Who has the most orders in the world? Multiple awards of the Order of the Red Star - the largest number of orders for one person

Stalin, as you know, did not like to show off his awards and preferred to appear in public with only one Star of the Hero of the USSR on his jacket. Perhaps he, like Machiavelli, believed that the more incompetent the ruler, the more rewards he has. However, the disciples of the “Father of Nations” in various countries of the world rejected the principles of communist modesty and turned their ceremonial uniforms into something like New Year trees, sparkling with gold and diamonds.


The elderly secretary general's passion for the tinsel of external honors and awards aroused ridicule even among representatives of the highest echelon of power in the country. When Brezhnev was buried, it turned out that the traditional procession of officers carrying his orders and medals behind the coffin simply would not fit on Red Square. Then Andropov ordered that the honorary escort be limited to 50 senior officers, and the highest state awards - in violation of all the canons of funerals of Soviet leaders - were attached to velvet pillows several at a time.


The dictator of the Central African Republic, Jean Bedel Bokassa, probably had more medals and orders than Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, but no one counted them on the chest of the former corporal of the French army. Eventually, the rewards ceased to satisfy Bokassa, and in 1976 he declared himself Emperor of the Central African Empire. In honor of this event, he ordered a crown to be made for himself for 20 million dollars and the Order of the Emperor Napoleon. The order was decorated with two hundred precious stones, and in the center was a diamond weighing 58 carats.


Saparmurad Niyazov is the only owner in the world of a unique collection of orders and medals named after himself. In particular, he is a six-time Hero of Turkmenistan, holder of the orders “Turkmenbashi”, “Star of the President”, the order of the President of Turkmenistan “Bitaraplyk” (“In honor of the neutrality of independent Turkmenistan”), the orders “Galkynysh” and Altyn asyr (“For special merits in labor activity”) in the 21st century - the golden age of the Turkmen people"), the gold medal "Altyn Ay" ("Golden Month") and other highest awards of Turkmenistan.


Defense Minister Marshal Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov became famous for the fact that he, the only person in the USSR, had 11 Orders of Lenin. (However, after his death, two orders were taken away from him as illegally received.) In addition, he had two Stars of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the Hero of the Soviet Union, 10 orders and an uncountable number of medals.


Four times Hero of the Soviet Union (according to the statute of the order it could only be awarded three times), Georgy Zhukov was awarded another 34 Soviet orders (not counting the two St. George Crosses of the 3rd and 4th degrees). In addition, he had 29 foreign orders and the title of Knight of the British Empire.


“His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal, Haji, Lord of all living creatures on earth and fish in the sea, invader of the British Empire in Africa in general and in Uganda in particular” - this is how the military dictator of Uganda Idi Amin Dada titled himself. In addition to the title, he had more than a hundred orders and medals, which he invented for himself.

  1. Olga writes:

    Good afternoon Please tell me how to determine by the number of the Order of the Red Star where and for what the order was received. I would like to know more about my grandfather. Grandfather's last name is Yakovlev Alexander Fedorovich, order No. 1148052 - Order of the Red Star, 448640 - Order of the Patriotic War, II degree, 1617879 - Order of the Patriotic War, I degree. Thank you in advance, Tatyana Starkova

  2. Anya writes:

    My grandfather took part in the Second World War, he liberated Ukraine and Belarus from the Nazi invaders. Did they give

    medals for the liberation of these republics?

  3. Irina writes:

    The award sheet for the medal “For Military Merit” of my grandfather Nikolai Aleksandrovich Khrenov states that he was previously awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad.” How can I find confirmation of this award? Thank you!

  4. Karina writes:

    Hello, Irina. There is such a site: Feat of the People podvignaroda.mil.ru/?#tab=navHome

    You can write it in words, you can follow the link above. There is a bookmark: People and awards. Come in there. I wrote the first and last name of your grandfather. There were a lot of options with different years of birth. You will definitely find yours there. Open the link for a specific last name and read what you were awarded for. That's how I found out. that my grandfather was awarded two medals for courage; there were also “scans” of wartime orders and descriptions of specific feats. I had never seen my grandfather, but after these finds, it was as if I had met him—LIVING. Good luck to you in your search. Best regards, Karina.

  5. Guivan Yuri Alekseevich writes:

    I am looking for the owner of the Order of the Red Star number 589535

  6. Chernyshov Sergey Vladimirovich. writes:

    Hello. Due to the feat of the people, I found Chernyshov’s uncle Fyodor Gavrilovich, he died in the Crimea. He was nominated for the Order of Glory, 3rd class. But I didn’t manage to get it. He died in the hospital. Can we receive this award as a souvenir? We have nephews from close relatives. Please give me an answer. And where to go. With respect, retired senior warrant officer Chernyshov S.V.

  7. Parfenova Irina Gennadievna writes:

    Hello. My grandfather Mikhail Yakovlevich Kornienko is a WWII veteran. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner No. 7152231 and the Medal “For Courage” No. 5591725. I would like to find confirmation of these awards. In TsAMO there is confirmation of the medal “For Courage” but there is no description of the feat. But there is no confirmation of the order.

  8. Oleg writes:

    Good day to you. In 1988, during the liquidation of the consequences in Armenia (Leninakan (Gyumri)) he was nominated for a medal for “Courage”, but since there were no hostilities, he was rewritten as “BZ”. They registered for two people in the regiment, for me and, as usual, for a national officer. frame.

    The battalion commander prepared the presentation twice in my presence.

    The officer received it, and I was on vacation. Then I found out that my medal had miraculously been transferred to the division’s logistics deputy...

    The boss told me about this. from. division personnel...

    In 1989 the regiment was disbanded...

    Somehow in 92, I met this medal bearer... He quickly left the regiment after recognizing me)

    So I know for sure that the reward has come!

    How to restore it?

    My name is Kalugin Oleg Nikolaevich, then I was a lieutenant in a tank platoon.

  9. Andrey writes:

    Found the Combat Merit Medal number 481064. Find the owner.

  10. Alexander writes:

    in 2000, as part of a united group of troops in the North Caucasus, he served on the territory of the river. Chechnya Yampolsk motorized rifle regiment, 1st battalion, 1st company, junior sergeant. According to the company commander, he was nominated for an award. How do I know if I have been awarded?

  11. Julia writes:

    Hello! in 2002, I was awarded the Medal “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census.” in 2010, its state status was removed. Did they transfer it to some other status? How to evaluate this medal now? They handed it to me as a state one, it was like that for 8 years, and in 2010 it will be canceled from me? Please explain, otherwise I can’t figure it out!))

  12. Svetlana writes:

    Good day. How to restore the truth? My grandfather Zinin Pyotr Terentyevich fought in the 141st GP and was a gunner on a forty-five. He said that he was nominated for an award. But on the award sheet they wrote zonin instead of zinin. How to fix this? After all, he should receive his well-deserved reward. Please help me figure this out.

  13. Vladimir writes:

    Hello, tell me where to find information on the awards of my grandfather, whose last name is Lysokon Nazariy Gerasimovich, b. 1905

  14. Ksenia writes:

    Hello. I am looking for the owner of the Order of the Patriotic War number 6067677

  15. Mikhail Titov writes:

    Please tell me, in 2000 I was nominated for the Order of Courage but could not receive it. How can I find her now?

  16. we are nobody writes:

    Vladimir Vladimirovich, can’t we simplify the bureaucracy and get what I’m entitled to?

  17. Anna writes:

    I am looking for award materials for the Order of the Red Star, No. 481305, in my personal military file, order No. 034/N of the North-Western Front dated July 25, 1942 is indicated.

  18. Valery writes:

    We are looking for the full name of the owner of the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR under No. 85. If possible, please tell me where to make a request regarding this problem. Thank you.

  19. Julia writes:

    Hello, I am looking for a description of the Order of Nikolai Prokhorov. The only description on the Internet is that it is from 2005. Thank you

  20. mikhail writes:

    I'm looking for a medal awarded in the Republic of Armenia for the military exercises Vostok-2009. The medal was stolen along with the certificate...............or help me tell what medals were awarded in 2009. Captain Mikhail Georgievich Kortunov. Thank you

  21. Svetlana writes:

    Is it possible to find someone awarded the Order of Glory, III degree, during the Second World War?

  22. Olga writes:

    Is it possible to get information about the awarding of my grandfather, a participant in the Second World War of 1941-1945? I only know that he was awarded the ORDER OF THE RED STAR Kushnirenko Prokofy Dmitrievich, born 1913. I am his youngest granddaughter and I would really like to tell my children about him, but unfortunately my relatives cannot tell anything about him (only what is described above).

  23. Elena writes:

    My grandfather Konstantin Nikolaevich Merzlyakov, a participant in the Second World War and the Russian-Japanese War, has several awards, which are recorded in his military ID, but the medals themselves were stolen during his return from the war. Now we are asking where and when he was nominated for awards, but the database responds that nothing was found. Where can I find out information about his awards and military achievements?

  24. Natalya writes:

    I found an order with number 2444993.

  25. Zinaida writes:

    Good afternoon! Our grandfather Aleksey Georgievich Samoilov, 1899. He was called up by the Krasnosulinsky GVK, Rostov region, Krasny Sulin Military unit 216 Guards Dad 9 Guards Pabr 7 Adp RGK. He was awarded a medal FOR COMBAT MERIT. I remember from childhood he had a box with medals. Help please restore his rewards. The database says that nothing was found

  26. Alexander writes:

    My father Novoselov Ivan Stepanovich was drafted into the aviation unit

    near the city of Tuapse in 1939 as a witness to a car. At the beginning of the war, during the dislocation, the train was bombed by German aircraft. After disbandment

    was sent to a tank school in Nizhny Tagil upon graduation

    sent to the active army. in battles he was burned twice, got burns, lost his sense of smell and after another hospital was sent as a spotter

    where on May 1 or 2, 1945, near the city of Washkau, he received a non-penetrating shrapnel wound to the left lung. until October 1945 he was in the hospital

    in the city of Brno and in the fall of 1945 was written off on the basis of three serious

    Injuries in reserve. When moving, you need documents and certificates of injuries

    stolen on the train. upon arrival in Perm (Molotov) the police were

    duplicates have been issued. At the moment, my father is no longer alive. But wherever I wrote to find out his military path, but as if he didn’t fight, there is no information anywhere. I lost all faith that anyone could give me an answer. maybe he was a traitor? But I believe my father's stories.

  27. Korovin Ivan Dmitrievich writes:

    My father Korovin Dmitry Grigorievich, born in 1914, was conscripted from the village. Watchdog of the Usmansky district of the Voronezh region, demobilized in 1946. In the 50s, my brother and I asked him why you don’t have awards, because you fought poorly and he answered us like that; Before we were sent home, they lined us up and read out a list of who received what awards for me, the Order of the Red Star, and since there are no orders they will be sent to the place of your conscription, on the Internet I decided to check what awards my father had - it turned out: Soldiers of Victory - Dmitry Grigorievich Korovin, born 1914 .awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class. and a medal for the liberation of Budapest - we did not see these awards and we think that my father did not receive them due to an error in his address from the place of conscription where s. Storozhevets, Usman district, Voronezh region. Who is right in this situation and how to find out and where?

  28. Vladimir writes:

    help find the owner of the Order of the Red Star 495570

  29. Oksana writes:

    Good afternoon

    I would really like to know any information about my grandfather.

    My grandfather Kapustyan (in some documents it was written Kapustyan) Theodosius (in some documents it was written Fedor) Ivanovich, date of birth 09/02/1926 (although in fact he was born in 27, but signed up a year older, to go to war), lived in st. Ivanovskaya Krasnoarmeisky district (then there was Ivanovsky district) of the Krasnodar Territory.

    He was awarded the Order of the Red Star No. 835294, there is also the Order of the October Revolution Mint No. 67931, but it was given after the war, apparently not for military merit, there were also awards, but they are lost.

    He was a tank driver in the war, reached Belarus, then served in the army for another 3 years after the war. He didn’t like to talk about himself or the war. He only said that he served in some secret troops. Died in 1995.

    We cannot find any information about awards and exploits anywhere. If you can find any information about him, I will be very grateful to you. Thank you!

  30. Ekimova Galina Nikolaevna writes:

    My father, Nikolai Nikiforovich Menshikov, born in 1909, war veteran, guard senior lieutenant. He was mobilized into the army on August 14, 1941, and graduated from service on August 10, 1946. From March 1942 to August 1943, he fought and was wounded in the 56th Guards SP 1916 SD of the Volkhov Front (as it is written on the military ID). He was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”, which was awarded on August 23, 1944 for No. AB 83927. He also has the Order of the Red Star No. 1212928 dated August 2, 1947. My father has been gone for a long time, but his memory is sacredly preserved in my family. My children proudly participate in the Immortal Regiment march with a portrait of their grandfather. I address you with the following request: my father’s name is not in the lists and databases of those awarded in the Second World War. Please, help. Sincerely, Ekimova Galina

Orders and medals are received not only by military personnel and firefighters, but also by business representatives. RBC studied which of the largest entrepreneurs and heads of state-owned companies in Russia has the most state awards

The most honored billionaires of Russia

Businessmen with the most state awards

billion $

Entrepreneurs whose assets, according to Forbes, exceeded $1 billion in 2018, were considered. The table shows a list of those businessmen who received three or more awards. Rating participants with an equal number of awards are listed in alphabetical order.

Sources: Forbes, RBC, pravo.gov.ru

The leader of the medal standings of Russian billionaires, Alexey Mordashov, received his first state award - the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree - in May 1996, when he was still just the first deputy general director of Severstal JSC. The award was presented to him and several other Severstal employees with the standard wording “For services to the state and many years of conscientious work.” For what particular merits President Boris Yeltsin rewarded the 30-year-old manager was not specified.

Mordashov received his next award, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, in September 1999 after the signing of the Comprehensive Steel Trade Agreement between Russia and the United States. The agreement allowed the suspension of the anti-dumping investigation launched in 1998 by the US Department of Commerce commission regarding the import of hot-rolled steel from Russia.

What we thought

RBC selected two types of candidates to participate in the list. These are: 1. Russian participants in the ranking of The World's Billionaires by Forbes magazine for 2018, whose fortune was estimated at a billion dollars or more; 2. Heads of companies from the first hundred of the rating of the largest Russian companies by revenue RBC 500 for 2017, in which a controlling stake belongs to the state. The source of information about state awards of participants in the list were the relevant presidential decrees published before March 1, 2018. The list also included publicly announced information about awards, which for various reasons were not reflected in available official documents. However, the decree on awards is not always published - among them there are also classified ones. Thus, according to state news agencies, in 2011, Vladimir Putin (then Prime Minister) awarded the Order of Friendship to Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin. However, Dmitry Medvedev’s decree on awarding Sechin such an order on the official Internet portal of the legal no information.

The wording when awarding businessmen and top managers of companies with state awards is almost always standard: as a rule, the president notes many years of work for the benefit of the country and the industry. When awarded the insignia “For Good Deeds” (established by decree of Dmitry Medvedev in 2012), the charitable activities of the businessman are noted. Also, the decree may highlight the businessman’s activities in establishing contacts between countries, especially if we are talking about the Order of Friendship.

In 2016, as RBC previously did, State Duma deputy Andrei Skoch received the Order of Alexander Nevsky. His press service was unable to explain for what merits the president awarded the billionaire, but they suggested that it had to do with Skoch’s charitable activities. In 2014, the Vedomosti newspaper reported that Vladimir Putin, by a closed decree, awarded businessmen and heads of state-owned companies with orders for preparing for the Olympics in Sochi. Among the recipients were Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, Sberbank President German Gref, Interros owner Vladimir Potanin and others.

How many orders do billionaires have?

Half of Russian businessmen, whose wealth is estimated at a billion dollars or more, do not have state awards. The rating includes all entrepreneurs whose assets, according to Forbes, in 2018 exceeded $1 billion

billion $


Source: RBC

Half of Russian businessmen, whose wealth is estimated at a billion dollars or more, do not have state insignia. They have something to regret, because the award, under certain circumstances, can be extremely useful for the owner. According to the provisions of the law “On additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation,” state awards give their recipient the right to state support. For example, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, guarantees monthly payments in the amount of 415% of the social pension (in 2017, the average annual social pension was 8,742 rubles). Recipients of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II, III and IV degrees, receive payments in the amount of 330% of the social pension. Payments for other orders and medals are not provided for by law, however, all holders of state awards can obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”. At the federal level, labor veterans are exempt from paying property tax, and at the regional level they can also be exempt from land tax.

According to the resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court of Russia, the presence of state awards may be a circumstance mitigating criminal punishment. According to the lawyer of the company “Rustam Kurmaev and Partners” Dmitry Gorbunov, holders of state awards are sometimes included in a separate category of persons subject to amnesty when it is announced by the president.

Awards for the ten richest Russians - participants in Forbes Billionaires 2018

In the top ten richest people in Russia, only two people remained without state awards

billion $


Source: RBC

Only member of the board of directors of NOVATEK and Sibur, Gennady Timchenko, and head of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, do not have visible confirmation of the significance of their activities for the state. The rest were awarded at least once.

The approximate sequence of events that must occur in order for a businessman to receive a state award looks like this. The team of the organization where the citizen works, or the local government authorities at the place of his residence, must initiate an application for an award. Based on this petition, a package of documents is sent to the head of the municipality where the company of the applicant for the award is registered. Then the documents are handed over to the head of the region, who submits a proposal for the award to the president. The documents are reviewed by the Presidential Commission on State Awards. If its members agree with the proposal, they propose to the president to award the citizen with a state award. This procedure is enshrined in the regulations on state awards of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the President of Russia in 2010.

Most Honored Industries

Most often, state awards were given to businessmen involved in raw materials.

billion $


Source: RBC

Most often, state awards are given to businessmen with assets in the metallurgical industry (more than a third of all those awarded) or in the oil and gas industry (20% of all awarded). Builders and retailers usually do not receive awards, and entrepreneurs involved in retail and high-tech technologies are bypassed: the founders of the Magnit network Sergei Galitsky and Kaspersky Lab Evgeniy Kaspersky, the head of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman and his partners Alexey Kuzmichev and German Khan have nothing decorate the chest.

And, say, Viktor Vekselberg (then the head of the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company), Vagit Alekperov (LUKOIL), Vladimir Bogdanov (Surgutneftegaz), Viktor Rashnikov (MMK) and many other raw materials workers were given the first state award by Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin awarded the 31-year-old Deripaska, who had barely gained control of Sayan Aluminum Plant JSC, the Order of Friendship for his “great contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry and many years of conscientious work.”

The founder and main shareholder of USM Holdings, Alisher Usmanov, received all his awards (he has four of them) from Vladimir Putin, and the decree on awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky was not published, although information about this is in Usmanov’s official biography on the website of the Metalloinvest holding. The law on the state award system states that each subsequent state award is awarded no earlier than five years after the previous one, however, Alisher Burkhanovich received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Alexander Nevsky and the distinction “For Beneficence” with a difference of 1- 1.5 years (in 2013, 2014 and 2016). However, the award can be presented earlier by decision of the president.

Friend of the President is not a title

RBC studied the awards of people whom Vladimir Putin himself called his friends

billion $


Awards can be very expensive, there is the most expensive in the world, and there is an award recognized as the most expensive in the USSR. It is also interesting to learn about the unusual reward that is given to the most ridiculous of deaths.

Most Ridiculous Death Award

Every now and then we hear that some kind of prize has been given to someone, and it turns out that a prize has also been established for the most absurd death. Its name is the Darwin Award. It is a virtual reward.

The award's goal is to encourage the removal of defective genes from the human gene pool. Sometimes the prize is awarded to surviving people, but most often the laureates become winners after death.

A person who has killed himself, allowed himself to be killed by someone or something out of stupidity, or has performed certain actions due to which he has lost the opportunity to procreate can apply for a Darwin Prize. Death caused by someone else's mistake does not qualify for this bonus, as it is simply bad luck.

All cases must be checked for accuracy, and they must be “fresh”, that is, they must have occurred no more than a year ago. Since true idiocy is unique, the winner is most often the most extraordinary case that leads to death.

The most expensive reward

Of all the famous awards in the world, two of the most expensive can be distinguished. One of them is the highest award of the Russian Empire. Its name is the Diamond Badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle. The estimated cost is about five million four hundred thousand dollars.

Another most expensive award is the Order of Victory. Only seventeen people possessed it, and three of them had two such awards. It is impossible to determine the approximate cost of the order, since none of the orders is for sale.

The highest award in Russia

Tsarist Russia developed its own award system; medals and orders were awarded in pre-revolutionary Russia, in Soviet Russia and, finally, in modern Russia.

The honorary title of Hero of the Russian Federation implies the presentation of the Gold Star medal. This is the highest award in Russia. It is relatively new, as it appeared after the collapse of the USSR.

The most expensive award of the USSR

No one argues that the main thing in any award is the merits of the person to whom it is given. However, funds are spent on the production of any award. Among all the awards of the USSR, the Order of Victory is recognized as the most priceless.

The order was established in the fall of 1943 to reward military leaders, thanks to whom a victory was won in an important large-scale operation, which entailed a change in the situation at the front in favor of our army.

It looks like a five-pointed star, which is decorated with five artificial rubies and one hundred and seventy-four diamonds. In the center there is an image of the Spasskaya Tower. Gold, platinum, silver and enamel were used to make this piece of jewelry. The size of the jewel is seventy-two millimeters.

The production was carried out by masters of the Moscow jewelry and watch factory. This order was awarded only twenty times; military leaders of the USSR, Stalin and some foreign citizens were awarded. Today, all orders are in Russia in storage facilities and museums.

No one knows the exact price of this order, but it is known that according to today’s calculations, the cost of the materials used in the manufacture of the award is about one hundred thousand dollars.

Only one order is in a private collection. It once belonged to Michael I. When the King of Romania was forced to flee the country, the award is believed to have ended up in the hands of Ceausescu. He sold it for a million dollars to the Rockefeller family. They, in turn, sold it at auction for two million. Experts believe that if the order appeared at auction today, about twenty million would be paid for it.

The most prestigious award in the world

There is practically not a single person who does not know about the Nobel Prize. It is she who is recognized as the most prestigious in the world. Its founder is chemist Alfred Nobel. He patented the discovery of dynamite, and has a number of other discoveries directly related to explosions. Despite this, the brilliant chemist strove for universal peace. He decided to reward people who have made significant contributions over the past year in five areas - physics, chemistry, literature and peace, physiology and medicine. To do this, he wrote a will in the amount of nine million dollars, which became the amount for establishing the fund. Funding for the international prize, according to this will, must be paid from the above amount.

The prize was first awarded in 1901, which coincided with the fifth anniversary of Nobel's death. Since 1969, this prize began to be awarded for special achievements in the field of economics.

The award ceremony always takes place in Stockholm on the same day, namely the tenth of December. This date is the day of Nobel's death.

Receiving such awards is a serious cause for celebration. And at special events, alcohol is often served, including the most expensive cognac in the world.
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It is interesting to look at a person who has never heard of the Nobel Prize, or knows nothing about the Oscar film award. However, it is always interesting to know where it all began and how these coveted awards came about. This ranking contains the Top 10 most prestigious awards in the world, the history of their origin and the conditions for receiving them. Who knows, perhaps one of the future laureates is among us.

10. Astrid Lindgren Follower Award

For achievements in the field of children's literature, at the initiative of the Swedish government, the Astrid Lindgren Prize was established. The name of the writer was not chosen by chance, since in Sweden the heroes of Lindgren’s works are incredibly popular. The award nominees are illustrators and writers whose works are written in the spirit of Astrid Lindgren. The winner receives a prize of SEK 5 million. In this way, the Swedish government hopes to increase public interest in children's and youth literature. In addition, with the help of the award, Sweden hopes to popularize reading as a leisure activity for children.

9. Pritzker Prize

Architects have a chance to become $100,000 rich. Those who receive the Pritzker Prize have this opportunity. This award was established in 1979 by the Pritzker family, who are also the owners of the Hyatt hotel chain in different countries around the world. The winners are those who generate innovative design ideas in the field of architecture. It is curious that each time the award is presented in different places. Thus, the Pritzker Prize has already been awarded within the walls of the National Gallery in Washington, at the Hermitage Theater in St. Petersburg, on Capitol Hill in Rome and even in the White House. Each time, the awards ceremony itself is preceded by exhibitions of works by all laureates.

8. Turing Award

Professionals working in the field of information technology can count on receiving the Turing Award. The winner is determined by the Association of Computing Machinery, which became the founder of the award. You can only become a Turing Award winner once; it is not awarded to the same person again. One or two nominees are awarded per year. The first winner of the award was Alan Perlis, and this happened in 1966. Until 2014, the award was sponsored by two large corporations: Google and Intel. And at that time the winner received 250 thousand dollars. Now Google is the only sponsor left. And today the laureate can count on $1 million in prize money. By tradition, the winner must give a lecture at which he highlights innovative ideas in the field of information technology.

7. Fields Medal

It's no secret that mathematicians have never won a Nobel Prize. This science is simply not on the list specified in the will of the founder himself. They say that it was no coincidence that Alfred Nobel deprived mathematicians of the opportunity to receive bonuses. Nobel's contemporary was the brilliant Swedish mathematician Mittag-Leffler, for whom the founder of the prize had a strong dislike. Whether this was due to the attentions the mathematician showed to Nobel’s wife, or something else, history is silent. But still there are no mathematicians among the Nobel Prize laureates. And the representatives of this science would have remained deprived if not for John Fields. In 1924, while presiding over the International Congress of Mathematicians, he proposed, as part of this event, to recognize young mathematicians for certain achievements. Unlike the Nobel Prize, the Fields Prize is awarded only once every 4 years. Only mathematicians under 40 years of age are awarded a gold medal and a relatively small cash prize of 15 thousand Canadian dollars. The age restrictions were proposed by Fields himself, so he hoped to encourage young scientists to new achievements.

6. Darwin Award

Quite cynical criteria for selecting the winners of the annual Darwin Awards. After all, according to the terms of the prize, those who absurdly ended their own lives without leaving descendants are awarded. Thus, with the help of black humor, the founders hint at Darwin's theory of natural selection. They say that fools who killed themselves out of their own stupidity thus saved humanity from defective genes. But don’t think that only dead people can be nominated for this award. The Darwin Award has been awarded several times to people who, as a result of stupid carelessness, lost their reproductive function. So, escaping from a police chase, petty swindler Richard Greg Oliver decided to jump over the fence. At that moment, the gun in his pocket went off, instantly ending any hope Oliver had of ever becoming a father. And if things don’t work out with the descendants, then Mr. Oliver already has the Darwin Award. It’s sad, but the award has no shortage of nominees. There are examples of how this happens in our selection.

5. Ig Nobel Prize

Many scientists secretly hope to one day receive a Nobel Prize for their work. However, some are awarded only an ironic Ig Nobel Prize. This idea is nothing more than a parody of a prestigious award in the field of science. True, it is awarded in a very serious place - at Harvard. Moreover, the laureates are very real scientists, whose discoveries and inventions turned out to be absolutely useless for humanity. The main condition for receiving this award is the humorous component of scientific work. After all, as the motto of the Ig Nobel Prize says, it is awarded for inventions that first make you smile, and only then make you think. Thus, among the examples there is a serious scientific work on how the presence of a person affects the libido of ostriches, or a study of the harms and benefits of kissing. The nominees are awarded by real Nobel laureates, with fake noses and fake glasses. However, history knows one Ig Nobel laureate, who was awarded the Nobel Prize a little later. Physicist Andrei Geim became him. Truly, there is only one step from the great to the ridiculous.

4. Booker Prize

The highest literary award was established in 1969, and since then has gained fame as the most prestigious prize in the field of English-language literature. Until 2013, only an author living in a Commonwealth country, Zimbabwe or Ireland could receive the Booker Prize. In addition to this condition, only works created in English were taken into account. Today, the prize can be awarded to any literary work in English, regardless of the author’s nationality. The main sponsor of the award has been the Man Group corporation for almost 15 years. Since then, the name of the award has been The Man Booker Prize. The decision on the winner is made by a special jury, which includes eminent literary critics, public figures and writers. You have to choose from hundreds of applicants. The winner, in addition to an honorary title, will receive a monetary reward, the amount of which is limited to 50 thousand pounds sterling. In the history of the Man Booker Prize, four of its laureates were subsequently also awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. And Hilary Mantel, J.M. Coetzee and Peter Carey won the Booker twice. But the absolute record holder in terms of receiving awards was Iris Murdoch, because she received the Booker as many as 6 times.

3. Grammy

Musicians strive to get their Oscar, we are talking about the Grammy Award. This award was first presented in 1958 at the initiative of the US Recording Industry Association. A year earlier, professional musicians gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the invention of the gramophone. It was at this event that the idea of ​​a music award arose. They also didn’t think long about the name and form of the award. As you know, it has the shape of a small gilded gramophone. For many years, winners were chosen in 30 musical genres in 108 categories. True, in 2011 the number of categories was slightly reduced, now there are 78. Behind the scenes, there are three most prestigious categories, in which it is considered the greatest success to be noted: song of the year, record of the year, album of the year and best new artist. In 2016, Kendrick Ramar, who raps, was nominated in 11 categories. However, these figures cannot be compared with the record of conductor Georg Solti. During the 20 years that he directed the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the musician managed to receive 31 Grammy awards, and there were as many as 74 nominations in his career. Among groups, U2 is considered the absolute record holder with 22 statuettes. But the record for the number of awards received in one ceremony is shared between Michael Jackson and Santana. They received 8 statuettes in 1984 and 2000, respectively.

2. Oscar film award

1. Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel was a fairly successful chemical inventor and engineer. In addition, he owned the Bofors metallurgical concern, whose main activity was the mass production of weapons. In addition, Nobel received income from his inventions, the total number of which exceeded 3 hundred. The main invention that made Nobel famous was dynamite. All this allowed the inventor to accumulate impressive capital, which Nobel intended to pass on to his descendants. But one day in the morning newspaper I read an obituary about myself: “The merchant of death has died.” In fact, a terrible mistake crept into the note, since the inventor’s brother died, and not he himself. But Alfred wondered what kind of memory humanity would have when its last hour struck. As a result, he decided to change his will. Nobel bequeathed his entire capital to be placed in a reliable bank, with the aim of subsequently distributing funds in the form of bonuses to those who made the greatest contribution to the development of science during the year. Pundits were to be encouraged in 5 categories: in the field of physiology and medicine, chemistry, physics, literature and restoration of peace on earth. Since 1900, the Nobel Prize has been awarded according to all the rules drawn up by its founder. In addition, in 1968, at the initiative of the Swedish Bank, one innovation was added: in addition to five nominations, an award for merit in the field of economics was added. The laureates receive the Peace Prize in Norway from the hands of the king. Laureates in all other categories are awarded in Sweden. From the hands of the king they receive a gold medal with a portrait of Nobel, and a check. The amount of the award varies from year to year depending on the income of the Nobel Foundation. Today it is somewhere around 1.5 million dollars.

Often, when taking on something, a person does not expect to receive any special recognition. He is simply passionate about what he loves, and does his job exceptionally well, because he doesn’t know how to do otherwise. It is all the more pleasant to receive a well-deserved reward for your efforts, unless it is a Darwin Award.