Biography M. Gorky. Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov - Personal Life and Creativity

Maxim Gorky is only a pseudonym writer. His present name is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. This is the famous prose, playwright, an outstanding personality in Russian literature. He got great popularity and won the authority not only at home, but also in Europe. His hometown is Nizhny Novgorod. He was born on March 28, 1868. His father was a joiner, and Maxim Gorky's family did not earn much. At the age of 7, Alexey went to school, but the study was very soon over, and forever, after all, a few months later, the boy became sick. Knowledge and all the skills of Alexey received only due to self-education.

The most popular version of why Alexey himself took such a pseudonym, is that he could not subscribe to his real last name, and "bitter" was a hint of a hard life.


The childhood of Gorky was extremely complex. It was very early to the orphan, after which he lived with his grandfather, who had a very cool and rude temper. Already at the age of 11, Alexey went to earn up for food in completely different areas. These were shops, shops, bakeries, workshops iconopys, as well as buffets on steamers and much more. In the summer of 1884, Gorky decided to visit Kazan to do there and start learning. Nevertheless, his undertaking to enter the university was failing. So he was forced to work further hard.

Attempt by suicide

Constant need and exorbitant fatigue brought the 19-year-old young man before the suicide attempt, which he undertook at the end of 1887. He tried to shoot himself from the revolver, aiming him in his heart. However, the bullet took place a few millimeters from a vital organ. For his life, bitterly repeatedly tried to end his life, he had an ardent suicidal tendency. Nevertheless, each time he succeeded to successfully avoid death.

It is possible that he did not want to kill himself. In one of the stories, his spouse is mentioned that, engaged in the economy, she heard a strong rumble in her husband's office. He came running in place, she saw the spouse in the whole blood. On the question of what happened, the writer only answered that he intentionally caused his pain so that he could feel the feeling of the character he wrote about. The personal life of Maxim Gorky, by the way, was very unrestrained. He became popular with women and was extremely wrong with his wives.

In the biography of M. Gorky many dating with revolutionary personalities. In Kazan, he met and became close to various representatives of revolutionary population, Marxists. He often walks on the circles, independently takes attempts to agitation. Already next year, he was first arrested, while not the last time. It works at this time Alexey on the railway under a sensitive supervision from the police.

In 1889, Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov returns to his hometown, where it is arranged to work for Lanin's lawyer as a writing. However, he did not lose his connection with radicals and revolutionary. It is at this time that Gorky composes the poem "Song of the Old Oak", which Korolenko asks for his friend.

First edition

In the spring of 1891, Gorky leaves from Nizhny Novgorod and travels around the country. Already in November, he reached Tiflis. It was there that one of the newspapers in September 1892 printed his first story. Twenty Maxim Gorky published his Makara Miranda.

After Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov returns back to Nizhny Novgorod and again goes to work to the lanino. His works are published not only in Nizhny Novgorod, but also in Kazan and Samara. In 1895, he moved to Samara and worries there in the city newspaper, sometimes speaking as editor. His works are actively printed. In 1898, it was published quite large for the beginning of the author the circulation of its two-volume essays and stories. The work became the subject of active discussion in the light. In 1899, Gorky ends his first novel "Thomas Gordeyev", and already a year later, his personal meeting with such outstanding luminaries of Russian literature, like Chekhov and Tolstoy.

In 1901, he first writes work in the genre of drama, because before that, the work of Maxim Gorky was mainly in prose. He writes the Pieces of the "Promenban" and "at the bottom." Moved to the stage, his work was very popular among the public. "Messengers" were made even in Berlin and Vienna, thanks to which Gorky got great appreciation in European countries. From this point on, his work began to translate abroad, and European critics began to pay a lot of attention to his person.

Revolutionary life

The biography of M. Gorky is filled with revolutionary events. He did not stand aside from the events of the 1905 revolution. The writer joined the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party. A year later, his first emigration from Russia began in biography. Until 1913, he lived on the island of Capri. It was then that he works on the novel "Mother", thanks to which it was found to be the beginning of a new literary direction - Socialist realism.

After political amnesty was announced, the writer returns to Russia. In the same year, he begins work on his artistic biography. For three years, he works on the "My Universities" trilogy, which is finished only in 1923. At this time, he works as editor of the newspaper Bolsheviks "True" and "Star". A lot of proletarian writers united around him, together with whom he publishes a collection of their works.

October Revolution

Maxim bitter attitude towards the revolution of 1905 had a very positive, but the events of October were contradictory for him. Wipers and their fears The writer eloquently expressed in the newspaper "New Life", which was published since May seventeenth to March eighteenth. Nevertheless, in the second half of 1918, he becomes an ally of the Bolshevik authority, although she deals with a certain disagreement with the principles and methods, which in particular concerns the intelligentsia. Thanks to the writer's writer, a large number of people of the intelligentsia were able to avoid hunger and disagree. Also, Gorky applies a lot of effort so that culture not only remained in difficult times, but continued to develop.

Emigration period

In 1921, Gorky leaving Russia. According to the well-known version, he did it on the recommendation of Lenin, who was worried about the health of the writer, in particular because of its aggravated tuberculosis. However, more depth reasons can be based on ideological contradictions in the positions of Gorky with the leaders of the proletariat. For a long time, Alexey lives in different countries of Europe, such as Germany, Czech Republic and Italy.

Return of emigrant

In honor of his 60th anniversary, the writer was invited to the Soviet Union personally by his companion Stalin. He was organized a solemn arrival. The writer travels around the country where the successes of socialism show him, make it possible to perform at meetings, rallies. Gorky is celebrated for his literary merits, adopt the Communist Academy, providing other honors.

In 1932, the last round occurs in the biography of M. Gorky, the writer is finally returning to his homeland, becoming the leader of the new Soviet literature. Gorky leads an active social life, launches many prints, literary series and much more. He continues to write and improve his creativity. In 1934, under the leadership of Gorky, the first All-Union Congress of Writers is held. To prepare this event, he spent many strength.

Maxim Gorky's work made it a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in the field of literature.

Death of writer

In 1936, on June 18, the biography of M. Gorky ended. The country was filled with news that Maxim Gorky was resting at his dacha. The place of his burial was Moscow. Around his death, as well as his son, there are many theories about possible poisoning due to political conspiractions, but not a single official confirmation was found.

Years of life Maxim Gorky: 1868 - 1936

Personal life

Alexey was married more than once. Personal life Maxim Gorky is filled with passions. He had the first marriage with Catherine Volgin. From this union he had a daughter of Catherine, who, to the great regret of the writer, died in infant age, as well as the son of Maxim, who became an amateur artist.

The young man died in 1934, very unexpected. His death caused rumors about the violent death of a young man.

The second time Alex was in civil marriage with the actress and the revolutionary Maria Andreva. The third family of Maxim Gorky Writer became marriage with Maria Budberg, who held his life with him the last years.