to another. You are primarily interested in what you can give and not receive.

Rate your feeling. Take a piece of paper and carefully study the keys, starting with the first. Give an assessment of your feelings for each of them. If you want, the keys can show not only whether your love is real, but also a certain degree of your feelings. In most cases, the keys show a mixture of infatuation and true love. Therefore, rate each clue on a ten-point scale. Zero would mean infatuation and 10 would mean love. For example, looking at key # 1, you might decide, "To be perfectly honest, I was mainly interested in physical attractiveness, so I'll give myself two points." If, examining key # 7, you see that about half of your friends approve of your choice, and half do not, in this case, give yourself five points. When you evaluate yourself on all twelve keys, add up the points you have accumulated. An overall score of 80 points or higher shows that your senses are reasonably reliable. For your part, you can think that your love is capable of becoming the basis for a successful marriage. But this is only from your side. The person you love must also pass this test and score a large number of points. Love should be mutual. No matter how much you love this person, one-sided love will not help. He should feel the same feelings in return. If you scored between 50 and 80 points, it will take you more time to see how your relationship develops. If the score is less than 50, you are only carried away.

So try to keep your heart. First of all, do not complicate the relationship with sexual intercourse and do not rush to marriage.
Also note the following: A high score on this test does not necessarily mean you are ready for marriage. First, you may still be too young for marriage, even if you score a lot. Secondly, even if you are of the right age, you may simply not know each other well. As we said, you you need to know each other well for at least two years before thinking about marriage.

Good luck and Love to you! True Love!