Summary of first love by chapters.

One of the most famous works of the Russian classic is “First Love”. Turgenev (a brief summary of the story will demonstrate this) introduces the reader to the emotional experiences of the young character. The work was published in 1860. And its plot is based on the author’s own experience, on the events that took place in his family.

Meet the main character

Where does the summary of Turgenev's story begin? Events unfold in Moscow. The main character Vladimir turned sixteen years old. Together with his parents, he comes to the dacha to relax and prepare for exams. After some time, the family of Princess Zasekina settled in the neighborhood. The boy, seeing the princess, dreams of meeting her.

When Volodya's mother receives a letter from them asking for protection, she sends her son to the princess's house. He should invite this family to visit. There the teenager meets Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna.

She is five years older than Vladimir. At first she begins to flirt with the teenager, but her interest quickly fades. This is how love begins." Turgenev (the summary will continue to get acquainted with the characters) describes the Zasekin family in an extremely unflattering way.

Unpleasant experience, or return visit

When the princess and her daughter came to dinner at Volodya’s parents’ house, they made a not very pleasant impression on his mother. The eldest Zasekina constantly complained about her poverty, while constantly sniffing tobacco and fidgeting around the table. And throughout the dinner, the young princess talked with Vladimir’s father in French and behaved very proudly.

Despite the fact that during the meal she did not pay any attention to the teenager, when she left, she whispered to him to come to their house. Volodya, who came to visit, was simply happy. Although young Zasekina introduced him to several of her admirers, she nevertheless did not leave his side for a minute.

She showed her affection in every possible way and even allowed me to kiss his hand. But this is only the beginning of the story "First Love". Turgenev (the summary continues to follow his narrative) describes further events in a slightly different light.

First disappointments, or Relationship with Zinaida

The father asks the boy about his visit to the house of the princely family and goes to visit them himself. And when Volodya came the next time, Zinaida didn’t even come out to him. The teenager begins to suffer from the feelings that have taken hold of him. He is constantly jealous of her. When a girl is not around, he feels bad, but in her company Vladimir does not feel any better. Of course, the princess guessed about Volodya’s love.

She does not come to him, knowing full well that his mother did not like her. And the boy’s father is reluctant to communicate with her. Suddenly the girl completely changed. I stopped communicating with people, preferring loneliness. She walked for a long time and rarely went out to see guests. Volodya realized that Zinaida had fallen in love. But who?

"First Love": content (retelling)

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev continues to acquaint us with how the relationships of the heroes develop. Some more time passes, and Volodya sees a girl sitting on the wall of the greenhouse. He jumped towards her and, having hit himself, lost consciousness. Zinaida got scared and began to try to bring him to his senses. The girl begins to kiss Vladimir, and when she realizes that he has already woken up, she quickly leaves. Of course, the teenager is happy.

The young princess does not stop communicating with Volodya, who is in love with her. He appoints him as his page, who must follow his lady of his heart everywhere. And one day the teenager decided to go into the garden at night to protect the girl, but saw his father there. Frightened, he ran away. What will the summary tell you next? First love (Turgenev I.S. describes in detail the emotions of the teenager) unfortunately did not bring Volodya any reciprocal feelings from the chosen one.

Family troubles, or the connection between a father and a young princess

Some more time passes, and Vladimir learns that there was a scandal between the parents, during which the mother accused her husband of treason. The culprit of the father's infidelity turned out to be the boy's beloved, Zinaida. The parents are going to return to St. Petersburg, and Volodya, before leaving the country house, says goodbye to the princess, making a promise to love her for the rest of his life.

But this was not their last meeting. When he and his father go for a walk, he witnesses some kind of conversation between him and Zinaida. The father tried to prove something to the girl, but she did not agree, and the man hit her hand with a whip. Frightened Volodya ran away.

The reader, of course, guessed what the author was talking about in the story “First Love”. Turgenev (the summary of his work is coming to an end) does not reveal all the details of the connections of his characters, apparently leaving the reader the opportunity to draw his own conclusions.

The last events of the work, or the Fate of the young princess

Volodya and his family return to St. Petersburg. He successfully passes his exams and enters the university. But six months pass, and his dad dies from a stroke. This happened almost immediately after my father received a letter. After reading it, he suddenly became excited. When my father was buried, Volodya’s mother sent a very large sum of money to Moscow. The teenager did not know any more details.

Four years pass. One day, going to a theatrical performance, the now matured Vladimir meets Maidanov, who once also courted Zinaida Alexandrovna. He tells Volodya that the princess has already married and will soon be leaving abroad.

Consequences of a long history, or Death of a beloved

Maidanov also added that it was very difficult for Zinaida to find her husband after those events that had some negative consequences. But the girl turned out to be smart enough and still achieved her goal. The young man also said the address where Zinaida Alexandrovna now lived.

But several weeks passed before Volodya decided to pay her a visit. And when he arrived, he found out that the young woman had died in childbirth. This is how I.S. ends his first love (a brief chapter-by-chapter summary demonstrates the development of the feelings of the maturing Volodya) brought the young man nothing but bitter memories.

The story “First Love” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev tells about the emotional experiences of a young hero, whose childhood feelings have grown into an almost insoluble problem of adult life and relationships. The work also touches on the theme of the relationship between father and son.

History of creation

The story was written and published in 1860, in St. Petersburg. The work is based on the real emotional experience of the writer, so a clear parallel can be drawn between his biography and the events of the story, where Volodya or Vladimir Petrovich is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

In particular, in his work Turgenev fully described his father. He became the prototype for the character of Pyotr Vasilyevich. As for Zinaida Alexandrovna herself, the prototype for her character was the first love of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was also his father’s mistress.

Due to such frankness and the transfer of the lives of real people onto the pages of the story, the public met it rather ambiguously. Many condemned Turgenev for his excessive frankness. Although the writer himself has admitted more than once that he sees nothing wrong with such a description.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The composition of the story is structured as Volodya’s memory of his youth, namely, his first almost childish, but serious love. Vladimir Petrovich is a 16-year-old boy, the main character of the work, who comes to a country family estate with his father and other relatives. Here he meets a girl of incredible beauty - Zinaida Alexandrovna, with whom he falls irrevocably in love.

Zinaida loves to flirt and has a very capricious disposition. Therefore, he allows himself to accept advances from other young people, besides Volodya, without making any choice in favor of any one, specific candidate for the role of his official suitor.

Volodya’s feelings do not cause her to reciprocate; sometimes the girl allows herself to mock him, ridiculing their age difference. Later, the main character learns that the object of Zinaida Alexandrovna’s desire was his own father. Stealthily spying on the development of their relationship, Vladimir understands that Pyotr Vasilyevich does not have any serious intentions towards Zinaida and plans to leave her soon. Having fulfilled his plan, Peter leaves the country house, after which he suddenly dies for everyone. At this point, Vladimir ends his communication with Zinaida. After a while, however, he learns that she got married and then died suddenly during childbirth.

Main characters

Vladimir Petrovich is the main character of the story, a 16-year-old boy who moves to a country estate with his family. The prototype of the character is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

Pyotr Vasilyevich is the father of the main character, who married Vladimir’s mother because of her rich inheritance, who, among other things, was much older than himself. The character was based on a real person, the father of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Zinaida Aleksandrovna is a young 21-year-old girl living next door. He has a very frivolous disposition. He has an arrogant and capricious character. Thanks to her beauty, she is not deprived of the constant attention of suitors, including from Vladimir Petrovich and Pyotr Vasilyevich. The prototype of the character is considered to be Princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya.

The autobiographical work “First Love” is directly related to the life of Ivan Sergeevich, describes his relationship with his parents, mainly with his father. The simple plot and ease of presentation, for which Turgenev is so famous, helps the reader to quickly immerse himself in the very essence of what is happening around him, and most importantly, to believe in sincerity and experience with the author his entire emotional experience, from peace and delight to real hatred. After all, from love to hate there is only one step. It is this process that the story mainly illustrates.

The work demonstrates exactly how the relationship between Volodya and Zinaida changes, and also illustrates all the changes between son and father when it comes to love for the same woman.

The turning point in the protagonist’s growing up emotionally could not be better described by Ivan Sergeevich, because his real life experience is taken as the basis.

The story takes place in 1833 in Moscow. The main character, Volodya, is sixteen years old, he lives with his parents in the country and is preparing to enter university. Soon the family of Princess Zasekina moves into the poor outbuilding next door. Volodya accidentally sees the princess and really wants to meet her. The next day, his mother receives an illiterate letter from Princess Zasekina asking for her protection. Mother sends Volodya to Princess Volodya with a verbal invitation to come to her house. There Volodya meets princess Zinaida Alexandrovna, who is five years older than him. The princess immediately calls him to her room to untangle the wool, flirts with him, but quickly loses interest in him. On the same day, Princess Zasekina pays a visit to his mother and makes an extremely unfavorable impression on her. However, despite this, the mother invites her and her daughter to dinner. During lunch, the princess noisily sniffs tobacco, fidgets in her chair, spins around, complains about poverty and talks about her endless bills, but the princess, on the contrary, is dignified - she talks to Volodin’s father in French throughout the entire dinner, but looks at him with hostility. She does not pay attention to Volodya, however, when leaving, she whispers to him to come to them in the evening.

Arriving at the Zasekins, Volodya meets the princess’s admirers: Doctor Lushin, the poet Maidanov, Count Malevsky, retired captain Nirmatsky and hussar Belovzorov. The evening is stormy and fun. Volodya feels happy: he gets the lot to kiss Zinaida’s hand, all evening Zinaida does not let him go and gives him preference over others. The next day, his father asks him about the Zasekins, then he goes to see them. After lunch, Volodya goes to visit Zinaida, but she does not come out to see him. From this day Volodin’s torment begins.

In the absence of Zinaida, he languishes, but even in her presence it does not make him feel better, he is jealous, offended, but cannot live without her. Zinaida easily guesses that he is in love with her. Zinaida rarely goes to Volodya’s parents’ house: her mother doesn’t like her, her father doesn’t speak to her much, but somehow in a particularly intelligent and significant way.

Unexpectedly, Zinaida changes a lot. She goes for a walk alone and walks for a long time, sometimes she doesn’t show herself to guests at all: she sits in her room for hours. Volodya guesses that she is in love, but does not understand with whom.

One day Volodya is sitting on the wall of a dilapidated greenhouse. Zinaida appears on the road below. Seeing him, she orders him to jump down onto the road if he really loves her. Volodya immediately jumps and faints for a moment. Alarmed, Zinaida fusses around him and suddenly begins to kiss him, however, guessing that he has come to his senses, she gets up and, forbidding him to follow her, leaves. Volodya is happy, but the next day, when he meets with Zinaida, she behaves very simply, as if nothing had happened.

One day they meet in the garden: Volodya wants to pass by, but Zinaida herself stops him. She is sweet, quiet and kind to him, invites him to be her friend and grants him the title of her page. A conversation takes place between Volodya and Count Malevsky, in which Malevsky says that pages should know everything about their queens and follow them relentlessly, day and night. It is not known whether Malevsky attached special significance to what he said, but Volodya decides to go into the garden at night to keep watch, taking a small English knife with him. He sees his father in the garden, gets very scared, loses his knife and immediately returns home. The next day, Volodya tries to talk about everything with Zinaida, but her twelve-year-old cadet brother comes to her, and Zinaida instructs Volodya to entertain him. In the evening of the same day, Zinaida, having found Volodya in the garden, carelessly asks him why he is so sad. Volodya cries and reproaches her for playing with them. Zinaida asks for forgiveness, consoles him, and a quarter of an hour later he is already running around with Zinaida and the cadet and laughing.

For a week, Volodya continues to communicate with Zinaida, driving away all thoughts and memories. Finally, returning one day to dinner, he learns that a scene had taken place between father and mother, that the mother had reproached his father for his affair with Zinaida, and that she had learned about this from an anonymous letter. The next day, mother announces that she is moving to the city. Before leaving, Volodya decides to say goodbye to Zinaida and tells her that he will love and adore her until the end of his days.

Volodya once again accidentally sees Zinaida. He and his father are going for a horse ride, and suddenly his father, having dismounted and given him the reins of his horse, disappears into an alley. After some time, Volodya follows him and sees that he is talking to Zinaida through the window. The father insists on something, Zinaida does not agree, finally she extends her hand to him, and then the father raises the whip and sharply hits her on her bare arm. Zinaida shudders and, silently raising her hand to her lips, kisses the scar. Volodya runs away.

Some time later, Volodya and his parents moved to St. Petersburg, entered the university, and six months later his father died of a stroke, a few days before his death he received a letter from Moscow, which excited him extremely. After his death, his wife sent a fairly significant amount of money to Moscow.

Four years later, Volodya meets Maidanov at the theater, who tells him that Zinaida is now in St. Petersburg, she is happily married and is going abroad. Although, Maidanov adds, after that story it was not easy for her to form a party for herself; there were consequences... but with her mind anything is possible. Maidanov gives Volodya Zinaida’s address, but he goes to see her only a few weeks later and learns that she suddenly died from childbirth four days ago.

Option 2

The events take place in Moscow in 1833, when Volodya was sixteen years old. He lived with his parents at the dacha and was preparing to enter university. One day, the family of Princess Zasekina moved into a poor house next door. Volodya saw the princess’s young daughter and wanted to meet her.

One evening, he came to their house and met the suitors of a young girl. The evening was fun and stormy. Zina showed Volodya more attention than others, and he found himself in love with the girl. The next day he went to the Zasekins again, but Zina refused to come out.

After that, they saw each other several more times, but Volodya saw the changes that had occurred in Zinaida. He realized that the girl had fallen in love, but did not know with whom.

One fine day, Volodya was sitting on the wall of a dilapidated building. Zina, passing by, told him to jump off if he loved her. He jumped and lost consciousness for a few moments. Zina began to kiss him, but when he woke up, the girl pulled away. The next day she acted as if nothing had happened.

After some time, they met in the garden. Zina offers to become his page. Volodya talks with his father, Count Milevsky, who says that pages must protect their queens and know everything about them. The guy takes a knife and goes into the garden at night. There he saw his father and quickly ran home.

Then he meets with Zina and says that she is just playing with him. The guy starts crying, and the girl calms him down. After that, they run together again, the three of them playing catch-up with Zinaida’s younger brother.

Volodya continues to communicate with Zina, but at home he overheard a conversation between his mother and father, who suspected him of having an affair with Zina. After this, the guy sees Zina talking through the window with his father.

After some time, mother and father decide to move to St. Petersburg. Volodya entered the university, a few months later his father died of a stroke. Before this, he read some letter from Moscow.

Four years later, Volodya sees Maidanov, Zinaida’s friend, in the theater, who says that Zina got married successfully, although she was already pregnant. And a few weeks later, Volodya learns that Zina died during childbirth.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary of Turgenev’s first love

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Summary of Turgenev's first love

Turgenev’s story “First Love” was written in the writer’s adulthood in 1860. Today you can download the book absolutely free. The author described the memory of the first feeling, putting his own experiences into the work.

“First Love” is a story with an unusual plot. Compositionally, it is presented in twenty chapters with a prologue. In the backstory, the reader meets the main character named Vladimir Petrovich, who tells his story of first love. In the image of the heroes, Turgenev’s close people are clearly visible: the writer’s parents, the author himself and his first lover Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya. The author describes in detail the young man's turbulent experiences and constantly changing mood. Despite Zasekina Zinaida’s frivolous attitude towards him, Volodya is happy. But the anxiety is growing, the young man realizes that Zina loves his father. And her feelings are much stronger than the romantic passion of the young man.

With his work, Ivan Sergeevich shows readers that first love can be different and multifaceted in its manifestations. The hero does not harbor a grudge against either his father or his beloved, understanding and accepting their feelings. You can read the text “First Love” online or download it in full on our website.

The story “First Love” by Turgenev was written in 1860, and in many ways became a reflection of the author’s personal experiences. This is a story about the first, half-childhood love, which had to face adult love, full of drama and sacrifice.

On our website you can read online a summary of “First Love” chapter by chapter, and then take a test to test your knowledge. A brief retelling of the work will be useful for the reading diary and preparation for a literature lesson.

Main characters

Vladimir- a sixteen-year-old boy who had to endure all the joys and troubles of his first love.

Zinaida- A 21-year-old impoverished princess, spoiled by male attention, with whom Vladimir was in love.

Petr Vasilievich- Vladimir’s father, an intelligent, freedom-loving middle-aged man who started an affair with Zinaida.

Other characters

Princess Zasekina- Zinaida’s mother, an unkempt, uneducated woman with bad manners.

Vladimir's mother- a reserved, delicate woman who was much older than her husband.

Malevsky, Lushin, Maidanov, Nirmatsky and Belovzorov- fans of Zinaida.

Chapter 1

Sixteen-year-old Volodya was preparing to enter university at his parents’ dacha. He lived in anticipation of something extraordinary and this “was destined to come true soon.” Soon the family of Princess Zasekina moved into the small outbuilding.

Chapter 2

During one of his walks, Volodya saw an unusually attractive blond girl in a company of young people. The stranger struck the young man in the heart and he, feeling “unprecedented excitement,” ran home.

Chapter 3

The next morning, all Volodya’s thoughts were occupied only with how to get to know the object of his passion. The young man was rescued by his mother, who ordered him to “go to the princess and verbally explain to her” so that she would come to visit her.

Chapter 4

Finding himself in the Zasekins’ chambers, Volodya was unpleasantly surprised by the excessive simplicity and untidiness of the decoration and the princess herself. Her daughter Zinochka turned out to be the complete opposite - gentle, graceful, with excellent manners. She admitted that she was five years older than Volodya and asked him to “always tell the truth.” At that moment the young man felt as good as a fish in water. But soon his joy faded when a young hussar appeared at the Zasekin family and presented Zinaida with a kitten - Volodya was jealous for the first time in his life.

Chapters 5-7

Volodya's mother found the princess “a very vulgar woman,” obsessive and selfish. It turned out that she was the daughter of a rich clerk, and married a bankrupt prince, who soon squandered her dowry.

At the reception with Volodya’s parents, Princess Zasekina “didn’t show herself off at all,” while Zinaida “behaved herself very strictly, almost arrogantly, like a real princess.” Saying goodbye, she invited Volodya to come to them in the evening.

Arriving at the appointed hour to the Zasekins, Volodya saw Zinaida surrounded by young people. Among her fans were “Count Malevsky, Doctor Lushin, the poet Maidanov, retired captain Nirmatsky and Belovzorov.” The guests had a lot of fun: they played forfeits, “sang and danced, and represented a gypsy camp.”

Chapter 8

His mother was against Volodya’s communication with his neighbors, whom she considered ill-mannered. She reminded her son that he should “prepare for the exam and study.”

Volodya shared his impressions of Zinaida with his father, an intelligent, interesting man who valued freedom above all else. After a conversation with Volodya, he “ordered to saddle his horse” and went to the Zasekins. In the evening the young man found Zinaida pale and thoughtful.

Chapter 9

Volodya was languishing in love with Zinaida, who by that time was carried away by playing with her fans - “she kept them all on a leash, at her feet.”

One day Volodya found his chosen one in a strange mood. When looking at his face, she noted that he “has the same eyes,” and then admitted that she was disgusted with everything. Volodya realized that Zinaida was in love.

Chapters 10-12

Volodya kept trying to understand who was the lucky guy with whom Zinaida fell in love. Doctor Lushin tried to warn him against frequent visits from the Zasekin family - the choice of house was “painfully unfortunate”, and its atmosphere was destructive for a pure, ardent young man.

Meanwhile, “Zinaida became more and more strange, more and more incomprehensible.” She began to allow herself strange antics, and one day she passionately kissed Volodya.

Chapters 13-15

The young man felt indescribable bliss for a long time after kissing his beloved. One day he noticed how, during a horseback ride, his father enthusiastically whispered something in Zinaida’s ear. For the next week, the girl did not show herself to anyone, saying she was sick. After a while, she told Volodya that “now everything is over,” asked for forgiveness for her previous coldness and offered friendship.

Chapter 16

One day the young princess invited the guests to tell their dreams. When it was her turn, she described her dream. In it she was in the image of a queen, surrounded by fans. Each of them is ready to die for her, but the queen’s heart is given to the only one who is waiting for her near the fountain. “No one knows him,” but the queen is ready to come at his first call and “both stay with him and get lost with him.”

Chapters 17-19

The next day, Malevsky, looking “contemptuously and playfully” at Volodya, hinted that he needed to be constantly nurturing his “queen,” especially at night. The young man realized that Zinaida was leading a double life.

At night in the garden, Volodya noticed his father sneaking around, but did not attach any importance to it. Soon everything fell into place - “a terrible scene occurred between father and mother.” The mother “reproached the father for infidelity, for dating a neighboring young lady,” and in response he lost his temper and left. This “sudden revelation” completely crushed Volodya.

Chapter 20

It was decided to return to Moscow. Volodya came to say goodbye to Zinaida and tell her that he would “love and adore” her until the end of his days. The touched girl hugged Volodya to her and “kissed” him deeply and passionately.

In Moscow, a young man who experienced a love drama did not soon “get rid of the past, and did not soon get to work.” His mental wound was healing very slowly, but he did not feel anger towards his father. During a frank conversation, Pyotr Vasilyevich gave advice to his son “to live normally and not give in to hobbies.”

Chapter 21

One day Volodya went horseback riding with his father. After a long walk, Pyotr Vasilyevich asked his son to wait a little and disappeared somewhere in an alley. Tired of the long wait, Volodya began to look for his father, and soon found him near a wooden house, in the window of which Zinaida could be seen. A tense conversation took place between them, during which Pyotr Vasilyevich hit Zinaida’s naked hand with a whip, and she only “kissed the red scar on it.” The father immediately “threw the whip aside” and ran into the house to his beloved.

Volodya was shocked by what he saw - he understood what true, “adult” love was, which had nothing to do with his enthusiastic youthful feeling. Six months later, his father died of a stroke, having previously received “a letter from Moscow, which excited him extremely.” Before his death, he warned Volodya against female love.

Chapter 22

After four years, Volodya successfully graduated from the university. He found out that Zinaida got married, but at first it was not easy for her to find a match for herself after her relationship with Pyotr Vasilyevich. Volodya put off meeting his first love until he learned that she “died almost suddenly from childbirth.”


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