There are now three trade union committees in the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - atsinis - livejournal. “a feudal structure is emerging”: MIPT employees opposed large-scale reform of faculties

The great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, in his scientific work on the history of the Slavs, said: “A people that does not know its past has no future.”

History of the trade union bureau on Zvezdochka

The history of the first trade union bureau at the young enterprise “Zvezdochka” begins in 1954, it was headed by a participant in the Great Patriotic War I. M. Pavlov.“The main tasks at that time were the implementation of state plans, the introduction of new production capacities (the enterprise was growing and being built right before our eyes), landscaping and landscaping of the territory, providing workers with personal plots - vegetable gardens, organizing collective trips on weekends, going to demonstrations on May Day and October holidays,” recalled I.M. Pavlov. This is how the story of the Zvezdochka trade union begins

In those years, visiting a drama theater or cinema was possible only as a reward for hard work. In the red corner of the hostel there was also a movie theater, but due to the cramped conditions, not everyone was able to get there. But circles worked, and soon they acquired instruments for a brass band. The football team started performing quite successfully. Soon the bandy team also made itself known. An encouraging fact in history: in those years there was almost no waiting list for housing. Everyone arriving at the enterprise was almost immediately provided with apartments or rooms.

First successes in the history of the Zvezdochka trade union

In March 1956, the trade union committee of the enterprise was headed by a toolmaker from workshop 12 V. A. Rvantsev, who soon became the released chairman of the trade union committee. The trade union organization grew and developed rapidly. Trade union groups were created and trade union training was organized. At meetings of the factory committee, the results of the competition were summed up monthly. Advanced workshops were awarded Red Banners and pennants, and winners were determined by profession. The trade union committee, under which the Belomorets physical education team was organized in 1959, attached great importance to the development of sports and the construction of sports facilities.

In January 1964, he was elected to the post of chairman of the trade union committee. I. N. Malyutin, who replaced in this post V. G. Bludnina. The living conditions of the plant's workers improved; in 1965, construction began on a House of Culture with a gym, the grand opening of which took place in 1967. The trade union organization was then headed by A.F. Nosov, who until recently worked as the head of a department at the Onega Research and Production Institute.

The repair and modernization of the world's first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin", which was completed in June 1970, was of historical significance. For completing this task, the company's staff was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1971, and many of the company's employees were awarded various state awards.

From 1971 to 1978, he led the work of the factory trade union organization Yu. G. Purgin. Then, on the initiative of the trade union committee, a pioneer camp was organized in the village of Lyapunovo, Krasnoborsky district, Arkhangelsk region, in which about 300 children rested in one shift.

After the 19th conference, he was elected chairman of the factory committee V. O. Drozdov, who led the trade union organization from 1981 to 1986. This was the period when, in terms of the number of nuclear submarines delivered, the enterprise reached the threshold established by special resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers of 1973: four nuclear submarines per year. The enterprise team was aimed at unconditionally fulfilling the tasks assigned to it.

History has changed. The shipbuilders worked honestly and conscientiously for the good of the Motherland, but the impending crisis that followed Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost made itself increasingly felt. V. D. Zavyalov, head of the trade union organization of the enterprise from 1986 to 1992, recalls: “It was a difficult period of restructuring of people’s consciousness, the fall of party influence, the emergence of new economic and political relations, new parties and movements.”

In 1992 M. A. Gmyrin elected chairman of the trade union committee and the social sphere, in addition to general management, was left to the newly elected trade union leader. There were different times in the history of trade unions, but even in such a difficult period, almost all of Zvezdochka’s social facilities were not only preserved, but also increased to a certain extent. The trade union committee has created commissions that carry out work in all main areas of the organization’s activities.

As M. A. Gmyrin said, “The main thing for us is to understand what people need and try to solve their problems. Now issues related to increasing wages, labor safety, and providing housing, especially for young people, are coming to the fore. In general, the most important thing for a person is what worries him at the moment. Recently, the level of work of our trade union committee has increased greatly. We have the opportunity to address questions to the FNPR, the State Duma, and the regional administration. Moreover, we not only receive consultations, but also give our proposals to the draft laws adopted. What we plan, we try to achieve. Of course, not everything works out, and we are rightly criticized. We are trying to correct our shortcomings. And how it will turn out will be appreciated by people and time.”

New history of the trade union organization Zvezdochka

After the election of M. A. Gmyrin as mayor of Severodvinsk in March 2009, the trade union committee was headed by his deputy A. S. Kukushkin, who previously headed the trade union organization of the information technology implementation department.

In 2010, the trade union organization of the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center won the Certificate of Honor of the professional trade union award “Trade Union Vanguard 2010” in the “Innovation” category, which was awarded in Moscow on the eve of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia. The organization was awarded this prestigious award for a number of innovations in information work, systematic work to motivate trade union membership, and provision of comprehensive guarantees and services to trade union members.
The collective agreement in force at JSC Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center was recognized in 2010 as the best among the member organizations of the Interregional Trade Union of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers.

The history of generations of trade union leaders Zvezdochka

Over the years, the trade union organization was headed by:
1954 - 1956 Pavlov I. M.
1956 - 1960 Rvantsev V. A.
1960 - 1963 Semenov V.V.
1963 - 1964 Bludnin V. G.
1964 - 1966 Malyutin I. N.
1966 - 1968 Nosov A.F.
1968 - 1971 Demin D. M.
1971 - 1978 Purgin Yu. G.
1978 - 1979 Zavarin A.D.
1979 - 1981 Grzhibovsky M.V.
1981 - 1986 Drozdov V. O.
1986 - 1992 Zavyalov V.D.
1992 - 2009 Gmyrin M. A.
since 2009 - Kukushkin A.S.

Page Content

The trade union organization of the Financial University was created from the moment of the formation of the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI).

The trade union organization was headed over the years by:

  • 1946-1949 - chairman Semenkov Vladimir Nikanorovich;
  • 1949-1951 - Chairman Lev Aleksandrovich Kadyshev, Deputy Chairman Boris Konstantinovich Shchurov;
  • 1951-1953 - chairman Vadim Ivanovich Lisovsky, deputy chairman Pyotr Semenovich Kryuchkov;
  • 1953-1958 - Chairman Azarkh Moisey Rafailovich;
  • 1958-1961 - Chairman Zoya Alekseevna Kryzhenko;
  • 1961-1963 - Chairman Nikolai Nikolaevich Kugushev, Deputy Chairman Maria Ivanovna Ofitserova;
  • 1963-1968 - chairman Latyfova Irina Aleksandrovna;
  • 1968-1970 - Chairman Plokhov Alexander Alexandrovich;
  • 1970-1972 - Chairman Ryabikin Vadim Ivanovich;
  • 1972-1975 Chairman Gryaznova Alla Georgievna;
  • 1975-1977 Chairman Vladimir Semenovich Bard;
  • 1977-1978 Chairman Kozlova Valentina Petrovna;
  • 1978-1986 Chairman Galina Vasilievna Kulinina;
  • 1986-1989 Chairman Alexey Vsevolodovich Gordienko;
  • From 1989 to the present, the chairman is Elena Vasilievna Chernetsova.

Collective agreement

The collective agreement is a legal act regulating social and labor relations at the Financial University for 2014-2017, concluded on July 3, 2014, registered by the Public Relations Committee of the Moscow Government on July 9, 2014. under No. 2-676.


The primary trade union organization of employees and students of the Financial University is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the Regulations.

The primary trade union organization conducts its activities in the following areas:

  • negotiates with the employer on various issues;
  • directly participates in the preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement, monitors its implementation;
  • works to attract new members to the trade union
  • provides financial assistance to employees and students in difficult life situations;
  • provides assistance in organizing summer holidays for children and grandchildren of Financial University employees;
  • together with higher-level organizations, provides assistance in organizing sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • congratulates employees on Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8th with the presentation of gifts;
  • organizes excursions to Russian cities;
  • several times a year organizes evenings of meetings with veterans, timed to coincide with holidays, with the invitation of famous pop artists;
  • congratulates the children and grandchildren of the Financial University employees on the presentation of New Year gifts;
  • organizes and conducts a New Year's party for the children and grandchildren of employees of the Financial University with the invitation of circus performers;
  • takes part in organizing and holding New Year's parties for employees;
  • organizes and conducts Donor Days;

Students who are members of the trade union and study at a bachelor's degree on a budgetary basis have the right to monthly financial support through APOS (Association of Trade Union Organizations of University Students in Moscow.)

Financial support is provided to the following categories of students:

  • Orphan students;
  • Disabled students;
  • Students from large families;
  • Students with children;
  • Students are participants in military operations;
  • Chernobyl students;
  • Students with 2 disabled parents, 2 retired parents;
  • Students from single-parent families.

The trade union organization provides assistance in organizing sporting events held at the university.

For students who are active in social work and are members of a trade union organization, we organize excursions to cities in the Moscow region.

Structure of the Trade Union Organization of the Financial University:

  • Chairman of the trade union organization – Elena Vasilievna Chernetsova
  • Deputy Chairman - Simonova Tatyana Anatolyevna
  • Chief accountant – Matveeva Olga Igorevna

To the administration, members of the Academic and Supervisory Councils of MIPT

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the situation at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). On June 26, the MIPT Academic Council did not re-elect Maxim Viktorovich Balashov [] to the position of professor.

The Academic Council was supposed to decide this issue only on the basis of the professional activities of the applicants. However, most of the discussion of the candidacy of M.V. Balashov at a meeting of the Academic Council of MIPT was interested in criticism of his trade union activities by members of the Academic Council (including the rector of MIPT).

Reproaches to trade union activities also included a letter from a member of the Academic Council, head of the Department of Higher Mathematics at MIPT, Grigory Evgenievich Ivanov, sent to employees of the department before the council meeting. In his letter to G.E. Ivanov directly linked the possible non-election of M.V. Balashov Academic Council with dissatisfaction of the management of MIPT with the activities of the trade union, and he called the departure of M.V. the key to a positive decision of the council. Balashov from the post of chairman of the trade union and refusal to speak in the media without the consent of the MIPT administration.

More detailed information on the current situation and links to supporting documents can be found on the website

We consider it unacceptable to put pressure on teachers and scientists in connection with their public position or trade union activities. We believe that re-election or certification procedures should not be used as a tool of pressure or a way to get rid of undesirables. These procedures should only consider the professional qualities of employees and applicants.

MIPT is a very important element of the scientific and educational sphere. We ask the management of MIPT, members of the Academic and Supervisory Boards of MIPT to find an opportunity to resolve the situation with M.V. Balashov in a manner acceptable to the scientific and pedagogical community:

– give M.V. the opportunity Balashov to continue his scientific and teaching activities at MIPT;

– publicly declare (one of the first among Russian universities) about the inadmissibility of harassment of teachers and staff for public and trade union activities. In our opinion, such a public statement and its implementation will increase the reputation and ratings of MIPT, the desire of applicants to enroll in it, scientists to cooperate with it, and sponsors to support it.

As of August 10, 2018, the appeal was signed by:

Alimov Alexey Rostislavovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University

Amosov Grigory Gennadievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher Steklov Mathematical Institute V.A. Steklova

Belavin Alexander Abramovich, corresponding member. RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor at MIPT and NMU

Vasiliev Viktor Anatolyevich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head. Department of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics, senior researcher Steklov Mathematical Institute V.A. Steklova

Anastasia Andreevna Vasilyeva, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

Karasev Roman Nikolaevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher MIPT

Kashin Boris Sergeevich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher Steklov Mathematical Institute V.A. Steklova, head Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University

Lobanov Mikhail Sergeevich, Ph.D., assistant at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, member of the Central Council of the trade union “University Solidarity”

Popov Anton Yurievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University

Skopenkov Arkady Borisovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor at MIPT and NMU

Feigelman Mikhail Viktorovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy. Director of the ITF named after. L.D. Landau, professor at MIPT

Shananin Alexander Alekseevich, corresponding member. RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, MIPT

Shkredov Ilya Dmitrievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, corresponding member. RAS, senior researcher Steklov Mathematical Institute V.A. Steklova

University: Financial University

Year and city: Bryansk 2015

Introduction 3

1. Founding Fathers 4

2. Builders 8

3. Leaders and organizers 12

4. Rector of the XXI century 16

Conclusion 18

References 19


The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the leading universities in the country. The university was opened in March 1919 and its first rector was Dmitry Petrovich Bogolepov. The university has evolved from an institute and academy specializing in training specialists in the financial and banking sector to a large scientific and educational complex.

The quality of work of any university is determined by its scientists and teaching staff. A special role in the life of the university was played by the rectors, who headed the educational process and scientific work, initiating many important undertakings.

The rectors of our university are prominent scientists, famous public figures, and organizers of the system of higher professional education in Russia. Since 2006, the rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has been M.A. Eskindarov. On the initiative of M.A. Eskindarov named after rectors D.A. Bogolepova, N.N. Rovinsky and V.V. Shcherbakov named audiences at the Financial University.

1. Founding Fathers

At the origins of our university were Dmitry Petrovich Bogolepov, Alexander Mikhailovich Galagan and Paisiy Ivanovich Shelkov. These are the organizers and first rectors of the MFEI and MPEI. They came from urban strata. Bogolepov's grandfather was a provincial priest, and his father was a teacher at a parish school. Shelkov's surname gives reason to think that his ancestors were seminarians. As for Galagan, before entering the institute, he served as an accountant at a weaving factory. All three - D.P. Bogolepov, A.M. Galagan and P.I. Shelkov - received their education in the best higher educational institutions in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. This not only gave them a prestigious profession, but also opened the way to social activities.

On the eve of the first Russian revolution D.P. Bogolepov, having graduated from one of the Moscow gymnasiums with a gold medal, entered the economics department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1905, from St. Petersburg, seething with strikes and demonstrations, he transferred to the Department of Financial Law at the Law Faculty of Moscow University, where his teacher was the famous economist, public figure and successful entrepreneur I.Kh. Ozerov. D.P. Bogolepov, having completed the course, remained at the department for scientific and teaching work.

Shelkov and Galagan were graduates of the Moscow Commercial Institute (now - Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov). P.I. Shelkov quickly became a well-known figure in the field of commercial education. He co-founded a number of business schools and taught classes in accounting and business computing. Galagan entered the Moscow Commercial Institute in 1907. His teacher was the theorist in the field of financial and economic disciplines and famous teacher A.P. Rudanovsky. Professional interest of A.M. Galagana decided while preparing his thesis: “The newest Italian forms of double-entry bookkeeping. Lotismography and statmography". After its defense, Galagan went to Italy, then to Belgium for an internship and to prepare his dissertation. There he became acquainted with the main schools and areas of accounting, the latest achievements of Western colleagues.

In 1913 M.A. Galagan and P.I. Shelkov returned to the Moscow Commercial Institute as teachers. Here they became colleagues of outstanding scientists who left Moscow University in protest against the reactionary policies of the Ministry of Public Education. D.P. also worked there. Bogolepov, L.N. Yurovsky, in the 1920s. Dean of the Faculty of Finance MPEI and N.A. Kiparisov. The latter will rightfully be considered in 1930-1940. the oldest professor at MKEI-MFI.

Having started teaching at the Moscow Commercial Institute, future rectors connected themselves with the development of financial and economic education in Russia. So, M.A. Galagan wrote one of the first textbooks on accounting in Russia - “Textbook of Accounting”, published in 1916.

Future rectors participated in the socio-political life of the country. D.P. Bogolepov joined the Bolshevik Party during the years of the first Russian revolution. In April 1917, he met V.I. Lenin, participated in the work on the financial and economic program of the Bolsheviks on the eve of the October Revolution. It is known that M.A. Galagan had extensive connections with the left-wing intelligentsia, and P.I. Shelkov stood out among educators for his democratic beliefs.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, broad democratic changes took place in science and culture. All three turned out to be in demand by the Soviet government and were among the active figures in vocational education, and in the first half of the 1920s. became their best time.

Legal education became the basis for the inclusion of D.P. Bogolepov to the commission for the development of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918. Also in 1918, in Petrograd, he created the first courses for Soviet financial workers. After the capital moved to Moscow in 1919, D.P. Bogolepov was at the origins of the IFEI organization. On the initiative of V.I. Lenin in 1920, he was appointed rector of Moscow University and at the same time was director of the State Treasury Department of the People's Commissariat of Finance of Ukraine, the Turkestan Republic, and a member of the financial section of the State Planning Committee.

It seemed that the paths of the former colleagues had diverged. Professor A.M. Galagan taught, prepared scientific works for publication, P.I. Shelkov worked on the creation of a Soviet system for training professional personnel. But they were all united by the belief that the future of Russia is connected with the development of education. Their activities are evidence of this. D.P. Bogolepov, having served as rector of the MFEI for less than a year, from March 1919 to January 1920, handed it over to M.A. Galagan, who in 1920-1921. contributed to the development of the university - the first educational programs were created. In addition, through the efforts of both rectors, in the conditions of the Civil War (1917-1922) and devastation, organizational and financial issues were resolved, a teaching staff of university professors and finance specialists was formed, and the first financial workers were graduated.

Having reorganized and renamed the Alexander Commercial School, P.I. Shelkov actually saved him. As a figure in the Glavprofobra and the first rector of MPEI in 1921-1924, he had reason to assert that “industrial and economic practical institutes,” in which the latest methodological trends were quickly adopted, “emerged from former commercial educational institutions.”

In the second half of the 1920s. There was a turning point in the internal policy of the Soviet government, which affected the fate of the first rectors. People of a new type - “promoters” - were appointed to leading party and government posts. In 1925 P.I. Shelkov became vice-rector, and Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.I. was appointed rector of MPEI. Weger, specialist in public law. Since he simultaneously headed the Institute of the Soviet State at the Comacademy, the management of the MPEI mainly still lay with Shelkov.

By the mid-1920s. D.P. Bogolepov retired from government activities. Together with A.M. Galagan he taught at Moscow University, Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov, engaged in scientific activities.

Bogolepov worked at the Institute of Nationalities under the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, a research institute under the Narkomfin, and was a member of the Higher Attestation Commission. During the NEP period, when genuine accounting was revived, A.M.’s creativity flourished. Galagana. He has published a number of scientific papers and textbooks on accounting. His theoretical developments and contributions to accounting practice are still an integral part of the Financial University’s scientific school on accounting, control and analysis of business activities.

Since the late 1920s. repressions began. In 1929, during the disbandment of the MPEI and the “cleansing” of its staff, P.I. was repressed. Shelkov. No information has been found about his further fate.

A.M. In 1929, Galagan was classified as a bourgeois scientist, and a show public trial was held against him. To justify himself, the scientist wrote and published the book “General Accounting” in 1930, in which he tried to use Marxist terminology to explain the essence of accounting. However, this did not help. In 1931, a new round of persecution of A.M. began. Galagan, he was accused of worshiping the West and was banned from lecturing and publishing. He switched to hourly work. He taught practical classes at a number of Moscow universities, including MKEI. Slandered, but not broken, the scientist prepared another work - “Fundamentals of Accounting.” In 1938 M.A. Galagan died at the age of 59. Friends, having put his last book through strict censorship, managed to publish it in 1939.

At the end of the 1930s. I.Kh. was persecuted in industry financial magazines. Ozerov, whose works were banned. The campaign against “Ozerovism” spread to D.P. Bogolepov, who by this time was seriously ill. In May 1941 he died at the age of 56. D.P. Bogolepov, the first rector of the IFEI, is buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

2. Builders

In 1930-1940 The predecessor universities of the modern Financial University were going through difficult times. However, all difficulties were overcome. After the dissolution of the MPEI, its finance department was to be expanded into an independent institute. This work was entrusted to head Dmitry Alekseevich Butkov. In May 1930 he became director of the MFEI.

In 1916 he entered the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute, created by S.Yu. Witte. Next was military service and study at the Irkutsk Military School. After the October coup of 1917, the soldiers elected D.A. Butkova became deputy chairman of the regimental committee, then he became regiment commander, deputy chairman of the corps committee and a member of the military revolutionary council of the corps. During the Civil War, D.A. Butkov conducted illegal work in Ukraine, Transcaucasia, and the North Caucasus. In 1921-1923 he worked in the apparatus of the Economic Council and the Supreme Economic Council - the main economic bodies of the country. In 1923, he was reinstated at the Faculty of Economics of the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute, and after graduating from the university in 1926, he continued his scientific and pedagogical work, becoming a teacher of economic policy and finance.

In 1929 D.A. Butkov, having received the title of associate professor, headed the department of economic policy at the Leningrad Institute of National Economy, and a few months later, in July of the same year, after the “cleansing” of the People’s Commissariat of Finance of the USSR, he was appointed deputy head, then head of the economic planning department. YES. Butkov headed the MFEI until the university moved to Leningrad in 1934. In subsequent years, he worked in the party control commission under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, but did not leave teaching, and among the many teachers of the MFEI who did not leave for Leningrad, he lectured at the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute. In 1938 he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

During one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Financial University, in October 1941 - July 1942, he again headed the university, but did not go with him to Saratov. Remaining in Moscow to work at the People's Commissariat of Finance, D.A. Butkov helped the speedy re-evacuation of MKEI. With his help, the MFEI, which he had organized and then restored, returned to Moscow. Under his leadership, both universities merged into the Moscow Financial Institute and the first academic year began successfully.

YES. Butkov remained acting director of the MFI until July 1947, when he was again “transferred”, this time to Germany, where he headed the commission of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany on sequestration and confiscation of property, and carried out monetary reform in East Germany, the future GDR. Upon returning to Moscow in 1950, he was appointed director of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance and returned to teaching at the MFI. In 1961 D.A. Butkov died tragically in a car accident.

The leader who contributed to the restoration of MKEI during the re-evacuation period was P.M. Tsvetkov. He headed the MKEI team, which managed to restore the normal functioning of the university in a short time. Before this, P.M. Tsvetkov acquired considerable experience in the organizational sphere. Having graduated in 1930 from one of the oldest universities - the Moscow Land Survey Institute (before the revolution - the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute, and now the State Land Management University) and received the qualification of a land survey engineer, he was sent to organize the life of the Stalingrad region. In 1931, he entered graduate school at the Moscow Institute of Labor Economics. Having defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1934, he worked at the All-Union Planning Academy and the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. By 1943, he had risen from teacher to head of the department of political economy and dean.

After the merger in July 1947 of MKEI and MFEI P.M. Tsvetkov headed the All-Union Correspondence Financial Institute (VZFI). In 1955, when the era of Khrushchev’s “thaw” was unfolding in the USSR, he moved to teaching at the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, and in 1962 he retired. P.M. Tsvetkov, like D.A. Butkov, devoted many years of his life to the development of universities, from which the Financial University has now grown.

In July 1947, the MFI was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N.N. Rovinsky. This outstanding scientist in the field of economics, finance and budget had a positive influence on the further development of the IFI, which became a leader in research into financial and economic problems of the development of our country.

N.N. Rovinsky came from a noble family. He studied brilliantly - he graduated from high school with a gold medal, in 1906-1910. was among the best students in the economics department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Finance; in 1911, he successfully defended his dissertation and received a master's degree in economics. Unlike D.A. Butkova, N.N. Rovinsky did not fight on the fronts of the Civil War, but worked at the Polytechnic Institute of the Western Front. During the NEP period N.N. Rovinsky devoted himself to scientific and teaching activities. In 1921-1926. He headed the Smolensk Polytechnic Institute, and then Smolensk University, and received the title of professor in the Department of Applied Economics. In 1931, he became one of the leading employees of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance, dealing with the problems of developing financial and economic education. During the Great Patriotic War N.N. Rovinsky was deputy head of the Budget Department of the NKF of the USSR, he continued to engage in scientific activities. In 1940, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The main problems of the state budget of the USSR”; he subsequently published the monograph “The State Budget of the USSR”.

Contribution of N.N. Rovinsky in the study of budget theory, a key link in public finance, was that he began to consider the budget as an objective economic category, which significantly increased the role of the concept of “budget” as an integral part of the general system of economic relations, substantiated the need for a deep approach to understanding its role, places and functions. Budget problems became the subject of study for his graduate students. This allows us to consider rector N.N. Rovinsky as the founder of the scientific school of budgeting at our university. His students included V.D. Vinokur, P.F. Ipatov, P.S. Nikolsky, V.M. Rodionov, who later became leading teachers at the Moscow Financial Institute - Financial Academy - Financial University.

In 1930-1934. he became the head of the department and a member of the Academic Council of the IFEI. This is how fate first connected N.N. Rovinsky with our university. In the 1930s he headed departments at LFEI, VZFI, and since 1943 - at MFEI. After the creation of MFI N.N. Rovinsky headed the department of “State Budget of the USSR” at the institute. It is natural that N.N. Rovinsky successfully led the MFI until his death in 1953.

Another priority area of ​​work for N.N. Rovinsky as rector became the organization of the educational process and its scientific and methodological support. Qualified personnel were involved in the preparation of textbooks and methodological literature, scientific and methodological conferences were held, at which general and specific issues of teaching methods, coursework management, examinations, etc. began to be discussed. Under his leadership, the first curricula and programs of disciplines were created, which still form the basis of knowledge of specialists in finance, credit, international relations in the field of finance, accounting, control and analysis. To improve the methodological level of teaching financial disciplines N.N. Rovinsky laid the tradition of cooperation between IFIs and the Ministry of Higher Education.

The rector’s contribution to the creation of the organizational structure of the institute, which is now developing on the basis of innovative approaches to organizing the educational process, is also significant. Thus, it was under N.N. Rovinsky laid the foundations for subsequent theoretical and practical achievements of our university.

3. Leaders and organizers

From 1953 to 1985, the MFI was headed by Vladimir Vasilyevich Shcherbakov. In 1930 he graduated from the Kharkov Engineering and Economic Institute. After graduate school V.V. Shcherbakov remained at the department of political economy, and in 1938 he became an assistant professor in this department. He lectured not only at the Kharkov Engineering and Economic Institute, but also at the Mechanical Engineering Institute, actively participated in social and political life, and worked on the party committee. On the eve of the war, he was transferred to Moscow to work in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

During the Great Patriotic War, V.V. Shcherbakov headed the work of one of the sectors that implemented personnel policy. After the end of the war, V.V. Shcherbakov, as was often done then, was entrusted with various tasks related to the solution of party and national economic problems. In August 1953, he was confirmed as director of the IFI.

Taking into account the realities of life, he persistently turned the institute into an all-Union base center for higher financial and economic education.

During the first ten years of his rectorship, the university endured a lot of reorganizations and cuts initiated by the Ministry of Education, while V.V. Shcherbakov demanded that everything gained be unswervingly preserved, and precisely chose organizational measures for the development of the institute. As a result, MFI entered a period of stability and its capabilities expanded. An evening faculty was created, the university switched to a five-year term of study, it was possible to recreate the faculty of international economic relations, form a faculty for advanced training of university teachers in related specialties, and increase the number of departments.

Since the late 1950s. issues of material support for the life of the institute began to be effectively resolved, and in 1970-1980. a stable material base has developed.

Experience in the Central Committee apparatus, organizational skills, firmness (some took it for toughness), and understanding of people allowed V.V. Shcherbakov to form an “elite” of the teaching staff of the IFI. Outstanding specialists such as B.C. Gerashchenko, I.D. Zlobin, F.V. Konshin, M.N. Sveshnikov formed the backbone of the teaching staff.

V.V. Shcherbakov knew how to see in young teachers and graduate students future leaders, people who know how to work with a team, principled, honest and responsible. V.V. Shcherbakov gave a start to those who are vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of structural divisions of the current Financial University - V.N. Sumarokov, V.I. Zaitsev, Z.D. Babaeva, B.P. Suprunovich and others.

V.V. Shcherbakov constantly cared about the growth of young scientific personnel. For this purpose, postgraduate studies, work of departments with students, and selection of applicants from schools were developed. In 1955, students began defending their theses. This became a new important stage in improving the theoretical and practical training of graduates.

One of the new directions in the life of MFIs under V.V. Shcherbakova began working on the introduction of technical teaching aids into the educational process. Scientific and methodological conferences played a special role in this matter.

Under V.V. Shcherbakov began the formation of scientific schools. Under him, M.S. grew up and declared themselves as great scientists. Atlas, B.C. Bard, S.B. Barngolts, M.Z. Bor, A.G. Gryaznova, A.N. Krasavina, O.I. Lavrushin, D.S. Molyakov, V.M. Rodionova, B.S. Rozhnov and many others.

Under V.V. Shcherbakov began the development of international relations of IFIs, primarily with socialist countries - Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Important forms of this activity were the exchange of students and graduate students, joint publication of educational and scientific literature, and holding joint scientific and methodological conferences. A great achievement of IFIs was participation in the work of CMEA, the Association of International Law, the International Bureau of Tax Documentation and other organizations.

Thanks to the activities of V.V. Shcherbakova, our university not only preserved everything valuable that was done in previous years and formed its foundation, but also created the conditions for further successful development. After the death of V.V. Shcherbakova MFI was headed by Alla Georgievna Gryaznova.

A.G. Gryaznova is a graduate of our university. In 1959 she graduated with honors from the MFI. While studying at the institute, she actively participated in student research work and public life, was elected secretary of the institute's Komsomol committee, and after graduating from the Moscow Philharmonic Institute she became the second secretary of the Komsomol district committee. However, her life interests focused on teaching and scientific work. She entered graduate school and in 1964 defended her Ph.D. thesis ahead of schedule. Her teacher and supervisor was M.S. Atlas.

At MFI A.G. Gryaznova first went from assistant to head of the department of economic theory. In 1975, she defended her doctoral dissertation and was appointed vice-rector for scientific work and international relations.

Under her leadership, fundamental research began on the objective laws of saving time, production efficiency and labor productivity, cost and money circulation; applied research of financial, credit, cost levers for increasing production efficiency, identifying reserves for economic growth. She managed to unite the efforts of all departments around the profile of the institute. This made it possible for teachers to take into account the specifics of students’ training from the first year. Scientific achievements have made it possible to create new textbooks for domestic economic universities.

The intensification of the research work of teachers contributed to the intensification of student scientific work. Scientific student conferences, interuniversity and international student symposia have become regular, and collections of scientific student works have been published. The authority of the institute abroad grew.

The logical result of these processes was the transformation of the institute into the State Financial Academy, and then in 1992 into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. After this A.G. Gryaznova continued to update the structure of the university and the system of training specialists for a market economy, which had to meet the radical changes in the economic life of Russia.

Expanding the structure of the Academy by including a number of financial and economic colleges from various regions of the country turned it into a powerful educational complex. This was confirmed by the ratings, according to which, out of 1,100 universities in Russia, the Financial Academy entered the top five best universities in the country.

Opening the 2006/2007 academic year, rector A.G. Gryaznova proposed a new strategic plan for the development of the Financial Academy, providing for the practical implementation of the university’s new mission . It consisted of training world-class specialists for the financial and banking sector, economic and management structures in the public and business sectors of Russia and countries around the world. The goal of the Financial Academy was to become a major innovative research center, comparable in level and quality of fundamental and applied scientific research to leading universities in the world.

Finance Academy in the early 2000s. enjoyed high prestige abroad and had long-term cooperation agreements with universities and financial and banking institutions in 50 countries. MFI has grown from an industrial Moscow university into one of the most prestigious and largest educational and research centers in modern Russia. Work by A.G. Gryaznova as rector was awarded many orders, awards and diplomas.

In 2006 A.G. Gryaznova left her post as rector of the Financial Academy and became the first president of our university.

4. RectorXXI century

In 2006, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich Eskindarov was elected to the position of rector. In 1971 M.A. Eskindarov became a first-year student at the MFI. While studying at the institute, he actively participated in student scientific work and public life, and was secretary of the institute's Komsomol committee. Having graduated from the university in 1976, the future rector studied in graduate school, and after graduating in 1981 and defending his Ph.D. thesis, he began teaching as an assistant in the department of political economy. In those same years, M.A. Eskindarov began administrative activities, working in 1982-1984. head of the personnel department.

In 1984 M.A. Eskindarov, on the initiative of MFI Rector V.V. Shcherbakova was appointed dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. In 1987-1991 M.A. Eskindarov led a group of Soviet teachers at the University of Aden (Yemen), where he became acquainted with the organization of educational and scientific work. Upon returning to MFI M.A. Eskindarov held the positions of Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs, First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and First Vice-Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Didn't leave M.A. Eskindarov at that time was both teaching and scientific, being a professor at the Department of ME and MVKO.

In 2000 M.A. Eskindarov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Features of the development of corporate relations in the modern Russian economy.” The rector is the author of more than 200 scientific works.

The rector gives the leading role in the development of the Financial University to the teaching staff. He emphasizes the importance for all teachers, including himself, of constant professional development and improvement of teaching methods in accordance with the widespread introduction of information technology in the educational sphere. The rector attaches no less importance to the work of teachers in developing students’ skills in working with educational and scientific literature.

He sees his task as creating all the conditions for successful study, helping those who are not always able to cope with mastering a particular academic discipline. M.A. Eskindarov believes that young people should be sure that a diploma from the Financial University makes them competitive in the labor market.

One of the most important forms of communication between the rector and students of the Financial University was the “Rector’s Hour” initiated by him. These meetings are dedicated to answering student questions.

Continuing the best traditions of his predecessors, M.A. Eskindarov considers it important to develop a university development strategy. The first and most important task, which has already been solved under his leadership, is the status of a university. Next in line is a qualitatively new task - to become part of national research universities.

M.A. Eskindarov believes that, in addition to carrying out the traditional functions of the rector - organizing the educational process and scientific activities of teachers, he is also a top manager. According to the rector, it is necessary to maintain a good brand of the University in order to ensure the prestige of the university and a high level of demand for our graduates in the labor market.

M.A. Eskindarov is a member of the Scientific Council under the Russian Security Council, a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other organizations. In addition, he is a member of the Boards of Directors of a number of leading financial and industrial companies in Russia - VTB, Bank Vozrozhdenie, and a large metallurgical company.

His “super task” as the rector of one of the leading Russian universities M.A. Eskindarov sees the need for our university to be comparable with such world-class higher education institutions as Cambridge, Oxford, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, so that the brand of the Financial University speaks for itself.


Over its almost hundred-year history, the Financial University has gone through a lot. Its foundation was laid by the works of the first rectors D.P. Bogolepov, A.M. Galagan, P.I. Shelkov, who made a huge contribution to all financial and economic education.

In the difficult 1930-1950s. rectors D.A. Butkov, P.M. Tsvetkov, N.N. Rovinsky restored the university again and again, despite the devastating blows of repression, ill-conceived reorganizations, war, and post-war devastation.

In 1960-1980, when the USSR faced new tasks in developing the Soviet economy and forming financial and banking personnel capable of solving new problems, V.V. became the head of our university. Shcherbakov, who had extensive organizational experience, a firm and persistent character in the implementation of assigned tasks. Through his efforts, the modern foundation of our university was formed. Our university became the flagship of financial and economic education in a market economy under rector A.G. Gryaznova.

Rector M.A., who headed the Financial Academy in 2006 In his work, Eskindarov constantly relies on the rich experience of his predecessors, the work they invested in the formation and development of the university. In 2010, the Financial Academy received the status of a Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. At the meeting of the Academic Council on August 30, 2010, the strategy and program for the development of the University for 2010-2015 were adopted. The entire team of scientists, teachers, and staff of the University see the mission of our university as “providing multi-level education that meets international quality standards.” This will be a worthy continuation of the almost hundred-year history of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.


1. History of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: History and modernity / coll. auto; under general ed. M.A. Eskindarova. M., 2009.

2. Dumny V.V. Origins of financial education in Russia // History of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. M., 2000.

3. The teacher is the main figure in the implementation of the innovative education system / ed. M.A. Eskindarova. M.: Financial University, 2011.

4. Razmanova N.A. The formation of commercial and financial-economic education in Russia (XIX century - 1920s of the XX century). M., 2002.

5. Theoretical and methodological problems of the innovative education system in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation / ed. ed. M.A. Eskindarova. M., 2008.

6. Eskindarov M.A. We are building the future of Russia: the 90th anniversary of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation // Finance and Credit. 2009. No. 14.

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A large-scale reform of the faculty system in one of the largest and best technical universities in the country - MIPT - is accompanied by dissatisfaction among some professors. They say that the changes serve to build the authoritarian vertical of power of the rector Nikolai Kudryavtsev, taking away from the scientific staff the authority to make personnel decisions at the department. The most active “dissenters” are threatened with dismissal. “Things like this” were sorted out in history.

MIPT Rector Nikolai Kudryavtsev and Dmitry Medvedev (from left to right) at MIPTPhoto: Alexey Nikolsky / RIA Novosti

Management demands silence

Maxim Balashov, chairman of the trade union committee of the “University Solidarity” (US) trade union cell at MIPT, filed a lawsuit against the university at the end of May. He believes that the university management often ignores the rights of the trade union. In particular, in the last year, the agreement on interaction between the university and the trade union, signed three years ago, has not been actually implemented, the trade union claims. The filing of the claim was accompanied by several publications in the media.

Last week, members of the MIPT Department of Higher Mathematics received a letter with an appeal from the head of the department, Grigory Ivanov (at the disposal of the editors. - Note TD). Recognizing the benefits of trade unions as such, Ivanov in his letter warns members of the trade union movement against “washing dirty linen in public,” since MIPT is in “conditions of fierce competition for material and human resources.”

Addressing Balashov personally at the end of the letter, Ivanov demands that he withdraw the claim, resign as chairman of the trade union committee of the USU cell, and make a “public promise” to never again report to the media about the internal affairs of the university. All this is on the eve of Balashov’s re-election as a professor at MIPT. The letter says that Balashov’s actions “will incite many members of the academic council to vote against” him. Grigory Ivanov, in a conversation with Takiye Dela, confirmed the authenticity of the letter.

The addressee of the letter told TD that his trade union activities take place entirely within the framework of Russian laws on trade unions and have nothing to do with the competitive procedure, which, according to him, should take into account the scientific and pedagogical quality of candidates for professor, and not their participation in public organizations and trade unions. “This is madness in the spirit of Soviet propaganda about fascists and partisans,” the professor defined.

What is the cause of the conflict

This story is just one manifestation of the general trend towards getting rid of those who ask uncomfortable questions, and not just Balashov, who washes dirty laundry in the media, according to representatives of the university trade union cell. It doesn't matter if they ask about the curriculum or why the food in the cafeteria is bad.

Now one of the main topics for inconvenient questions to management is the reform of faculties and the competitive system. MIPT had a classic system of departments and faculties, whose teachers were elected through competition. The competition was held at each department separately, and its members themselves made decisions about each candidate. Then these results were approved by the academic council, half consisting of members of the rector’s office and other technical workers not related to the academic work of the university, MIPT teacher Andronik Arutyunov tells Takim Dela.

“A full-time employee of the department is selected through a competition, and a fixed-term contract is concluded with him, usually for five years. When the contract ends, a new competition takes place,” explains Arutyunov.

Now the process of abolishing faculties has been launched, and they are being replaced by “physics and technology schools” - structures that unite several faculties at once. The personnel competition is now held not at the departments, but directly in the academic council, with only five minutes allocated for discussion of each candidate. The opinion of the departments will be taken into account solely as advisory.

The trade union, of which Arutyunov is a member, fears that the new system will allow us to weed out undesirable people, and the new “five-minute” procedure without debates and speeches will exclude the possibility of a reasonable personnel policy.

The university staff in the rector’s office justify this decision by the need to “renew departments,” says Arutyunov. According to him, one of the applicants, having learned about the new procedure, hastened to withdraw his candidacy.

How the reform is justified at the university itself

The MIPT press service reported that the competition procedure was brought into compliance with Order No. 749 of July 23, 2015, according to which decisions on candidates should be made by a collegial body - the academic council in the case of MIPT. At the same time, the university said that the recommendation of the head of the department, which is taken into account by the council when making personnel decisions, is pronounced at the final meeting after five-minute presentations and is not limited in time

The main point of the reform, as stated in the press service, is that internal and external applicants have equal conditions and equal opportunities. MIPT Vice-Rector Artem Voronov told TD that due to the growth of the university, a large influx of external applicants arose, which made the need for reforms urgent. The new system “increases competition, which means it encourages teachers to continuously improve.”

MIPT Academic Council member Alexander Shananin, in a conversation with Takiye Dela, admitted that the reform is too harsh and the opinions of departments should have more weight. He believes that in this situation a compromise is necessary. However, not all professors interviewed are confident that such a compromise is possible.

“The administration does not make contact; it takes a rigid authoritarian position,” the trade union believes. This worsened throughout 2018; union members suggest that this may be due to the past elections, as well as to the university receiving money for the construction of new academic buildings and dormitories.

“Russian universities are becoming feeding grounds for administrations, and a feudal structure is emerging. Cash flows fall under their strict control, and everyone does what the administration considers necessary, no matter whether it is reasonable or not,” summarized the “University Solidarity” cell.