Antonym for the word what. Dictionary of antonyms for primary grades (1,2,3,4)

Different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - remain silent.

Antonyms according to the type of concepts expressed:

  • contradictory correlates- such opposites that mutually complement each other to the whole, without transitional links; they are in a relation of private opposition. Examples: bad - good, lie - truth, living - dead.
  • contrarian correlates- antonyms expressing polar opposites within one essence in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; they are in a relation of gradual opposition. Examples: black (- gray -) white, old (- elderly - middle-aged -) young, large (- average -) small.
  • vector correlates- antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, social phenomena, etc. Examples: enter - exit, descend - rise, light - extinguish, revolution - counter-revolution.
  • conversions- words that describe the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: buy - sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find.
  • enantiosemy- the presence of opposite meanings in the structure of a word. Examples: lend someone money - borrow money from someone, surround someone with tea - treat and not treat.
  • pragmatic- words that are regularly contrasted in the practice of their use, in contexts (pragmatics - “action”). Examples: soul - body, mind - heart, earth - sky.

According to the structure, antonyms are:

  • multi-rooted(back and forth);
  • single-rooted- are formed using prefixes that are opposite in meaning: enter - exit, or using a prefix added to the original word (monopoly - antimonopoly).

From the point of view of language and speech, antonyms are divided into:

  • linguistic(usual) - antonyms that exist in the language system (rich - poor);
  • speech(occasional) - antonyms that arise in a certain context (to check the presence of this type, you need to reduce them to a language pair) - (golden - half copper, that is, expensive - cheap). They are often found in proverbs.

In terms of action, antonyms are:

  • proportionate- action and reaction (get up - go to bed, get rich - get poor);
  • disproportionate- action and lack of action (in a broad sense) (ignite - extinguish, think - reconsider).

Antonyms, or words with opposite meanings, have become the subject of linguistic analysis relatively recently, and interest in the study of Russian and Tatar antonymy is growing noticeably. This is evidenced by the emergence of a number of special linguistic studies on antonymy and dictionaries of antonyms.

Lexical units of the vocabulary of a language turn out to be closely related not only on the basis of their associative connection by similarity or contiguity as lexical-semantic variants of a polysemantic word. Most words of the language do not contain a feature capable of opposition, therefore, antonymic relationships are impossible for them, however, in a figurative meaning they can acquire an antonym. Thus, in contextual antonymy, antonymic relationships between words with a direct meaning are possible, and then these pairs of words carry an emphatic load and perform a special stylistic function.

Antonyms are possible for words whose meanings contain opposite qualitative shades, but the meanings are always based on a common feature (weight, height, feeling, time of day, etc.). Also, only words belonging to the same grammatical or stylistic category can be contrasted. Consequently, words belonging to different parts of speech or lexical levels cannot become linguistic antonyms.

Antonyms in poetry

Here we are entering August, oh,
don't go to the forest rare, and in thick,
where is Judas from the aspen tree?
hung without a murmur and moved away.
August is more tangled than a knot,
How good in captivity evil,
he has flowers under his feet,
often similar to running boards.

see also


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    - (from anti... and Greek onyma name), words of one part of speech with the opposite meaning, for example, truth is false, poor is rich... Modern encyclopedia

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    antonyms- (Greek anti against and onuma name) Words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings correlating with each other; love to hate. Not all words enter into antonymic relationships. Based on the structure of the root, antonyms are distinguished: 1)… … Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

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(from the Greek anti - against, ónyma - name) - these are words with the opposite meaning when used in pairs. Those words enter into antonymic relationships which reveal from opposite sides correlated concepts associated with one circle of objects and phenomena. Words form antonymous pairs based on their lexical meaning. The same word, if it is polysemantic, can have several antonyms.

occur within all parts of speech, but the words of the antonymous pair must belong to the same part of speech.

The following do not enter into antonymic relationships:

– nouns with a specific meaning (house, book, school), proper names;

– numerals, most pronouns;

– words denoting gender (man and woman, son and daughter);

– words with different stylistic connotations;

- words with increasing or diminutive accents (hand - hands, house - house).

In their structure, antonyms are not homogeneous. Among them are:

– single-root antonyms: happiness - misfortune, open - close;

– antonyms with different roots: black - white, good - bad.

The phenomenon of antonymy is closely related to the polysemy of a word. Each meaning of a word can have its own antonyms. Yes, word fresh will have different antonymic pairs in different meanings: fresh wind - sultry wind, fresh bread - stale bread, fresh shirt - dirty shirt.

Antonymic relationships can also arise between different meanings of the same word. For example, to review means “to get acquainted with something, check, quickly examining, looking through, reading” and “to skip, not to notice, to miss.” The combination of opposite meanings in one word is called enantiosemy.

Depending on the distinctive features that words with opposite meanings have, two types of antonyms can be distinguished general language(or simply linguistic) And contextual speech(copyright or individual).

General language antonyms are regularly reproduced in speech and enshrined in the vocabulary (day - night, poor - rich).

Contextual speech antonyms- these are words that enter into antonymic relationships only in a certain context: Sing better with a goldfinch than with a nightingale.

The use of antonyms makes speech more vivid and expressive. Antonyms are used in colloquial and artistic speech, in many proverbs and sayings, in the titles of many literary works.

One of the stylistic figures is built on the sharp opposition of antonym words - antithesis(contrast) – characterization by comparing two opposing phenomena or signs: Long live the sun, may the darkness hide! (A.S. Pushkin). Writers often construct titles of works using this technique: “War and Peace” (L.N. Tolstoy), “Fathers and Sons” (I.S. Turgenev), “Fat and Thin” (A.P. Chekhov), etc. .

Another stylistic device that is based on a comparison of antonymic meanings is oxymoron, or oxymoron(Gr. oxymoron - lit. witty-stupid) - a figure of speech that combines logically incompatible concepts: a living corpse, dead souls, ringing silence.

Antonym dictionaries will help you find an antonym for a word.Antonym dictionaries– linguistic reference dictionaries, which provide descriptions of antonyms. For example, in dictionary L.A. Vvedenskaya An interpretation of more than 1000 antonymic pairs is given (their synonymous correspondences are also taken into account), and contexts of use are given. A in the dictionary N.P. Kolesnikova Antonyms and paronyms are recorded. The book contains approximately 3,000 paronyms and more than 1,300 pairs of antonyms. There are no illustrations of the use of antonyms in the dictionary.

In addition to general antonym dictionaries, there are also private dictionaries that record polar relations in some narrow areas of vocabulary. This includes, for example, dictionaries of antonyms-phraseological units, dictionaries of antonyms-dialecticisms, etc.

Let us once again pay attention to the most common examples of antonyms: good evil; good bad; friend - enemy; day Night; heat - cold; peace - war, quarrel; true False; success - failure; benefit - harm; rich - poor; difficult - easy; generous - stingy; thick – thin; hard – soft; brave - cowardly; White black; fast – slow; high Low; bitter - sweet; hot Cold; wet – dry; full - hungry; new - old; big small; laugh - cry; speak - remain silent; love - hate.

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A child’s vocabulary is well indicated by his knowledge of synonyms and antonyms. Children, as a rule, do not do well with both of them. But there is nothing complicated about this. There is such a children's game of antonyms - "Opposites". One names the word, the second selects its antonym. This game enjoys great attention among children's and even adult entertainers, and it is a frequent entertainment at holiday parties. So you can play antonyms with your child, and he will remember these words and show off his knowledge not only at the holiday, but also in his future essays.

To begin with, antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Dictionaries of antonyms are huge, sometimes even an adult does not know the meaning of some words in them, let alone the meaning of the opposite... On this page we have collected for you only simple antonyms for simple words, elementary school level, subject to memorization by students 1,2 ,3,4 grades.

Brief dictionary of antonyms:

neat - sloppy
antonym - synonym
White black
turn pale - turn red, darken
shine - flicker, dim
close - distant
rich man - poor man
big small
fast - slow
century - moment
true - wrong
cheerful - sad, sad, boring
windy - windless
old - new
Turn on, turn off
inside Outside
question answer
east - west, west(sea)
sunrise - sunset
enter - exit
high Low
extinguish - light up
smooth - rough
vowel - consonant
deep - shallow
speak - remain silent
hungry - full
town - village, village
bitter - sweet
hot Cold
heat - cool
dirt - cleanliness
dirty - clean
do - mess around
day Night
dialogue - monologue
good evil
friend - enemy
hefty - frail
go - stop
heat - cold
hard - soft
reserved - sociable
healthy - sick
green - mature, ripe
winter summer
sincere - hypocritical
truth - delusion, deception
source - mouth
strong - fragile
sour - sweet
lazy person - hard worker
superfluous - necessary
dexterous - clumsy
go to bed - get up
love - hate
freeze - warm up
peace - war, quarrel
a lot - a little
mighty - weak
wet - dry
wise - stupid
soft - hard
hope - despair
deliberate - accidental
unperturbed - unbalanced
simple - sophisticated
new - old
abundant - scanty
defend - attack
educated - ignorant
to upset - to console
sharp - dull
brave - cowardly, cowardly
frank - secretive
open close
obvious - doubtful
plus - minus
victory - defeat
hang - remove
useful - harmful
put - take
benefit - harm
help - hinder
true False
truthful - deceitful
picky - unpretentious
pleasant - repulsive
empty - full
fluffy - smooth
joy - sadness, sadness
difference - similarity
quick - slow
decisive - unsure
timid - brave
Motherland, fatherland - foreign land
light - darkness, darkness
dawn - dusk
north - south, south (sea)
laugh - cry
save - destroy
sleep - stay awake
start - finish
full - hungry
hard - soft
dark - light
cramped - spacious
thick - thin
thin - thick
work - rest
difficult - easy
to grieve - to rejoice
assure - dissuade
gloomy - friendly
moving away - getting closer
narrow - wide
intentional - accidental
stubborn - flexible
success - failure
sympathetic - indifferent
negligent - conscientious
brave - cowardly
frequent - rare
honest - mean
wide narrow
generous - stingy
bright - dim
furious - meek
clear - cloudy, stormy

Antonyms are words, belonging to the same part of speech, differing in spelling and sound, and meaning directly opposite concepts.

One part of speech is not the only condition under which words of opposite meaning can be called antonyms. There must be some common feature between these words. That is, both concepts must describe a feeling, or time, or space, or quality and quantity - and in this case they will be antonyms.

Examples of antonyms.

Let's look at this definition with examples.

Antonym for the word "Before".

The antonym for the word “before” is the word "now". Both words are adverbs - “when? before" and "when? now". Both of them are united by a common feature - a description of time. But while the word “formerly” describes a situation or event that took place sometime in the past, the word “now” refers to the present. Thus, the words are opposite in meaning and are antonyms.

Antonym for the word "Friendly".

The antonym for the word "friendly" is the word "unfriendly". Both concepts refer to the same part of speech - adverb. As the rule requires, they are united by a common feature - that is, they describe an emotional tone. But if the word “friendly” denotes joy and pleasure (for example, from someone’s presence), then “unfriendly” has the exact opposite meaning - someone whose appearance or speech is characterized by this word is clearly not happy about anything.

Antonym for the word "Tears".

The antonym for the word “tears” is the word “laughter.” Both concepts are nouns; they both describe an emotional action. But if in the first case the emotion is clearly negative - tears of grief, tears of sadness, tears of pain - then the word “laughter” means joy, happiness and fun. The words are opposite in meaning - and therefore are antonyms.

Other popular antonyms.

Below we provide a list of words and their antonyms.

  • The word “Synonym”, antonym – “Antonym”.
  • The word “Interesting”, the antonym is “Boring”.
  • The word “Wind”, the antonym is “Silence”.
  • The word “Find”, the antonym is “Lose”.
  • The word “Fresh”, the antonym is “Spoiled, stale.”
  • The word “Beautiful”, the antonym is “Disgusting, terrible.”
  • The word “Snow”, the antonym is “Rain”.
  • The word “Waited”, the antonym is “Sudden, unexpected”.
  • The word “Neatly”, the antonym is “Carelessly”.
  • The word “Sun”, the antonym is “Moon”.
  • The word “Day”, the antonym is “Night”.
  • The word “Fast”, the antonym is “slow”.

We hope you now know what an antonym is.

In meaning, but words belonging to the same part of speech. They have different spellings and sounds. It is very easy to determine the meaning of one antonym through another; it is enough to give it the form of negation. For example, a direct antonym for the word talking is not being silent, sad is not cheerful and so on. In this article we will take a closer look at the concept of “antonyms” and find out their types.

General information

Due to the richness of the Russian language, there are many nuances and subtleties in any part of speech. It is not without reason that numerous textbooks on linguistics are studied in schools and some higher educational institutions.

  1. It is noteworthy that due to polysemy, antonyms of the same word differ in different contexts. For example: old boar - young boar, old car - new car, old cheese - fresh cheese and so on.
  2. Not every lexical unit has antonyms. For example, words do not have them sew, institute, book and so on.
  3. The main feature is the opposition of words that can mean:
  • signs of an object ( smart - stupid, evil - good);
  • social and natural phenomena ( talent - mediocrity, heat - cold);
  • states and actions ( disassemble - collect, forget - remember).

Types of antonyms

They vary in structure.

  • Single-root antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning, but have the same root. For example: love - dislike, progress - regression. They are formed by attaching prefixes (not-, without/s-, re-, de-, and so on).
  • Different-root antonyms are words that are polar in meaning and have different roots. For example: big - small, black - white.

In turn, the first type is also divided into: antonyms-euphemisms (loyally express the opposite, difference, for example: significant - insignificant) and enantiosemes (express opposition with the same word, for example: view(in the sense of seeing) and view(in the sense of skipping).

Another group is also distinguished: contextual antonyms are words that differ in meaning only in a specific case. For example, in the author's performance: she had not the eyes- A eyes.

The meaning of antonyms is as follows.

  • Opposite: they denote the polarity of actions, phenomena or signs. As a rule, between such antonyms you can put a word with a neutral meaning: joy- apathy - sad, positive- indifference - negative.
  • Vector: they denote multidirectional actions: put on - take off, open - close.
  • Contradictory: indicate the polarity of objects, phenomena and signs, each of which excludes the other. It is impossible to put a neutral word between them: right left.

Functions of antonyms

In a sentence, antonyms play a stylistic role and are used to make speech more expressive. They are often used as an antithesis (opposition, contrast). Example: “He who was nobody will become everything.” Sometimes antonyms form an oxymoron (combining the incompatible). Example: "Hot Snow", "Living Corpse".

Antonyms are widely used not only in the titles of works, but also in proverbs and sayings.