From the spark a flame will be lit .. or not?

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How important is this prophecy now for Russian reality. Can today's protest moods and their leaders to accomplish what the oppositional prescription oppositions have made.

"Our sorrowful work does not disappear, the flame will be lit. and the enlightened people will fall under the holy banner." Can today's jeques of new Russia behave for themselves? Close to Elbrus of the Russian Power? Well, or at least win the elections and will not be bored? Then they could. And from the handful of Bolshevik-revolutionaries, as a snowball from the mountains norodied the strength, who had the whole Russian empire for himself. And stroke a place on the "peak of communism." By the way, which is significantly higher than Elbrus.

The formula of this phenomenon, when the flame (revolutionary situation) was rebuilt from the spark, V.I. Lenin. "For the onset of the revolution, it is not enough for" the bottoms do not want, "and it is still necessary that" the tops could not "live in the old way" - putting a point, already bald Vladimir Ulyanov, although it was only 35 years old, stared at a glass view in Window, considering the quiet street of the Swiss Bern. The thoughts of the failed leader of the global revolution, but the Russian took place at that moment were in distant Russia. He tried to Nikolai Romanova (King), then Ivan Goremykin (Chairman of the Council) as far as they could not, and also recalled Rastrin's ring and Ivashka Spy from St. Petersburg typography, commensuing how much these do not want. A minute, the other, deep exhalation of frustration, he took a handle and began to write further.

But, the path of the Lord, non-evortions. How many stars came together and these factors in the distant 1917 and the formula played. Well, and, of course, comrades Socialists were not confused, sorganized the general collection of enthusiasts from the world of "hungry and slaves." Slezed at the maximum of them. For what they received, "Respect and Respect", in the order of popular wisdom: "Soon the fairy tale affects, but it does not soon be done." The only one did not have the enthusiasts of "Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood" to educate a decent shift, which could be conquered. But that is another story. So far, you are interested in protest sentiment in Russia. This is the next sociological study on the state of protest sentiment in the country, says that the sparks are smoldering, and some even hard to blow that it gives their results.

Do today's revolutionaries are capable of former feats. Or is not the powder in the powder. Foured and stupidly waiting for the option, so as to them as fighters for the bright future of capitalism in the late 1980s subharftyl. And even then. Why not repeat the uncle to repeat the double, the benefit of the original material is what the study of Russian liberalism says. The Center for Economic and Political Reforms (CEPR), in whose account such resonant projects as "500 days", "consent to chance", "Nizhny Novgorod Prolog". Today, few people say these names, but survived in the 1990s, these sounds are forced to flush. And here is the last report on the analysis of protest activity in the country of 2017-2018.

Scrupulous counting shows that over the past year of protest actions, almost twice increased (1479-2017. Against 2526 - 2018). Of course, an introduced pension reform has become a gracious reason for such events. This is understandable. Indeed, in the absence of any even little of his ideas and those who can unite citizens around oppositionists, they have to use the fact that power will throw off from the Barsky shoulder. And, of course, the pension reform is a bold piece from which there will be and will be. Researchers, as well as marked the places of the most active protest movement. And as you can see, it is not where it is harder to live, and where the largest number of citizens concentrates that require a healthy movement. Unfortunately, the leisure and poor medical care is poorly organized by the authorities, is defining factors causing spill bile in the body. As a result, we see that the geography of protest shares, which we have.

These and other data provided by the CEPR are raising only one question. Can the flame be obvious from this spark? And whether the lungs will be enough, the inflated toggave. But also to the gentlemen, on the other side of the Barikard, there are also questions. Interestingly, today's state figures and the subordinated political technologists will remember the Leninist truth or believe that this axiom has already thinned. Here I would like to ask, and the case, they do not believe that Newton's laws should also be revised. After all, over the ages around the world also changed. Or maybe not, and they are strictly accurate of century-old principles. But they have a complete feeling that everything is under control. Sincerely believes that the bottoms still want, and the tops can still.

Of course, for this opinion, they have every reason. After all, even if, some of the bottoms are no longer want, then in any case, everything is stable and everything can be alive and everything. And these unfortunate 0.2% of the country's population, which create the basis for such researchers can not be noticed. But here, as they say, do not forget the story. Bolsheviks, by February 1917, there were also about 24 thousand per 180 million population, and they were thrown into the ladies. Of course, it is not necessary to forget about the third variable in the Leninsky formula - the total crisis in the life of the masses. But this question, folk wisdom did not bypassed: "If the stars are burning, it means that someone lights them." So in this situation, it is necessary to hope for better, but also do not bother.

What do you think, what will all these protest sentiments in Russia lead?

Kalinchev Sergey

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