Five words with sound m solid. Abstract classes

Correctional and developing tasks.

1. Teach a child to determine the direction of sound in space.

2. Preparing the child to absorb the sound-slope by forming spatio-temporal representations.

3. Teach a child to clearly pronounce the sounds [m] and [m], differentiate sounds for rumor and in pronunciation.

4. Insert the concepts into passive and active dictionary of the child: "consonant sound", "solid (soft) consonant sound."

5. Teach to determine the place of sounds [M], [M "] at the beginning, middle and end of words.

6. Learning to analyze AM, MA syllables.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Go to sound" (development of auditory attention).

Adult tying a child's eyes, and himself calls the bell. The child should go to the sound of the bell.

Task 2.. Didactic exercise "Before - between - after".

Adult offers the child to remember what time of the year, months, he remembers the days of the week; asks them to pronounce them in order. Then an adult asks questions: what is the first month of the year? last? Before March? after March? Between June and August? (Similarly, the game is carried out on the basis of the days of the week, the time of the year.)

Task 3.. Acquaintance with sound [m].

Adult offers a child to guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - Mice,

Full - chews

All children give milk. (Cow)

"How is the cow mice?" - "Mmm ..."

Adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child to the articulation of sound [M]: when we say the sound [m]:

Sponges closed without tension;

Air comes through the nose;

Gorelshko "works".

Adult shows the child a symbol of sound [m]: Cow Mile: Mmm ...,

then explains that the sound [m] can not sing, since sponges create an air barrier. This sound is a consonant, solid, ringing (the neck "works"), so we denote the sound [m] with a blue circle with a bell. So the child absorbs characteristic Sound [m].

Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

Cow mice: mmmmmmmmmm ... (after adults, the sound [m] is long).

Task 5.. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm".

An adult pronounces a number of sounds, syllables, words and asks the child to clap the palm in the event that he hears the sound [m] (isolated, in syllables, in words):

m, a, y, m, m, and; AM, AR, OM, Ma, Mu, Ka, Ca, we;

mac, Olya, Fly, House, Soup, Flour;

Task 6.. An adult offers a child to carefully listen and repeat the syllables, while the child should feel the lips closure when the sound is pronouncing [M]:

ma, Mo, Mu, we; AM, OM, mind, im.

Task 7.. Adult offers a child to repeat the syllable row:

ma-Mo, Ma-We, Mu, Mu-we; AM, mind-im, Mind-AM, Ohm.

Task 8.. An adult pronounces words, highlighting the sound in them [m], and the child calls the same first (last) sound in words:

mac, Fly, Machine, Soap; House, som, com, scrap.

Task 9.. The child is invited to choose from a number of drawn items, in the title of which the sound [m] is:

at the beginning of the words: Mac, Fly, Mask, Mark;

at the end of the words: House, Som, album;

in the middle of the words: bag, airplane, lamp.

To determine the place of sound [m] in the word, it is recommended to use a card and a blue circle with a bell.

Task 10.. Remember with the child:

months of the year, in the title of which there is sound [m] (March, May);

the time of year, in the title of which there is sound [m] (winter).

Task 11.. Finish proposals (coordination with nouns):

This is mine ... (hat). This is my house). This is mine ... (coat). These are my books).

Task 12. Acquaintance with the sound [M "].

Adult asks the child the question: "What is the name of the cow called?" - "Calf".

The adult draws the attention of the child to the fact that the calf is small, he might: MME ...

Then introduces a child with a sound symbol [M "]: Calf is might: me ...,h. actempist Sound: consonant, soft, ringing, and designation: green circle with a bell.

Task 13.. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [m"] ":

mj, a, y, mj, and, m; me, ka, pa, mi, ki, me;

ball, soup, bowl, misha, world, crow.

Task 14.. Adult offers a child carefully listen and repeat the syllables series:

me-me, mi mu ...; AM Ohm, IM ...

Task 15.. Adult asks the child to list pictures, the names of which begin to sound [M "]:

ball, bowl, teddy bear, chalk, metro, month.

Games with pictures: "What happened?" (The child closes his eyes, the adult cleans the picture. The child must remember the name of the picture, which we removed.)

"What changed?" (The child closes his eyes, the adult changes the pictures in some places. The child must remember and become the initial number of pictures.)

Task 16. Differentiation of sounds [M] - [M "]. Didactic exercise" Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [m] ":

m, mj, d, m ...; Ma, Mi, Mi, Mu ...; AM, Om ...; ball, fly, poppy, misha ...,

Didactic exercise "Say on the contrary" (a game with a ball: an adult pronounces a syllable with a solid consonant sound [m], while throwing the ball to the child. The child catches the ball, says a syllable with a soft consonant sound, returning the ball to adult, etc.):

ma-Mo, Mo -..., Mu -..., we -...; Ma-Ma, Mi -..., MJ -..., Me -...

Task 17. The child is offered among the names to choose those that begin to sound [M] ():

Misha, Mark, Marina, Miron ...

Inclosure on the notebook pictures with images of objects whose names begin on the sounds [m] and. (At the end of the lesson on the topic, adult offers the child to remember what pictures he pasted into his notebook.)

Task 18.. Didactic exercise "Challenge Loudly, call the first sound in the Word."

Underground in camork

She lives in mink,

Gray baby.

Who is it?., (mouse)

He slept all winter in the fur coat,

Susks sick paw

And waking up, began to roar.

This is a forest beast ... (bear)

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the guess:

In winter - sleeps,

In the summer - the hives are grumbled. (Bear)

Without hands, without legs,

And it knows how to draw. (Frost)

Sits a maiden in the dungeon,

And Spit on the street. ( Carrot)

All day flies,

Everyone anniversary,

Night will come,

Then no longer stop. (Fly)

Learn cleaningors:

Ma-ma-ma is at home myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk who?

Mo-Mo-Mo - Eat Eskimo.

We are-we - we read the book we.

Mi-Mi - We sing Note Mi.

Me-Me-Me - give me the grass to me.

Task 19.. An adult pronounces a few words and asks the child to determine which first sound in these words, and then make an offer with each word:

mouse - Bear; Soap - Mila; Mal - Mall.

Task 20.. Exercise for fingers and development of speech coordination with movements:

We wrote, we wrote, -

And now everyone got up together

Feet soften,

Handles patted.

Perform appropriate movements.

We wrote, we wrote, - Rhythmically compress your fingers in the cams.

Our fingers are tired.

We will rest a little -

And again writing.

Task 20. Acquaintance with the letter M.

Letter M with two humps,

As a camel - see yourself!

O. Gofman.

What does the letter M look like? Letter m from fingers: Squeezing the tips of the index fingers, omit them down with the middle fingers, and the rest - squeeze into the cam.

Games with the letter.

Task 21.. Analysis of syllables: AM, MA. Drawing up circuits from circles. (Consonant sound - blue circle with a bell, a vowel sound - a red circle.)

Drawing up from the letters of a split alphabet Slots AM, MA. Reading, writing, letter with printed letters under dictation.

Automation of sound M.

    Repeat syllable.

Ma - Mo - Mu


MO - Ma - Mu

Om - ohm - am - mind

Mu - We - Ma

Mind - ohm - am

Mu - Ma - we

Ohm - mind - am

    Tell a word.

Sound at the beginning of the word: Poppy, magician, small, mash, shop, car, raspberry, painter, mandarin; wash, washing, cape, soap, mice; ILO, moss, motility, coin, hammer, monologue, sea, sailor, frost, carrots; Muk, torment, flour, fly, mousse, museum, music, mulatto, Murka, purr.

Sound in the middle of the word:Mom, Kuma, Kama, Duma, Houses, Lady, Sum, Winter, Kamaz, smear, team, break, Rama, Roman, Mosquito, Chamomile; Kumys, reed, frame; Dresser, lump, smoke, dumb, castle, lemon; To whom, the clamp, stupid, Talmud.

Sound in the end of the word:

House, smoke, ladies, to you, bam, bom, com, catfish, self, deputy, noise, scrap, rum, album, nam, temple, bromine, stamp.

ICA, MNA, me, Mni, MLA, MRA, MRU, RMA, RFM. Umka, Toka, bag; many, many, multiply, multiplication; I, opinion, doubt; Stones, remember, smoke; young, baby, junior; darkness, gloomy, gloomy, marble; Feed, Korchma.

    Repeat proposals.

Mom washes Masha. Mac Mac. Manya loves Malina. Little flour goes to the store. Kuma has a small bag. Freaks out of the house. Mom washes a frame. Manya breaks the castle. At the house is a small com. Kuma is a small som. Manya looks at the album. Dima scrap Circle of darkness. In the castle a lot of marble. The lock is a small key. In the SOM bag. Masha multiplies. Mom washes a baby. Masha younger than Viti.

    Repeat cleaning.

Ma - Ma - Ma - at home I myself.

Mu - Mu - Milk who?

We - We - We - we walked.

MO - MO - MO - Eat Eskimo.

    Repeat the proverb, sayings.

Many snow - a lot of bread.

Many water is a lot of grass.

Moscow - all cities Mother.

    Repeat typ.

Are you raspberry soy?

Soaps, but not soaked.

Cat milk lacqual,

And Boria Breweka in Makal Milk.

    Repeat riddles.

Red maiden sits in dunning,

Head on the leg,

And Spit on the street.


In the head of the peas.


All day flies,

Everyone anniversary.

Night comes

Then stops.


Drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far.

Cars loads and people.

You are familiar, of course, with her.

(A car)

    Learn the poem.

Mom, so love you,

What I do not know straight!

I am a sea ship

I will give the name "Mom!".

(Ya. Akim)

May I? - asked the mouse?

What are you? You still baby.


    Game "Tell the Lream"

And stitch without a breather

The whole thing could ... (Martis).

We are a puppy in water and in soap

Two o'clock wash ... (Soap).

Putting to the rear tire

Masha rides ... (car).

Underground in camork

She lives in mink,

Gray baby.

Who is it? (Mouse).

    The game "On the contrary"

Adult asks the child to call words opposite to meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound of M.

Stupid - (wise)

Many - (Little)

Big small)

Dry - (wet)

    Relustration story

An adult offers a child to listen to the story, and then retell it.

We have a cat Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache, a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom especially for Murka buys it in the store.

On, Murka Milk.

Mur-Mur-Moore, - Thanks the cat. What Murka

Sound MJ

Sound articulation

See the sound of M. The difference lies in the fact that when utterating the sound of the MJ lip is much stronger, the language will be arched, its tip rests on the lower cutters.

Sound statement. By imitation.

    Repeat syllable.

Me - Mu

Me - me - me


Me - me

Me - mu - me

Yam - Yam - Yam

Mo - Mi

Damage - imagine

Mi - mu

M - mi

MJ - MJ - MJ

Sex - Seven - Ey

    Tell a word.

Sound at the beginning of the word:

Meow, might, ball, mint, mint, soft, flesh, meat, rebellion, mummy, meat grinder; Mina, blink, minute, minus, bear, mile, mila, cute, peace, minor; copper, medic, throw, label, bear, place, jellyfish, bag, blizzard, medal, furniture, a piece of chalk; Honey, Möl.

Sound in the middle of the word:

Name, lean, banner; house, comedian, fireplace, domino, vitamin, dying; comet, stone, change, note, replace, camellia, change; Hasom, litter.

Corrective sounds in syllables and words: TMA, LAM, BM, mixture. Cancellation, cancel, refile; replace, sweeping; exchange, exchange; together; Estimation, bold.

    Repeat proposals.

Mila has medal. Mila rushes ball. Bear loves honey. Misha flashes Mile. The ball flies a minute. Mila threw the ball apt. Misha eats meat. In the house fireplace. The house hangs the banner. Comet flies past the house Mila. Mitya noticed a stone. The comedian understood the hint. Mitya carries a banner. Mint has a mint taste. On the street, the snowstorm. Misha drinks vitamins. Bear loves honey. Mitya draws chalk.

    Repeat cleaning.

Mi - Mi - I sing a note by mi.

Mi-mi - go for yourself.

    Repeat the proverb, sayings.

With the wolves live - wolf to swell. Who rested, he ate.

    Repeat riddles.

Beat him, and he does not cry

Only above, above rides.


In the summer, the forest walks,

In winter, resting in the berry.


White pebbles melted

On the board traces left.

(A piece of chalk)

Horned, and not coming.


Twisted, connected

At stake planted,

And the street is dancing.


    Learn the poem.

The ball jumps color

In the courtyard in front of me

This ball is very nice:

Stekol, he still did not beat!


    The game "Tell the Lream."

Adult offers a child to prompt the right word at the end of each poem.

Does not fit into the book

Kosolapy ... (bear).

Our Tanya cries loudly,

Dropped into the river ... (Ball).

He slept all winter in the fur coat,

Susks sick paw

And waking up, began to roar.

This is a forest beast ... (bear).

    The game "On the contrary".

Adult offers a child to name words opposite to meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound of MJ.

    The game "Be attentive".

An adult offers a child to listen to the story and call all words with the sound of MJ, which in it are found.

Mila crayon. She painted bear, jellyfish, ball, medal. Mila has beautiful drawings. Mila showed the drawings of the Tem. He also decided to draw something, took chalk and here is a comet. Well done boys!


Sounds m - d. Letter M.

Software tasks:

* Secure the skill of the right pronunciation of sounds M and MJ in syllables, words and suggestions

* Finding the position of sounds in the word
* Differentiation of sounds on hardness - softness
* Analysis of SGS words.
* Reading, letter backlog

* Develop attention, memory, thinking

Travel course:

1. Orgmant.
Game "Remember - Repeat"
Gnome - Album - House - KOM 3 - 4 Chain Options
- What is common in words?
Fly - Soap - Malina - Motok 3 - 4 Chain Options
- What is common in words?
Mila - Pyramid - a machine gun
- What is common in words?
2. Isolated pronunciation. Characteristics of sounds m, mj.

* Pronoming the specified sound with different timbres

* Pronoming the given sound with different power

- What sounds pronounced?

- Tell us about the sound of m

- Tell us about gently pair sound m

3. Allocation of the last consonant.
The game "Echo."
Home - ... m You - ... m
Smoke - ... Wigwam - ...
Dame - ... album - ...
There - ... Tom - ...
Com - ... Hippo - ...
Som - ... myself - ...

4. The game "On the contrary".
Ma - AM - AM
Mo - ... Om - ...
Mu - ... mind - ...
We - ... Thy - ...
Ma Ma Amon - Am
Mo - ... Omics - ...
MJ - ... Umub - ...
Mi - ... oh - ...
5. Differentiation of sounds on hardness - softness.
Working with a handout of 2 pictures 1 - with sound m, 2nd - with sound MJ.
1) Task: Raise a card with a cage with mild m, raise a card with hard sound m
2) Task: All cards put on one table.
Select pictures with M - at the beginning of the word, then M - in the end of the word, and pictures
with m in the middle of the word.

6. FMK.
Walking in a circle
A) with a stop on solid M. in syllables, words.
B) with a stop on soft MJ. In syllables, words. Vocabulary in exercises is the same and for sound for a task under the letter a) and b).
7. Determining the position of the sound of the sound in the word.
The game "Where did the sound hid?"
Vocabulary: Mac, Airplane, Bear, Kom, Tom, Fly, Panama, Album, Dima, Wash.
Handbook "3 house".

8. Selection of Antonyms
War - Mir
fast slow
Stupid - smart
quarrel - tool

solid - soft

big small

9. Sound analysis

A) converting syllables, work with split alphabets.
Chain option: Ma ... ..m ... .. ... .. ..m ... .. ... ..

Oral analysis of the syllables, laying out the chips of the symbols of Ma, mi.

Reading a straight syllable: Ma, Mu, ME, Mi.

B) analysis and laid out the chips of the mA

- How many sounds did you hear?

- What is the first sound, tell us about it.

- What is the second sound, tell us about it.

- Lay out the scheme of this syllable chips.

- Add to these two chips, chip, denoting sound to K.

- How many sounds were?

- How did they sound together?

- How many sounds became?

- "Read" according to the scheme, what word it turned out. (POPPY)

- Was a syllable - it turned out the word.

- What have you done for this?

- How many sounds in the word poppy?

- What at the beginning? What at the end? What in the middle?

10. Acquaintance with the letter.

- How many sounds at the letter M? (Two - M and MJ)
- What is the sound of the letter?
- What is the syllable?
- What looks like a letter M.
- showing the writing letter M.

11. Letter of the letter M, Slots mind, mu


Queen Svetlana

teacher speech therapist

The author is nice, you are not difficult - click "I like"

Correctional and developing tasks.

1. Teach a child to determine the direction of sound in space.

2. Preparing the child to absorb the sound-slope by forming spatio-temporal representations.

3. Teach a child to clearly pronounce the sounds [m] and [m], differentiate sounds for rumor and in pronunciation.

4. Insert the concepts into passive and active dictionary of the child: "consonant sound", "solid (soft) consonant sound."

5. Teach to determine the place of sounds [M], [M "] at the beginning, middle and end of words.

6. Learning to analyze AM, MA syllables.

Structure occupation

1. Argmoment

Didactic exercise "Go to sound" (development of auditory attention).

2 Acquaintance with sound [m].

guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - Mice,

Full - chews

All children give milk.(Cow)

"How is the cow mice?" - "Mmm ..."

Adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child to the articulation of sound [M]: when we say the sound [m]:

Sponges closed without tension;

Air comes through the nose;

Gorelshko "works".

Adult shows the child a symbol of sound [m]: Cow Mile: Mmm ...,

then explains that the sound [m] can not sing, since sponges create an air barrier. This sound is a consonant, solid, ringing (the neck "works"), so we denote the sound [m] in blue square. So the child absorbscharacteristic Sound [m].

Phonetic exercise .

Cow mice: mmmmmmmmmm ... (after adults, the sound [m] is long).

Didactic exercise "Catch the sound".

m, a, y, m, m, and; AM, AR, OM, Ma, Mu, Ka, Ca, we;

mac, Olya, Fly, House, Soup, Flour;

The game "Repeat after me"

ma-Mo, Ma-We, Mu, Mu-we; AM, mind-im, Mind-AM, Ohm.

Where is the sound game? The child is invited to choose from a number of drawn items, in the title of which the sound [m] is:

at the beginning of the words: Mac, Fly, Mask, Mark;

at the end of the words: House, Som, album;

in the middle of the words: bag, airplane, lamp.

To determine the place of sound [M] in the word, it is recommended to use a card and a blue square

Game "Jadda" Finish proposals (coordination with nouns):

This is mine ... (duck). This is mine ... (goose). This is mine ... (feather). These are mine ... (chickens).

3. Acquaintance with the sound [M "].

"What is the name of the cow?" - "Calf".

The adult draws the attention of the child to the fact that the calf is small, he might: MME ...

Then introduces a child with a sound symbol [M "]: Calf Mile: MME ..., xactempist Sound: consonant, soft, ringing, and designation: green square

Didactic exercise "Catch the sound ", If you hear the sound [M"] ":

mj, a, y, mj, and, m; me, ka, pa, mi, ki, me;

ball, soup, bowl, misha, world, crow.

The game "Repeat after me"

me-me, mi mu ...; AM Ohm, IM ...

Adult asks the child to list pictures, the names of which begin to sound [M "]:

ball, bowl, teddy bear, chalk, month.

Games with pictures: « What did not happen? » (The child closes his eyes, the adult cleans the picture. The child must remember the name of the picture, which we removed.)

Didactic exercise "Challenge Loudly, call the first sound in the Word."

Underground in camork

She lives in mink,

Gray baby.

Who is it?.,(mouse)

He slept all winter in the fur coat,

Susks sick paw

And waking up, began to roar.

This is a forest beast ...(bear)

Without hands, without legs,

And it knows how to draw.(Frost)

Sits a maiden in the dungeon,

And Spit on the street. (Carrot )

Repeat the cleanup:

Ma-ma-ma is at home myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk who?

Mo-Mo-Mo - Eat Eskimo.

We are-we - we read the book we.

Mi-Mi - We sing Note Mi.

Me-Me-Me - give me the grass to me.

Exercise for fingers

4. Familiarity with the letter M.

Letter M with two humps,

As a camel - see yourself!

What does the letter M look like? Letter m from fingers: Squeezing the tips of the index fingers, omit them down with the middle fingers, and the rest - squeeze into the cam.

Analysis of the syllable : AM, MA. Drawing up circuits from circles. (Consonant sound - blue circle with a bell, a vowel sound - a red circle.)

Two o'clock wash ... (soaps).

Putting to the rear tire

Masha rides ... (car).

Underground in camork

She lives in mink,

Gray baby.

Who is it? (Mouse).

10. The game "On the contrary"

Adult asks the child to call words opposite to meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound of M.

Stupid - (wise)

Many - (Little)

Big small)

Dry - (wet)

11. Retell the story

An adult offers a child to listen to the story, and then retell it.

We have a cat Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache, a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom especially for Murka buys it in the store.

On, Murka Milk.

Mur-Mur-Moore, - Thanks the cat. What Murka is smart!

Sound MJ

Sound articulation

Cm. the sound of M. The difference lies in the fact that when utterating the sound of MJ lips is strenuous much more, the language will be arched, its tip rests on the lower cutters.

Sound statement. By imitation.

1. Repeat syllables.

Me - Mu
Me - me - me
Me - mu - me
Yam - Yam - Yam
Mi - mu
M - mi
Me - me
Mo - Mi
Damage - imagine
MJ - MJ - MJ
Sex - Seven - Ey

2. Tell the word.

Sound at the beginning of the word:

Meow, might, ball, mint, mint, soft, flesh, meat, rebellion, mummy, meat grinder; Mina, blink, minute, minus, bear, mile, mila, cute, peace, minor; copper, medic, throw, label, bear, place, jellyfish, bag, blizzard, medal, furniture, chalk; Honey, Möl.