Sunday School: Bible Lessons. Sunday School: Bible lessons for all those in sinful darkness"


Subject: Jesus is the light of the world.

Compiled by: Kuznetsova Ksenia, Vladimir, Church "Chapel at Golgotha". She has been caring for children for more than 8 years, graduated from the Bible College at her church and completed Sunday School courses. She was a missionary and participated in the founding of churches.

Scripture: John chapter 9

1. Introduction

Remember all seven “I am.” Ask the children which ones they remember and what it means.

Jesus is the bread of life
Jesus is the light of the world
Jesus is the good shepherd
Jesus is the vine
Jesus is our way
Jesus is the door to heaven
Jesus - resurrection and life

What is light? Why do we need light? What benefits does it bring? What are the light sources? What would happen if there was no light? Imagine a person who has never seen the light, so he has not seen anything that can be seen in this world. Is it bad to be such a person?

3. Application

Here we see a man who is physically blind, as well as people, the Pharisees, who are spiritually blind. Jesus can heal both. What should you do to get this insight?

Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world. What does it mean? How is this spiritual light similar to physical light?

When we believe in Jesus and accept His light, we become like the Moon, which reflects the light of the Sun (draw a diagram of the Moon reflecting light on the board). Read Matthew 5:14-16. What is this talking about? How can we be the light?

4. Key Verse

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16)

Write this verse phrase by phrase on separate pieces of paper using milk. Bring a candle. Give everyone a piece of paper. Children take turns approaching the candle and heating their piece of paper. The words of the verse should appear. Compose a verse. Children copy it onto their own sheets of paper and take it home to learn.

5. Craft

Cut out two figures of a man and one stand from cardboard. Cut out the cross. Glue the men together by bending the lower part of the legs and head. Glue the legs to the stand. Glue a small candle in place of the head. Color it.

6. Game

Set up obstacles in the classroom using chairs, tables, toys, etc. Divide the children into teams of 3-4 people. One of the team should be blindfolded. He must go from one corner of the room to the other, touching as few objects as possible. Other team members tell him where to go, where to turn, where to stop. Then the other team does the same. The team that hits the fewest objects wins.

7. Repetition for the lesson

Prepare small objects that can be guessed by touch. Attach a piece of paper with a question to each item. Place everything in an opaque bag. Children take turns, with their eyes closed, pulling out one item from the bag, trying to guess what it is, and answering the question on the piece of paper.

1. What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world?

2. Which person did Jesus heal? How did He heal him?

3. Who questioned the healed man? Did they believe him?

4. Did the healed person believe in Jesus? How did this happen?

5. What benefits does light bring? How is this similar to spiritual light? / 3 pcs.

6. Who can heal a blind person physically or spiritually? How to receive this healing?

7. Why does the moon glow? When does it not shine? What lesson is this for us?

8. Matthew 5:16. What should people see in us?

The Lord Jesus knew, of course, about the machinations and plans of His enemies. He volunteered to suffer and die for our salvation. As the time of His departure from the world approached, He increasingly told His disciples that He must suffer a lot from the Jewish leaders and high priests, be killed, and be resurrected on the third day.

The disciples were upset when they heard His words. In order for them not to be tempted at the sight of His suffering and death, they had to be firmly and undoubtedly confident that He is truly the Son of God and that His suffering is voluntary. For this purpose, the Lord blessed to show His glory to His three beloved disciples: Peter, James and John.

One day He took them with Him to a high mountain to pray.

Tradition says that this was Mount Tabor. There, after prayer, He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, His clothes became white as snow. Two Old Testament saints, Moses and Elijah, appeared to the Savior and began to talk with Him about His atoning suffering in Jerusalem. At that time, Peter and the two other disciples were heavy with sleep. When they awoke, they saw the glory of the Lord and the two men standing with Him. When Peter noticed that both men who were with Jesus were preparing to leave Him, he said to Him: “Master! We're good here. If You command, we will make three tents, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” While Peter was saying this, a bright cloud came and overshadowed them all, and a voice was heard from heaven: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” The disciples fell to the ground in fear, but when they got up, they saw no one else, except Jesus Christ alone in His ordinary form.

As Jesus descended from the mountain, He forbade His disciples to speak about what they saw on the mountain until He rose from the dead.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is one of the great holidays.

Healing a Man Born Blind

One day, when Jesus was in Jerusalem, performing miracles and preaching His teachings, His enemies became so angry that they wanted to stone Him. But He left them and, as he passed, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him: “Teacher, who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered: “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this was so that the works of God might be revealed in him.”

The Lord took pity on the unfortunate blind man. Spitting on the ground, He made clay, anointed the eyes of the blind man with this clay and said to him: “Go and wash in the pool of Siloam.” It was a spring at the base of Mount Zion. The blind man went, washed and received his sight. This miracle left everyone in amazement. Some said: “Is this really the blind man who sat and begged?”

Others said: “It’s him.” Others: “Looks like him.” He said: “It’s me.”

They began to ask the man born blind how he regained his sight. He answered: “The man whose name is Jesus made clay, anointed my eyes and ordered me to wash in the pool of Siloam. I washed my face, and now I see.” They took him to the Pharisees, and it must be said that this miracle was performed on the Sabbath day. In response to questions from the Pharisees, the young man, who had regained his sight, again spoke about his miraculous healing. Then there was a dispute between the Pharisees about Jesus. Some said: “This man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath”; others objected: “Can a sinful man perform such miracles?” They asked the healed man: “What do you think about Him?” “I think that He is a prophet,” he answered.

But the Pharisees were still not convinced by such clear evidence of the power of God. They doubted whether the man was really blind, and calling his parents, they asked them: “Is this your son, about whom you say that he was born blind? How did he begin to see?

The parents of the man born blind knew that the Pharisees hated Jesus and that they had already decided among themselves to excommunicate from the synagogue anyone who recognized him as Christ. In their cowardice, they were afraid to incur the wrath of the Pharisees if they gave due honor to the one who healed their son, and therefore they only answered: “We know that this is really our son and that he was born blind. How he regained his sight and who healed him, we do not know. He’s an adult, let him tell it himself.”

Then the Pharisees said to the man born blind: “Thank God, we know that the one who healed you is a sinful man.”

“Whether he is a sinner, I don’t know,” answered the one who had received his sight, “I only know one thing, that I was blind, but now I see.” Again the Pharisees began to ask how he received his sight. “I already told you,” answered the young man. - Why are you asking again? Do you also want to become His disciples?

The Pharisees became angry: “You are His disciple,” they said, “and we are Moses’ disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses, but about this man we do not know where He comes from.” “It’s strange that you don’t know where He comes from,” the young man answered, “but He opened my eyes. Has anyone ever heard of anyone opening the eyes of a man born blind? We all know that God does not listen to sinners, but listens to those who honor God and do His will. If this man were not from God, he could not have done such a miracle.” The Pharisees became even more angry and kicked out the blind man who had received his sight.

The Lord Jesus Christ found out about this and, meeting him, asked: “Do you believe in the Son of God?” “Who is He, Lord, that I should believe in Him?” - asked the one who had received his sight.

“You have seen Him, and He speaks to you,” said the Lord. “I believe, Lord!” - the young man then exclaimed and bowed to Jesus to the ground.

One can imagine how rejoiced the healed man was when he learned that the one who healed him was the Son of God Himself, Jesus, who came to earth to save people. How he believed in Him! How ardently he loved Him! He probably did not grieve that the Pharisees expelled him from the synagogue and despised him. They rejected him, but he found and loved the Savior, and this happiness is higher than all earthly blessings. We often see that good and pious people endure insults and oppression in the world, but if they firmly believe in the Lord, if they love Him with all their souls, if they keep His commandments and confess His holy name, then they patiently endure disasters, for they know that have the highest good and that nothing in the world can separate them from the love of Christ. The parents of the man born blind, fearing the Pharisees, did not dare to give glory and honor to the Lord for healing their son. They were afraid that they would be excommunicated from the synagogue. May the Lord save us from such cowardice! It is better to lose everything, it is better to endure all kinds of insults and troubles, than to deviate from the Lord in anything. He is the highest, eternal good! Neither out of fear nor out of pleasing anyone should we decide to do or say anything displeasing to God.

The Lord Jesus, seeing the unbelief of the Pharisees, said: “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see would see and those who see would become blind.” “Are we really blind too?” - some of the Pharisees objected. “If you were blind,” said the Savior, “you would have no sin on yourself, but since you say that you see, then sin remains on you.”

The Holy Church, remembering in the sixth week after the Holy Resurrection the miraculous healing of a man born blind, calls out on behalf of all to the Healer of souls and bodies:

Blind by the eyes of my soul,

I come to You, Christ, as blind from birth,

and with repentance I call You:

“You are the most luminous Light

all those who are in sinful darkness."

Introduction: Sketch – Our Father.
A girl appears at the price and prays.
Girl. Our Father who art in heaven...
God. Yes, I'm listening to you.
Girl. Well, be quiet, don’t disturb me, I’m praying. Oh, who's saying this!? (Surprised.)
God. I am your heavenly Father, whom you knew. You said: - Our Father.
Girl. Well, did I call someone? No, I didn’t call anyone, I just prayed the Lord’s Prayer.
God. But every prayer is a conversation with Me. Don't you know this? Continue, I am listening to you. What do you want? (Pause)
Girl. (Continues in an uncertain voice). Hallowed be Thy name.
God. Do you understand what these words mean?
Girl. Honestly, I don't understand.
God. Do you sanctify God in your heart?
Girl. How can I sanctify Him?
God. To sanctify God means to put Him first in your life, to always remember Him, to know that He is nearby: both in trouble and in joy.
Girl.(Thoughtfully). And... I think I'm starting to understand. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done both in heaven and on earth.
God. How do you fulfill My will?
Girl(thoughtfully). Well... I... try to do good, sometimes I go to church; …Well…I…read the Bible sometimes!
God. This is good. But My will is also that you give up all bad deeds and that you treat all people with love.
Girl. Why should I do this? There are many evil people around me who do very bad things, even much worse than me. They need to fix it first.
God. But you pray and ask and ask that My kingdom come and that My will be done.
Girl. So, Lord, You really hear me?
God. Certainly. I always hear when people turn to Me.
Girl(with fear). God forgive me. Now I think I'm beginning to understand what it means to pray.
God. Continue to pray further.
Girl (humbly). Give us this day our daily bread...
God. Often people only care about food and clothing. But I also want them to take care of spiritual food, to read the Bible more.
Girl. And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.
God. And Katya?
Girl. What about Katya?
God. You haven't forgiven her.
Girl. But she is so proud and she herself is to blame for many of our quarrels. She has such a bad character.
God. Maybe, but you still need to forgive her. There is no need to hold grudges. Forgive Katya, as I have forgiven you, then there will be peace and joy in your heart.
Girl. I don't know if I can do this.
God. The main thing is that you want to forgive and I will help you with this.
Girl. Okay, I forgive Katya. (Continues to pray.) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one... Oh, I’ve never prayed for so long. Now I understand that prayer is not just words learned by heart, but a living conversation with God. (Pause) For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever!
God. Yes, My kingdom is eternal! I want people to talk to Me more. Tell them about it!
Girl. Okay, Lord! Amen!
Bundle offer: Yes, prayer is not just memorized words, but a living conversation with God. Often we don't even imagine how God Can Answer Prayer and help us.

1. Peter in prison Acts 12:5-17

One day, King Herod ordered Peter to be arrested and put in prison. Peter was arrested and put in prison. Herod was very afraid that Peter would escape, and ordered him to be guarded. The guards were near the doors so that Peter could not escape; they chained his hands and chained them to two soldiers who stood nearby. Meanwhile, Peter’s friends in church were praying for him. After all, Peter, their friend, was supposed to be executed!
Application 1
Before the lesson you need to draw a traffic light on paper.
You can tell God doesn't always answer my prayer. But God’s answer is not always exactly what we expect from him, and not always when we want it. God loves us and knows what will be best for us. Sometimes God immediately answers prayer, saying: - Yes; sometimes God answers: - It’s not time yet; Sometimes the Lord says: - No.
It's like a traffic light:
Red color - No;

Yellow - Wait, it’s not time yet;

Green - Yes;
If we ask God for something that is not pleasing to Him, if we ask not for good (for example, for another person to feel bad, for someone to get sick, lose something, get a bad grade.) He will never answer such a prayer. God will say: - No! Show red traffic light There are things that we ask of God, but it is not yet time for them to be fulfilled. You need to wait and God will answer such a prayer later. For example, you are 10 years old, and you ask God for a motorcycle. God can give it to you, but not now, but when you grow up and get your license. God will tell you to wait. Show the yellow traffic light. There are prayers to which God will immediately say: - Yes! For example, you ask God to heal you or your loved ones. Show the traffic light green If you ask for something good and there is no answer yet, do not be discouraged, continue to pray and God will definitely answer.

2. Miracle in prison.

It was night, Peter was sleeping, he did not notice that it suddenly became very, very light. It was an Angel from heaven, he pushed Peter in the side, woke him up and said: - Get up quickly. And when Peter began to get up, suddenly the chains fell with a loud roar. Just imagine, the soldiers were still sleeping. The angel said to Peter: “Put on your shoes and dress, and follow me.” Do you remember where Peter was? listen to the answers. Yes, Peter was in prison and the Angel told him to follow him, but how? Suddenly the first door opened, Peter looked at the guards and went further after the Angel. It seemed to Peter that he was sleeping and that this was just a vision. Peter passed the first and second guards, and then, together with the Angel, they approached the large iron gates that led into the city, suddenly these gates opened on their own and Peter and the Angel came out. Peter looked around and realized that this was not a dream, but the Angel was suddenly gone... Peter decided to go to his friends, tell him about what happened to him, how he survived, and what God answered their prayer.
Application 2
You can also pray for your friend who is in trouble or sick. Remember that God answers prayers.

Lesson topic: “God’s protection”

Bible text to remember: “The Lord will keep you from all evil; will preserve your soul." (Psalm 121:7)

Why is it important for children to know that God is protecting them? To know who to thank for saving life, health, happiness, property! Let them always remember that God cares about people, no matter how righteous or sinful they are. The Lord always and everywhere: on the field, on the road, at school, in kindergarten, in a store or at sea, will protect, cherish and take care of the crown of His creation - man, because He loves him very much. God's protection is reliable!

During the classes:

1 . Congratulations from the teacher. Put a policeman’s cap on your head (if you can borrow it from someone), but if not, then tell us about the policemen who keep order in the city (village) and protect citizens from offenders.
But there is a God who alone protects not only a city or village, but the entire Earth and even the Universe from destruction. But all the same, having such powerful power and so much concern for everything and everyone, He is not indifferent to the fate of every person.
They talk about a little three-year-old girl whose parents died in a car accident, and she, having survived this horror, remained alive.
She was adopted by a childless family. Subsequently, these people noticed that the girl constantly prayed - before lunch, in the morning, in the evening. They began to listen to her prayers and ask about who she was addressing. Two years later, the adoptive parents became Christians.
God preserved the life of a little girl for a great work and a great blessing - to pray and thus bring two adults to Christ.
Our Lord has nothing by chance!

2. Arrival Toys. She brings a bucket of sand and a tablespoon and explains to the children that she is not going to eat the sand, but to count the grains of sand. But that's later.

3. Checking homework. Ask how your students’ friends who were present at the last lesson are doing, whether they liked it.
If the Lord has brought new children to your group, pay attention to them.

4 . Prayer. Thank the Lord for His great gift - life and ask for wisdom not to lose it.

6. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. To do this, make good paper wings, symbolizing God's protection and protection.
Tell the children that the Lord sends angels, ministering spirits, to protect people from danger. Every believer is protected by God from the devil and his servants.

7. Game “Counting Sand”.
Place a spoonful of sand on a piece of paper for each child. Explain the conditions of the game: whoever is the first to correctly count all the grains of sand on paper receives a prize (show it). You are given 5 minutes to complete this work, the time has come!
Of course, there will be no winners, because no one will succeed. Only God knows exactly the number of grains of sand in a tablespoon, on the shores of the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean. He alone knows the number of stars in the sky and even the number of hairs on the head of each of us. Jesus Christ is omnipotent and omniscient.
Once He, talking to people, said that if God takes care of the birds and not one of them falls to the ground (that is, does not die) without the will of the Heavenly Father, then how much more will the Father take care of a person’s life, what she drinks, eats, what to wear and when to depart into eternity.

8 . Presentation of the topic, Biblical text - Acts of the Holy Apostles 12:1-19.
Brutal persecution of Christians has resumed in Jerusalem. Seeing that the Jews approved of the murder of James, Herod ordered the capture of Peter in order to kill him too. He put him in prison and ordered sixteen soldiers to guard him day and night. Herod had already determined the day of death for Peter. The day before, the church in Jerusalem fervently prayed to God for him.
It was night. Peter was sleeping peacefully in prison, his hands shackled, when an angel pushed him aside and told him, “Get up now!” And the chains flew off his hands. The angel ordered Peter to gird himself, put on his shoes, put on his clothes and follow him.
Peter thought he was seeing a vision. They passed the sleepy guards, came to the iron gates, which opened on their own and... found themselves on the street. After walking a little more with Peter, the angel suddenly disappeared.
Then Peter came and went home, where the believers prayed for him. At first the maid did not recognize him, but then she and all of Peter’s friends happily led him into the house.
Were prayers of thanksgiving then sung? Absolutely yes. After all, God's protection is a miracle that occurs in the lives of those who love Jesus with all their hearts.

9 . Application. A sample of the figures that will be required for this work is given below.

10 . A dramatization of the event that happened to the Apostle Peter in prison.

Dress one of the children as an angel and give him a lighted candle.
The other child will be the Apostle Peter; tie his hands with some simple chain (you can just use a scarf).
Use paper to mark the road along which Peter and the angel left prison.
The rest of the children - the Church, prayed to God. They are on their knees, hands folded in prayer.
The angel disappears, Peter is left alone and goes to his friends, who greet him with surprise and joy.
Joint prayer of gratitude.

11. Bible verse study. Take small balls of thread (their number is the number of children in the group) and distribute to the students.
They repeat the Bible verse after you in unison as they wind the thread into balls. Stick to consistency and the same rhythm.
Then pull out the ball again and wind the thread a second, third (at your discretion) and at this time learn the Bible verse.

12 . Assessment of work in the lesson.

13. Explanation of homework.

14 . Distributing your letters addressed to parents. Be sure to write them down. Thank the parents for the child, for the fact that he attends your school, for their help in preparing homework.

15 . Take a group photo. For the next, last lesson, distribute these photographs to the children.

16 . Ads.

Lesson topic: “God’s protection”

Bible text for memorization: “The Lord will keep you from all evil; Your life will be saved.” (Psalm 121:7)

Why is it important for children to know that God protects them? For the nobility, Who should pay for saving their life, health, happiness, peace! Let them not always remember that people have nothing to do with God, whether they be righteous or sinful. The Lord is always and everywhere: in the field, in the morning, at school, in the garden, at the store, at the seaside, will take care, weave and rave about the crown of His creation - the people, so as to love them so much. God bless you!


1. Vetannya of the reader. Put a policeman's cap on your head (as you can tell from someone), or else talk about the policemen who keep order in the area (villages) and bury the citizens in ID of lawbreakers.
That is God, who alone protects not just a place or a village, but the entire Earth and the entire world from destruction. However, having such a powerful force and so much turbo-charge about everything and everyone, I have an incredible share of every human being.
They talk about a little girl with three eyes, whose father died in a car accident, and who, having survived this life, lost her life.
She was adopted by a childless family. Over the years, people have noticed that the girl constantly prays - before lunch, evening, evening. The stinks began to listen to her prayers, to hear about those to whom they were brutalizing. Two years later, the fathers became Christians.
God saved the life of a little girl for a great purpose and a great blessing - to pray and in this manner bring two grown people to Christ.
Our Lord doesn’t have anything extravagant!

2. The arrival of toys. She brings a bucket of sand and a tablespoon and explains to the children that they are not going to eat the sand, but rather grab the sand. All is well.

3. Checking your homework. Wonder how the friends of your students are doing, who were present at the last lesson, which they deserved.
As the Lord welcomed new children into your group - give them respect.

4. Prayer. Praise the Lord for His great gift - life and ask wisdom not to mar Him.

6. Familiarity with the topic of the lesson. Why create garni of paper wings, which symbolize God's protection and protection.
Tell the children about how the Lord sends angels, ministering spirits, and spirits that snatch people away from danger. The skin of a believing person is stolen by God from the devil and his servants.

7. Gra “Rahujemo pisok”.
For the skin child, pour a spoonful of sand onto the paper. Explain the game: whoever is the first to correctly rub all the spots on the paper wins the prize (show it). For the victory of this work, 5 hours are given, it’s time to eat!
Of course, there won’t be any survivors, because it won’t be given to anyone. Only God knows for sure how many tiny spots there are in a table spoon, on the birch of the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean. He alone knows how many stars there are in the sky and how many hairs there are on the scalp of each of us. Jesus Christ is omnipotent and omniscient.
Once Vin, talking to people, said that God is worried about the birds and don’t want them to fall to the ground (so that you don’t die) without the will of the Heavenly Father, then the more Father will worry about the life of people, what they drink, eat, in What to wear and when to go to eternity.

8. Contribution by those, Biblical text - Acts of the Holy Apostles 12:1-19.
The harsh re-examination of Christians was renewed in Jerusalem. Having realized that the Jews would praise the killing of Jacob, Herod ordered Peter to gather together in order to kill him too. He locked him up until he was committed and ordered the sixteenth warriors to carefully guard him day and night. Herod already marked the day of death for Peter. Previously, the church in Jerusalem fervently prayed to God for him.
Bula nich. Petro was sleeping peacefully by the bed, his hands wrapped in kaidan, when the angel hit him in the back and said to him: “Get up now!” And the lances flew from his hands. The angel ordered Petrova to cross over, stand up, pull himself up and follow him.
Petro thought about what to see. The stench passed the sleepy guards, reached the slick gates, which themselves gave up and... stumbled on the street. Having walked with Peter for just a little while, the angel started rapt.
Then Petro got tired and went to the house, where the faithful prayed for him. At first the servant did not recognize him, but then Vaughn and all Peter’s friends with great joy led him into the house.
How many prayers and prayers sounded? It's crazy that it's like that. God's protection is a miracle, as it strengthens the lives of those who love Jesus with all their hearts.

9. Application. An overview of the figures that will be needed for this work is presented above.

10. A re-enactment of the procession that followed the Apostle Peter at the ligature.

Whichever child you want to marry from the angel, give him a lit candle in his hands.
If another child were to be the Apostle Peter, you would tie his hands with some unimportant lance (you could just use a khustina).
A paper to show the way, according to which Petro and the angel lost their quarrel.
Reshta of children - the Church, which fervently prayed to God. It smells like standing on your knees, hands folded in prayer.
The angel knows that Petro loses himself and goes to see his friends, and they are happy and happy to meet him.
A simple prayer.

11. Bible verse. Take small balls of thread (their number is the number of children in the group) and distribute to the students.
The stinks repeat the Bible verse after you in chorus, winding the thread into balls. Follow the sequence and the same rhythm.
Then unwind the ball again and suddenly, thirdly (at your discretion) wind the thread and at this time read the biblical verse.

12. Assessment of work in class.

13. Explanation of home management.

14. Distribution of your leaflets addressed to the children’s fathers. Write them down in simple terms. Give thanks to your fathers for your child, for those who brought yours; For my help in preparing homework.

15. Take a photo with the whole group. As soon as you’re done, hand out these photographs to the children.

True: Together we can do so much more for God.

Target: Learn to never despair and be confident in God.

Dogmatics: Church (in unity there is strength).

Practical Christianity: Love for one's neighbor (friends' insistence on helping one's neighbor).


Teacher with an alarm clock in his hands: “This is an old alarm clock. Everyone knows him. Few can boast that they can do without his help. It is especially needed when it is important to wake up on time. People are resting. They sleep peacefully. They are confident that the alarm clock will not let them down. When the right time comes, he rings with all his might (the alarm clock rings). It happens that its owner is fast asleep and does not hear the bell. So he calls again and again and again. He often gets it for his persistence. But he is not offended. The main thing is to do what you were instructed to do.”

With phone:

“The telephone also benefits from the persistence of those who use it. One day he had to make a very long call. His owner was sure that the call was expected at his friends’ house. He dialed the desired number, but no one answered him. The owner waited. But the answer is still silence. The persistent man continued to wait. More time has passed. He waited. I can imagine how the phone rang in the house of his owner’s friends. Suddenly something clicked in the receiver and a familiar voice was heard. It turned out that the children were being naughty and hid the phone under the pillow, so the parents did not immediately hear the phone ringing. If it weren’t for their friend’s persistence, this very important conversation would not have taken place.”

There's a knock on the door. The teacher pretends not to notice and continues to talk about how often in life we ​​need to be persistent. All this time the knocking on the door continues, it gets louder and louder. Children should be able to tell that someone is knocking on the door.

  • Who is this?

One of the persistent adults enters the class.

Bible story:

  1. Jesus in Capernaum.
  2. Four men run to their friend's house.
  3. Description of the patient.
  4. Friends carry the sick man to the house where Jesus is.
  5. The crowd prevents the friends from showing the sick man to Jesus.
  6. Friends find a ladder and dismantle the roof.
  7. The sick man is at the feet of Jesus.
  8. The patient is healthy thanks to the persistent faith of his friends.

Repetition of a biblical story from a drawing.

Golden Verse:

2 Chronicles 14:11 “...Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in You...”

Whenever an obstacle arises on the way, we must say: “Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in You.” Children are divided into 3 groups:

  1. “Help us.”
  2. "Lord our God."
  3. “For we trust in You.”

Each group repeats its phrase several times. Children line up and each, speaking a word from the golden verse, comes forward. Then you can swap groups.


“Help a Friend” Color and fold along the fold lines.


  1. “Help a friend” - ask the children how they could help their friend who was sick (call him, visit him with his parents, talk about the lesson in Sunday school, pray with him, etc.). Ask them to share in their Sunday school class next Sunday what they were able to do to help their friend.
  2. Prayer. Ask the children if there have been situations in their lives when they promised their parents to be obedient, but failed. Or they prayed for something, but did not receive what they asked for. Encourage children not to despair, but to be persistent and continue to pray