Sound statement Stopping sounds "C, Z, C, W, F, H, L, R

Objective: Stopping the sound

Tasks: 1) Fixing the articulation exercises on the sound;

2) teach an isolated pronunciation of sound;

3) acquaintance with the letter g;

4) the development of phonderatic hearing;

5) the development of common and shallow motility;

6) the development of attention and memory;

7) propaedence optical dysgraphy



MBDOU "Development Center of the Children - Kindergarten № 182"

Abstract of open individual speech therapy

"Sound statement w"


teacher speech therapist

Tatarinova Nadezhda Petrovna

Voronezh 2014.

Purpose: Stopping the sound of J.

Tasks: 1. Fastening the articulation exercises on the sound [F];

2. To learn the isolated pronunciation of sound [F];

3. Acquaintance with the letter G;

4. Development of phonderatic hearing;

5. Development of common and shallow motility;

6. Development of attention, memory;

7. Propedeutics of optical dysgrafy.

Equipment: Mirror, probes, subject pictures, toy "Beetle", flower.

Structure occupation

1. Arg.Moment

Today the guest came to us. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

Flies, buzz

Sens, silent.

That's right, a beetle, see which bugs flew to us.

2.Articulate gymnastics.

He wants to tell you one story

Once he wanted to walk, fly. He straightened one wing (to make a tongue wide), the second (also exercise) and flew ("punish a naughty tongue" to pour lips to be widespread and unprofitable). She flew, flew, saw the fungus and sat on him ("fungus"). Then he decided to eat a little ("delicious jam"). Went and wanted to play - jump on the mushroom ("Harmonica"). Went, played, it's time to go home. And he flew away - so easily and quickly ("focus" smile, open the mouth, a wide tongue on the upper lip, side. The edges are pressed, along the middle of the groove, blow the rut from the tip of the nose).

3. Meeting with the letter J.

Look carefully. This is the letter J. What do you think, what does she look like?

From how many elements it consists?

4. Sound.

And now the beetle wants to know if you can buzz. Let's try.

A) on imitation - from [sh].

Let's say the sound of sh-sh-sh. And now put your hand on my throat, and I am on yours, and say the sound of sh with voice. Listen like me.

B) - Make a "cup", lay it for the upper teeth and pour into the tongue with voice. Sponges by window, teeth are slightly awarded.

C) using the probe.

5. Reflowing insulated sound pronouncement.

Well done! And now let's fly along with the beetle. (We fly and sit down on the flower, at this moment we make an emphasis on the last sound of f ...

6. Development of phondematic hearing.

Let's play the game "Catch Zhuk". If you hear the sound of a slason in your hands.



You probably already tired, do not mind relaxing? Repeat movement for me.

Beetle bug (alternately raise the right and left legs)

Yellow barrels (spend hands on the right and left side)

No lie on the meadow (turns head)

8. Flying, Wow (jumping around yourself)

Development of phonderatic hearing.

The beetle has a lot of friends and he decided to split them for 2 teams. In one team there will be only those animals, in the title of which there is a sound (giraffe, hedgehog, walrus, lark). And on the other, there is no sound (hare, raccoon, dog, lion).

What animals did we choose?

9. Creating on overcoming optical dysgrafy.

Well done! The bug has a favorite letter - this is the letter J. And you can recognize the letter F among others?

W k x l z s m x

10. Development of shallow motility.

The beetle came up with an interesting task for you.

Dorisuy letter w and say.

X K ψ x

11.D / Z.

Help the beetle to get to the flower when you drive your finger along the track, then you need to buzz together with a bug.


12. Proceedings of the child

Who flew to visit us? What kind of sound did we study with him to pronounce? Let's say it once again zhd.

What letter got acquainted with? Show me her again. Well done. The occupation is completed

Ulyana Matveyev
The abstract of the speech therapy classes "Stopping the sound [F]"

Speech therapy occupation

Subject classes: Sound statement"F

Teacher - speech therapist: Matveeva Ulyana Aleksandrovna

Work forms: individual

purpose classes:

Clarification of articulation sound J., stopping the sound of J.fixing in an isolated pronunciation.

Tasks classes:

1. Educational:

Fasten the right articulation of pronunciation sound J..

Learn to give a clear characteristic studied sound.

2. Correction and development:

Develop audit and visual attention.

Promote the improvement of articulation motility, speech breathing, speech coordination with movement.

Improve skills sound Analysis.

3. Educational:

To form control and self-control functions.

Didactic means: Card letters, articulation profile soundSubjects.

Structure and content classes

Stages of activity on classes

The Motivation Stage - today an unusual guest came to us. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

Flies, buzz

Sens, silent.

The child guess the riddle.

That's right, a beetle, see which bugs flew to us. To form a positive attitude towards training activities. Personal Wood

The stage of actualization of knowledge - auchka wanted to play with you.

Performing articulation gymnastics.

"Tale of a cheerful language"

1. For lips:

This house is the mouth.

The doors in the house are open, it is closed. Here so: Roth open: "A smile".

Mouth closed: "Tube"


Pull sponge straight to the ears -

i really like frogs

Smile, laugh,

and they have eyes like a saucer.


I imagine to elephant,

Sponge trunk pull.

2. For language:

In this house, friend,

the cheerful tongue lives.

Oh, and he is a boys.

And a little, chalunca.

So he went out to walk,

on the porch sunbathing (language lies on the bottom lip)


Putting the tongue to the shovel, and hold a little,

He quietly lies and does not tremble at all.

Here I blew a light breeze and shifted the tongue. (language "Arrogance", hidden in the house and closed the door behind him (Remove the tongue, close your mouth).

And in the yard, the sun hid for a tuchci and rain on the roof (tongue knocking in the teeth, pronounce "D-D-D-D").

The tongue did not miss the house, the ceiling twisted.


(We are malaries today - we will defeat the ceiling).

The tongue looked at the clock, they tikali.: "Tik-so" (mouth open, lips in a smile, tongue tongue tapping to corners of the mouth)"ASIA".

"It's time and I sleep," the tongue thought. Develop the right, full-fledged movements of the articulation bodies necessary for the correct pronunciation. sounds.

Regulatory Wood

The stage of identifying difficulties - and now look at these pictures and guess the riddle.

(On a blackboard several pictures: Beetle, Spider, Bird)

The speech therapist reads the riddle:

I sit on a branch,

I sit on a branch

Letter w all stiff

Knowing firm letter

I am strong in spring and summer.

Who buzzes it on the branch? Find a picture.

The child guess the riddle, finds a picture of a gueau.

What is the first one sound in Word"bug"? This sound Reminds the buzze bucket.

The child determines the first sound in the word and together with the speech theme: « Stopping the sound of J.» .

Today we will learn to pronounce sound J.. To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue worked well. To form interest in educational material.

Adequately evaluate your achievements, aware of the difficulties.

Personal Wood

Regulatory Wood

Stage explanation (mining) New Knowledge - And now the beetle wants to know if you can buzz. Let's try.

Stopping the sound of J..

A) on imitation - from [sh].

Let's say sound sh-sh-sh. Now put your hand on my throat, and I'm on yours, and say sound w with voice. Listen like me.

B) - do "Cup", Take it for the upper teeth and pour into the tongue with voice. Sponges by window, teeth are slightly awarded.

C) using the probe.

Well done! And now let's fly along with the beetle. (Fly and sit down on a flower, at this moment we make an emphasis on the last sound zhr?)

Let's play. If you hear sound w - slamming hands.

Development of phonderatic hearing.

Zh-s-sh-dn-ch-s-zh-c-c-c-bes forming the ability based on analysis to draw conclusions.

Cognitive Uud.

Fixing in external speech Exercise on the development of speech coordination with movement.

The beetle has a familiar Hedgehog who loves to play sports.

The child performs movements according to the text.

Yozh is preparing for records,

Will play sports.

Hedgehog paws strains

Rod up the rod up.

Holds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

You can lower the rod.

Hedgehog lowly squat

And on pebbles steps,

Returns back.

Relaxation is nice. To form the ability to listen to the teacher.

Communicative Woods

Independent work with self-test Fastening the position of the articulation authorities.

Say again sound J..

What position is the lips?

In what position are your teeth - closed or disclosed?

Where is the tip of the language?

The tip of the tongue is raised upward, but does not concern the upper teeth. The tip of the language and side edges bent and have a cup shape.

Speech therapist Shows the position of the language using a hand brush.

What reminds the tongue?

(Cup). Relate the result of its activities to and evaluate it.

Regulatory Wood

Reflexic. The inclusion of new knowledge. - Doppore "Song beetle":

trying sound Zhr long on one exhale. Establish a connection between the movement of the articulation muscles and perception sound on rumor. Cognitive Uud.

Development of phonderatic analysis.

A) game "Catch sound"(slap in your hands when you hear sound / w /)

From the row sounds: M, f, in, r, w, l, g ....

From the row slogs: Ms, Va, Lo, Jo, Du, Zhu ...

From a number of words: Toad, glass, jump, shovel, TV, giraffe ....

B) distributed pictures under schemes:

(at the beginning of the word)

(in the middle of the word)

Previously children characterize sound J.: consonant, solid, ringing.

On the board pictures: Ski, giraffe, acorns, jacket, vest, pajamas, hedgehog, magazine.

It is necessary to distribute the pictures

under the schemes: under the first pattern of the picture, in the title of which sound in early words, under the second scheme - in the middle of the word.

C) place definition sound / w / in the word in digital row: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

The speech therapist utters words: dinner, leather, fire, boots, spring.

Acquaintance with the letter J.

Look carefully. This is the letter J. What do you think, what does she look like?

What elements does it consist of?

Well done! And you can recognize the letter F among others?

W k x l z s m x

And now Dorisuy letter w

Establish a connection between sound and letter. Cognitive Uud.

Outcome - who flew to visit us? What sound We learned to pronounce with him?

The child says who flew to visit, and what sound learned to utter.

Let's say it once again zhd.

What letter got acquainted with? Show me her again.

Calls the letter with which they met.

Well done. The occupation is completed.

The abstract of individual speech therapy class: "Sound statement[F]. "

Purpose: Sound setting [F].

Tasks: 1. Fastening the articulation exercises on the sound [F];

2. To learn the isolated pronunciation of sound [F];

3. Development of phonderatic hearing;

4. Development of common motility;

5. Development of attention, memory;

Equipment: Mirror, subject pictures, toy "Beetle", flower.

Structure occupation


Today the guest came to us. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

Flies, buzz

Sens, silent.

That's right, a beetle, see which bugs flew to us.

2.Articulate gymnastics:

- "punish a naughty tongue";

- "fungus";

- "Delicious jam";

- "Garmoshka";

- "Focus".

3. Meeting with the letter J.

Look carefully. This is the letter J. What do you think, what does she look like?

From how many elements it consists?

4. Sound.

And now the beetle wants to know if you can buzz. Let's try.

A) on imitation - from [sh].

Let's say the sound of sh-sh-sh. And now put your hand on my throat, and I am on yours, and say the sound of sh with voice. Listen like me. Do you feel like your throat?

B) - Make a "cup", lay it for the upper teeth and pour into the tongue with voice. Sponges by window, teeth are slightly awarded.

5. Reflowing insulated sound pronouncement.

Well done! And now let's fly along with the beetle. (We fly and sit down on the flower, at this moment we make an emphasis on the last sound of f ...

6. Development of phondematic hearing.

Let's play the game "Catch Zhuk". If you hear the sound of a slason in your hands.


7. Development of phonderatic hearing.

The beetle has a lot of friends and he decided to split them for 2 teams. In one team there will be only those animals, in the title of which there is a sound (giraffe, hedgehog, walrus, lark). And in the other - animals, in the title of which there is no sound (hare, raccoon, dog, lion).

8. Easter task.

Help the beetle to get to the flower when you drive your finger along the track, then you need to buzz together with a bug.


Who flew to visit us? What kind of sound did we study with him to pronounce? Let's say it once again zhd.

In children, in the process of forming speech, various problems with many letters arise. One of the most common difficulties is the appearance of sound w. Typically, children are difficult to pronounce hissing sounds for the reason that they cannot relax the tongue and arrange it in the necessary form, which requires the right articulation of sound w.

The main reason that the child cannot correctly speak hissing sounds, is the manner of parents to communicate with the baby. Many adults deliberately copy the child's speech, speaking childishly. Thus, the child hears the wrong pronunciation and gets used to such a manner of the sound of the sound. That is why experts strongly recommend parents to speak with children correctly.

In addition to the parental thrust for the imitation of children's lepture, some features of the structure of the articulation apparatus, which include the following points, play an important role for the sound of sound, to which the following points can be attributed:

  • the movement of the language is limited due to a shortened ligament;
  • the size of the lips is affected (too thin or complete) and the size of the language (too large or small);
  • dental abnormalities;
  • disruption of the auditory channel.

In most cases, the violation of the sound of the sound is simply fixed at home with regular and thorough work with the child. In some cases, kids who have problems with the pronunciation of hissing, will help the speech therapist.


The key to good pronunciation is the correct articulation of the sound of sh and w. To teach the child to correctly talk the letters W and F, it is necessary to study one way of articulation, since the speech apparatus works almost the same when the pronunciation of both letters.
So as to correctly talk the letter W, it is necessary to work as follows with the articulation apparatus:

  • the toddler sponges must be slightly advanced in the form of the tube;
  • the tip of the tongue is raised to the sky so that there is a small slot between them;
  • the side edges of the child tightened to the upper extreme teeth, giving the table shape of the cup;
  • air jet easily passes through unused voice ligaments, creating the necessary sound.

In order to understand how to teach a child to talk the letter W, you must resort to the above-described articulation by connecting vibration vibrations.
Regular exercises are very important for speaking sounds. These exercises can be carried out both with a speech therapist and at home.


Experts have developed special speech therapy exercises on the sound and w, to help the kids learn how to pronounce it. This technique has many different exercises. Below are the most efficient and popular applicable among speech therapists.


This exercise for the sound of sound is aimed at relaxing the language. It is necessary to open your mouth and smile. In a relaxed smile, pull out the tongue forward and put the tip in a calm position on the bottom lip. The side walls of the front of the tongue gently touch the corners of the mouth.

It is important to maintain this position without voltage within a few seconds. This exercise is basic with such a problem as the setting of hissing sounds, including letters and w.


The task "Patty" must be used to strengthen the muscles of the language, as well as for the development of the mobility of the side walls of the language. As in the previous exercise, the mouth is open in a smile, the tongue lies on the bottom lip. Do not strain the lips, it is necessary to lift the side walls of the language so that in the central axis of the tongue is formed in the tongue.

It is necessary to hold this position from 5 to 10 seconds.


"Swing" is used to make a children's tongue more mobile. The initial position of the articulation apparatus is as follows: on the lips an open and relaxed smile, the tongue is widely and flat (prevent that it becomes narrow).

The movements alternately are held:

  • first, for the sound of sound, the w wide and flat language stretches to the ceiling, after which it is sent towards the floor;
  • next, the language moves first to the upper lip, then to the bottom;
  • it is necessary to climb the tongue between the upper lip and the upper teeth, as well as to do it with the bottom lip and teeth;
  • next, the language concerns the upper and lower cutters;
  • in the end, you need to touch with a wide tip of the language to Alveol behind the lower dental nearby, and after - behind the top.

Tongue steps through a teeth

This task is useful for setting the sound of the fact that it is well developing the ability of the baby to manage its tongue. To fulfill this task, you need to reveal the mouth and relax smiling sponges. A wide tidy of the language to perform the touch of the lower dentition from the language of the tongue, and then from the side of the lip.


This task on the study of letters w and w helps, first of all, to strengthen the control of language formulation. It also gives the kid to feel how to direct the language into the upper part of the mouth.

It is necessary to open the mouth in the semi-jet, relax the sponges and fix the lower jaw in the same position. Next, imagine that the tip of the tongue is a painting brush, and the sky is the ceiling that needs to be painted. In order to do this, it is necessary to iron the tongue of the sky from the larynx to the teeth and in the opposite direction, without giving the language to go beyond the mouth.

The above exercises should be performed regularly. At the same time, parental control is very important for how the kid performs an exercise - it is important to control the correct fixation of the jaw, the position of the lips and the movement of the language.

In order to talk the sound of sh without problems, not only articulation, but also automation is needed.


For the correct pronunciation of complex sounds, the setting and automation of sound is equally important. If the sound of the SO has already been carried out with the help of speech therapy exercises, you can go to the consolidation of sound, that is, to automation.

Automation of sound w is carried out by working out the sound itself, syllables with this sound, and then words, proposals and texts. Special benefits of hissing sounds receives from work with cleanrs, poems, proverbs, etc.

  • Letter w in syllables and words.

Shalun, Chess, Scarf; Rustling, chocolate, shorts, silk, whisper, walked; Joke, noise, fur coat; Latitude, bump, sewing; Six, rustling, pole, etc.

  • Letter w in syllables and words.

Heat, pity, toad; Zhor, Jongler, Jockey; Yellow, Yellow, Jird; Zhuravl, beetle, horror; Belly, life, animal; Iron, wife, jaundice, etc.

  • Sound automation W with reading phrases.

Masha feeds baby.

In the summer, walking down the street well.

Pasha and Dasha gave porridge baby.

Head wrote a rhyme about our baby.

Our songs about the bowl of porridge are good.

Speak with a whisper: they sleep still with string.

I have a window on the couch I lie.

Misha, let me tell the pussy and a fairy tale.

Our Natasha All Girls is more beautiful.

  • Children's poems will also help correctly talking.

She went from Shakhtar mine
With braided loud
And in the Lukoshka lump of wool.
Shakhtar our Dasha puppy found.
Dasha dancing and rides Dasha in place:
"How good! I have a friend!
I am a cake of cake,
Sad sew a fur coat and cap -
My black puppy will be happy. "

The correct operation of the articulation apparatus and careful fixation of the studied sounds is the only correct techniques of sound formulations.

In order for the child to understand how to correctly pronounce sophisticated sounds, it is necessary not only to perform special exercises, but also follow the correctness of your own speech.

If you regularly deal with the child above the mode of sound, it will soon be possible to forget about the problem, how to teach the child to speak the letter sh.


  1. Clarification of sound articulation / w / w / w / w / w / w / w / w / w / w / w / w);
  2. Development of speech motility;
  3. Development of phonderatic perception and phonderatic analysis;
  4. Connecting sound communication and letters / w /

Equipment: Mirror, pictures, digital row, words schemes.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational Momen.

We speak beautiful, it is clear that everyone is understandable

I remember that they were taught in classes.

2. Topics message

On the board several pictures: beetle, spider, bird.

The speech therapist reads a riddle:

I sit on a branch,
I sit on a branch
Letter w all stiff
Knowing firm letter
I am strong in spring and summer.

Who buzzes it on the branch? Find the picture.

What is the first sound in the word "beetle"? This sound resembles a beetle buzz. Today we will learn to utter the sound / w /. To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue worked well.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

(Tale of a cheerful language)

For lips: The speech therapist reads a riddle

In the house this red doors
Next to the doors of white animals.
Love animals of candies and buns.

Guess? This house is the mouth. The doors in the house are open, it is closed. Like this: mouth open : "Smile"

Mouth closed : "Tube"


Pull sponge straight to the ears - really like frogs,

Smile, laugh, and their eyes are like a saucer.


I imitate an elephant, sponge a trunk pull.

For language: in this house, friend, the cheerful tongue lives.

Oh, and he is a charm boy and a little chalub

So he went out to walk, sunbathe on the porch (tongue lies on the bottom lip)

"Shovel" - put the tongue of the shovel to keep some keen,

He quietly lies and does not tremble at all.

Here is a light breeze and the tongue shifted (language "Arrogance"),he hid in the house and closed the door behind him (remove the tongue, close the mouth).

And in the yard, the sun hid for a tuchci and rain rain on the roof (tongue knocking into the teeth, pronounce "Dr. D-d").

The tongue did not miss the house, the ceiling tweaked)

"Malyara" (we are today the painters - the ceiling we will blame).

The tongue looked at the clock, they were ticked: "Tick-so" (mouth open, lips in a smile, tongue tongue tapping to corners of the mouth) - "Hasiki"

"It's time and I sleep," the tongue thought.

4. Sound statement / w /

(An appointment is used by sounding sound / w /).

Attach your hand to the neck. Say the sound / w /, and now tell him loudly, so that the neck trembled. It turns out the sound / w /.

After a long pronunion, it is clarified that so buzzes the beetle. Children pronounce sound. The speech therapist straightens and clarifies the articulation of sound.

5. Clarification of articulation / w / (in front of the mirror)

Try again / w / w / w / w / w / w / w What position is the lips?

What provisions are your teeth - closed or disclosed?

Where is the tip of the language?

The tip of the tongue is raised upward, but does not concern the upper teeth. The tip of the language and side edges bent and have a cup shape.

The speech therapist shows the position of the tongue using the hand of hand.

What reminds the tongue? (Cup).

6. Development of phonderatic analysis

A) game "catch the sound" (slamming hands when you hear sound / w /)

From a number of sounds: m, f, in, r, w, l, g ....

From a number of syllables: Ms, Va, Lo, Jo, Du, Zhu ...

From a number of words: toad, glass, jump, shovel, TV, giraffe ....

B) Putting pictures under the schemes:

Previously, children characterize sound / w /: consonant, solid, ringing.

On the board pictures: skis, giraffe, acorns, jacket, vest, pajamas, hedgehog, magazine.

Children should distribute pictures under the schemes: under the first pattern of the picture, in the title of which sound / w / at the beginning of the word, under the second scheme - / w / in the middle of the word.

C) Determination of the sound of the sound / w / in the word according to the digital row: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

The speech therapist utters words: dinner, leather, fire, boots, spring.

7. Fastening the connection between the sound and the letter "F".

Show the letter "F". What does she look like?

Fold out of sticks letter.

Pick pictures with sound / w / w / w / w / w / w / w

During self-fulfillment of this task, the speech therapist individually deals with children who have the articulation of sound / w / is not sufficiently fixed.

8. Outcome classes.