London slide in English. Presentation on the topic: "All about London"

Summary of presentations


Slides: 12 Words: 176 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

London Attractions. Fundamental Question: Why are London consider unique? What sights of London are most popular? What sights can be seen in London? Problem question: look at London. S. Johnson. Big Ben - Shows the exact time from 1859 Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace) - the office of the monarchy. Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey) is a coronation of English monarchs. Abbey demonstrates the noble, military, political and aristocracing history of England. Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square). At the top of the column of 145 feet height, the figure of Admiral Nelson is installed. - London.ppt.

City of London

Slides: 11 Words: 486 Sounds: 0 Effects: 35

Presentation. London Attractions. So let's start your trip from City. One of the outstanding buildings of London City is the Cathedral of St. Paul. The building rises at 111 m. The base of the dome is the "Gallery of Shepota", famous for its acoustic effect. The Eastern gate of the city will come out Tower Towers. The ceremony of "keys" is connected with Tower. Tower guards are dressed in suits of Tudor times. - And another tradition. Trows always lived in Tower. It is here that the famous "corner of poets" is located. The hour tower Big Ben-has 98 m heights. - The parliament building is easily accessible to Trafalgar Square. - City of London.ppt.

Capital London

Slides: 5 words: 582 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

London city of contrasts. The project introduces students with the capital of Great Britain London. Students are divided into 3 groups. In the conclusion of the project, projects will be protected with the invitation of administration and subject teachers. Start Presentation of the Teacher: Project Planning section. Acquaintance with the capital of Great Britain. Problem issues: What is the capital of Great Britain? Where is England and London? Why are we studying London? Lessons 3-4 Topic: London City of Contrasts. Purpose: Statement of guides and fundamental issues, division into groups. Problem issues: How many tourists visit London? - Capital London.ppt.

London in United Kingdom

Slides: 11 Words: 196 Sounds: 0 Effects: 44

Great Britain. England Scotland Ireland Wales. Geographical position. British? Niya is an island state in Western Europe, the form of government is the parliamentary monarchy. The capital is the city of London. Britain - Britta tribe. Palace of Westminster. It is possible to approximately enjoy a cognitive seventy-minute excursion during September. Excursion passes daily in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Tower. Tower serves as a reminder of the bloody of Britain. Guardies. Palace "RavevenSmaster", or a closer of raven, cares about the flock of black ravens. - London in United Kingdom.PPT

History of London

Slides: 8 Words: 344 Sounds: 2 Effects: 2

Cognitive English. London City sightseeing funny traditions about the author. London General information. London ... London is the capital of Misty Albion - Great Britain and Northern Ireland. General. The population of London is constantly growing and approaches 8 million people. History. Sights. PHOTOSESSION. Funny traditions. The British have long been considered restrained and even, can be said, the famous people. - History of London.ppt.

Attractions in London

Slides: 31 Words: 1058 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

London attractions

Slides: 16 words: 782 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Topic: "London's sights." Objects: English, history, geography, computer science. Stages of the project: No city of Great Britain can compare with London on a variety of opportunities. London Attractions. 1. Tauer bridge. Tower and Tower Bridge. Be sure to pay attention to the guards of Tower, standing in luxurious uniforms. 2.Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace - Official London Residence Queen. A visit to the palace begins with the Embassy Court. From the semicircular window of the music room offers an attractive view of the garden and surroundings. - Attractions of the city of London.ppt

Landon's sights in Russian

Slides: 11 Words: 858 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

London Attractions. Plan. What is the most beautiful and attractive place in London. London. History of London. Houses of Parliament. Big Ben. London parks. Green park blots in the heart of London. Madame Tussao Museum and Planetarium. The most important attractions of London. - Attractions of London in Russian.PPT

Sights of Great Britain and London

Slides: 20 Words: 639 Sounds: 0 Effects: 65

London. United Kingdom Flag of UK. Oxford. University city. College building. Oxford University. Courtyard College Church Church. View of the college yard from above. View of the city. Village Londoni. Oxford city. Big-Ben. Westminster Abbey. Houses of Parliament. Students. Church of Kings College. Sights of Great Britain. Royal Pavilion. Cathedral in Bristol. Vintage. - Attractions of Great Britain and London.PPT

Types of London

Slides: 24 Words: 951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

London. St Paul's Cathedral. London is attractive by his story. History of London. Revival of London. Westminster Abbey. London Bridge. Tower Bridge. Elizabeth Board I. London Metro. Famous buildings. Millennium Dome. London museums. House Sherlock Holmes. British museum. City with rich history. Ferris wheel. Eye of London. Types of London. Botanical gardens. London aquarium. Dungeons of London. London from height. London map. - Types of London.ppt.

Museums of London

Slides: 47 words: 899 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Traveling in England. Map of England. Geographical position. The state in the North-West of Europe, in the British Islands. Higher point - G. Ben-Nevis in Scotland (1343 m.). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 244.1 thousand square meters. km. Capital London. Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace). Elizabeth II. Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Prince William. Prince Harry. Westminster Abbey. But the real graves are far from all mentioned poets are here. Big Ben (Big Ben). Big Ben. Parliament (Houses of Parliament). Tower of London. Be sure to pay attention to the guards of Tower - Beefeaters - in luxurious uniforms. - Museums of London.ppt.

Parks London

Slides: 14 Words: 669 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

London parks. Content. In London, an incredible amount of greenery. Hyde Park. St. James Park. Royal Botanical Kewic Gardens. Orangery Princess Wales. Alley Rhododendrons. Holland park. Hampst-hit. Ryjent Park. Cheswick. Butteri park. D. - Parks London.PPT

London buildings

Slides: 10 Words: 603 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

London - Capital of the UK. Westminster. St Paul's Cathedral. The dome is decorated with paintings from the life of St. Paul. Massive defensive walls and other towers were added later. The Guardian of Tower is wonderful Alo-Gold Form. Tower London. British museum. At the beginning…. Sir Hans Slone was the greatest collector. The construction of the British Museum was completed in 1948. The modern building was constructed in 1834 by William Wilkins. National Gallery. London ... London always changes. New buildings are erected, and the old are gradually destroyed. Parks and gardens. - London buildings.ppt.

Gallery Teit

Slides: 19 words: 376 Sounds: 0 Effects: 20

Tate Gallery. National Museum. Founder of the gallery of British art. British Tate Gallery. Modern Tate Modern Gallery. Tate Gallery in Liverpool. Virtual tour of the Tate Gallery. William Hogart. Children of the Graham family. John Eversett Milles. Joshua Reynolds. Thomas Gainesboro. William Blake. Joseph Mallyard William Turner. William Törner. Eduard mana. Henri Matisse. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. John Singer Sarjent. - Tate Gallery.ppt.

Big Ben in London

Slides: 20 Words: 730 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Big Ben. Development of independence. Bell tower. The tower was erected in 1858. Name. Commission on building a tower. Designer. George Mars was engaged in casting. Bell cracked. Bell. Clock on the tower. Tower height. Legendary bell. Interesting stories. Mechanism. Clockwork. Dial. In each area of \u200b\u200bLondon, you can find little Ben. Informational resources. Thanks for attention. - Big Ben in London.pptx

London palaces

Slides: 18 Words: 355 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

London Attractions. Uniqueness of London. The city is also famous for many old old palaces and churches in which the national shrines of the English people are stored. Madame Tussao Museum and Planetarium Westmin Abbey. Madame Tussao Museum is famous for its wax figures in full growth to the whole world. London Tower and Buckingham Palace. The Buckingham Palace is the Queen's Risidian. Saownhenge. The Trafalgar Square is named after the Trafalgar battle in which General Nelson participated, whose statue stands on the square. Royal Palaces. Cathedral of St. Paul Cathedral of St. - London Palaces.ppt.

Buckingham Palace

Slides: 11 Words: 137 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Buckingham Palace. In the green living room focused, perhaps the most excellent things of the Buckingham Palace. After the green living room, a throne room is followed through which visitors enter the art gallery - the largest room of the Buckingham Palace. - Buckingham Palace.pptx

Trafalgar Square

Slides: 5 Words: 235 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Trafalgar Square. On Trafalgar Square a lot of pigeons. All the Trafalgar Square is filled with people tray back. Rest on the square. Story area. One of the best-internal. Trafalgar demonstrations. -

Welcome to London!

MOU SOSH No. 85 Krasnodar Teacher of English Language Vasilyeva N.V. 2010

  • Union Jack is the name of the State Flag United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. His birth took several centuries from history. In the time of the Crusaders, the English ships raised the white flag on the masts with the Red Cross of St. George. At the beginning of the XVII century, after the conclusion of the Union between England and Scotland, the King Yakov I stews occurred to perpetuate this event on the British flag. At the same time, they did not find the best symbol than the Cross of St. Andrew. Since then, the White Cross has hit the English flag on the blue field. By the way, by the name of Yakov I flag and received the name Union Jack (Jack - diminutive from Jacob). From aesthetic point of view, two crosses in its pure form could not get along with one banner. In order to lift them into a single "color ensemble", the red cross was circled with a thin white border. This was done in accordance with the strict English heraldic canons: the crosses on the banner should never come into contact. And in this form, the flag lasted about two centuries. And on January 1, 1801, King George III proclaimed the "Union" of Great Britain and Ireland and commanded to add a blue cross on a white background. Government members had to break her head over the order of the monarch .. he became such as we see him today.

Westminster abbey

  • Westminster is an important historical part of London. Here is a large part of government buildings. On the left bank of the Thames is the Westminster Palace, known as the House of Parliament. The clock tower called "Big Ben", is known all over the world. So they often call the big clock on the Tower of the Westminster Palace.

  • The official name of it is the "hourly tower of the Westminster Palace", also called "Tower of St. Stephen." This is part of the architectural complex of the Westminster Palace. Big Ben is the name is not a tower or hours, but a clock bell. The tower was erected in 1858, the tower watches were put into move in 1859. The height of the tower 61 m. (Appearance not counting), the diameter of the dial is 7 m., The length of the arrows is 2.7 and 4.2 m. Bell diameter - 2.74 m., Height - 2.2 m., Weight - 13.76 tons. In 2009, the 150th anniversary of Big Ben was widely noted in the UK.

New Scotland Yard

  • Scotland Yard - Big London Police Headquarters, excluding London City, which has its own police. The building of the modern Scotland yard is located in Westminster. The name Scotland Yard comes from its initial location on the street Large Scotland Yard in the Whitehall area. The largest police institution in England. It employs 27,000 people who are responsible for the territory equal to 787 sq. Km and the population of 6,750,000 people living in London and the surrounding area. Scotland Yard performs other tasks: monitors the transport in London, issues the driver's license, controls the taxi and buses parks, as well as their drivers. Also, Scotland Yard is engaged in civil defense, the operation of buildings, wanted missing things, registers foreigners.

Tower Bridge - Runway bridge in the center of London over the River Thames, not far from the Tower London. Sometimes it is confused with the London Bridge, located above the flow. Opened in 1894.


The bridge designed by Holes Jones, it represents a recruiting bridge with a length of 244m. With two tower supplied by the tower 65 m. The central span between the tower 61 m long is broken into two lifting wings, which can be raised to an angle of 83 ° for passing vessels. Each of more than voluntary wings is equipped with a counterweight, minimizing the necessary effort and allowing to breed a bridge in one minute. The movement is driven by a hydraulic system, initially water, with a working pressure of 50 bar.

For pedestrians, the construction of the bridge was envisaged to cross the bridge even during the divorce. For this purpose, in addition to the usual sidewalks located on the edge of the roadway, pedestrian galleries, connecting towers at an altitude of 44 meters, were constructed in the middle part. You could get into the gallery by stairs located inside the towers. Since 1982, the gallery is used as a museum and observation deck.

Only for the construction of towers and pedestrian galleries, more than 11 thousand tons of steel took. The total cost of the design was 1,184,000 pounds sterling.

Trafalgar Square.

  • Trafalgar Square originally wore name of the square of King Wilhelm IV, but the final name was in honor of the victory of England under Trafalgar in 1805 in the center of the area - the Nelson column from the dark gray granite height of 44 m., Topped with the statue of Admiral Nelson. Four sides of the columns are decorated with frescoes made of captured and integrated Napoleonic cannons. It is constructed in 1840 -1843g. It is surrounded by sculptures of lions and fountains. At the corners of the square - four sculptures. The area is the traditional place of rallies, demonstrations, mass holidays. Every year, the main tree of the country, brought from Norway, is established on the square.

  • London can immediately see the "whole" London from the highest in the world (135 m) London Eye Ferrus Wheels ("London Eye"). It was built to the meeting of the XXI century. On the banks of the Thames, and at first it was scheduled to dismantle in 2005. But the number of people willing to "fly" on the wheel is so great that now it's not about this, although the wheel does not bring income. It will spin at least twenty years. 32 transparent capsules are fixed on the wheel, each accommodates 25 people. The full circle takes half an hour. From the height, the magnificent panorama of the British capital opens. Particularly impressive view of Parliament and Big Ben, which are located on the opposite shore. Before the flight, you can buy an original form Directory of the View 3600, which marks the most interesting visible tops of London.

The Royal Observatory.

  • Greenwich's Royal Observatory is the main Astronomical Organization of the United Kingdom with government financing. It was organized in 1675 by King Karl II to clarify the vital coordinates for navigators and was first placed in the suburb of London Greenwich. Currently located in Cambridge.

Prime Meridian

  • Announcement time is calculated from the Greenwich Meridian passing through the Observatory (zero meridian). Greenwich Meridian serves as the beginning of the reference of the geographical longitude. In Greenwich, a unique chance is presented to one foot in the West, and the other in the East, as well as see the famous ball of time, which for 170 years falls every day at exactly 13.00. This red ball is mounted on the roof and exactly at noon in Greenwich coats so that the captains of the ships on the Thames could set their chronometers.

  • There are two main types of buses in London: Red Single-Decker and Red Single-Decker (The Red Double-Decker). Some doubledeckers have automatic doors, and you pay the driver at the entrance. In a single-storey bus, you buy a ticket to the machine. But most buses in London have conductor who go on the bus and collect a fee for travel. Dabdhekers have 65 seats, only 5 people can drive standing if all places are busy. Therefore, the conductor can stop you at the entrance, if there are already 5 passengers in the cabin.

  • Red telephone booths are the same symbols of Britain as Big Ben, Tower or a two-storey bus. However, the broad distribution of mobile communications displaces telephone vehicles, and London can soon lose its favorite citizens and tourists of the red booth. Over the past 5 years, the number of them decreased by 33 thousand-year-old British telecommunication company British Telecom, which belongs to booths throughout the country, suffers serious losses. The first booth appeared in London in 1926. Today, there are only 13 thousand red - the corporate color of the English Glavpotampa.

London Souvenirs.

  • Souvenirs in London can be purchased everywhere. Tourists were chosen by Covent Garden and Oxford Circus (here you can look at the Selfridges and John Lewis supermarkets). There are plates with recognizable inscriptions: "No Smoking", "Way Out", "Ladies Only", as well as stylish T-shirts. In stores working with London museums, for sale mugs, calendars, rugs for computer mice with reproductions of work of old masters, sculptures. Piccadilly sell figures of polismen, model Big Ben, mailboxes, locks, bright red two-storey buses, however, they are produced in Taiwan. In Windsor, tourists buy postcards, paintings, dishes, key rings with the image of the members of the Royal Family and the late princess Diana. As a gift, porcelain, glass, books, tubes in the style of Sherlock Holmes, bags, clocks, and, of course, English tea with the addition of Kenyan Bergamot or gentle jasmine are often driven as a gift from London.

Duck Tours London offers one of the most unique, educational and delicious excursions in London. This amazing tour combines both land and water transport in one unique bus, making this excursion truly unforgettable. Duck Tours Excursions are used by means of transport that were originally used by soldiers during World War II, when more 21000 Such specimens capable of driving on the ground and sail along the water. For such characteristics, this machine was recently named "Duckling" And now admires tourists with its unique excursions in London. The "duck" will pronounce the most famous sights of London: Houses of Parliament , Trafalgar Square. , Big ben. . Then tourists go to the water journey of this 75-minute tour of London, making an exciting immersion on the Thames River from the Pier Vauxhall. . Each DUCK bus is equipped with the latest technology and is absolutely safe.

Buckingham Palace ( Buckingham Palace)

The mansion erected in 1703 for the Duke of Buckinghamsky was lucky to get into the eyes of King Georgue III. The house was redeemed and turned into the official residence of the British rulers, remaining it to this afraid. Nowadays, the largest palace in the world (this title, Buckingham Palace, has reserved for himself for several centuries in a row) can boast 17 g excellent gardens, lake, on the shores of which Flamingo live, own police station, mail, cinema and six hundred Rooms of comfortable royal housing. The presence of a monarch of loyal informs a specially raised flag. In the summer, when her Majesty decreases on vacation, the main rest of the Buckingham Palace opens for visitors to enable everyone who wants to pass 5 km on red carpet tracks, personally shake hands one of 700 Palace servants and take pictures against the background of a real carriage painted by the Italian artist Chipriani.

Buckingham Palace

In addition, during the lack of Her Majesty, from July 28 to September 25, everyone can inspect 19 premises of the Buckingham Palace, including the throne, ballroom and banquet halls, as well as an art gallery and a music room. In the Queen Gallery, unique exhibits of the history of the Royal House of Great Britain are collected. Vintage royal stables, which appeared thanks to the architect John Nashem at the beginning of the 19th century, are also open for visitors. In the so-called stable, the famous Kareet Museum is now opened, the collection of which is truly unique in his own way.

Monument Queen Victoria ( Queen Victoria Memorial)

The reign of Victoria continued 63 years 7 months and 2 days And it was the longest among British monarchs. During the years of the board, Victoria Britain has achieved tremendous success in industrial development, trade, finance, sea transport and expansion of the empire, made a symbol of stability, decency and prosperity. Victoria became the first British monarch of modern type. Thanks to the extensive relations, Victoria had an impact on the entire European policy, for which she received a gentle nickname "Grandmother of Europe". As the most popular monarch, Victoria is supposed to be the most monuments in England, the most famous of which is the monument in front of the Buckingham Palace. The building of the palace is located opposite the streets of Pales Mall, which is completed with this white, marble with the gilding monument to Queen Victoria.

Buckingham Palace

But still the main attraction of the Buckingham Palace can be called an exciting ceremony of the shift of the guard of the Royal Guardsmen. To date, this is one of the oldest English traditions known to humanity. On a certain day, for 200 years, this solemn ceremony is complemented by the removal of state standards of the Personal Guard of the Queen. This is a significant event in a difficult day, the only time in the year is on the birthday of the ruling monarch. Buckingham Palace is open to visit only in the absence of the queen, entrance ticket 14 euros.

Changing of the Guard

  • For his two-thousandth history, the capital London acquired a lot of interesting traditions. And perhaps the most beautiful among them are the Changing Of The Guard. This beautiful theatrical action can be observed not only at the Buckingham Palace (although this ceremony is most often shown on TV), but also in several places in London. To see this spectacle you just need to know where and when it happens. Money for the impact of ancient ritual, as well as more in London, you do not need to pay. The main thing is to arrive early and take the best places.
  • The history of all kinds of shifts of Karaul begins in 1660. This year dates back to tradition, according to which only the Guards of the Royal Court guard the palaces of British monarchs. The first guarded building was Whiteholl Palace, the service there was the royal horse guard.

Changing Karaul at Buckingham Palace

In 1689, the courtyard, along with the security and ritual, the shift of Karaul moved to the Saint James Palace. And when, in 1837, Queen Victoria chose the next royal residence, the neighboring Buckingham Palace, Guard began to guard him. And it does this to today, demonstrating tourists the most beautiful ritual of Karaul's change in the UK.

The essence of colorful, thanks to the bright red shape and high bear caps of foot guardsmen, the ceremony of the Karaul shift at the Buckingham Palace consists of replacing the old security for a new one. The ceremony lasts 45 minutes. The action itself passes under the sounds of the orchestra, so that the mass of impressions are guaranteed.

In the center of London, a modern sculpture and architecture can be seen next to historical buildings. Ultra-modern buildings made of glass and steel, skyscrapers, modern residential buildings in the style of "Modern" transformed the appearance of the old city and some other areas of London.

For departing in London, or what should not be done in London.

  • London is a huge city, and differs from other European capitals noticeably, and therefore it is very simple to make a lot of errors here. And even if you speak English as a true Briton, it does not mean that the language will save you from getting into another tourist trap.
  • Do not call London by the European capital - this is the best way to bring the unperturbed British from myself. In their understanding, the word "European" is synonymous with the word "bad".
  • Do not try to try "real English cuisine." It may exist, but only in a very limited number of restaurants. In the usual institutions, something uncomfortable, which is able to cause at least a heartburn, and the indentation of the stomach is served. And the coffee in the country is not able to cook at all. In general, in England you should be careful with any food.
  • Do not go on the right side. The fact that in England is a left-sided movement known to everyone. The fact is that this world in principle lives in the opposite direction. The crowd on the sidewalk will go on the left, the escalator in the supermarket leading upwards will also be left, and even the train in the London subway stop not on that platform. And the percentage of tourists who came to the roads are slightly above average.
  • Do not ride around the city by bike. With such a number of cars you will be set and imprinted with the bike in the wall and do not even notice.
  • Do not confuse Tower Bridge and London Bridge. The pedestrian and pedestrian bridge, which became the symbol of London, located near Tower is Tower Bridge.
  • Do not go to the Buckingham Palace hoping to see Queen.
  • Do not pay for entry into museums. Most London Museums work absolutely free.
  • Do not shop on Oxford Street and on Regent Street. All stores here are an analogue of any major Moscow mega-mall.

We warned you !!!

Liked? Come again! Thanks for attention!


London Is The British Capital and

one of the Biggest Cities in the world.

London Is Situated Upon Both Banks of The

River Thames, IT IS The Largest City in Britain

and One of the Largest in the world.

ITS Population Is ABOUT

7 Million People.




Hyde Park with ITS SPEAKER "S Corner Is Also Here.

The Queen "S Residence

The Queen "S Residence Was Built In

1870 for Samuel Barnard, a vice president

of The Paper Company.

the Queen "S Residence Was A

gift from Henry Ford.


iTSELF, But to the Thirteen Ton Bell Hunga Within.

The Bell Was Named After The First Commissioner

of Works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

This Bell Came Originally From The Old Palace of Westminster,

iT Was Given to the Dean Of St. Paul "s by William III.

Before Returning to Westminster to Hang in Its

present Home, IT Was Refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858.

The BBC First Broadcast The Chimes On The

connected to Broadcasting House.

To the East The Large Area Called The East End.

This Is London's Poorest Part.

The: Very Large Riverside in the East End

make London One of the Three Largest Parts in the World.

Founded Nearly A Millennium Ago and

expanded Upon Over The Centuries Since

the Tower Of London Has Protected The City


and The Living Quarters of Monarchs,

the Site of Renown Political Intrigue,

and the repository of the Crown Jewels.

Tower Bridge Has Stud Over The River Thames

in London Since 1894 And Is One of the Finest Bridges in the world.



2.6 Square Kilometers in the Heart Of London.


offices and Stock Exchange. But The City.


from all parts of the world.

Museums and Art Galleries

London Is Very Rich in Museums and Art Galleries. If You are Fond of Painting You "LL Go to the Tate Gallery.


founded IT in 1897.

There Are About 300 Oils and

19000 Watercolours and Drawings.

The British Museum IS The Largest and Richest of Its Kind in the World. The Present Building Was Built in 1852.

By Law A Copy Of Every Book, Periodical


must Be Presented in the British Museum.

This Collection IS SO Vast That

oNLY A Very Small Percentage Of It Is



in 1599 by The Playing Company

Statue On Border.


Cleopatra "s Needle

Project by kate shabalina. 10 - B.

London Hello! Today I'm Your Guide. I Want to Tell You About London. London Is The Capital of The UK. London Is a Very Big and Beautiful City. London Has Many Places to Visit: Museums, Art Galleries, Theatres, Cinemas, Stadiums, Parks. Let's Begin Our Excursion.

Big Ben We Begin Our Excursion from Big Ben. Tourists in London Has Always Wanted to Visit Westminster and See Big Ben. They Want to See The Clock in Its Tower and To Hear The Bells. Big Ben Is Really A Bell and You Hear It Every Hour. You Can Hear It's Deep Tone On The Radio. NOW Let's Go to Westminster Abbey.

Westminster ABBEY WESTMINSTER ABBEY IS A SYMBOL OF ENGLAND. The Legend Says That Westminster Abbey Was Founded by St Peter Himself. We know That Westminster Abbey Was Built by King Edward in 1065. The Coronation of All British Kings and Queens Takes Place in Westminster Abbey. The Funeral Service for Diana, Princess Of Wales, Took Place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997. Now We Are Going to the Houses of Parliament.

Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament Stand Near The Famous Clock Big Ben. The Country's Leaders Speak In The Houses of Parliament. The Men and Women There Are The Voice of British People. Now let's get on the bus. We Are Going to Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Is The Official London Residence Of The Queen. The Daily Ceremony of the Changing of the Guards Takes Place in Its Courtyard. The Palace Was Built In 1703 by duke of buckingham. Now Let's Get On The Bus, We Are Going to Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square Is The Geographical Center of London. It Was Named in Memory of Admiral Nelson's Victory In The Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The Tall Nelson's Column Stands In The Middle of the Square. Now We Are Going to Tower by Bus.

Tower You Can See Tower of London from The River Thames. The Tower IS Very Old. NOW THE KING AND THE QUEEN OF BRITAIN DON'T LIVE IN THE TOWER. Let's Walk to Momi and Enjoy London's Streets and Avenues.

Momi The Museum of the Moving Image Was a Very Interesting Museum in London Last Century. Every One Enjoyed Their Visit to Momi. There Were Hundreds of Clips from Films and TV Programs. Visitors Took An Active Part. You can act in Hollywood Western, Select A Film to Watch, Or Even Aw Own Cartoon Film. During Your Visit You Could Also Meet Characters from The Past. IT Was Both Interesting and Good Fun. Now Let's Go to Madame Tussaud's.

Madame Tussaud's It Is One of the Sights of London. It's The Famous Waxworks Museum Which Has One of the Largest Collections of Wax Models in the World. You can Meet Great Characters of History and Art. Here Actors, Film Stars, Pop Singers, And Sportsmen Come Face to Face with Famous Politicians. The Queen's Family: The Queen's Queen's Family: The Queen, Her Husband, Their Children and Other Members of the Royal Family. I Hope You Enjoyed My Excursion.

Thanks for Attention!

Sources 1.!/yandsearch?text\u003d Big Ben & Uinfo \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW-968-FH-516-PD- 1 2.!/YandSearch?text\u003d Westminster Abbey & uinfo \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW-785-FH-516-PD-1 3. RU / #! / YandSearch? Text \u003d HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT & UINFO \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW-785-FH-516-PD-1 4.!/yandsearch?text \u003d Buckingham Palace & uinfo \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW-785-FH-516-PD-1 5.!/yandsearch?text\u003d Trafalgar Square & uinfo \u003d SW-1 0 10-SH-722-FW-785-FH-516-PD-1 6.!/yandsearch?text\u003d Tower & uinfo \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW- 785-FH-516-PD-1 7.!/yandsearch?text\u003dmomi&uinfo\u003dsw-1010-sh-722-fw-785-fh-516-pd-1 8 .!/yandsearch?text\u003dmadame tussauds & uinfo \u003d SW-1010-SH-722-FW-785-FH-516-PD-1 9. http: //www.orageSmile. COM / DESTINATIONS / LONDON / CITY-MAPS.HTM

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Cognitive aspect:

  • an increase in the volume of knowledge about the peculiarities of the country's culture under study, familiarity with the sights of London.

Developing aspect:

  • develop oral speech skills, dialogic and monologue skills, creative abilities of students.

Educational aspect:

  • instilling interest in culture, traditions, attractions of English-speaking countries;
  • stimulate students to independent work;
  • develop positive personal qualities (responsibility, goodwill, sense of mutual assistance);
  • educating the ability to work in the team and make joint decisions.

Training aspect:

  • work out phonetic skills on specific examples, understand foreign speech in game situations;
  • consolidate the knowledge gained, learning to use stable expressions, cliché, lexical material on this topic;
  • creative monoproject with open coordination.
  • traditional (verbal and visual);
  • search: Problem issues, role-playing game, discussion.


  • multimedia equipment;
  • a computer.


  • Britain map.
  • Photos, illustrations with images of London sights.
  • Presentation on the topic: "Welcome to London!".
  • Booklet.

Preliminary preparation:

  • The first group of students finds and processes texts about attractions, is preparing for their retelling.
  • The second group of students pre-prepares small references about 5-6 sights of London and publishes a booklet.
  • The third group of students collects material and prepares a presentation on the sights of London.


I. Preparatory stage.

1. Organizational moment. Greeting.

- Glad to Meet You, DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS, Guests and Teachers! We Are Very Happy To See You at Our Presentation Lesson. IT IS Devoted to London. Children, I Am Sure You've Read A Lot of Books, Texts and Got Useful Information About London, The Capital of Great Britain. This Presentation Will Show Your Achievements and Your Knowledge of the Matter.

2. Presentation of themes and tasks.

Children, Today I Suggest You To Travel Around London. Please, Answer: Have you ever been to london? I Suppose You Haven't. The Topic of Our Presentation IS "Welcome to London!". The Motto of Our Presentation IS "Learn English and You'll Be Lucky!"

3. Phonetic warm-up.

Teacher: Read The Rhyme!
Six Little Kittens.
Live in the city
And the city is so pretty.

Teacher: Answer My Questions:

- What is this rhyme about?
- What City Is IT?
- What do you know about london?

II. Work with a map.

The teacher draws the attention of students to the UK card.

- Look AT The Map. The United and Northern Ireland (The UK) Is The Official Name of The State Which Is Situated in The British Isles. Thus, "Great Britain" is often The Same As "Britain", or "The United Kingdom", or Just "The UK". IT Consists of Four Countries Which Are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can see them on the map. Their Capitals Are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.
The UK is An Island State. Two Main Islands Are Great Britain (Where England, Scotland and Wales Are Situated) and Ireland. The UK is separated from the Continent by The English Channel.
The UK Is Also Washed by The Atlantic Ocean In The North And The North Sea in the East.

III. Improving dialogical speech skills on London.

1. Speech workout.

Teacher: What Is the UK?
P1: The UK IS A Short Way of Saying The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Teacher: How Many Parts Does The UK Consists Of And What Are the Called?
P2: The UK Consists of 4 Parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Teacher: Where Does London Stands?
P3: London stands on the river thames.
Teacher: What do you know about london?
P4: London is the most beautiful city in europe.
P5: There Are A Lot of Museums, Art Galleries, Theatres, Cinemas and Parks in London.
P6: London Is a Mixture of Old and New Buildings.

Teacher: You are right. London Has a Lot of Places of Interest. Look at the Blackboard. What can you see on it? Let's PRONOUNCE THE PLACES OF INTEREST CAREFULLY.

(Repetition of all the studied attractions. Children pronounce the names first Chorus for the teacher, and then individually)

2. Working out the pronunciation of new lexical units.

Now WE'LL Review London's Places of Interest.

Buckingham Palace.
Big ben.
Houses of Parliament
Tower Of London.
Tower Bridge
Victoria & Albert Museum
Madame Tussaud "s
Sherlock Holmes Museum
London National Galery.
Tate Gallery.

3. Work with the sights of the country.

- Let "S Speak About London. We Start Our Tour from Trafalgar Square. You have a presentation and a Booklet. (Children show a presentation and booklet, talk about attractions, using the presentation.)


T. - AS Usual We Have the Guide. Our Guide Will Be Nastya. Please.

G. - Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Very Glad to See You. I Will Be Your Guide. I'd Like to Tell You About London. As You Know, London Stands on The River Thames. London, The Capital of Great Britain, IS A Very Old City. IT Is More Than Two Thousand Years Old. Now London Is A Big Port and a Beautiful City with Large Squares and Parks. About 8 Million People Live Here. IT IS One of the Biggest Cities in the world. The Thames Is Not A Long River. IT IS 3 HundRed and 30 Kilometres Long and It Flows Into The Sea. The English People Call IT "The Father of London" .There of the ARTE INTERESTING PLACES IN LONDON. THEY ARE BIG BEN, WESTMINSTER ABBEY, TOWER BRIDGE, ST. Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Houses of Parliament and Some Others. NOW Let's Visit Some of Them. (The guys talk about the sights of London).

2. Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square is in the center of London. IT Was Built In 1828. In The Middle of Trafalgar Square Is Nelson's Column. This Column Is Fifty Meters High. A LOT OF DEMONSTRATIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS TAKE PLACE HERE. IT's a Famous Square Where on New Year's Eve People Gather to Celebrate.

3. National Gallery.

On the North Side Of Trafalgar Square There Is The National Gallery. IT HOUSES ONE OF THE FINEST ART COLLECTIONS IN THE WORLD. IT Includes Paintings of the British, Italian, Spanish, FRENCH AND OTHER FAMOUS SCHOOLS.

4. St. Paul's Cathedral.

St. Paul's Cathedral Is The City's Greatest Monument. IT Was Built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1675-1710. Wren Is Buried There, Also Wellington and Nelson.

5. Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace IS An Official Residence of The Queen and Her Family. IT ISN't Open To The Public.
When the Queen is in Residence The Royal Standard Flies Over The East Front Of Buckingham Palace. IT HAS 600 Rooms, a Swimming Pool, A Cinema, A Ballroom, and a Garden, Which Is Like A Private Park. In Summer The Queen Gives Three Garden Parties for about 9,000 Guests. The Guard At Buckingham Palace Is a Great Tourist Attraction. IT Takes Place Daily At 11.30 A.M. And Lasts Half An Hour. To The Sound Of Music, The Guardsmen Arrive and Pass The Palace Keys to Another Group.

6. The Houses of Parliament.

The Houses of Parliament Was A Royal Palace. Now It's The Seat of the British Government. In 1834 IT WAS Destroyed by The Fire. The New Building Was Built In 1852. IT CONTAINS 500 Apartments.
Among Them Are The Central Hall, The House of Lords, And The House of Commons. When IS in Session a Union Jack Flies Over The Tower by Day, And Light Burns in the Clock Tower, Or Big Ben by Night. The People of London Can Hear The Sound Of The Bell Every Hour.


Westminster ABBEY IS A SYMBOL OF ENGLISH TRADITION. The Coronation of Nearly All English Kings and Queens Since William The Conqueror Has Taken Place Here. Many of Them Are Buried Within The Abbey. There Are Also The Graves of Famous Poets, Writers and Statesmen. Here You Can See Memorials to Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Chaucer and Others.

8. The Tower Of London.

The Tower Of London Is a Very Old Building. IT IS Nine Hundred Years Old. In The Early Days of England the Russian Kings Lived in the Tower. Then It Was A Prison Where Many People Died. Black Ravens Had Much Food Near The Walls OF The Tower In Those Days. BLACK RAVENS LIVE OUTSIDE THE TOWER NOW. The English People Like Them Very Much.Now It's a Museum Housing The National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalia. Many Tourists From Other Countries Come to See It. The Dark Stone Halls with Small Windows and Thick Doors. The Tower IS Still Guarded by The Famous Beefeaters Who Wear A Traditional Sixtenth Century Uniform.

9. Tower Bridge.

Tower Bridge Is The Only Thames Bridge Which Can Be Raised. The Road Over The Bridge Is Built on Two Central Sections, They Open 3 Times a Week to Let Ships Through.

10. The British Museum.

The British Museum Has One of the Libraries in the world. There Are More Than 6 Million Books in the Library. AT Present The Library Has Modern Electronic Equipment.

11. Piccadilly Circus.

Piccadilly Circus Is a Square in The Central Part of London. In The Square You Can See Peple of Many Nationalities. Piccadilly Circus Is The Meeting-Point of 6 Streets. London's Famous Restaurants and Best- Known Theatres and Cinemas Are on Piccadilly Circus.

Hyde Park Is The Largest Park in the West End of London. In The 19 Th Century It Became A Popular Place for Public Meetings. The Park Has Speaker's Corner Where Anyone Can Make A Spech About Anything They Want. IT IS A Very Democratic Park.

Big Ben Is One of the Most Famous Clocks in the world. Big Ben Is Really A Bell. You Hear It Every Hour. IT IS A BIG Bell. IT Weighs 13,720 kilograms.

- "The Beatles" Sang ABOUT LOVE. IT IS THE FAMOUS LIVERPOOL FOUR. Listen To The Song: Yesterday. "

(Guys listen to song recording)

P1. I'd Like to Tell You The Verse by a Famous English Writer Rydyard Kipling "Six Service Men".

4. Game moments.

Thank you. NOW, Let "S Play a Game.

The main task for the guys is to correctly determine the attraction, which is discussed.

- Now Let's Play A Game "Sights in London '. Listen and Find The Right Answer.

  • Which Sights of London Are Visited by Thousands. But It's Official Home for Only One Family. (Buckingham Palace)
  • IT WAS A Fortress, A Royal Palace and Later A Prison. IT's a museum now. The Tower Of London)
  • Which of these Sights Is The Best Place for Relax and Fun. (Covent Garden)
  • IT'S London's Most Famous Bridge. IT's The Last Bridge Crossing The Thames. (Tower Bridge)
  • IT's One of the Most Famous Clocks in the world. You can Hear the Sound of It Every Hour in London. (Big Ben) -Thank you.

5. Working with crossword.


Decide the crossword, find familiar words on the vertical and horizontal.

- Let's Check Your answers. Good, Well Done.

6. Complete The Santhences.

1. London stands on the river

  • Mississippi.
  • Thames.


  • Million People.
  • 10 Million People.
  • 8 Million People.

3. The Queen of England Lives In

  • Buckingham Palace.
  • Westminster abbey
  • The Tower Of London
  • A Palace.
  • A Square.
  • A bell.

5. The Famous Museum of WaxWorks Is Called

  • Pushkin Museum.
  • Madame Tussaud's
  • The National Gallery.

7. DEAR FRIENDS! Lets Do Britain Quiz.

1. What is the Capital of Great Britain?

  • London.

2. The British Flag Is Often Called ...

  • the Union Jack;
  • the Stars and Stripes;

3. What Color Are the Buses in London?

  • blue;
  • black.

4. Britain "S National Drink IS ...

  • TEA;
  • Coca-Cola;
  • Coffee.

5. THE KILT IS ...

  • a pair of trusers;
  • a shirt.
  • a skirt;

6. Whatness of this country? What Is the Official Name Of this country?

  • Britain.
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • England

7. What Is the National Flag of the UK?

  • The Flag of the UK № 3
  • The Flag of Wales

8. Money In The UK is

  • Dollars.
  • Pounds.

9. What Is the Most Popular Free Time Activity?

  • Watching TV.
  • Gardening.
  • Reading.

10. Which Is the Oldest University?

  • Cambridge.
  • Oxford.
  • London.

11. The Prime Minister Lives AT ...

  • 12 Whitehall
  • 10 Downing Street.
  • 7 Russel Street.
  • 15 Oxford Street.

12. The Great Fire of London Broke Out in ...

13. Sir Christopher Wren Built ...

  • Buckingham Palace.
  • The Tower Of London
  • Trafalgar Square.
  • St. Paul's cathedral

14. Speaker's Corner IS in ...

  • Hyde Park.
  • Green Park.
  • Westminster abbey
  • The Houses of Parliament
  • The Bloody Tower


  • December 25th
  • October 31th.

17. In Scotland, What Vegetable Was Traditionally Carved Into A Jack-O'-Lantern?

  • A Watermelon.
  • A Turnip.
  • A Pumpkin.


  • Piccadilly Circus.
  • Hyde Park.
  • Trafalgar Square.

19. ... IS A Very Democratic Park.

  • Hyde Park.
  • St. Jame's Park.

20. London Zoo IS IN ...

  • St. Jame's Park.
  • Hyde Park.


  • 9:30 A.M.
  • 11: 30 A.M.
  • 12:00 A.M.

22. Piccadilly Circus Is The Meeting-Point Of ...

  • 5 Streets.
  • 7 Streets.
  • 6 Streets.

23.The Seat of the British Government IS ...

  • the Houses of Parliament
  • .
  • Buckingham Palace.
  • Piccadilly Circus.



2. The Name of the Queen of Britain.


4. The Country That Consists of England, Scotland and Wales.

5. One of the Colores of the Flag of Britain.

6. The Language That The English Speak.

7. The Favourite English Domestic Animal.

8. The Weather in Britain.

9. The Widest River in Britain.

L. o. n. d. o. n.
E. l. i. z. a. b. e. t. h.
r. o. s. e.
B. r. i. t. a. i. n.
r. e. d.
E. n. g. l. i. s. h.
d. o. g.
f. o. g. g. y.
T. h. a. m. e. s.

T. "A WORD-GAME". Children! These Are Letters from the English Alphabet. You Must Put These Letters in The Right Order, So As to Get The Name of the Country. England, Ireland)

8. Competition encrypted words.


B. A. L. O. N. D. O. N. E. Y. E. Z. X. C.
E. Y. F. K. P. B. N. B. T. H. A. M. E. S.
E. C. I. V. R. IN I. R. I. D. G. E. N. O.
F. C. R. O. W. N. J. E. W. E. L. S. T. M.
E. L. E. O. P. A. R. L. I. A. M. E. N. T.
A. M. V. G. A. P. K. J. R. T. R. Y. U. R.
T. T. O. W. E. R. A. S. N. E. E. D. L. E.
E. O. B. X. A. K. U. E. I. O. M. B. C. V.
R. W. E. S. T. M. I. N. S. T. E. R. A. Y.
S. T. R. S. E. C. L. L. E. N. N. I. U. M.

9. Contest of proverbs.

This exercise is developing language intuition of students, lays the habit of thinking by linguistic concepts. The high motivational potential of the proverbs is that the meaning of them does not lie on the surface, and in order to penetrate inside, it is necessary to "find the right key".

T.-. The River Thames Is So Important in The Life of the British That There Is Even a Proverb About It "He Will Never Set The Thames On Fire". There Are More English Proverbs Dealing With Rivers, Bridgees, Water. Pupils are offered cards with proverbs.t.- Try to Match English Proverbs with Russian Ones.

Keys: A 3, B5, C4, D8, E9, F6, G1, H2, I7. Musical Screensaver (Sights of London)

IV. The final stage. Summing up the lesson. Summing up the lesson, discussion of the participation of each of the students in the excursion, estimates. Reflection (emoticons).

Teacher: "Activity Is The Only Road to Knowledge" SAID George Bernard Show and I Think That Today We Had a Very Interesting and Useful Lesson. I am Satisfied with Your Work and Your Marks Are ... The Lesson Is Over. You have Worked Very Well Today. You are really bright and industrious. You know a lot about london. And I'm Sure That Your Good Knowledge of English Will Help You in Your Future Life.Thank You, Goodbye.