What is the social and psychological climate of the team? Psychological climate in a team: what is it?

The efficiency of the workforce depends on socio-psychological climate in the organization- as a set of interconnected, stable socio-psychological characteristics of a group, organization (dominant characteristics in relation to the goals and motives of joint activities, in relationships between people, in moral and intellectual attitudes, as well as in the prevailing mood).

Psychological climate- the emotional mood of the team, which reflects the relationships that have developed between its members.

Most often, the following components of the socio-psychological climate are distinguished:

1) vertical relations between employees (leadership style, degree of participation in decision making);

2) horizontal relationships between employees (team cohesion, the nature of interpersonal relationships, etc.);

3) attitude towards work.

Social psychologists K. where Vrie and D. Miller defined the moral and psychological climate in teams of various organizations, as well as the characteristics of their behavior, in terms that are used in psychiatry:

o dramatic (demonstrative) organization - to a certain extent, “ostentatious” behavior, demonstration of vigorous activity, concern for the impression that is formed about them. Typically, such organizations are at the stage of active growth, which is associated with “expansion” in the market. Leadership style is cooperative;

o depressed the organization is conservative, bureaucratic, “regulated”, which tries to maintain the “status quo” in the market; is essentially a bureaucratic organization. Such an organization is able to survive only in conditions of market stability and weak competition. The prevailing management style is authoritarian-bureaucratic;

o schizoid organization - low external activity, internal life predominates ("split of the mind"); the influence of top management is not felt, the goals and development strategy are not clear, middle management is focused on its own well-being. Careers are made by opportunists, “the favorites of management.” Management style - connivance;

o paranoid The organization experiences a constant fear of control and tries to “insure itself” for all occasions. The strategy focuses on protecting the status quo. Much attention is paid to justification, regulations, instructions and their approval “at the top.” Bureaucratic management style;

o forced The organization is also characterized by a desire to avoid mistakes, strict adherence to hierarchy, inertia, and excessive attention to detail. The management style is patriarchal.

The optimal state of the socio-psychological climate in the work team can be achieved provided that primary teams are staffed, taking into account the factor of psychological compatibility (psychosocial factors taken into account when forming a team: age, gender, character, temperament, abilities) and through the use of socio-psychological methods that promote developing skills of effective mutual understanding among team members; organization of continuous professional retraining, clear distribution of roles.

The interaction of a person with a group can be either merging or conflicting. The influence of a group on a person is manifested as follows:

1. In a group, a person receives a certain weight (position). This role (weight) of a person in a group can be no less important in terms of its formal position (status).

2. A person begins to identify himself with the group, which leads to changes in self-perception and in awareness of his place in the world and his purpose.

3. Collaboration with a group generates ideas, judgments and proposals in a person under the influence of brainstorming (joint problem solving) that are not available when working independently.

4. In a group, a person is more inclined to perceive risk and make risky decisions; a person’s behavior becomes more active.

The most important signs of a positive socio-psychological climate in the workforce are the following:

o trust and high demands of group members towards each other;

o friendly and businesslike criticism;

o pluralism of opinions when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

o sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

o satisfaction with belonging to a team;

* lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;

o a high degree of emotional inclusion and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the team members, etc.

If the socio-psychological climate reflects the features of social and psychological phenomena in the team, then socio-psychological atmosphere - situational, change. The conditions of social interdependence of participants in the labor process, as well as the problems of selecting personnel and staffing compatible production groups capable of effectively solving the tasks assigned to them, are of particular importance today.

Psychological compatibility - mutual perception of partners during communication and joint activities, based on optimal similarity or complementarity of value guidelines, social attitudes, motives, needs, characters, temperaments, pace and rhythm of psychophysiological reactions and other individual psychological characteristics significant for interpersonal interaction.

A person can take a conformist position in a group - avoid making independent decisions, passively accept ready-made group standards of behavior. Conformity can perform both positive and negative functions in interpersonal relationships. The positive function is that conformism is able to balance the individual with the social environment around him (it can help correct erroneous actions and behavior if the behavior and actions of the majority are more correct).

To psychologically assess the compatibility of participants in a group process, they use the criterion of partners’ satisfaction with the result and, most importantly, with the process of interaction, when each of them met the requirements of the other and there is no need to spend special efforts on establishing mutual understanding.

In the literature on social psychology and management psychology, the concept of “socio-psychological climate” is used along with such concepts as “moral and psychological climate”, “psychological atmosphere”, “moral climate”, etc. All these concepts characterize the interpersonal relationships of members of a small group (team), their attitude to work, and mood.

Socio-psychological climate (SPC) is the prevailing and relatively stable psychological mood of team members, manifested in all the diverse forms of their life activities. SPCs are manifested in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, the nature of interpersonal relationships, well-being and assessment of the living conditions of working in a team.

The structure of the socio-psychological climate is determined by the system of relationships that have developed in the team between its members and can be characterized by elements that represent a synthesis of social and interpersonal relations. The unity of these relationships appears in the form of relationships between people (cooperation, competition, cohesion, compatibility, friendship, etc.)

SPC is one of the most mobile and significant components in the structure of socio-psychological conditions, as well as the most important factor in the entire life activity of the work collective. Its special significance in the general system of conditions of existence of each member of the team is determined by the fact that it directly characterizes aspects of human life. Normal SPC is a necessary condition for communication and production activities of the workforce. In relation to an individual student, the SPC implements the function of feedback with others through communication, public opinion, relationships, cooperation, empathy, etc.

Not only mood and well-being, but also labor productivity and product quality depend on SPC. Research by psychologists has established that, depending on the state of the SPC, labor productivity increases by 15-20% (with a favorable SPC) or decreases by 20-25% if it worsens. A healthy SPC increases interest in work, increases vitality, makes workers satisfied with work, joy from communicating with colleagues and from the results achieved.

SEC is not only a factor in increasing labor productivity and mobilizing the internal reserves of the workforce, but also a means of fostering a positive attitude towards work, strengthening labor discipline and increasing the creative activity of workers. A favorable SPC contributes to the disclosure of the creative potential of each team member, the education and development of positive personality traits: respect for a person, a sense of camaraderie, discipline, responsibility, demanding of oneself and others, integrity and other qualities.

Thus. SEC plays a huge role in the life of the workforce. Consequently, the formation of a normal climate in a team is one of the most important human tasks.

The main goal of creating a normal socio-psychological climate is to create socio-psychological conditions for the life of the work collective. A favorable socio-psychological climate is characterized by such features as team cohesion, active participation of the team in the management of production and public affairs, their cooperation and mutual assistance, high productivity of teamwork, a high level of development of interpersonal contacts, mutual goodwill, sensitivity in relationships, satisfaction of team members with interpersonal relationships , their tolerance towards each other, the protection of the individual in the team.

What factors influence the state of the socio-psychological climate of the team?

It is customary to distinguish between external and internal factors. External factors influencing the state of the team's SPC include impacts from the macroenvironment in which the organization operates. These include: the political situation in the country and in the region, the economic situation, the activities of higher organizations, government bodies (administrative, tax, internal affairs, etc.),

The attitude towards work and the state of the industrial complex are also influenced by the form of ownership (state, collective, private or mixed) used at enterprises, the procedure for the distribution of dividends, income from the activities of organizations and enterprises.

It should be noted that the economic crisis that hit all sectors of the Russian national economy in the second half of the 90s of this century had an extremely negative impact on the socio-psychological climate in organizations and throughout the country. Inflation, rising unemployment, low wages, delays, social injustice, rising crime, abuses by government agencies, managers and officials at all levels of government give rise to apathy, anger, nervousness and other negative feelings in most people.

The state of the team’s SPC is also influenced by internal factors, i.e. influences from the microenvironment. This includes: a complex of technical, technological, sanitary, hygienic and organizational elements of production; content, organization and working conditions; salary amounts; living conditions; social and organizational structure of the team; leadership style; the level of general education and culture of workers, their individual psychological characteristics; work of public organizations, etc.

What are the ways to regulate and improve the socio-psychological climate?

The most effective methods and means of improving the state of the SPC, in our opinion, are:

Systematic improvement of organization and working conditions by solving a set of technical, technological, economic, organizational and sanitary-hygienic problems;

Providing employees with greater independence in choosing tasks, workplaces, means and work schedules;

Improving the living conditions of workers, medical and consumer services;

Improving the system of material and moral incentives;

Creating conditions for the professional, general educational and cultural development of employees, for their career advancement;

Improving management methods and style;

Integrity, exactingness, sensitivity and attentiveness to people;

To improve relationships between people, it is also recommended to use special psychological and pedagogical methods: socio-psychological training, role-playing games, meetings, discussions, autogenic training, creating a room for psychological relief, changing the environment and interior in industrial and domestic premises, using the media, etc. d.

The normalization of the socio-psychological climate in the team is also facilitated by: the organization of joint recreation for workers, sports competitions, interest clubs, the development of amateur performances, technical creativity and other forms of self-expression and communication between people.

Considering the great socio-economic importance of the SEC for the life of the workforce, it can be assumed that Creating a favorable climate is the most important task not only of the manager, but also of the entire team. On the part of the manager, it is important to show a personal example in establishing normal relationships with employees, respecting the dignity of the employee’s personality, his professional skills and personal qualities, and complying with moral standards and legal requirements. Of great importance in this regard are fairness in material and moral incentives for work, human participation in the public affairs of the team, targeted educational work among workers, informal communication with them at work and outside the organization, holding meetings, deliberations and discussions, participation in the organization and conduct of various events not related to production (sports competitions, holidays, games, visits to theaters and concert halls, collective trips to nature, etc.)

As for the employees themselves, they must also show interest and activity in these events, expand interpersonal contacts, establish relationships with each other, and develop the best qualities in themselves for communication, cooperation, mutual understanding, and mutual assistance.

Thus, the activities of the manager and the workforce to create a normal socio-psychological climate are complex and multifaceted. It covers economic, managerial, organizational and technical, socio-psychological, moral and other spheres of workers’ life.

The socio-psychological climate in a team is defined as the emotional state of the group, reflecting the real situation of the work environment (character, conditions, organization of work) and interpersonal relationships. The collective mood can easily move from a positive phase to a negative one, from hidden to open, from subconscious to conscious. Often drastic changes are caused by the slightest reason, an elementary reason.

Important! Studies report that a negative team mood reduces productivity by 20%. One unbalanced person can ruin the mood of the majority and paralyze the normal activities of the group.

What is socio-psychological climate (SPC)

The microclimate in a team is a set of moral values, official and informal relationships and assessments that influence the emotional mood. SEC contributes to the activation or suppression of the life processes of the collective.

In the structure of the socio-psychological climate, there are two key sections: the attitude of employees to work and to each other. In both situations, there are emotional and objective elements (work environment, time of action).

Interpersonal relationships are differentiated by levels: horizontal – between employees; vertical – between management and subordinates. Manifestations of SPC also depend on the attitude of individuals towards themselves and the world around them; they can be direct or indirect (which are determined by a person’s lifestyle).

What role does it play?

The internal corporate culture emphasizes the individuality and style of companies. The orientation of labor, service, and everyday traditions can be positive and negative. The working atmosphere influences the actions and behavior of people, discipline and organization, team unity, and work results. A strong corporate culture is impossible without a favorable SPC.

Signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate

Signs of an ideal balance between the moral and psychological climate and team performance:

  • creative approach to business;
  • coordination of actions;
  • lack of formalism;
  • trusting, relaxed relationships between team members;
  • emotional inclusion, mutual assistance of people;
  • positive attitude of group members;
  • objective assessment of performers’ work;
  • full and clear awareness of employees about the tasks and state of affairs;
  • mutual demands and responsibility of employees;
  • business criticism;
  • free expression of opinion when solving common problems;
  • absence of destructive behavior, quarrels that impede the optimization of the common cause.

Important! The concept of socio-psychological climate in a team differs from the psychological atmosphere in that it has more stable features of the phenomenon. The second option is characterized by situational, changing indicators.

Factors that determine the socio-psychological climate of an organization

The moral and psychological aspects of labor organization are determined by the composition and characteristics of organizations, the socio-demographic composition of personnel, the interests of employees, and management style. The individual attitude of employees and the general atmosphere of the team are of greatest importance.

Personal (each employee)

Daily work activities are accompanied by stable personal contacts between employees. They form the emotional basis of relationships. Moral values, needs, interests, views, and attitudes are revealed. An employee’s knowledge and skills, personal adaptation potential, communication skills, and level of anxiety are reflected in social and labor relations and the results of general activities in the life of the team.

General (team)

The socio-psychological climate is influenced by the size of the group, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of workers in the planning and distribution of resources, and the composition of departments (by age, professional skills, ethnic level).

Physical, sanitary and hygienic conditions are also important for creating a positive attitude among employees. Low levels of ventilation, lighting, and sound insulation provoke irritability and can indirectly affect the psychological climate of the group. Comfortable workplaces and compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions increase satisfaction from work processes and contribute to a favorable safety and health situation.

Job satisfaction is of great importance in the formation of corporate culture. The indicator is determined by a number of factors:

  • material reward;
  • friendly interpersonal relationships;
  • creative, interesting activities;
  • the opportunity to attend advanced training courses, trainings, master classes;
  • the likelihood of professional and personal growth.

The nature of work is also subject to correction. Monotonous activity, an increased level of responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of workers, emotional intensity - factors that negatively affect the working mood of the team.

Team management should be based on the correct organization of joint activities. Thoughtful group structure, distribution of powers, and setting common goals help improve the microclimate of the organization. Unclear distribution of tasks, inconsistency of workers with their professional roles, and lack of psychological compatibility of participants in the process increase tension in relationships.

Creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team

There are various methods and trainings that allow you to maintain a positive microclimate in the team. Many enterprises employ full-time psychologists and take care of organizing role-playing games, tests, and individual work with staff. Some companies hire outside specialists to temporarily work with staff. Improved working conditions, moral and material stimulation of employees have a beneficial effect on the industrial complex.

Group work with a team

Among the effective measures to reduce social tension, psychologists identify:

  1. Staffing a team taking into account the psychological compatibility of workers (psychologists recommend first determining the level of leadership in subordinates, then combining people with different types of behavior: followers with leaders).
  2. Careful selection, placement, training and testing of managers.
  3. Limitation of the number of employees subordinate to the manager (5-7 people);
  4. Elimination of unnecessary employees and vacancies.
  5. Using the substantive elements of climate (rules, norms, values, general opinion and attitude).
  6. Preventing and resolving interpersonal misunderstandings.
  7. Engaging employees with personal experience, using brief examples, conducting business games, and using persuasion methods.

The main task of managers should be to set goals, objectives, and fair labor standards. Recognize the need to maintain a balance between business, family, personal, and group interests of employees.

Individual work with team members

Satisfaction indicators are considered the most important; the state of the SPC can be directly determined by the mood of individual employees, Therefore, management needs to know exactly:

  • employees are satisfied or dissatisfied with their working conditions, relationships with colleagues, status in the team;
  • Do employees discuss personal matters?
  • whether the team agrees to maintain cohesion;
  • is the employee ready to take responsibility for the actions of colleagues;
  • what position would you like to take in the overall cause?

The study of subjective satisfaction is carried out on the basis of tests, psychology questionnaires, and personal interviews. Harmony is the result of employee compatibility. The phenomenon promotes maximum success of teamwork at minimal cost.


A favorable socio-psychological climate is a condition for increasing labor productivity, employee satisfaction with work and the team.
Psychological climate is understood as a mass phenomenon, as a state of group consciousness, manifested in group mood and group opinions and judgments. A similar phenomenon, but much less persistent, is called the psychological atmosphere. If both of these phenomena are clearly caused by or manifested in interpersonal relationships, they are called socio-psychological climate and socio-psychological atmosphere.

The socio-psychological climate is the result of systematic psychological work with group members and the implementation of special events. Creating a favorable climate is not only a responsible matter, but also a creative one, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, and the ability to foresee likely situations in the relationships of group members. The formation of a good socio-psychological climate requires, especially from managers, an understanding of the psychology of people, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, and worries.

The mood of a particular community or group is manifested through the nature of the mental mood of people, which can be active or contemplative, cheerful or pessimistic, purposeful or anarchic, everyday or festive, etc. The mental mood or mood of a community is the equivalent of the dynamic structure of the mental state of a community , manifested in the nature of the focus of group attention and the level of its emotional tone.

The interaction of individuals in an organization is not limited to the informal sphere. In a social organization, a system of other interpersonal relationships spontaneously develops, arising as the inevitable result of more or less long-term communication based on the interaction of individuals as individuals. Pointing out the similarity of the concepts of socio-psychological climate and atmosphere, the mental mood of the team, it is necessary to note at the same time that they are not identical.

The spiritual atmosphere is a specific mental state of a particular group of people, manifested in their communication with each other and the style of joint behavior. The atmosphere itself can be quite variable and is usually characterized by a high degree of mobility. The atmosphere is an unstable, constantly changing and sometimes elusive aspect of collective consciousness. In contrast to the concept of “psychological atmosphere,” the concept of “socio-psychological climate” does not mean one or another situational change in the prevailing mood of people, but only its stable features. Actually, this is how the concept of climate, used in an ecological sense, differs from the concept of atmosphere. The air atmosphere, for example, is constantly changing, but the climate of a particular geographical zone is characterized by a certain constancy of indicators.

Thus, the socio-psychological climate means the prevailing and relatively stable spiritual atmosphere, or the mental mood of the team, manifested both in the relations of people to each other and in their attitude to the common cause. Recognition of the importance of the mood, or mental attitude, of a collective as a concept of climate is not accidental. It reflects, first of all, the growing importance of the category of mental attitude in the structure of socio-psychological phenomena. It follows that the climate of the collective is the prevailing and relatively stable mental mood of the collective, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activities.

In Russian social psychology, the term “psychological climate” was first used by N. S. Mansurov, who studied production teams. One of the first to reveal the content of the socio-psychological climate was V. M. Shepel. Psychological climate, in his opinion, is the emotional coloring of the psychological connections of team members, arising on the basis of their closeness, sympathy, coincidence of characters, interests, and inclinations.

The first climate zone is the social climate, which is determined by the extent to which goals and objectives are understood in a given group, and the extent to which compliance with all constitutional rights and obligations of workers as citizens is guaranteed. The second climate zone is the moral climate, which is determined by what moral values ​​are accepted in a given group.

The third climate zone is the psychological climate - those informal relationships that develop between workers who are in direct contact with each other. Then, analyzing and studying, four main approaches to understanding the nature of the socio-psychological climate among domestic psychologists emerged.

Representatives of the first approach consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. Climate is understood as a reflection in the minds of people of a complex of phenomena related to their relationships, working conditions, and methods of stimulating it. Under the socio-psychological climate, E. S. Kuzmin believes, it is necessary to understand the socio-psychological state of a small group, which reflects the nature, content and direction of the real psychology of the members of the organization.

Proponents of the second approach emphasize that the essential characteristic of the socio-psychological climate is the general emotional and psychological mood. Climate is understood as the mood of a group of people. The authors of the third approach analyze the socio-psychological climate through the style of relationships between people who are in direct contact with each other. In the process of climate formation, a system of interpersonal relationships develops that determine the social and psychological well-being of each member of the group. The creators of the fourth approach define climate in terms of social and psychological compatibility of group members, their moral and psychological unity, cohesion, and the presence of common opinions, customs and traditions.

When studying climate, it is necessary to keep in mind two levels.

The first level is static, relatively constant. These are stable relationships among team members, their interest in work and fellow workers. At this level, the socio-psychological climate is understood as a stable, fairly stable state, which, once formed, is capable of not being destroyed for a long time and maintaining its essence, despite the difficulties that the organization faces. Since the state of the climate is less sensitive to various influences and changes from the environment, it has a certain impact on the results of collective and individual activities, on the performance of group members, on the quality and quantity of the products of their labor.

The second level is dynamic, changing, fluctuating. This is the daily mood of employees during work, their psychological mood. This level is described by the concept of “psychological atmosphere”. Unlike the socio-psychological climate, the psychological atmosphere is characterized by faster, temporary changes and is less realized by people; changes in the psychological atmosphere affect the mood and performance of the individual during the working day. The nature of intra-collective relations as the main component in the structure of all manifestations of the SEC. In turn, people’s relationships with each other are differentiated into vertical relationships (relationships between management and subordinates) and horizontal relationships (relationships between colleagues).

Business relations in the system of leadership and subordination can be either impersonal or personally non-mediated, or personally mediated. The first occurs in the absence of the manager’s interest in the personality of the subordinate, and often in the absence of direct contact with him; the second, on the contrary, with expressed interest and direct contact. Horizontal relationships can have four different forms of manifestation: business impersonal; business personal-mediated; predominantly interpersonal, but related to the case; non-business interpersonal.

All forms of manifestation of relationships in a team acquire one or another emotional coloring. In this case, it is customary to distinguish between relationships with a +, 0 or - sign, which is equivalent to distinguishing between emotionally positive, indifferent or emotionally negative relationships. In communication, this is expressed in relations of sympathy, indifference or antipathy. Ultimately, the entire diversity of the above-mentioned relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

By subject-matter we mean the direction of attention and the nature of a person’s perception of certain aspects of his activity. Under the tonal one is his emotional attitude of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with these aspects.

The psychological climate of the collective, which reveals itself primarily in the relationships of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Consequently, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The latter crystallizes into a certain situational-social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual. The well-being of an individual in a team as one of the manifestations of its climate. The well-being of an individual in a team is reflected in his relationships in the group as a whole, the degree of satisfaction with his position and interpersonal relationships in it.

We can also talk about a certain representation of both self-attitude and attitude to the world in the structure of the immediate manifestations of the socio-psychological climate of the team. Particularly important for characterizing the immediate manifestations of climate is the assessment of the individual’s relationship with himself (self-esteem, well-being, etc.). Each member of the team, based on all other parameters of the psychological climate, develops in himself a consciousness, perception, assessment and sense of his own that corresponds to this climate. I" within this particular community of people. A person’s well-being, to a certain extent, can also serve as a known indicator of the degree of development of his spiritual potential. In this case, of course, what is meant is not a person’s physical well-being, which depends on his health, but a mental state, determined largely by the atmosphere of the team.

From this point of view, the individual’s well-being (self-esteem, degree of satisfaction with the position in the group, prevailing mood) can also be considered as one of the most general indicators of the socio-psychological climate. At the same time, it cannot be considered completely thorough in order to specifically judge all aspects of the SEC in a team, the measure of the effectiveness of its activities; therefore, it is natural that the question of the role of the SEC as a factor in the life of the team and the individual requires special consideration.

The relationship between leadership style and psychological climate in the work team.

The most important role in the formation of the socio-psychological climate is assigned to the head of an organization or department. Also A.S. Makarenko spoke about the main principle that should be followed in business and official communication, the following should be the following: be as demanding as possible towards a person and at the same time have as much respect for him as possible. Following this principle in everyday affairs related to the organization of influences on people presupposes the ability to take into account the individual uniqueness of each of these people. At the same time, we will only grasp the individual uniqueness of another person by chance, if we lack the quality that makes us experts on other people.

He always bears personal responsibility for the state of the psychological atmosphere in the work team. Let's consider the impact on the psychological climate in the team using the example of three classical leadership styles.

Authoritarian style (solo, strong-willed, directive). For a “directive” leader, the people subordinate to him are only performers. A leader with this leadership style suppresses employees’ desire to work creatively and take initiative. If it arises, it is immediately suppressed by the leader. Often the behavior of such a manager is characterized by arrogance towards employees, disrespect for the personality of a subordinate, persecution for criticism, etc. All these factors together lead to the creation of a negative moral and psychological climate within work groups. Authoritarianism has a negative impact on group relations. Some of the performers try to adopt the style of their leader in relations with colleagues and curry favor with their superiors. Others try to isolate themselves from contacts within the group, while others become depressed. The autocratic leader completely concentrates the solution to all issues in his hands, does not trust his subordinates, is not interested in their opinions, takes responsibility for everything, giving only instructions to the performers.

He uses punishment, threats, and pressure as the main form of stimulation. It is clear that employees have a negative attitude towards such a leader. As a result, an unfavorable moral and psychological climate is formed in the team; people are in constant tension, become nervous and hot-tempered, i.e. the ground for conflict is created. Changing disciplinary measures causes fear and anger in a person, and negative motivation to work is formed. Performers are afraid to ask questions to an autocratic leader, because they are afraid to hear unflattering remarks and complaints addressed to them. With this leadership style, the average person has an aversion to work and a desire to avoid it at the first opportunity. Therefore, most people need to be forced by various methods, including punishment, to fulfill the duties assigned to them and their actions must be continuously monitored.

The democratic style makes it possible for subordinates to feel involved in solving production problems and to show initiative. Organizations in which a democratic leadership style dominates are characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers and the active participation of employees in decision making. The leader tries to make the responsibilities of subordinates more attractive, avoids imposing his will on them, involves them in decision-making, and provides freedom to formulate their own goals based on the goals of the organization. He builds his relationships with his subordinates on respect for the employee’s personality and on trust, without being afraid to delegate part of his powers. Among incentive measures, encouragement predominates, and punishment is used only in exceptional cases. Employees are generally satisfied with this management system and usually provide all possible assistance to their boss. All this brings the team together.

The democratic leader tries to create a normal psychological climate within the working groups, based on trust, goodwill and mutual assistance. This style of leadership improves productivity, gives room to people's creativity, and increases their satisfaction with work and their position. Its use reduces absenteeism, injuries, turnover, creates a higher morale, improves relationships in the team and the attitude of subordinates to the leader. Psychological climate is an objectively existing phenomenon. It is created under the influence of two factors. First of all, this is the socio-psychological atmosphere of society as a whole. It is clear that the collective becomes a powerful means of personality formation only when it is characterized by a positive psychological climate.

The atmosphere of the entire society directly affects the psychological climate of individual groups. Formative factors are the specific functions of a given team relative to the division of labor in society, geographical and climatic features, age and gender composition of the team. These factors determine the psychological climate of the team, which is understood as the emotional and psychological mood of the team, which reflects on the emotional level the personal and business relationships of team members, determined by their value orientations, moral standards and interests.

In the scientific literature, various terms are used to describe this phenomenon: “socio-psychological climate.” “moral and psychological atmosphere”, “psychological mood”, etc. However, most researchers believe that it is more important to have a unity of views on the essence of a phenomenon than to argue about its name. This seems the most reasonable. The psychological climate of the team is created and manifested in the process of communication, against the background of which group conflicts are realized. In this process, hidden meaningful situations of interaction between people acquire a distinct character: competition or secret rivalry, comradely cohesion or mutual responsibility, brutal pressure or conscious discipline.

Through analysis and research, it was revealed that leadership style has an impact on the psychological climate in the team. For example, one of the theorists and practitioners of management, John Maxwell, identifies different aspects of his interaction with the team that are significant for the personality of the leader, related to its formation and functioning. It is possible to highlight the features of the manager’s style of activity that contribute to the successful work of team members, as well as their professional and personal development.

So, for example, R.L. Krichevsky identifies the following features of the participatory management style:

Regular meetings between the manager and subordinates.

Openness in relations between manager and subordinates.

Involvement of subordinates in the development and adoption of collective decisions.

Delegation by the manager of a number of management functions.

Providing the employee with the opportunity to work autonomously - in developing fragments of the problem, formulating new ideas, tasks, goals.

Supporting employee personal and professional growth.

The position is also close to the above ideas B. Bassa , which indicates such components of a transformative, innovative management style as:

Individual attention - the manager’s concentration on assessing the needs and abilities of a subordinate, taking into account his individual characteristics, delegation of authority, consulting and training, promoting a person’s personal development;

Inspiring motivation - instilling cheerfulness, maintaining optimism and enthusiasm, conveying one’s vision of the future, one’s picture of the world, stimulating the activity of subordinates towards achieving a higher level of task completion and personal growth;

Intellectual stimulation - encouraging subordinates to take a new look at familiar methods and problems, developing their creative approach to work, creative thinking and intuition, encouraging innovative endeavors;

Charismatic influence is the special ability of a leader to command the respect and love of his subordinates - a leader who has a vision of the future, is aware of his mission, achieves success, is self-confident, and puts common interests above his own.

Without a leader there is and cannot be normal functioning of the team. The leader is the central link of the team, where all the information flows and where all the commands come from. The leader, relying on public organizations, as already mentioned, organizes and coordinates the activities of people in the team, he creates optimal conditions for the personal development of everyone, and educates the employee as a citizen. How a leader performs his role, what his leadership style is, depends on the social system, the requirements of the time, personal qualities, and also on his abilities.

For example, feudalism is mainly characterized by an authoritarian or autocratic style, characterized by autocracy. To capitalism - pseudo-democratic, when flirting with the masses is a forced or subtly calculated tactic for the realization of private property interests; Imperialism often uses an openly anti-democratic style. Socialism is characterized by a truly democratic leadership style; it is oriented towards public interests and the interests of the individual worker.

The fact is that the leader of a social group is the conductor of the policy and ideology of the ruling class in a class society and, accordingly, serves class interests. The most significant qualities for the formation of a favorable SPC team are the following personality traits of the leader: objectivity and fairness, integrity and goodwill, balance and optimism.

V.G. Afanasyev named the following management functions:

Development and adoption of management decisions;


Regulation and adjustment;

Accounting and control.

Another function is added to this list - the collection and transformation of information; psychologists and sociologists take as the basis for the classification not the management cycle, but the entire structure of the leader’s activity in the work team. L.I. Umansky examined management activities as the final link in the system of people management. The author emphasized that in primary teams, leadership activities merge with organizational activities.

He highlighted the following functions:

Integration of individuals by familiarizing them with a common task, determining the means and conditions for achieving goals, planning, coordinating joint work, accounting, control, etc.

A communicative function associated with the establishment of horizontal communications within the primary team and external vertical communications with higher organizational units;

Training and education. The author emphasizes that in any specific organizational activity, all these functions are manifested in unity and interdependence. They appear in different combinations with the predominance of one or the other of these functions.

E.S. Kuzmin, I.P. Volkov, Yu.N. Emelyanov name the following functions: administrative, strategic, expert-advisory, communicative-regulatory, group representation function in the external environment, disciplinary, educational and psychotherapeutic.

A.G. Kovalev considers the functions of team goal-setting, planning, coordination, stimulation, control and education. According to L.S. Blyakhman, the content of a leader’s activity is revealed in the following functions: goal-setting, administrative-organizational, expert, disciplinary-stimulating, representative, educational and propaganda.

Analyzing the work of domestic psychologists, one can find many other lists of functions of a leader, but summing up the above notes not on this topic, one can highlight the most significant functions and skills of a leader: the ability to think broadly, broadly, systematically, comprehensively, while simultaneously seeing the development of one’s organization for a long term , without missing out on immediate matters and tasks, to be democratic and collegial, encouraging the creative initiative of his subordinates, but at the same time authoritarian with demagogues and quitters, to be ready to take risks, which is based on a balanced analysis of the emerging problem, capable of not only relying on intuition and practical experience , but also on a mature, scientifically based calculation, to be kind and delicate, but at the same time demanding, large-scale in terms of people’s social needs. As for solving newly emerging problems, rely on a scientific approach, advanced experience, know and study not only the specifics of your own production, not only the reasons for successes, but also analyze the reasons for defeats.

To summarize the theoretical part, we can say that a person’s awareness of the reasons and patterns of his behavior can radically change his attitude towards production situations. Understanding the possible variety of management methods, using one’s leadership and management abilities, and having a clear and at the same time flexible vision of problems makes the manager freer and his activities more successful. Consequently, leadership and management abilities are associated with the techniques by which the manager encourages employees to creatively perform their assigned duties and monitors the results of their work. Thus, these abilities can serve as a characteristic of the quality of the manager’s activities, his ability to ensure effective management, as well as create and reproduce a special atmosphere in the team that gives rise to certain norms of relationships and behavior. Based on theoretical analysis, we can conclude that the presence of certain leadership and management abilities creates the prerequisites for the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in the team.

Conclusions to the first chapter:

Analyzing domestic and foreign literature, we can draw the following conclusion: management is usually understood as the process of organizing any influences aimed at achieving the goals pursued. Management- this is only a part of management activity, and precisely that part in which various management issues are resolved by influencing subordinates.

The distinction between the concepts of “management” and “leadership” is associated with the existence in any organization of two types of relationships - formal and informal. Leadership is a process of influencing people generated by a system of informal relations, and leadership implies, first of all, the presence of clearly structured formal (official) ) relationships through which it is realized. The role of the manager is, as it were, predetermined by the formal structure, his functions, as a rule, are clearly defined, the right to apply sanctions is not disputed, etc. Leadership, on the contrary, is formed spontaneously, spontaneously, at the level of semi-conscious psychological preferences.

More often found in psychology are works on research specifically about leadership style, rather than management. But due to the noted ambiguity in the use of terms, the problem is very often referred to as leadership style. Unfortunately, the lack of rigor is also characteristic of many classical experiments on this problem, including the experiment at Lewin’s school, from which it became clear that the leaders of the three groups (note that we are talking about adult leaders, and not about leaders who spontaneously emerged from among children) demonstrated different styles and the experimenters then compared the effectiveness of the three groups. The leadership styles demonstrated by adults received designations that have since become firmly entrenched in the social psychological literature: “authoritarian,” “democratic,” and “permissive” (a fairly loose translation of the term proposed by Levin).

Each leader has his own leadership style, determined by his personal characteristics.

When talking about which leadership style can be the most effective, one cannot be unambiguous, because authoritarian, permissive, and democratic styles can each be useful and effective in their own situation. There is an opinion among many authors that the effectiveness of a leader is determined not by his innate qualities, but by his ability to choose and implement the most appropriate leadership style depending on the current situation.

Analyzing a number of works on the topic, we can also conclude that leadership style is directly related to the psychological climate in the team, because the manager sets the conditions for comfortable interaction and office work at the enterprise for employees.

Empirical study of the relationship between leadership style and psychological climate in the team

Organizational and methodological support of the study

A psychological study was conducted on two managers and two subordinate teams of the line department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the station. Moscow-Kyiv.

Purpose of the study: to study the relationship between leadership style and psychological climate in the work team.

Research objectives:

1. Identify leadership styles in the work teams under study.

2. Determine the psychological atmosphere in the studied teams.

3. Determine the features of the socio-psychological climate in work collectives.

4. Analysis of the relationship between the identified leadership style and the socio-psychological climate of the workforce.

Subject of study: Features of the connection between leadership style and socio-psychological climate in the work team.

Object of study: Heads and subordinates of the line department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the station. Moscow-Kyiv.

Study sample: employees of 2 departments took part in the study:

1st - 20 people, men - 15, women - 5,

2nd - 20 people, men - 13, women - 7,

2 leaders: both men.

Research hypothesis: The leadership style chosen by the leader has a relationship with the level of development of the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Research methods and techniques:

1. Diagnostics of leadership styles A.L. Zhuravleva.

2. Assessment of the psychological atmosphere in the team according to A.F. Fiedler.

3. Methodology for determining the Seashore group cohesion index.

4. Methodology for determining the leadership style of the work team V.P. Zakharova.

5. Methods of statistical data processing.

Research methods:

Diagnostics of leadership styles by A.L. Zhuravleva.

The main methodology consists of 27 groups of statements reflecting various aspects of interaction between management and the team. The technique is aimed at determining the leadership style of the work team or the manager himself.

Instructions: the respondent is offered 27 characteristics of a leader’s activity and for each 5 options for its manifestation, he is asked to choose one of the 5 proposed options.
The results are processed according to three leadership styles - directive, collegial and conniving; according to the prevailing leadership style, the professional characteristics of the leader are also determined, such as professional competence, organizational qualities, education, moral and psychological qualities of the team (communication), expressed in low, medium and high level of manifestation.

Assessment of the psychological atmosphere in the team according to A.F. Fiedler

The technique is used to assess the psychological atmosphere in a team. The technique is interesting because it allows anonymous examination, and this increases its reliability.
Instructions: The respondent is offered opposite pairs of words with which to describe the atmosphere in his team. The closer to the right or left edge the respondent places the * sign, the more or less pronounced this feature is.
The results are calculated based on the data that each couple is scored from 1-8 points, thus, the minimum number of points is 10, the maximum is 80. According to the interpretation of the results, the fewer points, the less favorable the atmosphere and vice versa.

Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index

A technique aimed at diagnosing group cohesion.

Instructions: The respondent is asked 5 questions, to which he is offered a choice of several variations of answers.

Processing of results: answers are coded in points written in brackets, the minimum amount of points is 5, the maximum is 19.

According to the interpretation of the methodology, there are degrees of expression of group cohesion: high, above average, average, below average, low.

Methodology for determining the leadership style of a work team V.P. Zakharova
This technique was developed by V.P. Zakharov. The methodology is based on 16 groups of statements reflecting various aspects of interaction between management and the team. The technique is aimed at determining the leadership style of the workforce. Application of the technique does not require individual testing. It can be used in a block of tests; it is especially effective when used together with sociometry in order to optimize the socio-psychological climate in a team.

Instructions: The respondent is offered 16 points with 3 answer options; the respondent’s task is to read them carefully and choose the most appropriate one to describe the leadership style of his superiors.

Processing and interpretation of results: processing of results is carried out based on the attached key to the methodology, the highest score characterizes one or another component, bypassing computational processes, the results are interpreted by belonging to one of the components: Directive, Collegial or Connivance.


Banaitis N.G.

k. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology,

Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies (IGUMO and IT),




Based on an analysis of modern concepts of the socio-psychological climate of a team, the work draws conclusions that improving the conditions for the formation of a socio-psychological climate involves the development of measures to systematically change factors that have an unfavorable assessment. Under these conditions, it is proposed to conduct an additional, more in-depth study of the factors influencing the socio-psychological climate in the team, expanding the group of methods and techniques.

Key words: socio-psychological climate of the team, team, work activity, criteria for a favorable climate.

At the present stage of development of society, the socio-psychological climate of work collectives plays an important role. This problem is becoming relevant because the requirements for the psychological inclusion of an employee in their work activities are constantly growing, the mental functioning of people is becoming more complex, and there is also a constant increase in personal aspirations, which leads to an increased role in the management of work teams. Particularly important is the creation in the team of a mood of working search, mutual respect and exactingness, intolerance to violations of norms and rules. Practice shows that few enterprises have a favorable socio-psychological climate. This climate, from the point of view of the group psychological state, which is characterized by social perception and the degree of satisfaction of employees with various aspects of life, integrates various influences. The socio-psychological climate contains the qualitative component of interpersonal relationships, which manifests itself as a set of psychological conditions that help or, on the contrary, hinder the implementation of effective joint work activity and the progress of the individual in a given team. The most important signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate are the trust and high demands of employees towards each other, friendly and business-like criticism, freedom of personal opinion when considering issues of the entire team, the absence of management pressure on lower-level employees and the recognition of their rights to make decisions needed by the team solutions1

Having analyzed different views on the concept of socio-psychological climate, we can say that it is the prevailing and stable psychological mood of the team, and manifests itself in a variety of forms. This climate is the state of the psychological side of the team, as one whole, in which the integration of private group states occurs. The socio-psychological climate is not the sum of group states, but their integral.

The main indicators of the socio-psychological climate in the work team are the desire to maintain group integrity, compatibility, cohesion, teamwork, openness, contacts, and responsibility. Let's take a brief look at some important indicators.

1 Kondratyeva M.Yu. Social Psychology. - M.: PER SE, 2006. - p. 98

Cohesion acts as a unifying process for a unit. It is characterized by the degree of commitment to the team of employees. It consists of two variables: the level of mutual sympathy in interpersonal relationships and the degree of attractiveness of the team for employees.

Responsibility lies in monitoring the activities regarding the implementation of the rules and regulations of a particular organization. In departments where the socio-psychological climate is positive, employees try to take responsibility for successes or failures in collective activities.

Openness and contact determine the degree of development of personal relationships of employees, the level of their closeness at the psychological level.2

A favorable socio-psychological climate in the team is characterized by:

The predominance of a cheerful, cheerful tone of relationships, optimistic moods, building relationships on mutual assistance, mutual cooperation and goodwill. Employees enjoy participating in common activities and spending time together outside of work hours. Relationships are characterized by approval and support, criticism is expressed exclusively for good purposes;

The existence of standards of respect and fairness for all employees in the team, assistance to new employees;

Highly appreciating such personality traits as honesty, integrity, selflessness and hard work;

The activity of employees, their fullness of energy, quick response to requests for general tasks, high performance indicators of work and professionalism;

Empathy and sincere participation of all employees in the successes or failures of other employees.

An unfavorable socio-psychological climate in a team is characterized by:

The predominance in the team of depressed moods, pessimism, aggressiveness, conflict, antipathy of employees, the presence of rivalry, negative attitude of employees towards close relationships with each other;

Lack of norms of equality and fairness in relationships, contemptuous attitudes toward weak employees, ridicule of new employees;

Negative attitude towards integrity, honesty, hard work, unselfishness of employees;

Inertia and passivity of employees, the desire to fight off others, the impossibility of uniting the team for a common cause;

Indifference or envy to the successes or failures of individual employees on the part of the entire team

Inability to unite the team in difficult situations, confusion, quarrels, mutual accusations, closedness of the team from other teams.3

There are practically no factors that do not influence the activities of the workforce. It is important to establish what factors and to what extent they influence, what influence the managerial factor has. By finding answers to these questions, an understanding comes of how the socio-psychological climate of the team can be improved.

Factors that influence the socio-psychological climate can be divided into external and internal. External, this is a socio-economic formation,

2 Platonov Yu. P. Psychological phenomena of personnel behavior in groups and organizations. - M.: Rech, 2007. - p. 23

3 Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology of relationships in small groups. - M.: TetraSystems, 2000. - p. 102-103

material and technical base, established social base. Internal ones are subject-material (providing the team with the necessary means, defining the powers of the team and its employees) and socio-psychological (the presence of informal relationships, interpersonal relationships, leadership style, psychological compatibility). Many researchers consider management activities to be an important factor influencing climate. But most often, the study is limited to the influence of one component of the management system, often it becomes the leadership style or the personal qualities of the leader, which of course have a significant impact on the climate, but they do not limit the influence of the entire management system.

The study, the purpose of which was to study the socio-psychological climate of the organization’s employees, was conducted among employees (middle managers) of one of the construction companies in Moscow. 17 people took part in the study, of which 7 people have been working in the company for no more than three months, 8 for about six months, and only 2 people for more than two years. The age of the participants is from 23 to 37 years.

The study was conducted individually with the mandatory participation of each employee. Subjects were provided with written question cards with explanations and instructions.

Before the start of the survey, at the preliminary stage, a meeting and briefing of the test group were held, at which employees were informed of the need for this study, its purpose, the importance of the results, and the confidentiality of the answers was guaranteed.

The study was carried out in three stages:

1. At the first stage, the selection of methods was carried out to determine the socio-psychological climate and team cohesion.

2. At the second stage, the results were processed, sociomatrices were compiled from which sociograms were constructed in the form of a “target” diagram.

3. At the final, third stage of the study, the data obtained were correlated with each other, conclusions were formulated, and recommendations were proposed for improving the psychological climate of this team.

To achieve our goal - to study the socio-psychological climate of the organization's employees, we used the method of sociometric research. In our work, we relied on the point of view of the founder of sociometry, J. Moreno, according to which sociometric research reveals precisely the emotional status of the individual and, in general, the structure of emotional relationships in the group, which is an indicator of the level of social development of the team and its psychological reserves. The sociometric study was carried out according to two criteria: “business relationships” and “personal relationships”.

We chose the following main questions for studying business relations in the group:

a) If it were possible to choose employees for the department myself, I would choose (a)...

b) If it were possible to choose employees for the department myself, I would not choose...

The following questions were chosen to study personal relationships:

a) Which of your colleagues would you invite to the cinema?

b) Which of your colleagues would you not invite to the cinema?

We chose a parametric sociometric procedure that involves a limited number of selections from all group members. The subjects were given the following instructions: “Write under the number 1 the name of the group member whom you chose/would not choose in the first place, under the number 2 - who you would/wouldn’t choose if there was no first, under the number 3 - whoever you chose/didn’t choose if there were no first and second.”

The election results based on the “business relations” criterion were entered into the sociomatrix using symbols. Analysis of the social matrix for each criterion allows you to see a clear picture of the relationships in the group and gives an idea of ​​the ranking of group members by the number of preferences and deviations. Data obtained from the sociomatrix make it possible to determine the status positions occupied by group members. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, we conditionally divided all the subjects into subgroups depending on their status, in accordance with the selected boundaries (“stars” - 6 or more choices; preferred - 3-5 choices; accepted - 1-2 choices; rejected - 0 choices or negative choices), and then combined into 4 groups: “stars” (high status), “preferred” (average status), “accepted” (low status); “rejected” (having a negative status). Differentiation was made based on the use of sociometric techniques, as well as participant observation and conversations with group members.

Thus, 5 people were included in the “stars” category in the “business relations” category, 3 people were included in the “preferred” category, 1 positive choice was included in the “accepted” category, and 8 people were included in the “rejected” category - persons who received negative choices .

From the sociomatrix it is clear that the most influential members of the group are two people (No. 2 and No. 3), who scored the largest number of mutual positive choices and points, and accordingly have the greatest status. Particular attention is paid to No. 13 and No. 12, who scored the largest number of negative points and were included in the “rejected” category. The criterion “personal relationships” reveals the intensity of emotional connections. As can be seen from the sociomatrix, emotional connections do not cover all members of the group. Based on the test results, two people can be identified (No. 15, No. 3) who enjoy the greatest authority; they are the “stars”. The “preferred” category included six people under numbers: 16, 17, 5, 9, 4, 1. The “accepted” category included No. 11, who received only two positive choices. 7 out of 17 people were included in the “rejected” category in the sphere of personal relationships - these are numbers: 7, 2, 8, 10, 14, 12, 13.

The test results show that the informal leader is No. 15, who received the largest number of both positive - 10 choices and mutual - 4 choices, and, accordingly, has the highest status in the group - 13.5.

Thus, in general, a comparative analysis of the two criteria indicates a rather tense psychological climate in the group. The most developed are business relationships, the least - personal.

For each criterion, two poles are identified, associated with a large number of internal elections. This is a subgroup of high-status and average-status participants and a subgroup of those completely isolated from the rest of the team members - “rejected”, which may indicate tension and conflict.

According to the “business relations” criterion, the role of integrators is played by 5 people, while according to the “personal relationships” criterion - 2, ensuring relationships between subgroups. Also, the composition of the popular members of the group is different according to the two criteria, which indicates the preference of the team to work with some people and relax with others. However, one person, No. 3, is popular by both criteria (included in the high-status category), which characterizes him as a general leader. Also unchanged in the two categories are 6 people included in the “rejected” group, who are not accepted by the team.

Regarding the index of emotional expansiveness of the group, we can say that according to the criterion “business relations” it is higher than according to the criterion “personal relationships”, which indicates a higher activity of participants in the working life of the team than in emotional connections. The group cohesion index is the same according to two criteria - 0.4, which indicates the weakness of interpersonal connections in general.

A large number of group members (7 out of 17) fall out of the general communication structure, which indicates disunity and tension within the team itself.

Thus, according to the diagnostic results, the psychological climate of this team can be considered quite tense. Business relations are the most developed; employees rate their climate as moderately favorable. Not all members of the group have personal relationships; emotional connections do not cover all members of the group. Regarding the index of emotional expansiveness of the group, we can say that according to the criterion “business relations” it is higher than according to the criterion “personal relationships”, which indicates a higher activity of participants in the working life of the team than in emotional connections. The group cohesion index is the same according to two criteria - 0.4, which indicates the weakness of interpersonal connections in general.

In conclusion, our study offered recommendations for improving social relations in the workforce.

1. Improving the conditions for the formation of a socio-psychological climate involves the development of measures to systematically change factors that have an unfavorable assessment. In this regard, it is proposed to conduct an additional, more in-depth study of the factors influencing the socio-psychological climate in the team, expanding the group of methods and techniques.

2. The main direction of improving the socio-psychological climate will be work aimed at increasing the level of cohesion of this team. There are many different training programs and sessions available to address group cohesion issues.

Training seminars also differ by category of participants (status, professional training, age). Therefore, when choosing a training program, its specifics, capabilities and expected results of its implementation are taken into account. The training helps new employees quickly adapt and will also strengthen relationships between old employees. In the process of such events, the internal characteristics of the staff are revealed, they help to better understand themselves and others.

Based on the results of the study, we can say that the following trainings will be useful: cohesion training, team building training, team building, team building training.


1. Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology of relationships in small groups. - M.: Tetra Systems, 2000. - p. 102-103

2. Kondratyeva M.Yu. Social Psychology. - M.: PER SE, 2006. - p. 98

3. Platonov Yu. P. Psychological phenomena of personnel behavior in groups and organizations. - M.: Rech, 2007. - p. 23