Advertising and public relations. Public Relations (major)

Graduate qualifications: Bachelor

based on vocational education

About the specialty "Advertising and Public Relations"

During graduation, every graduate thinks about professional self-determination for the future. Many people strive to acquire higher education. The doors of universities are always wide open for applicants, offering training in different faculties.

With the advent of capitalism in Russia and the influence of the West, a new specialty is gaining more and more popularity - “advertising and public relations”. Professionals in this field are in demand in many modern segments of socio-political functioning. A specialist in this field, as a rule, is called a PR manager, that is, a professional who provides “public relations” (from the English public relations). In a market economy and openness, neither companies nor politicians can achieve success without this specialist. This explains the high popularity and prevalence of specialists in the field under consideration.

The field of advertising and public relations has a close connection with marketing, journalism, sociology, law and psychology. Qualified knowledge in these sciences can be obtained at an institute or university. When enrolling in advertising and public relations, you must pass Russian language, social studies, as well as history or a foreign language. Many universities offer training in this specialty - economics, humanities, law and even pedagogy.

The presence of knowledge thoroughly determines the success of a PR manager, but not one hundred percent. For a successful career and fulfillment, a specialist must also have a set of useful personal qualities that will complement his professional competence and help him achieve success for himself and the client with whom he will cooperate. These qualities include:

  • stress resistance;
  • communication skills;
  • broad outlook;
  • the ability to lead people and interest them;
  • the ability to devote oneself to the profession 100 percent.

If you have these qualities, then you have every chance of becoming a highly paid and sought-after PR manager in the future.

A specialist in this field can work both in commercial companies of any size and in government agencies. Politicians or private individuals who care about their image will not have difficulty getting a job.

The responsibilities of a PR manager in a company usually include the following:

  • development and implementation of various communication projects, concepts and programs;
  • filling the company’s information and advertising materials with content;
  • filling and editing the content of the company’s Internet resources;
  • organization of advertising campaigns;
  • organizing and coordinating work with printing houses and advertising agencies;
  • conducting seminars and participating in conferences, exhibitions, etc.

Often a PR manager takes on the functions of a marketer; develops and promotes the company's brand. This is the responsibility of a specialist trained in advertising and public relations.

By choosing this specialty when entering a university, the applicant has the opportunity to become a modern professional, the need for which in the social and business environment is determined by the realities of the 21st century. And if he can successfully complete his studies and show himself in the future as a high-level professional, the demand for his knowledge and skills in the skilled labor market will be guaranteed to him, since successful businessmen and politicians do not skimp on their image.

And studying public relations is interesting and contributes to the development of high intelligence!

Disciplines studied for the entire period of study in the field of "Advertising and Public Relations"

  • Visual communications
  • State and public regulation of advertising and information activities
  • Genres of mass communication
  • Imageology in intercultural communications
  • Foreign language (professional)
  • Internet advertising
  • History of cinema
  • History of world art and literature
  • History of modern advertising business and design
  • Computer technology and information science
  • Copywriting
  • Logic and theory of argumentation
  • Marketing research and situational analysis
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Media management
  • Media economics
  • International advertising
  • Non-media communications
  • Organization of work of advertising and public relations departments
  • Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Fundamentals of state and law of the Russian Federation
  • Fundamentals of Integrated Communications
  • Marketing Basics
  • Fundamentals of media competence
  • Media planning basics
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Fundamentals of reputation management
  • Basics of communication theory
  • National history
  • Planning and execution of communication campaigns
  • Political science
  • Legal regulation of advertising activities in Russia
  • Application packages for advertising and public relations
  • Design in advertising and public relations
  • Psychology of Mass Communications
  • Psychology of advertising activity
  • Working with texts in advertising and public relations
  • Development and production technology of an advertising product
  • Advertising in the marketing system
  • Advertising and public relations in business
  • Advertising and public relations in non-profit organizations
  • Advertising and public relations in politics
  • Advertising and PR technologies for brand support
  • Speech communications
  • Rhetoric
  • Russian language and culture of speech
  • Public Relations in Crisis Situations
  • Modern exhibition activities
  • Sociology
  • Sociology of mass communications
  • Stylistics and literary editing
  • Theory and practice of mass information
  • Advertising and public relations technologies
  • Technologies for managing public opinion
  • Philosophy
  • Economy
  • Business ethics

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies is a core subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Advertising and PR (public relations) are two popular niches that are closely related to each other. They represent a wide field where a talented and ambitious professional can realize his potential. Today, specialty 42.03.01 “Advertising and Public Relations” is one of the most popular, which does not mean oversaturation of the market. Employers highly value true masters of their craft and are willing to pay what they deserve for their work.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to train masters who have a command of words, are familiar with the trends of society and are ready to use their knowledge to achieve a specific goal. Here, professional implementation is impossible without deep linguistic knowledge, as well as familiarity with social phenomena. What subjects are required to be taken by applicants:

  • social studies (profile exam);
  • Russian language;
  • history or foreign language.

Future profession

A graduate with a bachelor's degree will be able to deal with communication processes that occur at different levels and in different areas. At the same time, he will understand the methods, techniques and technologies of communications, which can be business or personal. By working with words during the learning process, he will be able to create materials that promote certain products, companies or organizations. How well public opinion will be formed depends on his skills.

Where to apply

The most popular direction can be mastered at universities in Moscow and Russia, choosing the best universities:

  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University;
  • Moscow Technical University of Communications and Information;
  • Russian New University;
  • Moscow Humanitarian University;
  • International Academy of Business and Management.

Training period

The bachelor's degree program is designed for four years of study (if admitted on the basis of the eleventh grade for full-time study). Choosing a part-time/mixed/evening course means extending your studies for another year.

Disciplines included in the course of study

This specialty requires in-depth familiarity with the following subjects:

Acquired skills

What functions will a graduate with a bachelor's degree be able to perform:

  • management and organization of the work of the press service, advertising company;
  • carrying out events aimed at promoting goods/companies, improving the image of companies;
  • operational planning and control in the field of advertising and public relations;
  • creation of advertising products;
  • advertising distribution;
  • organization of marketing research, surveys, questionnaires and participation in them;
  • mediation between authorities and commercial companies;
  • working to improve social processes at the enterprise;
  • creation of a personnel management system of increased efficiency.

Job prospects by profession

A good specialist who has completed a bachelor’s degree in this field will take his place in any government organization or commercial structure. He may work in an agency that deals with public relations or advertising. As an option, there is the opportunity to get a job in any media, in the press service of an enterprise/government body. Such workers are in demand in antimonopoly associations and election campaign headquarters. They can engage in business consulting and formation of a political image.

What do graduates of the direction do:

  • political strategist;
  • press attache;
  • stand attendant;
  • manager - BTL, PR, GR, FR;
  • image maker;
  • copywriter;
  • media planner;
  • political strategist

The income levels of such specialists may vary significantly. It depends on the place of employment, the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills. Traditionally, graduates already earn at least 30-40 thousand, but after gaining practical experience they can count on a salary many times more.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

A master's program is, first of all, about gaining practical experience. In addition, in the process of mastering it, the student consolidates his competencies, deepening his knowledge. Modern universities do not forget about the study of foreign languages, which are necessary against the backdrop of globalization and strengthening interstate relations.

After completing the master's program, the graduate will be able to engage in management activities in the field of PR and advertising. Such professionals are in demand in the labor market, and having deep knowledge of foreign languages, they can realistically aspire to the international level.

The specialty of advertising has long gained popularity among young people. The direction allows you to gain knowledge in the field of mass communications. Secondary specialized educational institutions offer the specialty “Advertising,” and universities offer the specialty “Advertising and Public Relations.” The specialty of universities is indicated by the code 42.03.01, and of secondary educational institutions - 42.02.01.

Specialty advertising and public relations - what to take, passing score, specialty code, form and duration of study

Students in this specialty acquire knowledge in the field of organizing the activities of advertising services and departments of government agencies for working with the public.

The university specialty in advertising recruits students based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Among the compulsory subjects are "Russian language" and "Social studies". However, different educational institutions may supplement the list of exams by including “Information Technology”, “History” or “Foreign Language”, and also conduct their own additional tests. As a rule, admission is based on the results of three exams.

The passing score also varies depending on the institution. For example, at Moscow State University for budget places the passing threshold is set at 352 points for four exams. To study on a paid basis, you must overcome the threshold in subjects when passing the Unified State Exam, as well as successfully pass the entrance examination.

The duration of study for full-time training is four years, and for part-time training is five years.

The cost varies from 120 to 350 thousand rubles.

Colleges and universities specializing in advertising

Colleges provide training in the specialty of Advertising. Specialty: advertising specialist. Secondary educational institutions reveal more the creative side of the profession. Among the entrance tests there may be tasks in the field of painting, drawing, photography. The applicant must have a document confirming basic general education. The duration of study for graduates of the ninth grade is about four years, and for the eleventh grade about three years. The specialty advertising after 9th grade is popular.

Universities provide training in the specialty “advertising and public relations”. The program of higher educational institutions is broader, covering a larger area of ​​knowledge, since public relations are also affected. Having a higher education opens up wide scope for choosing a job.

Universities and colleges in Moscow specializing in advertising

In Moscow, a huge number of universities train personnel in the field of advertising. The most privileged are considered

  • Moscow State University,
  • Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov,
  • Moscow Humanitarian University.

The availability and number of budget places varies depending on the profile of the educational institution. If the university has a narrow profile, then there are more places; if it is a university with a broad profile, then there are fewer.

For example, at the State University of Management there are 25 budget places, and at Moscow State University there are only 9. The average passing threshold is set at around 260 points for three exams.

Also, on the basis of each university, a college offers a specialty in advertising.

Who and where to work in advertising

If you graduated with a degree in advertising, where should you work? Graduates have the opportunity to work in advertising companies, publishing houses, creative projects and other commercial organizations. Those who have studied the basics of public relations can work in government agencies and coordinate government-society relations.

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) State University of Management (SUM) Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) Russian State Social University (RGSU) Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov (REU)

The profession of a public relations specialist, or, as they say, PR (Public Relations), is one of the most in demand in modern society, and this is due to the objective increase in the role of the human factor in our lives. Government agencies that need the support and trust of society are interested in establishing friendly bilateral relations with the public; private companies seeking to increase the competitiveness of the goods and services they produce; individuals and public groups aimed at improving their image and dreaming of enlisting the support of the media. Specialists who are able to create and ensure the effective operation of public relations systems will become indispensable figures in modern business and politics.

Establishing public relations is an indispensable component of advertising and promotional activities. Currently, advertising has become an independent powerful industry, the turnover of which increases by 30% annually. The main professional tasks of an advertising specialist are informing the consumer, satisfying and forming consumer preferences, stimulating demand by creating an advertising product, providing advertising services and conducting advertising campaigns and events.

Specialties and specializations in the field of PR and advertising

You can obtain higher professional education in the field of PR and advertising at universities within the relevant specialties: “Public Relations” and “Advertising”. Two-level education in this area is not yet provided in universities. Studying in both specialties at Moscow universities offers many interesting specializations.

In the specialty “Public Relations” the following specializations are most often found at Moscow universities:

  • “PR in business (commercial structures)”
  • "PR in public administration"
  • "Modern press service"
  • "Public Relations in the Media"
  • "Communication Management"
  • “PR in a specific area of ​​economics, culture, sports, etc.
  • "Advertising Management"
  • "Copywriting"
  • "PR in advertising activities"
  • “Organization of advertising events” or “Event management”
  • "Marketing in Advertising"
  • "Mass communications and media planning"
  • "Social advertisement"
  • "Design in Advertising"
  • "Information and computer technologies in advertising"
  • "Brand building" or "Brand management"
  • "Creativity in Advertising"
  • "Advertising Directing"

You can become a good advertising specialist by studying not only your main specialty at a university in the field of advertising, but also as a specialization in another specialty. For example, at a university you can get a profession in marketing in advertising (specialty "Marketing"), become an advertising manager (specialty "Organization Management"), a specialist in design in advertising (specialty "Design"), in commercial advertising (specialty "Commerce" ), in public advertising (specialty "Applied Political Science").

What are they studying?

A competent PR specialist, a university graduate in the field of public relations, must have knowledge in the field of economics, management and marketing, journalistic skills in the field of stylistics and literary editing, master the basics of sociology and psychology, be fluent in modern telecommunications and computer technologies, speak in foreign languages.

Training a worthy professional at a university in the field of advertising is impossible without teaching disciplines from a variety of fields of knowledge: economics, management and law; sociology and psychology (to clarify the characteristics of the perception of advertising and advertising texts); history of art and design (for creative activities); journalism and linguistics (to promote advertising products in the media and the Internet); information and computer technologies.

Where do they work and how much do they earn?

Without effective public relations, no structure can function successfully: neither state, nor market, nor political, nor public organizations. The scope of professional activity of a public relations specialist includes PR departments of official and commercial structures, PR agencies, advertising, media, and public organizations. A PR specialist can work in the following positions:

− promotion coordinator (with a salary of 20,000 rubles);

− manager of a communication structure (with a salary of 18,000 rubles);

Public relations manager (with a salary of 40,000 rubles);

− expert, consultant, referent of any structure on issues of mass information and business communication, public relations, humanitarian technologies, scientific, cultural, and tourist exchanges.

The sphere of application of the knowledge and skills of a university graduate in the field of advertising is the entire environment surrounding the consumer, that is, any of us, everything that can be exposed to advertising in order to create an image, priority and consumer preferences, including goods, services, ideas, technologies , securities, real estate, natural resources, etc.

− in specialized marketing communications organizations;

− in research and consulting companies;

− in PR structures, including government ones;

− in other areas of modern information business.

The career of an advertising specialist can develop as follows: advertising agent (salary from 10,000 rubles), assistant advertising manager (salary from 16,000 rubles), advertising manager (salary from 20,000 rubles), advertising director (salary from 35,000 rubles), creative director (salary 75,000-150,000 rubles).

omniscient RECOMMENDS

Translated from English as “public relations.” In the modern world, it is difficult to cope without a constant flow of information and means of communication. Such relationships are a significant area that is aimed at the activities of a company, government agency, and public organization.

What is the public and what is its main role?

The public is any group that is interested in the performance of a company. Public relations are actions that are aimed at establishing certain relationships with other people. This area and scope of work can include conducting a variety of programs that will help create good relationships and contacts with organizations. This process occurs through the formation of an optimal image for enterprises. The main task is to completely neutralize possible adverse events, as well as rumors.

Public relations helps create or completely eliminate the achievement of a goal. Public relations is usually classified as a marketing strategy. Thanks to this line of activity, it is possible to develop strategic management of the internal and external areas in any organization.

Basic functions of advertising and public relations

Advertising and public relations are developed in special departments of the company. Much attention is primarily paid to creating a positive image for enterprises. These departments perform the following functions:

  • Create positive relations with the press. Companies must provide only positive news and important information about their activities.
  • Promotion of goods or products. Specialists conduct a variety of events that can ensure product recognition.
  • Corporate communications. External and internal events are carried out that can popularize company policies in the shortest possible time.
  • For the further adoption of legislative acts, it is necessary to ensure fruitful cooperation with executive bodies.
  • Access to consultations. Advertising and public relations are primarily the development of recommendations that relate to corporate policy in situations where there is room for a negative impact on the company's future reputation. Enterprise managers must be informed in a timely manner about the optimal tactics for forming a positive public opinion.

Public relations is not science or modern technology. This is an objective and important function that is always present among people.

What personal qualities should a communications specialist have?

A public relations specialist must find personal contact with all clients, draw up work plans, write relevant texts, and also do research. We can highlight the most sought-after personal qualities that such an employee should have:

  • Ability to work with literary sources.
  • Availability of public speaking skills.
  • Knowledge of analytics. That is, a person must be able to analyze emerging problems.
  • Creativity - finding fresh and effective solutions to current situations.
  • Convincing clients.
  • Conducting interesting and effective presentations.

A public relations specialist must receive appropriate education in the economic field. This activity is related to the distribution and interpretation of financial information flows.

Main functions of departments responsible for public relations

Each enterprise has divisions and departments that are responsible for specific tasks. The public relations department was created in order to disseminate information about a particular activity of the organization. Specialists must develop and maintain a positive image of the enterprise, conduct advertising campaigns, and also be responsible for the distribution of corporate information products. This includes websites, newspapers, television and other media.

We can highlight the main tasks performed by the communications department:

  1. Conducting speeches and organizing press conferences.
  2. Analysis and development of an information program that corresponds to the activities of the enterprise.
  3. Using the media, you need to create a positive image of the organization.
  4. Selection of video materials, creation of your own music library, which reveals the main activities of the enterprise and all structural departments.
  5. Conducting a round table, meetings with important people, interviews with representatives of the media, where the most important and pressing issues will be addressed.

External public relations functions

To create and regularly maintain a positive image of the company, it is necessary to take care of external functions. They can be directed directly at the public, which may have a negative attitude towards the activities of the enterprise. Most often, this attitude is due to the fact that the organization is engaged in the production of products that are of low quality. They can also pose a risk to human health.

In this case, public relations will help correct negative customer perceptions of products that were created in clear violation of environmental safety standards, if the organization has had accidents, as well as unacceptable actions on the part of managers and employees.

Internal functions of public relations

Over the past few years, social and ethical marketing has been developing in businesses and companies. Today this is the dominant task in the field of commodity production. This concept and public relations indicate that there is a need to reflect certain interests of society in order to create a stable position for the product in the markets.

Thanks to marketing research and maintaining public relations, it is possible to analyze missing new products on the market, receive large orders, complete successful transactions, obtain important contracts, guarantees, and change established credit conditions. This is how it is possible to make changes to the sales policy, change the established prices for products, improve service, open new markets, so that work is constantly improved. Public relations allows you to analyze favorable economic conditions and prepare financial reports.