Poems about our city! “I love the Irtysh in the evening hours, a primary school teacher.

Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich (1929-1986), poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. He wrote many poems about nature and his native land. One of my favorites is "City on the Irtysh". It was created in 1962. It is wonderful, one of the best poems by Timofey Belozerov. "City on the Irtysh" is a magnificent poem, which was written in honor of the creation of the beautiful city of Omsk. Timofey Belozerov put his love for his homeland into it. The poet describes the spaciousness and grace that the people who came to the territory of the future Omsk were the first to see. He uses epithets: big-headed ax, blue smoke, stubborn message, measured eyelid, etc. Timofey Belozerov tells the reader about a deserted place that later became our homeland, that people quickly gathered and formed various new traditions and beliefs. The poet uses an exact comparison in his work: as if the people were gathering their fingers into a fist. I like the last five lines the most:

Measured eyelid

On the steps of the porch

People in the junction of two rivers

Tied up

These lines are imbued with deep meaning. The writer wanted to convey to us that the city of Omsk was created with love, so that we cherish and cherish it.



By the craft of the century,

To a desolate place

A man came.

I wiped my forehead with my sleeve

I dropped my light luggage

Under the hands of two rivers,

Plenty, grace!

Pounded in the pine forest

Big-headed ax,

Girdled the hut

Peaked fence.

Pulled over birches

Blue smoke ...

Man stay

And she went on the serifs

Stubborn message:

There is a place for a fortress!

There is a place for the city!

Like fingers in a fist

The people were gathering -

Balalaikas, nuts

At the new gate.

In the bazaar - carts,

Brocade cuts.

Over the fire barn

Versta tower.

Swayed over the river

Lantern lights

Plahi is similar, ropes,

Cast iron anchors ...

Measured eyelid

On the steps of the porch

People in the junction of two rivers

Collective article "Attractions associated with the name of Timofey Belozerov"

On this page you need to place information about the sights of the city of Omsk, which are related to the poet T.M. Belozerov. The work may include photographs, names of attractions, location, brief historical information.

Team "Sun" MOU "School No. 83"

Memorial stone

Timofey Belozerov, installed on Martynov Boulevard in 2005.

Memorial plaque,

installed at the address: st. Chokana Valikhanov, 2, where the Omsk poet Timofey Belozerov lived.

Library named after Timofey Belozerov,

located at the address: Omsk, st. Berezhny, 5.

Oil tanker,

named in 2005 "Timofey Belozerov".

Team "Woodpeckers" MOU "School No. 83"


where Timofey Belozerov studied.

Team "Dreamers" MOU "Isilkul General Education Lyceum"

Irtysh embankment - a favorite place for walking Timofey Belozerov

The Irtysh embankment was a favorite place for Timofey Maksimovich's walks. From the river station to

and evening hours. The embankment was not only a place to relax or admire the river - it was

road of thought, creative work.

There was a case: I saw him on the embankment in the area of ​​the "Ocean" store by accident, concentrated,

staring into the river distance. Having passed, he did not notice me, or, perhaps, pretended not to

noticed, and did the right thing - after all, it was clear to me that he was working, thinking about something and interrupting

does not want to, especially since on this path he meets many familiar people, and you will not bow to everyone,

do not give a minute of attention when you are all in your thoughts.

I don’t know what lines he wrote along the way. He confessed to me with a smile that on the embankment

Irtysh himself helps him to compose. And how not to believe this, if the whole life of Timofey Maksimovich

from her youth she was associated with the river: a river school, sailing on a ship along the Irtysh and, finally,

after many ordeals and disorder with housing, he received an apartment on Leningradskaya Square overlooking

to the bridge and the river. Therefore, in the work of Timofey Belozerov there are many poems about the river. The river theme passes

throughout the poet's work from the first book to the last poems. Where were they conceived, where are they

were born: at your desk or while walking? There are many questions to which there is no answer.

Vladimir Novikov

Meetings with Timofey Belozerov

Team "UniLita" MOU "Astyrovskaya Secondary School"

* A bust on the grave of TM Belozerov, located at the North-Eastern cemetery in Omsk. Sculptor F. D. Bugaenko. The photograph is kept by V.P. Novikov

  • The village of Chernovo, Okoneshnikovsky district, where T.M.Belozerov lived and worked in the last years of his life

  • The poet's study at the T.M.Belozerov Museum.

  • Irtysh Shipping Company, where T.M.Belozerov worked in 1954

Team "Clever and clever" MOU "Gymnasium №43"


On May 24, 2005, one of the tankers of the Irtysh Shipping Company was renamed. From now on, he will bear the name of Timofey Belozerov. The Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, together with the Omsk branch of the Union of Writers of Russia, turned to the Irtysh Shipping Company with the idea of ​​naming one of the tankers after the Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, the author of sixty children's books, Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov. This idea was supported by river workers, and at one of the boards of directors it was decided that the Lenaneft-2018 tanker, 108 meters long and with a carrying capacity of more than 2 thousand tons, will now bear this name.

"One of the streets in Omsk is named after Belozerov.

It is located in the town of Oilmen

Team "Omichki" MOU "Secondary School No. 142"

The most expensive and beloved book for a poet became a collection of poems "Zhuravkin's holiday" with engravings of the famous graphic artist Nikolai Kalita in the country and abroad.

In the photo: N. Kalyata; one of the editions of the author's book

T. Belozerov's poems were published in children's magazines Murzilka, Kolobok, Pioneer, Vesyolye Kartinki, Koster and adult magazines Siberian Lights, Ural, Neva, Siberian Land, Far East. His poems can be found in many collective collections, almanacs, anthologies, anthologies. And during these creative years, books for children are published one after another: "Spring", "Forest Violinist", "Beeps over the River", "Garden Growing Up", " Forest swing ”and others. During the life of the poet, 56 books were published.

The accumulated creative experience contributed to admission to the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky (in absentia), from which he graduated in 1963. In subsequent years, T. Belozerov's books were published in publishing houses in different cities: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Kiev and also abroad.

Team "Rodnichok" MOU "Tarskaya gymnasium №1 named after AM Luppov"

Personal belongings of the poet, kept in the Literary Museum. F.M. Dostoevsky. The gift of the widow of the poet V.I. Belozerova.

The poet's study.

Since 1954, T.M.Belozerov worked as a foreman in the foundry of a shipyard.

Representatives of the Omsk branch of the Writers' Union of Russia applied to the Board of Directors of Irtysh Shipping Company (IRP). They proposed to assign the name of the famous children's writer Timofey Belozerov to one of the ships. The IRP Board of Directors proposed to name the Lenaneft-2018 tanker the name of Timofey Belozerov, Honored Cultural Worker of the RSFSR, author of sixty children's books. After being entered into the federal register of ships, the tanker officially received a new name, and in the spring of 2005 a solemn "naming" ceremony took place.

From 1954 to 1963, T.M. Belozerov worked at the radio plant named after. Popov.

In 1963 T.M.Belozerov became the editor of Omsk television.

The Irtysh River was one of the beloved rivers of Belozerov. He dedicated many poems to her power, greatness, beauty.

Team "Sibiryonochek" MOU "Secondary School No. 142"

Timofey Belozerov. A true Siberian. Jack of all trades (so called T.M. Belozerov S. Baruzdin). Omsk poet who loves the nature of his native land. But he especially loved to be on the Irtysh embankment. How many wonderful poems are dedicated to the river. Now the Lenaneft-2018 tanker, which now bears the name of Timofey Belozerov, is sailing across the expanses of the Irtysh. And this is no coincidence: in the Irtysh shipping company it is considered their own, the naval one. After all, he graduated from the Omsk River School.

Not only children are in love with the magical world of Timofey Belozerov, who has the happy gift of finding poetry everywhere. More than one young generation has grown up on his poems and fairy tales. He does not have a sharp line between poems for children and for adults. The poet is in love with his land, with his native nature. This is even indicated by the names of poems, by which any Omsk can guess where the events are taking place: “Why did I fly to Bolshiye Uki to the children”, “I love the Irtysh in the evening”, “Osh River”, etc.

It is no coincidence that the poet wrote so much about Siberian nature, and one of the critics called Siberia T.Belozerov “melodious and tender”. It is said very accurately and there are plenty of confirmations in the poet's verses: How much sun and space are in the mountains! I just want to take off the mittens And to the warmth. On the shoulder of the hillside Raise your native village ...

And the first book was illustrated by the Omsk artist Kondraty Belov. Timofey Maksimovich respected and appreciated this man. Omsk hosted the second Belozerov festival dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable Omsk poet Timofey Belozerov. The real poet was loved by many. He has many wonderful students. But many admired it too. No wonder V. Poltorakin in 1970 portrayed T. Belozerov as follows: Personal belongings of the poet, which are kept in the Omsk Literary Museum. Gift of the poet's widow V.I.Belozerova

Team "Stars" MOU "Moskalenskaya secondary school number 3"

T.M. died. Belozerov on February 15, 1986 in Omsk and was buried at the Staro - Eastern cemetery. A memorial plaque with its high relief by the sculptor Fyodor Bugaenko is installed on the house number 2 on Ch. Valikhanov Street. One of the streets of Omsk, in the town of oil workers, a children's library on the Left Bank, a tanker of the Irtysh River Shipping Company are named after Belozerov. His name is reflected in the river, gliding along the waves on board the ship. A memorial stone was erected for him on the Alley of Writers of the XX century.

In the library named after T.M. Belozerov, his books and his heroes live: characters brought to life and drawn, sewn, fashioned by young readers. The force of attraction of his personality turned out to be so great that gradually a small museum arose here, exhibiting photographs, letters, books, personal belongings and favorite records of the poet. The years of study of T. Belozerov at the Omsk River School and his "adventures" along the Siberian rivers are reminiscent of ship instruments and the modern uniform of a school cadet. And it seems that the Irtysh himself entered the walls of the library with his splash, river smell, rustle of coastal grass. The diorama, recreating a corner of the Omsk Irtysh region, seems to have removed one wall and expanded the space.

A wonderful book of memoirs about the poet "He walked on the sunny mane" (compiled by V. Novikov) has been published. The stories included in the book are written warmly, with gentle humor and great respect for the great talent of our fellow countryman. Reading and rereading T.Belozerov's poems, you understand that not a single generation will grow up on his wonderful works.

Team of Young Literary Critics

In the city of Omsk there are sights associated with the name of Belozerov: one of the streets of the city of Omsk is named after T. Belozerov, a children's library on the Left Bank, at 2 Chokana Valikhanov Street, in the house where the poet lived and worked there is a memorial plaque with a high relief by the sculptor F. Bugaenko, the Lenaneft-2018 tanker, which now bears the name of T. Belozerov, plows the expanses of the Irtysh, in the library named after Dostoevsky's archive is T. Belozerov's archive. On the alley of writers of the 20th century, a memorial sign made of basalt stone was installed in his honor.

Team "Book lovers" MOU "Novologinovskaya secondary school"

  • Omsk River School, where T.M. Belozerov

from 1948 to 1952.

Team "New Generation"

Omsk State Museum of History and Local Lore, Lenin 23, a

In 1979, the first exhibition, created in the Dostoevsky Museum by the staff of the literary department "May there always be sunshine", took place. dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Omsk poet T.M. Belozerova... Since the repairs in the commandant's house have not yet been completed, the exhibition was held in the premises of the local history museum.

City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity, Krasniy Put, 155

For a number of years Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov led a literary circle "Irtyshok" in the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren - the archive contains notebooks with children's poems and fairy tales, often with corrections. Timofey Maksimovich talked a lot with children, participated in many creative meetings at the Palace of Pioneers.

Team Girls MOU "Secondary School No. 40 with in-depth study of individual subjects"

There are different ways to keep the elusive past: to mark the old house with a new sign with the inscription: "Lived here ...", to assign the name of an outstanding personality to a street, park or other city object, to collect and publish everything related to life and work. You can also arrange readings, cast monuments, make exhibitions ... His poetry is called kind, light, joyful, melodious and wise, and after years it is still fresh, fragrant and attractive for children and adults. Each of us has read or heard the poems of Timofey Belozerov at least once - a generous inheritance from many generations at once. Were we grateful heirs? Our team made excursions to the places associated with the name of T. Belozerov. We present our photo report.

The poet's bright name became familiar to the children's library on the left bank of the Irtysh. In the library named after Timofei Belozerov, his books and his heroes live.

In August 2005, a grand opening of a memorial stone with the name of a children's poet took place on the alley of writers.

From 1948 to 1952, T. Belozerov studied at the Omsk River School. About the years of study of Timofey Belozerov at the school and his "walks" along the Siberian rivers resemble ship instruments and the modern form of a school cadet. And it seems that the Irtysh himself entered the walls of the library with his splash, river smell, rustle of coastal grass. The diorama, recreating a corner of the Omsk Irtysh region, seems to have removed one wall and expanded the space.

In dozens of ways, we hold back what is leaving. Paper, film, metal, stone. But the main house of memory is the soul. It is here that she is alive and mobile. The best memory of a poet is the life of his poems. To be read, taught, remembered, loved. The work of Timofey Belozerov is a happy legacy that does not diminish, does not cause contention, is passed with love to everyone who responds to love and beauty, and who makes everyone richer. And we must preserve it, so as not to deprive those who come after us.

Synopsis of a complex lesson

in the preparatory group for school

on this topic

"Social and moral education of preschoolers"

"We glorify our city, we sing about it"

Compiled by:


musical director,

senior educator.

Omsk - 2008

Software content: continue to work on the patriotic education of preschoolers; teach how to recognize your hometown from illustrations and photographs; continue to acquaint with the history of the city of Omsk, museums, sights of the region, the work of Omsk poets, composers, artists; foster love and respect for their native land, their small homeland. To activate in the speech of children the words: navigable, full-flowing, plow, pier, ladder, channel. Strengthen the ability of children to perform songs correctly, intoning a melody, to perform actions in accordance with the text.

Material: illustrations, reproductions about Omsk, slides for multimedia viewing, symbols of Omsk - the flag and coat of arms of Omsk.

The hall is decorated with children's drawings about the city of Omsk.

Preliminary work:

Conversations: "Historical life of the city of Omsk" "Omsk museums and its artists" "Acquaintance of children with the monument of history and architecture"

"Travel along the Irtysh"

Excursions: To the Vrubel Museum to the exhibition "How the shirt grew in the field" "To the eternal flame in the square to the Fighters of the Revolution"

Reading fiction, viewing photo albums about our city / microdistrict "Yubileiny", listening to musical works, memorizing poems and songs of Omsk poets and composers, drawing memorable places in our city.

Course of the lesson:

To the song "Golden Domes" children enter the hall, stand up

in a semicircle around the chairs.

Child: Omsk is the gateway to Siberia

The land of bread and water

You are the hope of Siberia

Ageless Omsk.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an exciting journey, in which we will learn a lot of interesting things about our beloved city, remember something and tell us ourselves.

Draws the attention of children to a crossword puzzle located

on a magnetic board.

During our journey, we will need to solve a crossword puzzle and discover a keyword. Therefore, on the way, we need your knowledge, skills, patience and mutual assistance. Ready! You can go! Let's get on the bus and go from our kindergarten along Omsk streets.

Children sit on high chairs. Slideshow:

"The building of the kindergarten", "The building of the school number 95", "" Children's

site and residential building of the native microdistrict Yubileiny ”.

Children name familiar corners of their native land.

And now we will be extremely careful, as we are leaving on the main road, where knowledge and observance of traffic rules is necessary.

The phonogram "Omsk Streets" by Somov is played.

Now I propose to make a short stop and listen to how

With the words of poets, our children talk about Omsk.

Child: Omsk is the gateway to Siberia

The land of bread and water

You are the hope of Siberia

Ageless Omsk.

Child: Ah, my city,

Subservient to the seven winds

Birch, in spite of the seven winds

From afar, through the winds and bad weather

I reach out to your trusting branches ... "

Educator: Guys, who of you knows which city we live in? What can you call you and other residents of Omsk?


Educator: That's right, so we have opened the first word of our crossword puzzle. OMSK.

The teacher offers the child on a magnetic board

open the word "Omsk" - place in the cells of the crossword

matching letters.

Why is our city called Omsk?


Educator: That's right, from the name of the Om river. What is the big navigable river in our city?


Educator: I propose to hear how Omsk poets talk about our Irtysh river?

Child: Gray wise river

Sparkles at the pier

She went through the centuries

And I saw a lot.

Child: Behind the fence, beyond the steep cliff

The riots of water rolls slowly

My Irtysh is my mighty river

There is no more beautiful Irtysh in the world.

Educator: There is a bridge across the river. Let's hear a poem about him

Child: The railing is shaking

The wind breathes in heat

Concrete barrels in dust and sweat

Day and night as a factory assembly line.

The bridge over the abyss of the river rumbles

They crawl off him, trying the motors,

The stream of cars, loaded and empty

And traffic lights like controllers

Examine them carefully.

Educator: Since olden times, Russian people have sailed along the Irtysh on plows / a picture of an old ship is exhibited at the stand / Strug is an old river wooden ship. Then they sailed on paddle steamers, which were replaced by modern motor ships and hydrofoils. I suggest you take a ride on the Irtysh River. What do you think we will sail on?

Children: On the boat.

Educator: Where are we going to go from?

Children: From the river station.

Educator: We will approach the pier and carefully climb up the ladder to the boat. We raise the anchor. Give up the mooring lines, let's sail away. While we are sailing, we will listen to an old legend, how two rivers Irtysh and Ob met.

Children go to the "boat" built from a construction

material. Two children - storytellers stir before

children and leafing through the album, they tell a legend.

1st child: In ancient - ancient times, the son of the Irtysh was born to the old man of Altai. He emerged as a small drop from the stone crack and let it grow by leaps and bounds, but such a fellow - he turned into a hero - love - it's expensive to see.

2nd child: The young Irtysh became cramped in a deep nest. “Let me out, father, free. Close to me in the mountains, as in a dungeon, - he prayed - I heard that the beautiful Ob will not wait ”

1st child: Father did not answer. And then the Irtysh decided to flee from the mountains. On a dark night, when the moon closed in a cloud, the Irtysh scattered, jumped

and burst out of the hollow into the gorge. The Irtysh escaped from the mountains and wondered which way to take the path, where to look for the beautiful Ob.

2-child: Birds flew over the steppe at that time, they told the Irtysh that the beautiful Ob was on her way to the Arctic Sea - the ocean. It's hot in the steppe, the sun burnt out its herbs. “Well, drink my water,” said the Irtysh and spilled widely, freely. The steppe was delighted and clung to the Irtysh water with a dry, hot body.

1st child: And the Irtysh goes further and further to the north. And then the day came when the Irtysh met the beautiful Ob. From afar he saw how she bent in an arc in his direction. "Just for me a beautiful hero!" - said the Irtysh, and two rivers merged in one channel, and flowed to the Arctic Sea - the ocean. And in order to be more full-flowing, the Irtysh absorbs many small rivers, and one of them is Om.

Educator: Listening to the legend, we managed to return back. What is this building?

A slide depicting a river


Children: This is a river station.

Educator: Now it's time to open the second word of our crossword puzzle RAILWAY STATION.

The child puts the word "Station" on the magnetic board

River Station. This is exactly the place where our small river Om flows into the wide big Irtysh. The station building stretches along the coast for almost a quarter of kilometers. This is a kind of structure made of concrete, glass and metal. Very beautiful and light, with a turret, a wheelhouse, a signal mast, with its outlines it resembles a huge ship. Now we will go ashore and walk along the streets of Omsk.

The phonogram "Omsk streets" sounds. Children are free,

dancing, they disperse throughout the hall. At the stand

shows the views of the city of Omsk.

Educator: Listen to the riddle:

What a house -

You will hear music in it

Singing, dancing, crying and laughing

Pleasure for everyone ... /Theatre/

Here's another word from our crossword puzzle

The child lays out the word "Theatre"

What theaters do you know?

Children: Omsk Drama Theater, State Musical Theater, Youth Theater, Puppet Theater "Harlequin".

Educator: And now I suggest that you unite in groups of 4 people, take envelopes with cut pictures and lay out silhouettes of theaters on the carpet, recognize them and tell a little about them.

Children post pictures, then tell what it is

for the theater and what performances are shown in them.

What other memorable places do you know? Who glorifies our glorious city of Omsk?

Children: Poets, composers, painters, writers,

Educator: What poets who write for children do you know?

Children: Belozerov, Sedov.

Educator: The third word in our crossword puzzle will be the name of our fellow countryman.

A child on a magnetic board lays out the word "Sedov »

Educator: Who knows the poems of these poets?

1st child: Nikolay Sedov "Winter"

Hares hid in the snow

A fur coat is expensive for hares

The mice ran into their holes

And you can hardly catch them

Squirrels jumped into the hollow

It is not scary and warm in it

Well, the owl is still sitting

And he looks in all eyes.

2nd child: Nikolay Sedov "Grandfather Matvey"

Who is there on the rubble

In a fur coat and felt boots?

This is Matvey's grandfather.

Dressed up warmer

And dressed like a winter

It spells frost in summer.

3rd child: Timofey Belozerov "City on the Irtysh»

Whilst hunting for centuries

A man came to a desolate place

He wiped his forehead with his sleeve, threw off a light surface

Under the hands - two-flux. Plenty. Grace!

A big-headed ax knocked into a pine forest

A peaked fence encircled the hut

He pulled a well-fed smoke over the birches ...

But one person could not stay.

And the stubborn message went along the notches:

There is a place for a fortress! There is a place for the city! -

As if the people were gathering their fingers into a fist -

Balalaikas, nuts at the new gate.

In the bazaar - carts, brocade cuts.

Above the fire shed a mile of watchtower.

Lantern lights swayed over the river ...

Plahi is similar, ropes

Cast iron anchors ...

Measured eyelid

On the steps of the porch

People in the junction of two rivers

Tied hearts!

Educator: Well done! Which Omsk composers do you know?

Children: Tolstobokov, Titov.

The song "Dashin Pencil" is being performed

Educator: And tell me, please, where did we go recently?

Children: Vrubel Museum.

Educator: Who is Vrubel?

Children: Artist.

Educator: That's right, I'll post the name of this famous artist myself, and you look.

The teacher's laying out the words “ Vrubel "

Educator: What other Omsk artists do you know?

Children: Liberov, Belov.

Show of reproductions "Autumn birches", "Fog on the lake", "Spring"

Educator: Poets, artists, composers and writers glorify our Siberian region, our city of Omsk. When you grow up, you will also glorify him with your work, doing good and kind deeds.

Your dreams will come true, you will be close friends, you will protect and love nature. And now we will perform the song "This is so beautiful"

The song "This is so beautiful"

You are very fond of your native land, your small homeland. Like all Omsk people, we love to relax and have fun, as well as work. And now, at the end of our journey, you and I can read the key word that we got. And this word “ WALTZ" ... I propose to invite all our guests and perform the wonderful "Omsk Waltz"

They say that evenings in the suburbs are good. Only in Omsk they are not worse.

The "Omsk Waltz" is being performed, children invite adults.

Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich (1929-1986), poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. He wrote many poems about nature and his native land. One of my favorites is "City on the Irtysh". It was created in 1962. It is wonderful, one of the best poems by Timofey Belozerov. "City on the Irtysh" is a magnificent poem, which was written in honor of the creation of the beautiful city of Omsk. Timofey Belozerov put his love for his homeland into it. The poet describes the spaciousness and grace that the people who came to the territory of the future Omsk were the first to see. He uses epithets: big-headed ax, blue smoke, stubborn message, measured eyelid ... Timofey Belozerov tells the reader about a deserted place, which later became our homeland, about how the people quickly gathered and formed various new traditions and beliefs. The poet uses an exact comparison in his work: people were gathering like fingers in a fist ... I like the last five lines the most:

Measured eyelid

On the steps of the porch
People in a knot of two rivers

These lines are imbued with deep meaning. The writer wanted to convey to us that the city of Omsk was created with love, so that we cherish and cherish it.

Irtysh helps to compose

... Timofey Belozerov he loved to walk along the Irtysh embankment from the river station to the Leningradsky bridge and further to the cargo port. Here he not only admired the local beauty and relaxation, but also composed poetry. He often confessed to his family that it was there that lines were born to him, the Irtysh helped him to compose. Still, after all, Belozerov's whole life was connected with the river: he graduated from the Omsk River School, which today bears the name of Captain Evdokimov, sailed on a ship on the Irtysh and received an apartment in the city on Leningradskaya Square, with a view of the bridge and the river.

Once, having met Vladimir Novikov, an Omsk writer, at the embankment, Timofey Belozerov invited him to go down to the river. Here, as the young publicist recalled, he witnessed the birth of one line.

“- Let's sit down! - suggested the poet, pointing to the log lying on the way. Have a seat. And at that moment on the river, one after another, the lights of the buoys began to flash.

Electronics! .. - said Timofey Maksimovich. - Themselves light up with the onset of twilight. And before that it was: grandfather the buoy-keeper at the oars, granddaughters at the stern - they float to light the lanterns. Romance! It is a pity that so many boys now do not know this joy.

From under the bridge, pushing the barge in front of it, a tug appeared and passed us - in the lights and all breathing warmth and comfort.

- I love the Irtysh in the evening hours! .. - said Timofey Maksimovich and suddenly shuddered at these words. He looked at me and repeated those words again.

- But this is a poetic line! - I exclaimed. "

On the same evening, the poet wrote a poem:

I love the Irtysh in the evening.

Here the buoy flashed,

ignited by the twilight.

And on the edge of a whitening braid

The fisherman, armed with a spoon, has quieted down.

A tug with a heavy barge passed

With flowers in the wheelhouse, with farewell music.

And little kulichka, as if a stranger to everyone,

Suddenly burst into tears

on the shallow sad...