Who is a biologist? What does the science of biology study? Profession Biologist. Description of the profession

Modern science does not stand still. It develops and pulls those who are interested in it or are engaged in it. And among the areas of science, biology is worth highlighting. Moreover, this science not only studies insects and plants. This is a huge layer of scientific research conducted by a specialist - a biologist who is a specialist, what requirements are imposed, let's consider in this article.

What is this subject

As an object of scientific study, biology appeared quite a long time ago, but took shape as an independent science, according to such a resource as Wikipedia, only in the 19th century. Up to this point, biology has passed a difficult and even terrible path, given that many natural scientists, as the first biologists were called, were considered sorcerers and witches, and therefore were persecuted and destroyed.

And since biology studies individual species of animals, plants, insects, people and microorganisms, it is divided into its subspecies. It is worth saying that the first biologists were healers. Both those who were ordinary healers and herbalists, and those who healed people in cities.

The very first scientific works that could be attributed to biology described various types of living beings, considered the physiology and anatomy of humans and animals. All of them relate to the development of Ancient Greece, where scientists thought not only about the structure of the world, but also carried out the first experiments and research.

Everything was suspended and practically stopped in the Middle Ages, when scientists became the object of persecution and executions.

However, during the Renaissance, science gets a new breath and development. Scientists gain the right to officially engage in medicine and research, which takes the biological sciences to a higher level.

Beginning in the 19th century, scientists began to divide natural science into several directions, which made it possible to accelerate the development of scientific thought.

Modern biologists have received not only the opportunity to use not only the previously acquired knowledge, but also unique equipment in order to better know our world around us.

What is this profession

For a better understanding of what kind of biologist is, it is worth considering what it is and what sections it is divided into.

Modern biologists are divided into areas such as:

  1. botany - deals with the study of plants, while considering their properties and types. -botanists are looking for new species, classifying both new and already studied. Examines the interaction of humans and plants;
  2. zoology will study animals, their species and breeds, as well as everything that will be associated with them. Including selection and disease. Effects on humans. At the same time, he searches for new species, classifies them. Scientists zoologists can consider not only the development of new species, but also why others disappear, thereby focusing on the protection of nature and animals in general;
  3. microbiology studies a variety of microorganisms, including conducting research related to the search for ways to combat pathogens and use beneficial ones. This industry is one of the most promising and in demand.

As a result, if you look at what a biologist is doing, it is worth saying that each of the above areas has a large number of branches, each of which allows us to consider in more detail the issue of the development of each subsection.

Accordingly, among biologists, there are people who study in more detail in a separate, narrow, direction of science. This division allows for a broader view of various aspects of life. .

A professional biologist is a specialist with a wide profile, who has received a large amount of knowledge about how the world works, what principles of life of organisms can be used for the benefit of humans. It should be said that certain directions are also available for children. , who learn the life of animals or plants through caring for them in circles and sections.

All the information obtained allows us to find means to combat pathogens.

Depending on the chosen direction, biologists are divided into two categories:

  1. theorists- they work mainly in the laboratory, carrying out numerous studies and experiments there;
  2. practice- Researchers travel around the world in search of new species.

All this makes it possible to coordinate the work of biologists, and at the same time to exchange information, obtaining better results.

Basic requirements for specialists

Considering the requirements for professional biologists, it is worth listing the following:

  • be able to collect and process the information received;
  • prepare for the study, using certain means competently to simplify the course of research work;
  • be able to select and use equipment for successful research;
  • directly conducting research. And here it will be necessary to use not only knowledge of biology, but also related sciences, for example, chemistry;
  • be able to correctly record the results of the study;
  • be able to summarize by summarizing the results of the research.

What should be considered when choosing?

Like any profession, biologists have their pros and cons. For example, they can travel the world, communicate with interesting people, continue their studies in prestigious educational institutions of the world.

However, one of the downsides is a possible allergy to certain types of reagents and materials, which significantly narrow the possibilities in work, and even put an end to all activities. The disadvantages include low demand for professions in the market, as well as a relatively small salary for novice scientists.


We talked about such a specialty as a biologist who is who, what opportunities open up before them and what is required from a specialist.

Biologist is the general name for a profession that involves the study of living organisms and the environment: from the cellular level to large-scale processes taking place in the biosphere. Within the framework of this specialization, it is possible to identify many narrow-profile areas. They all belong to the category "Man is nature". The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

Biology is usually called the science of life, or the science of living nature. Moreover, each specialization focuses on some aspects of this wildlife. Thus, a bias in physiology and anatomy presupposes a more thorough study of a person, his body, the characteristics of development and life, pathologies and diseases. Zoologists specialize in the anatomical and physiological characteristics of animals, the study of their behavior, species and generic diversity. Geneticists are interested in the structure of genes, their functions, inheritance and change in traits, are engaged in the development of new breeds of animals and plant varieties. Virologists specialize in the study of viruses, pathogenic bacteria, finding solutions to suppress their development.

Features of the profession

The key feature of the biology profession lies precisely in the fact that it includes a large number of specializations. And for successful work you will need to make your choice... However, you can start training in a general profile, and in the senior years you can understand what is really closer. This profession is also good because over time, if desired, you can quickly retrain in a close direction... In general, the main job responsibilities of biologists are as follows:

  • Organization and conduct of laboratory, field biological research, expeditions.
  • Conducting assessments, examinations, biomonitoring in relation to any bioresources in accordance with the profile (usually these are objects of the living or plant world).
  • Control and management of biological production processes (depending on the profile, these can be crop products, biological products for medical purposes, animal biological resources, and much more).
  • Organization and implementation of activities aimed at nature conservation, rational use of biological resources, renewal of protected and rare species of biological objects.
  • Carrying out research related to bioresources and aimed at solving any problems of industrial, forestry, agricultural enterprises.
  • Monitoring compliance with all rules and regulations related to nature conservation.
  • Creation and implementation of greening projects, landscape design, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and other objects.
  • Guided tours in natural and national parks and other protected areas.
  • Conducting pedagogical activities in the biology profile.

A number of biologists, one way or another, have to deal with the legal side of the issue: norms and rules established by our legislation that relate to nature protection, use of natural resources, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. An interesting socially significant profession.
  2. The ability to influence the state of our planet, to make it better.
  3. A sufficient share of the creative component in many specialties.
  4. Ease of retraining in a related field.
  5. The need for a broad outlook and constant development.
  6. The ability to travel as part of the performance of work duties.


  1. The need to obtain a large amount of knowledge.
  2. The need for life in the "field" conditions when conducting appropriate research.
  3. Low income in many laboratories and conservation organizations.
  4. A high level of responsibility (especially among virologists).

Important personal qualities

A good memory, the ability to think analytically along with creative inclinations is very important for a biologist. Of great importance for such a specialist is the speed of reactions and the flawless operation of the sensory systems: smell, sight, hearing. Also, a biologist must be hardworking, responsible, capable of long-term concentration. Good enough physical shape, good health and the absence of serious allergic diseases will not hurt.

Biology training

In order to become a professional in this field, you need to start your journey with higher education in the biology profile. Its code is 03/06/01... It is necessary to take the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, biology, as well as in chemistry or mathematics at the discretion of the chosen university. When studying in full-time format, you can get a bachelor's degree in 4 years, when choosing other methods of training (correspondence, evening, etc.) - in 5 years.

There are also several related profiles, for example, "Biotechnology", "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics", "Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture", "Soil Science", "Pedagogical Education by Profile: Biology". Some of them may be suitable for the applicant who has already decided on a narrower specialization of the prospective future work.


This institution offers a three-month professional retraining course in the direction of "Biology". It includes 520 academic hours of classes and is conducted in a distance format, so you can take it from anywhere in the country and the world. Upon successful completion of the program, students receive diplomas of the established sample.



  1. Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
  2. RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov
  3. MGAVMiB them. K.I. Scriabin
  4. SPbSU
  5. SPbGAVM

Place of work

The place of employment of a biologist, in many respects, depends on the specialization he has chosen. These can be research institutes, zoos and reserves, environmental institutions, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnological and genetic engineering laboratories, agricultural complexes, etc.


The level of income in this profession also strongly depends on which narrower profile the specialist has chosen, and from the place of work... The gradation of salaries here is very high: from very modest incomes in poorly funded laboratories to high salaries in modern genetic engineering complexes.

Salary for 03/12/2020

Russia 16800-45000 ₽

Moscow 35000—70000 ₽


Biologists can engage in research, theoretical activity, management of the work of the relevant departments of the organization, and even engage in the promotion of products related to the use of biological resources in the market. Accordingly, the career opportunities of such specialists are also quite diverse and depend on the place of work.

Professional knowledge

  1. Zoology.
  2. Botany.
  3. Anatomy and Medicine.
  4. Biotechnology.
  5. Genetic Engineering.
  6. Rules for organizing and conducting research in various conditions.
  7. Mathematical and statistical tools to draw conclusions from the research carried out.
  8. Rules for the preparation of official documentation.
  9. Legally established rules and norms for the exploitation of biological resources.

Famous biologists

  1. Alexander Fleming, who discovered the enzyme lysozyme, which is able to inhibit the development of certain bacteria without damaging healthy tissues.
  2. Charles Darwin, creator of the theory of the development of the organic world.
  3. Gregor Mendel, founder of the science of heredity, who laid the foundation for the development of genetics in its modern sense.

Will talk about seven professions associated with this subject. Of course, it is not worth identifying the lesson with the specifics of the work, but it is not bad to take a closer look at the professions where you can apply knowledge of the subject.


Studies the general properties and features of the development of living nature. He specializes in one or several areas (zoology, botany, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, etc.) or works at the intersection of sciences (biochemistry, biophysics, bioecology). The biologist collects information about the research object, for example, observes the population. He also conducts experiments, analyzes and summarizes the information received, applies it in practice to solve some problems. This specialist is curious, observant, responsible and patient. The biologist's field of activity is quite wide: from planting plants, selling medicines to working in a patent office (studying special texts). In the latter case, English may be required.

You can study to be a biologist at (bachelor's and master's degrees).


He is not indifferent to environmental problems, if you want to save nature from the destructive actions of humans, this profession is what you need. However, there are more prosaic everyday life in such work than heroic rescue operations. Environmentalists monitor compliance with environmental standards, draw up reports on the use of natural resources, waste disposal. They calculate the damage caused or potential harm to the environment. In addition to knowledge of biology and chemistry, you will need the ability to maintain documentation, convince management of the need to improve production so that it does not degrade the environment. Ecologists have to interact more with society, eradicate its shortcomings, and only then contact with nature. You can get the profession of an ecologist at, (in absentia).



Who feeds the country with agricultural products? Knows where, when, how to plant and harvest crops? That's right, agronomist! It combines the qualities of a researcher, a zealous owner and a competent manager. He should be aware of the latest cultivation techniques, land fertilization and crop cultivation, and pest control. The agronomist draws up a production plan, monitors its implementation. This specialist controls everything from preparing the soil for sowing to harvesting and storing the crop. Do you like the rural lifestyle? Then this profession may suit you. Programs

Biologists are specialists in biology.

Biology (Greek bios, "life"; Old Greek - doctrine) is the science of life (living nature), one of the natural sciences, the subject of which is living beings and their interaction with the environment. Biology studies all aspects of life, in particular the structure, functioning, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms on Earth. Classifies and describes living things, the origin of their species, interaction with each other and with the environment.

In science, biologists use several methods of biological sciences: observation method, descriptive, comparative, experimental and historical.

Biologists distinguish 6 basic structural levels of life:







Practical developments and discoveries of biologists are important for industry, medicine, agriculture, and security measures.

Famous biologists.

Many of those whom we are now ready to call biologists during their lifetime were called doctors, naturalists, naturalists, connoisseurs of natural history. Karl Linnaeus was a doctor, Gregor Mendel was a monk, and in his mature years - the abbot of a monastery, Charles Darwin - a wealthy gentleman without specific occupations, Louis Pasteur - a chemist, but all of them are revered by modern professional biologists as classics of their science, as legendary founding fathers whole areas of biological thought.

Among the outstanding biologists are the following names: N. I. Vavilov, Charles Darwin, J. B. Lamarck, Karl Linnaeus, G. I. Mendel, I. P. Pavlov.

Duties of a biologist: to study the species diversity of living things and plants, to systematize, to investigate the general properties and patterns of development of living organisms, to prepare and conduct laboratory research in laboratory and field conditions with a previously defined purpose. Analyze research results and write scientific reports with specific practical recommendations for improving conditions in a particular industry, etc.

Biologists often work indoors (laboratory, clinic, production), business trips to animal habitats and work in natural conditions are possible. Places of work: agricultural industries. Laboratories at research institutes. Zoological and botanical gardens. Environmental and nature conservation organizations. Educational institutions.

Professional qualities of a biologist:

Great interest in the studied objects of nature.


Development of visual color perception.

Ability to concentrate for a long time and very high observation.

Creation. Patience. Accuracy.

High requirements for analytical, synthetic and logical thinking, the ability to extrapolate.

Honesty. Lack of desire for active communication and mobile activities. - a tendency to laboratory (research) work.

Occupational diseases.

Allergic reactions to chemicals, plants and animals, as well as severe myopia are possible.

Biology is not only the study of beetles and various types of insects. Find out more about the work of specialists in this field and decide if you want to connect your life with this field of activity.

Average salary: 30,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier



Biologists specialize in the study of living organisms. The history of the profession is directly related to the birth of medicine and goes back to antiquity. The first works on the description of various species, physiology and anatomy of both humans and animals appeared in Ancient Greece. In those days, philosophers reflected on the structure of the world and organisms.

Over time, knowledge in the field of medicine and the structure of the surrounding world has gradually increased and developed. People learned about the beneficial properties of certain species, learned to raise livestock larger and more nutritious, learned new details about the internal structure of the human body.

Everything stopped during the Middle Ages. Dark times are a terrible time for all natural scientists. Having knowledge about the properties of herbs, the structure of organisms and human diseases was equated with the worship of the devil. Physicians, healers, herbalists - all were recognized as the servants of Satan and were purified by fire.

Enlightenment comes with the Renaissance. Natural sciences are beginning to develop rapidly. Natural history museums open, menageries and hospitals appear. The era of the heyday of the biological sciences is coming.

However, the term "biology" itself appeared only in the 19th century. Biology is singled out as a separate science, which unites a lot of branches: zoology, anatomy, physiology, etc. Previously, all these branches of knowledge existed separately, but it was in the 19th century that scientists noticed that all living things have common features, which led to the generalization of all natural sciences under the wing of biology.

Biologists these days have tremendous opportunities in terms of technology and capabilities. Modern research mechanisms, a huge store of knowledge of past years, combined with super-powerful equipment - all this opens a new stage in the profession of a biologist and the development of science.

Brief description of the profession

The profession of a biologist is quite multifaceted. It is usually classified according to the branches of biological science:

  • Biologist-botanist. This specialist deals with plants. He studies their properties, searches for new varieties and classifies species. Also, it is this specialist who finds out the effect of plants on humans and animals.
  • Biologist-zoologist. This specialist studies animals and everything connected with them, studies their diseases and their effect on humans, searches for new species. Zoologists have a wide range of activities. They point to the reasons for the extinction of species, encouraging people to protect nature.
  • Microbiologist. This is a specialist who studies microorganisms. He knows everything about bacteria, conducts various studies aimed at combating them and how to use them beneficially. This branch of biological science is developing rapidly and has a number of prospects.

Each of the three main divisions of biological science is classified into 10 types of knowledge, which are even more narrowly focused. A biologist can study everything at once. This is a wide-profile specialist who knows a lot of information about the structure and principles of life of living organisms. It is biology that helps a person conduct the research necessary to discover a panacea for the terrible diseases of our time.

The work of a biologist can be both laboratory and very exciting, connected with trips around the globe. Research biologists are constantly traveling in search of new species and attempts to stop the massive destruction of forests.

What specialties to study

In order to be able to work as a biologist, you need to choose one of these specializations in a higher education institution:

All these specializations will entitle you to work as a biology teacher and biologist in a research center.

Where to study

In every regional center of the Russian Federation, there is sure to be a higher educational institution that has the required faculty. The most prestigious are rightfully considered:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow State University of Food Production.
  • Moscow State Pedagogical University.
  • Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.
  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University).

What you have to do at work and specialization

The job of a biologist is mainly about continuous research activities. The range of daily duties includes:

  • Collection of information, which is included in the planning of the study.
  • Preparation of materials for research. The biologist is constantly studying information. This is necessary in order to select methods for effective research.
  • Selection and development of the necessary equipment.
  • Direct research. For this, not only knowledge of biology is useful, but also excellent skills in chemistry.
  • Fixation of research results. The biologist constantly records the indicators of devices and records all types of reactions and processes.
  • Generalization of the results. This stage includes their re-study and processing.
  • Drawing up conclusions. This is already an analytical type of work. Based on the research results, conclusions and recommendations appear.
  • Trips. This is one of the favorite types of work. Biologists study species in their natural habitat, record the results and describe them.
  • Discovery and description of new species. Many plants and animals have not yet been discovered by humans.
  • Teaching activity. Teaching students and schoolchildren the intricacies of biology and its narrower branches.

The profession of a biologist is an interesting and dynamically developing activity, a business that brings maximum benefit to man and nature.

Who is this profession suitable for?

A biologist is, first of all, a great lover of nature and all living things. This profession requires perseverance, accuracy and care - these qualities will help in research and observation. An analytical mindset will make research activities as effective as possible. The biologist must have a well-developed long-term memory, as some information can often be useful.

Another quality for a good biologist is the absence of allergic reactions to animals and plants. It can interfere with research.


The profession of a biologist is not in demand. Usually, vacancies appear only in universities and schools. Few companies on the territory of our state are engaged in research activities. The market has seen a significant decline in interest in biology.

How much do people working in this profession get

On average, biologists earn 8 to 60 thousand rubles a month. The income level depends on the scope of their skills.

Is it easy to get a job

It is quite difficult to get a job, this is not due to high requirements, but to the fact that vacancies appear extremely rarely. When they appear, a diploma is usually not enough. Experience and research practice play a key role.

How a career is usually built

A biologist's career is built depending on the field of application of knowledge:

  • Educators can grow to be head teachers, deans and rectors. The main thing is to constantly improve the level of your knowledge.
  • Research biologists often become laboratory directors and project directors. It is important for growth to prove yourself. Constantly evolve, demonstrate awareness, and find materials to conduct quality research.

Profession prospects

The profession of a biologist has long been far from the peak of popularity. Most of the research is devoted to the medical profession and more narrowly focused professors and scientists. There are always prospects for growth. So biologists can become deans of faculties or heads of laboratories.