Permission to search for meteorites. How to find meteorites

Now that I have found my first meteorite, I feel qualified enough to tell anyone in the world how to find them.

It is best to use the metal detector in the "all metal" search mode, that is, without discrimination. Depending on the size, shape, nickel content in the meteorite, it can fall into any area of ​​the discriminator of your device. Therefore, the use of any discriminator will result in the rejection of some meteorites. The smaller the size of the meteorite, the further towards the end it will be located on the discriminator scale in the "iron" area.
If you do not have access to an all metal detector and want to try a discriminator detector to see how good it is for this purpose, take a few steel pellets about 0.25 "(6 mm) in diameter. Set the detector's discrimination as low as possible and make sure it can find steel pellets. You can find a meteorite if you can spot a pellet, or at least twice as large in diameter. The smaller the meteorite, the more difficult it is to find it - not only because the signal is weaker, but also because it will be lower on the discriminator scale. A meteorite requires a lower discriminator setting than an iron particle of the same size, since the nickel in the meteorite reduces electrical conductivity.
The reason you should be able to find small meteorites is that there are many more small meteorites in the ground than large ones. Your chances of ever tripping over a soccer ball-sized meteor are slim. You are much more likely to stumble upon a meteorite the size of a golf ball, and you are much more likely to find a meteorite the size of a children's billiard ball.

An important point in the search for meteorites is the area of ​​land that you are able to overcome. While you can find hundreds of coins per acre (0.405 hectares) of the park, the density of meteorites is much lower - less than one per acre (excluding areas of meteor showers). I calculated that my coil covered approximately 20 acres (8 hectares) in all metal mode before I found my first meteorite. To cover a large area, you need to have a large coil, but not too hefty so that you don't get tired of swinging it in a couple of hours. I can tell that a 9 "to 12" size would be fine.

To search, you should choose some uninhabited place where meteorites would have the opportunity to accumulate for thousands of years without being covered with dirt and debris, and also not being dissolved by water. I prefer to find the top of the desert plateaus. There, the wind blows dust off the plateau and prevents it from accumulating, which prevents any meteorite from being buried in it. The dry climate also allows meteorites to remain intact for a long time before they begin to rust and turn to dust. But if you can't find the perfect site, then you should at least look for an area free enough for full sweeps of the detector ring, with enough sparse vegetation to allow the coil to be pressed as tightly as possible to the ground. The place should be free of debris and "hot stones", as if you stop to excavate them, you will not be able to cover a large area.

I am unable to provide any advice on finding stone meteorites as I could not get any of them to test.

Any meteorite that hits land surface, is a cosmic body. They used to be called shooting stars or moon stones. Each meteorite has a unique shape and consists of iron or stone. Such finds in the world are much less common than precious metals or diamonds, so it is not so easy to become their owner. Nevertheless, the number of "meteorite hunters" is increasing every year.

In Russia, this type of activity became widespread only in the early 2000s. It is for this reason that the number of Russian private collections barely exceeds a dozen, while abroad, especially in the United States, this figure is approaching a thousand. Avid collectors travel the planet in order to find the most original fragments of cosmic bodies and replenish the list of their exhibits, because the possession of these unique items is practically the only chance to know the greatness and infinity of the Cosmos, and some comrades have turned their hobby of searching for meteorites into a pretty good business.

In order to independently find a meteorite, you need to decide on the place of search. Almost all countries in the world have areas on their territories where you can find a meteorite. But the most promising places to search are dry terrain and desert. It is in such conditions that iron specimens are best preserved. Do not discount the places that already have a rich history of finding these unique cosmic bodies. (useful to read -).

In addition to choosing a suitable place to search, you must also arm yourself with special search equipment. Ordinary metal detectors cannot always become assistants in such an unusual matter, because the search for a meteorite has its own specific features. It is best to use a device that allows you to quickly and efficiently explore large areas and is suitable for detecting iron at great depths. This task can be solved by gradiometers and magnetometers, which are a kind of magnetic measuring technology. With the help of this equipment, it is possible to detect meteorites even in the cold depths of the Antarctic and Arctic.

So, you are lucky and you have found a meteorite. And what to do with it next? If you want to make sure of its origin, then in this case you need to contact the meteoritics laboratory of the GEOKHI RAS, providing a piece of the find and all the necessary data. The laboratory will analyze the provided sample free of charge and make an appropriate conclusion. If your stone turns out to be just a stone, then you can dispose of it at your own discretion. If you are lucky, and your stone is not a stone at all, but a meteorite, then you can register your find in the International Catalog. However, an essential condition in this case is that 20% of the stone should be in scientific institution... The rest of the copy can be sold to the Academy of Sciences, or to avid collectors. Meteorites are also popular in virtual world... Currently, there are a number of online stores that buy and sell this unusual product. A piece of a cosmic body can become amazing and an original gift for any holiday.

To determine the value of a meteorite, its weight and size are usually taken into account. On average, the cost of such a product ranges from three to several thousand rubles per gram. This range of prices depends on a number of factors. First, the rarity of its structural type affects the cost of a meteorite. The less common a particular type of specimen is, the higher its price. Second, the availability of search collection. Thirdly, an individual meteorite is more valuable than a fragmentation meteorite, and a find is more expensive than a fall. Fourthly, the appearance of the sample, the degree of its oxidation, the presence of a crust is assessed by external melting, etc. Fifthly, original specimens with individual distinctive features attract more attention.

In order to more accurately determine the cost of a particular meteorite, it is best to turn to specialized Internet resources, it is there that you can find the most reliable and complete information.

What to do if you find a stone with unusual properties that might be mistaken for a meteorite.

First of all, carefully examine the find. Clean the earth from the stone as thoroughly as possible. Please note that the surface of this stone will definitely have dents. A real meteorite flies through the atmosphere, while it heats up very much and its surface "boils". The upper layers of meteorites always retain traces of heat. The characteristic dents, like bursting bubbles, are the first characteristic feature of the meteorite.

Then you can test the stone for magnetic properties. Simply put, bring a magnet to it and move it over it. Find out if the magnet sticks to your stone. If the magnet sticks, then there is a suspicion that you really became the owner of a piece of a real celestial body. This type of meteorite is called "iron".

It so happens that a meteorite does not magnetize too much, only in some fragments. Then it might be an iron-stone meteorite.

The third type of meteorite is stone. It is possible to detect them, but it is difficult to determine that it is a meteorite. Chemical analysis is indispensable here. A feature of meteorites is the presence of rare earth metals. And there is also a melting crust on it. Therefore, the meteorite is usually very dark in color. But there are also whitish ones.

Features of the sale of meteorites

Since the debris lies on the surface, it is not considered subsoil. Therefore, you do not break any laws. The only thing that may sometimes be required is to obtain the conclusion of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they must conduct research, assign a class to the meteorite. But this is if the find is very impressive, and it is difficult to sell it without a conclusion.

At the same time, it cannot be argued that the search and sale of meteorites in Russia is an insanely profitable business. After all, meteorites are not bread, there are no queues for them. Selling a piece of the "heavenly wanderer" can be more profitable abroad.

However, there are some nuances here: just put the meteorite in the trunk and get on the plane will not work. There are certain rules for the export of meteorite matter. First you need to write an application to Rosokhrankultura. There you will be sent to an expert who will write a conclusion whether this stone is subject to export. Usually, if it is a registered meteorite, there are no problems. Then you pay the state duty - 5-10% of the cost of the meteorite. And forward to foreign collectors.

The Fortis team consists of scientists, writers, clairvoyants, ufologists who have gathered together with a single purpose: to unravel the secrets of the Russian land.
Strong not only in spirit and physically, but also in knowledge, many areas of which are just opening up to the thinking part of humanity ... Read more ...

Search for meteorites.

Since childhood, we all love to watch the "falling stars" in the night sky and make wishes. The nature of this phenomenon has been known to us since school: every day a huge amount of solid space objects and particles enter the atmosphere of our planet. Many of them do not reach the Earth's surface, burning up in the dense layers of the atmosphere (such objects have a speed of 10-15 kilometers per second). We see traces of combustion of these objects, called meteors, in the night sky. But there are also larger and harder objects that, having been severely burned and having lost most of their mass, still fall to the surface of the Earth. These are meteorites, the search for which will be discussed later.
For a successful search for meteorites, it is necessary to decide what we will be looking for, where, and with what tools and devices.
All meteorites that have fallen to the Earth can be divided according to several determining factors: composition; integrity; the period of being in the ground.
By composition, meteorites are divided into iron, stone and iron-stone.

Iron meteorites consist of a mixture of iron and nickel, in addition, they may contain inclusions and impurities of other chemical elements... Most often, there are two types of iron-nickel minerals in meteorites - kamazite with a nickel content of up to 7.5% and tenite with a nickel content of 27% to 65%. Depending on the content and distribution of these minerals, classical meteorics divides them into three structural classes:
- Octahedrites consisting of kamacite and tenite, which form a voluminous octahedral structure. After processing, these meteorites have very beautiful geometric patterns.
- Hexahedrites, almost entirely consisting of kamazite, poor in nickel, and during processing have a slightly deformed metal structure.
- Ataxites, almost entirely consisting of tenite and containing only microscopic inclusions of kamazite. These are the most rare meteorites.
In addition to the content of iron and nickel, meteorites differ in the content of other chemical elements. There are 13 main chemical groups of meteorites. In this article, we will not consider these groups, since this cannot help in the search and identification of finds. Subsequently, you can read about them in books on meteorics.

Stone meteorites - the most common species. They account for approximately 93% of the finds. Such meteorites consist mainly of silicate sand with a small amount of iron-nickel inclusions. Stone meteorites are divided into chondrites, characterized by the presence of chondrules (these are spherical or elliptical formations of predominantly silicate composition), and achondrites, which do not have such chondrules, respectively. The most common finds are chondrites (over 80%).

Ironstone meteorites - a rare species containing about half of silicate sand and half of an iron-nickel alloy. Iron stone meteorites are divided into two types:
- Pallasites- consisting of olivine crystals located in an iron-nickel alloy matrix. Ugly in appearance, spongy stones become real jewels after processing. By the way, such meteorites are often used for the most exquisite jewelry.
- Mesosiderites - represent complex structure from a varied combination of iron-nickel alloy and pyroxene, plagioclase and olivine and other basaltic rocks. Such a meteorite, which has been in the ground for a long time, is difficult to distinguish from an ordinary piece of basalt.
There is also a division into, in fact, meteorites and meteor showers, which are formed due to the destruction of an object when moving in the atmosphere. Fragments generated by air resistance are "sorted" by size and weight (large and heavy fragments retain their speed and, consequently, their trajectory longer). Accordingly, the surface of the earth, under the section of the fall trajectory of one or more celestial bodies, after crushing the meteorite will be strewn with small debris. There are, of course, much more of them than large ones. Moreover, large ones should be sought only at the end of the trajectory.
In addition, a distinction is made between meteorites found immediately after the fall (they are called “falling”), and those whose fall was not noticed (they are called “finds”).

Finding falls is possible only by making an operational visit to the place, calculated from the words of eyewitnesses. These meteorites are of the greatest value for both researchers and collectors, however, finding such meteorites is difficult - due to the fact that people are reluctant to share information about the burning plumes they have observed in the sky, and the most agile are trying to find gifts from space themselves! Therefore, most often we find meteorites that have lain in the earth for years, and sometimes thousands of years. Over time, such meteorites change the color and structure of the outer layers, sometimes beyond recognition, and, accordingly, they are much more difficult to find and identify.
Now you need to decide on the place of search.
The most the best places to search for meteorites there are steppes and deserts, but, alas, it is very difficult for residents of the center of Russia to get out into the desert to search for meteorites, and, having walked around several dozen hectares, return home empty, and most often it happens. Therefore, we will look for a place to search for our heavenly jewels closer to the capital. As mentioned above, meteorites fall to Earth constantly. This is happening now, it was so many centuries ago, and it will be so as long as our planet and space exist. In addition, it must be taken into account that on the surface of the Earth fallen meteorites distributed evenly. The specialists of the Fortis team carried out calculations, from which it follows that, on average, a meteorite can be found in the territory of central Russia for every 30-35 hectares of land. In places where meteorite rains are frequent, the density of meteorite matter can reach 5-6 fragments per hectare. A striking example is the Sikhote-Alin meteor shower, where finds can come across several meters from each other. As a result of work in the archives and the study of ancient legends, our specialists have established the places of repeated meteor showers on the territory of the Moscow and neighboring regions, therefore, having gone with us on a tour for a meteorite, you can most likely find your piece of heavenly treasure not far from home , without serious expenditure of manpower and resources.
For those who still want to look for meteorites on their own, let's try to give some tips on finding promising places:

  1. Study the maps of the selected region carefully. Most often, the craters formed from the fall of meteorites, over time, fill with water and form a network of reservoirs, elongated in the shape of an ellipse. For example, the Smerdyachee lake in the Moscow region and many small lakes nearby. Such places are typical for fairly large meteor showers.
  2. Chat with old-timers in small settlements... People can tell rumors and legends about burning and tailed stars observed in the sky, heavenly thunder, etc. If you have received such information, it is necessary to roughly determine the trajectory of the meteorite and examine the estimated place of fall. Particular attention should be paid to small craters. Unfortunately, in the battlefield, which is about half of the European part of Russia, the search is complicated by the presence of a large number of craters from ammunition explosions and a high density of fragments in the ground.
  3. Also, information about crashes can be obtained by studying old books and documents, but, unfortunately, there are not many such sources in free circulation.
  4. It is necessary to pay attention to the stories of rusty stones and stains found in the fields and forests. These may be fragments of meteorites lying on the surface.
  5. In places of known finds, it makes sense to conduct an instrumental search, since the probability of any find depends not only on the knowledge and skills of a person, but also on simple luck.

After you have decided on a place to search, you need to pick up equipment. To search for meteorites, you will need:

  1. Metal detector. Ours features reliable and proven Minelab instruments. The device must be selected based on budget and work experience. An inexpensive and simple option - x-terra 505 is quite suitable for novice search engines. You can also buy a reliable and convenient Fiskars shovel in our store.
  2. A search magnet may be needed to survey water-filled craters. Such a search can be effective, since often small fragments are washed out of the banks and lie at the bottom of the reservoir.
  3. The GPS navigator will help to reduce the time when examining large areas (fields, forests), as it will allow you not to go through the same place several times.
  4. Dosimeter-radiometer. It is advisable to check all finds with this device, since some meteorites may have an increased background radiation, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on health.
  5. Other expedition equipment, which you can choose by consulting on our website, or by contacting the specialists of the Fortis team.

So, the check-out is done. The finds have been laundered. One of the most crucial moments comes - identification. Unfortunately, many meteorites look like ordinary stones, and in places rich in metal ores, the metal detector responds clearly to such stones. Finds should be identified in several stages. First, it is necessary to weed out finds that are stones interspersed with non-ferrous metal ores (most often, chalcopyrite). The compass will help with this. When a sample rich in iron is brought to it, the arrow will move. Then we carefully examine the finds. On the surface of meteorites there is a melting crust and so-called regmaglipts - protrusions and depressions melted during the fall. Meteorites lying in the ground for a long time will be covered with rust. Iron meteorites, in contrast to ammunition fragments, will show clear traces of melting and deformation depending on the position and stability of the flight.

After such screening, a detailed analysis of the remaining samples must be carried out. It is advisable to make cuts, or process one of the sides with a file or a sharpening wheel to a flat plane, grind and polish. There are many photos of meteorites on the web, with which the obtained can be compared. You can also carry out a qualitative reaction for nickel. To prepare the simplest test, you need to dissolve a small amount of dimethylglyoxime (C4H8N2O2) in alcohol, soak blotting paper with this solution and dry. To carry out the analysis, it is enough to drop a drop of ammonia or vinegar solution onto the sample, and after a while blot it with a test paper: if nickel is present, it will turn bright pink.
The polished surface of the iron meteorite can be treated with mortar nitric acid in alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 until the appearance of the so-called Widmanstätt figures on the surface of a crystal structure, but ataxites do not exhibit such a structure.
It is still better to entrust a more accurate study of your find to professionals. This can be done independently by sending the sawn-off part by parcel post to the meteoritics laboratory of the GeokhI RAS with a letter where you must indicate your full name, contact information, place and circumstance of the find, weight and its detailed description. In this case, the analysis will be carried out completely free of charge, but it should be noted that often the whole procedure is delayed for a long time, and in case of confirmation of the unearthly origin of the sample, you will most likely lose it. You can also entrust the expertise of your find to the specialists of the Fortis team. In this case, you will receive an opinion in a short time and at a reasonable price.

Successful search!


Society of Meteorite Seekers

Most people are still law-abiding. And with the advent of the new law of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2013 N 245-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation regarding the suppression of illegal activities in the field of archeology "the old question arose" WHAT TO DO? "

The most cautious quickly sold or hid their metal detector in a distant closet and abandoned the hobby.

The most reckless said - all do not care, how I dug, so I will (I will hide, I will run away ...). And if I get caught, I’ll think there.

And the smartest began to look for options. As well as not to quit the search, but also not to break the law?

Let's list the options for various legal ways not to part with your favorite hobby. This is a beach search, search for meteorites, Soviet coins, beer caps, lost rings and keys, collection of scrap metal, sports search for tokens, MD-Geocaching, etc. After all, the metal detectors themselves and the search - as before, are not prohibited. It is prohibited to deliberately search for archaeological items that include items over 100 years old.

We would like to tell you exactly about the search for METEORITES, an interesting, legal, and sometimes profitable form of search with MD.

To do this, we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about the meteorite search.

Where to find meteorites?

Every day, according to scientists, several tens of tons of various meteorites fall on our planet. Of course, most of these are small objects up to several kilograms, the places of fall are evenly located on the surface of the earth, which means it is the ocean, deserts, taiga, Arctic-Antarctica ... But many large, noticeable and well-known meteorites fell (such as Chelyabinsk or Sikhote- Alinsky). In general, no matter what region you live in, there is a good chance of finding real fragments of meteorite matter everywhere!

Interactive Map, which shows all the known places of meteorite falls on the planet.

Each meteorite marked on the map has a date of impact, data on mass and type, as well as the year of each discovery.

How interesting is it to look for meteorites?

Here everything is the same as with the search for historical artifacts. The same long hikes, trips, off-road, adventure and romance. But it is safer in terms of possible violation of the law (if you do not climb on the notorious objects of cultural heritage and other prohibited places). Well, the very fact of the discovery of a space wanderer who has plowed the vastness of space for millions of years is impossible to describe!

Is it legal to search and sell meteorites?

Meteorite matter does not belong to subsoil, resources, minerals, not to mention precious metals and stones. And a special license to search for meteorites (in contrast to the above) is not required. The problem can only be when the meteorite substance is exported outside the country. Permission may be required there. And within Russia, the turnover (search, purchase, sale, exchange, etc.) of meteorite matter is not limited.

Moreover, RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) will gladly accept information about the discovered meteorite from you, carry out an analysis, and give a conclusion. It will be necessary to send a splinter or a sawn-off fragment of 10-15 grams to the laboratory of the GEOKHI RAS, with detailed description and a photo of the found item, the date and coordinates of the location of the discovery. If the analysis confirms extraterrestrial origin, you will have the opportunity to register your own meteorite, as well as get a cash reward. Since 2003, the Russian Academy of Sciences has announced the resumption of the practice of bonuses, and over the past years, several bonuses have been paid, from 10,000 rubles. and more.

You can contact us at the "Wanderer" club site, and at the forum. We will discuss, suggest the coordinates of laboratories, options for definition and implementation ...

How to identify a meteorite?

The main question for most search engines is: I found an object similar to a meteorite, how to check and determine the type?

The most correct way is to seek advice from specialists, for example, at the Institute of Geology or the Meteoritics Laboratory of the GEOKHI Russian Academy of Sciences (

But our club, on the basis of consultations with experts and information from the Internet, specially prepared Test kit for the determination of meteorite matter... The set includes detailed recommendations, a description of signs and signs, as well as chemical reagents, a powerful magnet and other devices. Simple tests that can be done using the Test Kit in the field or at home will give you initial assessment sample for the possibility of meteoric origin. Kit link.

How to search legally? What to explain to the authorities and others interested about the meteorite search?

To simplify communication with the authorities and the public, we suggest you purchase a set of documents and attributes of the Meteorite Seeker. Documents and attributes are made specifically with the existing laws and realities. And with the legal support of our partners from European Legal Service- almost any possible problems will be promptly resolved. So here is a list of the proposed documents:

Certificate of the International Society of Meteorite Searchers.

The organization is not very well known yet, but with a respectable name and an ID in the form of a laminated card, with your photo, stamps and holograms. It is not a shame to show such a certificate to the chairman with the district police officer, and the archaeologist with the traffic police officer ... Photo. Validity period of the certificate: until 31.12.2017. The price of the license is 1500 rubles. ($ 25).

Meteorite seeker's memo.

Made in the form of a compact booklet. The memo includes the main questions, laws, requirements and recommendations regarding the search for meteorites. Such a memo is useful not only for a search engine, but also, for example, for a police officer who is interested in your hobby and is not familiar with the legislation in this area. The Meteorite describes in detail that the search for meteorites is absolutely legal. The price of the memo is 300 rubles.

Rolled sheet for renting a metal detector.

If for some reason you still have problems, then one of the troubles is the confiscation of the metal detector. But if the metal detector does not belong to you, but is rented, then it cannot be confiscated. That's why you give your device to us, and we will give it to you for rent, which will be indicated in the Rental List, indicating the model and number of the device, the amount of the deposit and other details. End date of rental 31.12.2017 Rolled sheet price - 1000 rubles.

Test kit for the determination of meteorite matter.

Packaged in a compact box, it is convenient to carry in your pocket, backpack or bag at all times. The test kit will also be useful for determining the detected objects, similar to meteorites. And as well as confirmation (to police officers or a magistrate) that you are looking for meteorites, and not at all for historical values. The price of the Meteorite Test Kit is 1000 rubles.

Badge, Large chevron on the jacket, little chevron on the cap / hat.

Attributes will confirm your affiliation with the Society of Meteorite Seekers. And sometimes you don't even have to explain who you are and what you are doing here - everything is clear from your clothes. Price Badge 300 r, chevron 250 r, chevron 100 r.

Form of a Statement on the Finding of Items, the owner of which cannot be established.

If during the search for meteorites you accidentally find any coins, buttons and other items that may be of historical value, or they may have an owner (who lost this item), we recommend that you enter these items in the application form. Then, even if you are stopped at the exit from the field for verification and asked what you found, you can safely present a statement with a list of what was found and explain that when you return to populated areas, you are going to transfer the finds along with a statement to the police station (district police officer). And even if you did not have time to enter the findings into the application (for example, there is no ballpoint pen at hand), you can explain that you are ready to fill out the form right now.

Download the form.

Listed above the kit costs 3300 rubles. ($ 50)(separately for 4450 rubles). And in most cases, this kit will be enough to honestly and calmly conduct a search with a metal detector, easily explaining the legality of your hobby to all those interested.

But for the complete and final protection of our rights and freedoms from illegal actions, we can offer here such a useful, completely official document. Moreover, it is useful not only in the search business, but also in ANY life situation requiring the help of a lawyer!

Advogrand, emergency legal aid card.

This is an innovative service of emergency legal assistance, which has no analogues in terms of geography of service and the number of connected subscribers. It will help out not only in the field, but also in any everyday life situation. The price of the Advogrand Standard Personal card (Personal) is 4500 rubles. Website

More about Advogrand.

The ADVOGRAND Standard Personal card is a full-fledged round-the-clock legal assistance of qualified specialists in all areas of law for an individual. Allows the owner to feel confident in any legal relationship and emerge victorious from controversial situations. Valid for 1 (one) year under the laws of one country and international law. Clients of the Advogrand service are served by the European Legal Service.

Such a system has long been working in the developed countries of the world, and in Russia it is just beginning to be implemented.

Less than 1% of people have a personal lawyer in Russia, and this card is practically a personal lawyer. Or rather, even cooler, a whole law office capable of solving any legal issues, working around the clock and anywhere in the world!

The card is valid for 1 year from the date of activation (you can activate it not immediately upon purchase, but within six months or a year).

If for some reason (for example, a too serious situation) oral and written consultations do not help in resolving the issue (although in 98% of cases this is enough), the European Legal Service has a staff of lawyers who are ready to go to the site and personally resolve serious issues. True, this is already at a separate rate. But when trouble comes, you may not have time to look for a lawyer. And having the phone of a serious organization at hand, everything will be easier!

Several videos on the work of the European Legal Service. Search YouTube by phrase History of using the Advogrand card: Video 1.5 min Video 2 minutes Video 4 min Video 50 minutes

What should I do if I find something extraneous while searching for meteorites?

Since, in addition to meteorites, there are many more objects in the ground - of course, and they can fall under the coil. Then there are several options. If the find can be recognized in advance Archaeological subject- as some archaeologists recommend, it is better to bury it back where you dug it. Or take it with you and transfer it to local authorities by filling out an application in the prescribed form.

In fact, if such statements get to archaeologists, it will be a good help for them! Seeing an interesting object for science and the place where it was found, scientists may well send a real expedition there for a full-fledged exploration and excavation. And your find may lead to the identification of a new Cultural Heritage Site! The full document reads as follows: A statement about the discovery of items, the owner of which, as well as their value, is not possible to establish on the spot. Download the form.

If the find is obviously not Archaeological subject, but represents material value (for example, a medal, sign, ring or other piece of jewelry - there is also a statement to the authorities, and if the owner is not found, they must return it to you in six months. in transport, a suitcase, etc. Well, and not valuable items that are not archeology (an object over 100 years old) with a clear conscience can be grabbed as a souvenir.Many search engines at home form whole collections of numbered beer caps, horse harness, Soviet coins and badges ...

Can a new meteorite be registered?

If a meteorite is not known to science (especially a large one or there are many fragments), we recommend, of course, inform the RAS. According to the rules of the Nomenclature Committee, for registration in the International Catalog of Meteorites, it is necessary that 20% of the sample is in a scientific institution. In particular, the meteoritics laboratory of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after IN AND. Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences is the keeper of the Meteorite collection Russian Academy Science. This 20%, you can consider as a payment for painstaking analyzes necessary for the classification of the meteorite and its registration in the International Meteorite Catalog. The remaining 80% you have the right to dispose of at your discretion.

How much does a meteorite cost?

It is difficult to answer directly, how to the question "how much is a painting"? Depends on the type, fame, registered, appearance, state. But on average, the price of 1 gram of meteorite substance on the world market is from $ 1 to $ 5. And for some exotic samples such as lunar or Martian - even higher, from $ 5 to $ 50 per gram! And a pebble of even a simple meteorite weighing 1-2 kg may well be comparable in price to a foreign car ... For example, fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which are still collected near Chebarkul, are sold on various resources from 100 to 500 rubles per gram. The Sikhote-Alin meteorite, of which more than 30 tons have been collected since the fall in 1947, can be bought for 50-150 rubles per gram.

How can you sell a meteorite?

Everything is like with any interesting object, antiques, coins, etc. There are online auctions, shops, clubs. If you have in your hands the conclusion of the Russian Academy of Sciences or at least a chemical analysis of a substance (where at least 5% of nickel is indicated) - everything is simple, you do not need to prove anything, but directly look for a collector.

If the meteorite is only suspected, partially determined by tests, then it is more difficult. Not every collector will dare to buy, especially remotely, without checking. The principle is the same as with a rare coin, for which there is no opinion from the State Historical Museum or another expert. But if you are confident, we recommend thematic forums. They will discuss, prompt, criticize, but they can also offer to buy it back.

Where can you buy a meteorite?

It is clear that even if you manage to find a meteorite yourself, there will still be interest in buying a real meteorite. We recommend that you look into our store, in the Meteorites section There you can often find meteorites and their sections, as well as meteorite products (pendants, pendants, rings, etc.).

We can also offer some small fragments and pendants, if you write on [email protected]

Be careful, under the guise of a meteorite they may suggest a piece of ore, slag or something else similar. For example, we sell serious meteorites together with a certificate from the Geological Institute.

How can a meteorite be used in practice?

The main option is simply collecting meteorites as they are. Of different types, shape, size, including cuts. But from not rare meteorites, of which many kilograms, or even tons, have been found, various crafts and jewelry are made. Cute pendants, earrings and rings. Type in the Internet search "Jewelry meteorite" - everything will be clear. Many people are pleased to wear a real fragment of space around their neck or finger, and esotericists claim that the meteorite is an excellent amulet and energy storage ...

Well, and also, if you find a pebble that looks like a meteorite, you can just constantly carry it in your finds bag or pocket. Then, when talking with a police officer or a meticulous local resident, you can confirm your interest by showing, for example, how well a search magnet sticks to a pebble ...

If you still have questions, if you want to order the Meteorite Detection Test Kit or the documents of the International Society of Meteorite Seekers, Advogrand Legal Protection Card, if you want to identify, sell or buy a meteorite - please contact us at the "Wanderer" club: Email [email protected], from 10.00 to 22.00 by phone + 7-9ll-9l3-lО54, Vyacheslav.