The strangest objects in the pictures of the Moon (49 photos). In the light of the pixel moon

Space has always been of interest to man, and the Moon, as the closest object, has become the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, NASA's Ranger program received the first images of the Moon from close range and began collecting information to prepare for a manned flight to the Moon. Since that time, the number of photographs has steadily increased, and with them the number of lunar mysteries has grown. What professionals and amateurs did not find in the pictures of our neighbor ...

A strange object above the lunar horizon, captured by Lunokhod-2.

In various places on the Earth's satellite, traces were removed, presumably left by rolling boulders.

The first photographs of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, and their collection is still being replenished.

The smaller object in this image, the one that made the longer path, somehow lifted out of the crater before continuing downhill.

This image was taken with the help of Google Moon: on the back side of the satellite near the Moscow Sea, with a strong approach, you can see a strange object - seven points located at right angles.

This image was captured by the Clementine HIRES camera. The eroded structure has a clearly rectangular anatomy.

And this is a crater shot on the far side of the moon, which looks more like a hole in the surface. This type of crater has been called "collapse craters", and ufologists suspect that it is nothing more than the remnants of underground lunar structures.

The crater in this photo is completely rectangular, which is contrary to the laws of nature.

These are the craters Messier and Messier A. Also a strange shape, similar to the fact that they are connected by a tunnel.

Image taken by the American Lunar Orbiter probe on the far side of the Moon. In the Sea of ​​Crises, near the Picard crater, there rises an amazing "tower" resembling a man-made structure.

Skeptics believe that this "lunar tower" is just a defect in the processing of the film, but judging by the enlarged fragment of the image, the object seems quite real.

The second Lunar Orbiter find is even more controversial: image number LO3-84M shows a strange structure almost two kilometers high.

The shadow of the object and its unevenness in reflected light are clearly visible, as if it were made of glass.

An anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in the lunar crater was found by modern virtual archaeologists on one of the photos of the Apollo 10 mission, which are in the public domain.

Fans of riddles believe that the lens hit the entrance to a certain dungeon.

And this is a snapshot of a relief that resembles ruins on Earth.

On October 30, 2007, former NASA Lunar Laboratory Photographer Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland held a press conference in Washington, DC, which immediately appeared on all the world's news channels.

They stated that at one time, American astronauts discovered on the moon the ruins of ancient cities and artifacts that speak of the existence of some highly developed civilization on it in the distant past.

And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the moon.

The Chinese lunar satellite Chang'e-2, launched on October 1, 2010, discovered such objects.

The pictures were published by Alex Collier, who is known for retelling messages coming from space from aliens.

Here are more pictures of the lunar surface, which show structures of an interesting shape.

Some kind of construction.

Relief of unusual shape.

In the picture, you can clearly distinguish the outlines of the buildings.

Another object that seems to be artificial.

A similar glow on the dark side of the moon has been seen many times.

And this strangely shaped stone is very much like a skull.

Unidentified object on the lunar surface.

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper "New York Times": "A human skeleton was found on the moon." The publication refers to the astrophysicist from China Mao Kan, who presented this photo at a conference in Beijing.

NASA released these images taken by cameras that were installed on the twin satellites Ebb and Flow, one of which flew over the rectangular object.

Again lunar "buildings".

Not so long ago, ufologists from the Secure Team 10 discovered a "tank" in one of the NASA images.

A popular American ufologist under the nickname Streetcap1 found an "alien base" in the images of the far side of the moon taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

This is a snapshot of the lunar surface, published by former NASA employee Ken Johnson: in its center you can see the module of the Apollo mission, but on the left side there are several mysterious points.

Most of the points are located in even parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

New research from NASA has shown that the Moon has mysterious swirling patterns of light and dark spots. They are found in over a hundred different locations across the entire surface.

On November 25, 2015, an amateur astronomer named Dennis Simmons captured the International space station, which should be at an altitude of about 400 km from the Earth's surface, but for some reason in the photo is right next to the Moon.

In the same place, the station was captured by another Australian, Tom Haradine, who filmed on November 21, 2015.

It turns out that either the ISS flew to the Moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object, similar to an earth station.

A lot of noise on the Web was caused by footage, which clearly shows that an "alien" is wandering on the surface of the Moon.

On September 15, 2012, one of the amateur astronomers published a video on the Web in which you can see how a whole flock of small luminous objects break away from the surface of one of the craters.

UFO over lunar surface found in the footage taken by the Apollo 10 mission.

And this huge elongated "alien ship" "buried" its nose into the lunar soil, apparently, during an unsuccessful landing.

This object with a "tail" of light was discovered by ufologists on the frames of the Apollo 11 mission.

A UFO resembles a projectile or a flying ship.

This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth's satellite.

A photo of an unusual object above the lunar horizon was taken by Apollo 17 pilot Garrison Schmidt.

"Straight wall" - this is the name of a perfectly flat formation almost 75 km long.

Foggy lakes. The colorful life of the Lunar family.

It all started with the fact that I really wanted to keep a Dynasty diary. I created a separate city for the sake of such a business, hastily embellished it with some decor, and screened it.

And then the most difficult thing began. I honestly brought my "dynasty" to the appearance of the second generation and ... I realized that I could not do this anymore. I can’t watch how the Sims I love already live in poverty, starve, suffer, sleep on the floor, cats refuse to reproduce, and in general everything is very bad. Well, apparently, dynasties are not mine, I decided: “everything is in the furnace!”, Drove my beloved motherlode
and finally arranged a normal boring happy life for her wards. My first report will be about them.
So the Lunar family. They live in a creepy lilac brick house (I usually download at home, but then I wanted to make my own pens).

I am a landscape designer with my mother, or "there should be a pond near every house"

Founder. Zariel Lunar. According to the legend, invented for the dynasty, Zarya is a noble moon elf-hit from another world, forced to breed and survive in harsh conditions. Not a drop of masculinity in him, I know, but he is an elf so he can)

Favorite wife of our hero: dark-eyed and green as a cucumber Roxalana (the name was inspired by a grandmother fan of the "Magnificent Century") Why green? Well, I was just wondering whose genetics would prevail and what kind of children they would have. In general, Roxa also has a background, something about an evil witch who bewitched her for stealing a garden gnome ... Oh, okay, forget it.

Roxalana is holding the eldest (and my favorite) of the twins, Ayrelin. I decided to give all the "purple" children elven names, and "green" - human.

Therefore, the second twin is called Isabella (I do not like her, she is ugly)

Hmm, who was there in the courtyard who started a fight with a neighbor's dog passing by, and even won it?

This fluffy warrior, the Marquis, was taken from the orphanage to be the bride of the Zarielev cat. "Once again I will see near our flower bed - and you are a corpse!")

And finally, my main favorite: Zariel's family cat, Tin-Tin. He supposedly got into our world together with the owner, completely devoted to him, at first he was the only breadwinner in the family, worked tirelessly in the field of show business, while Zarya smelled flowers and glued Roxalana. (It's an awkward feeling when you choose a wife to match the color of a cat's fur)
Screened in his favorite room in the house. Always occupies an observation post near the slab)

Just a cute frame)

Just a weird shot. Comrade, be careful while you dance with your wife, the neighbor's dog is watching. (How much pain and melancholy there is in this look, even if you take the dog to yourself)

In general, Rocks is mainly engaged in cats. This is despite the fact that Zariel has a lifelong dream - to make friends with 20 pets. It should be changed, by the way, I don't think I have the patience to carry it out.

Ayrelin loves to listen to fairy tales and pesters with requests to read everyone who catches the eye. IN this case unlucky Roxalana)

Does anyone know how you can quickly make friends between two cats? This couple communicates once a week, I'm already afraid not to wait for their offspring

Everyone forgot about Isabella, because of boredom the child strummed the xylophone all day, and this is the result. Such a gorgeous woman came to her with an invitation to the music club of interests. I swear that I haven't changed anything in her - the game gave me such a goddess. Defaults are a great thing!)

The marquise was once again fired from her job and now she is guarding Isabella. She literally follows her every step.

What to do when the owner's nasty child strangles you in his arms? That's right, you just have to endure.

"Well, what can you do, Marquis, such is life!" - Shrugs Zarya in response to this reproachful look. I think I know whose sneakers will be wet today)

This moment, when almost all the inhabitants of the house gathered in the smallest cramped room, not counting the bathroom. Well at least Roxalana is at work, otherwise it would not have done without her. Airi strangles the cat again, it's Tin-Tin's turn to suffer.

In Misty Lakes - autumn

Open meeting of the secret club of blondes at the twins' birthday)

"What a cool husband I have!" - thinks Roxalana, holding Isabella over the birthday cake. "What a cool husband she has!" - thinks her colleague, who came to her from work and accidentally got to a party.

Isabella has grown) And her father's ears! Well, which of the two should I consider an elf now?

Airi has her mother's ears. She, too, grew up safely, but without finishing the cake, she fell asleep tiredly on the sofa, tired of the hardships of adulthood.

The moon itself is already unique in that it is the only spherical satellite in orbit. It is believed that the reason for this shape is that its mass is large enough to attract matter uniformly towards the center of the satellite.

The size Moon makes up just over one fourth of the Earth's diameter (3475 km) and this is also a unique phenomenon. So far, astronomers have not been able to find a satellite of any planet with large or at least the same dimensions relative to the size of the planet.

However, in spite of the dimensions so significant for the satellite, the mass of the Moon is comparatively small. This also indicates the low density of the satellite. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the reason for the formation of the moon. Scientists have a version that during the birth of the Earth, a huge cosmic body the size of. As a result of such a collision, a large amount of the outer mantle and crust was thrown into Earth's orbit. Gradually combining under the influence of gravitational forces, the material formed the satellite that we today know as the Moon. Considering that the outer mantle of the Earth is much less dense than the inner layers, this concept allows to some extent explain the low density of the Moon.

Observations from Earth allow us to consider numerous craters on the lunar surface. The reason for the existence of such a relief is quite simple. Unlike the Earth, the Moon is not a geologically active body, it has no atmosphere, and no volcanic activity is observed. That is why the surface of the moon has remained unchanged for centuries.

The diagram below highlights eight different phases of the moon: full moon, waxing month, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, third quarter, and waning month.

Moon structure

The moon is a differentiated cosmic body and is subdivided into crust, mantle and core by its structure. Despite the fact that the Moon is the second (after Io) in density satellite in Solar system, its inner core is considered very small in size, since its diameter is only about 700 kilometers, which is an insignificant indicator relative to the size of the satellite.

At the inner core, the shell is saturated with iron and has a radius of about 240 kilometers. The outer core also mostly consists of iron, only molten, its thickness is about 300 kilometers.

Also, the lunar core has a molten boundary layer in parts. According to the calculations of planetary scientists, it was formed as a result of the processes of fractional crystallization of a huge magmatic ocean 4.5 billion years ago. The thickness of this layer is about 480 kilometers.

Like the Earth, the Moon's mantle consists mainly of ultrabasic rocks, which, unlike those contained in the crust, contain minor impurities of silicon oxides and a fairly large amount of iron and magnesium. Olivine and pyroxene are the main rock-forming minerals.

The average thickness of the lunar crust is about 50 kilometers. Due to the periodic moonquakes caused by the Earth's gravity, cracks can appear in it.

First man on the moon

Twelve representatives of humanity were lucky enough to walk on the surface of the moon. The beginning was laid by Neil Armstrong in 1969 as part of the Apollo 11 mission, and the latest was Jean Cernan in 1972 with the Apollo 17 mission. Since 1972, human flights to the moon have been discontinued, and the study of the Earth's satellite has remained in the field of automatic spacecraft.

In the near future, man can visit the moon again. The plans of leading space agencies such as NASA, Roskosmos and ESA are connected with this. Perhaps the first space station will appear on the Moon in the 2020s.

Man's first step on the moon

“This is one small step for man, but a giant leap for all mankind”, - this famous phrase said Neil Armstrong as he descended to the surface of the moon.

The moon has no dark side. Both sides of the Moon receive the same amount of sunlight, but given the fact that the Moon is tied to the Earth by tidal forces, earthlings can always observe only one side of it. This side reflects sunlight and people can look at it even with the naked eye, then information about the so-called "dark side" was obtained using spacecraft.

The ebb and flow on Earth is carried out precisely with the help of the Moon. They arise as a result of its gravitational attraction. Tides occur on the side of the Earth that is this moment facing the moon, while ebb tide occurs on the other side.

Each year, the Moon slowly recedes from the Earth, about 3.8 centimeters. According to scientists' calculations, this process will continue for another 50 billion years.

If you were on the moon, you would weigh much less. Lunar gravity is much weaker than Earth's. This is due to the fact that its mass is much less. That is, your weight on the moon would be only one-sixth (about 16.5%) of your earthly weight.

In the 50s, the United States planned to blow up atomic bomb on the moon. The secret project was developed in the midst of cold war and was called "Project A119". The main goal of such an extraordinary plan was to demonstrate military and space superiority to the USSR. Fortunately, the idea never came to fruition.

The moon has no atmosphere. The surface of the Earth's satellite is absolutely not protected from cosmic rays, meteorites, asteroids, comets and solar winds. That is why such huge fluctuations in temperature are observed on the Moon, and its entire surface is covered with craters. The lack of atmosphere also means that no sound can be heard on the Moon, and the sky is always black.

There are tremors on the moon. The gravitational pull of the Earth leads to small moonquakes that occur several kilometers below the surface and form small rips and cracks. It is believed that the Moon has a molten core like the Earth.

The moon is the fifth largest natural companion in the solar system. It is much smaller than the main satellites.