Correct visualization of desires. What is visualization and how does it work? Theories about types of visualization of desires

Visualization is one of the most effective techniques for fulfilling desires. However, this method has special rules, compliance with which will increase its effectiveness and help you realize your cherished dream in the shortest possible time.

It is not for nothing that psychologists and bioenergetics specialists so often mention the power of thought. Constantly thinking about a situation really contributes to the embodiment of this event, and precisely because the “obsessive” thought settles in our subconscious. And if you learn to manage this process, you can get what you want as quickly as possible. Knowing the five basic principles of visualization will help with this.

Principle one: formulate the desire correctly

Thoughts need a verbal shell. Before imagining a desire, it must be formulated, and this must be done correctly - otherwise the chances of making your dream come true will seriously decrease. There are three important rules regarding the formulation of desire:

  • you should not use negative particles;
  • when formulating a thought, use the present tense;
  • Avoid abstract language.

A desire like “I don’t want problems with money” is unlikely to be heard by the Universe: particles “not” and “no” create a corresponding impulse that reduces your chances of success. The same goes for vague wording. Remember: the more specific the picture that your imagination draws during the visualization process, the faster you will get what you want. How can you imagine something specific if the desire is formulated generally?

So, let's say you want to find a better paying and more promising job. It is better to formulate the desire as follows: “I get a new job, and with it a high income and career prospects.”

Principle two: present the end result

The path to any goal is most often thorny and complicated, and absolutely every person encounters obstacles. But there is no need to visualize this: our goal is to present our dream as if it had already come true. If you want to become richer, imagine yourself with a large sum in your hands or making a long-awaited purchase. The surge of positive emotions that will occur will fulfill two good purposes at once: it will configure your subconscious so that it guides you towards this goal, and will give you an energetic impulse for active action. Surely you yourself have noticed that work is much more productive if you are in a good mood?

Principle three: total immersion

When visualizing a dream, do not put yourself in the position of an outside observer: you must be a direct participant in the events being imagined. In other words, an outside view is not permissible: you must be inside the situation, and the imagined world must surround you, like the real one. Only in this case will visualization be effective.

Try to imagine the picture of your success in as much detail as possible. Visualize even the smallest details. If there are other people in the situation that you have imagined, “draw” in detail the elements of their clothing - right down to the bracelet on a woman’s hand. The situation must look real - and then it will really come true.

Try to connect all your senses: try to imagine not only the “picture”, but even the smells, tastes, and weather conditions. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the situation as much as possible, and visualization will be much more effective.

Principle Four: Add Speakers

Another important point is that the more dynamic what you present, the better. A static picture will not evoke the same vivid emotions as a replayed situation. Let's say your desire is related to a love relationship. Make two visualization options: first, imagine a static situation, like a photograph - you are in the arms of a loved one. Now imagine something more dynamic - for example, how your prospective soulmate confesses his love to you. Surely the latter will cause a greater emotional outburst. This means it will have a greater effect.

Principle Five: Visualize at the Right Time

Many practitioners claim that the most productive time for visualization is the moment before going to bed and after waking up. Before falling asleep and in the process of transition from sleep to wakefulness, the line between consciousness and subconsciousness becomes thinner, so it is easiest to “program” yourself to get what you want at this time. In addition, at night you will provide yourself with wonderful dreams, and starting with visualization in the morning will give yourself a charge of beneficial positive energy for the whole day.

Visualization performed once will not give any effect. For a wish to come true, it is necessary to visualize systematically, approaching the goal over and over again. For some, the desire is fulfilled already 21 days after the start of a cycle of such exercises - this is exactly the time needed to develop a habit or tune your body to a wave of changes. We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Yuri Okunev School

Greetings, friends! Today we will take the first and most pleasant and simple step towards our dreams. A well-known technique - visualization - will help us with this. Its main task is to encourage you to imagine the most specific image of what you want. You will be surprised, but sometimes this is extremely difficult! Read more about what visualization of desires is and how to visualize correctly - later in the article.

The essence of the technique is to think through images that personify your desires. Then find them in the form of corresponding pictures in a magazine, on the Internet, or even draw them yourself. And work on them regularly.

Visualization of desires - examples

Let's say you dream of wealth. For one person, the image of this dream will be a pile of gold bars. For another - a scattering of “American presidents”. And for some, perhaps, the personification will be a big house or a bottle of one-piece collection wine. Or the image of a respectable man in an expensive suit, sitting in a spacious, stylish office. As a result, you need to choose an image that matches your association.

And so on for every desire. By working daily with these images using a certain method, you program yourself/the Universe (as you like) to realize your ideas.


Now let's move on to what visualization of desires is in practice - how to properly make dreams come true:

  • Think about the goal first. It must be important to you. When you think about her, your pulse quickens and your soul trembles.
  • Which image fits the purpose? Think through the details. When looking at it, you also should not remain indifferent.
  • Now find photographs, drawings, pictures that are real, positive and fully consistent with your image.
  • Next, you will need a desire visualization card - I will tell you how to make it further.

Making a map


Images that symbolize financial well-being for you. We have already talked about them.

Glory Photos that represent success. Joyful businesswoman shaking hands with foreign partners. A writer signing a contract to film a book. A chef who has earned a Michelin star.Love . Marriage A photo of your significant other (if you already have one). Or a happy photo with him. If you are yet to find love, then place images associated with it here - intertwined hands, tender hugs, couples in love, etc.

How do you see your family? Perhaps there will be pictures of happy married couples (wedding rings on their hands). With or without children - depending on what you need at the moment. Or perhaps these will be photographs of large friendly families uniting several generations at once.

Health Paste your most successful and positive photo.Children. Creation

How do you want to realize yourself? Perhaps you dream of learning how to paint or become a woodworker? Start your own blog or YouTube channel? Place the corresponding pictures in this sector.

How do you see your child? A successful athlete? A graceful ballerina? A talented architect?

Wisdom. Knowledge Successful completion of education is reflected here. Resourcefulness, intelligence, ability to make difficult decisions correctly. What are your associations? Perhaps this is a photo of a higher education diploma? Or a photo of a happy university graduate?Career Who do you want to work as? What does your dream profession look like and are you in it?Assistants. Trips

The image of someone who will help you achieve what you want. Friends, family, patron saints, guardian angel.

Photos of places where you would like to visit and live.

After you have carefully glued everything, the finished card should be placed somewhere where you will often look at it. The best option is in the bedroom, opposite the bed.

A simplified analogue of a map is a “vision board”. As for how to properly make a vision vision board, everything is even easier here. Just take a piece of whatman paper and chaotically stick all the selected pictures on it. The way your heart desires. True, experts still recommend adhering to the system described above, considering it more effective.

Working with the map

Create a favorable atmosphere in advance. You can dim the lights or even light candles. It is important to make sure that no one and nothing will interfere with you. A good accompaniment would be pleasant background music to visualize desires or sounds pleasing to the ear - the sound of the sea, birdsong, sounds of the forest, etc.

Take the map in your hands and begin to work consistently on each image.

  1. You need to imagine and believe that this specific desire has already come true. Model the situation in detail. How do you look, what are you wearing, how do you feel, who is around, what do you say and what are they saying to you? What is the weather like, what time of day? The more accurately you present everything, the better.
  2. Now feel the joy that your cherished dream has come true. You are rejoicing, full of an incredible charge of positivity, cheerful and determined for further success! Now everything will be fine!

Amazing. Repeat this every day. 30-40 minutes will be enough. Then you will get the hang of it and will cope even faster.

In the meantime, let's say goodbye. See you again and all the best!

Have you heard a lot about visualization of desires, but never used it? Try it, you will be surprised by the result. Many people think that this is stupidity, it’s not even worth starting. But you definitely have at least one case in your memory when you made a wish and asked the universe to make it come true. And it came true. So try again, believe me, you won’t regret it.

Write a list of goals

Before you start visualizing your desires, you need to understand them. You might be surprised, but many people don't know what they want. Yes, there may be some desires, but they are not clearly formed or even abstract. Well, how will you look for the love of your life if you have no idea what she should look like? Or maybe you want to change your job? What does your goal look like? Just change? But this is not a dream. You can dream about a position as a boss or about a promotion with a good increase in salary. And a simple change of place will definitely not bring you joy.

So if you seriously decide to engage in visualization, first you need to write down all your desires. What does everything mean? This means that you need to take this issue seriously and write down everything you would like to receive on a sheet of paper. This should include something global, such as a house, and something small, such as new gloves. And be sure to indicate intangible values, such as a good figure or a warm relationship with your parents.

But remember: a person has two types of desires, some are his own, and others are imposed. So, you need to learn to distinguish one from the other. For example, think about whether you need a car? Perhaps you want to have one because all your friends have personal vehicles? But you never wanted to get behind the wheel, and you never learned to drive. And such visualization goals are not amenable to visualization. So after the goals are written down, they should be sorted for the presence of ideas and ideas about a beautiful life imposed by someone.

Wish board

You have a list of things you would like to bring into your life. Now you need to make a collage of visualization of desires. What it is? This is a collage that you will make yourself. If you love handicrafts, then the vision board can be material. If cutting and gluing pieces of paper together is foreign to you, then you can make a picture in Photoshop and then put it on your computer’s desktop screensaver.

How to make a vision board? Find beautiful pictures that match your goals. If you want a car, download a photo of the model you want on the Internet. If you dream of a new job, then find a photo of a specialist who has achieved professional success in your chosen field of activity. Now these pictures need to be cut out. You may need to print them if you are making a physical rather than virtual collage.

How to correctly place visualization of desires on the board? First we post pictures and then add captions. You can attach motivational phrases or sayings from people who lift your spirits to your board. Glitter stickers or stickers will help you decorate your board. You can glue your cutouts to the board with funny faces or stars, or you can place the decor in a chaotic order between the pictures. You can use any available material as decoration: shells, beads, beads, etc.


Visualization of desires begins with purification of consciousness. Do you not meditate and have little idea about this process? It's okay, Visualization Meditation is not some complicated spiritual practice. All you have to do is sit down and relax. At the same time, you need to let go of your obsessive thoughts that will appear every now and then. For example, you may suddenly remember that you didn't wash the dishes. No need to jump up and run to the sink. You will still have time to do this.

Making wishes correctly is not something complicated. After you have relaxed and let go of everyday problems, you need to imagine the desired item or object as clearly as possible. Feel it with your hand, feel the roughness or smoothness of the surface. Imagine it as if you already have it. If it's a car, try to imagine yourself driving down the road. You need to imagine the breeze that flies into the cabin from the open window, the smoothness of the steering wheel and the elasticity of the pedal.

Magic notepad

Have you heard positive reviews about visualizing desires? Perhaps your neighbor told you that she was imagining a new food processor, and on March 8th her husband gave it to her. And exactly the way she wanted. Although I used to say that now there is no money, and the purchase is not the most budgetary. After such inspiring words, I want to test the magical effect for myself.

Create a wish visualization calendar. What will it be? Take a notepad and write down something simple in it. For example, today is December 30th, and you want it to snow tomorrow, on New Year’s Day. And then tomorrow comes, you look out of the window, and there it is white and white. You should open your notepad and write thank you. Who are you thanking at this moment? The universe, God, a mysterious force - it doesn’t matter. Thank anyone you want, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

When your first wish comes true, write the other two. Don't think of anything serious right away. You need to start with pleasant trifles. Write thank you every time, and increase the number and complexity of your wishes. There is no need to describe anything in detail here. Try to fit your thought into one, maximum two sentences.

Thoughts come true

Once goals are written, they need to be released. You need to replay them in your head, but not every second. Imagine that you bought boots. Yes, today it makes you happy, and tomorrow too, but the day after tomorrow putting on boots will become a routine that you will stop noticing. The same should be true with desires. You remember them, you have them, but you don’t need to keep them in your head all the time. Let them go so you can come up with new ones. Here we need to talk in general about the thoughts that a person scrolls through his head. You can't think in a negative way. Don't wish anyone harm. Better focus on establishing positive thoughts. Think about the good, imagine the good and try to look at any situation in a positive way. Was your wallet stolen? But there was no money there, it’s all stored on the card that you blocked. There will be a reason to get something new.

People leave only positive reviews about the visualization of desires. They learn to look at this world positively and not despair. After all, there is always someone to rely on. If you run out of your own strength, you can rely on the universe. She will always solve all problems in the best possible way.

Trust paper

And desires are possible when your desires are formed. You wrote them in a list and pasted the pictures on the board. Now you should describe each dream in detail. Do you want shoes? Describe them. Should they be high heels or not? Perhaps they should be decorated with a clasp. Be sure to indicate whether you want a model in leather or suede.

The same must be done with all, even great desires. For example, you want a house. You should imagine it visually and write everything on paper. Imagine walking into your dream home. What kind of door will it be? What will you see in the hallway? Be sure to write down what color the chest of drawers should be, what material the floor will be made of, how many floors the house should have, how many rooms. Then think about the patio. Will it be big? Or maybe there will be a vegetable garden or garden? You will have a garage or shed to store all the necessary things.

The more detailed you describe your dream, the more you will believe that you already have it. And this will help the desired object or item become a part of your life.


There are quite a few techniques for visualizing desires. One of them is script writing. Do you like watching movies? But more than one screenwriter is working on its creation. So our life is created by someone from above. But you can take your script writing into your own hands. Is there something you don't like in life? Adjust this.

You should start by describing your ideal morning. Again, here everything needs to be detailed. Write down where you want to wake up, in what bed, who should lie next to you, what view will be from the window. The more details, the better. Now write down what you will do after getting up, for example, drink water and go to the gym. The evening, and then the whole day, should be described in the same way. Then describe your ideal week. Next, work on the scenario of the month, and then the year. All that remains is to look step by step at your next 5 and 10 years of life. Write down what you want to achieve by retirement. Many people don’t understand what they spent their lives on because they weren’t going anywhere.

Write your script and don't show it to anyone. Let it lie somewhere in a secret place. For example, next to the magic notebook. Believe me, after some time it will begin to come true. First in parts, and then the whole thing. Don't forget to re-read your script from time to time, simply refreshing it in your memory or slightly editing it to suit changing life conditions.

Daily practices

Are you wondering how to properly materialize thoughts? Visualization of desires requires daily practice. You don't have to sit all day long and meditate on your dreams. 15 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening will be enough. But every day. Training must be regular to achieve solid results. After all, to do the splits, you need to stretch your muscles. So it is here. The more often you tune in to the desired wave, the better. But this should be a conscious attitude, and not time allocated in fits and starts during the working day. This is the main secret of visualizing desires.


How to materialize desires correctly? Visualization is a good thing. She has several techniques. One of them is affirmations. What it is? These are short positive statements with which a person can set himself in the right mood. What might they sound like? For example, if you lack self-confidence, and you want to become the life of the party or a leader among your friends, you can repeat the phrase: “I am brave and strong. I always succeed and things go uphill. People love me and are ready to follow me.” me".

Note that you need to pronounce the phrase as if the necessary qualities are already inherent in you. When talking about visualization of desires, one cannot fail to mention that they only work if you read them clearly and thoughtfully. If you run your eyes over the leaf and hide it in the table, you won’t succeed. Remember, even the strongest and most successful individuals need the right attitude, because it’s half the battle.

be careful

We have discussed how to correctly visualize desires in the form of a board, notepads and positive statements. Now you need to open up to this life and accept the fruits of your activities. Remember the hackneyed phrase that when one door closes, another always opens? This always happens. But people often do not want to notice the door that has opened. They want to close it, because everything new is scary.

For example, a person works in a bank and does not expect a promotion in the near future. And during the lunch break, he meets a school friend who tells him that they need a young specialist for their job. But the bank employee doubts that his candidacy is suitable. Therefore, he will refuse this opportunity to change jobs.

Try to understand that visualization works whether you like it or not. If you dream of a new car today, you may crash your old one tomorrow. And then, willy-nilly, you will be able to buy a new car. How to correctly visualize desires is described above. Therefore, do not allow negative thoughts to prevent troubles from happening to you on the way to your dream.


You've learned how to visualize your wishes, now think about how to say thank you. Gratitude is very important, even if you say it to the universe, God or karma. It doesn't matter to whom. Did you get what you wanted? Say thank you sincerely. It doesn't have to be anything like prayer. It should feel more like clearing your mind. The universe heard you and gave a signal, send it feedback that you accepted the gift and the transaction was successful.

But immediately noticing all the gifts of fate is quite problematic. Therefore, you can start by doing a simple exercise in the evenings. It's called a "candle". If you have been to children's camps, then you know what it means. You need to light a candle and start remembering what good happened to you on this day. What wishes of yours came true, and what progress were made towards them? Think about all the surprises the day has brought you. They might not even have been very pleasant. But remember, nothing happens by chance. Therefore, if some event knocked you out of your routine, think about what it could mean. Simple observation combined with gratitude strengthens your faith in visualization, and therefore helps your desires come true.

Dreams Come True. Many will agree with this statement. And for those who will protest, this article will be very useful. After all, visualization of desires is the first way to achieve your goals.

What it is?

At the very beginning, you need to understand what exactly this article will be about. So, what is desire visualization? Simply put, this is the representation of your goals in your own imagination, i.e. this is an ordinary process of daydreaming, but with a clear goal around which thoughts are in a constant cycle. You may get the impression that everything is quite simple, and you don’t need to learn it. However, this is absolutely not true. Visualization of desires will be effective only if special rules and technical requirements are observed. This will be discussed further.

Types of visualizations

It must be said that there are two main types of visualization:

  1. Partial visualization. In this case, a person imagines only one aspect of his own life. For example, someone who desires untold riches may imagine a pile of money on his desk. However, this is not true. After all, such a picture may mean that they were received from the sale of a single apartment or simply that the person got involved with a bad company. A picture torn from life may not turn out the way a person dreamed.
  2. Full visualization. For example, if you want to be a rich person, you need to imagine not only a mountain of money. In addition, smart people keep their savings in reliable banks or safes. You need to imagine yourself surrounded by beautiful things, in a nice house, sitting on expensive furniture, etc., as far as your imagination allows. However, the picture should be as clear as possible and cover most of life.

Rule 1. Clear wording

When planning to master the visualization technique, you need to understand that all your desires and goals must be clearly formulated. The statement “I want to be a successful person” is fundamentally wrong. The various details need to be more clearly defined. So, it is important to remember that you need to follow the formula for setting a desire:

I + present tense verb + additional information

All your goals should be stated in the present tense. So the universe (higher powers, God, etc. - whoever likes it more) will clearly understand what a person wants and will help him with this. Sentences should be extremely short, but as informative as possible. Only then is effective visualization of desires possible. Examples: “I easily get the position of deputy director at the Kot company with a salary of 20 thousand rubles. I work with great pleasure and interest”; “I drive a white Audi car (of a certain model) every day along the streets of my city.” The simple definition of “I want a car” or “I want to get married” are not specific goals. Therefore, their implementation is called into question. After all, you can marry an alcoholic. The wish will come true, but will you like the result?

Secret: visualization of desires will be effective only if the goal itself is correctly formulated. At the same time, you need to remember that you cannot use “not” particles to formulate thoughts. The phrase “I don’t want to be fat” is completely wrong. The word “fat” already sounds here, it is spoken, thought out. All the same, a person will present himself in an unpleasant form, at least for a second. After this, the unwanted process starts. The correct phrase should sound like this: “I am a slender, beautiful girl.”

Rule 2. Desires only for yourself

Visualization of desires will be effective only if a person wants something only for himself. You need to remember that you can only control your life. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to materialize something for others. Therefore, you need to concentrate exclusively on your own thoughts and desires. In this case, the desires “My husband is a successful man, and my son is an oligarch” will not be effective. You can transform them somewhat. For example, the phrase “I inspire my husband to do good things, and I always find a common language with my son” will be as working as possible.

Rule 3. Emotions help

When will visualization of desires be effective? How to visualize correctly so that everything you want comes true? So, for this you need to feed your thoughts with positive emotions. This works great. After all, if you think about something bad in moments of anger or anxiety, it immediately comes true. Good emotions work on the same principle. For example, when a person sings, dances or does what he loves, he is at the peak of positivity. It is at this time that you can begin to visualize your goals and desires. This will significantly speed up the process of their implementation.

Rule 4. Affirmations

Visualization of desires alone will not be sufficient. Reviews from those who have practiced it indicate that affirmations are also very important, i.e. special formulations, some magic spells that speed up the realization of the goal. The most striking example is the psychotraining of the main character of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”. Looking in the mirror, the girl uttered the words “I am the most charming and attractive, all men look at me, admire me...”, etc. This phrase became for her a kind of prayer, a mantra, which she periodically repeated, thus assuring herself of what was said. The result was not long in coming: the girl changed, her life improved. The same can happen to every person who wants to achieve something.

Rule 5. Reality of goals

What is the correct visualization of desires? So, it’s worth remembering: you need to wish for what can really come true. If a 45-year-old man from the outback thinks “I am a dollar millionaire,” then this is unlikely to ever become a reality. Goals must be realistic, i.e. first you have to want to get out of the village, then change from living in a small town to living in a metropolis. And only there the dream can come true. After all, in big cities there are many opportunities for a person who wants to change his life. Of course, you can visualize something significant, but then you will have to wait a long time for the desire to come true.

Rule 6. Stage-by-stage desires

So, we continue to talk about how visualization of desires is carried out. How to visualize correctly so that everything works out? The next rule follows from the previous one. Goals need to be raised step by step. The statement “I drive a late-model Audi” can be broken down into several smaller desires. The following order of statements will be more effective. First - “I drive an Opel.” When this goal is achieved - “I drive a good Mercedes.” Further on - “I drive the latest model Audi.” We must remember that you should increase your well-being gradually. You can immediately gain wealth only by inheriting countless riches from the rich Uncle Scrooge. And few people are so lucky.


Few people know, but there is a special school called “Simoron”. Fulfillment of desires, visualization of goals - you can learn all this here. Experts say that this is a gaming psychotechnics, which also turns out to be the most effective. Funny examples of wish fulfillment at the Simoron school (by the way, this word means absolutely nothing, it’s just made up, as kids love to do while playing):

  1. Money laundering technique. While bathing in a bath, a person may imagine that he is not lying in water, but in a pile of hundred dollar bills. At the same time, you can hang a sign on the front door with the inscription “Money laundering point.”
  2. Techniques for attracting love. The inscription “Love” is hung on the teapot. And when it is hot, you need to visualize that the relationship of the loving couple is as hot as this teapot.
  3. Tying technique. If you want to radically change your life, you need to quit it. So, on the tape with a marker you need to describe your past, tie everything into a strong knot. After a day, this “past” must be thrown into the garbage chute. That's all - life can start again.

What else can the cheerful school “Simoron” suggest? Fulfillment of desires and visualization will also be very effective if you support your goals with simple one-liners. These are some spells that help dreams come true. For example: “I’m rich as Scrooge McDuck, like that!”

Auxiliary Tools

A vision vision board is very helpful in achieving what you want. By the way, it is called differently: a treasure map, a dream board, etc. However, the essence is still the same: to help imagine your dreams, goals, desires. What does it all look like? It doesn't have to be a board. You will need a rectangular or square object - it can be canvas, whatman paper, cardboard. Various photographs or pictures that represent the desired future will be attached to it. This board will force a person to think again about what he wants, making the process of approaching the goal more efficient.

Rules for creating a board

How to make a vision board correctly so that it really works and not just decorates the wall? To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Clearly formulate your goals and desires. The whole essence should fit in one picture or photograph. No vague wording.
  2. Under each photograph or picture, write a short caption regarding what exactly you want. This way, visualization of desires will be most effective. People's reviews are the best confirmation of this.
  3. Place photos correctly on the board. The person himself must be at the center. Definitely handsome, healthy, smiling. This is the so-called card owner. Desires must be placed around it. The most popular goals should be attached as close to the photo as possible. A little further are those who will still wait.

When will visualization of desires be effective? How to make a board correctly so that it brings results? We must remember that this is not just an object or wall decoration. A vision board is a plan of actions that require effort to achieve. That is why, if possible, you need to process photographs so that in the center of each desired picture is the owner of the goal: a person on the seashore, in a beautiful new house or at work as a boss.

What do you need to remember?

When will visualization of wish fulfillment be effective? First of all, when a person thinks about it in a positive way. You need to create the board in the same mood. However, there are a few more important points:

  1. It is better to do it when the Moon is growing. So everything connected with a person will grow and develop.
  2. The time of the full moon is also effective: all energy is enhanced significantly.
  3. It is very good if the board is made on the first day of the new year or on the birthday of its owner.
  4. The weather is important: it is better if the sun is shining brightly. Then the process of achieving the goal will be bright and unclouded.

Feng Shui to the rescue

There is also visualization of desires according to Feng Shui. Creating a vision board is also recommended here. However, slightly different rules for posting photos will be important here. Both in life and on the board (according to Feng Shui theory), each place has its own energy and is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life.

  1. The center is the region of the earth. Responsible for human well-being.
  2. North is the region of water. This is a career.
  3. South is the region of fire. This is fame, success, everyone's attention.
  4. The West is the region of small metal. Responsible for children and creativity.
  5. East is the area of ​​the big tree. Everything related to health should be posted here.
  6. The northwest is a big metal region. These are various helpers.
  7. The southwest is the region of the mainland. She is responsible for the well-being of the family and marital relationships.
  8. Southeast is the small tree area. Responsible for wealth.
  9. The Northeast is a small land. Responsible for knowledge, mental abilities, human development.

When will visualization of desires be effective with this approach? Photos posted on the board should be as informative as possible and of good quality. You also need to place a high-quality and most beautiful photo of the owner of the board in the center. This should never be forgotten.

How can you get closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieving more in life? A special technique at the intersection of psychology and magic will help you realize your wildest plans - a vision board, how to properly design it is described below.

Vision board: how it works

Your thoughts can become reality: the more you think about something, the more intensely your brain works on ways to realize it. If you focus on specific positive changes in your life, return to them and imagine their implementation in detail, you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas. This process is called visualization of desires. Unlike negative thinking, which can set you up for failure, it attracts success, prosperity and happiness to you.

The main tool in the visualization technique is a vision card or vision board. Making it is simple: you will need not so much accuracy and artistic skills as strong and sincere intentions.

How to make a vision board with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating a vision board.

Preparation and necessary materials

A vision board cannot be created in a hurry. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve, prepare inspiring pictures and arrange them correctly.

1. Choose what is important and unrealized

Make a list of your dreams and goals without thinking about how feasible they are. Then select the most important points, guided by the following principles:

  • There is no point in adding something to the map that is easily feasible. If you want to make a small purchase, such as a chocolate bar, go and treat yourself right away, rather than wasting precious space on a momentary whim.
  • There is no need to visualize what already exists. Example: If you are already in a harmonious relationship, don't limit yourself to adding a group photo of you and your partner being happy. Think about what could make you even happier and write about your plans.
  • Even if you feel like you want the impossible, don't give up on that goal. It's hard to imagine an insurmountable obstacle that will prevent you from going on a long-awaited trip or earning millions if you are already ready to take decisive action to achieve this.

2. Decide on the material and collect source images

First decide on the basis:

  • Whatman paper or cardboard. A clean, thick sheet of paper, which you will completely design with your own hands, will carry special energy and “absorb” strong emotional impulses.
  • Cork or magnetic board. A practical option that can be easily updated as your dreams become reality.
  • Digital image. This format is convenient if you spend a lot of time at the computer or often use your phone. Create a wish map in a graphic editor or using an online service and set it as wallpaper to regularly remember your dreams.

For the first two options you will also need:

  • your personal and family photos, photos and pictures that most accurately reflect your dreams (cut out from magazines and newspapers or printed);
  • everything for drawing and writing: colored pencils, pens, markers or felt-tip pens;
  • optionally - colored paper and separate album sheets (for backgrounds or mini-collages);
  • glue and scissors.

3. Time and mood are important

Do not start work during periods of mental decline, troubles, or when you have a lot to worry about. Outsiders should not distract you or interfere with the process with comments. You must be relaxed, free and positive, otherwise you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly and the card simply will not work.

Feng Shui wish board - the best design option

The Chinese technique of Feng Shui is designed to harmonize the flow of energy in the surrounding space. Its methods will also be useful when creating a visualization map. When you place images in sectors that symbolically correspond to the chosen areas of life, the harmony of the location will enhance the attraction of what you want.

Dividing space into symbolic areas and filling them is done as follows:

  • To mark out sectors, you can use two methods: divide a square or rectangular field into nine equal parts (in the form of a 3 × 3 table) or apply a Bagua grid to it, highlighting the central area and eight sectors extending from it. Choose the method that seems more attractive to you.
  • It is better to decorate during periods with the energy of new beginnings: on your birthday and the first days after it, on the waxing moon, and even better - on the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.
  • Each sector has a specific color, number in numerology and life sphere, so it is better to work on them in a certain order. While filling one area, don't get distracted by others. Take care of the background for the images: paint it over or stick on colored paper. When using cork and magnetic boards, you can arrange pictures into small collages on separate sheets of paper - this will make it easier to set a single background for the area.
  • Write in an affirmative form, without negations and the particle “not”. The selected pictures should not contain negative phenomena.
  • You cannot ignore any sector; be sure to fill in everything.
  • Detailed information about the placement of pictures is given in the table:
    Number Cardinal direction and sector location Sphere of life Background color Recommendations for selecting pictures and writing descriptions
    1 North (under center) Career Blue Photo or logo of a successful company or successful business, a leader in the workplace, a recognized professional. You can draw a “career ladder” by hand, indicating the desired positions and dates of entry into them. Add how much you want to earn, job responsibilities, type of activity in the form of inscriptions.
    2 Southwest (upper right corner) Love and relationships Pink Symbols of romantic relationships: kisses, hearts, flowers. Avoid photos of celebrities (they often play for the audience) and unfamiliar real people if the right person is not yet in your life (don’t attract the unknown to you - you may be disappointed with the result, and they may dream of something that is not suitable for you). Instead, add a specific verbal description of the qualities of the desired partner and how your interaction will go.
    3 East (left of center) Family Green Joint and separate family photos taken at a joyful moment. Images of your ideal family. Descriptions of a calm and conflict-free life, qualities that your family lacks.
    4 Southeast (upper left corner) Wealth Violet Money (banknotes, coins, precious metals and stones) all types of profit - from treasures to bank deposits. Attributes of wealth - cars, luxury buildings, prestigious accessories. You can describe your dreams in words and numbers, and do not forget to indicate the time frame for acquiring these benefits.
    5 Center Health Orange A photo where you like yourself and are in a good mood. If you are planning to lose weight or get rid of a chronic illness, it doesn’t hurt to edit it in Photoshop or make a collage so that the desired changes are clearly visible.
    6 Northwest (lower right corner) Helpers and travel Grey Cities and countries where you want to go, attractions, hotels, planes or cruise ships. It wouldn't hurt to add symbols to this sector that relate to areas of your life where you need support: photos of religious figures and religious symbols, people whose wisdom deserves your respect, and those who can provide you with patronage or other assistance.
    7 West (right of center) Children and creativity White If you dream of having offspring - images of happy babies or older children. If you are already a parent - a photo of your child, complemented by wishes for good health and good mood. For creative people, inspiring examples and any images related to the sphere of self-realization are suitable.
    8 Northeast (lower left corner) Wisdom and knowledge Yellow Everything related to learning new things: textbooks, diplomas and certificates (write your name there), places where you would like to study. A popular Western symbol, the academic cap, would also work. You can add it along with the mantle to your photo.
    9 South (above center) Glory Red Diplomas, cups, other awards, individuals or groups of people who are famous and recognized in the desired field. A more effective way is to add yourself to a photo where someone is being honored.

Of course, you can ignore some of these requirements: do not highlight the background of the sectors, arrange materials for visualization in random order, or not pay attention to irrelevant areas of life. But do this only when you are clear about your priorities, and in general, follow the complete instructions.

Wish board: layout instructions

To work properly, the visualization map should hang where you can see it often, and not lie on a distant shelf. If you do some of your work at home, or have a hobby that requires perseverance, it's a good idea to place it above your desk to set yourself up for your chosen goals. Another good option is near the bed, so you can “program” yourself the right way every morning.

The board should be hidden from prying eyes. If possible, remove it during guests' visits or relatives' arrival.

Wish visualization board: reviews

Let’s take a closer look at several reviews about using the vision board and analyze the events described.

1. After the movie “The Secret” I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is like on the wish map: I got married successfully, a daughter was born, and over the past three years we have bought a car and an apartment. All we have to do is wait for our vacation, and then we’ll go on vacation wherever we want. Anna.

Clear and achievable goals were set, reasonable deadlines were set, and everything was achieved.

2. I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I really wanted to get. My parents unexpectedly decided to please me, although the old computer was fine, and I didn’t tell them what kind of laptop I wanted. Nastya.

Another example of how a thought, given the proper strength, materializes and even infects others.

3. I did it and regretted the time spent. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, he works for those who are already lucky in life. Tatiana.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you paste the last picture. But focusing on work without leaving room for dreams is not the best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think through your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a vision board is, how to properly design and use it, all you have to do is not be discouraged and wait for your dreams to come true.