Giraffe - the highest animal on earth

Giraffe is the highest representation of the mammalian detachment. Thanks to his long neck, he can notice a subsequent predator in time. Although the giraffes are not aggressive, sometimes they manage to win a mortal fight even with Lv.

Giraffes occupy the territory in Savannah Africa south of Sahara. They live in small herds of 40 - 70 individuals. Their basic diet consists of leaf and kidney trees, especially acacia.

Giraffes are very cautious animals. They are well developed vision and rumor. Thanks to his long neck, it has the opportunity to observe a large area and early to notice predators.

Sometimes adult giraffes attack leopards, but there is only one predator, which has a chance to cope with a healthy giraffe - lion. The most reliable way to protect for giraffe is escape. But in exceptional cases, he can protect himself from the attacker, hitting the aggressor with hoof.

The giraffes on the head have characteristic rounded bone protrusions covered with leather, which, depending on the species, can be 2-5 cm long. During battles, animals barefoot each other with horns and intertwined with necks. Such clashes never lead to injuries, as the horns are rounded at the ends and are not too dangerous. After the battle, the loser moves to the side and no longer bothers the winner.

The growth of giraffe at birth is 1.8 - 2 meters. Weighs a cub with 50 to 55 kg. A few hours after birth, it is already quite firmly standing on the legs and can follow his mother.

Giraffes are not an extinct view. Their number is estimated at 110 - 150 thousand. individuals.

  • Kenya - 45,000 giraffes;
  • Tanzania - 30,000 giraffes;
  • Botswana - 12,000 giraffes.

Do you know that…

  • Among the giraffes are often found albinos.
  • An animal can overcome a short distance at a speed of 50 km / h.
  • Giraffe front legs are longer than rear.
  • The language of the giraffe is very long and can reach 50 cm.
  • The method of producing food differs in males and females. The males reach the highest branches, while females mostly eating leaves with low shrubs.
  • Despite the extremely long neck, the cervical vertebrae from the giraff just seven, as well as other mammals. They are just more elongated.
  • The spine Giraffe consists of 24 vertebrae.