How horses appeared

Undoubtedly, everyone who loves these large and beautiful animals is interesting to know how horses appeared. How many ancestors looked at millions of years ago, and as in the process of evolution turned into modern hopping. Here, let's, and will figure it out in this matter.

The progenitors of these graceful animals scholars called the Agipus. The size of a small dog, with an arched arch with a back, long tail and four-pailed paws, sixty-million years ago, these prehistoric animals began to settle wet and dense forests of the American continent.

Tens of millions of years passed before the ancestors of horses began to acquire the usual appearance. Anchiteria go on the scene of evolution. At this time, large changes in the structure of the limbs occur. This is already a three-paced leg, adapted to jump and rapid movement. The size of Anchiteria reaches the size of the modern pony.

The next link in the horse development chain is Hypparion, similar to modern gazellers. By the Isthmus connecting America and Eurasia, Hipparones migrated to Europe, Asia, Africa. Development in the eastern hemisphere led to the emergence of the most significant changes.

Single-haired horses, pyligipuses, appeared about 5 million years ago. At one time, hipparones continued to be adjacent to them. Gradually savanna, with their juicy vegetation and wet soil, began to be replaced on the steppes, and pli-phase turned out to be more adapted for life in more severe conditions.

They lived already in East, and in the Western Hemisphere, were distinguished by a great variety of species. It was they who laid the beginning of Tarpanam, Zebram Oslas and Kulanam, a modern branch of horses.