The largest ball lightning. Ball lightning - a challenge to the scientific world


In the long history of the study of ball lightning, the most frequently asked questions have not been how this ball is formed or what its properties are, although these problems are quite complex. But most often the question was raised: “Does ball lightning really exist?” This persistent skepticism is largely due to the difficulties encountered in trying to experimentally study ball lightning using existing methods, as well as the lack of a theory that would give a sufficiently complete or even satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon.

Those who deny the existence of ball lightning explain reports about it by optical illusions or by erroneous identification of other natural luminous bodies with it. Often, cases of the possible appearance of ball lightning are attributed to meteors. In some cases, phenomena described in the literature as fireballs appear to have actually been meteors. However, meteor trails are almost invariably observed as straight lines, while the path characteristic of ball lightning, on the contrary, is most often curved. Further, ball lightning appears, with very rare exceptions, during thunderstorms, while meteors were observed under such conditions only occasionally. An ordinary lightning discharge, the direction of the channel of which coincides with the observer's line of sight, may appear to be a ball. As a result, an optical illusion can occur - the dazzling light of the flash is stored in the eye as an image, even when the observer changes the direction of the line of sight. That is why it has been suggested that the false image of the ball seems to be moving along a complex trajectory.

In the first detailed discussion of the problem of ball lightning, Arago (Dominique François Jean Arago, a French physicist and astronomer who published the first detailed work on ball lightning in the world scientific literature, summarizing the 30 observations of eyewitnesses he collected, which laid the foundation for the study of this natural phenomenon) touched on this issue. In addition to a number of apparently reliable observations, he noted that an observer who sees the ball descend at a certain angle from the side cannot have an optical illusion like the one described above. Arago's arguments, apparently, seemed convincing enough to Faraday: rejecting the theories according to which ball lightning is an electric discharge, he emphasized that he did not at all deny the existence of these spheres.

50 years after the publication of Arago's review of the problem of ball lightning, it was again suggested that the image of ordinary lightning moving directly towards the observer would persist for a long time, and Lord Kelvin in 1888 at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science argued that ball lightning - it is an optical illusion generated by bright light. The fact that in many reports the same dimensions of ball lightning were given was attributed to the fact that this illusion is associated with a blind spot in the eye.

A discussion between supporters and opponents of these points of view took place at a meeting of the French Academy of Sciences in 1890. The topic of one of the reports submitted to the Academy was the numerous luminous spheres that appeared in a tornado and resembled ball lightning. These luminous spheres flew into houses through chimneys, punched round holes in windows, and generally exhibited very unusual properties attributed to ball lightning. After the report, one of the members of the Academy noted that the amazing properties of ball lightning, which were discussed, should be taken critically, since observers, apparently, became victims of optical illusions. In a heated discussion that broke out, the observations made by uneducated peasants were declared not worthy of attention, after which the former emperor of Brazil, a foreign member of the Academy, who was present at the meeting, declared that he, too, had seen ball lightning.

Many reports of natural luminous spheres were explained by the fact that observers mistakenly took the fires of St. Elma. Lights of St. An elma is a relatively frequently observed luminous region formed by a corona discharge at the end of a grounded object, say a pole. They occur when the intensity of the atmospheric electric field increases significantly, for example, during a thunderstorm. In particularly strong fields, which often occur near mountain peaks, this form of discharge can be observed on any object that rises above the ground, and even on the hands and heads of people. However, if we consider the moving spheres as the fires of St. Elm, it must be assumed that the electric field is continuously moving from one object, which plays the role of a discharge electrode, to another similar object. The message that such a ball moved over a row of fir trees was tried to be explained by the fact that a cloud passed over these trees with a field associated with it. Proponents of this theory considered the lights of St. Elma and all other luminous balls that separated from the original place of attachment and flew through the air. Since a corona discharge necessarily requires an electrode, the separation of such balls from a grounded tip indicates that some other phenomenon is involved, perhaps a different form of discharge. There are several reports of fireballs that were initially on points that acted as electrodes, and then moved freely in the manner described above.

In nature, other luminous objects were also observed, which were sometimes mistaken for ball lightning. For example, the nightjar is a nocturnal insectivorous bird, to whose feathers sometimes luminous rot from the hollow in which it nests sometimes stick, flies in zigzags above the ground, swallowing insects; from a certain distance it can be mistaken for ball lightning.

The fact that ball lightning may turn out to be something else in each specific case is a very strong argument against its existence. A prominent researcher of high voltage currents once remarked that, while observing thunderstorms and taking panoramic photographs of them for many years, he had never seen ball lightning. In addition, when talking with alleged eyewitnesses of ball lightning, this researcher was always convinced that their observations could have a different and well-founded interpretation. The constant resurgence of such arguments emphasizes the importance of detailed and reliable observations of ball lightning.

Most often, the observations on which the knowledge of ball lightning is based were questioned because these mysterious balls were seen only by people who did not have any scientific training. This opinion turned out to be completely wrong. The appearance of ball lightning was observed from a distance of only a few tens of meters by a scientist, an employee of a German laboratory studying atmospheric electricity; lightning was also observed by an employee of the Tokyo Central Meteorological Observatory. Eyewitnesses of ball lightning were also a meteorologist, physicists, chemist, paleontologist, director of the meteorological observatory and several geologists. Among scientists of various specialties, ball lightning was more often seen and reported by astronomers.

In very rare cases, when ball lightning appeared, the eyewitness managed to get pictures. These photographs, as well as other information relating to ball lightning, often received insufficient attention.

The collected information convinced most meteorologists of the groundlessness of their skepticism. On the other hand, there is no doubt that many scientists working in other fields hold a negative view, both because of intuitive skepticism and because of the unavailability of ball lightning data.

We live in an interesting time - in the yard of the 21st century, high technologies are subject to man and are used everywhere both in scientific work and in everyday life. A recruitment of those wishing to settle on the Red Planet is being researched and produced. Meanwhile, today there are various mechanisms of which are still not studied. Such phenomena include ball lightning, which is of genuine interest to scientists around the world.

The first documented case of the appearance of ball lightning took place in 1638 in England, in one of the churches in Devon. As a result of the atrocities of a huge fireball, 4 people died, about 60 were injured. Subsequently, new reports of such phenomena periodically appeared, but there were few of them, since eyewitnesses considered ball lightning an illusion or an optical illusion.

The first generalization of cases of a unique natural phenomenon was made by the Frenchman F. Arago in the middle of the 19th century; about 30 testimonies were collected in his statistics. The growing number of such meetings made it possible to obtain, based on the descriptions of eyewitnesses, some of the characteristics inherent in the heavenly guest.

Ball lightning is a phenomenon of an electrical nature, moving in the air in an unpredictable direction, luminous, but not radiating heat. This is where the general properties end and the particulars characteristic of each of the cases begin.

This is due to the fact that the nature of ball lightning has not been fully understood, since so far it has not been possible to study this phenomenon in the laboratory or to recreate a model for study. In some cases, the diameter of the fireball was several centimeters, sometimes reaching half a meter.

Photos of ball lightning fascinate with their beauty, but the impression of a harmless optical illusion is deceptive - many eyewitnesses were injured and burned, some became victims. This happened to the physicist Richmann, whose work on experiments during a thunderstorm ended in tragedy.

Ball lightning for several hundred years has been the object of study by many scientists, including N. Tesla, G. I. Babat, B. Smirnov, I. P. Stakhanov and others. Scientists have put forward various theories of the occurrence of ball lightning, of which there are over 200.

According to one version, an electromagnetic wave formed between the earth and clouds reaches a critical amplitude at a certain moment and forms a spherical gas discharge.

Another version is that ball lightning consists of high-density plasma and contains its own microwave radiation field. Some scientists believe that the fireball phenomenon is the result of the focusing of cosmic rays by clouds.

Most cases of this phenomenon were recorded before a thunderstorm and during a thunderstorm, so the most relevant hypothesis is the emergence of an energetically favorable environment for the appearance of various plasma formations, one of which is lightning.

The opinions of experts agree that when meeting with a heavenly guest, you must adhere to certain rules of conduct. The main thing is not to make sudden movements, not to run away, try to minimize air vibrations.

One of the most amazing and dangerous natural phenomena is ball lightning. How to behave and what to do when meeting with her, you will learn from this article.

What is ball lightning

Surprisingly, modern science finds it difficult to answer this question. Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to analyze this natural phenomenon with the help of precise scientific instruments. All attempts by scientists to recreate it in the laboratory have also failed. Despite a lot of historical data and eyewitness accounts, some researchers even deny the very existence of this phenomenon.

Those who were lucky enough to stay alive after meeting with an electric ball, give conflicting testimonies. They claim to have seen a sphere 10 to 20 cm in diameter, but describe it differently. According to one version, ball lightning is almost transparent, the contours of surrounding objects can even be guessed through it. According to another, its color varies from white to red. Someone says that they felt the heat emanating from the lightning. Others did not notice any warmth from her, even being in close proximity.

Chinese scientists were lucky to detect ball lightning using spectrometers. Although this moment lasted one and a half seconds, the researchers were able to conclude that it was different from ordinary lightning.

Where does ball lightning appear?

How to behave when meeting with her, because a fireball can appear anywhere. The circumstances of its formation are very different and it is difficult to find a definite pattern. Most people think that you can only meet lightning during or after a thunderstorm. However, there is a lot of evidence that it also appeared in dry, cloudless weather. It is also impossible to predict the place where an electric ball may form. There were cases when it arose from a voltage network, a tree trunk, and even from a wall of an apartment building. Eyewitnesses saw how lightning appeared on its own, met it in open areas and indoors. Also, the literature describes cases when, after a normal strike, ball lightning occurred.

How to behave

If you are "lucky enough" to encounter a fireball in an open area, you must adhere to the basic rules of behavior in this extreme situation.

  • Try to slowly move away from the dangerous place for a considerable distance. Don't turn your back on the lightning and don't try to run away from it.
  • If she is close and moving towards you, freeze, stretch your arms forward and hold your breath. After a few seconds or minutes, the ball will circle around you and disappear.
  • In no case do not throw any objects at it, as if it collides with something, the lightning explodes.

Ball lightning: how to escape if it appeared in the house?

This plot is the most terrible, since an unprepared person can panic and make a fatal mistake. Remember that the electric sphere reacts to any movement of air. Therefore, the most universal advice is to remain still and calm. What else can be done if ball lightning has flown into the apartment?

  • What to do if she was near your face? Blow on the ball and it will fly off to the side.
  • Do not touch iron objects.
  • Freeze, do not make sudden movements and do not try to escape.
  • If there is an entrance to an adjacent room nearby, then try to hide in it. But do not turn your back on the lightning and try to move as slowly as possible.
  • Do not try to drive it away with any object, otherwise you risk provoking a strong explosion. In this case, you face such serious consequences as cardiac arrest, burns, injuries and loss of consciousness.

How to help the victim

Remember that lightning can cause very serious injury or even take life. If you see that a person is injured by her blow, then urgently take action - move him to another place and do not be afraid, since there will no longer be a charge in his body. Put him on the floor, wrap him up and call an ambulance. In case of cardiac arrest, give him artificial respiration until the arrival of doctors. If the person was not badly hurt, put a wet towel on his head, give two analgin tablets and soothing drops.

How to save yourself

How to protect yourself from ball lightning? First of all, you need to take steps that will keep you safe during a normal thunderstorm. Remember that in most cases people suffer from electric shock while in nature or in the countryside.

  • How to escape from ball lightning in the forest? Don't hide under lonely trees. Try to find a low grove or undergrowth. Remember that lightning rarely strikes conifers and birches.
  • Do not hold metal objects (forks, shovels, guns, fishing rods and umbrellas) above your head.
  • Do not hide in a haystack and do not lie down on the ground - better squat down.
  • If a thunderstorm caught you in the car, stop and do not touch metal objects. Don't forget to lower your antenna and drive away from tall trees. Stop at the curb and do not enter the gas station.
  • Remember that quite often a thunderstorm goes against the wind. Ball lightning moves in exactly the same way.
  • How to behave in the house and should you worry if you are under a roof? Unfortunately, a lightning rod and other devices are not able to help you.
  • If you are in the steppe, then squat down, try not to rise above the surrounding objects. You can take cover in a ditch, but leave it as soon as it starts to fill with water.
  • If you are sailing in a boat, then in no case do not get up. Try to get to the shore as quickly as possible and move away from the water to a safe distance.

  • Take off your jewelry and put it away.
  • Turn off your cell phone. If it works, then ball lightning can be attracted to the signal.
  • How to escape from a thunderstorm if you are in the country? Close windows and chimney. It is not yet known whether glass is a barrier to lightning. However, it has been observed that it easily seeps into any slots, sockets or electrical appliances.
  • If you are at home, then close the windows and turn off electrical appliances, do not touch anything metal. Try to stay away from outlets. Do not make phone calls and turn off all external antennas.

Human fear most often comes from ignorance. Few people are afraid of ordinary lightning - a spark of electrical discharge - and everyone knows how to behave during a thunderstorm. But what is ball lightning, is it dangerous, and what to do if you encounter this phenomenon?

It is very easy to recognize ball lightning, despite the variety of its types. Usually it has, as you can easily guess, the shape of a ball, glowing like a 60-100 watt light bulb. Much less often there are lightning similar to a pear, a mushroom or a drop, or such an exotic form as a pancake, bagel or lens. But the variety of colors is simply amazing: from transparent to black, but shades of yellow, orange and red are still in the lead. The color can be uneven, and sometimes fireballs change it like a chameleon.

There is no need to talk about the constant size of the plasma ball either, it varies from a few centimeters to several meters. But usually people encounter ball lightning with a diameter of 10-20 centimeters.

Worst of all in describing lightning is their temperature and mass. According to scientists, the temperature can be in the range from 100 to 1000 °C. But at the same time, people who encountered ball lightning at arm's length rarely noted at least some heat emanating from them, although logically, they should have received burns. The same mystery is with the mass: no matter what size the lightning was, it weighs no more than 5-7 grams.

If you have ever seen from afar an object similar to what MirSovetov described, congratulations - it most likely was ball lightning.

The behavior of ball lightning is unpredictable. They refer to phenomena that appear when they want, where they want and do what they want. So, earlier it was believed that ball lightnings are born only during thunderstorms and always accompany linear (ordinary) lightning. However, it gradually became clear that they can appear in sunny clear weather. It was believed that lightning was "attracted" to places of high voltage with a magnetic field - electrical wires. But there were cases when they actually appeared in the middle of an open field ...

Fireballs erupt in an incomprehensible way from electrical outlets in the house and "leak" through the smallest cracks in the walls and glass, turning into "sausages" and then again taking their usual form. At the same time, there are no melted traces left ... They either hang quietly in one place at a short distance from the ground, or rush somewhere at a speed of 8-10 meters per second. Having met a person or an animal on its way, lightning can stay away from them and behave peacefully, they can curiously circle nearby, or they can attack and burn or kill, after which they either melt as if nothing had happened, or explode with a terrible roar. However, despite the frequent stories about those injured or killed by ball lightning, their number is relatively small - only 9 percent. Most often, lightning, having circled the area, disappears without causing any harm. If she appeared in the house, then it usually “leaks” back into the street and only melts there.

Also, many inexplicable cases have been recorded when fireballs are "attached" to a particular place or person, and appear regularly. At the same time, in relation to a person, they are divided into two types - those that attack him in each of their appearances and those that do no harm or attack people who are nearby. There is another mystery: ball lightning, having killed a person, is completely without any trace on the body, and the corpse does not stiffen or decompose for a long time ...

Some scientists say lightning just "stops time" in the body.

Ball lightning is a unique and peculiar phenomenon. Over the history of mankind, more than 10 thousand evidence of meetings with "intelligent balls" has accumulated. However, until now, scientists cannot boast of great achievements in the study of these objects.

There are many disparate theories about the origin and "life" of ball lightning. From time to time, in laboratory conditions, it turns out to create objects that are similar in appearance and properties to ball lightning - plasmoids. Nevertheless, no one could provide a coherent picture and a logical explanation for this phenomenon.

The most famous and developed before the rest is the theory of Academician P. L. Kapitsa, which explains the appearance of ball lightning and some of its features by the occurrence of short-wave electromagnetic oscillations in the space between thunderclouds and the earth's surface. However, Kapitsa failed to explain the nature of those very short-wave oscillations. In addition, as noted above, ball lightning does not necessarily accompany ordinary lightning and can appear in clear weather. However, most of the other theories are based on the findings of Academician Kapitsa.

A hypothesis different from Kapitza's theory was created by B. M. Smirnov, who claims that the core of ball lightning is a cellular structure with a strong frame and low weight, and the frame is made of plasma filaments.

D. Turner explains the nature of ball lightning by thermochemical effects occurring in saturated water vapor in the presence of a sufficiently strong electric field.

However, the theory of the New Zealand chemists D. Abrahamson and D. Dinnis is considered the most interesting. They found that when lightning strikes soil containing silicates and organic carbon, a ball of silicon and silicon carbide fibers is formed. These fibers gradually oxidize and begin to glow. This is how a "fire" ball is born, heated to 1200-1400 ° C, which slowly melts. But if the temperature of the lightning goes off scale, then it explodes. However, even this coherent theory does not confirm all cases of lightning occurrence.

For official science, ball lightning still continues to be a mystery. Maybe that's why so many near-scientific theories and even more fictions appear around her.

We are not going to tell stories here about fiery-eyed demons that leave a smell of brimstone, hellhounds, and "firebirds" as fireballs are sometimes represented. However, their strange behavior leads many researchers of this phenomenon to assume that lightning "thinks". At a minimum, fireballs are considered instruments for the study of our world. As a maximum - energy entities that also collect some information about our planet and its inhabitants.

An indirect confirmation of these theories is the fact that any collection of information is work with energy.

And the unusual property of lightning to disappear in one place and appear instantly in another. There are suggestions that the same ball lightning "dives" into a certain part of space - another dimension that lives according to other physical laws - and, having dropped information, appears again in our world at a new point. Yes, and the actions of lightning on the living beings of our planet are also meaningful - they do not touch some, they “touch” others, and some simply tear out pieces of flesh, as if for genetic analysis!

The frequent appearance of ball lightning during thunderstorms is also easily explained. During bursts of energy - electric discharges - portals from a parallel dimension open, and their collectors of information about our world get into our world ...

The main rule when ball lightning appears - whether in an apartment or on the street - do not panic and do not make sudden movements. Don't run anywhere! Lightning is very susceptible to air turbulence, which we create when running and other movements, and which pull it along. You can break away from ball lightning only by car, but by no means on your own.

Try to quietly move out of the way of the lightning and stay away from it, but do not turn your back on it. If you are in an apartment - go to the window and open the window. With a high degree of probability, lightning will fly out.

And, of course, never throw anything into a fireball! It can not just disappear, but explode like a mine, and then severe consequences (burns, injuries, sometimes loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest) are inevitable.

If ball lightning touched someone and the person lost consciousness, then it must be transferred to a well-ventilated room, wrapped warmly, artificial respiration should be done and an ambulance should be called.

In general, technical means of protection against ball lightning as such have not yet been developed. The only currently existing "ball lightning rod" was developed by the leading engineer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering B. Ignatov. Ignatov's ball lightning rod is patented, but only a few such devices have been created, there is no talk of its active implementation in life yet.

Therefore - take care of yourself, and if you meet ball lightning, do not forget about the recommendations.

Ball lightning is the so-called plasma clots that form during thunderstorms. But the true nature of the formation of these fireballs does not allow scientists to put forward a reasonable explanation for the unexpected and very frightening effects that usually form when ball lightning occurs.

Appearance of the Devil

For a long time, people believed that the mythical deity Zeus was behind the eruption of thunder and lightning. But it was ball lightning that was the most mysterious, appearing extremely rarely and unexpectedly evaporating, leaving only the most terrible stories of their origin.

The first occurrence of ball lightning was witnessed in the description of one of the most tragic incidents, which happened on October 21, 1638. Ball lightning at high speed literally flew through the window into the church of the village of Widecombe Moor. Eyewitnesses said that a sparkling fireball more than two meters in diameter, which was still incomprehensible to them, somehow knocked out a couple of stones and wooden beams from the church walls by force.

But the ball didn't stop there. Further, this fireball broke the wooden benches in half, and also broke many windows and then smoked the room with a thick smoke with the smell of some kind of sulfur. But the local residents who came to the church for worship were in for another not very pleasant surprise. The ball stopped for a few seconds and then split into two parts, two fireballs. One of which flew out the window, and the other disappeared into the church.

After the incident, four people died, and about sixty villagers were badly injured. This case was called "the coming of the devil", in which the parishioners who played cards during the sermon were blamed.

Horror and fear

Ball lightning is not always spherical; you can also find oval, drop-shaped and rod-shaped ball lightning, the size of which can be from a few centimeters to several meters.

Small ball lightning is often observed. In nature, you can find ball lightning red, yellow-red, completely yellow, in rare cases white or green. Sometimes ball lightning behaves quite intelligently, floating in the air, and sometimes it can stop abruptly for no reason, and then with force fly into absolutely any object or person and completely discharge into it.

Many witnesses claim that during the flight, the fireball makes a quiet spruce perceptible sound, similar to hissing. And the appearance of ball lightning is usually accompanied by the smell of ozone or sulfur.

It is strictly forbidden to touch ball lightning! Such cases ended with severe burns and even loss of human consciousness. Scientists claim that this incomprehensible natural phenomenon can even kill a person with its electric discharge.

In 1753, physics professor Georg Richmann died from ball lightning during an experiment with electricity. This death shocked everyone and made them wonder what ball lightning really is and why does it even occur in nature?

Witnesses often notice that when they see ball lightning, they feel a sense of horror, which inspires them, in their opinion, ball lightning. After meeting this fireball on its way, eyewitnesses experience a feeling of depression and severe headaches, which may not go away for a very long time and no painkillers help.

Experience of scientists

Scientists have come to the conclusion that ball lightning has no similarities with ordinary lightning, since they can be observed in clear, dry weather, including in the winter season.

Many theoretical models have appeared that describe the very origin and direct evolution of ball lightning. Today their number is more than four hundred.

The main difficulty of these theories is that all theoretical models are recreated with the help of various experiments, only with some limitations. If scientists begin to equate an artificially created environment with a natural one, then only a kind of “plasmoid” is obtained that lives for a couple of seconds, but no more, and natural ball lightning lives for half an hour, while constantly moving, freezing, chasing people completely. for some unknown reason, and also passes through walls and can even explode, so the model and reality are still far from each other.


Scientists found out that in order to find out the truth, you need to catch, as well as conduct a thorough study of ball lightning directly in the open field, soon the desire of scientists came true. On July 23, 2012, late in the evening, the fireball was caught by two spectrometers that were installed directly on the Tibetan plateau. Physicists from China who carried out the study were able to fix within a few seconds the glow that the real ball lightning emitted.

Scientists were able to make an incredible discovery: compared to the spectrum of a simple lightning that is familiar to the human eye, in which there are mainly lines of ionized nitrogen, the spectrum of natural ball lightning, as it turned out, is completely saturated with streaks of iron, as well as calcium and silicon. All of these elements act as the main components of the soil.

Scientists came to the conclusion that inside the ball lightning there is a process of combustion of soil particles that were thrown into the air by a simple thunderstorm.

At the same time, Chinese researchers say that the secret of the phenomenon has been revealed prematurely. Suppose that in the center of the ball lightning itself, particles of soil are burned. How is the ability of fireballs to pass through walls or the effect on people with the help of emotions explained? By the way, there were cases when fireballs appeared right inside the submarines. How then can this be explained?

All this is still shrouded in mystery, and even scientists have not been able to explain the phenomenon of ball lightning for many years or even centuries. Is this mystery really going to remain unsolved by the scientific world?