Terrible prophecies about the third world war. World War III

In light of the escalation of the military conflict in Syria, in which a dozen countries are already involved and each has its own interests, ominous prophecies about the beginning World War III are becoming more and more relevant.

Some of these revelations are quite old, some are modern, but each tells of future terrible cataclysms and upheavals caused by human weapons and the thirst for blood.

“I don’t know with what weapons the Third World War will be fought, but in the Fourth, stones and sticks will be used!” wrote Albert Einstein in a letter to US President Harry Truman in 1945, and for 73 years now these words have frightened the whole world, but alas , do not stop politicians from wars.

Donald Trump will start World War III

The Portuguese mystic and prophet Horacio Villegas reported this back in 2017. Villegas said a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. And “this will last” until October 13th.

Many were sure that the Portuguese was talking about 2017, since last year the United States also violently bombed Syria. But since there was no nuclear cataclysm in 2017, and this year two more countries, France and Great Britain, bombed Syria together with the United States, many people now think that maybe we were talking about 2018?

Horacio Villegas is famous for predicting Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election back in 2015, although all the media supported Hilary Clinton and assured that victory was already in her pocket. Villegas also called Trump "the king of the Illuminati."

Mother Shipton's alarming prophecy

lived in a small English village at the beginning of the 16th century. Her mother, Agatha Southale, practiced divination and they whispered about her that the Devil himself came to her house. After one of these visits, Agatha gave birth to a daughter, Ursula, who was very ugly in appearance, but already in childhood had unusual abilities, and from the age of 16 she began making predictions.

Many of her prophecies went wrong. She predicted the great plague of 1665, the invasion of the Spanish Armada (“The wooden horses that will come from the West will be smashed to pieces by Drake’s forces”), the attack of Henry VIII’s troops on Normandy, and much more.

According to her prediction of a terrible war, it will begin in the East and apparently the United States will be the main destructive force.

"Alas, war will come from where the Turks and pagans live, who will bury themselves in a cruel quarrel. When the north is separated from the south, and the eagle is with lion's jaws, burdens, blood and war will come to every home. The yellow people will receive the great power of the mighty bear, which they will help. The tyrants will not succeed in dividing the world into two parts and these actions will pose a great danger. And the intermittent fever will leave behind many deaths."

There are a couple more lines to this prophecy.

"The kingdoms will become jealous and fearful and the trap will turn against them when the dear black worm leaves behind only a few lives."

Prophecies about the Third World War from Nostradamus

Nostradamus has at least 12 quatrains that can be interpreted as predictions of a third world war.

“The braid will connect with the pond in Sagittarius,
At its highest point.
Plague, famine and death by armed hands,
The century is approaching its renewal.”

“After a great misfortune, humanity faces an even greater one,
When the great cycle of centuries is renewed,
Blood and milk, famine, war and disease will rain.
A fire will be visible in the sky, followed by a tail of sparks.”

"Mabus will soon die, then it will be accomplished
Terrible extermination of people and animals:
Suddenly retribution will come,
A hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet flies by.”

Baba Vanga

Bulgarian Vanga, also known as Baba Vanga (1911-1996), is considered one of the greatest fortunetellers of the 20th century. She is credited with many prophecies about the beginning of the Third World War, but in reality she did not express most of them.

For example, Vanga did not say anything about “deserted Europe” and “chemical poisoning.” And her famous expression in recent years, “Syria has not yet fallen,” is rather taken out of context and is associated more with crises than with a global war:

“Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

But such statements took place in reality: “The apocalypse will come,” “Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything,” “Only Russia will be saved, not everyone,” “There will be both water and peace in Russia.” Perhaps this is due to the coming big war.

However, in an interview that Vanga gave to Russian journalist Sergei Kostorny in 1995, Sergei asked Vanga, “Will humanity expect big wars and natural disasters in the near future?” And Vanga replied, “There will be individual outbreaks, but it won’t affect everyone at once.”

Words from the Pope

In 2014, Pope Francis said that World War III had “already begun, in part.” Prior to this, in recent months, the Pope has repeatedly called for an end to armed conflicts in different parts of the world: in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, the Gaza Strip and African countries.

And in 2017, Francis said that a lack of fresh water could lead to a new world conflict.

"The right to water is decisive for human survival and the future of humanity. And I ask myself whether we are not moving towards a major world war over water," the pontiff said.

According to the UN, water shortages currently affect more than 40% of the world's people; 783 million people on the planet lack access to clean water. By the middle of the 21st century, the number of people living with constant water shortages will exceed 4 billion people.

Repeatedly, people who can see into the future have warned us about the threat looming over humanity. Unfortunately, we rarely seriously consider such prophecies, believing that it is impossible to accurately predict the fate of not an individual person, but the entire planet. I will try to prove that the psychics are right, and today, with our eyes closed, we approached a cliff, from which we are separated from falling by a tiny step.

What did Vanga predict?

Vanga's predictions about the likelihood of World War III in 2015. Today these prophecies are more relevant than ever.

According to Vanga, known as an unusually powerful psychic, by the beginning of the Third World War, countries will literally be mired in envy, murder, and lies. Humanity will have nothing to drink. Environmental conditions will become such that trees will stop growing, and the harvest will be very poor.

A similar picture is observed all over the world. Air and water pollution no longer surprises anyone; wars do not stop. New conflicts break out almost every day. I turn on the TV and hear the news confirming the increase in aggression. It seems that humanity has fallen into amnesia and forgotten the lessons of history.

The reason why a new, terrible war should break out was obvious to Vanga. Humanity has long been divided into several hostile camps, according to religion. People worship different Gods, often turning away from the forces of Light and selling their souls to Darkness. It's funny, most religions teach kindness and compassion, but in reality we strive to subjugate those who are weaker. Nowadays, sincere, pure actions have become so rare that they are written about in surprise in the media.

Vanga's predictions about the fate of the world directly speak of impending dramatic changes in human consciousness. Now the only real value is money. They are the ones who bring honor and a calm old age, power and the right to dictate their will.

Vanga was sure that disaster would break out when Syria fell. Now we are watching Syria gradually being wiped off the face of the earth. The shelling of this state by the United States and ISIS is the very “bells” warning about the possible outbreak of a third world war in the Middle East. But fortunately, Syria is still standing and the trees continue to grow. Therefore, there remains hope that people will come to their senses and peace will be maintained in this territory, and tragedy will be avoided.

What is the future for Russia and the world?

While reading predictions about the future, real for humanity, I found a prophecy made by a psychic from Serbia. Like Vanga, he warned about the threat of something new that could destroy the planet.

It is unknown what tests are being carried out today in secret laboratories, but the only weapon with sufficient power is the “peaceful” atom. The number of countries possessing this incredible, destructive power is gradually growing. Of course, nuclear weapons have largely become the preserve of Russia, China and the United States. But developments are already underway in India and North Korea.

It is unknown what consequences the military buildup will have. The United States has already demonstrated to the world once that it is ready to light the fuse. The bombing of Japanese cities was not only meant to end the resistance of a people unwilling to accept defeat, it was an object lesson in strength.

However, natural disasters pose no less danger. By disturbing the fragile ecological balance, humanity deliberately provokes disasters, the scale of which is difficult to assess. Their consequences have yet to be fully felt by our descendants. I was horrified to learn that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had changed the temperature of the Gulf Stream, which determines the climate of much of the planet.

The situation in Ukraine today is dangerous. The desire of the United States to emphasize its power and put uncontrolled countries in their place, the need to search for raw material appendages for European countries led to a military conflict. As is customary, they blamed it on a third-party state, Russia. I have always respected the Ukrainian people, but now it seems that there has been a massive zombification of the country’s population.

The introduction of sanctions on Russia, open threats, and unfounded accusations caused a natural response. The United States, due to its limited mentality, is not able to understand that the Russian people have repeatedly proven that they know how to unite in the face of danger. It’s funny to scare people who have survived a series of endless defaults with rising prices.

The Third World War will become the Apocalypse that Nostradamus warned about. However, in many ways the fate of the world is determined by Russia, and this has been repeatedly emphasized by great psychics, for example, Casey.

Who will be the new US President

The future of the world also depends on the new President of America. The fight between Hirrari and Trump is very serious. Many psychics predict that Clinton's policies will negatively affect Russia and the residents of the United States. Nevertheless, when answering the question, many psychics foretell Hillary’s victory.

Will Russia survive the confrontation with the West?

Vanga, Grigory Rasputin, Casey - it is difficult to list all the predictors who assured that our country is the last guarantor of peace. Even without resorting to esoteric revelations, one can understand that psychics are right.

Today Russia is the deterrent that prevents the United States from realizing its threats. Why, shaking its fists, does America not risk open attack?

The United States has almost never allowed military operations to take place on its own territory. Our countries are separated by the narrow Bering Strait, and the puppet masters running Obama are well aware of how fragile this line is. The American people are not ready for large-scale hostilities.

This was the reason for the intensification of the conflict in Ukraine. It is much easier to carry coals from the stove with someone else’s hands. Now the precarious balance in the world directly depends on the caution and wisdom of our government. Perhaps it is Russia that will have to play the role of the new Messiah, capable of eliminating the nuclear threat.

The future of Russia is directly related to the political situation throughout the world. The introduction of sanctions showed that not all countries are ready to unconditionally obey orders coming from Washington. By their actions, China, India, Kazakhstan, and Latin American countries once again emphasized that they do not need US advice and are not afraid of its threats. I hope the show of support will curb aggressive ambitions and the psychic predictions about World War III will become a psychic mistake.

In contact with

The question of whether there will be a Third World War is particularly pressing in 2017-2018. In some countries, hostilities have been going on for a long time: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Israel, South Sudan, Afghanistan and Donbass - the terrible list goes on. Sometimes it seems that the whole world is already on the verge of a global catastrophe.

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Some historians believe that hostilities could have begun back in 1962, during the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis. A tense atmosphere arose between the two superpowers - the USA and the USSR. Although a regime of maximum combat readiness was introduced at that time, conflict was avoided. Currently, tension in international relations is increasingly growing, so it makes sense to turn to the prophecies of a worldwide conflict.

    Vanga's predictions

    The blind clairvoyant Vanga said shortly before her death about the Third World War that it would not happen “until Syria fell.” She did not exclude the possibility of conflict: large-scale actions, according to her, will begin after the fall of the country, which “bends the knee to the winner.” The prophecy ended with the words: “He will not be the winner.” No time frame, specific surnames or names were given, so one can only guess what Vanga’s words meant.

    Historians believe that we are talking about a conflict between East and West on religious grounds. In the process, hostilities will spread to European territory. Vanga repeatedly said that the conflict would not be started with nuclear weapons, but she did not specify which ones.

    According to the clairvoyant, Russia will not only not suffer from wars, but will become a world leader from whom other countries will ask for help.

    The beginning of the war will be a small conflict in 2008, after which there will be an attempt on the lives of some heads of state. It can be assumed that they were talking about the conflict in Georgia.

    According to the soothsayer, from 2018 there will be many disasters and natural disasters. The Earth will come between the Sun and another body, and during this period the Earth's climate will change.

    The cosmic body will fall into the water, waves will wash away many countries, the sun will go out for two years, and Europe will become deserted. The devastation of countries will also occur due to the use of chemical weapons. A likely war between a Muslim power and the United States will lead to these irreparable consequences.

    In the process, the Slavic peoples - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - will reunite. They will form a single powerful power, but this will not happen before 2028-2035.

    Interpretations of the prophecies of Nostradamus

    Everyone interprets the confusing and vague prophecies of Michel Nostradamus differently. It is now generally accepted that the world war is encrypted in the following lines: “Blood, human bodies, red water, hail is falling on the ground... The approach of a terrible famine, which often goes away, but will become worldwide.”

    Historians claim that, according to the seer, the war will begin in France and spread throughout Europe. This is due to begin in 2018 and will last 27 years. The combined forces of Russia, China, North Korea and the United States of America will confront each other.

    “The problem of peace and war will be solved between the Islamic and Christian faiths. The Third World War will come out of the shadows, Siberia will become Noah’s Ark. Russia will accept all the oppressed peoples; together with China they will become the most powerful powers.”

    Prophecies of the holy elders

    The prophecies of the holy Orthodox elders boil down to the following:


    Matvey Vresfensky

    “This is a war of the whole world... against Russia, it will be terrible for humanity and will claim billions of lives. The reason will be Serbia... the war will begin with Yugoslavia. Russia will emerge victorious, it will establish lasting peace and will not conquer the lands of its opponents.”

    Vladislav Shumov

    “Germany and Russia will start a war through Serbia. Everything will be on fire. Belarus will suffer, after which it will unite with Russia. Ukraine will not be with them and will cry a lot!”

    Paisiy Svyatogorets

    "Turkey will attack Greece; this war will develop into a world war. The Russians will side with the Greeks and stop the Turkish occupiers - their country will disintegrate."

    Elder Joseph of Vatopedi and Elder George of Athonite predicted the same thing. They warned that “the United States will stand behind the Turks and America will incite Ukraine into conflict. Russian and American aircraft will meet in battle for the first time over the Black Sea.”

    Seraphim Vyritsky

    Back in 1927 he predicted the Second World War. About the Third, he said that “trouble will come from China, which, with the support of the West, will attack Russia.”

    Tula Elder Christopher

    “The Third World War will be a missile war. After it, there will be few people left, although it will end quickly. The earth will be poisoned for several meters. It will be hard for those who survive.”

    Other predictors

    They said about the Third World War:



    Wolf Messing

    He predicted that the United States would unleash a new military conflict in the East in 2018. The country's economy will sharply decline, which will lead to a tense situation in the state. In addition, natural disasters will hit the United States. As a result of these troubles, America will lose world dominance. When asked about the last war, he answered briefly: “There will be peace!”

    Veronica Luken

    Born in the last century in 1923, she claimed to be able to talk to the Virgin Mary. Her words: “Syria has the key to peace or war. Three-quarters of the whole world will be destroyed.”

    Gene Dixon

    She predicted global catastrophes, after which war would engulf the whole world. An earthquake in the East will serve as the beginning of these events: "The Arabs will attack Israel; their struggle will last 8 years"

    Sarah Hoffman

    She announced terrible events - the start of the war will be a missile fired from Libya, the target of which will be Israel. The Russian state and the PRC will attack the United States, but will be defeated

    Emmanuel Minos

    He predicted the beginning of the last world war, which was supposed to begin in 2016. The war events he described in 1968 would be heralded by “the rush of hundreds of black, impoverished people fleeing famine and war in Europe.”

    Alois Irlmayer

    He predicted the exact date of his death. In 1953 he told his neighbor:

    • “Our country, Bavaria, will prosper, then there will be a decline in faith in God; refugees from Africa and the Balkans will pour in. Money will depreciate, and a civil war will begin.”
    • "Nuclear missiles will be used in Europe and will destroy Prague. The Third World War will be stopped at its threshold, there will be no nuclear conflict."

    According to him, the war will begin in 2018

    Matthew Lang

    He accurately indicated the start dates of the First and Second World Wars. He predicted the last battle in the period 2017-2022. According to him, the war will come from the East, and its focus will be in Western Europe. The events will be short-lived, but millions of people will die during them

    Matrona of Moscow

    She foreshadowed that “the world will face a war without war, which will destroy many lives; all those killed will lie on the ground.”

    The Bible says that Damascus (present-day Syria) will turn into a heap of ruins. Righteous Isaiah wrote: “Syria will cease to exist, there will be war in Egypt.” All events come down to 2038; what will happen during this period is unknown. In chapter 16 of the book of Revelations by John the Theologian, we talk about Armageddon, in which God and his enemies will converge: the entire Christian world and heaven will be involved in this battle.

    Predictions and prophecies come down mainly to one period - 2015-2023. If you believe the prophets, then the war is already underway. Humanity has stood on its threshold dozens of times already, but has found the strength to prevent the irreparable. Perhaps this time too people will be able to cope with the impending events.

In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of a third world war.”

Soon, similar judgments were made by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Brunsum (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domroese.

These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950-1970s and concerning 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the prophecies of clairvoyants, as in Soros’s forecast, Russia is assigned the role of “China’s flank ally” invading Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact, illustrating the inescapable fear of the West of the “unpredictable Russian bear.”

The world has reached a dangerous point, this is obvious to everyone who is interested in news of international politics. The psychic who predicted Trump’s victory also thinks so. He told us when the Third World War would begin.

Portuguese psychic and mystic Horatio Villegas, who predicted Trump's election victory back in 2015, said that there is less than a month left before the outbreak of World War III. In his opinion, a nuclear war cannot be avoided, and the recent American strike on Syria is its harbinger, Express reports.

According to Villegas, a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, since on this day a hundred years ago the appearance of the Virgin Mary occurred in the Portuguese city of Fatima. The inhabitants of the planet need to “be on alert” until October 2017, says the psychic, this is an “extremely explosive” period.

Villegas is confident that World War III will be short-lived and will end before the end of the year.

According to the medium, the cause of the global cataclysm will be the conflicts arising around Syria and North Korea. Villegas warns that people should be prepared for a war between May 13 and October 13, 2017, which "will end in great devastation, shock and death."

The date of the end of the war is also not accidental - on October 13, 1917, Maria allegedly also appeared in Fatima, warning that “the war is coming to an end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”

Vanga's prophecy about the Third World War

During the current tense geopolitical situation in the world, many people began to suspect that the entire world community was “sliding” into the abyss, which could turn out to be the Third World War. This also confirms Vanga’s prophecy about a great war that will come from the East. It is for this reason that more and more often citizens began to look for the answer in prophecies, especially those people who actually managed to prove the veracity of their judgments.

Among the prophecies of the future Third World War, there are several that are quite comparable with each other and give a fairly specific picture of events. Pope Francis said World War III has “already begun, in part.” But since modern hybrid war is, first of all, an information war, a war for people’s consciousness, many did not notice this fact. Strange as it may seem, the weakest point in the prophecies is the exact dates of the forecasts.

Prophecies about World War 3 say that it will come from the East

Wang did not ignore the issue of the outbreak of the Third World War, many of whose predictions came true after her death. According to her prophecy, World War III was supposed to begin in 2010. That did not happen. However, it is worth carefully reading her predictions and it becomes clear that not all the conditions for the outbreak of war have been met. And again, Vanga says that the Third World War will come from the East.

The beginning of the Third World War in prophecies

The Third World War, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin in late summer or autumn (September, October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. In many cases, the visions of Alois Irlmayer largely coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not a figment of the author’s imagination.

Famous prophecies about World War III using nuclear weapons

Recently, the topic of World War III has been actively discussed on television and on the Internet. The prophecy of a global war was given in the works of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendars, Vanga spoke about it, this war was also mentioned in the Bible. Many predictions of the Third World War said that it was supposed to start in 2010. The quatrains of Nostradamus contain information that in November 2010 the Third World War could begin between Western Europe and the United States.

New prophecy about the beginning of World War III

Today, more and more prophecies are appearing on the topic of World War III, and it’s up to you to believe in them or not. Of course, there are fictitious predictions, because many publications are trying to catch the information wave of popularity with the help of sensations. At the same time, it cannot be denied that World War 3 is indeed possible in the coming years, given the tense situation in the geopolitical arena. And mutual threats between leading countries to use nuclear weapons also instill fear of the possibility of an impending military conflict.

John Titor's World War III prophecy in 2016

John Titor's World War III prophecy is from a time when we were all so innocent, which was less than 15 years ago, just before things started to change. And the legend of John Titor's prophecies about the Third World War in 2016 persists partly because no one has ever declared himself its creator. Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. The danger of a global conflict, the threshold of the Third World War and a possible nuclear exchange of strikes “into radioactive dust” is no longer science fiction

Predictions about World War III

From von Werdenberg's predictions for 2016-2017, the Third World War will be heralded by the military coming to power in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin soon after, will last two years, as a result of which the Earth's population will be reduced to 600 million. In May 2016, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

The Third World War in the predictions of Orthodox elders

“Russia will be saved by processions of the Cross” - Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov. The inevitable Third World War, how is salvation? “The elders pray very much for there to be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, then it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.” Elder Christopher (1996). On the southwestern borders of Russia, outbreaks of the Third World War began to flare up. Whether or not these “small outbreaks” will develop into the active phase of the Third World War in the near future worries every citizen of Russia?!

World War III predicted by Nostradamus for 2016

In 1998, the Panorama publishing house published a translation of Manfred Dimde’s book “Nostradamus. Predictions: a new reading." In it, the author claimed that he had found the key to the famous predictions of the French soothsayer and offered his own interpretations of all his quatrains. It's interesting what this book said regarding 2016 and World War III. Here are the texts and interpretations of Nostradamus related to 2016 and the Third World War (Century X, quatrain 15).

Psychic Vafa Cleo predicted World War III in 2008

Could anyone have imagined two years ago that Russia would find itself in confrontation with neighboring Ukraine? That in 2014 the world will not only pay tribute to those who died in the Great Patriotic War, but also fear the outbreak of the Third World War? By the way, we were warned. All this was predicted by the winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Iranian seer Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa Cleo in 2008, five years ago, the site learned. This is what psychic Vafa Cleo said at the end of 2008...

Alexander Lazarev deciphered Nostradamus' predictions about World War III

Alexander Lazarev: I read many books dedicated to the book “Prediction” by Nostradamus, but did not see any attempts at scientific research in them. Nostradamus continued the Bible. Her text became the basis of the book “Predictions”. The word "Apocalypse" is Greek. It means “revelations,” that is, nothing catastrophic, although this is what John the Theologian called his book about the “Last Judgment.” Indeed, Nostradamus gave an interpretation of the “Revelation of John”, and dedicated about a third of all written quatrains to them. Central to this chain is quatrain 10.72, where the prophet said: “The Third World War has already begun.” The starting point is the US-NATO war in Kosovo in March 1999.

Currently, against the background of world political events, the most popular query of the largest search engine Google has become -

We present the predictions of the most famous prophets.


A clairvoyant from Bulgaria spoke about World War III indirectly: “Hard times await humanity, people will be divided according to their beliefs, ancient teachings will come to the world, they ask me, will this happen soon? No! Syria has not fallen yet..."

This prophecy for an Arab country was made in 1978, then it sounded very strange.

Many interpreters of Vanga’s prophecies believe that she was talking about a war between the West and the East, which would break out on religious grounds, and after Syria falls, the war would continue in Europe.


The medieval seer was also vague in his predictions. Interpreters of his prophecies claim that Nostradamus also foresaw the Third World War: “Human bodies are covered in blood, the water is red, hail is falling to the ground... I feel a great famine approaching, it will go away and then return, and then it will become worldwide.”

The seer said that the war would come out of Iraq and it would last 27 years.

Grigory Rasputin

Rasputin also has a prophecy, which, according to interpreters, is precisely about the Third World War.

“Three hungry snakes crawl along the roads of Europe, and they leave behind only ashes and smoke, all three have one law - violence, and one home - the sword, and when they drag humanity through blood and dust, they themselves will fall by the sword.”

Jonah of Odessa

Archpriest Maxim Volynets told the world about the predictions of the Odessa seer. When asked about the new war, Jonah of Odessa replied: “It will begin a year after my death, it will begin in a small country due to serious disagreements, this small war in two years will result in big, and then there will be a Russian Tsar.”

The Odessa seer died in December 2012.

Seraphim Vyritsky

Elder Seraphim Vyritsky, who has the gift of foresight, predicted the Second World War in 1927. When one of the singers subsequently addressed him, saying that the war was over and peace had come, the elder replied: "That's not all. There will still be more fear than before. The war will come again..."

The elder warned that trouble would come from China, which, with the help of the West, would capture Russia.

Sarah Hoffman

The famous American soothsayer Sarah Hoffman, who predicted the events of September 11 in New York. This is how she described the beginning of the Third World War: “I see how a rocket flying out of Libya hit Israel, and a huge mushroom cloud formed there. I know that the missile is Iranian, and it was hidden on Libyan territory. After this, missiles began to fly from one state to another, and this quickly spread throughout the world.”

The seer also saw how China and Russia would attack the United States: “Russian troops invaded the United States. I saw them on the East Coast, and Chinese troops invaded the West Coast."

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

The Tula seer also saw a great destructive war in which Russia would be drawn entirely, and China would provoke it: “The Third World War will be disastrous for humanity, few people will survive. Russia will be the center of the war. And those who survive this war will have to experience hunger, as the land will become uninhabitable...”

Elena Aiello (1895 – 1961)

The Italian nun Elena Aiello, to whom, according to her stories, the Mother of God appeared, predicted that Russia would have a secret weapon with which it would fight the United States and defeat Europe. The nun has, and in another vision, she saw almost all of Russia in ashes.

Veronica Luken (1923 –1995)

American seer Veronica Luken claimed that Jesus and the Virgin Mary appeared to her for 25 years, and they told her the future of humanity.

“On the map they showed me Egypt and Jerusalem, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa - there is darkness in these countries. The war will intensify, the living will begin to envy the dead, so great will be the human suffering. Syria holds the key to either peace or world war.”

This prediction dates back to 1981.

Joanna Southcott

A mysterious clairvoyant from England who predicted the French Revolution of 1815 predicted the war this way: “When the East is engulfed by war, know that this is the end!”


Not all predictions are so gloomy. When Juna was asked about World War III, the healer replied: “Intuition never lets me down... Absolutely! There will be no third world war."