Editor-in-chief of the Assalam newspaper. Interview with the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "AS-Salaam

World, welfare dictionary of Russian synonyms. Salam Narech, number of synonyms: 3 Hi (63) ... Synonym dictionary

Narch, Number of Synonyms: 3 Hello (63) Hi (63) Salam (3) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS ... Synonym dictionary

- (Salam) Abdus (born in 1926), Pakistani physicist theorient, one of the authors of the united theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions. Organized and for a long time headed the international center of theoretical physics in Trieste. Works by ... ... Modern encyclopedia

- (R. 1926) Pakistani physicist theorist, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; Foreign Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1971). Proceedings on quantum field theory and elementary particles, gravity theory. One of the authors of the united theory of electromagnetic and weak ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Salam (Salam) Abdus (r. 29.1.1926, Jhang), Pakistani physicist. He graduated from Cambridge University (1951). In 1951-54 Professor College in Lahore, in 1954-56 Lecturer of Cambridge University, since 1957 Professor of the University of London. From 1964 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Salam) Abdus (1926 96), Pakistani physicist, who proposed the theory combining electromagnetic forces and weak nuclear interaction inside the nucleus of the atom (see fundamental forces). Regardless of Salama over this theory, an American physicist worked ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

Salam, Abdus - Salam (Salam) Abdus (born in 1926), Pakistani physicist theoretics, one of the authors of the combined theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions. Organized and for a long time headed the international center of theoretical physics in Trieste. Works ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

File: Salam Nobel.jpg Abdus Salam at the Nobel Prize Ceremony along with the King of Sweden Abdus Salam (English ABDUS Salam; January 29, 1926, Dzhang, Pakistan November 21, 1996, Oxford) Pakistani Physicist Theorpet, Nobel Prize Laureate, ... ... Wikipedia

Abdus Salam English. Abdus Salam, Urdu عبد السلام ... Wikipedia

Salam, Salam (Arab. سلام) Arab word meaning "world", "Safety", "Well-being". Salam Salam, Assalam Aleikum Islamic greeting AS Salam Muslim spiritually educational newspaper, published in ... ... Wikipedia


  • , Yulduz Haliullin. The book is the first scientific and popular essay in Russian about the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, the Nobel Prize laureate Abdus Salam. One of the creators ...
  • Nobel Prize laureate Abdus Salam, Yulduz Haliullin. The book is the first scientific and popular essay in Russian about the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, the Nobel Prize laureate Abdus Salama (1926-1996). One of…

, Darginsky, Kumyksky, Lakski, Lezgius, Tabasaran

Main office Website: www.assalam.ru.

The frequency of publication and circulation

Publication language Periodicity Circulation
russian once every 2 weeks 54 500
avar once every 2 weeks 28 000
darginsky 1 time per month 3 000
kumyksky 1 time per month 3 000
laksky 1 time per month 2 100
lezgius 1 time per month 3 200
tabasaransky 1 time per month 2 000

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  • // Present. - dated May 27, 2011. - № 20. - p. 1.
  • Iskander, Orhan . Georgiatimes.info (August 24, 2012). Checked on December 5, 2014.

An excerpt characterizing as-salam

"Sorry, Mon Cousin that I came to you," she said with a repulsive voice. - After all, you must finally decide on something! What will it be like that? Everyone left Moscow, and the people of Buntuet. What are we staying?
"On the contrary, everything seems to be safely, Ma Cousine," said Pierre with the habit of jokingly, which Pierre, always confusively translated his role benefactor before pritation, learned himself in relation to her.
- Yes, it is safe ... Good well-being! Today, Varbara Ivanovna prank, as our troops differ. For sure you can assign honor. Yes, and the people completely rebelled, listen to listen; My girl and that sad has become. Stark soon to beat us. You can't walk through the streets. And most importantly, today the French will be that we will wait! I ask about one thing, Mon Cousin, "said Princess," order me to take me to Petersburg: what I mean, and I can not live under the Bonapartov authority.
- Yes complete, ma cousine, how do you consider your information? Opposite ...
- I do not conquer your Napoleon. Others, as they want ... If you do not want to do this ...
- Yes, I will do, I will order now.
Princess, apparently, it was annoying that there was no one to be angry. She whispering, sat down on the chair.
"But you will be wrong to you," said Pierre. - Everything is quiet in the city, and there is no danger. So I read now ... - Pierre showed the princes of bills. - Count writes that he is responsible for life that the enemy will not be in Moscow.
"Ah, this is your graph," princess spoke with anger, it was a hypocrite, the villain who himself confined the people to rebel. Didn't he wrote in these stupid billboards that whatever there is, take it for a khokhol to go down (and how stupid)! Who will take, says, the honor and glory. So it was datched. Varvara Ivanovna said that he almost killed her people for spoke in French ...
"Why is it so ... you are very taking everything to your heart," said Pierre and began to spread solitaire.
Despite the fact that Solitaire fell asleep, Pierre did not go to the army, but remained in the empty Moscow, everything is in the same alarm, indispensable, in fear and together in joy waiting for something terrible.
On the other day, the princess went to the evening, and his mainly disposal with the news came to Pierre that the shelf required by them cannot be obtained for uniforms, if not to sell one estate. Major Governor generally represented Pierre that all these arrows should have ruled it. Pierre with difficulty hid a smile, listening to the words of the manager.
"Well, sell," he said. - What to do, I can't refuse now!
The worse there was a position of any cases, and especially his affairs, the pierre was more pleasant, the more Overner it was that the catastrophe he was waiting for, approaching. Already no one was almost from the familiar Pierre in the city. Jules left, Princess Mary left. Of the close familiar, some Rostov remained; But Pierre did not go to them.

Today we will talk to the editor-in-chief of the most popular newspaper in Dagestan "AS-Salaam", which has its readers in all of Russia and beyond, Aziz Michigyshev.

- Aziz, what is in your newspaper such that it should be read?

- Spiritual and educational newspaper " As-salam "It is designed for the widest range of the reader. The main distinguishing feature of our publication is that, reading the newspaper, you can increase the knowledge about the religion of Islam. All canonical materials are a thorough check of theologians. With the current abundance of a religious press and electronic media, I think the truthful of published articles is coming to first place. Drawing information from the entire diverse stream, it is important not to get back from the right path. Compliance with Sharia, Koran, Sunne - Here is our landmark.

- The most read page is nineteenth - "Question-answer". It is not difficult to guess why this page is. Each of us has doubts, ambiguities, not everyone has enough knowledge to properly comply with this or that religious duty. Therefore, many subscribers read and find answers on this page. Canonic pages " Schafitsky "And" Khanafitsky "Mazhabs are also some of the most popular. Before each holiday or an important Islamic event from pages of these columns, you can get the necessary information, thereby be prepared for the upcoming event. Since the newspaper is federal, familiarity with all the corners of Russia under the heading "Islam in the regions" also has its permanent reader. Children, women's pages are not ignored by the corresponding category.

- Can anyone want to send their article to accommodate in the newspaper?

1. - Is it said in the books cht and about wiping the eyes with the fingers when mentioning the name of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during Azan? 2. - I heard that we can condole to relatives of the deceased can only within three days. And at what point is to count these days: since death or from the disposal of burial? 3. - What is the size of ARRAT (forbidden
  • Answers to questions from 1.01.2020 (by Shafia)

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  • Compensation of Namaz

    Namaz compensation is the liberation from the debt on it. We know that the religion is paid great importance to Namaz. Who without a good reason does not make Namaz and will not reimburse him, he will be punished with Most High.
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  • Persons "AS-Salama"

    Newspaper "AS-Salaam" 25 years. Over the years, a lot happened: editors changed, authors, new categories appeared and the circulation increased. The selected direction remained unchanged: "AS-Salam" is a spiritual and educational newspaper, accessible to every person. However, unique not only its content, but also a delivery method. On the
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    Altynai Atuva, the editor-in-chief of the Nogaidavi newspaper - this is the second year, our edition discoveries "AS-Salam". We really like the newspaper, there are a lot of useful, interesting. Frequently published articles on religious education and education. The publication is designed for a wide range of readers, presented interests as
  • We are 25.

    During the years of painstaking work aimed at enlightening the society, the newspaper "AS-Salaam" has undergone a lot of metamorphosis. In this regard, the editors of the publication wants to share with you, dear readers, brief information about how the AS-Salaam newspaper changed every five years. We will tell you who headed the publication in different years
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    About the process and rules of self-government self-government and management are crucial in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad  said: "If three will go on the road, let them appoint one of their number Amir (supervisor)" (Abu Daud).
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    Each believer knows that Allah Almighty every creation predetermined food. He is also confident that nothing in this world does not happen without the will of the Most High Creator and all this happens according to its predestination.
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    The hero of the film "That Münhghausen" said: "To fall in love, enough and minutes. To divorce, sometimes you have to live together twenty years. "
  • How are Muslims bred?

    Creating a new family is arranged in order for the spouses to find peace and love in each other. The Almighty Allah in the Quran says (meaning): "Among his signs is that he created from you the wives for you, so that you have a calmness in them, and I installed Love and Mercy between you ..." (Sura "Ar-Rum", Ayat 21).
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    ... if there is no shame "Shadness - a kind of feeling, it is missing just in those who have something to be ashamed. And the highest degree of smallestness is the ability to experience shame for others "(Lion Sidian, public figure).
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    In this world, allusions and latching rudeness, overdue yogurts and bigmaks with pepper there are crystal clear space, which is called the maternal heart ...
  • Answers to questions from 01.11.2019 (by Khanafi)

    1. As-Salam Alyaikum! Please tell us how to correct Janazanamaz. 2. Hello! I heard that if the dog was wet and she touched before anything, then it is necessary to wash this place seven times. Is it so? 3. Is it possible to remove sewage with other liquids, in addition to the water? 4. I broke completely nail, and I
  • Today we will tell about the edition, which is called the monthly Islamic Encyclopedia.

    We remind you that in Tula you can subscribe to the newspaper "AS-Salaam" by phone 8-950-912-32-16!

    Subscribe to the newspaper "AS-Salaam" and sign the relatives and acquaintances.

    The newspaper "AS-Salaam" is coming twice a month, i.e. 24 numbers per year, which means that every fifteen days the newspaper comes to your house, in which you can find the news of the Islamic world, answers to questions, canonical solutions, a dent page, a section for girls and a lot of useful knowledge.

    Today in Tula has already subscribed to the newspaper "AS-Salaam" about 30 people.

    "I read the" ac-salam "from the crust to crust. Very useful newspaper, strong! " - says the permanent reader, Tulyak Irgashev Anvar Haji.

    The newspaper publishes materials on the issues of faith, about the lives of Muslim society in Russia and other countries, interviews with the figures of different socio-political, religious and many other important director for readers.

    News, instructive stories, stories from the life of righteous ancestors, Dua, Children's page, Answers to Islamic questions, creeding, Islam and Health, Analytics, Help Middle, Personal Pages, Letters of readers, Muslim, Personalities in Islam, Faith questions and many other things.

    It covers throughout Russia, there are representatives in all regional centers of the country!

    Subscribe to the newspaper "AS-Salaam" by phone 8-950-912-32-16!

    Senhable Sheikh Said-Afandhi Al Chirkawi K.S. Said about the newspaper as-salam:

    "My house also has books and many different literature, but I will definitely read the" as-salam "and" Nrul-Islam ". I am brought to me and I read everything, I do not miss any number, both of these newspapers have become very useful. You can find an answer to any questions on the ball with whom we actually face today and cannot be lazy to write these newspapers. May Allah help you! I do not agree to not write these newspapers and I myself do not miss a single number, although I don't need much in them, because I have books and other literature. But I love this newspaper, because I find a lot of interesting things in it, it brings me benefit and you will also find a lot of useful there. "

    Dagestan Muftan, Sheikh Ahmad Haji Afandi K.S. Said about the newspaper as-salam:

    "It was 15 years old since that time began to produce the newspaper as-salam and since then I have no doubt what benefit to the newspaper readers, Muslims, not only in our republic, beyond the republic as a whole, in other regions of Russia. On this occasion, I want to thank in the first place of creative team, since a lot depends on the content of the newspaper. If it were not for the sincere approach of the newspaper, people would not like and would not have increased the circulation of the newspaper and I would like to thank the second place and especially thank the distributors. When in the city and in other places pass and meet young guys, which spread, go, are engaged in a subscription. Of course no doubt that this is their work is jihad that the Most High requires us "

    You can arrange a subscription by phone 8-950-912-32-16!

    Delivery will be carried out in the mosque at the address: Tula, ul. Pirogova, 22.