On the night from 17 to. Three noisy premieres - in one night

This weekend you can inspect what was shown in the "Listapad". And here's an idea for the next weekend: on the night of November 16-17, the next one will take place in the Moscow cinema. The start is at 23.45 on Friday.

The following films will be shown on "Movie Night": "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald", "The Alien" and "The Girl Who Was Trapped in the Web." In addition to new films, viewers, as usual, will be greeted by soundtracks for movie premieres, a bar and a thematic photo zone.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

What the movie is about: the powerful dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is caught in the States, but he is not going to sit silently in a dungeon and arrange a grand escape. Now nothing will prevent him from achieving his goal - to establish the superiority of wizards over all non-magical creatures on the planet. To thwart Grindelwald's plans, Albus Dumbledore turns to his former student Newt Salamander, who agrees to help, not knowing what danger he faces. In a wizarding world splitting apart, love and loyalty are put to the test, and even true friends and family are separated by conflict.


What the movie is about: as a result of a chain of tragic accidents on a distant planet, an astronaut finds himself alone. His life is in constant danger. Something inexplicable coming into contact with him will change him forever. From that moment on, he will become lost both for himself and for people. How many times will he have to die to prove that he is alive? ..

"The Girl Who Was Stuck in the Web"

What the movie is about: Young hacker Lisbeth Salander and journalist Mikael Blomkvist find themselves embroiled in a story involving spies, cybercriminals and corrupt officials.

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Over the weekend, Ukrainians will be able to see the Leonids meteor shower in the night sky. This is the penultimate shower of the year, before the December Geminids. It started on November 14, peaking on November 17 and 18.

The annual autumn starfall of the Leonids is considered the fastest, but not the most intense. The average intensity of a meteor shower usually does not exceed 10-15 meteors. Individual meteors could be observed as early as November 6.

The Leonids got their name because visually "shooting stars" appear in the region of the constellation Leo ("leo" in Latin - Note Ed). This starfall is associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle.

During Leonidas, white sparks flicker in the sky. These are comet particles entering the earth's atmosphere at a speed of 71 km / s. Flow rate in different years is different, but this starfall is considered one of the fastest. Its peculiarity is that in the sky you can see such a spectacular variety of meteors as "fireballs". They leave behind colored stripes that go out after a couple of seconds.

Leonids meteor shower 2018 when, where will it be seen, what time: when there will be a starfall

The period of the Leonids Starfall is November 14-21. The peak of activity falls on the 16th. The peculiarity of the Leonida starfall is that it looks like a stellar hurricane every 33 years. It will be calm in 2018, with the next storm expected in 2034. The Leonids meteor shower is passing in the constellation Leo. In the Northern Hemisphere, starfall will be seen better than in the Southern. Starfall can be seen by everyone without special devices.

Starfall will reach its peak on November 17 in the evening and last until dawn, but earthlings have a chance to make a wish for a shooting star until the end of November.

Falling stars are best seen in the morning - passing meteors can be observed with the naked eye. At this time, you need to look not at the radiant itself, from where it seems to us the meteors are flying out, but a little to the side from this point.

Leonids meteor shower 2018 when, where will it be seen, what time: how to make wishes correctly

The sign of shooting stars and making wishes appeared in ancient times. The starry sky has always attracted a person, it was presented as a symbol of the universe, the world of spirits and gods, which should be treated with respect and reverence. It is quite clear that many signs have appeared, mysteries associated with the stars, especially with the falling ones. Independently of each other, peoples of different continents and cultures often associated stars with human souls. In some legends, a shooting star is a soul that flies from the sky to inhabit a newborn child. In others, the shooting star is, on the contrary, the soul of a person who has just died, which has left his body and flies into the world of spirits.

When you stand in front of something great and huge, it tempts him to ask for something. If you want to ask - wait for the signal, the stars themselves will give it to you, if the time has come and if they themselves want it.

How do you recognize a signal? Folk tradition also gives advice here: if you really want the fulfillment of a wish, make it when a star falls, and it will come true. A shooting star connects Heaven with Earth, personifies their union. It is at this moment that you want to ask the universe to fulfill your desire. And this is not so easy, you have to work, you will have to peer into the sky for a long time, you will have to forget about the hustle and bustle for a long time, and, therefore, you will have time to think well.

It is a bit like prayer or deep concentration. You are alone with the sky - the universe and ... with your desire. You are so focused, so concentrated on your desire that all your energy, all forces are directed towards its fulfillment. Such a powerful message may well prove successful.

It is especially curious here that in the fraction of a second in which the star falls, you will not have time to come up with new a wish. You will guess the first one that will come, which is ripe for a long time, is ready, and therefore this is your true desire. So it turns out that from your subconscious you bring to the surface your true desire.


The Leonids got their name because visually “shooting stars” appear in the region of the constellation Leo (“leo” in Latin - Ed. Ed.). This starfall is associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle.

During Leonidas, white sparks flicker in the sky. These are comet particles entering the earth's atmosphere at a speed of 71 km / s. The flow rate differs from year to year, but this starfall is considered one of the fastest. Its peculiarity is that in the sky you can see such a spectacular variety of meteors as “fireballs”. They leave behind colored stripes that go out after a couple of seconds.

Last time Comet Tempel - Tuttle passed the point of its orbit closest to the Sun in 1998. The next time it approaches the Sun as close as possible in 2031, then the Leonids' starfall will be the most spectacular and intense, literally turning into a stellar vortex.

At the moments of perihelion, the starfall amazes observers with its intensity. For example, in 1833, preachers in the United States, where the phenomenon was observed from Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, they even started talking about the coming of the Day of Judgment. This event was reflected in the songs, legends of Indians and black slaves.

Starfall is sung in the jazz composition “Stars fell on Alabama”, which was performed by the legendary Frank Sinatara, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong.


The Leonids are the brightest autumn starfall, and in 2018 you can watch it on the night of November 17-18. The area from which the meteorites will fall is located in the constellation Leo. According to astronomers, the meteor shower will begin after midnight. No more than 15 meteors per hour are expected, and the speed of their fall will be 70 kilometers per second.

According to forecasts, light precipitation is expected on this day, which will make it difficult to see the spectacle with the naked eye. But from two o'clock in the morning, the stream will become more clearly visible, so from that moment it will be possible to view it without using astronomical equipment. Outdoor light sources can overshadow the brightness of mentors, so it is best to watch a star shower away from the city.


Starfall Leonids will be under the influence of the zodiacal Leo, which will increase your vitality. At this time, it is necessary to make plans for the future in order to quickly implement what has been planned in the future.

From 17 to 18 November, many people will noticeably increase creative potential, therefore, this time is favorable for the development of new talents and creativity. People associated with the creative field can feel a surge of inspiration.

Starfall is the best time to make wishes. To do this, you need to closely watch the night sky and, as soon as glowing traces appear in the sky, say your dream out loud.

During a starfall, the space is filled with powerful energy that can be used not only to fulfill your dreams, but also to attract wealth. Money conspiracies for the stars will help you achieve prosperity and improve your financial situation.

The scientist said when the Russians will see the brightest autumn starfall

The brightest autumn starfall - the Leonids meteor shower - can be observed on the night of November 16-17 and November 17-18 in Russia, Nikolai Lapin, head of the research department of the Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium, told RIA Novosti.

The Leonids are the main meteor shower in autumn, the maximum effect of which falls on November 17.

“The Leonids meteor shower is named after the constellation Leo, or Leo in Latin. If you mentally draw the path of the meteors seen, then their trajectories converge in that part of the sky where the constellation Leo is located. The Leonids are the brightest fall "starfall" because the speed at which particles formed after the breakup of Comet Tempel-Tuttle enter the atmosphere is the highest of all that occurs during stellar showers. And this "star rain" reaches its peak on November 17, "Lapin said.

According to him, the autumn starfall is not as frequent as is observed in August, when more than a hundred meteors can be seen per hour. When observing the Leonids, you can see no more than 25 "shooting stars" per hour, but they will be bright and large.

“In order to see the Leonids, you need to look eastward - to where the constellation Leo is. This is best done closer to midnight on November 16 and 17. By that time, the Moon will hide and will not interfere with observations. So, the most favorable conditions are created for astronomy lovers and romantics, ”the scientist said.

The progenitor of Leonid is the comet Tempel-Tuttle (55P / Tempel-Tuttle). It has a core with a diameter of 4 kilometers and orbits the Sun in approximately 33.2 years. Every 33 years, the Leonids meteor shower rains an extraordinary meteor shower. This is due precisely to the fact that the Tempel-Tuttle comet itself returns to the Sun every 33 years.

The brightest Leonidas stream recorded in history occurred in 1833, when witnesses simultaneously observed thousands of glowing tracks in the sky. Eyewitnesses said that the frequency of meteors at that moment was barely inferior to the frequency of snowflakes during an average snowfall. ( A powerful meteor shower was also observed in 1966, then every hour up to 150 thousand meteors burned up in the earth's atmosphere.


Let's say you learned that the next passage of the Earth through a cloud of dust left by comets is expected soon, as a result of which it will be possible to observe a "star rain". So, desires are conceived in advance and mentally pronounced many times. With the onset of darkness, you went out into the street, balcony or terrace, and prepared to observe this enchanting phenomenon. But, peering into the sky, where they expected to see thousands of falling lights with flickering tails, during the whole night it is possible to make out only a dozen of dying stars. How so? Are astronomers wrong in their predictions?

Use a few tips to help you watch the "rain of stars" in all its glory, increasing the chances of making the maximum number of wishes:

  • Try to observe the action during the peak periods of the meteor shower.
  1. To observe the starfall, it is better to leave the city, where there are no tall ground structures and spreading tree crowns that interfere with the view of the night sky.
  2. Look for information on which hemisphere and at what time of day peak periods of "star showers" are expected.
  3. When observing a meteor shower, being on the street, balcony or terrace, make sure that there are no sources of artificial light (lanterns, lamps, luminous screens of mobile phones, etc.) nearby.
  4. Before observing a starfall, find out the following points: how close the moon will be to the Earth and a dust cloud, whether phenomena such as fog and cloudiness are expected, how stable the atmosphere will be

The material was prepared on the basis of information "Info-All" and open sources specifically for the site

From 17 to 18 November we will see the bright starfall of the Leonids. During this period, everyone can make a cherished wish and change their life, but for this you need to know important features meteor shower.

Starfall Leonids got this name because the zone of departure of meteorites is located in the constellation Leo. The site experts will tell you what is the peculiarity of this starfall and what needs to be done during this period in order to attract positive changes into your life.

Features of the Leonids starfall in 2018

The Leonids are the brightest autumn starfall, and in 2018 you can watch it on the night of November 17-18. The area from which the meteorites will fall is located in the constellation Leo. According to astronomers, the meteor shower will begin after midnight. No more than 15 meteors per hour are expected, and the speed of their fall will be 70 kilometers per second.

According to forecasts, light precipitation is expected on this day, which will make it difficult to see the spectacle with the naked eye. But from two o'clock in the morning, the stream will become more clearly visible, so from that moment it will be possible to view it without using astronomical equipment. Outdoor light sources can overshadow the brightness of mentors, so it is best to watch a star shower away from the city.

Astrological significance of the Leonids starfall

Starfall Leonids will be under the influence of the zodiacal Leo, which will increase your vitality. At this time, it is necessary to make plans for the future in order to quickly implement what has been planned in the future.

From November 17 to 18, many people will noticeably increase their creative potential, so this time is favorable for the development of new talents and creativity. People associated with the creative field can feel a surge of inspiration.

Starfall is the best time to make wishes. To do this, you need to closely watch the night sky and, as soon as glowing traces appear in the sky, say your dream out loud.

During a starfall, the space is filled with powerful energy that can be used not only to fulfill your dreams, but also to attract wealth. Money conspiracies for the stars will help you achieve prosperity and improve your financial situation. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

A meteor shower, or as it is customary to call it a starfall, can soon be observed from any point on the earth in the second half of November. Namely, it will reach its maximum peak on November 17, 18. Starfall Leonids is the brightest event in the fall and will certainly delight astronomers with its beauty and brightness.

The Northern Hemisphere will watch the Leonids starfall

This meteorological shower should be observed in a cloudless sky with minimum quantity extraneous light sources. The Northern Hemisphere will be able to fully enjoy all the brilliance of this stargazing. The most favorable time for observation is early morning.

In Moscow, residents of the capital will also have an amazing opportunity to observe more than 25 bright flashes of meteors falling. From late night to dawn, romance lovers will be able to immerse themselves in the breathtaking atmosphere of an incredible stargazing. In the dark and cloudless sky, this fantastic phenomenon can already be observed tonight.

The origin of starfalls

Meteor showers are one of the most anticipated cosmic phenomena that illuminate our planet. According to astronomers, about 70 meteorite showers are registered per year, many of which are observed from all continents. Most of them have their own names.

In this case, meteor showers should be distinguished from meteor showers. During starfalls, meteors enter the atmosphere, which burn up and do not reach the Earth's surface. Meteor showers- This is the combustion of meteorites entering the Earth's magnetic field. In this case, meteorites most often do not have time to burn out completely and fall to the earth's surface.

The history of the discovery of the Leonids starfall

The Leonids are formed in the constellation Leo. In this connection, they received this name. This meteorological shower was discovered in 1832. Changing its intensity from year to year, the average value is about 15 meteors per hour. This starfall is associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. According to the observations of astronomers, this comet approaches the Earth every 33 years, in connection with which its intensity changes.

One of the first starfalls of the Leonids, which was recorded by scientists, was observed in 1966. One of the brightest and strongest meteor showers observed on our planet was recorded in North America in 1833. Then this phenomenon covered most of the continent. Scientists expect to see the next starfall of similar brightness and brilliance in 2099.