
Timur. Reconstruction of the skull of M. Gerasimov

The meaning of Timur in world history

There is a fact that almost all the great conquerors who have not stopped before the trifles, but tirelessly those who were fastened to the infinite expansion of their power were fatalists; They felt themselves tools or punishment deities, or mysterious fate, enthusiastically carried out through blood flows, through the piles of corpses, everything forward and forth. Such were: Attila, Genghis Khan, in our historical era Napoleon; That was Tamerlan, a formidable warrior, whose name during the centuries with horror and amazement repeated the entire West, although he himself had avoided the danger. Such a common feature is not accidental. The conquest of half of the world in the absence of such very special circumstances, as during Alexander the Great, may be able to succeed only when the forces of the peoples are already half a horror in front of the approaching enemy; Yes, and a separate person, if it is not worth just to the degree of animal development, it is hardly able to take on his own only the personal conscience of all disasters that in the world a merciless war in the world, aspiring from one battlefield to another. So where it is not about the war for faith, in which it is already allowed in advance, since it first of all seeks to achieve the high religious goal of the AD MAJOREM DEI GloriM, only he will be at the height of the necessary inhumanity and inhumanity, whose mind is absorbed by a relentless idea. About the divine mission or about his "star" and closed for everything that does not serve its exceptional goal. A person who has not lost all the concept of moral responsibility and universal responsibilities will be therefore divided into these terrible phenomena of all world history in the same way as can be divided into the majestic thunderstorm until the thunder will not hit too dangerous intimacy. The above consideration may, perhaps, serve to explain the special contradictions encountered in such characters, or in whom of them, maybe more than in Tamerlane or to use a more accurate form of his name, Timpler. It can not be said that any of the leaders of the second Mongol-Tatar relocation of peoples differed from the leaders of the first lesser degree of wildness and ferocity. It is known that Timur was especially loved, after the won battle or conquest of the city, it is possible to build high pyramids, then from some heads, then from whole bodies of killed enemies; And where he found it useful or necessary to make a strong impression or submit an example, he forced his hordes to fire no better than Genghis Khan himself. And along with this, there are still features, which, in comparison with such ferocity, seem no less strange than the passion of Napoleon to the Gothev Verter next to his gross mercility. I bring it out of the fact that under the name of Timur to us reached us quite voluminous notes, part of military stories, part of the argument of a military-political nature, which is often hard to conclude that in the person of their author we have one of the greatest The monsters of all times: if they were even worthy of them quite proven, it is still necessary to remember that the paper all tolerates, and in the example of the wise legislation of Genghis Khan. There is also no need to attach too much importance to the tamper carved on the ring: grow-rust (Persian: "Right - power"); That it was not a simple hypocrisy, it was discovered, for example, at one wonderful case, during the Armenian campaign 796 (1394) of the year. The local chronicler describes it as follows: "He became a camp in front of the Pakran fortress and mastered it. He ordered to put in two separate crowds, on the one hand three hundred Muslims, on the other, three hundred Christians. After that, they were said: we will kill Christians, and Muslims will be released. There were also two bishop brothers of this city, who intervened in the crowd of incorrect. But here the Mongols raised their swords, killed Muslims and liberated Christians. Those two Christians started shouting right now: we are the servants of Christ, we are Orthodox. Mongols exclaimed: you lied, so we will not release you. And they killed both brothers. It caused a bishop deep sorrow, although both of them died confessing the true faith. " This case is the more worthy of comments, which, generally speaking, Christians could not count on softness from Timur; He was a Muslim himself and although she was leaning towards shisming, but first of all, he had pursued strictly holding the laws of the Quran and the extermination of the Inoverts, unless they deserved to mercy, refusing any attempt to resist. True, it was usually a little better in his uniforms: "As the predatory wolves on abundant flock" attacked Tatar hordes, now as 50 years old before the residents of cities and countries who aroused the displeasure of this terrible person; Even a peaceful surrender did not always save from the murder of pudders, especially in cases where the poor was suspected of disrespect for Allahov law. It's easier to get easier for this time, Eastern Personal provinces, at least where they did not excite Timur's wrath by subsequent uprisings, because they were just that they had to be joined to the direct possessions of the new winner of the world; The worse he ordered to devastate Armenia, Syria and Malny Asia. In general, his invasion was a top of the ruin of Muslim countries. When he died, in pure politically, everything was again the same as it was before him; Nowhere circumstances have unfolded differently than, in all likelihood, it would be if it did not have a minute creation of his great kingdom: but his pyramids from the skulls could not contribute to the restoration of ruined cities and villages, and his "right" did not possess in any case awake life from death; Otherwise, it was, as the proverb says, the Summum Jus, which is Summa Injuria. Indeed, Timur was only, so to speak, the "great victory organizer"; Art, with what he knew how to make up his troops, train military leaders, hit the opponents, no matter how much reliable we learn about him, there are in any case a manifestation of as many bold and strong as thoroughly thinking mind and from a number of people who go out. Thus, with its thirty-five walks, he was distributed once again the horror of the Mongolian name from China's borders to the Volga, from Ganges to the gate of Constantinople and Cairo.

The origin of Timura

Timp - the name it means iron - 25 Shaban 736 (April 8-9, 1336) was born 736 (April 8-9 1336), in the suburb of Tresoksansky Kesha (now Shahrisabz, south of Samarkand) or in one of the neighboring villages. His father, Taragai, was the leader of the Tatar tribe Barlas (or Barulas) and, as such, the chief head of the Kesha district engaged in them, that is, he owned one of the countless small regions, which the city of Jagataya has long been broken; From the death of Barack, then one, then another of the successors of Genghis Khan or from other ambitious leaders tried to combine them into large communities, but until then without real results. The Barlas tribe is officially ranked at the pure Mongolian, the origin of Timur is conducted from one of the nearest trusted Genghis Khan, and on the other hand from the daughter of his son himself, Jagata. But in no case, he was not Mongol; Since Genghis Khan was considered Mongol, then the lets of his powerful successor considered its duty to establish a close relationship between him in the first founder of the world rule of the Tatars, and the pedigrees needed for this purpose were prescribed only.

Timura appearance

Already the appearance of Timur did not match the Mongolian type. "He was," this is how his Arabic biographer tells, is built and high, high growth, as a descendant of ancient giants, with a mighty head and forehead, a dense body and strong ... the color of the skin is Bel and Rumba, without a dark shade; Wideworm, with strong cocks, strong fingers and long thighs, proportional to the physique, long-working, but with a disadvantage in the right leg and hand, with eyes full of gloomy fire and loud voice. He did not know the fear of death: already being close to the 80 years, he retained spiritually complete confidence, bodily - fortress and elasticity. According to the hardness and ability of the resistance, he was like a stone rock. He did not like ridicule and lies, was unavailable by joke and fun, but he wanted to always hear one truth, if even she was unpleasant; Failure never saddled him, and success never chewed. " This image, the inner side of which it seems absolutely appropriate reality, only in external features not quite according to the portrait that the late images give us; Nevertheless, in the main thing, it can have a claim for some accuracy, as the transmission of deep impressions of legends, where stylistic considerations did not influence the author, obviously perfectly considered the grace and symmetry of his presentation. Undoubtedly the existence of a bodily disadvantage, which he owes his Persian nickname Timurlenka, "Chrome Timur" (in Turkish - Aksak Timur); This disadvantage, however, could not be a significant obstacle in his movements, since it was particularly glorified to reduce the horses and own weapons. In those days it could be especially useful by him.

Central Asia in the years of Timur

In the vast regions of the former kingdom, Jagata, everything was again as 150 years earlier, in the days of the division of the state of Karakitayev. Where a brave leader was looking for, who knew how to gather around himself a few tribes for ride and battles, quickly arose a new principality, and if another, the strongest, was not less than a quick end. - the rulers of the Kesha were similar to such fate, when his brother, Haji Saifaddin, entered the death of Taragia. Just at this time (760 \u003d 1359), in the Kashgar [area north and east of Syrdarya] one of the members of the House Jagata, the successor of the barrack, named Tugluk-Timur, managed to proclaim himself with Khan and increasing many tribes of Turkestan to recognize their dignity . He spoke with them to conquer the rest of the provinces of the kingdom [that is, Central Asia], of which the region of Ox [Amudarya] was the most significant and still blooming. The little prince of Kesha with his weak power was not able to resist the attack; But at the time, he turned towards Horasan, his nephew Timur went to the enemy mill and announced his subordinate to the dominion of the tuber (761 \u003d 1360). It is clear, he was adopted with joy and granted the area of \u200b\u200bKesha; But barely Han managed to believe in the possession of the Transoxanius [region between Amradea and Syrdarya], as the new disagreement of the tribes in his army, which to bring to different little wars and forced the Tugluk temporarily to return to Kashgar. While he tried to attract new and, if possible, more reliable forces, his emirs were redistered between them, and Timur constantly intervened in their distribution, caring, first of all about keeping his uncle Haji Sima Feddin Keshsky, who appeared again on the horizon. Finally, they came up; But when Khan (763 \u003d 1362) again approached, which, meanwhile, was able to recruit new troops, Safaddin did not confes the world and went through Oksu in Horacean, where he soon died.

Participation of Timur in Central Asian Interdudes

With a new distribution of possessions, which the Tugluk produced after soon then the ending conquest of transoxania and the region between Herat and Hindukush, he appointed his son Ilyas Vice-King in Samarkand; With his courtyard, Timur was gained importance, with the death of uncle became the undisputed rule of the Kesha; Then Khan went back to Kashgar. Meanwhile, there soon happened the discord between Timur and Vizier Ilyas; The first had to, as they say, leave the capital after the conspiracy conceived him was opened, and fled to Hussein, one of Emirov, hostile tube and his house, who was able to steppe with a few adherents after defeating her party. In the meantime, his small ruin was scattered by government troops, and a period of adventures came in Timur's life. He woke up between Ox and Yaksart [Amu Darya and Syrdarya], it was hiding in Keshe or Samarkand, once he was extended for several months in captivity with one of the small rules, then released almost without any funds, until he finally managed to collect around A few riders from Kesha and surroundings for new enterprises and to make them south with them. There, since the disintegration of the kingdom, Jagata, Sedgestan became again independent under the control of his own prince, who did not have little trouble caused the neighboring mountain peoples of Gur and actually Afghanistan, of course, who had long been frequently freed from any ingenic influence, and sometimes also the ordinance of neighboring Kerman. At Prince Sedgestan, according to a predetermined condition, Timur with Hussein was met again and to continue some time helped him in military affairs; Then they left the sentionan and, apparently supported by the new hordes of the stray Tatars, who were much everywhere, went to the terrain near the Balkah and Takharistan, where they, partly in peace, partly strong attacks were subordinate to themselves as a region, and their troops increased themselves as successful . The arrow approaching them from Samarkand, despite their numerical superiority, was divided by them on the banks of the OX, due to successful tricks; OX was passioned, and then the population of transoxania, without the very pleased with the dominion of Kashgartsents, crowded to both Emirs. To what extent the inventive mind of Timur did not miss any means to damage opponents and distribute fear and horror in front of their own, still moderate forces, it is seen from one story about this time. When he, squealing his squads in all directions, also wanted to take the cache again, to achieve a speech of a significant detachment of enemies, he ordered to go to the city of 200 riders, of whom everyone had to bind to the tail of his horse a big, milled branch. The extraordinary clouds of dust raised in this way. Production on the garrison impression, as if the countless army approaches; He hurriedly cleared the cache, and Timur could again spread his camp in his native place.

Timur and Hussein pick up Central Asia

But he long remained idle. It was gained to mean that Tugluk-Khan died; Even before the approach of bold rebels, Ilyas decided to return to Kashgar to join the throne of his father, and was already going on the road with his army. It was assumed that even if he did not immediately return, he would still appear again after a short time to take away the province of rebellious emir. Therefore, Timur and Hussein found the best to apply another blow to the retreat, using the fact that just at this time to them, as the liberators of the country, new troops were flocked on all sides; In fact, they managed to hide the Kashgian army on the way, to break it despite the stubborn defense and pursue the jaccart (765 \u003d 1363). Transoxania was again provided by one of his emmales. In Khan, elected one of the descendants of Jagata, Kabul-Shaha, of course, with the implied condition, so that he remains fragrant; But before the position of things could have established, the new troops from Kashgar under the personal leadership of Ilyas were approached. The transoksansans under the superiority of Timur and Hussein opposed them to the east of the jacquart near the Shash (Tashkent); But this time the victory after the two-day battle remained on the side of the opponents (766 \u003d 1365), Timur himself had to retreat in the cache, and after and back through the OKS, since Hussein did not have enough courage to keep the line of the river; Everything achieved last year seemed lost. But the spirit of courage and self-confidence, which Timur is apparently and then knew how to inspire his subordinates, gave the residents of Samarkand forces for the successful defense of the city, whose siege was shortly after Ilyas. In a decisive moment, when further defense seemed impossible, the horses of the enemies suddenly began to fall as many weights from the plague; The enemies had to remove the siege, and her unsuccessful outcome was apparently fatal for the very rule of Ilyas. Molva says at least after a short time one of Emirov, Kamaraddin Douglant, treacherously deemed his throne in life and it can be assumed that the coming consequence in Kashgar made it impossible to further attempts to transfers. In any case, further legends are told only about completely random attacks of small detachments from border tribes, during new civil divisions that continued to be necessary to bring transoksan's leaders among themselves to eliminate external danger.

Killing Hussein Timur

In particular, unbearable was soon the relationship between the ambitious Timur and his former accomplice Hussein, it is hardly so solely for the fault of the latter, as Timur's panelists want to assert. In a quick war broken between them (767 \u003d 1366), the native emirs, as usual, were fluidated there, then here, and one day, Timur had to have had so bad that he had only two people. He saved himself a deed of unheard of courage. With its 243 horsemen, he approached the fortress of Nastlab (now Karshi in transoxania); 43 of them were to stay during horses, from one hundred, he lined up in front of one of the gate, and the last 100 should have shuffled through the city wall, kill the sentry at the gates and then let it. The company succeeded; Before the inhabitants learned about the proximity of the enemy, the fortress was in his power - most of the garrison, in the amount of 12,000 people, were located in the surrounding area and too late noticed that they were taken by the very center of their position. Multiple short colors Timur bothered here, then they returned there to re-occupy the city of enemies, so they, again exaggerating the number of his troops, finally retreated (768 \u003d 1366). Success, of course, again attracted a large army; But such changes occurred several more times before the final victory smiled. It happened in 771 (1369), when he managed to arrange the general Union of Emirov against Hussein, with whom he was once again connected in 769 (1367) about the divisor of the country. Apparently, he already performed here as the warrior of Allah; At the very least, he forced one Dervish to speak out to himself a pruniety, which authorized him on this nickness, whose influence was not a little contributed to an increase in his party. Hussein, the residence of which was in Balkha, after the lost battle was not hoping to keep the city; He surrendered, but still he was killed by two of his personal enemies, if not according to the orders of Timur, then still with his consent. Timur was made by the unique rule of all transoxania and the country to the south to Gindukusha.

Association of Central Asia Timur

Timur at the siege of the ball. Miniature

The position he occupied was, no doubt quite unclear. Turks are always ready as we saw it in many examples, cut off our legitimate sovereign, if he does not like his rule; But it is extremely conservative in all religious and political relations and is hard to decide to recognize someone who does not belong to the nature of the previous one. Timur knew the people too well to not take into account this mood of their people; He decided to imagine himself simply by Atabeg (in order to use the Western -taic expression already known to us) of one of the Genghis Kanids: a faithful sign of that, let's say that he himself was not related to the legitimate reigning dynasty. So, convened to confirm the change of Curultai's change, the Timoksan Investigative Council, should be elected one of the descendants of Jagata to Khakana or Kaana, as the title of Higher Great Han, Timur assigned to himself the lowest title of Gur-Khan, who worn former sovereigns of Kashgar and Samarkand And orders are officially called yourself not Timur Khan, but only Timur-run or Emir Timur. It's like Napoleon, who stopped at the title of the First Consul; His successors only stopped the election of the Great Khan, they themselves also never took this title, but they were pleased with the rank of run or Shaha. True, that they had no reason to be especially important, since at once after the death of Timur, the kingdom forcifically assembled to them was broken into parts, as before it was composed of pieces and fragments. More than once we could clearly see that these, still half of the nomadic, peoples, the rule of the ruler was based only on the influence that he knew how to acquire his personality. Endless work, which Timur was treated from a small boss to the highest running of the whole transformation during the ten-year wars, during which, almost until his final success, he often had to see himself in the position of the commander without troops; On the other hand, the unity of his prefabricated state after his death, the unity of his premises represent such a sharp contrast to the unquestioned obedience, which had to continue the whole twenty-six years, from the very recognition of his universal master, all his unbridled tribesmen without exception, which we would think have a riddle in front of them if the mentioned basic line of Turkish character did not give a simple and satisfactory explanation; Namely: Turks, and not actually Mongols played with Timur the main role in the second invasion of the front Asia; Since, if even individual Mongolian tribes remained since the times of Genghis Khan in the lands of the Jagata, the overwhelming majority of the population, excluding the Persian Tajiks, was still from the Turks in the broad sense of the word, and the Mongol minority has long disappeared in it. In essence, it, of course, did not make a big difference; not quite such bloodthirsty and barbaric as the Horde of Genghis Khan, but also enough bloodthirsty and barbaric was the troops of Timur in all countries, which was sent by their great conqueror from the moment, as he received power in his hands in transfers, in the sad result of his Great Military Activities There were and remains the final fall of the Eastern civilization of the Middle Ages.

Not without further troubles, it was possible to keep the new state of transference to keep completely distinguished from subordination and obedience to run. More than once over the next years, he is told about the arrogant Emires and Neuong, who refused to endure the head of themselves, no matter how strong it is; But these were always separate and deprived of the relations of the uprising, suppress which was able without much work. In such cases, the comments are a softness, in fact, the unknown Timur, which he showed to people who did not want to recognize the elevations over his own, once barely equal with them, Comrade: it seems that he cared for the restoration of unity, which would not be disturbed by the feelings of revenge Childbirth, and then hoped by the power of his personality and his external successes, victories and prey, which he delivered his own, gradually turn all the precloser into animal devotion. He was now thirty-four years; His knowledge of people, military abilities and the talents of the ruler managed to develop until complete maturity for a long time of testing, and after two decades he managed to achieve his goal. Namely, up to 781 (1379), almost annual campaigns were conquered by the entire space of the old kingdom of Jagata, at the same time grave rebellion, often mixed with these wars, finally, the influence of new power is common and northwest. In addition to Kamaraddin Kashgorskaya, especially a lot of hassle caused the doubt of the Emir of the city of Khorezm, with a long time-time who used quite large independence in his underlying oasis; As soon as the peace treaty was concluded, and Timur arrived again in his capital, as it was commonly the news came soon that Yusuf-Beck - so called the owner of Khorezm - under some kind of pretext restrained again. Finally, in 781 (1379), this stubborn person died, while his capital was again in siege; Residents continued to defense for some time until the city was taken by force, and then he was comprehended by a thorough sentence. The country went to the direct ownership of Timur, while in the remote and far to the east of the Kashgar region, the conqueror was pleased with the fact that after a few victories in 776-777 (1375-1376) forced Kamaraddin to escape to the Central Asian steppes and took the oath in loyalty to himself From the tribes, until it is subject to him. A significant part of them probably increased the army of Timur.

Timur intervention in the business of the Golden Horde. Tukhtamama

Already on returning from the East, we find Timur strong enough to intervene in matters much more, though, without a doubt, the states relaxed by the inner universities, it was the Kipchak, which since the death of Uzbek, the son of Jani-Beck (758 \u003d 1357), was shocked lasting Palace revolutions and broke up into several separate states, absolutely as the kingdom of Jagata, with the difference that it did not find such a strong reducing agent as Timur. About 776 (1375), the western part of the Kipchak, the region itself "Golden Horde", was in power of one Danist of the Laman Khan, Mahaya, meanwhile, after the east of the Yaik (River of the Urals), after numerous quarrels between various descendants of Juci, at that time Wrapped Upus Han. He led the war with one opponent, the Tyluek, who had resisted his plans, aimed at uniting all the tribes of Eastern Kipchak; When Tuluuy died in one battle, his son Tukhtamysh fled to Timur, who had just returned from Cashgar to transference (777 \u003d 1376). The Kipchak region between Khorezm and Jacsart directly related to the transoksan border, and Timur, not long thought, took the opportunity to spread its influence and in this direction, providing support to the applicant. Tukhtamysh, who, of course, had to declare himself with the vassal of his patron, received a small army, with whom he went down on Jacnsart and took possession of the areas of the reflection and the surrounding; But since at the same time until the middle of 778 (the end of 1376), he repeatedly made himself to beat himself to the sons of Urus, Timur finally spoke himself against them. Winter prevented decisive success, but in the meantime, the Urus died, and against his son, unable, devoted to one sensual pleasure, Timura-Melik, soon reigned prejudice among his own subjects; Therefore, Tohtamysh with the secondly entrusted to him by the transoksan army turned out to be, finally, to break the enemy troops (end 778 \u003d 1377) and in the second collision, to take captivity of Timur Melik. He ordered him to kill him and now soon he had achieved his recognition in the entire East Half of the Kipchak kingdom; Since that time, until 1381 (783), he tried to still conquer the kingdom of the Golden Horde in Russia, already strongly shaped defeat by Maima Great Prince Dmitry in 1380 (782) G. and this was completed by the restoration of the state unity of all former Kipchak possessions. They nominally came under the Supreme Lord of Timur; But we will soon see that Tohtamysh was only expected to abandon the service of his former patron.

Central Asia under the control of Timur

As soon as the success of Tukhtamysh in Kipchak became a solid, Timur could quietly give him further maintenance of his company, when in 781 (1379) G. was broken by the last resistance of Khorezm residents and these all the north and east were prone to him, Timur could think There is also a conquer for the conqueror to the West and South. Persian, Arab and Turkish lands, despite all the devastations, which they have already been subjected during the centuries, were still for the nomadic crowd of the meager Central Asia of the promised land, full of extraordinary treasures and pleasures, and once again it was thoroughly robbed it. It was far from ungrateful labor . Especially it is clear that from the minute, as Timur switched to OX, almost all attempts by emiring of transoxania and directly belonging to it regions - to question his dominion; His domination over the army, which he took out, is made unlimited. In the regions of Khorezma and Kashgar, who had long independence, we, however, we still meet individual attempts to overthrow the IHO when a great conqueror is in hundreds of a mile of distance from some ambitious leader or expelled prince; But in general, since the beginning of his first Persian campaign, Timur was without the slightest difficulty, he used the unconditional obedience to those hundreds of thousands, to which his troops soon increased. The severity of the duties, which he laid on them and for himself, unparalleled and far exceeds all the former in Genghis Khan: he ordered a whole set of large regiments, which he sent Lucid under the leadership of different bosses; Timur usually personally led all his trips if it was not about completely minor raids, and repeatedly did transitions from Transox / Pania directly to Maly Asia and Syria, or back. For the correct assessment of his military activity, it should not be ignored, that in the anterior Asia he had to deal with less pathetic opponents than in most cases the commander of Genghis Khan: Mongols and Tatars have no longer ceased to be something new; The panic fear preceded by him when they first appeared, could not repeat; Now I had to withstand the battles of a different kind, to overcome much more courageous resistance, and quite often, for the departure of the fierce winner, the uprising of the defeated, demanding a new war for his graciousness. Thus, Samarkand, who Timur made the capital of his kingdom, and cache, left as a summer residence, rarely honored the honor to take in their walls of the Terrible Run; Big palaces and parks, which he in Tatar custom ordered to build and dilute in both of these places, as later and in many other big cities that became all the extensive state, stood mostly empty: his fatherland had a military camp.

Timur on the feast. Miniature, 1628.

Conquest of Afghanistan Timur and Serbedar Fighting (1380-1383)

Timur was not such a person to stop behind the absence of the pretext to war, when in 782 (1380), he prepared to attack Emir Heratsky, his nearest neighbor in the West. As Once, Genghis Khan demanded the Khorezm Muhammad from Shahha Khority Mohammed recognition of his dominion in that flattering, which he asked him to consider himself his son, and Timur, no less politely asked the Kurtida Hyasaddin, who reigned in Herat, to visit him to take part in Curilta, to which I was going to Samarkand chosen edge of Emirov, i.e. Vassalov invited. Giya Osaddin understood the purpose of the invitation, and although he apparently did not show his embarrassment, and on the contrary, very kindly promised to come later at a convenient case, still he found it necessary to put the fortress fortifications of herata, while he had to devote himself Another task. His restless neighbors, dangerous Serbedars from Sezbeshevara again forced him to punish them for some kind of violations of the order. The shamelessness of these interesting thugs over the years was becoming worse, so they were made with the whole neighborhood, despite almost inflowed quarrels of them among themselves. The very bold legend is already at the end of 753 (beginning 1353) G. led to the amazement the whole world: their then ruler, Hodya Yahya Korerai, cut off his head with the last Ilhan Togai Timur, who demanded an oath in the loyalty of Href \u003d, in his own residence In Gurghana, where Khoja appeared as if to fulfill this requirement with a retainer in 300 people; "Everything," - notes the Persian historian, "who will ever know about this reckless courage, will gnaw a finger of amazement tooth of surprise." In any case, their further attempts assign themselves the region, who else owned Togai-Timur - she hugged himself mainly Gurgan and Mazandran - failed; One of the officers of the killed prince, Emir Vali, proclaimed himself a sovereign there and resisted against Serbedars; But despite this, they remained a sick place of Eastoperside Princes, and especially a lot of trouble with them had to be indifferent to the rulers of Herat. So now: while Giasaddin took Nichapur from Serbedarov, who had long awarded themselves, on the other hand, the son of Timur, Miran Shah, with a troop from the Balk (end 782 \u003d beginning 1381). Soon he followed both the Father with the main army: Serakhs, where he commanded the brother of Hyasaddin, had to surrender, Busenja was taken by the attack, herata himself was very deposited. The city was well defended; Then Timur began to threaten Giyasadin that if the city would not surrender voluntarily, he would compare him with the Earth and tells to kill everything living in it. Little prince, who one could not resist such a superior strength for a long time and did not bother to count on the rescue from the West, fell in spirit; Instead of leading the army to the revenue, he decided to pass. Also, Sebevarian deals were not supported by the honor of their own behalf: they also showed the readiness to welcome the dangerous conqueror as submissive servants; Only later, when the oppression of foreign domination has become painful, they showed their old bravery in several disturbances. In one respect, however, the great communist shakes followed by the Summer Shakes: He was friends, where he could, with Dervisha, to extract the benefit of the great influence of these stray saints or holy vagrants to the lower folk classes, as he was already trying to do this at the beginning of his field. This was the fact that he adhered to shisma, although the Turkish element dominated his troops: he was ruled that he had only one ruler in the world, and only one ruler should exist on Earth, the dogmas of the lawnies, than the doctrine of Sunnis, still Recognized by the true head of the Islam of the Egyptian caliphs of abbasids. "Of course, a short time everything continued to go so smoothly as first." Emir Vali fortress, Isfarain, had to take storm, and only then he decided to submit; But barely, the transoksansians retired from his land, as he again showed the desire to go to the offensive. Serbedars also rebelled, and in herat and surroundings several brave leaders refused obedience, despite the prisoner world. Responsibility for the latter was entrusted to Hyyasaddin, and he was sent with his son to the fortress, where they were later killed; Then the transoksansans with fire and sword in the continuation of 783-785 (end 1381-1383) eliminated any resistance in these areas. How it happened, you can imagine, if you know that with the secondary capture of Sezbevara. Already earlier, in part of the ruined, 2000 prisoners served as material for the construction of the towers, and they put them with rows between the layers of stone and lime and so they were lit alive. Hordes of Timur in Sedgestan, the ruler of which Kutbaddin surrendered, but could not force his troops, more thirsty, folded his troops, and could not force his troops. It took another hot battle, while these 20,000 or 30,000 people were discarded to the main city of Zerelan; For this annoyed winner at the entrance to his city ordered to kill all the inhabitants "to the child in the cradle" (785 \u003d 1383). Then the conquest went on to the mountains of Afghanistan: Kabul and Kandahar were taken, the whole earth is conquered to Punjab, and thus in the southeast again reached the border of the dominion of Genghis Khan.

Hike in Kashgar 1383

In the meantime, it became necessary for the second time to invade the area of \u200b\u200bthe former Kanchestvo Kashgar. Between the tribes owned them, with the time of the Tugluk-Timur, they nose at the forefront of Jeta, which were nomaded in the east, north of the Verkhkomgo Yaksart, to the side of Lake Issyk-kul. They appear under the leadership of Kamaraddin, then Hizr Khoji, the son of Ilyas, who, how many times they were expelled from their lands, always returned after some time to restore the tribes of the Kashgar kingdom against Timur. So now, rebel unrest between jats caused a campaign; In 785 (1383), the city of Transoksansky army stared through the whole country for Lake Issyk-Kul, without caught by anywhere by Kamaraddin. The news about it was caught by Timur in Samarkand, where he met in 786 (1384). For several months, according to the happy end of the Afghan campaign, decorating his residence of waste treasures and rareholders and departure of various skillful artisans, which he, in Tatar custom, forcibly brought from Herat and other cities to instill crafts in his homeland.

Conquest of Timur South Coast of the Caspian Sea (1384)

Since there was still calm in the east, he could now go to Persia himself, where the brave and tireless emir of Bali acted again at the head of the troops, despite the defeats of the previous year. This capable and insightful person from the very first appearance of Timur in Khorasan in vainly slapped in order to join the princes of South and Western Persia into a common union against the threatening conqueror: that of them, which had the greatest political sense, Muzaffarid Shah Shuja, found, according to old legends His principality, all the most beneficial to refuse any resistance from the very beginning, and just before his death sent the precious gifts to Timur and asked for his patronage for his sons and relatives, between whom he wanted to divide his provinces; The rest followed the policies of ostrich, even more favorite in the East than even in England, and did not think about coming to the rescue of the ruler Gurghan and Mazendaran. This latter, when Timur approached him in 786 (1384), fought as desperate; He challenged the enemy every place of the Earth, but it was impossible to confuse such a strong enemy for a long time. Finally, he had to leave his capital AstePabad; While all the horrors of Tatar ferocity broke out over the unfortunate population, Vali rushed through the Daughneman in Rei, from there, as they tell, in Tabarish Mountains. Indications about its end diverge; It is only true that soon then he has suffered death among the BUSY, which was caused in the rest of Persia a further offensive of Timur to the West.

State of Jelairids in the era of Timur

First of all, Timur moved to the country between the TEM himself and the TEBRIC, the capital of the former Ilkhanov. We remember that to a peace treaty between small and large hassans, mussels and Azerbaijan went to the first, and the latter was pleased to Arab Iraq. But Small Hassan did not have to use his own, finally by strengthened dominion; Already in 744 (1343), he was killed his own wife, thinking that her husband had reached her love relationship to one of Emirov. Hulagid, whose name was ruled Hasan, made a weak attempt to manage now independently, but was eliminated by the brother of the murdered, Ashraf, who had hurried to arrive from Malaya Asia. The winner placed his residence in Tabriz; But if the Small Hassan could not be considered a man with a very delicate conscience, then Ashraf was directly disgusting Tiran. In the end, he so thoroughly tired of many of his own emirs, that they called on Janibek's country, Khan Golden Horde, which in 757 (1356) in fact invaded Azerbaijan and killed Ashraf. The short-term dominacy of Ceboanides came to the end. Kipchak Princes, of course, had to immediately retreasing from the newly acquired property: already in 758 (1357) G. Janibek was killed by his own son Berdibek, and naturally followed the dynasty decline in such violence made for further enterprises against the South Caucasus for a long time. This gave the opportunity to Jelairid Love, the son who also deceased in 757 (1356) of Big Hasan, to master after several intermediate changes, Azerbaijan and middish to Ray, so now Ilhans have connected under their scepter and Iraq and Azerbaijan.

But the life they led in their residence Tabriz was far from calm. Prince (757-776 \u003d 1356-1375) was, no doubt, a strong prince; He immediately dumbered (767 \u003d 1366) a random uprising of his governor in Baghdad, and also gave his strength to the Shirvan Princes and Mazendaran Emir of Bali, with the possessions of which his own bordered during ree. But with his death has already ended the prosperity of the Jelairids. His son following him, Hussein (776-783 \u003d 1375-1381), no longer managed to curb the rebellion of his relatives and other emiers, who were mixed with the most difficult way with the attacks of the Muzaffarid Shaha Shuji to Baghdad and the Northern Mondey; In the end, his brother Ahmed attacked him in Tabriz, killed him and captured the power in his hands, who was used with many changes and breaks to 813 (1410) G. It was a timely and cruel, even a fierce prince, but cute and cunning and A stubborn person who has never gave misfortune to break himself, and endured all the storms, which broke out around the invasion of Timur until the death of the terrible conqueror of the world, so that, in the end, to become a victim of his own ambition. At the same time, he was an educated person, loved poetry and music; He himself was a good poet, as an excellent artist and calligrapher; In short, in many ways a wonderful person: it is only a pity that he indulged in the use of opium, while more and more spreading between Dervisians, as well as between the laity, as a result of which was often done completely insane - in this state he seems to be Made the worst of their bloody affairs. It was the same Ahmed, who among the various quarrels with his brothers, who also claimed her claims to the throne, missed his ears of his creek about the help of Emir Vali, and who now had to feel Claws Tiger, at that moment, as the brave-emir was defeated.

Timur War in Azerbaijan (1386)

At the end of 786 and until autumn 787 (1385), Timur was, however, it is busy only with one concern - to destroy Vali: although he pursued him across the border when he retired to Rey, that is, in possession of Ahmed, and although it was easily taken Another Sultania at Jelirid, whose position in this country was not firmly, as soon as the shalles were missing, Tatars turned once again to ensure that Tabarian, lying from their flank. After the cities of this country have submitted without a fight, Timur, happy for the success of this campaign, returned to Samarkand to prepare even greater strengths for the next. That he does not need a pretext for the new invasion of Ahmed's province, Takhtamysh, appointed by Han Golden Horde, took care. He began to feel a strong force since again she conquered the Russians under the Tatar yoke, insidiously won and scary by Moscow (784 \u003d 1382), and for a while was provided from any danger from this side; Moreover, he felt the desire to evade the Supreme Lord of Timur and was already sent to Tabriz to Ahmed ambassadors to offer him the union against the common enemy. We cannot guess why Jelirid, who could hardly hide from himself the likely to repeat the attack from East, refused to the Ambassadors of Tokhtamysh, and still in a rather offensive form; Probably he was of that glance, and, of course, it would be fair that only the Kipchak would have established themselves in his lands, they would have won it in all than Timur himself; But Tukhtyshs Kosos looked at this case, and during the winter 787 (1385-1386) produced a devastating raid on Azerbaijan, from which the capital herself was strongly injured. You can imagine a noble indignation that shook the heart of Timur when he received the news that the country inhabited by Muslims was raised and looting from the Horde of His Danistan, unfortunately, still mostly fig. He immediately declared that he should come to help a one-arter, which is not able to protect his possession itself, and immediately in 788 (1386) G. Provided this friendly intention with familiar already we are inappropriate. Having entered the head of his troops to Azerbaijan, he took possession of Tabriz without any obstacles: Ahmed, as his subsequent behavior shows, it was only a matterful, if possible, shy away, when he was advocated superior to his strength, and to maintain their future favorable circumstances. In courage, he did not have a shortage that he, however, quite often argued in his life, although his behavior about Timur, no doubt, reminds the famous phrase that "for the Fatherland even live sweetly." Meanwhile, the conqueror soon saw that not all the emirs of the provinces in which he had just entered, think to ease him his role of the patron, as cautious Jelirid did. For the most Azerbaijan since Ilkhanov, the Persian Tatar population has already disappeared; Here I had to face a new and strong element, which was supposed to deliver Timur no less hassle, the earlier Hulagu - with real Turks of GUZ and Turkmen origin, which, with all the relationship with their more oriental brothers, had no intention to allow them to break their calm .

Small Asia in the era of Timur, Osmans

At that time, Malaya Asia was quite comfortable for a long time, excluding individual coastal bands who were still in possession of Byzantines. More than three hundred years have passed since the Selzhuki seized the Eastern Half Peninsula for the first time, and from the beginning of the Great People's Movements before the beginning of 7 (13) centuries, the flow of Turkish immigrants continued to go to the country. At that time, whole tribes worked from their places by the Mongols of Genghis Khan fled through Horacean and Persia to Armenia and Malaya Asia; They followed the hordes of the last Shahov Khorezma, who after their defeats moved to the earthly lands, as in Syria, and further to the north, and not few Turkmen were in the most hordes of the Mongolian conquerors, the commander of Genghis Khan, as well as Hulag and his successors. So far, in the Seljuk State, Ruma, it was not finally overthrowing the order, of course, they tried to place new elements, if possible, without prejudice to the permanent population, they were sent to the Byzantine border, where they could produce new dwellings at the expense of the Greeks. The freshness of these folk forces, which are closest in the history of the West, explains to us how in the middle of the decline in the Seljuksky dynasty in the Iconium, the spread of Turkish domination to the Aegean Sea shore here is barely suspended; How the emirs of individual tribes, all multiplying and distributing, under purely nominal supremacy of the last miserable Sultanov Room, may remain in fact independent, even in Mongolian time, and how several tens of thousands of Tatar tarts that are in service with Ilhan's governor on the right bank of the Euphrates rarely Can take something against Western principalities and is not at all able to win a decisive victory over them. On the contrary, with the semiconduct of the Mongol-Persian kingdom, a long-broken influence of its former intercessors in Malaya Asia has also disappeared immediately. Chobanid AshPAF, received at the conclusion of the world 741 (1341), several districts of the country, already left them in 744 (1344); We also know the same thing in the same year about Ahnets, who belonged then the rest. In his place, the ruler of Caesarey, Sivas and Tokat is about Timur Timura Buryaddin, the head of one purely Turkish community, which performed here on the same rights to a row with the emirities of the West. There were ten of them between these lasts - for a long time, the state of Ottomans in the forefronts appeared to the fore. My task here cannot be a secondary consideration of the wonderful development, which led the descendants of the ERROGRULA and Osman from a minor initial state at the height of world power; To do this, I can refer to the HERTZBERG description in one of the previous parts of the "Universal History". Here I should only recall that in the same 788 (1386) year, when Timur after taking Tabriz was prepared to capture Armenia and Malaya Asia, Osman Murad I broke with Konia (Iconium) of the most powerful rival from among the rest of Emirov, Ali-Bek from Caramania, and this made it possible to himself or his successor Bayazida I (from 791 \u003d 1389) an increase in the new kingdom by further movement towards Armenia, as soon as they gave the time of war with Bulgarians, Serbs and other Christian states of the Balkan Peninsula for this. The collision between Timur and Bayazid, moving along the same line, one from the east, the other from the West, was inevitable.

States of black and white rams (lambs) in the era of Timur

So far, in any case, it is still slowed down by a number of other things that detained the successes of Timur in various ways. Not all the Turks gradually settled from the time of the Selzhuks in Armenia, Mesopotamia and Malaya Asia, they obeyed who from eleven Emirov. The entire wide strip of land to the east of the Kaza Bugaddin region and the northern possessions of the Egyptian Mamlukov, on the one hand, to Azerbaijan and Kurdistan - on the other, has long been populated by numerous Turkish tribes, mostly by Turkmen, who gradually began to take advantage over Armenian Christians and Kurdish Bedouins. An important step in this direction was marked by the arrival of two new Turkmen tribes, which came with Ilhana Argun (683-690 \u003d 1284-1291) from Turkestan through the OKS and settled on the Upper Euphrate and Tigra, where the terrible devastation of the times of Genghis Khan and his first successors freed enough Places for new inhabitants. They were called Kara-Koyunlu and Ak-Koyunlu, which means the people of a black or white lamb, because they had an image of this animal in the form of an arms on the banners. But we would fall into a dangerous mistake, if B, on the basis of the generic emblem, would wanted to bring conclusion about the respective peaceful inclinations of both tribes. On the contrary, they were lambs of the same kind as those wild British troops, which for three hundred years later, at a wonderful coincidence, acquired the same name "lambs" on the same occasion. According to the strength, courage and rudeness, these were the hurricane Turks of their time, without overcoming the case to cause their neighbors how many possible anxiety. First, as reported, black lambs lived in the north near Erzingan and Sivas, south, between Amid and Mosulom - White; But at a time when they begin to interfere in political circumstances, about 765 (1364), Mosul is in the authority of the leader of black, Beirama Khoji, later his son, Kara Mohammed, who, though pays from 776 (1375). Tribute to Jelairids in Baghdad, but the rest behaves quite independently; White at that time lived on both shores of the Euphrates, from Amid to Sivas, and were in a few dependent position from the Lord of this last, Kaz Bugaddin, but before the Timur coming, they are somewhat in the background relatively with black. In any case, both tribes owned the most part of Mesopotamia - the Arctic Princes Maridine played a very minor role relatively to them - and Western Armenia, especially the districts of Vana, Bayazid (or Idine, as he was then called) and Erzemum. It did not exclude the fact that other Muslim or Armenian-Christian princes had minor possessions in the same locations: Turkmen hordes were precisely scattered between old spaced residents who were forced to obey the provisions with them and too often with ill-treatment, now in the most distressed position between These harsh gentlemen and the coming barbarians of Timur. If they had to defend themselves, the Tatars would cut them if they surrendered them, the Turkmen would like to look at them as on the enemies: even this, accustomed to all disasters and deprivations, the population was rarely in such a terrible position.

Timur's campaign in Transcaucasia (1386-1387)

In continuation of the summer and autumn 788 (1386) and spring 789 (1387), Timur's troops were devastated by fire and the sword in all directions of the valley of large provinces of Armenia and Georgia, fighting against the militant Caucasians, then against Kara Mohammed and his son Kara Yusuf, Moreover, of course, they had to suffer not one defeat in a difficult mountainous area. Then for this, of course, poor Christians should have been paid, the persecution of which such a pious Muslim, like Timur, was in particular merit. "Tatars," says the native chronicle, "they tormented the mass of believers with all sorts of flour, hunger, sword, imprisonment, unbearable torture and inhuman appeal. Thus, they turned one, once quite flowering, the province of Armenia to the desert, where one silence reigned. Many people suffered a martyrdom and showed themselves worthy to accept this crown. Only the drafts of Christ can know them, our God, who will marry them on the day of retaliation, having a cooked host of the righteous. Timur took huge prey, took numerous prisoners, so no one was able to tell either to describe all the misfortune and sorrow of our people. Then, having missed a significant army before Tiflis, he mastered this last and took a lot of prisoners: calculated that the number of killed exceeded the number of those that came out from there alive. " One moment could seem that in the Tatar tormentor itself, the consciousness of the horror, which he disgraced the human name was rummaged. Our chronicler tells further: "Timur besieged the fortress Van; Her defenders spent forty days of full fear and killed a large number of soldiers of the godless descendant Jagata, but finally, tolerating a lack of bread and water, they could not withstand the sieges and destroyed the fortress in the hands of enemies. Then, the order of Wild Tirana was released, to lead women and children into slavery, and men without parsing, root and wrong, relieve the strengthening of the strengthening in Riva. Soldiers immediately led to this fierce order; They began to ruthlessly throw all the inhabitants in the observed city surrounding the city. Heaps of bodies rose so high that the last of those who were reset were not killed instantly. We saw with our own eyes and heard our ears from the mouth of the Holy and Honorable Archbishop, Mr. Zheya, as well as Father and Vartabeda (i.e. Diacon) Paul, who both were escaped from the fortress, where they were concluded because one Jagatai boss, Leaving the branch entrusted to him, released his prisoners to freedom, and it was the case for rescue several. Meanwhile, the whole terrain around the fortress was flooded with innocent blood Christians, as well as alien. It was then that one happened that one cartoon climbed the minaret in the city of Pegs and a loud voice began the prayer of the last day: "He came, the day of the terrible court!". The godless tyrant, the soul of which did not know pity, immediately asked: "What is this cry?" The surrounding him answered: "The day of the terrible court came; To proclaim it was Jesus; But thanks to you, he came today. Because the voice of the writing voice is terrible, like the pipe (1, 213) voice! " "Let them split these mouth!", "Timur exclaimed:" If they spoke before, no one would be killed! " And he immediately gave the order not to overthrow anyone else in the abyss, and everyone who remained the people to let go of freedom. " But too soon it should have been that the unusual order of Timur about the mercy was caused by non-prompted mercy, but only a superstition that makes all the inhabitants of the East be afraid of every word with a bad omen. I barely managed Timur, the troops of which came out not without damage from the difficult mountainous war, turn back to the Caspian Sea, postponing for the future to complete his devastating activities, as he had already found a reason to surpass Armenian scenes of horror on other soil. The site of these new bloody cases had to appear the South Reproxid possessions of Muzaffarids.

Timur War with Muzaffarids (1387), Massage in Isfahan

Sons and other relatives Shah Shuzhi, who, after the death of this prince, followed in 786 (1384), divided his significant possessions among themselves, - they hugged Kerman, FPC and part of the Khusistan, - according to the world's eastern states lived far from the world between themselves; A sufficient basis - if it was impossible to organize a friendly and strong resistance, and even against the conqueror superior to their own forces - in order to continue the policy of the world, started egoistic, but smart Shah Shudjoy. Despite this, Zayn Al-Abidin, the son of Shuji and the ruler of the farce, was so careless that in the summer of 789 (1387), contrary to the invitation of Timur, refused to appear in the camp of this latter. More, of course, did not need to cause the attack of the Tatar army; In the fall of the mentioned year, Timur appeared before Isfahan. The city, which was under the control of one uncle Zayne Al-Abidid, was commissioned without bloodshed: but one accident, as they say, led the disaster that remains unparalleled even in this terrible time. Although residents for paying significant contribution deigned to bestow mercy, the troops still behaved with conventional unbridles, so universal despair took possession of the people; When at night in one of the accommodation of the city, noise rose, everyone was fled and in suddenly broken outrage attacked a weak garrison, delivered here by Timur, and killed him. Self, it was understood that for such a dangerous outrage was to be able to resolve an approximate sentence. In addition to the power of the troop did not give much difficulty again to conquer the city; But for none of his people, prompted by untimely mercy, did not escape to someone from the prisoners of citizens, as happened in Armenia on the above story, the detachments received an order to present at the well-known number of heads for each branch, just 70,000. Here the Tatars themselves were killed by murders. They say that many tried to fulfill the order, buying heads that were already cut down less sensitive comrades. At first, the head was worth one gold: when this offer increased, the price fell half. In any case, Timur received its 70.000; According to his usual, he ordered to build the towers from them in different parts of the city.

I do not want to demand anything from the reader, nor from myself so that we deepen into such disgusting details more than it is necessary to obtain a faithful impression about the horror of this terrible catastrophe; It will be enough to just follow the hikes and conquests of Samarkand running, but give justice to this or another of his enemies. Between them, on courage and heroism, there is ahead of all one of the Muzaffarids, Shah Mancyp. While Timur, after the punishment of Isfahan in the same year (789 \u003d 1387), took Shiraz and other places of the farce region, and the other members of the Muzaffard house were trembling from all over to witness their respect and prove their humility to the terrible commander, Shah Mansur As the starred cousin Shah Shahi, held aside in his possessions near Tuaster, in Khusitan, deciding expensive to sell dominion and life. He was also little sensitive to more subtle outliers of conscience, like any prince at this time of violence: when his uncle (in the second knee), Zayn Al-Abidin, ran to him after the loss of Isfahan, he managed to lure his troops to him, planted He himself is in custody, and when he escapes after some time, he was escaping, and then he was caught again, without thinking, ordered him to blind him. But the one who wanted to fight Timur could not be legible in his funds; It was necessary first of all to assemble this force with which one could oppose such an opponent on the battlefield; and at no circumstances, what the energetic mansur reached is amazing if "the war who conquered the power of Timur Persian Iraq and Fars, was not without danger to the winner and not without glory for the brave prince, who achieved What made to shake victory scales. "

Na Tokhtamysh on Central Asia (1387-1389)

At first, Mansur, however, did not have a shortage of favorable circumstances, without which it would hardly be possible to eat on something like that. While Timur was still engaged in the fact that he made the expression of the fidelity of the rest of the Muzaffarids. It came to him the unexpected news that the center of His kingdom, the transference itself, was raised into a serious danger of sudden attacks from two different sides. Tukhtamysh, who is still in winter 787-788 (1385-1386) G. rubbed during one invasion of Azerbaijan, and still rerynet jets took advantage of the long lack of Timur from the East to attack 789 (1387). On the province of Jacmert. These latter, of course, were not defenseless; In Samarkand, one of the sons of Timur, Omar Sheikh, with a sufficient army, and although he was defeated from Tokhtamyshe, and when meeting with jets with Andijan, only the battlefield took place with great strength, the opponents were still in a state in To penetrate their falary to the capital. Meanwhile, the danger that the next summer attacks will be resumed with more numerous forces, was too close to ensure the prince of war himself did not consider himself to thoroughly restore order here before continuing the conquest of Persia. So, in winter, 789-90 (1387-1388) Timur turned back to transference, in continuation of the summer, 790 (1388) devastated the province of XOPES, the heads of which entered into a changeal union with ingenians, and prepare further avenge campaigns for the next year, When in the middle of winter (end 790 \u003d 1388), Takhtamysh again invaded the top jaccart from Hocanda. Timur hurried to his meeting, broke it, next spring (791 \u003d 1389) again mastered the northern regions around the reflection and drove the Kipchak back in their steppe. Meanwhile, he was convinced that if he wanted to have any long peace of mind in the northeast, then, both his former Danist, and recalculative jets should be punished more sensitively. Therefore, while Mmpan Shax in response to the new uprising of Serbedars in Khorasan surrounded and completely destroyed these Udaltsov, Timur himself with Omar Sheikh and others from their most potent commander went east.

Timur's campaign in Kashgar 1390

The Jetov region and the rest of the provinces of the Kashgian khanate between the Tibetan border and the Altai, Jacsart and Irtysh were completely devastated by the troops sent aside in all directions, all the tribes that occurred on the road were scattered and exterminated or driven into Mongolia and Siberia. Camaraddin really succeeded as next year (792 \u003d 1390), when Timur's commander had to repeat the enterprise for greater strength, slip away from their nearest retinue through Irtysh: but soon after he, apparently, died, and xizp hodge Which we meet later Khan Kashgar and the provinces belonging to here, after the experiments made by the experiments, it was prudent, finally to conquer the winner. The case ended - we do not know when - the conclusion of the world, which provided for a long time after the death of Timur, the tolerable relations between both breeding tribes of the actual supreme power of the Samarkand sovereign.

Timur's first campaign against Tuktamysh (1391)

It remained to end with Tohtamiam. Rumors about the last successes of Timur and the immediate new weapons made soon penetrated into the inside of the extensive Kipchak kingdom, and when, in early 793 (1391), the transoksan troops began to campaign, already in Kara Saman, still on this side of the border-north of Tashkent , the former team of the army-arrived ambassador from Khan Golden Horde to start negotiations. But time for this has already passed; Countless Kwards of Timur in Azerbaijan (1386) These regions of Timur were uncontrollabically rushed into the steppe. Tohtamysh did not stay in place: he wanted to use the space as a weapon in the way of the northern peoples. Fugitives and pursuers rushed at each other first to the northeast, far deep into the Kyrgyz land, then again to the West through the Urals (YIK), through the current Orenburg province to the Volga itself, in general, for about three hundred German miles; Finally, Kandurchi Tukhtamysh stopped. Here he was in the center of his kingdom, he could not go through the Volga, without leaving his shed unprotected. Long relocation through the desert, whose scant life supplies were for the most part exhausted by the previous boils, did not cost without sensitive losses for the transoksansans, despite the provision taken with them; The Takhtamysh army far exceeded them, so the decisive battle began for him with favorable omen. It happened 15 Rajab 793 \u003d June 19, 1391; Despite all the courage that Timur's shelves fought, Torkhtamysh still managed to break through the left flank of the opponent who commanded Omar Sheikh, and take a position in the rear at the center. But in the habit of a tricky conqueror, it was not at all noted to have only one theater in his bow. The Mongols and the Allied Peoples with them are even more than in other armies, there was a highly fluttered banner of the leader, as a sign that all movements of the rest of the regiments were left; His fall markedly the death of the leader. Timur, in the camp of which there was no lack of displeased kip, managed to bribe the Znamenonian of his enemy; This latter lowered the banner at a decisive moment, and Tukhtamysh, cut into the rear at the enemy from his main forces, whose hardness he could now expect, personally filed immediately an example to escape. His hordes were crumbled, he himself escaped through the Volga, but his entire camp, his treasures, his harem, wife and children, his soldiers fell into the hands of the winners who, pursuing the fugitives, overturned other squads into the river. Following the way they scattered along the eastern and middle kip, killing and robbing, also devastating and ruining the shed and all other cities of the south until Azova. The number of prisoners was so great that 5,000 young people and beautiful girls were possible for alone and beautiful girls and, although officers and soldiers also received how much they wanted, countless others had to let go, because it was impossible to drag all them with themselves. After eleven months after the army spoke out of Tashkent, near the end of 793 (1391) of the year, the victorious Vladyka "returned the joy and happiness of his capital Samarkand, having honored him again with his presence."

Timur's campaign against the Golden Horde in 1391. (Card Creator - Stuntelaar)

End of the fight against muzaffarids (1392-1393)

In general, the campaign against Tokhtamysh was hardly the most brilliant military action of Timur. In any case, the continuation of the campaign to the front Asia, so suddenly interrupted four years before, it was far from so soon, although the troops of small front -hasional princes could not withstand any comparison with the troops of Kipchakov, at least by the number. But in many areas, the nature of the mountainous area came to the rescue, according to which Tatar riders could not move poorly, and on the courage and perseverance, neither Turkmen nor Musaffarid were inferior to their terrible opponent. Mansur with benefit used a delay, unwillingly with Timur given to him, so that their possession from most of his relatives to their relatives, and now he dominated Schiraz over Khusistan, Farc and Southern Mijdia with Isfahan, when the Tatars, which during 794 (1392) had to Still to pacify the uprisings in Tabaristan, approached its state at the beginning of 795 (1392-1393). In order for Shah Mansur to not find shelters in a hardly affordable mountains of Upper Khusistan, as with the first war with Musaffarid, the side to Kurdistan and South Iraq was engaged in advance by volatile detachments, while Timur himself came out of the Sultania right through the mountains on Tustep, the main The city of Khusitana. Next, the army went first through a comfortable hilly country, which is descended to the Persian Bay, until the entrance to the transverse valleys leading to the mountains surrounding Shiraz; After taking the storming one mountain fortress, which was considered impregnable, the road to the capital of Mansur was free. As they say, Mansour with intent gave Timur to go so far so that between the mountains of the Persian mountainous country to lead a tireless partisan war with him; Finally, deposited by the requests of the inhabitants of Schiraz, he found his duty to make at least an attempt to cover the city. So it came once after noon to the battle in the valley in front of Shiraz. But Timur again sent bribery ahead of his riders: the main from Emirov Mansur left his master in the middle of the battle with most of the troops, the battle could not be stopped. Everything seemed lost. Mansur managed to still hold out until the night, and so far the tired of the battle of Tatars are poorly guard, he with a small detachment of his last faithful - they remained, they say only 500 - attacked the morning twilight to the enemy camp. In the first turmoil, he managed, rugging to the right and left around him, produce a large bloodshed and get to Timur himself. But a strong helmet of invulnerable to unhappiness of the world, Tatar, resist the punch of a brave mouse mouse; Meanwhile, new crowds of enemies were raised, and the unrelacted hero fell in a hand-to-hand fight, and with him the last hope of the dynasty. Its the rest did not help anyone that they humbly submitted to the conqueror; So that any of them came again to play mansura from himself, they were put in prison and later killed.

Mamluk Egypt in the era of Timur

Timur turned from Chiraza then to Baghdad, where Ahmed Ibn lived, with the time of the loss of Tabriz, and now he was anxiously expected the outcome of the War in Shiraz. His attempt to come to a peace treaty with the enemy, to be equal to which he did not feel in the power, met little encouragement from the last; Then, Jelirid decided to escape with his treasures in Egypt, which is now again, as in the days of Hulag, it seemed to be done by the rescue anchor of the dice ship, which Muslim West Asia was likened to inhibit the storm of Tatar invasion. In Cairo, by this time, descendants of Kilaun have long ceased to dispose. During continuous unrest and palace revolutions, with the last Bakhrita, Emir Bakuk, one of the Circassian Mamlukov, who now played a major role in the Nile; His first attempt to deprive the power of the young Sultan Xagygia after seven-year wars between the houses of the country led to the secondary focus of the eliminated, but for six months later, Barcquet finally seen the authorities and reigned from 792 (1390) in Egypt, and from 794 (1392) also In Syria, the most energetic emira of which, Timurbega Mintasha, managed to defeat and kill only the help of treason and after stubborn resistance. Barcuck was not at all a dozen man: brave and cunning, like all Mamli, he, however, as a politician, could not be with his great predecessor Beibars. Although he understood that the success of the Timur itself in the West requires the connection of all Egypt's forces and Syria with the militant Turkmen tribes of the Black and White Lamb, as well as with Almighty, in Malaya Asia, Ottomans and, finally, with Tohtamiam, little in small Defeat, he nevertheless believed that he did enough, exposing against the Tatars in turn of these useful allies and not interfere with the actively in the war himself. While he lived, his intention seemed to be able to him; But when he died in 801 (1399), His Heir and Son Farage (801-815 \u003d 1399-1412) had to redeem the mysticular egoism of his father's loss of Syria, and only thanks to the death of Timur, he, in the end, remained inviolable at extreme measure in Egypt.

Capture Baghdad Timur (1393)

Barcuck has enough insight to provide a benevolent reception to Akhmed Ibn who fledging from Tatars, when he arrived in Cairo 795 (1393) in Cairo through Haleb and Damask, and to hold it with a guest at his yard until a favorable case had a favorable case for Reverse conquest of his kingdom. He did not have to wait for it for a long time. True, Baghdad surrendered without resistance to the approaching Timur, and during the years 795, 796 (1393, 1394) all Iraq and Mesopotamia were conquered, and the newly manifested non-black lambs were punished with secondary terrible devastations in Armenia and Georgia under Kara Yusufe, the successor of the deceased in Kara 791 (1389) Kara Mohammed.

The second campaign of Timur against Tokhtamysh (1395)

But before Timur, who, after taking Baghdad, has already exchanged rude letters with Barcquet, managed to speak against Syria, he was again summoned to the north to attack Tokhtamysh, who again assembled all his strength, to Shirvan, who had to protect the world conqueror again. Near the current Ekaterinograd, south of the River Terek, Torkhan suffered in 797 (1395) defeat, even the worst than with Candurche. He could never recover from him. Timur's piles were rapidly, this time in its own area of \u200b\u200bthe Golden Horde between the Volga, Don and Dnipro, and from there far deep into the Russian state [Timur reached Yeltsi]; Then he appointed Khan Kohr Koyyrzhaka there, the son of Urus-Khan, who relied on a strong party in Horde. The goal that had in thought, to completely eliminate the ungrateful Takhtamysh, was achieved: escaping first with a runaway with the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt, then wandering in the depths of Internal Asia, he, they say, was killed seven years later.

Timur Wars with Tohtamiam in 1392-1396. (Card Creator - Stuntelaar)

New Fighting Black Banes, Baghdad Akhmeted Jelirid

In winter, 798 (1395-1396) Timur to prove his zeal to Islam, engaged in ruin in Christian Georgia and made another time a trip to the mouth of the Volga; Then in the summer of the same year (1396) he returned back to Samarkand to gain new troops there for its further enterprises; In the West, he left the laner with a part of the troops, to save the conquests made. It was not possible to fulfill that it was not brilliantly. Mostly managed to remove Timur, as black lambs under the leadership of Kara Yusuf began to remind himself very unpleasant way in Mesopotamia; The Arab Bedouins also invaded the Syrian desert, and with the help of them of both Ahmed Ibn, who had already spent in Syria, managed to master Baghdad, in which he coped for several years as Vassal of Egyptian Sultan. Miranshah had to fight with Kara Yusuf at Mosul and was not able to come to a decisive result, so even the Maridine Orcakes, who, before, as usual, were submitted to Timur without great difficulty, found it prudent to enter friendship with Turkmen and the Egyptians. Three of four years have passed, in continuation, which Miranshs showed very little her former abilities (as the panelists assumed by the panelists, due to the fall on the head); However, the rebellion of the conquered did not capture Persia, and Timur, before returning to Iraq, could, without much care, to draw his attention to another country without great care, until now, there is still no extent that its beneficial efforts.

India in the era of Timur

In order to correctly understand the art of the conqueror of the world of Timur, do not forget that it is mainly, and his Tatar exclusively occupied concern for the seizure of production. Persia and the land of the Caucasus were pretty looted during repeated wars, who fought in the future against Mamlukov and Ottomans promised to be more difficult than profitable; No wonder therefore, that he, without thinking, followed the bait, fascinated him suddenly completely in the other direction. India, which we have long lost sight of, and the fate of which in the continuation of the last two hundred years we can interview in a common relationship only later, also did not fully avoided the further invasions of the Mongols since the retreat of Genghis Khan. The passages of Kabul and Gas, these gates for halt from Afghanistan, served to pass the Jagatai Hordes to Punjab eleven times during this time interval, and three or four Turkish dynasties who reign in the meantime one after the other in Delhi were often in difficulty how to avoid This disaster. But these attacks never had continued success; Due to the fragmentation, so quickly comprehended Kingdom of Jagatai, only relatively minor forces of the provinces of Balkha and Gas, which could not be able to conquer the large country, although they could have enjoyed significant freedom of action between hulagids and the Khans of the East; But Indian ruled up to half of the fourteenth century had impressive military forces. The time mentioned was different; Delia Sultans more and more lost their influence on remote provinces; From the previous governments of Bengal and Dean, new independent states were formed; And when after the death of Firuz Shah (790 \u003d 1388), his children and grandchildren, or rather Velmes, who raised the shield of one, the other, the other, they wondered their strength in the quarrels and frequent change of the throne, the indigenous provinces of Upper Ganges and Punjab also began to come to Emergency disorder.

Timur's campaign to India, Delhi (1398)

Izvestia about it, which came to Timur, sounded very tempting; And so he decided before heading to the West, to take a predatory raid in large sizes across the ind. The decision was carried out in 800 (1398) G. What actually the question was not about the acquisition of the country for a long time, it is seen from the method of its implementation. Most of the campaign coincided with the hot time of the year, which naturally forced the Tatar army to keep as far as possible to the north. Moulany, who already deposited in the previous year, Mohammist's pyroman, the grandson of Timur, and the most south of the southern items, to which they reached; But the districts between the two these cities and the Himalayas are all the more terrified by the wives. Timur himself, or the one who from his behalf was a story about this campaign, tells with great comprehension that there was little little to be dragged to drag after the army of numerous prisoners taken in battles with the warlike population of Punjab; Therefore, when approaching the capital, they are all together, a number of 100,000 people, killed in one day. No less terrible was the fate of Delhi himself. Already in the last Turkish Sultans, this capital, once competing with the old Baghdad on brilliance and wealth, sensitively suffered due to the events of his rulers; Although she was still the first city of India by the number of residents and treasures. After her Sultan Mahmoud, with his Major, Mella, Ikbal-Khan lost the battle at the gate of Delhi and fell out with difficulty in Guherat, the residents immediately surrendered; But several tricks between the invading shelves of Timur and, several remaining Turko-Indian soldiers or Hindus served as a sufficient pretext to give everywhere to raise with ordinary barbarism to the murder and fires. Characterically, as the narration of Timur says: "By the will of God," says Timur, "not because of my desire or order, all three quarters of Delhi, called Siri, Jhan-foam and old Delhi were looted. Chutba of my dominion, which provides security and protection, was read in the city. Consequently, my hot desire was that no misfortune comprehends the local population. But God was determined that the city was supposed to be devastated. Therefore, he inspired the spirit of perseverance to the wrong people, so they themselves brought themselves the fate that was inevitable. " So that this disgusting hypocrisy does not seem too monstrous, it must be remembered that in our days it is very often imposed on God the responsibility for those vigilants that people are committed. In any case, day December 18, 1398 (8 Rabbi 801) denotes the end of Delhi as a brilliant and far-famous capital of Muslim India; With subsequent sultans, even before the last Afghan kings for a long time, it actually reduced it to the degree of provincial city, it is only the shadow of itself. After Timur reached his goal, that is, he supplied himself and his people treasures and prisoners, he immediately went on the way back. The fact that after the departure of Timur, one departure of Emir from Multane, named Hizr-Khan, who helped ingenic robbers against his tribesmen, has expanded his possessions little, and finally mastered the domination over Delhi, gave reason to mistakenly think that the Timur dynasty In continuation of some time drove India through the Hizra and several subsequent governors. This is completely incorrect: the Tatars appeared as the clouds of locusts, and just as they left the country, after they devastated her daughter, and here we bring only death and destruction, without the slightest attempt to create something new.

Timur's campaign in India 1398-1399. (Card Creator - Stuntelaar)

Timur and Bayazid I Ottoman

As soon as returning to Samarkand, the conqueror with zeal began to get closer to the western affairs. Circumstances there looked somewhat threatening. True, in Egypt just died (801 \u003d 1399) Sultan Barcuk, Ahmed Ibn Pribulis only hardly kept in Baghdad, where he was hated for his cruelty, with the help of black lambs of Kara Yusuf, and with this last one could hope to handle how it happened Already often. For the same time, the Turkmen of the White Lamb under the leadership of Kara Yelek (or Osman, if you call it Magometansky name) deprived the authorities and the life of Burhaanaddin Sivassky, whom they persecuted; Previously, it could seem favorable for Timur: But now the other enemy appeared to the same place, which seemed more equal to the Terrible Prince of War than all the previous ones. In 792-795 (1390-1393), the joining of the Sultan Bayazid of the majority of small Turkish emirates to the Ottoman state, elevated after the battle of Amzelfeld (791 \u003d 1389) to the value of the Power and on European soil; And when Bayazid, at the request of the inhabitants of Sivas, who could not be too pleased with the conversion of gross Turkmen, about 801 (1399) also mastered the country to Euphrates between Erzingan and Malatyia, he became the direct border neighbor of the provinces of Armenia and Mesopotamia, which claimed claims Timur. It was a direct challenge to Timur, who used to take on his defense of Erzinggan, who belonged to Armenia itself. This was added to this that, when approaching Timur, which in 802 (1400) entered into a lot of crowds to Azerbaijan and, after one of its usual predatory raids, gathered to go to Baghdad, Ahmed Ibn Pribe and his ally Kara Yusuf fled from there To Bayazid and found a friendly reception, meanwhile, as the opposite, many of the Multi-Multi-Asian Emirovs are emerged in the Timur camp and managed his ears with loud complaints about violence over them. The tone of diplomatic negotiations, which followed these issues between both, almost the same powerful and, in any case, the same in charge of state trucks, was more than clear; Despite this, in the behavior of Timur, he could notice slowness unusual in other cases. He did not hide from himself that he had the most serious struggle in his life. Bayazid had at his disposal of the force of all the Asia Minor and most of the Balkan Peninsula, which was one of the most excellent parts of the Ottoman army; Bayazid himself hardly inferior to Timur in courage and energy, and this latter was on the most extreme western border of his huge kingdom, in the midst of the enslaved and oppressed peoples, who could easily turn into the final death of the first defeat as Ottomans. But Bayazid lasted the same quality, especially precious for the commander, and which Timur had a high degree: prudency, which admits everything in the world rather than contempt for the enemy. Confident in his always victorious, as he believed, troops, he did not consider it necessary to make special preparations in Malaya Asia to meet the mighty enemy, and remained calm in Europe, so that, if possible, to bring to the end of the siege of Constantinople, who he was busy with Some time. There found him the news that Timur at the beginning of 803 (1400) switched through the Euphrates and took the attack of Sivas. Even one of the sons of Bayazid was as if taken prisoner at the same time and shortly after that; But without that, he had enough reasons to collect now all the strength against a dangerous opponent.

Timur's campaign in Syria, Damascus burning (1400)

While Bayazid shelves were gained in Europe and Asia. Timur decided before moving further deep into Malaya Asia, to secure her left flank, which could easily threaten Mamli from Syria; Also, Baghdad was still in the hands of one left by Ahmed Ibn to Przeznik, and in small Mesopotamian princes, as we have already seen, it was impossible to rely. In order to keep the latter in fear, it took advantage of the White Lamb Turkmen under the leadership of Kara Yelek, who, of course, was extremely restored against Bayazid and willingly began to defeat the fortress in Euphrate, Malatya, without difficulty conquered by Tatars; Timur himself set himself a task in the fall of 803 (1400) to start a war with Syria. It turned out to be easier for him than he could assume. The son of Barcake, FaPlease, was only fifteen years old, and his emirs had just rebuilt to such an extent that all the state threatened to surprise through it, and Syria was barely freed from Egyptian domination. Although in this minute inner agreement was somehow restored, but there were still different troubles between the leaders of the troops and mutual incompleteness; There was nothing to think about the general, led by one strong will, resistance to the Tatar attack. Only some Syrian emirs decided to meet the enemy when having, however, they did not share the firm intention to risk the latter; Thus, Timur won; Haple was scary, the rest of the cities of Northern Syria are occupied without any significant difficulty, and in the second half of the 1400 (end 803), the conqueror stood in front of the Damascus, where, finally, found the road and sluggish Egyptians, accompanied by her too young Sultan. They could also stay well at home: at the time, somehow there were skirmishes here, the discords between the emirs again took the top; Many have started a plan - understandable in these circumstances - to replace the royal period by a person who is capable of action, and when the approximate pharaja was performed about it and he himself was over. They managed to return to Cairo, providing the Syrians to cope as something with the enemy. It turned out that it was bad. Although there was nothing to think about the active defense, and the city of Damascus soon surrendered to a voluntarily, and only the castle continued to resist some time, but even if Timur himself raged somewhere worse than here and then again in Northern Syria. The purpose of this is clear: Timur wanted to give such a convincing example of Mamluk and their subjects so that they would not be loyal to somehow interfere with his further attack in Malaya Asia.

In Damascus itself, there was no shortage of religious pretexts in order to justify the worst handling of the inhabitants. Timur, who also played the role of Shiite, indignant by the imperfections of Orthodox, delivered the special pleasure to frighten the unfortunate interfaces of the Sunni clergy with insidious questions about the attitude between Aliya and the legal califes preceding him; Then, in the hypocrite indignation on the viciousness of Damascins - who were, in any case, no worse than the remaining Turks or even the Persians of this time - and on the blessing of Omayyad, who almost always resistant right there, Timur ordered his Tatars to deal here just like between Christians in Georgia and Armenia. In the end, the city was "mistaken" setup, and the biggest part burned out; In any case, it is difficult to believe that there is no intent to destroy the mosque of Omeyadov. The ancient respectable Church of St. John, which Arabs only adapted to their divine service, and later, the Turks also spared, was still one of the first temples of Islam, despite the damage caused by one fire; Now she was deliberately ruined and a flame was again predicted, from which this time suffered much worse - the later recovery could only return her to her former beauty. Despite the prisoners of the capitulation, Timur soldiers destroyed the inhabitants of the city by the masses survived the most shamelessly, and the whole country to the border of Malaya Asia was devastated. Such decisive measures of Timur, of course, achieved its goal: Syrian and Egyptian emirs, who have already found suitable to take advantage of the weakness of the government only as a result of the Sultan Faradja, for the new mutual quarrels, of course, was more expected to continue across the road to the world conqueror, And the helpless ghostly sovereign itself, which soon after that (808 \u003d 1405) had to give up the power of one of his brothers for a year, remained to the death of Timur completely submissive; It can be assumed - this is, of course, it is not quite proven - that he even unquestionedly submitted to his request to him in 805 (1402) by the city, mining coins with the name of Timur, so that only not to cause invasion to the most Egypt.

Secondary taking Baghdad Timur (1401)

After the Tatars restored peace of mind in Syria, their crowds reached back through the Euphrates, to also deposit Mesopotamia and Baghdad again. It did not cost them much work, since white lambs represented a reliable support in Malati, and black were significantly weakened by the long lack of their leader Kara Yusuf in Malaya Asia. Nevertheless it seemed necessary to once again lead to the order of their crowds, which were in Armenia, sent there a separate squad, while Ortside was punished for his treason to the destruction of Maridine. Although he himself retained in his fortified castle, it was not found necessary to spend a lot of time for taking it: the Årtaid was not enough dangerous for this. Baghdad was another matter; Although his head, Gelairid Axmed, also did not want to abandon the safety of his stay under the protection of Bayazid, but the governor Faraj, who managed there instead of him, had only one name with Egyptian Sultan; It was a brave person, and at the head of the Arab and Turkmen Bedouins, which he commanded, he was not afraid of the devil himself in a human image. The detachment sent by Timur against the ancient city of Caliphs was not pushed. Timur was to go there personally with the main forces, and the resistance provided to him also turned out to be so strong that he vainly precipitated the city for forty days until the old fox could not find the defenders by surprise in a minute of underdevelopment. As they say, Timur invaded the city in the most sacred day of the Muslim church year, in a big feast of sacrifice (Zul-Hidja 803 \u003d July 22, 1401) and here only too accurately performed a terrible vow, as if given to them, to slaughter people instead of ordinary sacrificial sheep. On this day, every warrior of Timur was to imagine not one head, like with Isfahan, and two, so that with the relevant holiday luxury to build a favorite pyramid from the skulls, and since it turned out to be difficult to assemble the whole number of heads, stretching up to 90.000, then killed Not only some of the prisoners filled with themselves from Syria, but many more women. The brave Faraj died with many of his people while trying to break through the boats down the tiger.

Howl / H2 Title \u003d Timur with Osmans (1402)

But we refused to give more detailed information about the horrors of this warrior; Therefore, let us turn rather to the last great success, which put the most brilliant crown of the Acts of the terrible warrior Timur already at sunset his too long life. Now he no longer left a single decent attention of the enemy or in the rear, nor from both flanks; Although after the Timur's retreat on the winter apartment in Karabakh (Azerbaijan), Ahmed Ibn Pribe, probably, in the hope of harmonious preparations of Bayazid and trying to distract the enemy from him to the East, suddenly appeared again on the ruins of Baghdad and began to collect around him the scattered remnants of his former troops However, so far nothing to fear serious difficulties from these weak raids, and preparations for a decisive blow against Bayazid could go in full peace. Without a doubt, we inform us that Timur did another attempt to come to a peace agreement with the Turks. Despite the fact that approaching now for the seventy years, he possessed everything for the same degree of self-confident energy, almost he could hardly join the fight against the Ottoman Sultan, which was not found in the nickname of Ildyrim ("Lightning" ), And the forces of which, if in general and less significant than the Timur, could be fully assembled and ready for a short time, meanwhile, as its own troops were scattered throughout the anterior Asia from Euphrates before Inde and Jacmert. The last wars in Syria and Mesopotamia were also worth many people; In addition, it was possible to notice signs of less readiness in Emires, which would prefer to drown in a pleasant rest on the treasures of bad treasures, which is indispensable to the Syznov to be exposed to war. In a word, Timur could want to replenish his army at the native soil of transoxania first and refresh him with new forces, as he repeatedly did it in previous years; Therefore, he, for the first time in his life, handled the challenge that Bayazid again mastered the disputed border fortress by Erzingan until the Tatar army was occupied by Baghdad. Although he again appointed his governor of Tacks, the same prince, who actually belonged to the city, and who, with great nice, coped with his task to lavage between both powers, but Timur, as if it was necessary to brilliant satisfaction, if he did not want in his eyes Total light bent before Ottoman. That he now began to look for him by diplomatic negotiations, little similar to his former maneru; But in any case, nothing came out of this. Bayazid left in continuation of integer months without answering his embassy, \u200b\u200bin which he among other things strongly demanded the issuance of the leader of black lambs, Kara Yusuf; When the answer was finally arrived, negative and, while quite impolite, it caught the conqueror of the world to the west of Euphrates, on the way from Sivas to Caesare, after taking the attack of one Turkish border town. Bayazid Army True stood to the right of Timur near the tooked; But he knew that she would be forced to follow him if he would go to the main city, BPUSU.

Battle of Angore (1402)

The army of both parties agreed in Angore; But while Sultan, not paying attention to some discontent, raised in his troops, with some boasting went hunting in mind the enemy and loomed too long to have time to take care of tactical details, Timur took advantage of the position and sowed Opportunities discontent in the ranks of the Turks, which he never missed about powerful enemies. In addition to the actually Ottoman troops, Yanychar, and reliable Serbs, Bayazid's army concluded a soldier from small states abolished them ten before, and some detachments of Tatar riders who were in Malaya Asia from the first Mongolian times. The last willingly succumbed to the sciences that invited them to go to the side of their tribesmen; The first were still committed to their former states, who were also in the village of enemies, and besides, they were annoyed against Bayazida from all his behavior: so they had a sacred tricky Timura found a favorable reception for their proposals. When near the end of 804 (mid-1402), the decisive battle began, in a critical moment most of the low-immigiates and all the Tatars switched to Timur: the entire right flank of Bayazid was upset by this, and his defeat was decided. But while all the circle appealed to flight, Sultan was unshakably stood in the center of the army with his Janchars. He had no intention to recognize himself defeated; So he stayed until his faithful bodyguards were completely exterminated. When at night, he finally agreed to leave the battlefield, it was too late: the fall of his horse betrayed him into the hands of pursuing enemies, and as the Greek Emperor's Greek Emperor in front of the Alps Arsloman, so now Sultan Osmanov, with one name of which is still shortly Shiven Byzantium, was a prisoner in front of Tatar jogging Timur. Whether the truth was found to be a common story that Timur, with him in an iron cage during its further procession for Malaya Asia, whether this cell then was a cell, or rather stretched by lattices, in the end, as indifferent as The accuracy of the many anecdotes transmitted about a personal meeting and further intercourse between the winner and defeated: enough that Bayazid did not tolerate deeply affected pride to the flour. While the troops of his jailer were devastated by fire and the sword to small Asia in all directions, half destroyed the buses, the cradle of Ottoman Magitia, finally took away even Smyrna from the Rhodes Knights of Johnitov and severely dealt with her, while his own daughter was forced to give His hand of the grandson of Timur, the crushed Sultan apparently faded, and before, thanks to the east, Bayazid died back to the east, Bayazid died in his imprisonment (14 Sha "Bana 804 \u003d March 9 1403).

Timur state by the end of his life

Middle East after Angora Battle

Timur, of course, could not think about spreading his conquests to the Ottoman state and on the other side of the Bosphorus; From such a thought, his in advance was to keep the consciousness of the weakest side of his Great Kingdom: that the root part of him was lying on the eastern border. In addition, even before the war with Bayazid, the Byzantine sovereigns of Trapezund and Constantinople entered the Tatars to the negotiations, in order to get rid of their help from a dangerous Ottoman enemy and pledged to pay them tribute; By this, they, on the eastern concepts, became Vassal of Timur, which in this way without further efforts were provided by the fame of these irreconcilable enemies of Islam. Therefore, handing out the Malaya Asia again by Ottomans by Emirs, as His Vassalam, he provided the rest of the Ottoman state, which was exclusively on European soil, he could, that he could do with the greatest advantage that Bayazid's son, Suleiman, who managed to escape from Angora Rushelia, very humbly asked from there on the world. In addition, Timur remained, as we remember, eliminate another old and restless enemy, who was in the rear in his Baghdad. Ahmed Ibn Pribe is not without difficulty - his own son rebelled against him - he retained Baghdad during low-apiaries, mainly with his old Kara Yusuf, who, when approaching Timur, was again from the West to his black lambs. Later, disagreement arose between the Allies themselves; Ahmed was to run to Syria from the Turkmen leader, and this last played the role of the sovereign in Baghdad, while Timur found it easy to allow him pleasure. It was not long. After all the small Asia was conquered and the winner of Bayazid again harvested by Emirov's departed in their principles, as his vassals, he headed to Armenia and gave the severity of his hand those who showed themselves with the latter time. Ortkaid from Maridina, who was trembling personally with many gifts, was still graciously accepted, but Georgians, who, too, were repeatedly recalculated, were sensitively punished, and Kara Yusuf was divided into Hill (806 \u003d 1403) sent to the south army. Now he also fled to Syria, but was concluded in the castle in Cairo, along with his former ally Ahmed, but the orders of Sultan Faradja, who was afraid of the wrath of his lord. Now nothing prevented Timur to return to their homeland, after four years spent in wars in Persia and Western countries: on the road, some rebels were still destroyed in the Caspian lands, and in Muharrama 807 (July 1404). The victorious commander (again joined Samarkand at his capital at the head of his troops.

Preparation of the campaign to China and the death of Timur (1405)

But the tireless conqueror intended to give himself only a few months, not for recreation, but for the preparation of a new, giant enterprise. From Moscow to Delhi, from Irtysh to the Mediterranean Sea no longer left any province, the land of which would not have to moan under the hooves of his horses; Now the eyes appealed to the east. Kashgorskaya Khanate, which, from time to 792 (1390), lay unquestioned at his feet, was adjacent directly to the border of China. The pretext to invade now in the middle empire, it was easy to find. Already in 1368 (769 - 70), G. Genghis Khanes from the kind of Khubila, who reigned there before this year should have been given to the founder of the National Minsk Dynasty, it was a sufficient basis for Timur, who kept himself to his very death, as a major descendant of the Mongolian Lord of the World To submit to your emmales as an indisputable need to join the newly lost member to the kingdom.

Curultay approved them immediately approved this worthy thought with enthusiasm, which could be somewhat compared with the feelings of the French Senate to the Grand Napoleon. It was immediately attached to fulfill her: a seventy-year-old old man in essence could not lose a lot of time. Already for the fifth month after entering Samarkand, the army, with incredible speed, augmented to 200,000 people again, acted through Jacshart. But too soon she had to stop. In the reflection, still on the right bank of the river, Timur got sick with hot, so strong that almost from the first moment it was possible to anticipate a deadly outcome.

17 Shabana 807 (February 18, 1405) The arrow fell, the clock was stopped, and the time tried over the most powerful and famous from everyone ever lived Muslim sovereigns. Everything was over, and the words are really applicable here: "Everything passed, as if it did not happen."

Gur-Emir - Timur Mausoleum in Samarkand

Evaluation of the activities of Timura.

They are applicable here at least about everything that is worthy to draw up the content of the ruler's life. Of course, in historical reflections, it is impossible to become a too sublime point of view of the distracted idealism, or to be too low seeking to be a human philistinism: already before one case, we found out that it was useless to cry about the disasters of war, if the human race is still so far that Without strong shocks, it remains sluggish and insolvent towards its true tasks. Therefore, we will estimate as carriers of the historical need for even terrible oppressants of this kind as Caesar, Omar or Napoleon, whose task was to destroy the dyeing world into pieces to clear the place of new, viable formations. Very remarkably in any case, the similarity, which represents exactly the way Napoleon is no less sharply defined figure of Timur. The same military genius, the same organizer, as far as the tactical and strategic; The same connection of perseverance in pursuit of the time taken with a lightning-shaped Natius per minute; the same unshakable internal equilibrium at the most dangerous and most difficult enterprises; The same tireless energy providing perhaps less independence to the secondary superiors who personally found every important measure; The same decrease to perceptibly know the weaknesses of the enemy, without falling into the error too low to appreciate or despise it; The same cold-blooded inattention to human material, which is required to fulfill the great plans, also immeasurable ambition and the greatness of conquering designs next to the art of using the most smallest motives of human nature and with directly virtuoso hypocrisy; Finally, the same compound of selfless courage with cunning in Tatarin, as well as his Corsican follower. Of course, there is no shortage of unavailable differences: you need to give justice to the emperor-soldier, that almost all of his battles he won his genius of the commander, meanwhile, as the main success of Timur, the victory over Torkdamiam, over Muzaffarid Mansur, over the Delian kingdom, over Bayazid, were always It was decided artificially entered into a number of enemies with partitions or bribing of despicable trains - but such deviations still do not violate the overall impression of astounding similarity.

And yet it would be injustice to Napoleon to put it on one step with Timur. The Code of Laws and the Office, data from France, even now, after eighty years, remain the only linking links that restrain this as much restless, how much and the gifted people in the state strictly needed, despite anything, for modern civilization; And no matter how severely he managed from Spain to Russia, however, the iron broom, which he did the soil of Europe, did not carry anywhere with Sorrow and the pokykina also good seeds. And in the actions of Timur, the fattest was exactly what he had not thought about creating a strong order anywhere, but everywhere he sought only to destroy. If you decide to leave him fruitless and cold-blooded inhumanism aside, it is personally the most importantly outlined of all Magometan sovereigns, his life is a real epic, which is directly the romantic attractiveness of which in a thorough description of the artist historian would have to act with irresistible force. All other great Islamic Caliphs and Sultans - Genghis Khan was a pagan - no matter how significant their own acts were, mostly their success were obliged to unauthorized forces. Moavia had his ziyad, Abd Al-Melik and Valida - their Hajaj, from Mansur - Barmecis, Alp-Arslan - Nizam al-Mulle: the only gun of Timur, his ready-to-battles of the army, was his own creation, and One truly important campaign was not commanded by no one except him. There was one person who was equal to Timur on the inner strength, it was Omar; He, however, only published orders to his troops, but the power of his personality dominated quite over each of his commander and showed all his greatness in another area, creating a state from barely organized shakes and upset foreign provinces, the grounds for which in the continuation of eight centuries served Frames for folk development, with all changes still to a certain degree of uniform and continuous. The destruction of these grounds was already long ago prepared by the Turks, then accelerated by the Mongols and Tatars, with the exception of the unpainted attempt to the Valiant Gazan Khan to create a new organism. It is forever to complete this destruction became the sad merit of Timur, when he made a chaos from all over an old Asia, in which the forces needed to restore the new Islamic unity were no longer buried. If in a purely politically, the appearance of it is so ephemerno that after disappearing it we see how the same elements that were in action before it are accepted again almost unchanged for their activities where he interrupted it, then everything after it produced by him Universal destruction of the latest remnants of material and mental civilization, who left its predecessors, could no longer develop any of those elements that could lead to the revival of the Islamic Spirit and the state. Thus, from the two greatest sovereigns of Islam Omar standing at the beginning of the Moometanian state life itself, as her creator, and at the end, as her destroyer, there is Timur, called Tamerlane.

Literature on Timur

Timur. Article in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhauses-Efron. Author - V. Barthold

Giyaçaddin Ali. Timur's campaign diary in India. M., 1958.

Nizam Ad-Dean Shami. Nafar-scan. Materials on the history of Kyrgyz and Kyrgyzstan. Issue I. M., 1973.

Ibn Arabians. Miracles of the fate of the story of Timur. Tashkent., 2007.

Yazdi Sharaf Ad-Dean Ali. Nafar-scan. Tashkent, 2008.

Keywords: Rui Gonzalez de. Travel diary in Samarkand to the courtyard of Timur (1403-1406). M., 1990.

F. Nes. Description of the wars of Timur and Shahruha in Western Asia in an unnecessary Armenian chronicle of the Foma of Madzofsky. Brussels, 1859.

Garlo, Christopher. Tamerlan Great

By, Edgar Allan. Tamerlan

Lucien Keren. Tamerlan - Iron Lord Empire, 1978

Javid, Huseyn. Chrome Timur

N. Ostrumov. Using Timur. Kazan, 1894.

Borodin, S. Stars over Samarkand.

Segen, A. Tamerlan

Popov, M. Tamerlan

They are not considered directly fake, but remains doubtful how the only preserved Persian translation corresponds to the original written on East Turkish, and even how much this original is written or dictated by Timur himself.

One connoisseur of military business, Jahns, Leipzig. 1880, p. 708 and footprint.) Finds a particularly remarkable methodological character of instructions to military leaders contained in Timur's notes, but notes very fairly that "the strategic and tactical connection of his military feats yet not enough clearly historically to be instructive. " A good example of what can happen with less caution can be borrowed from the HAMMER-PURGSTA1L, which is taken by reporting a lot of information about Timur's troops (Gesch. D. Osmn. Reichs I, 309, compared. 316): After reporting uniforms entered in Him, he continues: "There were also two regiments, completely covered with pures, the oldest Kirassian shelves, which are mentioned in military history." Why Mongolian Djiba (which however, can designate any generation of weapons) must correspond to our Kiras more than a shell used and in the East for many centuries not only for infantry, but also for riders, there is no instructions on it; With the same or with great right, it would be possible to use this very phrase, for example, to decorate the description of the Persian troops under Caudice (I, 264).

The numbers here again are greatly exaggerated by historians. This particularly apparently acts in the following examples: In the testimony that 800,000 Timur soldiers were fighting against 400,000 bayazid, and at the end of the Armenian chronicler, 700,000 people participated in the capture of Damascus (Neve, Expose des Guerres de TamerLaN et de Schah ROKH; Brussels 1860, p. 72).

So tell Muslim historians. It should not be launched that, according to the testimony of one Western traveler, who penetrated the court of Timur, his behavior was far from the behavior of zealous Muslim. Wheleer's conclusions "but can not be recognized undoubtedly, since he landed his information mainly from the Mongolian history of Patera Katra, the reliability of which is not proved by the sources of sources; the decisive opinion expressed in the specified note seems to me doubtful for its reliability. Therefore, I adhered to a generally accepted story.

Xizp is the Persian-Turkish pronunciation of the Arabic name of the XiDR. The relationship of this prince to Kamaraddin, the killer of his father, unclear; After the campaign of Timur's commander in 792 (1390), Kamaraddin is no longer mentioned, and on Heider-time (Notices et extreits XIV, Paris 1843, p. 479) Hidre on the death of this usurper achieved domination over the tribes of the former Kashgian Khanate. But Shepefaddin (Deguignes, Allgemeine GeSchichte der Hunnen und TURKEN, UBERS, V. Dalmert, BD. IV, Greifswand 1771, p. 32.35) The tribe leader and the tribes belonging to them is in 791 (1389) already hidre, and in 792 (1390) again Camaraddin; So there should be a division between these tribes for a while, and some obeyed the young hidra, and other Kamaraddin. Detailed information is still unknown; Later Hydza Hydre is an unique rule in peaceful relations with Timur (in Chondemiru, Transl. Defromry, Journ. As. IV Serie, t. 19, Paris 1852, p. 282).

Of course, Berke received officially Islam, who in the tribes of the Golden Horde itself was also overwhelmed everywhere. But especially east of the Volga, most so calling. Tatars were probably pagans, as now, Chuvashi in the provinces of Orenburg and Kazan.

Kazi has a Persian Turkish pronunciation of the Arabic Cadi "Judge". His father was a judge with Ahnie and enjoyed great influence at the court of this last; By death, he, together with several other dignitaries, built him to the throne of his young son Mohammed and then died himself, leaving his position Bugaddin. When Mohammed, he died, without leaving the descendants, the cunning Cadi managed little to subordinate to the rest of the country, and eventually took even the title of Sultan.

Osman is the Person-Turkish pronunciation of the Arab name of Usman, in which the letter "C" corresponds to the pronunciation of the English th. 15 Rajab on an ordinary calendar corresponds to June 18; But since the day of the week is given Monday, it means the Arab account, as it often happens, is incorrect, and this number is 19. However, for one story last three days continued, it means that you can, perhaps explain the inaccuracy of the date.

Details about this are transmitted differently and to further information should be considered very dubious.

About the nearest circumstances of his death we do not know anything definite. That his son of Timur's own head cut off his head, then seventeen-year-old Shahrukh, there is a baking fiction of his court, Sherneaddin; Also, Ibn Arabshha's story is not very believable.

That is, prayer in mosques for the winner, which concluded recognition by his new lord from the population.

S. Thomoms of Dehli, London 1871), p. 328. We really convey that Hizr-Khan sent in 814 (1411) to the son of Timur, Shahrukh, to bring the oath of loyalty (see . Notices et extreits, XIV, 1, Paris 1843, p. 19b); Meanwhile, it also contains a little contradictions said in the text, as the fact that many of the other Indian princes tried to reject the attacks of Timur by the fact that they declared themselves with his vassals; This meant that the kings would have submitted if it would only for other reasons did not eager war by anything. The timuride panelists, of course, are always trying to give purely formal politeness expressions, a deeper meaning than they really have a similar desire to have the story of ADB AR-Razzak in Notices et extreits, decree. t. 437 and next.

So it writes this name WEIL, in any case, following the testimony of its Arab sources. In a single script, available in my disposal, Vita TIMUR ibn Arabshha, ED. MaNger, I, 522, I find Ilyuk or Eailuk; HAMMER "A, GESCHICHTE DES OSMANISCHN REICHES I, 293, stands Kara Yuluk that he translates as" black leech ", meanwhile as a leech in Turkish does not mean juluk, but a village. I am not able to establish exactly the form and value of this name.

Hertzberg Decree. cit. p. 526; Eastern sources in any case do not give any information about it. The fact is doubtful, cf. With Hammer, Geschichte des osmnischen Reiches I, 618, Weil, Geschichte des ABBAsidenchalifats in Egypten II, 81, NP. 4. The name of the ERROGRUL, in any case, there is only the assumption V. Hammer "a.

Although on WEIL "Yu (Geschichte des Abbasidenchalifats in Egypten and, 97), only Persian historians are narrated about this demand and obedience, and the other is quite believable on the overall position of things. Timur, who at that time he already took Smyrna, hardly grew up It would be east without reaching the formal conquest of Mamlukov.

The 14th Saban corresponds to the 9th, and not 8th, as V. HAMMER, Decree. cit. p. 335. At the same time, it should be noted that the day of the week is Thursday, which comes title \u003d opposite the 13th Shaban, corresponding to the 8th of March, so that the latter can still be considered a loyal number.

When writing the material, the head "Tamerlan" was used from the book of August Muller "History of Islam". In many places of material before dates from the Nativity of Christ, Muslim dating on hijra