What is the best school to send your child to? Is there a law that determines the place of education (school) at the place of residence? What to do if your child needs special learning conditions

Most parents tend to place their child in a kindergarten or school that is closest to their place of residence or work. Due to the workload, first of all, children who have temporary or permanent registration in the area where the educational organization is located are accepted there.

How to do: step by step instructions

for admission to a kindergarten or school, it is carried out according to the general rules, according to which the parents of a child under 14 years of age must submit the originals of the following documents to the migration service department or to another authorized body:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence of the parent;
  • the basis document for moving in (a notarized housing lease agreement, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration for your own housing).

A child who has reached the age of 14 draws up an application with his own hand in the presence of one of the parents. In this case, you will need a teenager's passport, as well as consent to registration from the parent and a statement from the owner, who agrees to accept the tenant (?).

In the case of registration in a municipal apartment, it is necessary to additionally obtain the consent of local authorities.

All original documents submitted will be returned to parents. together with a certificate of temporary registration.

Do they check registration at the place of stay upon admission and how is it done?

In accordance with the Procedure for Admitting Citizens to Study in Educational Programs of Primary General, Basic General and Secondary General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2014 No. 32, and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2014 293 "On approval of the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of preschool education", school and preschool institutions have the right to request a certificate of temporary registration of the child in the list of necessary documents for enrollment.

Registration must be in the area where the educational institution is located. Due to the frequent cases of falsification, the leadership of the kindergarten or school can verify the authenticity of the document. This can be done by requesting a certificate in form No. 9, which will confirm registration.

It is also possible to clarify the fact of temporary registration by phone, or by writing a letter to the migration service department. It is possible to use the organ's online service.

Temporary registration at a school or kindergarten can be checked not only upon admission, but also already in the learning process.

Can they refuse admission, on what grounds?

The issue of refusing to admit or enroll in an educational institution a child who does not have a temporary residence permit is rather ambiguous and contradictory. The law "On Education in the Russian Federation" does not contain a direct rule that would prohibit the admission of a child's documents to a school or preschool institution without temporary registration.

According to this law, as well as part 2 of article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the availability of education is guaranteed by the state. This implies the right of citizens to choose a general education institution regardless of their place of residence. The only reason for refusing admission to study is the lack of vacancies in the institution.

Also, the lack of a certificate of temporary registration can make the priority of the child entering the training secondary. In this case, there should be no refusal. In case of refusal, the parent has the right to demand a written justification and apply to the Department of Education or the prosecutor's office.

At the same time, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2017 No. AKPI17-265 recognized the absolute legality of the requirements for a temporary residence permit for admission to a general education institution. Therefore, without this reference, it will still not be possible to do.

Not required for children whose parents are in the armed forces, law enforcement, or work in court. Children of these persons have the right to enter kindergarten or school out of turn.

Thus, registration of a child's temporary registration for admission to a kindergarten or school is a fairly simple process that does not require much time. Her absence is not a direct reason for refusing admission to the institution. However, a timely completed temporary registration makes it possible to enter the chosen general educational institution without any problems in the order of priority.

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions. We all want the best for our children. But sometimes we confuse our ambitions with what the child really needs.

"Which school are you going to?" - one of the mothers in the locker room of the kindergarten asked me secularly.

I hiccupped in surprise. At the time of this question, the son was barely five years old.

“I didn’t even think about it,” I admitted.

My answer surprised my interlocutor. And she enthusiastically began to list the already selected options. I listened with half an ear and nodded politely, not going to fill my head with anything like that for at least another year. But in vain.

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I had to deal with this issue closely last autumn. To be honest, at first I didn't bother at all. The system of "assignment" of addresses to certain schools - such a system was introduced in St. Petersburg several years ago - suited me absolutely. No night fires under the windows of schools, no multi-kilometer queues and roll calls. They won't leave you without a seat, and thank God. Fortunately, the entrance to the nearest temple of science is three steps from my front door. Perfect!

My steadfastness was shaken after I spoke to my neighbor. Her eldest son in September became a first-grader of this particular school. And in two years, if they did not move, she would have to send two more twin boys here.

“Already fourteen times in two months I went to the rono,” the mother of many children admitted to me. - I ask you to transfer the child at least somewhere. They refuse, they say, there are no places. And I have never seen such a mess. Both theft and extortion. Knowledge is weak. And the contingent is not the most pleasant - two ordinary first classes and two correctional ones, for the mentally retarded. Of course, I am not against inclusion, but ... "

At this point, I got nervous. I don't need that kind of happiness.

Get into the best

I decided to discuss the issue with friends whose children are our peers. And I realized that, firstly, I was hopelessly behind the situation. Secondly, mothers seem to, advocating for quality education, satisfy their own ambitions first of all. And, thirdly, not a single system can withstand parental pressure. Do you need a registration? So it will!

“I chose a physics and mathematics school. The best in the area. The director at the meeting immediately said that she would not be able to take everyone who wanted to. Well, I had to buy a registration and use my connections.”

This is my friend Katya. So far, her son Sasha does not have any obvious inclinations towards the exact sciences, and, in principle, to study. He would like to drive the ball and watch cartoons. But my mother had already decided everything for him. The question of whether he could pull the complicated physics in high school, she left unanswered.

“We go either to Spanish or Italian. No languages ​​today. For the next year, they made a residence permit with friends in order to go to school, this is enough. We go there for preparatory courses. It's hard to study there."

This is my other neighbor Julia. She sends her twins to first grade. True, to be honest, I’m not sure that the girls will pull the load. Moreover, there are many people who want to get there and the classes are too large: 30-35 people each. Yes, now this is also possible; in 2016, SanPiN excluded the norm according to which there should be no more than 25 students in a class.

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“Well, a tutor, if anything, we’ll take it,” Yulia sighs.

Tutor, Carl! First-graders who just need to master the school curriculum.

“We send the kid to the cadet class. Let him grow up as a man." This is Cyril's father. His son is the most tender dandelion boy, from which his father decided to raise a real man. Unless, of course, his psyche is not broken first. Mom grabs her head, but doesn’t go against her husband’s word.

“And we go to a private school. Expensive, of course, 25 thousand per month. But there personality is at the forefront, not assessments. They are not even given them, they work according to the credit system. European education. And the classes are small.

I really wanted to go to this school. I started asking the mother of our classmate for details. It turned out that “personality” is great, but they don’t always have time to pass the mandatory program there. Yes, and education there is exclusively primary. And the classes are small - sometimes there are 10 people, and sometimes only 2. I imagined how this “personality” would come after such a careful attitude to the mass fifth grade of an ordinary school, and I felt sick. No thanks, that doesn't work for us.

The kids don't care

Maybe I don't understand something? With this question I had to go to the kindergarten psychologist. Like, am I not a bad mother if I don’t strive right now to shove my child into a specialized school? Maybe you already need to go out of your way to get into some humanitarian lyceum?

For admission to gymnasiums and lyceums, it is not necessary to have a residence permit next to them, they are enrolled there simply at will and subject to availability.

Mostly children are distributed precisely to schools attached to the address of the child's registration.

How can I find out which educational institution you are enrolled in?

Parents are interested: what school do we belong to by registration? There are several ways to find out.

You can try to send a child to receive secondary education not by registration, but only if there are free places there.

The territorial distribution of schools is necessary to regulate the flow of children to each of the nearby institutions.

Each year, the Department of Education sets a start date for accepting documents for training, usually January or February.

Parents of children registered at addresses assigned to the school have the right to submit documents until July 31, in accordance with applicable law.

All educational institutions are obliged to provide education for children living in the area assigned to them.

On what grounds can I get a refusal to enroll a child

  • On September 1, a first grader is less than 6.5 years old or more than 8, but if the child is well developed, they can be accepted from 6 years old;
  • When the classes are fully staffed (25 pupils are accepted);
  • In the absence of registration of the child in the area where the school is located.

IMPORTANT: If a refusal was received precisely because of the lack of places, you need to demand to write it in writing and notify your intentions to complain to the Ministry of Education. Sometimes they accept children through connections or acquaintances, so there are not enough places for preschoolers registered at the location of the school.

Most often, it is parents who are trying to enroll their child in a prestigious school that are denied admission.

Under what conditions do they have the right to refuse

Refusal to enroll a child registered next to an educational institution can only be denied if there is a real lack of places.

What to do if the reception of the child is still refused

  1. If there are no places in the school at the place of residence, there is a place in another, located not far from home, so it is worth going to other educational institutions.
  2. You can advise the management of the institution to divide the classes into 2 parallels, make several shifts, or seat the children in large rooms.
  3. Ask the school administration to show you the Charter, there you can get all the information about the rights and obligations of students, as well as leadership and teachers. Perhaps there will be grounds for rejecting a refusal upon acceptance, and then the problem will be solved on the spot.
  4. Contact the Department of Education and ask for information on all schools and places near your home. Information must be provided in accordance with.

ATTENTION! If the problem with the enrollment of the child is not solved in any way, you can contact the Ministry of Education directly.

Which Children Are Eligible for Priority Enrollment?

The right to priority enrollment in education from the total number of children living in the territory adjacent to it, have children:

If the child does not have a residence permit in the area where the school is located, then of course it will be more difficult to get there. For such cases, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On the rules for admission to schools" was issued, it clearly states that the admission of those who do not live in the territory assigned to the educational institution is carried out only from August 1 to September 5.

Enrollment is also possible provided that there are vacant places. In this situation, the child should be accepted without any obstacles.

REFERENCE. If the school is prestigious, then the probability of getting there is very small, there are hardly any vacant places.

In case of problems with the placement of a child for education, you need to contact the employees of the state educational authority. Until September 5, the first-grader will definitely be assigned to some school, but if the places in the nearest institutions are occupied, then you may have to go to the other end of the city.

It is not safe for a child to travel far to study, and this option does not appeal to parents at all.

The best option is to make a temporary registration in the required area with relatives or renting a room, and then the problem with enrollment will certainly be solved (up to 14 years old, a child must be registered with one of the parents).

In order to make sure and not miss the chance for a child to get a secondary education close to home, it makes sense to apply to several institutions at once.

This can be done on the government services website.

But there is one caveat - in a week you need to think over all the pros and cons and take the original documents to one of the selected schools, otherwise the entry will be canceled altogether.

Do not panic too much, the child will definitely be enrolled in some educational institution if he is 6.5 years old by the first of September.

IMPORTANT. It is not necessary to pay entrance fees to a public school.

Everything is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to do everything on time, wisely, not to delay the submission of documents and your child will definitely become a first grader. Now you know how to find out the school by registration.

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The period of study at school has a huge impact on the development of the child's personality, so parents should approach the choice of an educational institution with all responsibility. You should not consider the possibility of transferring a child to another educational institution if the chosen school does not suit the parents in any way: changing schools, especially at the very beginning of education, can have a very negative impact on a small student. Therefore, it is recommended to choose which school to send the child to a few months before the start of studies in order to have time to consider all the suitable options and finally stop at one.

Choosing which school the child will go to, parents will have to collect a lot of information about the educational institutions of their city. What criteria should be taken into account when choosing a school?

Proximity to home. If the school is close to home, over time the child will be able to go there on their own. However, by basing the choice on this condition alone, you narrow down the range of educational institutions significantly, since there can only be one or two schools close to home. On the other hand, if you send a child to a school at the place of residence, it is highly likely that he will study there along with those children with whom he attended kindergarten or was friends, and this will help him quickly adapt to new conditions.

Food. Many schools have canteens where the child can eat well, but some have only buffets. It is important to pay attention to whether harmful products (carbonated water, chocolate bars, chips) are sold at the food point. Of course, this is not of decisive importance for parents who carefully choose where to send their child to school, because in the absence of well-organized nutrition, a child can take lunch from home to school.

The teaching staff. Qualified teachers should work in the school, and it is desirable that the majority of teachers have work experience in the educational institution in question. It is also important to pay attention to the teaching experience and qualifications of the primary school teacher, who can become the first teacher of your child.

The level of education. Most schools have a standard school curriculum, but some schools have an enhanced or accelerated curriculum. In this matter, in no case should one be guided by one's own ambitions: it is important to objectively assess the child's capabilities and realize whether he is ready for an increased academic load. One of the indicators of the quality of education provided by the school is the constant participation in various olympiads. Also indirectly indicating a good level of education can be the connection of the school with any higher educational institution: it indicates that the school educational program meets the requirements that universities impose on applicants.

The stability of the composition of schoolchildren. When choosing which school to send your child to, be sure to pay attention to whether there is a noticeable “turnover” of students in the educational institution in question. It can occur if many parents transfer their children to other schools, or if students who fail or misbehave are expelled from school too often.

Developed extracurricular activities. Pay attention to whether the school has clubs, sports sections, whether cultural events are held (thematic excursions, trips to the theater, etc.).

School specialization. Many parents are faced with the choice of which school their child will go to: a regular one, which is usually close to home, or a specialized school, where they have to travel every day, but in which the child is expected to receive a higher level of education. Although the advantage of such educational institutions is the best contingent (after all, not everyone is taken there, but only well-trained children from prosperous families), here you need to focus only on the child’s abilities and his penchant for certain subjects.

The most important condition for successful learning is a good first teacher. Both the academic performance and the psychological comfort of the child largely depend on it, therefore, when choosing where to send the child to school, try to find out as much information as possible about the potential first teacher of your future first grader. In some cases, for the sake of a good teacher, you can turn a blind eye to the mismatch of the school with some other criteria.

Should I send my child to a specialized school?

In schools with in-depth study, children are provided with a high level of education in those subjects in which the educational institution specializes. These are physical and mathematical schools, schools with in-depth study of one or more foreign languages, legal, economic, artistic and aesthetic schools, as well as schools of a broad humanitarian orientation.

When deciding which school to send your child to, remember that he has not even begun his studies, has not tried himself in different areas. Ask yourself the question: will it not turn out that after a few years of in-depth study of the language, the child will begin to demonstrate abilities in the exact sciences? In addition, it is important to take into account that in addition to a high load, increased attention to one subject can lead to one-sided personality development. As a rule, in such schools the same amount of time is spent on the study of specialized subjects as on all other subjects combined.

At the same time, studying in a specialized school can make a child more disciplined and purposeful. But do not forget that it is not necessary to choose a certain specialization from the very first year of study - this can be done after 4-6 years. Therefore, before choosing a school with an in-depth study of any subject for your child, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final decision.