The meaning of the suffix enk. Verb suffixes in Russian

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are different rules for writing this morpheme; they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Let's look at what verb suffixes there are.

Suffix -ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova-/eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - to envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense - to spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - to sympathize;
  • stroke - to hatch.

The spelling of these morphemes is checked using the first person singular verb form. numbers in the present tense. In order to put the verb in the required form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I'm dancing now;
  • I am drawing right now.

As you can see, the verb ends in -y. In this case, the suffix is ​​written -ova-/-eva-.

Examples of words in which the verbal suffix -ova-/-eva- is emphasized:

  • I envy - envy, greet - greet, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, quarrel - quarrel.

Morphemes -yva-/-iva- also form verbs, which are followed by the question “what to do?” For example: take a bite.

The suffixes -yva-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

(what to do?) experience - (what to do?) experience.

The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the 1st letter. the only one real numbers time. Let's remember the question: "What am I doing now?" And the answer will be: “I’m dancing now,” “I’m finishing now.”

After this, we determine that at the end - yu/-ivayu.

Examples of words in which it stands out:

I choke - choke, invent - invent, swing - swing, educate - educate, bite - bite, refuse - refuse, search - search, grease - grease, hang - hang, paint - paint, saw - saw, unwind - unwind, take apart - take apart, draw out - draw out, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, test - test, shudder - shudder, think - think.

Suffixes in participles

The morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- are preserved in active participles.

This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a characteristic of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For example:

Verb suffix -va and the vowel before it

If the stress falls on the final part of the verb, you cannot highlight -ova-/eva-, -ыва-/-iva-, since the suffix will be different - va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous word-forming morphemes. For example, it is highlighted in the words:

  • weaken;
  • fog up;
  • poly;
  • prod-va´-t;
  • hum.

This suffix forms the imperfective form of the perfective and appears in the form of nes. V. and disappears in the verbs of owls. V. This will help highlight it in the word:

  • weaken (sov.v.) - weaken (nesov.v.);
  • fog up (sov.v.) - fog up (not sov.v.);
  • water (sov.v.) - water (not sov.v.);
  • thread (sov. v.) - prod-va-t (non-sov. view);
  • hum (sov.v.) - sing-va-t (non-sov.v.).

Appearing in verbs, it takes on the stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into an orthogram. To select it, the following rule is applied: To correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix -va, you need to omit this suffix.

Suffix -e-

This verbal suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs from which questions cannot be put in the accusative case:

  • blackness (from what?) from grief;
  • seriousness (from what?) from problems;
  • rusty (from what?) from humidity;
  • white (from what?) from old age.

Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without outside influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

Vowels before the suffix -l-

The past tense verbal suffix -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver...l, drive...l, hover...l, measure...l, detour...l, despair...l, stuck...l, sit...l, clean...l.

To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in the initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

  • twirl - spit;
  • winnow - winnow;
  • start - started;
  • depend - depended;
  • measure - measured;
  • repent - repent;
  • bow - bowed;
  • cherish - cherished;
  • hope - hoped;
  • travel - traveled;
  • despair - despair;
  • stick - glued;
  • soar - soar;

  • listen - listened;
  • sow - sowed;
  • clean - cleaned;
  • smell - smelled.

Is the reference. It is also preserved in the gerunds before -v- and -louse-: desperate lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

Task for consolidation

So, when you know what verbs there are and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

Letters are missing in this text. It is easy to restore if you remember some of the learned rules governing the spelling of verbs.

It is interesting to watch monkeys living in trees. You can look at them and photograph them, because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don’t jump...but flutter...from branch to branch, swing...and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys tear it off, grab it with their tenacious paws, inspect it, sniff it and try to taste it, even bring it to their ear to listen. They pawn some things on the cheek, and discard others as unnecessary.

Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look out for the most beautiful things, and don’t yawn, keep your eyes open.

Words in the Russian language are formed using significant parts: prefixes, suffixes. Suffixes are divided into word-forming and formative. In addition, they can indicate their tense for verbs, and gender, number and case for nouns.

Meaning and types of suffixes

Each part of speech has its own suffix, which has its own specific meaning. For example, for nouns:

  • suffix - ec can denote a person and object of the masculine gender, belonging to any group: owner, Italian,
  • suffix - IR has a diminutive function: table, spout,
  • With the help of this necessary significant part of the word, words are formed that denote masculine persons by belonging to a certain activity. Linguist, florist - words in which the suffix - ist plays an important role in determining the type of occupation in which the named persons are engaged,
  • words that have suffixes that can be used to call someone or something tenderly and affectionately. Such suffixes include: - To- (skin), - oshk- (window), - ear- (darling), - chick- (finger). And also: - ts-, -yshk-, -yushk-.

Adjectives have a fairly diverse list of suffix meanings. It is enough to give a few examples.

  • Suffixes -an- (-yang-) participate in the formation of adjectives with the meaning of the material from which the object is made (wood, leather).
  • The meaning of belonging is expressed in adjective suffixes - ev (-ov): brothers, mechanics.
  • Suffixes indicate geographic affiliation -ensk- (-insk-). For example, Cuban and Penza.

Verb suffixes are not so numerous, but their significance is great. Only one letter in the suffix -l- can form the past form of the most interesting and complex part of speech. For example, we can name only a few verbs: knew, howled, threw. Some of the verbal suffixes indicate an action that is directed by the person himself. These are suffixes - s- and -b- (enjoy).

The infinitive form of the verb is easy to recognize by its suffixes - you, -t, -whose. There are many such words. Just a few of them: come, sing, bake.

You just need to memorize the suffixes of pronouns and adverbs in order, thanks to the knowledge gained, to recognize these parts of speech.

Coloring and emotions in suffixes

Standing apart among the morphemes involved in the formation of new words are suffixes that have an emotional and expressive connotation. This coloring can be varied, from diminutive to contemptuous. Between them, an affectionate and exaggerating coloring is possible, expressing one’s attitude towards an object, character or phenomenon. People relate to the world around them differently, so the color changes. It can be sharply negative or, conversely, positive.

A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word that serves to form new words.

1. In grammar, a suffix is ​​a morpheme located between the root and the ending. The suffix can be word-forming (for example, chit-a-yu, arrow-k-a, thunder-k-iy) and inflectional (formative) (for example, chit-l-a, chit-yushch-iy, skor-ee).

2. Suffix - (Latin suffixus - attached), a type of affix, morpheme that follows the root (in Russian “dom-ik”) or stem (in Russian “shirot-n-yy”) and precedes the ending



Meanings of suffixes.

an-(-yan-), -anin(-yanin), -ach, -eni, -et-, -estv-(-stv-), -is, -ets, -ism, -izn-, -ik( -nik), -in, -ist, -itel(-tel), -ih -its-(-nits-), -k-, -l-, -lk, -flax, -lschik(-flackers-), -ni, -ot-, -ost, un, -chik (-chits-, -schik);

Adjective suffixes.

Al-(-el-), -an-(-yan-), -ast-(-at-), -ev-(-ov-, -[j]-), -evat-(-ovat-), -en-, -enn-(-onn-), -ensk-(-insk-), -iv-(-liv-, -chiv-), -in- ist-, -it- (-ovit-), -k-, -l-, -n-(-shn-), -teln-, -uch-(-yuch-, -yach-), -chat-;

Verb suffixes.

A(t) (-i(t), -ka(t)), -e(t), -eva(t) -ova(t)), -i(t), - nothing(t), - well (t), -stvova (t), -sya;

Adverb suffixes.

A, -e, -and, -wait, -either, something, -oh, -that, -teach (-yuchi).

Pronoun suffixes.

Either, or something.

Alphabetical index

A - -a(t), -al-, -an-, -anin, -ast-, -at-, -ach

E --e(t), -ev-, -eva(t), -evat-, -el-, -en, -eni, -enn-, -ensk-, -et-, -estv-, -is , -ets

And - -iv-, izm, -izn-, -ik, -in-, -insk-, -ist, -it-, -itel, -i(t), -ih-, -its-


K -, -ka(t) L-, -or, -liv-, -lk-, -flax, -flacker, -flacker-

N-, -anything, -nor, -nick, -nits-, -nothin’, -well (t)

Oov-, -ova(t), -ovat-, -ovit-, -o, -onn-, -ot-, -ost

With -stv-, -stvova(t), -sya

T -tel, -teln-, -to

U-un, -uch-, -uch

Ch -chat-, -chiv-, -chick, -chits-



Yu-yuch-, -yuchi

I -i(t), -yan-, -yanin, -yach-

J -[j]-.

Suffixes of nouns.

The suffix -an- (-yan-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Part of the body characterized by an intense external sign (belly, forehead, wrasse);

A person inclined to what is called the original word (schemer, politician, critic, rude);

Names of the animal (eagle);

A phenomenon characterized by a relationship to what is called by the original word (buran)

The suffix -anin (-yanin) forms nouns with the meaning of a person at the place of residence (city dweller, villager).

The suffix -ach forms nouns with the meaning:

Faces by predominant characteristic (strongman, barbel, trumpeter);

An object that serves to perform an action (tractor, scarecrow).

The suffix -eni (-ni) forms nouns with the meaning of action (blooming, formation, salvation).

The suffix -et-(-ot-) forms nouns with the meaning:

1) an abstract sign (speed, kindness, poverty);

2) aggregates of individuals (the poor, infantry);

3) actions with a general noise value (rumble, stomp).

The suffix -estv-(-stv-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Union, association of persons who are named in the original word (brotherhood, superiors, youth, fraternity);

With the meaning of the institution (embassy, ​​representative office);

Abstract sign (cunning, wealth, grace, marriage);

A person endowed with a characteristic named by the original word (deity, nonentity, highness).

The suffix -is (-ost) forms nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute or state (freshness, pallor, pity, courage).

The suffix -ets forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons by belonging to the country, territory, city where they live or where they come from (Spaniard, Novgorodian, highlander);

A person characterized by some property (sage, fool, stubborn);

An object or phenomenon characterized by a sign or action named by the words from which they are derived (incisor, scar, jellied meat).

The suffix -ets can act as a suffix of subjective assessment.

The suffix -ism forms nouns that denote states, qualities, names of teachings and social movements (realism, fanaticism, romanticism, heroism).

The suffix -izn- forms nouns with meaning:

1) abstract feature (whiteness, yellowness, novelty);

2) a verb with the meaning of action (reproach).

The suffix -ik (-nik) forms nouns denoting:

A person by property or attribute that determines his attitude to an object, occupation (virgin land worker, chemist, full-time student)

An item intended for something (kettle, receiver, wallet);

An object denoting a book or essay (problem book, reference book);

A space or territory covered with something or containing something (spruce forest, raspberry forest).

The suffix -ik can act as a suffix of subjective assessment.

The suffix -in- forms nouns with the meaning:

Types of fish and meat (sturgeon, lamb);

One item from a series of identical ones (pea, straw);

Abstract signs (depth, gray hair);

The result or instrument of action (crossbar, mark, scratch);

A person who is a representative of a nation, a citizen of a state, a resident or native of a country (Georgian, Tatar, Mordvin).

The suffix -in- can act as a suffix for objective assessment.

The suffix -ist forms nouns with the meaning of person according to belonging to an institution, profession, or a certain social movement (signalman, accordionist, Marxist).

The suffix -its- (-nits-) forms nouns with the meaning:

An object is a container for something, a place (sugar bowl, hospital);

Names of female animals (she-wolf, lioness).

The suffix -its- can act as a suffix for objective assessment.

The suffix -ih- forms nouns - names of female animals (hare, elephant, rabbit).

This is interesting! There are formations of nouns such as: cat - cat, peacock - peahen, goat - goat, different root words: ram - sheep, rooster - chicken, bull - cow.

The suffix -k- forms nouns denoting:

Female persons from the corresponding male nouns (athlete, student);

An object (machine, device, tool, room) intended for carrying out an action (valve, grater, partition);

Subject - the result of an action (note, tincture);

Action (flash, attempt).

The suffix -k- can act as a suffix of subjective assessment.

The suffix -l- forms nouns with meaning:

A person who constantly or usually performs an action (crammer, thug, bouncer);

An object intended to carry out an action (soap, blower);

An object or phenomenon characterized by an action named by the original word (fact, profit, growth).

The suffix -lk- forms nouns with the meaning:

An object designed to perform an action (seeder, heating pad, piggy bank);

Premises intended for carrying out the action (steam room, locker room);

Names of the persons performing the actions (fortune teller, nurse).

The suffix -linen- forms:

Nouns with the meaning of the place where the action takes place (ironing room, bathing room, bedroom);

Adjectives with the meaning of being intended to perform an action (knitting, maternity, drying).

The suffix -lnik forms nouns with the meaning of an object intended to perform an action (refrigerator, washbasin).

The suffix -lschik (-lshchits-) forms nouns with the meaning of a person by type of activity, occupation or action (driller, grinder, cleaner);

The suffix -tel (-itel) forms nouns with the meaning:

A person belonging to a particular profession, engaged in a particular activity (teacher, seeker, educator, rescuer);

An object (tool, device, machine) that produces an action (engine, switch, muffler).

The suffix -un forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons according to the action characteristic of him (runner, screamer);

Animals according to their characteristic feature (rodent, horse).

The suffix -chik (-schik, -chits-) forms nouns with the meaning:

Persons by occupation (concrete worker, translator, tinsmith, barman);

An object (machine, mechanism, device) that performs actions (loader, towing vehicle).

Adjective suffixes

The suffix -al- (-el-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

such as one becomes under the influence of actions (stale, tanned, outdated).

The suffix -an- (-yan-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

Made from this or that material or related to something (leather, clay, wood, earthen);

Intended for placing something (wood, clothes);

Powered by what is called the original word (wind, oil, peat);

The suffix -ast- (-at-) forms adjectives that name parts of the human or animal body, external qualities of a person, accessories of his appearance (hairy, shaggy, big-lipped, bespectacled, horned, high-cheeked).

Exception: striped, married.

The suffix -ev(-ov), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

The object belongs to a person or animal (grandfathers, mechanics, wolf, dog);

Made from something, relating to someone, something (pear, garden)

The suffix -enn-, -onn- form adjectives with the meaning:

Sign or property (cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

Being subject to an action, the result of an action, or being characterized by an action (slow, intense, in love).

The suffix -ensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names (Cuban, Penza).

The suffix -iv- forms adjectives with the meaning: constant property, quality, inclination towards something, possessing some quality to a large extent (lazy, deceitful, beautiful, playful).

The suffix -in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: (goose, uncle).

The suffix -ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Similar to something (silver, velvety);

Possessing something in large quantities (vocal, branchy);

Having a tendency to take some kind of action (cocky, jerky, impetuous).

The suffix -it- (-ovit-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

possessing something to a greater extent (famous, poisonous, angry).

The suffix -k- forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some action, such that one often does something, or one with whom something is often done.

(brittle, squishy, ​​sticky, malleable, tenacious).

The suffix -l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Being in a state that arose as a result of an action named by the original word (rotten, skillful, tired);

Possessing the characteristic named in the original word (light).

The suffix -liv- forms adjectives denoting a state, action, property, inclination towards something or the possession of some quality (silent, happy, loud).

The suffix -n (-shn) forms adjectives with the meaning:

A sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word (spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

Subjection to some action or the result of any action, which is named by the original word (verbal adjectives) (torn, read, called, torn).

The suffix -ovat- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

Partially reminiscent of someone or having some quality of something (masculine, roguish, dashing);

A shade of weakened quality (somewhat, slightly) (bluish, whitish, sweetish).

The suffix -teln- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Producing or capable of producing an action (observant, satisfactory);

Being the object of an action or capable of becoming one (desirable, tactile);

Designed to perform an action (swimming, flying);

Indicating a certain connection with an action (selective. preparatory).

The suffix -uch- (-yuch-, -yach-) forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some action (singing, stinking, hanging)

The suffix -chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

Having something, having in large quantities or to a large extent something (patterned, logged, lumpy)

Filling with some quality or property what is denoted by the original word (smoky, pipe-shaped, onion).

The suffix -chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, show some property (resourceful, accommodating, stable).

Verb suffixes.

The suffix -а(т), -я(т) forms verbs from nouns with the general meaning of action (to have breakfast, to trump).

The suffix -a(t) -ka(t) forms verbs from interjections, onomatopoeic words (ooh, giggle, meow).

The suffix -е(т) forms verbs with the meaning: to become someone, somehow, to be what the original word calls (to grow old, to grow wild, to darken, to grow rich, to become prettier).

The suffix -и(т) forms verbs with the meaning:

Perform an action characteristic of what is named in the original word (farm, fish);

To turn into someone, to make someone (to cripple);

Act with the help of an object (harrow, drill);

Take place, occur (about natural phenomena) (freeze, drizzle, powder);

Endowment with the quality named in the original word (blush, blacken);

Bringing to the state named in the original word (to make happy, angry, sad);

Removing something named by the original word from the surface or from the inside (gut, peel);

An action or sign named in the original word (cunning, springing);

The suffix -nicha(t) forms verbs with the meaning:

engage in activity, show a tendency towards any activity (begging, monkeying, gardening)

The suffix -nu(t) forms verbs with the meaning of instantaneity, instantaneity (blind, gasp, click).

The suffix -ova(t), -eva(t), -stova(t) forms verbs with the meaning:

to carry out something, to be in some state or to indulge in some activity (trade, yearn, grieve, steal, bliss, riot, remain silent).

The suffix -sya (-s) forms verbs with the meaning:

A person performing an action aimed at himself (washing, dressing);

The internal state of the subject, mood, experience (rejoice, be interested);

Movements made by the subject (rolling, hitting);

Actions constantly characteristic of the subject (burns (nettle), pecks (rooster);

Actions performed by several persons (meeting, quarreling);

Actions performed by the subject for himself, in his own interests (stocking up, packing);

Completeness, exhaustion, manifestations of action, satisfaction, exhaustion of the subject by the action, intensity of the subject’s capture by the action (to lie down, get enough sleep, take a walk).

Adverb suffixes.

The suffix -a, -o, -e forms adverbs with the meaning of evaluating an action (singingly, strongly, swiftly, again, pleadingly, touched, softening, excitedly).

The suffix -i forms adverbs from the stems of adjectives with the suffix -sk- (friendly, logically, systematically);

The suffix -zhdy forms adverbs from cardinal numerals (once, twice);

The suffix -uchi (-yuchi) forms adverbs from verb stems (playfully, sneaking);

Suffixes -to, -or, -something

Forms adverbs in which, even with the most general indication of place, time, manner of action, they remain unclear (somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, sometime, somehow);

These suffixes also form pronouns in which, even with the most general indication of an object or its quality, property, the object itself or its attribute remains unclear in a number of similar objects (or attributes (someone, something, some, something ).

Subjective evaluation suffixes.

In the Russian language there are suffixes of subjective assessment, which form not new words, but their forms, often differing from the words on the basis of which they arose, only in emotional and expressive coloring.

Suffixes of nouns: enk-(little path), -onk-(birch tree), -onk-(little book), -enk-(little horse), -ts-(mirror), -ashk-(old man), -in-(domina) , -ish- (voice), -ets (brother, frost), -ik (ticket, bouquet), -chik (motor, little pocket), -ok (buddy, snowball), -its- (water, puddle), - k- (head, night), -ink- (speck of dust, dewdrop), -ochk- (star, muzzle), -ushk- (grandfather), -yushk- (volushko), -yshk- (sun), -ishk- (house), -glass (leaf), -echko (seed), -ears (sparrows), -yshek (pegs).

Adjective suffixes: -enk- (kindly), -onk- (light), -ekhonk- (smirnekhonky), -okhank- (bitter), -eshenk- (quick), -oshenk- (lightly)

Adverb suffixes: -onko (lightly), -enko (long time ago), -enechko (good), -onechko (quietly), etc.

In this article:

A17 does not include spellings with n - nn(a separate task A13 is devoted to this topic).
But even without them, the volume of material is large, because Russian is a language with a developed suffix system: there are many suffixes. A literate person needs to know the spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, not all suffixes are found in KIMs. The wording of the tasks involves searching for words either with a letter e, or with a letter And. This allows you to significantly narrow the circle of “necessary” suffixes. Moreover, in the vast majority of training variants prepared by FIPI, the tasks actually contain mainly verbs in the indefinite form, participles, gerunds, and adjectives. Are there any questions regarding the spelling of noun suffixes? Yes, because, firstly, this is provided for by the “Generalized Plan of Examination Work for the Unified State Examination in the Russian Language” and, secondly, noun suffixes with a diminutive meaning are found in tasks.

I propose the order of presentation of reference material for preparation not in accordance with tradition (from nouns to other parts of speech), but according to the frequency with which words appear in KIMs. So, the order is as follows: verb forms (including participles and gerunds), adjectives, and only then nouns (no more than 10% of them were found). Anyone who claims the highest score must follow us to the very end.

I advise everyone to carefully consider the examples. A consciously learned example will serve as a model for reasoning by analogy.

Verb suffixes

1). Suffixes --ova-, -eva-, -yva-, -iva-: draw, grieve - be late, evaluate

Check! Determine the 1st person singular form of the present or future tense!
If in the 1st person singular form of the present or future tense there are combinations

  • wow, wow, then write the suffixes -ova-(-eva-): advise - I advise, command - I command
  • yay, yay, then write the suffixes -ыва-(-iva-): to be late - I’m late, to consider - I’m considering


The phonetic variants of suffixes given in brackets occur after soft consonants.

2). Distinguishing suffixes-e- + -va- and -yva- (-iva-): to overcome, to fall ill - to justify, to reassure

Attention to emphasis!

The suffix -va- is always stressed: overcome, get sick.
Before the suffix -va- write the suffix -e-.

The suffixes -yva-, -iva- are unstressed: write down, glue, aim.

Do not confuse:

In words like pour, chant letters And And e fundamentally.

3). Suffixes in the infinitive form of the verb:
see, paint
The suffixes of verbs of the 1st conjugation are different. The suffix of the verb stem of the 2nd conjugation is -i-.


Exception verbs for this task are not of interest: after all, you need to recognize the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. Therefore, if you define a letter in the suffix of an indefinite form of a verb, feel free to write -e- in exception verbs on eat with an unstressed letter in the suffix: to offend, to see, to hate, to depend and derivatives from them: to see, to envy, to be offended, and others like that. In other exception words, the suffix is ​​in stressed position.

4). Suffixes in participles and gerunds.


In A17, no one checks whether you know the suffixes of participles and gerunds. In participles and gerunds, vowel stems are missing, from which the data in the form assignments are derived.
Examples from CIMs:
gluing, pulling out, aiming, hoping, worming, squealing

Therefore, you should not be distracted by the form of participles and gerunds, or remember their suffixes. We need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and gerunds are formed.

Gluing - from: glue
pulling out - from pulling out
aiming - from aiming
hopeful - from hoping
wormed...wormed - from wormed
squeal...vaya - from squeal

Therefore, the rules given above must be applied.

Make no mistake:

A typical mistake is mixing verbs of different types when restoring the original form. For example, it is a mistake to believe that the participle gluing derived from the verb glue, aiming- from take aim and so on. In many cases, such an error will lead to an incorrect identification of the vowel letter.
Right: Gluing derived from glue, aiming- from aim.

Adjective suffixes

Only suffixes of denominal adjectives are considered here, because it is this material that relates to the topic (verbal adjectives are words whose suffixes contain the spelling n-nn). The list of suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns is not limited to the two rules given below, but the training versions of KIMs include words specifically for these rules.

1). Suffixes-iv-, -ev-, -liv-, -chiv-: handsome - fighting, happy, trusting

Attention to emphasis!
In adjectives formed from nouns:
- under stress write the suffix -iv-: beautiful
- without emphasis - suffix -ev-: combat.
Write the suffixes -liv-, -chiv- and with stress: happy and without stress: trusting.

2). Suffixes-ov-, -ovat-, -ovit- - -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: businesslike, grayish, poisonous - speech, bluish, combative

Attention to the last consonant of the root!
After hard consonants write the suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-: businesslike, grayish, poisonous.
After soft consonants, hissing, h And ts write the suffixes -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: speech, bluish, militant.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffixes with the meaning of person (producer of the action).

There are many suffixes with the meaning of person, but, fortunately, not all of them cause errors when writing words. Rarely does anyone make a mistake with suffixes:

East: handball player, tractor driver
-nickname-: road worker, railway worker
-naut-: astronaut
-ets-: messenger
-er-: combine operator

Erroneous suffixes: -tel-, as well as -chik-, -schik-. They are worth repeating.

1). Suffix-tel-: teacher
Remember this suffix and always write it the same way, with the letter e!
Write the suffix -tel- in words denoting persons by occupation: teacher, writer, driver.

2). Suffixes
-chik-, -schik-: pilot, mason, asphalt paver

Attention to the last consonant of the stem!

  • consonants t, d, s, h, g write the suffix -chik-: translator, pilot, peddler, carrier, defector
  • write the rest of the consonants with the suffix -schik-: ferryman, glazier, mason, lamplighter


Before the suffix -chik- letters k, ts, h are replaced by T: razdat+-chick- ← distribution.
Write a soft sign only after l: roofer, glazier.

2. Suffixes with a diminutive meaning.

The Russian language has many suffixes with a diminutive meaning. What these suffixes are and how to write them, you will have to figure out. Let's limit ourselves, however, to suffixes in which letters are written e And And, which KIMs guide us towards.

1). Suffixes-hic-, -ek-: ball - handkerchief.
Watch for the fluent vowel e when changing a word!
If when changing a word, it

  • the vowel sound [and] is preserved, write the suffix -ik-: ball - balls
  • the vowel sound disappears, write the suffix -ek-: handkerchief - handkerchief

2). Suffixes-ets-, -its-: brother - smart, coat - dress
Find out the gender of the noun!
In nouns

  • masculine write the suffix -ets-: brother, finger
  • feminine - -its-: beautiful, smart
  • The neuter gender can be both -ets- and -its-:
    • in the pre-stressed syllable (before the stress) write -ets-: paltetso´, letter´
    • in an unstressed syllable (after stress) write-its-: dress, chair

3). Suffixes-echk-, -ichk-: daughter, place, Vanechka - onion

For feminine words, determine the derivative word!
In nouns, write the suffix -echk-: little insect, daughter, place, time, Vanechka, Sashechka

Do not confuse:

In feminine nouns formed from nouns with the suffix -its-, write the suffixes -ich- and -k-:
tit← tit, button←button, onion←onion.

4). Suffixes-onk-(-enk-): apple tree - daughter

Determine what sound is before the suffix!
In nouns after

  • for hard consonants write the suffix -onk-: kitchenette, kitty, laponka
  • vowels, hissing and soft consonants - suffix -enk-: Zoenka, darling, daughter, grandmother

5). Suffix-To- in combinations ink, enk: middle, cherry

Look for a productive basis!

If in feminine nouns with the suffix -k- the productive stem

  • on in, write the suffixes -in- and -k-: middle+ka←middle
  • on n, write a combination of letters enk: cherry+ka←cherry.

3. The suffix -en- in indeclinable nouns: tenses, names


10 nouns per me :
burden, tribe, time,
seed, crown, stirrup,
banner, flame,
udder, name

Write the suffixes -en-(-yon-) in all plural forms, as well as in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the singular.

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