Adam and Eve's disobedience. Christian resources From us you can buy antiques of various subjects

Truth: Disobedience brings misfortune.

Purpose: To show the importance of obedience. Teach children to be obedient to God through obedience to their parents.

Christian ethics: Obedience to parents.


The teacher holds a traffic light in his hands.

- Guys, what is this?

— Where did you see the traffic light?

- Who invented it? (People).

- What for? (so that it is safe to cross the road, so that there are no accidents).

A game.

- What do these colors mean?

Red? (you can't cross the road)

Yellow? (you need to wait),

Green? (you can go).

Red light - no way through

Yellow - be ready for the journey,

And the green light - go.

Children are pedestrians, the teacher is a traffic light.

He draws a zebra on the floor with chalk (if the children don’t know, the teacher explains what it is).

The traffic light is working, children, observing traffic rules, cross the street.

- Guys, do you always need to obey the traffic light signal or can you sometimes run through a red light, for example, when you are late for Sunday school?

People came up with traffic rules so that there would be no accidents on the road. How many of you saw the accident? Why do you think accidents happen? (people do not follow traffic rules).

So that there is no trouble with us, God also tells us what we can do and what we cannot do. Whoever obeys God's rules will do well, but whoever disobeys will end up in trouble.

Bible story:

Listen to the story about what misfortune happened to disobedient people.

  1. God gives a task to Adam and Eve.
  2. God forbids eating fruit from one tree.
  3. Eve's conversation with the snake (the snake is sitting on a tree, the teacher or assistant voices the snake in the third person).
  4. Eve and Adam disobey God.
  5. God expels the first people from paradise.

Questions. Repeat according to the drawing.

  • Where did Adam and Eve live?
  • What couldn't they eat?
  • Who persuaded Eve to eat the fruit?
  • Who gave the fruit to Adam?
  • How did God punish Adam and Eve for their disobedience?

Golden Verse:

“Children, be obedient to your parents...” Colossians 3:20

Golden verse memory game.

God wrote down His rules for people in the Bible (the teacher shows the Bible and reads from It).

Here is one of the rules: “Children, be obedient to your parents...”

Guys, who is this rule for? (for children). This means that we will obey God when we obey our parents.

How can we be disobedient to God? (if they are disobedient to their parents).

Children stand in a circle and are divided into 3-4 teams (depending on the number of children). The teacher stands in the circle to help remember the golden verse and the children's names. The first team, turning to the second, says the golden verse, then 2 to the third, 3 to the fourth, 4 to the first.

For example: 1st command: Masha, Olya, Tanya, “be obedient to your parents.”

Team 2: Kostya, Vitya, Sasha, “be obedient to your parents.”

The game can be repeated by changing the composition of the teams. At the end of the game, everyone repeats the golden verse in chorus, starting with the word “Children...”.

Craft “Traffic light”.

Let's play another game, but for this game everyone needs a traffic light. Let's do it. The teacher distributes crafts, and the children glue colored circles. On the back, the teacher writes the golden verse for the parents.


Application game.

The teacher and assistant tell life situations. If in this situation the child showed obedience, then the children show the green light, covering everything else with a sheet of paper. If children see disobedience in a situation, they show a red light.

(The teacher plays the role of the student, the assistant plays the role of the parent)

  • Mom: Petya, make the crib, go wash. Petya: made the bed, washed his face (recording of water splashing). Mom: smart, son. Green light
  • Mom: Kolya, play with Andryusha, if he cries, give him a pacifier. Kolya: plays with a train or builds a house out of blocks (at this time a child’s crying is heard - tape recording). Red light.
  • Mom: Sveta, sit down, take a spoon, eat carefully, you must eat the entire portion of porridge. Sveta: ate a few spoons of porridge and threw the rest into the trash can. Red light.
  • Mom: Vova, come in, clean your felt boots with a broom, undress and sit down at the table. Vova: obediently does everything. Green light.
  • Mom: Masha, tidy up the toys, we’ll soon pray and go to bed. Masha: She put 3 toys in a box and began to put the doll to sleep. Red light.
  • Mom: Tanya, please sweep the floor, then you can go play. Tanya: You can sweep the floor later, I’ll play first. Red light.
  • Guys, if children do not obey their parents, what do parents usually do? (punished).
  • Do you like being punished?
  • Your parents punish you not because they don’t love you, but so that you will be obedient next time and to save you from trouble.

For example, why should you eat porridge? (to grow up).

Should you put away toys on time? (to be neat).


Tell mom what you remember from the lesson and color the picture of Adam, Eve and the serpent. Learn the poem “Who teaches how.”

The snake is more cunning than all animals,

The snake did an evil deed:

He deceived Adam and Eve -

The very first of people!

Who is familiar to us in Eden?

God named him (Adam)

God gave Adam the land

And at the same time he said:

“I give you everything, own it!

Don't you dare eat the forbidden fruit!

Be obedient - and then

You will live in paradise forever."

Who seduced people?

Cunning, evil, insidious... (... snake).

It's sad that Adam and his wife

They ate the forbidden fruit.

They were deceived by an evil enemy:

A cunning snake and harmful.

So we need to listen to God

More than anyone else.

Disobedience is followed by punishment (Genesis 3).


Tell me what exactly Adam and Eve did wrong. State what the result of their disobedience was.

Distinguish between obedience and disobedience.

Tell us how they didn't listen.

Explain that the Bible is a book that teaches us to do the right thing.

Learn a song about obedience.

Play some games.


The fall of Adam and Eve, as well as all of humanity, came from sin, which entered the world from the moment Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. It is difficult for us to understand how this simple action could have such serious, far-reaching consequences. Of course, the sin of Adam and Eve, like all other sins, is an extremely complex thing, involving attitudes and actions, desires and facts, heart and hands. The wisest people cannot explain the original source and nature of sin. How did it happen that creation rebelled against its Creator? How can the simple misdeed of two people (even if they are our ancestors) so change the nature and status of all humanity?

The biblical story describes in simple terms how the sin of disobedience divided the creation from the Creator. Adam and Eve turned their backs on God, who loved them and exalted them above all of His creation. They disobeyed and distrusted the One in whom they should have trusted and obeyed without limit. When telling class members the story of the Fall, emphasize the obedience of Adam and Eve. Children have already experienced this for themselves and will be able to understand, because each of them has ever disobeyed their parents and was punished for it. The Bible speaks of disobedience as sin. God asks, “Have you not eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?” (Gen. 3:11). The first people disobeyed their Creator. Tell the story as the Bible tells it, without confusing it with your reasoning.

Some of you are hesitant to tell such young children that death is a consequence of disobeying God. But we still think it's necessary for this story. You have the right to choose: either to portray a God who was very angry with people for the sin they committed and therefore punished them with death, or one who was very upset about this, but still had to punish the culprits. However, this already happened as a result of the Fall. Of course, Scripture speaks of both. But what should we pay more attention to in this story? And what will be more acceptable to your students?

We know that it is very difficult to reconcile God's anger over sin with His love for sinners, a love that could give His Son to save us. This is difficult to understand even for adults. Moreover, the overall content of Genesis 3 (and the first eleven chapters of Genesis in general) points more to sadness than to wrath on God's part. When He saw the evil deeds of people, then, as the Bible says, “... the Lord repented that he had created man on earth... and was grieved in His heart” (Gen. 6:6). We suggest that the punishment of death be heard in the text as God's sadness, sadness and pain for the two beautiful people He created.

INTRODUCTION Materials Think that the world would be a paradise if there were no disobedience. If it were not for the sinful pride that led to disobedience and failure, we would be living in complete harmony with God today. But Adam and Eve sinned. And God, in His love and mercy, planned Calvary. “For just as through one man’s disobedience many were made sinners; so by the obedience of one, many will be made righteous” (Rom. 5:19).

How to use this story for kids?

Today's story is about sin. But since the word sin means little to your kids, we suggest you talk with them about “disobedience.” Three-year-old kids know very well what this means! When you tell the story of Adam and Eve, emphasize that God wanted them to obey, and they disobeyed Him. Also emphasize that even today God wants all children to obey their mothers and fathers, educators and teachers, as well as God Himself.

We suggest starting today's lesson with a simple situation that will focus the attention of young children on the concept of “disobedience.” “Call” the doll Anya and her rebellious “better” to help! Start by having Anya greet each of the children by name, and they, in turn, will touch Anya and greet her. Then show Anya a box of candies or cookies and tell her that this is all for her. Allow Anya to look into the box and express admiration for its contents. Tell the children that candy or cookies depicting animals is Anya's favorite treat! But (say this in a whisper, as if only for children) Anya’s mother only allowed her to take one thing. And no more! What will Anya do? Will she listen and take just one piece of candy or cookie? As creatively and dramatically as you can, show Anina's difficulty: she looks into the box several times, looks around, looking for her mother (some other doll who is looking after her), and then quickly grabs full handfuls of candies (or cookies) and gets ready eat everything. Give the children a chance to react to Anya’s action, and then ask them questions. Did Anya listen to her mother? What did she do wrong? Lead the children to the conclusion that Anya should have listened to her mother and taken one thing. Scold Anya and tell her that she should be ashamed of her actions. Ask the children what they think, is Anya ashamed of her disobedience? (Get a box of candy or cookies and invite the children to take one. Don't forget to reward their obedience!).


Materials 1. Flannel board. 2. Figures depicting trees, fruits, Adam and Eve, and a snake.

Using models, cut out figures for this story from felt, flannel or cardboard. You can also copy the figures, color them, glue them onto cardboard and cut them out. (If you made figures on paper or cardboard, then glue pieces of flannel or felt on the back side so that they stick to the flannel board). Before you begin telling today's story about the disobedience of the first people, prepare all the necessary materials. (Place the Adam figurine on the flannel board.) He was the first man that God created. This is Eve. (Place the Eve figurine on the flannel board.) She was the first woman that God created. Adam and Eve were happy together. They had a lot to do. Do you remember how they named all the animals? What a big and interesting job it was, right?! They collected fruits from fruit trees and watched flowers and other plants grow in the garden. They loved looking at the big trees and God's beautiful work around them. (Place the tree on the board).

Adam and Eve had fun picking fruit. They had a hard time choosing the best ones to eat because all the fruits were beautiful! But there was a tree in the garden, only one tree, about which God gave Adam and Eve special instructions. He said, “I have given you many, many trees from which you can pick fruit and eat. But this tree (point to the tree on the board) is special! You must not pick its fruits and eat them.” (Speak slowly and sternly, but not angrily). Yes, evil was indeed a very important rule, wasn't it?! God told Adam and Eve not to eat from this tree. It was special, and there were wonderful, wonderful fruits singing on it. (Add fruit). One day Eve stood near this tree. (Remove the Adam figurine). While she was standing there, the serpent came. (Add a kite). It was a bad snake. And he said to Eve, “God told you not to eat such good fruit that grows on this tree?” “Yes, that’s what Eve answered. God told us not to eat the fruit from this special tree. If we eat them, we will die.” “Are you going to die?!” The snake laughed. You won't die. This is not true, don’t listen to God.”

Eve listened to what the snake told her, and then went to the tree. (Remove the snake and move Eve towards the tree.) She looked at the beautiful fruit. And then she reached out and picked one of the wonderful fruits. Eve looked at him. He was so wonderful and very good. She tasted and brought fruit to Adam. (Place Adam on the board). Adam took it and began to eat it too. And do you know what happened? Adam and Eve felt very, very sad. They became scared and hid behind the trees. (Place the figures behind the trees). They were ashamed because they did not do as God told them. They disobeyed God, right?! God was also very sad because Adam and Eve did not obey Him. They touched the fruit from the tree that God forbade them to touch. They picked and ate the fruit that God had forbidden them to eat. God was very sad. He told Adam and Eve to leave this beautiful garden and never come back... all because they disobeyed Him. Later, as God said, Adam and Eve died. It was a very sad day, wasn't it? (Remove Adam and Eve from the board.)

Practical part of the lesson

Help children gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of obedience by playing games with them. Take some toy animal and give it a name. For example, Simon the bear. The game is called "Simon Says". Ask the children to listen when you begin with the words “Simon says,” and to listen carefully and do what the bear “says.” Be sure to warn your students that they can begin some actions only after the words: “Simon says...”. For example: “shake your head”, “clap your hands”, “tell me your name”, etc. The game should not be a competition. Your three-year-old children will, of course, make mistakes, but do not focus your attention on them so as not to dampen the kids’ good mood.

The second game also requires children to listen and follow directions. Sit with them in a circle on the floor and explain that only very good listeners play this game. (You can also use a Anya doll and call your game “Anya Says”). For example, you (or Anya) can say: “First get up, then go quietly to the window, and then come back and hug me tightly!” While the child listens and follows your instructions, ask the other children to listen and observe, and then say whether he completed his task. If the child did everything correctly, reward him with a prize or ask all the students to clap his hands. Again, set the tone of your game as one of fun, not competition. And, if this does not bother your children and there is such a need, divide them into teams.

CONCLUSION Materials Picture for the Bible story. (One for each). Before ending the lesson, spend a few minutes together talking about obedience. Let the children themselves talk about how they can be obedient at home (wash their hands before eating, brush their teeth, do not go outside without asking, come when called); in kindergartens (do not take toys from other children, fight), etc. If you have set some rules in Sunday School, remind the kids how important it is to obey here too. In your conversation, pay special attention to the fact that God is especially pleased when people obey Him. And He is sad when they are disobedient. Finish the lesson by reading the Bible Ephesus. 6.1. Tell the children that God wants us to be obedient. THIS is what His Book says. Read this verse about obedience to the children. Conclude the lesson with a simple prayer, tell God that you want to love Him and obey Him in everything. Don't forget to take today's Bible pictures home with your children.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY 1. Light snack. Use snack time as an opportunity to focus on obedience. Ask the children to tell you how they obey mom and dad at the table when they eat (wash their hands before eating, use their spoons rather than their hands, etc.). Remind them that God wants them to obey their parents! He is very pleased if they do this. 2. Game: “No, no, Anya!” If your children liked this game last time, then bring naughty Anya today. First, ask them to listen and watch as you talk about some of Anya’s actions. After each little story, the children must decide whether Anya obeyed or not. If not, they may reprimand Anya (“No, no, Anya!”). Below are a few situations: Take a few small toys and scatter them on the floor. Tell the children that Anya's mother told her to collect her toys now! Anya looked at them, shook her head and got ready to go outside. Anya's dad asked her to bring the newspaper. And Anya sits chained to her place. Anya was asked to behave very quietly so as not to wake up her little brother. Anya nodded her head: “yes” and closed her lips tightly, tightly. Build a tower from cubes. Say that the teacher asked Anya not to touch the tower that Andrei built. Anya looked around and deliberately broke it. Place a small glass or cup in front of Anya, saying that Grandma told her to drink milk before going outside. Anya drank in one gulp and ran off to play. Add a few of your illustrations, and after each, give the children the opportunity to either reprimand Anya or praise her for her obedience. 3. Sad-happy doll. Help children make a sad happy doll face. For this you will need several paper plates, crayons or markers, and a stapler. Make a sample doll at home and let the students look at it in class. Make such a doll with them (if possible, for each child). Draw a happy, smiling face on the back of several plates. Remind the children that when we are obedient, we feel joy and happiness, which also makes God happy. As on the other plates, on the reverse side, draw a sad face. Pay special attention to the unhappiness and sadness we feel if we disobey and God is saddened by human disobedience. When attaching the two faces, leave a wide hole where the neck would be so that children can insert their hands into it. If time permits, have kids color their unfinished faces and attach additional features (pre-cut hats, hair, ears, ties and bowties or collars, etc.). Your finished doll should look something like this. Give children time to play with their dolls. You can use other examples (additional activity 3 “No, no, Anya”) as a basis for active play with children, using just made dolls. After you tell the students a little story, ask them to show you the faces of the dolls: depending on how Anya will feel: if happiness comes from obedience, then a joyful face, if sadness from disobedience, then a sad face. 4. Song. Learn a new song with your children: “Fish in the water, birds everywhere.” Sing the song several times, reminding the children of God's great love for them. Tell them that God continued to love Adam and Eve even after they disobeyed Him. God's kindness and love always surround us. God Himself helps us to be obedient! 5. Can you tell me?

Here are a few questions that you or the Anya doll can ask the children about the topic of today's lesson. 1. What did Adam and Eve do wrong? 2. How did they feel? How did God feel? 3. What does God want from people?

IF YOU HAVE TIME LEFT 1. Place blocks, toy trucks and cars on the floor. Invite the children to help you make “roads” from long paper strips. Give the children several small STOR signals (you can cut out circles from red cardboard, make a small cut in a match, insert a circle into it and set the whole thing on a small plasticine ball). Have the children place signs at the intersections on your “road.” While playing, talk about how important it is to pay attention to STOR signals when you drive a car on the street. 2. Play “family” with your children (moms, dads, children, grandparents). Kids will especially be pleased. Playing the roles of moms and dads with you, as with their child, who must choose whether to obey the “parents” or not! 3. In today's lesson, complete the story of creation and Adam and Eve. You can also bring materials to help children review past topics. If you have the opportunity, bring films about the creation of the world. 4. Add new books. Try especially to find books that depict situations of obedience and disobedience. 5. An activity that can deeply interest children is preparing a gift for mom or dad. Give children sheets of paper, crayons or markers. Help them trace the outline of their hand. As you do this, talk to students about ways they can use their hands to obey their moms and dads. Sing the song “You Must Be Kind.” (See section "Songs"). At the end of the lesson, write headings above the picture of the children's hands: "I LOVE YOU MOM OR DAD, I WILL BE OBEDIENT" or perhaps words from Ephesus. 6, 1a).

Lesson topic: The Fall of Man

Purpose of the lesson: To show how sin entered the world, corrupting God's creation and bringing grief and suffering to mankind.

Golden Verse: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23)

1. Introduction

How to attract students' attention? Give an example of how good things can be easily spoiled (stained, torn, etc.)

2. Repetition

Man is the highest creation of God.

Created in the image and likeness of God (endowed with soul, conscience, reason)
- God placed him in a perfect world, which He Himself said was “very good”
- man had dominion over all creation, he was given the honor of giving names to animals
- a man had a perfect assistant and friend - a wife, to communicate with
- people communicated with God, they did not know how one could be selfish, angry, they trusted each other in everything and loved the Lord
- they had everything necessary for life and food
- they were holy and righteous
- people had freedom of choice: to obey God or not

An illustrative example: Put a glove doll on your hand. She will repeat the movement of the hand and is completely dependent on the puppeteer. But a person does everything himself.

Situation for students:

Prepare two pairs of glasses with water. Each pair of glasses contains plain water in one and salty water in the other. Ask a question: Who wants to drink? Offer the first participant a drink, but keep the contents of the glasses secret. He is not responsible for his choice, because... didn't know what kind of water he was drinking. Tell the second participant about the contents of the bottles. He is responsible for the choice. Adam and Eve had similar freedom of choice; they knew about the consequences.

3. The Fall

- people had enough food to survive
- but God forbade them to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and warned them of the consequences
- who is the serpent - Satan - the story of the fallen angel (briefly)
- Satan tempted Eve - temptation often comes through the gaze (bad movies - avoid them)

Question: What sin did people commit?

Accusation against God, the serpent implied that God was unfair in depriving them of the right to use the tree

The serpent accused God of lying - “no, you will not die”

Ingratitude and greed. The serpent convinced Eve that God had prevented her from doing something extraordinarily good, that if she ate the fruit, she would become as great as God. Eve did not appreciate God's blessings and wished she had more.

Nowadays people also do not appreciate the blessings of God.

Arrogance, disobedience, theft

Self-justification in your own eyes

4. Consequences of the Fall

Adam, instead of rejecting Eve's offer, agreed to eat the forbidden fruit
- shame is the first result of what was done
- defenselessness - to cover up and hide
- ran away from God and began to lie and make excuses: “... the wife you gave me”
- their relationship with each other was disrupted (they shifted the blame onto each other)
- were expelled from the Garden of Eden
- God's punishment

Task: Find in Gen. 3:14-19 seven consequences of the Fall

5. The promise of a Savior

Note: God cursed the serpent, the earth, but not man; on the contrary, he promised victory over Satan (Gen. 3:15)

6. Everyone has sinned

An illustrative example: Burn plain paper, then bring money to the fire. Will they burn? Yes, although it is a security. Likewise, people are all sinners, everyone must be punished, regardless of whether he is a simple person or a king.

Sketch: About the newlyweds and the mouse

Characters: old woman, man, woman, author

Add. materials: box or pan, mouse on a long rope

Action: Two young spouses are looking for housing. One kind old lady lets them live in her house. She doesn’t take money for it and allows everyone to use it, they just shouldn’t touch one drawer (pan). The hostess leaves the house, the newlyweds live alone. They are happy with everything, but every day their curiosity grows: what is in that box? And so the wife carefully opens the box. A mouse jumps out from there (you need to pull the rope) and runs away. Everything is lost! The old woman returns and kicks them out of the house.

Draw a parallel between this scene and the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Main idea: If we were Adam and Eve, we would have done the same thing.

Another joint task between Irina and I is a thematic lesson with children “Adam’s First Task”. It is known that God's first task to Adam was to give names to animals. But in order to do this, he had to carefully observe them - what they look like, what is their peculiarity, what they eat, where they live, etc. This is what we will do.

As the lesson is described, various games that need to be prepared will be indicated. But you or your friends may have some similar games at home, some you can download along with all the materials, and there will also be games that I made myself and offer to download on my second site “Mamadelki”.

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation for review

How the skies shine -
Height and beauty!
And it jumps loudly across the sky
The sun is like a yellow ball!
At night, so that it’s not scary,
The lights are lit:
And stands as if surprised,
Garden of Eden in green foliage.
For Adam the world is wonderful
Only God of Heaven could create!
Who created the sun?
What lights light up at night?
For whom did God create beauty on earth?
Why can't man create the world?

Tale of Eden the garden can be accompanied by illustrations on flannelgraph or use the “Garden of Eden” sensory box

Having created Adam and Eve, God placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden. A large river flowed through the garden. This beautiful park was a real paradise. Everything was perfect there. God wanted Adam and Eve to live forever. And so that they make the whole earth as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. How happy Adam and Eve must have been, imagining themselves doing this. There were many animals in the Garden of Eden, but they did not harm anyone because they did not eat meat. When God settled Adam in Paradise, he gave him a task. Adam had to give names to all animals. To choose the most suitable names, Adam apparently watched them for a long time: who they eat, what they eat, what they look like, where they like to live. And then he gave them suitable names.

Animal games

All games are aimed at recognizing animals, their lifestyle, external differences, habitat, etc. I will offer several options on one topic, and you choose what is appropriate for your child’s age.


Game "Find the animal"- downloaded from the Internet

Card games from the English site- downloaded from the Internet

Presentation “Whose paws are these?”

Presentation “Facts about Animals”

As the animals say:

Presentations “As They Say Parts 1 and 2”

Or you can look presentations from the lesson about the sixth day of creation.

These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Game with cards “As They Say”

Musical physical education lesson: "At the Giraffes" . (Music is applied)

Before the game, ask your child to tell you what a giraffe, elephant, zebra, or cat look like. Show Pictures with these animals, noting their characteristic external features (a giraffe has spots, an elephant has folds, a zebra has stripes, a kitten has fur.). Support the words with gestures that will be used in the game.

“Giraffes have spots...” - clap our hands all over the body
“Elephants have folds...” - “collecting the folds” - we pinch ourselves.
“And a zebra has stripes...” - run your fingers or the edge of your palm over the body
“Kittens have fur...” - we stroke ourselves

Chorus - point with the index fingers of both hands at the corresponding parts of the body.

What do animals eat:

These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Animal food puzzles


These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Puzzles “Where they live” downloaded from the Internet

Puzzles "Natural areas" downloaded from the Internet

Riddles about animals downloaded from the Internet

Book from the series “School of the Seven Dwarfs” "Who lives where"

Mathematics: Game "Count the Animals"

Lay out the cards according to the specified number - three types of animals and birds downloaded from the Internet

Physical education lesson: “The world is so big and round”

Who lives next to us? (Child point to themselves)

Cow, doggie, rabbit, cat (index fingers put “horns” to the head, hands on the belt - movements with the pelvis, strokes the back of the palms of both hands, puts palms up to the head, moving back and forth)

And a horse, a pig (Walks in place, raising his knees high, moving his head from bottom to top)

Nutria, goat, lamb (Hands on the belt - turns the body left - right)

All animals man (Walks in a circle, raising his knees high)

Animal names:

Reading a book

Section 2: Obedience Genesis 3:1-21

Lesson 8

Adam and Eve


GREETINGS:When the children arrive, have them look at the board. (Prepare the board as shown in the picture). Tell the children, “Our Bible stories will be about people who obeyed God and about some people who were not. We will have two lists. When our story is about a man who was obedient, we will put his name on the board on the first list. When our story is about someone who disobeyed God, we will put his name on the second list. All people who obey God are happy. Those who are disobedient are unhappy." Then have each child choose one of the following learning centers.

"GOLDEN VERSE":Open your Bible to Deuteronomy 27:10. Underline the verse " So listen to the voice of the Lord your God" Show these words to the children. Tell them, “These are very important words from the Bible. God wants us to obey Him. He knows that we will be happy if we obey Him.”

Ask the children to repeat the “golden verse” with you.

ACTIVE GAME:Play the game “Peter says.” Tell the children to listen only to those commands you give after the words “Peter says.”

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Find books and pictures of Adam and Eve. Talk about how God created everything and the time Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.

CREATIVE ACTIVITY: Let the children make a picture of the garden. Use the outline of the trees from the Specimen Book page 7 (maple, oak, elm and pine). Have the children glue the trees onto a piece of paper. They can then draw tree trunks and flowers. Tell the children: “When God created the world, He created many different trees and flowers. He planted them in the garden. He called the garden Eden. And after that He created man and woman, Adam and Eve. God placed Adam and Eve in the beautiful Garden of Eden. They enjoyed what God had created."

FAMILY LIFE:Tell children that they must obey their parents when they play. Choose different children to be parents.

WORSHIP TIME: Sing some of the children's favorite songs. Show a card with the word " listen" "This word listen. This is a very important word. God wants us all to obey Him. And He wants all children to be obedient to their parents. God knows we are happy when we are obedient." Sing a song about obedience. Then pray, “Thank you, God, for Your love for us. Help us to be obedient to You in everything we do. In the name of Jesus. Amen."


Adam and Eve didn't listen

“Adam and Eve, listen,” God called. “You can eat apples from this tree. You can eat bananas from this tree. You can eat cherries, peaches, and oranges from these trees. But don’t eat the fruit from that tree in the center of the garden!”

"Fine!" - said Adam and Eve. They obeyed God joyfully.

But one day the Serpent was taking a walk in the garden. “It’s a beautiful day, Eva. Why don't you eat from this tree? Is it true that God told you not to eat any fruit from the garden?”

“No, it’s not true,” Eva replied. “God said that we can eat all the fruits from all the trees except one. We can’t eat from a tree in the middle of the garden.”

“God was just teasing you,” said the serpent. “He knows that the fruit on this tree is the best. Why don’t you just try it and see for yourself?”

Eve looked at the fruit. They really looked very attractive. Finally she plucked one. Then she tried it. It was very tasty! Adam tried it too. Delicious! The two of them tasted the fruit from the tree growing in the middle of the garden. On this evening, Adam and Eve heard the voice of God. And they hid.

“Adam, why did you hide? Eva, why did you hide? Have you tasted the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden?” - asked God. (Of course He knew what happened.)

“Eve made me eat,” said Adam.

“The serpent forced me,” said Eve.

“You didn’t listen to me. You must be punished,” said God. “From now on, the serpent will crawl on the earth. Eva, you will give birth to children in pain. Adam, you will have to work every day to earn food and clothing for your family.”

Adam and Eve were forced to leave the beautiful garden that God had given them. They were very sad because they had disobeyed God.

When God says to do something, He wants us to obey Him and do it. He loves us and knows what is best for us. It is good for us to obey God.

WORKBOOK: Use page 15 from the Workbook. Let the children glue pieces of green and brown felt where needed. Have the children also cut out little felt “fruits” and glue them to the trees. Let the children retell the story using their pictures.


Andrey is glad that he listened

When Andrey woke up, he knew it was a special day. It was his birthday. He jumped out of bed and dressed in a hurry.

When he came downstairs, the whole family was already assembled. “Follow us,” said dad. "We have a surprise for you." Everyone left the room after dad. There was a tent in the backyard under a large tree. The entrance to the tent was slightly open and you could see a big red fire truck!

"Wow! Just what I always wanted!” - Andrei shouted. “Thank you for the tent and the fire truck.” He hugged everyone in his family.

“Why is there a big number six on the tent and on the car?” - asked Andrey.

"And how old are you?" - Dad asked.

“Oh, right. Why didn’t I guess right away? “I’m six years old today,” said Andrey.

“It's not all a surprise. Today after dinner we will go to a real fire station to see real fire engines!” - Mom said.

After dinner, dad called Andrey. “Bring your new fire truck into the house before we leave.”

"But why? Can’t a tent be a garage for a car?”

“When dad says to do something, why does he say it?” - Mom asked.

“To obey and do this,” Andrey said and brought the car into the house.

While they were at the fire station, a strong wind began, and then a storm. The wind broke a tree in the yard, which fell directly on the tent.

When they arrived home and saw a fallen tree, mom said: “The tent is easy to repair, Andrey. Are you glad you listened to dad and brought the car home? We wouldn’t be able to repair the car.”

Andrey was very glad that he listened.

CRAFTS: Using the pattern on page 7 in the Pattern Book, make a picture of fruit trees. Cut out one sample tree for each child. Glue two trees on either side of the forbidden tree. Tell the children that the tree in the middle is the tree that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from. Cut out small fruits from paper of different colors. Let the kids glue them to the trees. Retell the story to the children using ready-made pictures.

ENDING: Sing a song about obedience. Hang name signs Adam And Eve under the title "We didn't listen" on the board. Remind children that when we are naughty, we will be sad. But when we are obedient, we will be happy. End with a short prayer. Teach the “golden verse” until the parents come for the children. Let the children take home the golden verse so their parents can help them learn it.