What is a domain for the site

What are domain names.

Domain or Domain Name is the site address or your site name for which you can access the required resource on the Internet. Such names are rented from special domain registrars. Usually the lease period is one year or more. Often it can reach a large period. The lease period can be extended until it ended. Next, the domain can intercept other people interested in it.

Where did the domain names come from

Initially, access to the Internet took place through IP addresses of computers. Remember such addresses are hard. Try to remember IP address And now try to remember the 100 of your favorite IP addresses that you constantly visit ... Hard!

The solution was simple - to use the tool - understandable and easy to memorize.

What does the word domain mean

Wikipedia says the following:

Domain - a certain zone in the domain name system, a dedicated domain owner (any country, an international organization, a region, a legal or physical person) for the purposes of access to the information provided on the Internet owned by the domain owner. Here the domain is called a group of information network resources that work or under one computer, or under a single network work machine or network node.

Examples of domains: * .ru, * .com, * .org, etc.

How to choose the best domain

Domain zone from the country under which the site is moving

I assume that the site you do for your country.

  • For Russia, domains are relevant * .ru, * .su, * .rf
  • For Germany - * .de, etc.

Domain must easily remember

When choosing a domain name for the future site, the most important thing is to remember that it should be easily remembered. It is best that he reflects the specification of your site or the scope of the organization's activities, the company. Usually in the domain use the name of the service sector or company. For example, Party.ru - site about the holidays, Mozgun.ru - Puzzle site.

Brief domain name

The shorter the domain name is that it is easier to remember. It is less likely that when you enter a browser string, an error will be made.

Domain name from the symbols of the Latin alphabet

Initially, domain names worked only on Latin. Next, marketers have come up with a way to use national alphabets. It is neither good and not bad, but if possible, you only need to use Latin letters you are a domain name!

Ease of reading, pronunciation, playback

A selected domain name must be easily read, remember, pronounced and of course reproduced.

Imagine you dictate the name of your domain by phone. The user writes a domain name with an error ... I do not continue further.

How much is the domain and where to register

The average price of the domain - 600 R.V. Year. Cheap register it can be here Domains.Webmoney.ru for just 110 p. Official domain registrars are small. These are still related to reg.ru, WebNames.Ru, Nic.ru.

To save the rights to the domain name, you need to fill out an administrator's questionnaire, send copies of the documents to the registrar (passport for individuals, copies of documents on the registration of a legal entity doo-legal entities.

The most expensive site is a domain. A year old domain will cost an average of 5 thousand rubles, and 2-3 - agenic - 15 thousand rubles. Such prices will be in the event that additional money was not invested. But be careful! Often there are webmasters who offer to register for free. They can not be trusted. They are demanding large amounts of money for the transfer of rights to the domain.

What is domain registration

Domain registration is a domain name rental from the registrar for a year or more.

Bought a domain what to do next

After purchase, or rather renting a domain with such a domain name and register the NS server in the domain registrar panel. Next, the domain will be delegated.

The process of specifying NS servers for the site

Each hoster has its own server NS. Remember this

What is domain delegation

This is the process of updating the DNS server records all over the world. Usually it takes time up to 3 days. During this time, all servers receive a message that your purchased domain with NS servers prescribed will be available in a similar address.

After the end of delegation, your site will be available via the selected domain name.