The Soviet rear during the war years began the beginning of the root fracture. A radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War Fracture during the war

Questions for repetition 1. 2. 3. 4. What conclusions were made by Stalin after the victory near Moscow? What is the content of the order of bets No. 130? What strategic miscalculation was assumed when determining the main strike of the fascist troops in the summer of 1942? Name two major battles in May-July 1942, in which Soviet troops suffered great losses.

Questions for repetition 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is the main content of the order of bets No. 227? What is "barrier detachments"? What is the "occupied territory"? What is the "OST" plan? What order was installed in the occupied territories? What is the purpose of the fascists created concentration camps?

Questions for repetition 11. 12. 13. 14. Who is the general of Vlasov? What army he commanded? In which territories a partisan movement was formed? Name the name of the head of the headquarters of the partisan movement. Name the largest operations partisans.

Tasks for paragraph 31, paragraph 1 page. 225 - How did the mood of Soviet people change in the early years of the war? N p. 226 Document - How did Stalin assess the beginning war? What was unusual in his address? N.

The root fracture is the transition of the strategic initiative to the Soviet troops, the creation of prerequisites for the transition to counter-project.

The ratio of economic potentials of Germany and the USSR by the beginning of 1941 Germany was superior to the USSR in 1, 5 times; n until the fall of 1941 - the occupation of Soviet territory: where 42% of the population lived, produced over 40% of electricity, 35% prom. Products were smelted 70% of cast iron, 60% steel was mined, 63% of coal was mined. N By the fall of 1941, Germany exceeded the USSR at 3 - 4 times. N.

Directions of restructuring of the economy for military failure 1. 2. 3. Evacuation from the front-line zone to the east of enterprises, people and values \u200b\u200b(by the end of 1941 2, 5 thousand enterprises and 12 million people were moved to the east) in Krasnoyarsk - Combine Plant. Transition of civilian sector enterprises for the production of military products (GAZ + "Red Sormovo" \u003d Tanks T 34). The accelerated construction of new objects, which were replaced by the war lost in the first months.

The results of the restructuring of the economy by the end of 1941 managed to stop the fall in the industrial production caused by the loss of territories and the bombing. N By mid-1942 - to ensure a steady increase in military products. N Release of military products by volume exceeded Germany levels. N.

Education and science during the war years (p. 228) 1. 2. 3. 4. In which areas of the country, school learning was interrupted? Which regions of the country were the main scientific centers? What are the scientific centers created during the war years? What are scientists working in the field of aerodynamics?

Culture figures - front (p. 228) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name the works of Soviet poets who chased the courage of the inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad. Name the author of the poem "Vasily Terkin" What is the "Front Theater"? Which region was evacuated by film studios of the country? Name popular songs in the war years.

Homework on 8. 05 Paragraph 31, prepare for work. N paragraph 32 paragraph 1, 2, 3 n

On August 23, 1942, a massive bombardment of Stalingrad began to be 18 hours 18 minutes of the German 4 -to air fleet. During the day, 2 thousand flights of aircraft were produced. The city was destroyed by 90%, more than 40 thousand civilians died on this day.

The ratio of power and means Red Army Germany and its allies Personal composition (thousand people) 1134, 8 1011, 5 Number of tanks 1560 675 Number of guns and mortars 14934 10290 Number of aircraft 1916 1219

The counteroffensive under Stalingrad - Operation "Uranus" Operation "Uranus" is the code name of the Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation of Soviet Forces during the Great Patriotic War (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943). Counterturing of the troops of three fronts: south-western (gene. N. F. Vatutin), Stalingrad (gene. A. I. Eremenko) and Donskoy (gene. K. K. Rokossovsky), for the purpose of environment and destroying the enemy grouping of troops in the area Cities of Stalingrad.

21th, 5th Tankovaya, 1st Guards, 17th and 2th Air Army Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich 62th, 64th, 57th, 8th Air, 51th Army Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich 65th, 24th, 66th Army, 16th Air Army Rokossovsky Konstantinovich

Stalingrad defended the army: 64th under the command of M. S. Shumilova 62 "Under the command of V. I. Chuikova Schumilov Mikhail Stepanovich (1895 -1975) Colonel-General Hero of the Soviet Union Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich (1900 -1982) Marshal, twice hero Soviet Union

8th Italian Army 2th Hungarian Army Army Group "Don" (Commander - E. Manstein). It included the 6th Army, the 3rd Romanian Army, the Army Group "Goth", the Operational group "Hollidt". 3th Romanian Army 4th Romanian Army Two Finnish Volunteer Divisions 6th Army - Commander General of the Tank Troops Friedrich Paulus Army Group "B" (Commander - M. Wehs). 2th Army - Commander General from Infanteria Hans von Salmouth, Friedrich Paulus E. Manstein

On November 19, 1942 on November 20, 1942, the counteroffensiveness of Soviet troops began on November 19, 1942 after the powerful artillery training by the strikes of the South Army compounds. Western and Don Fronts. November 20 began the offensive and troops of the Stalingrad Front

Front line by the end of November front line by the end of 1942 g. You are 330 ate. C.

Mamaev Kurgan N The battle at Mamaev Kurgan had an important strategic importance: from his top was well visible and the adjacent territory, crossing through the Volga. N Nazis 10 -12 times a day stormed it, but, losing people and technique, and could not seize the entire territory of Kurgan.

The battles for Mamaev Kurgan lasted 135 days in the Mamaeva Kurgan district in February 1943 ended the Stalingrad battle.

In the Stalingrad battle, the mass heroism of our compatriots more than 300 Hitlerians destroyed Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev in street fights. Many fighters taught sniper art. Many times he had to join martial arts with Hitler's snipers, and every time he went out the winner. But a sniper match was especially glorified with the head of the Berlin Snipers School by Major Könings, sent to Stalingrad with a special task to intensify the sniper movement in the German troops. For the designer fire in Stalingrad, Vasily Zaitsev was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. VASILY ZAITSEV

Connector of Matvey Putilov When at Mamaev Kurgan in the most busy moment of combat, the connection was stopped, the ordinary communications in the 308th rifle division of Matvey Putilov went to eliminate the rupture of the wire. When restoring the damaged line of the communication, it crushed both hands with a fragment of mines. Losing consciousness, he firmly lit the teeth ends of the wire. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War. His communication coil was transmitted to the best connection to the 308th division.

House Pavlova - a symbol of courage and heroism of defenders of Stalingrad N N 4-storey house in the center of Stalingrad, whose defense was headed by Sergeant Pavlov. From September 23 to November 25, the fascists made attacks several times a day. The losses of the Germans during the assault exceeded their losses when taking Paris.

The results of the operation during the Stalingrad offensive operation were destroyed by two German, two Romanian and one Italian army were crushed. 32 divisions and 3 brigades were destroyed. The enemy lost more than 800 thousand people. The loss of Soviet troops amounted to 485 thousand people. "Before the Stalingrad battle, the story did not know the battle when the surroundings had fallen and there would be a completely crushed so large group of troops. The defeat of the enemy on the Volga marked the beginning of the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as a whole, the expulsion of the enemy troops from the Soviet territory began. "- K. Zhukov.

On February 4, 1943, a crowded rally of defenders and residents of Stalingrad took place in the city-worn to unrecognizable city. After liberation, the city was in solid ruins. The scale of the destruction was so great that the assumptions were expressed to restore the city elsewhere, and the ruins should be left as a reminder to descendants about the horrors of war. But it was still decided to rebuild the city almost again. There was no housing, transport did not work, the factories were destroyed, the land was stuffed with unexploded mines, bombs and projectiles (which are still to this day). But the whole huge country came to the aid of the heroic city. Stalingrad was revived.

Eternal flame

After defeats at the first stage of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet army was able to rehabilitate. A number of successful operations laid the beginning of a new period called the "indigenous fracture". We will reveal this concept in our article.

Start an important stage

The beginning of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War is the Stalingrad offensive operation, called Uranium (19.11.1942-02.02.1943).

From July to November 1942, the enemy walked in the offensive, planning to seize the experienses between Don and Volga, the bends of Don, Stalingrad. Soviet troops led defensive battles, and in November-January, the invaders were able to surround. After long battles, the price of large human losses, the Russians forced the fascists to capitulate. This defeat for Germany meant failure of plans for further advancement in this direction to the Caucasus to capture oil fields.

Fig. 1. Stalingrad battle.

At the same time, the second Rzhevsko-Sychev operation began (November-December 1942) to defeat the Germans, who had strengthened in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge. She was not for the Soviet troops winning, but allowed to urge the enemy and not to give the German parts to come to the aid of the army surrounded by Stalingrad.

The main events

In January-February 1943, the North Caucasian offensive operation was held, as a result of which the North Caucasus was released, the German troops were defeated.

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The January Operation Iskra led to the breakthrough of Leningrad's blockade, but it was not possible to fully remove the environment in 1943 by the Soviet troops.

The final fracture occurred after the Kursk battle (July-August 1943) and battles on the banks of the Dnieper. The USSR has secured a strategic initiative (the opportunity to impose hostilities to the enemy).

In front of the Soviet troops, the task was set: to grab the enemy in battles at eight defensive borders from the northern and south side of the Kursk protrusion, and then sharply apply conrtudar. Huge efforts of the Red Army task executed.

Fig. 2. Tank battle on a Kursk arc.

In August 1943, the USSR launched a number of battles for the Dnieper. The army began offensive along the entire left bank (1400 km of the front line). The Germans had serious resistance, but in September, Soviet troops managed to break through the defense and move to the Dnieper. The invaders retreated, some managed to cross the river. At the end of September, the liberators forced the Dnieper, on November 6, Kiev was discovered, and in December successfully reflected two counter-projective attempts of the enemy. Almost all the left-bank Ukraine was released.

Fig. 3. Forcing Dnieper.

A series of victories of the Soviet Army in significant battles forced world leaders to reckon with the USSR. 11/28/1943 The first meeting of the leaders of the USSR (Stalin), USA (Roosevelt), Great Britain (Churchill) began during the war years. The Tehran Conference stipulated further actions of countries in the fight against fascism.

What did we know?

The indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War is the period from November 1942 to December 1943. At this stage, Soviet troops successfully conducted strategic operations that change the results of opposition with fascist invaders in favor of the Soviet Union and actually decided the further outcome of the war.

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Started at the end of 1942 with the beginning of the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet Army - after the victory in Stalingrad battle. An incredible feat of Soviet soldiers (the price of life is more than 1.2 million soldiers) turned over all the flow Second World War. Stalingrad Hell was reflected in hundreds of literary works, musical works, theater, cinema, television, computer games.

February 2, 1943 General Tank Army Poules was completely destroyed, the rest of the ship veschit divisions, the 8th Italian Army of Gariboldi, the 2nd Hungarian Army, the 3rd and 4th Romanian Army and the 369th Croatian Regiment were defeated in Stalingrad Cotelet And scattered. It is difficult to describe hysteria Hitlerwho realized that the Soviet Union was by no means "Colossus on clay legs" (as he himself said before), and blitzkrieg « Barbarossa"Not only flew to hell, but the whole course of the war began to threaten the defeat.

At this time, the whole of Europe froze, watching the progress of hostilities on the Eastern Front. Both German generals and the Allies of the USSR antihytler coalition It was realized that the most important battles of the World War at that time were held in the territory of the Soviet Union.

August 23 was liberated by Kharkov and began battle for Dnipro. September 22, Soviet troops began to forcing Dnipro, and during the subsequent Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation Surrounded and defeated the German troops. In October began Kiev offensive operation And on November 6, the capital of the Ukrainian SSR was liberated from the fascist invaders.

Immediately after the Kursk arc, an operation was taken the liberation of Donbass. Donbass surgery On August 13, 1943, the troops of the Southern Front, which on the eve of the fascists from Kuban, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog began on the eve. The most fierce battles unfolded in the area of \u200b\u200bKuybyshevo-Marinovka-Snownight. Fascists occupied the dominant height, known as Saur-Mogila. During repeated assaults, the height passed from hand to hand several times, until August 31, the Soviet soldiers did not finally occupy her, and the Germans retreated. During the entire Donbass operation (especially in the defense breakthrough Mius Front, up to 800 thousand people died, although these data are not verified. After the war, the memorial complex was built on the Saur grave, unfortunately, destroyed during the battles in August 2014, when the height also passed several times in the hands of the Ukrainian military, then the army of the Donetsk Republic. On September 5, the 4th Ukrainian Front released an important industrial center - Artemovsk, and on September 8 - Stalino (Donetsk). By September 22, 1943, the Nazis were ousted to Zaporizhia, and the Operation on the liberation of Donbass was completed.

November 28, 1943 in Tehran (Iran) took place Tehran conferencewhich gathered the leaders of the USSR governments ( Stalin), Great Britain (Churchill) and USA (Roosevelt). During the meeting of the heads of state, finally, decided to open Second Front. Recall that the bombing of the Germans of London began in September 1940, and the Japanese as early as December 7, 1941 during attacks on Pearl Harbor Destroyed more than half of the Pacific Fleet of Americans and killed two and a half thousand US citizens. During the conference agents Hitlerthey tried to organize the terrorist attack and eliminate the leaders of the USSR, the USA and England, fortunately, unsuccessfully. Based on this event in 1980, Mosfilm removed Tehran-43.

By the end of 1942, the fracture during the Great Patriotic War, gradually moved to a new stage - the offensive of the Soviet army to fascist Germany and its allies. Not the last role in this fracture played Soviet partisans. Partisan traffic It was carried out with the support of the Soviet government. The reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Soviet citizens in the rear of the enemy in the occupied territories produced no less effect than the actions of the guerrilla Denis Davydov in

In the second half of 1942, with the completion of the translation of the economy, the military rails appeared the ability to create certain reserves of the command. In the fall of 1942, the rate developed plan counteroffensivewhich thought to hold the forces of the Stalingrad, Don and South-Western Fronts with the support of aviation, tanks and artillery. Its result should be the environment and the destruction of the entire group of fascist troops, strengthened in the region of Stalingrad.

On November 19-20, after a strong art preparation, the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops began, which by November 23 ended with the environment of 22 fascist divisions with a number of 330 thousand people. An attempt by the German command in December break the ring of the environment by a joint blow of a group of troops under the command of Manstein and surrounded by the army feldmarshal Paulus General Ended the defeat of Manstein troops. Poulus's army did not accept the Soviet proposals for the surrender. At the end of January 1943, the operation on the elimination of surrounded troops was completed, and their remnants (91 thousand soldiers, officers, generals) and Paulus himself gave rise to captivity. On February 2, 1943, the historical battle on the Volga ended the victorious.

It was an unprecedented defeat of the fascists who lost a huge army and a powerful combat technique. Battle for Stalingrad showed the increased combat power of the Red Army and its military equipment, the talent of the Soviet Polivodel N. N. Voronova, N. F. Vatutina, A. I. Eremenko, R. Ya. Malinovsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, V. I. Chuikova and Dr.

The victory was possible as a result of the heroic, dedicated labor of the Soviet rear, who managed to rebuild his work and ensure the front with everything necessary for victory.

The historical meaning of the Stalingrad battle It is that it marked the beginning of a rooted fiber during the Great Patriotic War and the entire World War II. The defeat of the German armies on the Volga forced their closest allies - Turkey and Japan - to refuse to enter the war against the USSR.

Simultaneously with the Stalingrad Operation, Soviet troops launched an offensive on Leningrad, Volkhovsky, Central and Western fronts, in the North Caucasus region, Done, Voronezh. In the winter of 1942/43, the enemy was discarded at certain parts of the front of the front, many cities and settlements of the Moscow region, Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov and other regions were released between the central and southern industrial areas, the blockade of Leningrad was restored.

Trying to take a revenge for defeat on the Volga and raise the sharply aggregate prestige of Germany, the fascist command developed the plan of the summer onset of 1943. His goal was to level the front line by destroying the parts of the Voronezh and Central Front and further offensive in the country's departure and the seizure of Moscow. The main bridgehead of hostilities, the Germans elected the Kursk protrusion, inclined in the location of the fascist troops between Belgorod - Kursk - Eagle along the line Prokhorovka - Sumy - Rylsk - Sevsk - Embol. The blow was supposed to apply between Belgorod and an eagle in the direction of Kursk.

The absence of the second front, which allies did not open and in 1943, gave the fascists the opportunity to concentrate on the eastern direction of the division on the eastern direction of the division on the eastern direction of the division, that is more than before the war. In the area of \u200b\u200bKursk, more than 50 divisions supported by powerful tags of the Tiger type, Panther and armored self-propelled facilities "Ferdinand" were concentrated and armored self-propelled installations "Ferdinand", which were supposed to be a breakthrough. The Soviet command decided to organize deeply echelonized defense, to urge the main forces of the enemy and then proceed to counteroffensive. On July 5, 1943, the Summer Benefit began, which was successfully reflected. On July 12, the troops of the Western and Bryansky fronts moved to counteroffensive. The scale of this battle is evidenced by the fact that in certain areas up to 1500 tanks, not counting other techniques. On August 5, Eagle and Belgorod were liberated, August 23 - Kharkov. August 30 - Taganrog. In August - September, fascist groups under Smolensk, Novorossiysk, in the Donbas were broken down. In the battles near Novorossiysk, especially at the "Little Earth", and then for the liberation of Kerch, the 18th landing army fought for the liberation, the head of the political waste was L. I. Brezhnev, who passed the entire war in the ranks of the army. At the end of September began forcing Dniprowhere the Germans created "The impregnable great oriental shaft", which included a number of powerful engineering structures, which, however, could not stand the rapid breakthrough of our troops. The troops of the Central, Voronezh, Steppe, Southeast and South Fronts successfully led offensive operations, cleaning the left-bank Ukraine. On November 6, 1943, Kiev was released. For the success of the summer-autumn attack of our troops, partisan detachments and the help of the population of temporarily occupied areas were played.

Battle under Kursk - One of the most important steps towards the victory of the USSR over the fascist Germany. As a result of the victory of the Soviet troops near Kurk, there was a radical fracture during the domestic, software and the whole world war, which manifested itself in changing the balance of strength in favor of the USSR, as a result of the heroic activities of the Soviet army, the labor achievements of the rear, the feat of the entire Soviet people. The root fracture occurred both in the work of the Soviet rear, and during the hostilities. The country's industry has provided a complete advantage of the Soviet Army in military equipment, weapons, gear, ammunition. The battle on the Kursk arc demonstrated the full advantage of the Soviet Army and its technique, showing that the war was a radical fracture, as a result of which the German army was deprived of the opportunity to occur. After the Kursk battle, the Soviet army continued a strategic offensive throughout the front, freeding two thirds of the territory previously seized by the enemy. Exile occasion began from the limits of our Motherland. The meaning of this period is associated with the growth of the international authority of the Soviet state, with a change in the position of the allies of Germany, the further decay of the fascist block.

At the end of October 1943, Moscow was convened foreign Ministers Conference of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, discussed issues related to the further strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition and post-war security actions. Allies agreed to the need to create an international body to maintain peace after war - the United Nations. From November 28 to December 4, 1943 held the conference Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in Tehranwhere an agreement was reached on the final defeat of Hitler's Germany. On May 1, 1944, it was decided to open the second front of the landing forces in France through La Mans. The heads of government signed the Declaration on the punishment of war criminals for the crimes committed by them.

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Type of lesson:combined.

Purpose:show the course of hostilities on the Soviet-German front in the summer of 1942 - in the fall of 1943, heroism and courage of Soviet soldiers.


  • Education: Mastering students in knowledge about the basic events of the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War and World War II, the place and role of the USSR in these events; Formation of students of a holistic understanding of the Great Patriotic War, the fate of the peoples of the USSR, the main stages, the most important events and major figures of the national history.
  • Educational: Raising students in the spirit of patriotism, respect for their Fatherland, in accordance with the ideas of mutual understanding, tolerance and peace between people and peoples, in the spirit of the democratic values \u200b\u200bof modern society.
  • Developing: Development of students' ability to analyze information about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, relationships and interconnection.


  • Cards:
  • a) The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
  • b) counteroffensive red army under Stalingrad.
  • Multimedia presentation
  • Handout
  • Dates important for memorization


I. Poll

1. German attack on the Soviet Union, the reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the first months of the war.
2. Battle for Moscow, its historical importance.

II. Usson the new material


1. Stalingrad battle and battle for the Caucasus.

a) the plans of the German command for the summer-autumn of 1942. (Slide 1).
b) the summer offensive of German troops: students are demonstrated by frames of a documentary film
c) Battle for the Caucasus.
d) Stalingrad defense: shifters from the film (Slide 2).
e) preparation of the counteroffensiveness of Soviet troops, the environment and defeat of the German fascist troops near Stalingrad. The beginning of the indigenous fracture during the war: shifters from the film (slide 3, 4).

2. Kursk battle.

a) Plans of warring parties for the summer of 1943. The ratio of forces.
b) the beginning of the Kursk battle. Operation "Citadel" and its disruption (slide 5, 6).
c) counteroffensiveness of the Soviet army. Tank battle under Prokhorovka. Defeat of German armies: Shoots from the film (slide 7) are demonstrated.
d) the overall offensive of the Soviet troops, the completion of the indigenous fracture during the war.


1. Stalingrad Battle

By the beginning of the summer of 1942, Germany retained a military-strategic advantage over the USSR. Nevertheless, Stalin insisted on holding a series of large offensive operations in order to achieve a fracture in the war. The Soviet command was mistaken in the assessment of the strategic plans of the Wehrmacht, assuming that its main forces will focus on the Moscow direction. Meanwhile, Wehrmacht planned to strike in the southeastern direction, then in the Caucasus, to the oil-bearing areas of Baku.
Objecting the directives of the rate, Soviet troops in May 1942 Gada moved to the offensive in the Crimea and under Kharkov. It ended in a difficult defeat. In July, Donbass and important agricultural areas of Ukraine and the south of Russia were occupied by Sevastopol. The enemy came out to the North Caucasus, seeking to capture rich oil fields, and at the same time began an offensive on Stalingrad in order to cut one of the key transport arteries of the USSR. From the first days of September in Stalingrad, fierce street fighting unfolded.
The transfer of the German troops near Stalingrad limited the possibility of developing their offensive in the Caucasian direction. By the end of September 1942, their offensive was suspended, and all further attempts to enter the Transcaucasia ended in failure.
Under Stalingrad, where the 6th Army of General Paulus and the Tank Army General Gota, the Soviet command prepared a counteroffensive, which began on November 19, 1942 and ended on February 19, 1943, and ended on February 19, 1943 by the passage of the German group of Paulus's troops. Successfully developed the offensive and in the southern direction, where he managed to expel the enemy from the North Caucasus and most of the Donbass.
Thus, the Stalingrad battle laid the beginning of a rooted penalty during the Great Patriotic War and the entire Second World War. The strategic initiative passed to the Red Army.

2. Kursk battle

Preparing for the summer company in 1943, the Nazi strategists focused on the Kursk arc. So called the protrusion of the front line turned to the west .. It was here that Hitler intended to take a revenge for defeat near Stalingrad. Two powerful tank wedges had to break through the defense of the Soviet troops at the base of the protrusion, surround them and create a threat to Moscow.
The rate of supreme glvokomandovanie, in time, receiving information about the planned occurrence, well prepared for defense and response. When, on July 5, 1943, the Wehrmacht hit a blow to the Kursk arc, the Red Army managed to withstand him, on July 12, 1943, Soviet troops moved to strategic offensive. It quickly unfolded on the front of 2 thousand kilometers. In August 1943, Orel, Belgorod, Kharkov were liberated, in September - Smolensk. At the same time, the forcing of the Dnieper began, in November, Soviet troops joined Kiev, and by the end of the year they advanced far to the West.
The battle near Kursk and the subsequent offensive of the Soviet troops completed the root fracture during the Great Patriotic War.

Basic dates for memorization:

1. July-August 1942 - defeats the Red Army under Kharkov and in the Crimea, the exit of German troops in the Caucasus and to the Volga.
2. September-November 1942 Defense of Stalingrad, fighting in the Caucasus direction.
3. On November 19, 1942, the beginning of the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad.
4. February 2, 1943 Liquidation of the German grouping Vroysk near Stalingrad, the beginning of the root fracture during the Great Patriotic War.
5. July-August 1943 Kursk battle, the strategic offensive of the Soviet troops, the completion of the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War.

III. Fixing

To secure a new material, students are distributed with test tasks and the following questions are set:

  • What historical value had a Stalingrad battle.
  • Show on the map directions of the main blows of German troops on a Kursk ledge and counteroffensive Soviet troops.

Test tasks

1. Stalingrad battle began

a) in December 1941
b) in August 1942
c) in February 1943

2. Completion of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War is associated with

a) Kursk battle
b) Stalingrad battle
c) battle near Moscow

3. The largest tank battle in the Great Patriotic War occurred during the battle

a) Kursk
b) Moscow
c) Stalingrad

4. Stalingrad battle laid the beginning of a rooted penalty during the Great Patriotic War, since

a) In the spring of 1943, the second front was opened
b) Fascist Germany suffered the first major defeat
c) the strategic initiative passed into the hands of the Red Army
At the end of the lesson, the general outcome of the lesson is supplied, and evaluations are exhibited. The slides are recorded on the CD disk and are attached to this lesson.