The first days of our march gave us an idea. The first Russian march - as it was

Install the correspondence between the fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: to each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by the numbers.

Fragments of sources

A) "Going to the fortress, the Japanese decided to take it open force, but a number of attacks on our position of the center were unsuccessful. On the 3rd of August, the legitimate leg sent a parliamentary with a proposal to pass the fortress, but the Council collected by General Steselli dismissed this proposal, and on August 6, the Japanese began artillery preparing the assault and on the same day they went to the offensive, sending after a number of demonstrative attacks of our Western Front My blow to the center of our position, against the eagle nest. The first assault port of Port Arthur began.
The first days the Japanese fell thick columns, thinking to the mass to crush defenders of the fortress.
Strict discipline, severe military law, fanaticism and personal valor of the Japanese led the Japanese battalions, carrying incredible losses, still reached the goal of their attacks, at least as part of several people and grabbed with our bayonets. In my brief review it is impossible to describe everything that was going on under the eagle nest on days from 6 to 11 August inclusive, the days of continuous, continuous battle. I will say one thing that the valor was manifested both with one and on the other side. Two reduts, №№ 1 and 2, at that time, the battle focused, many times passed from hand to hand, and as a result of this seven-day traveling, the Japanese only mastered the destroyed faces of these redoubts, and the inner remained in our hands. "
B) "The first days of our march gave us the presentation of a sad country, for the conquest of which we walked: a lot of forests and rare villages, who could not feed two armies, especially our [more than five hundred thousand], every day the terrain who has already exhausted Russian army, which, retreating, destroyed and egregated all means of life.
... Often, our light cavalry with a disterney was in the attack only to progress the burning of those places that the Russian army was supposed to leave.
... The more we moved forward, the diligent Russians burned everything for themselves, destroying not only the villages, but also cities and all that was parties on the sides of the road.
Finally we approached Smolensk. "


1) In the passage we are talking about the war ending with Russia's victory.
2) In the passage, we are talking about a war ending with the defeat of Russia.
3) In passage, we are talking about war, the result of which the joining of the Crimea.
4) In passage, we are talking about war, as a result of which Russia was forbidden to have a fleet on the Black Sea.
5) In the passage, we are talking about war, during which the enemy captured Moscow.
6) In the passage, we are talking about war, as a result of which Russia lost the southern part of Sakhalin.
Fragment A.
1. ...
2. ...
Fragment B.
1. ...
2. ...

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To the story of 1 Russian march (2005)

Russian March - the world's largest annual action of nationalists and national thinking citizens. Traditions to hold Russian march for many years. The Republic of Moldova is held every year on November 4 - on the day of Russian national unity. Many seems that the Russian march "happens" by itself, but it is not so, the RM is the result of the painstaking work of hundreds of people engaged in its preparation, on the ground today are dozens of regional organizal committees today, associates of Russian national organizations and voluntarily helping citizens

The first organizational committee of the Russian march is a structure that has become a large prototype of the future coalition of the Russian march, which then created the ethnopolitical association of Russians.

"Almost simultaneously with the Eurasians an application for the procession (called" Russia against the occupiers ") filed a movement against illegal immigration on behalf of a group of citizens. The purpose of the procession was announced to celebrate the Day of People's Unity, as well as protest against illegal immigration ....

At about the same time, the message of the following content appeared on the DPNNI website:

On November 4, movement against illegal immigration (DPNI) will hold a massive youth march "Russia against the occupiers" in Moscow. March will take place in terms of mass residence of migrants. The goal of the action is to celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of Moscow from foreign invaders and declare a decisive protest of the smoke occupation of Russia illegal and unreasonable immigrants. Slogany Marsha: "Clean the city from the unborn guests!", "Chechens! War is over! It's time to go home! "," Russia belongs to us! "

October 25 (according to other data, on October 21), a closed meeting of the march organizers took place. Invitations received representatives of the following organizations: DPNI, NDPR, NPR, "Memory", Society "Pravda", Rons, Rod, All-Russian Monarchic Center, as well as Cyril Frolov, which represented the Union of Orthodox Citizens. The leader of the Slavic Union of Dömushkin, invited by Belov, was also attended.

On October 31, a closed meeting of representatives of the Prefecture, the Central Assembly and the UFSB of Moscow was held, after which the authorities were harmonized for DPNI and ECM. The relevant document was signed by the deputy prefect of Cao Sergei Vasyukov and responsible for rallies, processions and pickets in the prefecture of Cao Elena Polyakova.

At the same time, the March route was finally approved - from the subway "Clean Ponds" (Square near the monument to Griboedov) to Slavic Square.

From this point on, the propaganda events began ...

DPNI - real power

Nobody expects such an effect. The number of the DPNI columns is about 1000 people. Russia - for Russians, Moscow - for Muscovites! ... roared columns.

Administration in confidence - Dana team does not show the plot of march on central television.

There are dimensional attempts by Marsh opponents to prevent his holding. The incredible excerpt of the associates of the DPNI and the operational response of our friends allowed to avoid bloody massacre over scrums.

At the time when Paris and crowds of angry immigrants are lit up and robbed white France, in Russia, in Moscow is ready for the response of a creeping occupation.

Grozny - Russia belongs to us! Death invaders! Thunder roared in Slavic Square.

DPNI expresses deep appreciation to everyone who has not frightened threats and went out on this day to support us. Together we are strong.

Glory to Russia!

Central Movement Council against illegal immigration "

Since then, the years have passed, and is no longer any doubt that the Russian march - held as a national annual manifestation, which unites Russians. Despite the fact that the contribution of individuals and organizations to the preparation of the Russian march is huge, all the power of the Republic of Moldova is that it takes place every year on November 4, despite any difficulties. More and more people goes to the Russian march, more and more cities join it. The Russian march is a visible confirmation - the Russians woke up, they begin to feel a nation. The Russian march is directed to the future, which means there is a chance for our country and the people.

Russian march today is a tradition, Russian march is a holiday, this is a Russian protest, it is a vote of a tet of thousands of Russian people who should be heard, it is a momentum to national mobilization, it is the way to gain political subjectivity by Russians, this is the opportunity to feel like a single people.

Historic quiz for 8 classes

1 . What is the name of this architectural monument? Where is it and what is the name of the architect? Why, according to legend, it took several decades to build a temple?

2. Read the passage from the document and determine the name of the author, the name of the organization created by him, and also name the novel of the outstanding Russian writer dedicated to these events.

"Revolutionary - a man is doomed. He has no interests, no cases, nor feelings, no attachments, nor property, nor even a name. Everything in it is absorbed by the only exceptional interest, one of the thought, one passion - the revolution.

- He, in the depths of his being, not in words only, but in fact, ripped all the relationship with civil order and with all educated world, and with all laws, decencies, generally accepted conditions, the morality of this world. He is for him - the enemy is merciless, and if he continues to live in it, then for the only one to rather to destroy it. "

3 . Who is depicted in the picture? Did this man rightly considered the "White Vorona"?

4. What historical event is reflected in this picture? Is the artist in everything?

5 . Write the name of the event depicted on the map. Write the name of the city, protecting who died Admiral Nakhimov and specify the number. What event is indicated by a number 2?

6 . Welcome missed items




Alexander II.

Russian-Turkish 1877-1878


Nikolai I.

Alexander I.

Borodinsky Boy

1) Patriotic War of 1812 2) Siege Plevna 3) Tsushimsky Fight 4) Nikolay II 5) Alexander III 6) Smolensk Battle 7) Crimean War 8) First World War

7. What is circulated in the picture, specify the year of this event.

8. Read the passage from the memoirs of the officer.

"The first days of our march gave us the presentation of a sad country, for the conquest of which we walked: a lot of forests and rare villages, who could not feed two armies, especially our [more than five-hundred-thousandth], every day the terrain who has exhausted by the Russian army , which, retreating, destroyed and facing all means of life.

... Often, our light cavalry with a disterney was in the attack only to progress the burning of those places that the Russian army was supposed to leave.

... The more we moved forward, the diligent Russians burned everything for themselves, destroying not only the villages, but also cities and all that was parties on the sides of the road. Finally we approached Smolensk. "

Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three faithful judgments in the list.

1) at the head of the army, to which the author of memories belonged, stood Karl XII.

3) The largest battle of the war, to which the memories relate, was a Poltava fight.

4) the Russian troops described in the text tactic was to destroy the total valuable thing that could use the enemy.

5) During the war, the enemy seized Moscow.

6) One of the leaders of the Russian troops in the period described in the text was M.B. Barclay de Tolly.

9 . In honor of what event is this medal released? What do the words mean? Who did they say?

10 . Make a "delegation of Russia" to the "International Conference" Pride of Mankind ". 10 people should be represented in the delegation: statesman, reformer, warlord, scientist, writer / poet or prose /, artist, architect, sculptor, musician / composer or artist /, theater workman / actor or director.

Justify your choice for each delegate, listed by his merit and the right to be "first among equal." Select the period from the proposed:

Russia of the XVIII century, Russia of the first half of the XIX century, Russia of the second half of the XIX century.

Option 1 Examing work consists of two parts that include 40 tasks. Part 1 contains 34 tasks, part 2 contains 6 tasks. The implementation of the examination work on history is given by 3.5 hours (210 minutes). Answer to tasks 1-21 Write down in the answer form No. 1 in the form of one figure, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 22-34 are a digit, word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. The answer is recorded in the response form No. 1. The tasks of part 2 (35-40) require an expanded response. In the answer form No. 2, specify the task number and write down the answer to it. Part 1 Response to Jobs 1-21 is one digit that corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Record this figure in the response form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell. 1. What event refers to the time of the Board of Yaroslav Wise? 1) Establishment of lessons and efforts 2) Submission to Kiev Northerners' tribes 3) The baptism of Prince and his squads in Corsun (Chersonese) 4) the creation of the first in Russia of the written Code of laws 2. What was the cause of the Livonian War from the listed? 1) The desire of the Russian state to receive a convenient way out to the Baltic Sea 2) Attempt by the Livonian Order to attach the Novgorod and Pskov land 3) The claims of the Polish king on the Moscow throne 4) a crusade against Russia, proclaimed by the Roman dad 3. Which of the listed cultural figures was an icon painter? 1) Ivan Fedorov 2) FEOFAN GREK 3) Father Sylvester 4) Sophonia Ryazan 4. Read the passage from the s Slavinetsky's Epiphany's opinion submitted by the king and specify what time this historical document belongs to. "Tell me, beginning in the present adventure of leaving the throne, the care of attaching at the same time, but not to continue Prasden, tell me: A. Do not power the coordinate of Nikon's cathedral? B. Is Nicon's powerfully renounced his throne to build Paks? Is it possible to reveal Nikon and build an inagure ...? D. Nikon Nikon Nikona, then discourarity, from Samago Lee of the throne or ink and from the bishop? " 1) The first half of the XVI century. 3) The first half of the XVII century. 2) The second half of the XVI century. 4) The second half of the XVII century. 5. What period is the active social activities of V.G. Belinsky? 1) 1740-1750s. 2) 1780-1790s. 3) 1800-1810-E. 4) 1830-1840s. 6. Which of the listed was one of the reasons for Peter I reforms? 1) Russian defeat in the war with Poland in the second half of the XVII century. 2) The desire of the king to give Russia a Constitution 3) the spread of the ideas of philosophers-enlighteners in Russia 4) the desire of the king of Europe to Russia 7. Read the passage from the message of the foreign ambassador and specify the emperor, the events described in whose board. "The emperor decided to postpone the remains of his father to the tomb of emperors in the fortress. Until now, they were in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel, where they were buried without honors and rite ... The requiem service on him has already begun in the chapel of the Winter Palace, and two days before the transfer of the body of the Empress, his body will be sent to the church at the fortress. There are two elevations of the catatball, on which we will see the empress next to their spouse, on the occasion of what everyone possible will be uttered in such an case the tombstones ... Mourning will be worn according to Peter III and Catherine II. Their coffins will be put on one orcapalk, but they will be buried in different graves ... "1) John Vi 2) Paul I 3) Alexander I 4) Nikolai I 8. Which of the listed reforms was carried out later than everyone else? 1) Reform management of state peasants P.D. Kiselev 2) Establishment of the State Council 3) Creation of the provincial and county settlements and management 4) Monetary reform E.F. Cankrina 9. What was one of the consequences of the conservative course in the field of education under Alexander III? 1) the closure of all Zemsky schools 2) Introduction of restrictions for children of "lower conditions" in obtaining education 3) The defeat of Kazan University 4) a significant reduction in government spending on the education system 10. Read the passage from the historical essay I.A. Christform and enter the emperor, in whose reign was carried out by the described reform. "The purpose of the reformers was to insulate the peasants from their former owners ... But the deprivation of landlords of direct control over the peasants, which means both over the local life as a whole, meant that this control should be transferred to other hands ... So the idea of \u200b\u200bworld mediators appeared, designed to take on It is a not easy burden of realization of reform, clarification of it and peasants, and their former owners, the settlement of conflicts, etc. " 1) Nicholas I 2) Alexander II 3) Alexander III 4) Nikolai II 11. What was characterized by the development of Russian culture in the XVIII century? 1) the secularization of the culture, its release from religious restrictions and templates 2) is an exeverance, the lack of any contacts with the culture of other peoples 3) the predominance in the literature and art of the realistic direction 4) by international recognition of the achievements of domestic literature 12. Among the republics that signed in 1922 . The agreement on the creation of the USSR, was 1) Kazakh SSR 2) Moldavian SSR 3) Latvian SSR 4) Belarusian SSR 13. What was one of the consequences of signing the USSR Covenant on nonsense with Germany in 1939? 1) Strengthening the Positions of the USSR in the League of Nations 2) Failure to lead the USSR leadership from the idea of \u200b\u200baccession of territories previously part of the Russian Empire 3) Prevention for the USSR of the War of War on two fronts because of the disagreements of Germany and Japan 4) Strengthening the influence of communist parties in Western Europe 14. Which of the listed events of the Great Patriotic War refers to 1941? 1) Smolensk Battle 2) First Meeting of the Heads of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in Tehran 3) Forcing Dnipro 4) Edition of the Order No. 227 "Neither step back!" 15. Which of the listed military leaders became famous during the Great Patriotic War? 1) N.F. Vatutin and I.D. Chernyakhovsky 3) A.A. Brusilov and L.G. Kornilov 2) M.N. Tukhachevsky and V.K. Blucher 4) A.P. Yermolov and N.N. Raevsky 16. Read the excerpt from the historical essay and specify the year to which the described situation refers. "The offensive of Soviet troops in [this year] has acquired new military-political traits. First, the Red Army crossed the Western border of the USSR ... and began to fulfill the mission of the liberation of Europe from the Hitler's occupation ... Secondly, the operations of the Red Army began to be coordinated with the actions of Western allies who were preparing for the opening of the second front in Europe. " 1) 1942 2) 1943 3) 1944 4) 1945 17. Which of the listed occurred in 1956? 1) Anti-communist uprising in Hungary 2) Education of the German Democratic Republic 3) Suppression of the "Prague Spring" 4) "Velvet Revolutions" in Eastern Europe 18. What was one of the reasons for the growth of retail prices for food in the early 1960s.? 1) a large-scale disaster - drought - in the main agricultural districts of the country 2) administrative breaks when conducting a campaign "Catch up and overtake America!" 3) State refusal from control over prices for food products, price liberalization 4) Conducting the reform A.N. Kosygin to introduce an increase in the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises 19. Read the passage from the article V.L. Shaynis and specify the year missed in the text. "A steep turn in economic policy was preceded by party decisions. His registration in Soviet institutions was the case of technology. The party decisions themselves, predetermined the nature of development awards for a number of years, represented a series of improvisations dictated by the circumstances and logic of the running process. The first step is to replace the product with a otnogologo, which "should be less than the arrangement of the arrangements of the Cover" and the total amount of which "must be constantly reduced", in a hurry to do at the congress of the party in March ________ , Before the start of spring field work, in order to properly orient and motivate the peasant. " 1) 1919 2) 1921 3) 1924. 4) 1926. 20. Indicate the Soviet writer, who was awarded in 1965 by the Nobel Prize for Literature "For the artistic strength and the truth of which he in his Don Epopea sketched the historical era of the life of the Russian people "? 1) KM Simonov 2) V.G. Rasputin 3) MA Sholokhov 4) I.G. Ereenburg 21. Which of the following events relates to the 1990s.? 1) Creation of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation 2) Publication of the President of the Russian Federation "On the creation of an innovative center in Skolkovo" 3) Creating a party "Fair Russia" 4) Creating a Commonwealth of Independent States Answers to Jobs 22-34 is a figure, a sequence of numbers or word (phrase) . Specify the answers in the answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting with the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each digit or letter is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. The names of the Russian sovereign should write only letters (for example: Nikolaivtor). 22. Place public figures in chronological order. Write down the numbers marked by the names of statesmen, in the correct sequence. 1) A.L. Ordin-Nachshokin 3) A.F. Adashev 5) P.D. Kiselev 2) P.I. Yaguzhinsky 4) P.A. Stolypin 23. What three historical figures were participants in the events of the Eagle? 1) Andrei Kurbsky 3) Fedor Rtishchev 2) Ivan Bolotnikov 4) Prokopii Lyapunov 5) Alexander Menshikov 6) Dmitry Trubetskaya 24. Install the correspondence between the events and leaders of Soviet Russia - the USSR during the period when these events occurred: to find each element of the first column. The corresponding element from the second column. Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters. Events a) Beginning of the Stakhanov Movement B) Adoption of the First Soviet Constitution C) Creation of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR d) First visit of the Soviet leader in the USA A B heads of Soviet Russia - USSR 1) M.S. Gorbachev 2) V.I. Lenin 3) I.V. Stalin 4) N.S. Khrushchev 5) L.I. Brezhnev in g 25. Below is a list of terms, concepts. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the USSR State Device of 1940-1980. Find and write down the sequence number of the term (concepts), which is not related to the USSR State Device of 1940-1980s. 1) Supreme Council; 3) People's Deputy; 5) KGB; 2) Federation Council; 4) Council of Ministers; 6) Autonomous Republic. 26. Write a missed word. The first paper money in Russia, introduced under Catherine II and in circulation, up to the reign of Nicholas I, were called _______________. 27. Fill out the empty cell cells using the list of missed elements below: for each pass, indicated by letters, select the number of the desired item. Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters. Event Date Member (s) Murder of Emperor Alexander II Compilation of the statutory letter of the Russian Empire _________ (a) _________ (b) 1820 _________ (c) _________ (d) 1854-1855 V.A. Cornilov, P.S. Nakhimov activity of the editorial commissions on the preparation of the draft cancellation of serfdom _________ (D) _________ (e) missed elements: 1) Ya.I. Rostovtsev, N.A. Milyutin 2) 1881 3) N.N. Novosillese A 4) 1837-1841 7) Defense Sevastopol 5) S.L. Perovskaya, I.I. Grinevitsky 8) 1859-1860. 6) Creation of "Earth and Will" 9) S.Yu. Witte B V D E 28. Read the passage from the memoirs of the officer. "The first days of our march gave us the presentation of a sad country, for the conquest of which we walked: a lot of forests and rare villages, who could not feed two armies, especially our [more than five-hundred-thousandth], every day the terrain who has exhausted by the Russian army , which, retreating, destroyed and facing all means of life. ... Often, our light cavalry with a disterney was in the attack only to progress the burning of those places that the Russian army was supposed to leave. ... The more we moved forward, the diligent Russians burned everything for themselves, destroying not only the villages, but also cities and all that was parties on the sides of the road. Finally we approached Smolensk. " Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three faithful judgments in the list. 1) at the head of the army, to which the author of memories belonged, stood Karl XII. 2) In the text given text, the author notes the wealth of land, through which his army passed. 3) The largest battle of the war, to which the memories relate, was a Poltava fight. 4) the Russian troops described in the text tactic was to destroy the total valuable thing that could use the enemy. 5) During the war, the enemy seized Moscow. 6) One of the leaders of the Russian troops in the period described in the text was M.B. Barclay de Tolly. Consider the diagram and follow the tasks 29-32. 29. Write the name of the city, indicated in the diagram of the number "1". 30. Fill in the pass in the following phrase: "The battle depicted in the scheme occurred in a thousand nine hundred and forty ______ year." 31. Write the name of the period of the Great Patriotic War, to which this battle belongs. 32. What judgments related to events indicated in the scheme are correct? Choose three judgments out of six offered. 1) In the period of hostilities marked in the scheme, a partisan operation "Rail war" was carried out in the enemy rear. 2) during the entire battle the onset of the Red Army was carried out. 3) As a result of the battle, the cities marked with numbers "2" and "4" were released. 4) near the settlement indicated by the number "3", the largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War occurred. 5) The German troops in this battle commanded the Feldmarshal General F. Paulus. 6) Battle, the events of which are indicated in the scheme, passed on the banks of the Volga River. Consider the image and perform tasks 33 and 34. 33. What judgments about this image are correct? Choose two judgments out of five offered. 1) The coin presented in the image was released in 1965 2) the monument depicted on the coin is located in Moscow. 3) the author of the monument depicted on the coin - M.M. Anticolish. 4) One of the elements of the monument depicted on the coin is the defeated fascist symbolism. 5) The monument depicted on a coin is dedicated to the outstanding Soviet warlord. 34. What monument was created by the same sculptor, whose authorship owns a monument on a coin? In response, write down the number under which this monument is specified. 1) 2) 3) 4) Part 2 To record responses to the tasks of this part (35-40), use the answer form No. 2. Write down the task number (35, 36, etc.), and then expand the answer to it. Records write out clearly and picking up. Read the passage from the historical source and briefly answer questions 35-37. Answers suggest the use of information from the source, as well as the use of historical knowledge at the rate of the history of the corresponding period. From the letter V.A. Maclakova. "Multivated Ivan Ivanovich. I read with great pleasure to your brilliant article about Gachkov ... You see in his figure Paradox: Huchkov passionately loved Russia and hated the fact that Russia loved, that is, the sovereign. In this you see and the fatal mistake of his life. How could I overtake even a bad sovereign? It was necessary to realize that "mystics surrounding the historical royal power, not to create in a few months." All this is true, but reproach is not at. Huchkov understood this well; And he did not seek to overthrow the royal power in Russia. If he turned out to be tested to the palace conspiracy, then from the dedication of the monarchy. On the past St. Petersburg, then the saying was then: "To save the monarchy, you need to kill the monarch."<…> After all, Russia knew examples, as the deployment and murder of the kings, he watched the best reign ... Huchkov just looked at the [sovereign] when he in recent months was completely influenced by the Empress and Rasputin. You do not look at the [sovereign], but this is a controversial question. The tragedy of his fate, his behavior in recent months reconciled with him. You are even right that, do not be a catastrophe, his reign could be brilliant. With it, the Constitution would be introduced and the exit to the Mediterranean Sea was opened; But all this could be achieved only besides him and contrary to him. There was nothing good from him. Fate sent him two great people - Witte and Stolypin, he interfered with them and envied his shallow and not royal envy; They overthrew him. That in general, the royal power of Russia moved forward, I agree, but this is the royal power in the aggregate, and not the power of each individual monarch, some of her pushed back. " 35. Name the sovereign, which is speaking in the text. Specify the years of his reign. What events did this reign ended? 36. How does the author of the letter evaluate the role of the sovereign, which is discussed in the text in the development of the Russian monarchy? What personalities, actions, the actions of the sovereign are given by the author of the letter for the argument of their position? Specify at least two arguments given by the author to confirm your assessment. 37. Attracting historical knowledge, specify no less than three reasons for the "catastrophe", which is stated in the text, except for the reasons specified by the author of the letter. 38. In 1380, the Russian army defeated the Ordans in the battle on the Kulikov field. It seemed that Russian lands were finally released from the Ordane rule. However, after two years, the troops of Khan Tohtamysh burned Moscow, and the payment of Dani resumed. Give at least three explanations of the success of Khan Takhtamysh. 39. In historical science there are discussion problems for which various, often contradictory, points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science: "The period of leadership of the country L.I. Brezhnev was one of the most favorable, best for its population. " Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can be confirmed by this point of view, and two arguments that can be refuted to it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts. The answer is written in the following form. Arguments in confirmation: 1) ... 2) ... Arguments to refutation: 1) ... 2) ... 40. Four historical figures of various eras are named below. Select one and follow the tasks. 1) Vladimir Monomakh; 2) Elizabeth Petrovna; 3) Otto Bismarck background; 4) G.M. Malenkov. Specify the lifetime of the historical figure (up to a decade or part of the century). Name at least two directions of its activities and give them a characteristic. The characteristic of each of the activities should include the main facts related to these areas. Specify the results of its activities for each of these directions.

During the years of restructuring, along with our country, a lot of dirt was poured. Everything was divorced! And we fought not so and the Coca-Cola we do not have, and the insufficient amount of sausage varieties and generally Reich and the USSR are the same thing - only on the contrary. The last thought is generally on the verge of schizophrenia. However, people remembered the "same". Among other things, seeking the disregard of the USSR of the Siele Novgordtsev with the BBC, the dispensary was distributed about the fact that the "march of aviators", known in our first line "All above and above!" - There is a carting from the Nazi song ... However, the investigation shows that it is categorically wrong!

We all perfectly remember the life-affirming Soviet "march of aviators"

We are born to make a fairy tale
Overcome space and space,
We are the mind gave steel hands-wings,
And instead of the heart - the branded motor.

All higher above and above
We strive we fly our birds,
And in each propeller breathes
Tranquility of our borders.

And now the Soviet march:

We now turn to the Nazi song "Herbei Zum Kampf".

Notice, not just German, namely Nazi! Until the mid-30s, right up to the "Night of Long Knives", the Herbei Zum Kampf march was happy to be played by the SA attack aircraft and enjoyed popularity among them, which, in fact, recorded the laziness of the Riephenstal in his film "Volya Triumph".

JA, Aufwärts der Sonne Entgegen,
mit Uns Zieht Die Neue Zeit.
Wenn Alle Verzagen, Die Fäuste Geballt,

wir Steigen Trotz Haß und Verbot.
UND Jeder S.A.-MANN RUFT MUTIG: Heil Hitler!

Music comparison:

The melodies of these marches are actually identical, there are also completely identical fragments of the text: "Und Höher und Höher und Höher ..." ("All above, and above, and above ...") - They, "all above, and above, and above ..." - we have. A slightly longer German text turned out only because "they" have one and the same Rodel melody repeated twice, but with different text.

The poetic dimensions of the correspondence there are the same as the sizes of the "Soviet" church and the last quatrain of the "Nazi" rating and the last quatrain, the beginning of which is identical to the beginning of the Soviet fever. The dimensions coincide, but for one only exception: the penultimate line of the Podleva of the Soviet march is a three-stranded amphibery, while a similar row of the Nazi march is also amphibery, but four-stranded! Extra three syllables dropping out of the entire stanza, donated to Nazi greeting: "Heil Hitler".

On the BBC Novgorod, Slightly, the language did not swallow in the comments on the similarity of two marches - naturally the chain extended concrete - on the basis of the unproved plagiarism of the song, Seva makes the conclusions of the cosmic scale on the criminal essence of the entire USSR. At the root, rejecting the idea that the plagiarism is able to strongly indicate the same essence of Reich and the USSR, nevertheless there was a little offensive for the power. Therefore, it became interested. And that's what I found out:

The history of these songs is very interesting, but also very long. Therefore, I will give a reference to a superphanage:, which shows that initially march is composed in the USSR, then he was taught by German communists, who, in turn, borrowed His attack aircraft sa.

So, the "march of aviators" is a completely Soviet song!

Despite the obvious similarity, the Soviet anthem is much more melodious and harmonious and I like much more even purely from a melodic point of view - I do not say about the text. Our call is swept - on new feats in various fields - not only in aviation, and the German is a stupid party propaganda.