Ivan Grozny: genius or villain? The results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible

Ivan IV Grozny was the son of Elena Glinsky and Grand Duke Vasily III. He entered the history of Russia as a very contrary person. On the one hand, it was a reformer and a talented publicist, the author of brilliant literary "messages" to various states of the time, and on the other - a brutal tyrant and a person with a painful psyche. Historians are still guessing who Ivan the Terrible, is a genius or villain?

Brief description of the board

Tsar Ivan Grozny began to edit with the participation of the elected glad from the late 1540s. With it, Zemsky Cathedrals began to convene, a judiciary of 1550 was created. Transformations of judicial and management systems were carried out - partial self-government in places (Zemskaya, Light and other reforms) was introduced. After the king suspected in the betrayal of Prince Kurbsky, an oprichnina was established (a complex of administrative and military measures to enhance the royal power and destroying the opposition). At Ivan IV, trade relations were established with Britain (1553rd), a typography was founded in Moscow. Kazan (in 1552-m) and Astrakhan (in 1556th) Khanate were conquered.

In the period of 1558-1583, the Livonian war was actively conducted. King wanted access to the Baltic Sea. The persistent struggle against the Crimean Khan Devlet-Hire was died. After the victory in the Magazine Battle (1572th), the Moscow State received actual independence and strengthened the rights to the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate, and began to attach Siberia (1581st). However, the internal policy of the king after a series of failures during the Livonian war has acquired a tough repressive nature in relation to boyars and trading tops. The long-term exhaust war on different fronts led to an increase and enhancement of the dependence of the peasantry. The king is more remembered to contemporaries with its excessive cruelty. Based on the foregoing, it is very difficult to definitely answer the question about who Ivan Grozny was. A genius or villain this, no doubt, an extraordinary ruler?


After the death of his father, a three-year-old boy was brought up by her mother, who was his regent. But she died on the night from 3 to April 4, 1538. Until 1547, the majority of Tsarevich - the country ruled the boyars. The future monarch Ivan 4 Grozny grew in the conditions of palace coups due to the constant struggle for power between the warring boyars of Belsky and Shui. The boy saw the murder, he was surrounded by intrigue and violence. All this imposed an indelible imprint on his personality and contributed to the development of such features as suspiciousness, vitality and cruelty.

The tendency to mock the alive creatures manifested itself from Ivan in childhood, and the nearest environment approved it. At the end of December, the 1543th thirteen-year-old Prince-orphan first showed his nestors. He arrested one of the most influential boyars - Prince Andrei Shuisky - and "ordered him to give to the cops, and the psari is taken and killing him when they were dragged into prison." "Since that time (notes the chronicle) began the boyars from the king of great fear."

Big Fire and Moscow Rise

One of the most powerful youthful impressions of the king was a "big fire" and the Moscow uprising of the 1547th. 1700 people died in fire. Then Kremlin burned, various churches and monasteries. To seventeen years, Ivan has already made so many executions and other cruelners that he took a devastating fire in Moscow as a retribution for his sins. In the message to the Church Cathedral of 1551, he recalled: "The Lord punished me for his sins, then the sea, and everything I did not swear. In the end, God sent great fires, and the fear of my soul entered, and my bones, and my bones, and Emboliated my spirit. " The rumors crawled around the capital that the Glina Zlodai was to blame. After the massacre over one of them, the relative of the king - the rebellious people appeared in the village of Vorobyevo, where the Grand Duke hid, and demanded the issuance of other boyars from this kind. With great difficulty managed to convince a broken crowd to disperse. I barely passed the danger, the king ordered to grab and execute the main conspirators.

Wedding to the kingdom

The main goal of the king, scheduled already in his youth, became unlimited autocratic power. She relied on the concept of "Moscow - Third Rome" created under Vasilia III, which became the ideological basis of Moscow autocracy. Ivan, given that his grandmother on his father was a niece of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin, considered himself a descendant of Roman rulers. Therefore, on January 16, 1547 in the Assumption Cathedral, the wedding of the Grand Duke Ivan on the kingdom was held. The symbols of royal dignity laid on him: the cap of Monomakh, Barma and Cross.

The royal title made it possible to take a more profitable diplomatic position in relation to Western European countries. The majority title of Europeans is still that the "Great Duke" or "Prince". "Tsar" did not interpret at all or translated as "emperor." Thus, Ivan got closure with the ruler of the Sacred Roman Empire. However, this information does not answer the question of what Ivan Grozny was represented. A genius or villain was this man?


In the 1550-1551, the autocrats personally took part in the 1552nd Kazan fell in 1552, and then Astrakhan Khanate (1556th). They were addicted to Moscow, Khan Siberia is obeyed by Moscow. In 1553, trade relations were established with Britain. In the 1558th monarch launched a Livonian war for possession of the Baltic Sea coast. First, the battles were successful for Moscow. In the 1560th, the Army of Livons was completely defeated, and the Livonian Order ceased to exist.

Internal changes and Livonian war

Inside the country began serious changes. At about the 1560th, the king ruled with her elected Rada and subjected it to members of the persecution. Ivan became a particularly cruel to boyars after the unexpected death of Queen Anastasia, suspecting that she was poisoned. Adashev and Sylvester unsuccessfully advised the king to stop Livonian war. However, in 1563, the troops took Polotsk. He at that time was a serious Lithuanian fortress. The autocrats were particularly proud of this particular victory, which was obsessed already after gap with Rada. But already in the 1564th, the army suffered a serious defeat. The king began to look for "guilty." Execution began and other repression.


The reign of Ivan Grozny went to his guy. The autocrat has increasingly penetrated the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a personal dictatorship. In the 1565th, he declared the creation of an oprichnin. In fact, the state was divided into two parts: the land and an oprichnin. Each scrambledler was supposed to bring an oath to loyalty to the autocrat and gave a promise to not have contacts with earth. They all wore black clothes, like monastic.

Equestrian scrambles were noted by special signs of differences. To his saddles, they cling to the gloomy signs of the era: the brooms to drive them to betray, and the heads of the dogs to join it. With the help of Ochrichnikov, who were exempted by the king from any kind of responsibility, Ivan 4 Terrible by force took away Boyar's victobs and passed them to oprichny nobles. Execution and persecution were accompanied by an unprecedented terror and robbery.

An iconic event was the Novgorod pogrom of the 1570th. The reason for him was a suspicion in the desire of Novgorod to separate to Lithuania. Monarch personally headed the campaign. On the way, all villages were looted. During this hike, Metropolitan Philip strangled Metropolitan in the Tver Monastery, who tried to inform the Terrible, and then confront him. It is believed that the number of killed Novgorod people was about 10-15 thousand. At that time, no more than 30 thousand people lived at that time.

Abolition of oprichnina

It is believed that the reasons for the Orympic of Ivan the Terrible are personally. Hard childhood imposed his mark on his psyche. The fear of conspiracies and betrayal became paranoia. In the 1572th, the king abolished Okrichnin. By this decision, he was bowing to the unseen-minded role, which was played by his Official colleagues when attacking Moscow of the Crimean Khan in 1571. The army from the Ochrichnikov could not do anything. In essence, it was broken. Tatars set fire to Moscow. The Kremlin suffered from fire. It is extremely difficult to understand such a person as Ivan Grozny. A genius or villain he was, to say definitely impossible.

Official results

Tsar Ivan Grozny strongly undermined the oversaluminous economy of his state. The separation said very detrimental. A significant part of the land was destroyed and empty. In 1581, in order to prevent the launch of Ivan, the ban on the replacement of the peasants of the owners, which took place in Yuriev day. This contributed to even more oppressing and approval of serfdom.

The foreign policy of Ivan 4 Terrible was also not particularly successful. Livonian war ended in a complete failure with the loss of territories. The objective results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible were visible in his life. In essence, it was the failure of most undertakings. From the 1578th king stopped making executions. These times of Ivan the Terrible contemporaries are also well remembered. The king has become even more delicious. He ordered to make the memorial lists of those killed by his order and send to the monasteries to commemorate. In the testament from 1579 he died in perfect. The history of oprichnina fully opens,

Son murder

Periods of repentance and prayers were replaced by terrible furious seizures. It was during one of them in 1582 in the autocrats accidentally killed the son of Ivan, hitting him with a staff with a metallic tip in the temple. After 11 days he died. The personnel killing of the heir led the king to horror, since his other sibling Fedor was unable to rule, because he was weak. The king sent a huge amount to the monastery for the polarity of his child's soul. He even thought himself trimmed into the monks.


The rule of Tsar Ivan Grozny was rich in monarching marriages. It is not known exactly the exact number of the dealer's wife, but most likely there were eight (counting and one-day marriage). In addition to children who have died in childhood, the monarch had three sons. The first marriage with Anastasia Zakharian-Koshkina brought him two descendants. The second wife of the autocrat was the daughter of Kabardian Velmazby - the third wife became Martha Dogkin, who unexpectedly died three weeks after the wedding. According to church canons, it was impossible to marry more than three times. In May 1572, a church cathedral took place. He allowed the fourth marriage. Anna Kolovskaya became his wife's wife. However, for treason, the king in the same year sharpened her to the monastery. Anna Vasilchikova became the fifth spouse. She died in 1579th. The sixth, most likely, was Vasilis Melentyev. The last wedding took place in the 1580th with Maria Nagya. In 1582, they had a son of Dmitry, who, after death, the autocrat was killed in Uglich.


Ivan 4 remained in history not only as a tyrant. Monarch was one of the most educated people of their era. He possessed simply phenomenal memory, was distinguished by the erudition of the theologian. The king is the author of numerous messages, which are of great interest from a creative point of view. Ivan wrote music and texts of worships. Grozny contributed to the development of a typography. With it, the Board of the king was essentially a war against his people. The state terror has achieved just invisible scale. The autocrats strongly strengthened his power, without bending any methods. In Ivan, talents with extreme cruelty were incomprehensible, pelvic with sexual debauchery. Modern specialists in the field of psychology believe that the absolute government ulods the person. And only units are able to cope with this burden and do not lose some kind of human features. Nevertheless, the attitude of the king imposed a huge imprint of the country's other history.