Syntactic analysis of the proposal and as wonderful. Syntactic analysis of the complex offer

  1. Describe the proposal for the purpose of the statement: a narrative, questional or motivating.
  2. According to emotional color: exclamation or non-visible.
  3. According to the presence of grammatical foundations: simple or complex.
  4. Then, depending on whether a simple offer or complex:
If simple:

5. Describe the proposal for the availability of the main members of the sentence: twisted or monastery, indicate which is the main member of the sentence, if it is a single-main (subject or led).

6. Describe the presence of secondary members of the sentence: common or unpropered.

7. Specify whether the proposal is complicated (homogeneous members, appeal, introductory words) or not complicated.

8. Stress all members of the sentence, specify part of speech.

9. Create a proposal scheme by specifying the grammatical basis and complication if it is.

If difficult:

5. Specify which link in the proposal: allied or non-union.

6. Specify that is a means of communication in the proposal: intonation, writing unions or subordinate unions.

7. Make a conclusion that this proposal is: non-union (BSP), complex (SSP) complex (SPP).

8. Disassemble every part of a complex proposal, as simple, starting from paragraph number 5 of the neighboring column.

9. Stress all members of the sentence, specify part of speech.

10. Create a proposal scheme by specifying a grammatical basis and complication if it is.

An example of a simplicity of a simple sentence


Proposal narrative, non-promotional, simple, twisted, grammatical basis: pupils and students learnCompleted, complicated by homogeneous subjects.


Narrative, unkonsectative, simple, double, grammatical basis pupils and students learnCompleted complicated by homogeneous subjects.

Sample discretion sample


Proposal narrative, non-promotional, complex, communication union, communication means because, complex proposal. The first simple proposal: Single-part, with the main member - the fag not askedcommon not complicated. Second simple sentence: double, grammatical basis we went with the classroom,common, not complicated.


Narrative, unkonsectative, complicated, communication union, communication means submissions because, NGN.

1st PP: Single-part, with the main member - the fault not askedcommon not complicated.

2nd PP: twisted, grammatical basis - we went with the classroom,credited, not complicated.

Example of the scheme (offer, after it scheme)

Another option of the syntactic parsing

Syntactic analysis. The procedure for syntaxially.

In phrases:

  1. We allocate the necessary phrase from the offer.
  2. We consider the structure - we allocate the main word and dependent. We indicate which part of the speech is the main and dependent word. Next, we specify how this phrase is connected with this syntax.
  3. And finally, we indicate how his grammatical meaning is.

In a simple sentence:

  1. Determine what the proposal for the purpose of the statement is a narrative, motivating or questional.
  2. We find the foundation of the offer, we establish that the proposal is simple.
  3. Next, you need to talk about how this offer is built.
    • Twisted it, or a single one. If one-point, then define the type: personal, impersonal, called or vaguely personal.
    • Common or non-proliferated
    • Incomplete or complete. If the proposal is incomplete, then it is necessary to specify which member of the sentence is missing in it.
  4. If this offer has something complicated, be it homogeneous members or separate members of the sentence, it is necessary to note.
  5. Next, you need to take the analysis of the sentences on members, while pointing to what parts of speech they are. It is important to comply with the procedure for parsing. First, the previously defined and subject is determined, then the minor, which are included in the first - to be subject to, then the faithful.
  6. We explain why someone somehow placed the signs of punctuation in the sentence.


  1. We note what is the leakable - simple verb or composite (nominal or verb).
  2. Indicate what is expressed by the lean:
    • simple - what form of the verb;
    • composite verbous - from which it consists;
    • compound nominal - What a bunch is used than the name is expressed.

In a sentence, having homogeneous members.

If we have a simple proposal, then when it is planned, it should be noted that this is for homogeneous members of the sentence and how they are connected with each other. Either by intonation, or intonation with alliances.

In offers with separate members:

If we have a simple sentence, then when it is analysis, it should be noted than turnover will be. Next, we disassemble the words that are included in this turnover.

In suggestions with separate member of speech:

First, we note that in this sentence, there is direct speech. We indicate the direct speech and text of the author. We disassemble, explain why so, and not otherwise the signs of punctuation in the proposal are arranged. Almighty scheme offer.

In a complex sentence:

First, we indicate which proposal for the purpose of the statement is a questionnaire, narrative or motivating. We find simple proposals in the proposal, we allocate the grammatical foundation in them.

We find unions with the help of which simple proposals are connected in the complex. We note that this is for alliances - opposing, connecting or dividing. Determine the value of all this complex proposal - contrasting, alternation or enumeration. Explain why it is in this way that the signs of punctuation are placed in the proposal. Then every simple sentence, of which it consists of complex, it is necessary to disassemble the same way as a simple sentence.

In a complex proposal with the apparent (one)

First, we indicate what proposal is to the goal of the statement. We allocate the grammatical basis of all simple proposals, of which it consists of complex. We read them.

We call what proposal is the main thing, and what is the apparent. We explain what kind of complex proposal it is, we pay attention to how it is built than connecting the appling to the main offer and what it applies to.

We explain why this is how the punctuation marks in this proposal are placed. Then, the appropriate and main proposal should be disassembled, therefore, as simple sentences are dealt.

In a complex proposal with pressing (several)

We call what proposal is on the purpose of the statement. We highlight the grammatical basis of all simple sentences, of which it consists of difficult, we read them. We indicate which proposal is the main thing, and what is the apparent. It is necessary to specify what is subordination in the proposal - either this is parallel submission or consistent or uniform. If there is a combination of several types of subordination, it must be noted. We explain why, thus, the proposals are placed punctuation marks. And at the end, we make the analysis of the apparent and main proposals as simple offers.

In a complex non-union sentence:

We call what proposal is on the purpose of the statement. We find the grammatical basis for all simple sentences, of which this complex offer consists. We read them, call the number of simple proposals that are part of the complex. We define what the relationship between simple proposals is in meaning. This may be a sequence, reason with the consequence, opposition, simultaneity, explanation or addition.

We note what the features of the structure of this proposal, which particular proposal it is. Than in this offer are connected simple and what they relate to.

Explain why it is in this way that the signs of punctuation are placed in the proposal.

In a complex sentence, in which there are different types of communication.

We call how the purpose of the statement is this proposal. We find and highlight the grammatical basis of all simple proposals, of which it consists of difficult, we read them. We establish that this offer will be a proposal in which there are different types of communication. Why? We determine which links are present in this offer - allied writing, supervisory or other.

In meaning, we establish how simple suggestions are formed in the complex sentence. We explain why it is thus placed in the proposal of punctuation marks. All simple suggestions, of which are composed of complex, disassemble as a simple proposal.

All for study »Russian language» Syntactic disclation

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The proposal contains information, asks about it or sends to action. Most often has the basis and describing its secondary members. To assimilate or refresh the topic in memory, it is useful to study examples of a grammatical separation of the supply in Russian.

Grammatical basis in the analysis of the sentence

The basis is logical in use. It consists of a subject, which calls the thing or phenomenon directly, and the facility - actions committed or directed to the object.

Such is always used in the initial form (nominative n.), But it may be not only a noun. It can be:

  • numeral - to indicate quantity, sets, numbers (in the queue stood three; four was the best estimate for him);
  • personal pronoun (he quietly walked along the corridor; we left the class);
  • undefined pronoun (Some sitting in the room; I prevented something);
  • negative pronoun (no one could prevent them from);
  • adjective (Responsible was appointed by the leadership; the duty officer followed the order).

In the grammatical analysis of the sentence, the proposal is made to allocate by emphasising, and the failed - double underlines.

The faithful is most often a verb, but has several types:

  • simple verbal, expressed by verb in any inclination (Pins fled along the alley; the student gets up early);
  • composite verdol, consists of auxiliary verb (modal word) and infinitive (she began to run in the morning; I have to go to work);
  • composite nominal, having a verb-ligament (most often - to be) and a call part (the schoolboy became a student; bread is their main meal; three times two - six (the word "will") is lowered));

Fullness sentence

Based on the basis of the base, the proposals are two-part, where both main member are present or one is meant (incomplete) (night comes; where he(omitted "Location") ?) , and single-main. The last happens:

  • definitely personal, in which the verb face is clear, about whom (I do everything possible (I); we go for a walk (we));
  • uncertain-personal, expressed verbal time in the plural (the floor below is loose; somewhere in the distance they sang);
  • generalized personal who attribute the action to everyone (often found in proverbs and sayings) (you want to eat fish - you need to climb into the water; go and admire the view);
  • impersonal not implying any object (Hummer; it was very sorry; in the room it is cold).

Minor, but no less important

To give deployed information, an object and action is supported by third-party words and structures. They are:

By performing a grammar analysis of the proposals, they should also be considered. If secondary members are available - the proposal is considered common, respectively, without them - non-prolonged.

Complicated proposals are not at all difficult

Various plug-in components complement the offer by increasing the amount of information. They are embedded between the main and secondary members, but are already defined as a separate part, which goes a separate point in the grammatical analysis of the proposal. These components can be removed or replaced without losing the meaning of the text. Among them:

  • separate definitions applicable to the object member (describe the property, stand out as definition), are involved in turnover (The kettle, heated on the stove, whistled sharply; the road led to the house standing in the forest);
  • separate circumstances (stand out as a circumstance) are consistent turnover (He ran, stumbling about stones; looking with caution, the dog extended the paw);
  • uniform members of the sentence - perform the same function and are always asked the same question. (on the floor were scattered (what?) books, notebooks, notes (homogeneous subject to); on weekends we are only (what they were doing?) slept and walking (homogeneous led); he looked at (Who?) mom and sister (homogeneous addition));
  • appeal to someone who is always separated by the comma and is an independent member of the sentence (my son, you did right; you, Andrei, did not understand me);
  • introductory words (probably may finally, etc.) (I probably got excited; tomorrow, most likely, it will be hot).

How to make a grammatical analysis of the proposal, given all the components?

For the analysis, a clear algorithm is created that does not cause difficulties in the knowledge of all the above designs and components of the sentence. Among them are distinguished and complex - the order of analysis is slightly different. The following grammatical analysis of suggestions with examples for individual cases is provided.

Simple sentence

At the beginning of autumn, covered with a gold carpet, urbanly overflore urban alleys.

1. Determine the main members. The basis should be one, as in this example: alley - subject to overflow - Taken.

2. Allocate secondary members: (when?) At the beginning of autumn - circumstance, (what?) golden carpet covered- Selected definition, (how?) fancy - circumstance, (what?) urban - Definition.

3. Determine the parts of speech:

In the beginning of the land. Autumn susta covered with bonds Golden adj. Carpet SUBS , fancy nar. Pleasted ch. Urban arr. Alleys of SUMS.

4. Describe Signs:

  • the purpose of the statement (narrative, motivating, questional);
  • intonation (exclamation, non-visible);
  • based on (twisted, single-maintain - indicate what);
  • fullness (full, incomplete)
  • according to the presence of secondary (common, unprofitable);
  • complicated (if so, then) or not complicated;

The characteristic of the given non-visible, two-part, complete, common, complicated by a separate definition.

So it looks like a complete grammar debriefing.

Difficult sentence

Since the complex proposal includes two or more simple, it is very logical to disassemble them separately, but the analysis algorithm is still different. The grammatical analysis of the proposals in Russian is ambiguous. Complex proposals for simple communication are:

An example of the analysis of a complex sentence

In the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy, but at the weekend everyone was going along with one large table.

  1. All foundations are allocated. There are several of them in a complex sentence: everyone - subject to was busy - composite nominal leaky; everything - subject to collected - Taken.
  2. Determine the parts of speech.

In the seed seed. , regardless of Nar. From the age of the age of land. , every place. Was ch. very nar. busy adj. but with. on the pr. Weekend adj. All a place. Goals gon Behind Ave. Big Ad. Table

  1. To identify the availability of the Union. Here - "But". So the offer is allied.
  2. It is possible to characterize the position of simple, if there is an alliance (paragraph 2). This example is a complex proposal, simple in it are equivalent (i.e., if desired, it can be divided into two independent). In the case of a non-union, this item is not specified.
  3. Make a general characteristic: narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex.
  4. Disassemble simple inside separately:
  • in the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy (narrative, unkonsectant, simple, double, full, common, complicated by a separate definition of "regardless of age") a
  • at the weekend, everyone was collected behind a large table (antifreeze., Non skins, simple., Dvusost., Full, Protect., Nevosl.)

Complex sentence

The algorithm will be similar only with an indication of the verification union. It is part of the same need to highlight the main thing and find out what way they are "attached" toaders (round brackets).

This is the type of submission, not a mandatory point, but also often taken into account.

The main thing is to remember that grammatical and syntactic analysis are synonyms. The meeting of one of the words in the task should not be scared, as the theme is quite common and fast-lying. For foreigners, it is difficult due to the big variability, but the same is the Russian language.

When working with various texts, many need to make out a proposal for its composition. The implementation of such a parsing usually suggests the presence of relevant philological knowledge, capable of helping in a correct analysis of the text you need. At the same time, the network also exists services that perform operations on the syntactic disable offer online. After a thorough study of the rules for the analysis of different proposals in composition, I decided to set out all my developments in this article.

At the beginning, I note that the expression "analysis of proposals in composition" is somewhat incorrect, since according to the composition, words usually disassemble, and what interests us in this case are called "Syntactic Debriefing".

At the same time, the specified syntactic analysis (in school it is also called "analysis of members") is usually performed as follows:

  • Decide which analyzed proposal for his statement (narrative, questioning or is a wonderful nature);
  • Indicate the emotional color of the sentence (it is exclaiming or not exclaiming);
  • Mark the number of grammatical foundations in this offer (if the suggestion is simple, then the basis, if complex - two or more);

If the offer is simple:

An example of a simple sentence:

"It was an extraordinary autumn day!"

After conducting a syntactic analysis, we can see that this proposal is a narrative, exclamation, simple, twisted, complete, not complicated.

If the offer is complex:

  • Decide with the connection in a complex proposal - allied or non-union;
  • Indicate the connection used in the proposal - intonation, the verbulent, writing;
  • Specify the type of complex proposal - the non-union, complex, complex.

An example of a complex sentence:

"The bouquet had roses and lilies, but she liked the tulips more."

After a syntactic analysis of this offer, we can see that this proposal has a narrative nature, not exclaiming, complex, has an allied connection, complex. The first proposal here is a double, the grammatical framework is the words "roses and lilies were", it is common, and complicated by homogeneous subjects.

The second proposal in this complex proposal is a two-stroke, its grammatical basis are the words "tulips liked", the proposal is common, and not complicated.

Services to pave a proposal for the composition online

Due to the wealth of grammatical structures, and the complexity of creating a powerful network tool for text syntactic analysis, presented in the network services (koi) have rather weak opportunities to carry out a full syntactic analysis of proposals. Nevertheless, I would allocate the following resources:

Among Russian-speaking resources for conducting semantic analysis online (De Facto, they are practically not represented) I would allocate the service It allows you to determine syntactic and morphological errors, demonstrates the general associativity of the text, performs other types of analysis. Unfortunately, the service does not always work stably, dysfunctions are often observed in its work.

  1. To work with this service, go to the site
  2. Enter your offer to the corresponding window, and click on "analyze".

Lovers of English in syntactic analysis can help a powerful linguistic resource Its capabilities allow us to analyze the proposal for its members. At the same time, this site also has other auxiliary tools for the implementation of various types of linguistic analysis online.

  1. To work with this resource, log in to the LEXISRX.COM website.
  2. Insert your offer to the appropriate window, and click on the Analyze button.

Linguist Forums

In the syntactic analysis of the proposal online, you can contact the help of the "human factor", and go to a variety of linguistic forums (level, and analogues). Register there, ask your question, and you will help you.


Network resources that make it possible to analyze proposals in composition, have a rather poor character, which is associated with the difficulties of creating such resources. Nevertheless, there are several such tools in the network (most of them are English), allowing us to easily hold the text analysis we need. Use the functionality of these services to parse the necessary proposals, and the online syntactic analysis.

In contact with

Dismissal plan:

2. To emphasize the secondary members of the proposal (additions, definitions, circumstances) and designate what they are expressed.

    by the number of foundations - simple or complex;

    according to the nature of the foundation - a twisted or single-maintenance;

    according to the presence of secondary members of the proposal - common or non-prolonged;

    complicated or uncomplicated (simple proposal usually complicate homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory words, clarifying structures, separate definitions and circumstances, etc.).

Sample of the syntactic parsing of a simple sentence:

Sun, | not yet entered into force |, heats carefully and affectionately.

Shatov., Non-skial., Simple, doubled, spread, complicated by homogeneous definitions and a separate definition, expressed by the involvement.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence

  • Syntactic analysis of a complex proposal (SSP)

Dismissal plan:

1. To emphasize the main members of the sentence (subject to both) and designate what they are expressed (what part of speech).

2. Find the boundaries of simple proposals in the composition of complex, make a SSP scheme.

3. Give a description of the proposal:

    for the purpose of the statement - a narrative, incentive, questional;

    in intonation - exclamation, unkonsectative;

    by the type of complex proposal - a complex (SSP);

    specify which the writing union is connected by simple proposals in the composition of complex;

1 [You were late for many years], but 2 [Still, I'm glad you] (ahmatova)

Offer scheme:

The proposal narrative, unkonsectant, complex, complex, consists of two simple proposals connected by the writing union, but with the meaning of opposition; The comma is put in front of the union but.

  • Syntactic analysis of complex proposal (SPP)

Dismissal plan:

1. To emphasize the main members of the sentence (subject to both) and designate what they are expressed (what part of speech).

2. Find the boundaries of simple suggestions in the composition of complex, draw up a SPP scheme.

3. Give a description of the proposal:

    for the purpose of the statement - a narrative, incentive, questional;

    in intonation - exclamation, unkonsectative;

    by the number of foundations - complex;

    by type of complex proposals - complex (SPP);

    specify the number of simple proposals in the complex;

    specify how simple sentences are connected in the composition of complex words.

    the appearance of the departure offer is an exemplary, determinant, circumstantial (with subspecies);

    explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

Sample of the syntactic parsing of a simple sentence:

The syntactic analysis of the sentence is the most frequently asked task from school, which some cannot be done. Today I will tell you how to draw a teacher and do everything right.

I will give today top 5 service that will help you to analyze the proposals for speech members.

All of them can perform some kind of syntactic analysis of proposals or words. In each of them there are some advantages and cons.

These services will be specialized both for Russian and for.

And I will say right away, they work not excellent by itself, but they will help you cope with most of your task.


The tables above I listed the best of the best services that can help you with the execution of your tasks on the syntactic analysis of proposals.

If you have familiarized yourself with the table, I suggest to start disassembled each of the services and start with the latest line of our list and gradually reach the leader of our Top.

№5 Lexis Res.

Under this link you can get to this service and evaluate it yourself:

What is this site? For people who explore English - it's just a treasure. This page allows you to analyze English text. It can use a person with any level of knowledge.

This is a service that allows you to conduct a syntactic analysis of the offer completely in English. Offers can be as simple, complex, complex and complex.

In addition to the fact that the site makes this analysis of any kind of offer, he still explains every word by values. That is, if you do not know the exact meaning of some word, then this resource is perfect for you.

You just need to write the text you need in the field or click the "Random Sentence" button (i.e. "Random Offer"), and then click the "Analyse" button, and then you will receive a detailed analysis of each word in the sentence: Explanation of the word value, Part of speech.

What are the advantages of this site before others? First of all, the service is very easy to use, you will not need to spend a lot of time to understand what.

Secondly, the site has a huge base that allows you to make a syntactic analysis of the text of any complexity and subjects.

In addition, the site has a huge functionality, it will be useful for many more his chips for people who are engaged in learning English.

  • easy to master the site;
  • there is practically no advertising that would distract;
  • simple site interface;
  • huge functionality;
  • very good syntactic analysis.
  • if you do not hold a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, it will be a little difficult to read all the explanations on the site;
  • words during analysis are not emphasized by lines of speech parts;
  • there is no site adaptation under the Russian language.

As you can see, the relationships of advantages and minuses allows you to call this site a good, but not excellent, so it is in fifth place.


In the fourth place there is a service called "Delph-in "

Upon this link, you can try it out: This site is a real monster for people who explore English. This service allows you to have online access to Lingo English Resource Grammar (ERG).

Here is the Linguistic Knowledge Builder Grammar Development Platform.

This interface allows you to enter one sentence using the ERG system and visualize the analysis results in various forms.

Immediately I will say that the site is suitable for those who have experienced in English, but this site is simply great and necessary for such people.

What advantages have this service? First of all, this site has a better degree of discharge by a method that is used at the University of Oslo, and to be accurately, then the language technological group.

Now we will look at both the pros and cons of this service.

  • a very flexible system of syntactic analysis of the sentence;
  • you can write offers for the most different subjects;
  • an unlimited number of characters in the sentence can be used.
  • the first one is that the service is quite difficult to use people, low and middle-level English;
  • to understand how the service works and disassemble, to understand what we need to pay the site for several hours.

We got acquainted with the fourth position and now let's go to the third place of our Top.

№3 MorphologyOnline

This site is ideal for those who need to qualitatively disassemble the proposal in stages, the word for the word to be accurately not mistaken and correctly pick up every part of speech to each word in the discussed sentence.

The service is as useful to the fact that he has a very wide description of each of the words.

What advantages have this service? Let's look them.

First of all, this is what it is very easy to use. Its interface has no distracting elements, which will allow you to fully focus on the written information.

Even, in addition to the fact that the service indicates part of the speech of the word, he still describes the morphological analysis, which makes the analysis of the word deeper and thorough.

This will help you never make a mistake in the syntactic analysis of your offer. Also, if you want to get acquainted in detail with the parts of speech, you can find information on this site, which is very convenient and understandable.

Now consider the service from two sides and see the pros and cons. Let's start with a positive side.

  • it is very simple - even the most young user will cope with him;
  • there are no annoying adverts, which makes the use of the service comfortable;
  • deep Scan;
  • a huge amount of information for an independent syntactic pavement.

It is because of these minuses and the advantages of service takes only third place. And now it is time for the second place.

№2 ""

Why is this service located on 4th place? This site allows you to analyze one word at a time on all Russian dictionaries, which not only indicate a part of speech, but also explain the importance of the artistic words, synonyms, antonyms, various forms.

Here you can even find the right stress for any Russian word.

Therefore, if you want to fully analyze the word or increase your level of knowledge of the Russian language, you can safely use this resource.

Let's consider in more detail the advantages of the site. First of all, there is a very nice interface, everything is clear, nothing needs to be sought. Everything you need can be immediately seen on the monitor display. The site itself has no advertisement.

The entire design of the site is made in simple colors, that is, from a long reading of this site, your eyes are not so tired.

With this service will be able to disassemble absolutely any person: from the first class to the elderly.

As I described all possible advantages in very detailed, you can now compile a whole short list and also add negative sides to see a full picture.

  • easy to use a site that does not take you a lot of time;
  • nice interface;
  • lack of annoying advertising;
  • all sorts of materials to explore the Russian language.
  • you can analyze only one word at a time;
  • the site is more sharpened for a general analysis of the word than the syntax palate.

We got acquainted and disassembled in detail the second place and now we will go to the leader of our Top.


Why exactly this service ranked first in our top? First of all, the site can perform a syntax disclation of the proposal, regardless of the number of character and words.

Analysis on the site is built very convenient. The service was created specifically for the syntactic analysis of the proposals.

This site has several advantages. As mentioned, the site can analyze entire proposals, and not just for the word.

The syntax analysis is carried out very convenient: first the initial forms of the word are written, then part of speech, then there is a grammar analysis, and then leaning on the case.

Of all the top, this service has the most convenient and pleasant interface for the eye.

In addition to these advantages, the site also has sections with various literature of different periods, various poetry, both Russian and foreign ones. The site has information about many poets, many conveniently written biographies. All this will also help you explore various literature if you need it.

But despite all these advantages, the site has the same minuses. We will talk about them after we like all the advantages.

  • performs a complete analysis of the proposals, regardless of the themes, the number of words and symbols;
  • minimum amount of advertising, but even it does not interfere with using the site;
  • very easy to learn;
  • many information on literature;
  • beautiful interface and good color scheme.
  • absolute lack of materials in Russian;
  • the site is sharpened for literature more, but still has a tool for disclamations.


Let's fit the results. After analyzing the whole top, you can understand that if you need a site to syntactic analysis of proposals in Russian, I recommend you use the "Goldlit" resource.

Simplicity of the site, an excellent analysis of the proposal, a lot of interesting materials - it is these key factors that influenced the location of the site in our top.

It is an absolute leader in our top and the best online services on the syntactic analysis of proposals in Russian in Russian Internet networks.

This is a resource that will help you not only do your homework, but also familiarize yourself with various literature. Use the Goldlit service.